PAOB POUR THURSDAY. JANUARY 14. 1932 TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS J. L GOUGH OIES EARLY TUESDAY BRIDE SHOWERED BY MEMBERS OF IUKA' NEW GRAPPLER ON FRIDAY GARD J American Olympic Skaters in Good Form j Mrs Harry Papell, (Clara Barnes i who was married on Christmas eve. was honor guest at a miscellaneous shower given on Upper Camp Creek Resident Thursday evening last week by Pete Metropolos and Art Per- Followed Early Migration members of the Iuka circle. Ladies kins In Main Event; Hei- of the G. A. R. following the in bert Meets K in g in Opener Westward from N. C. stailation ceremonies. Guests from Eugene attending the shower were Wrestling fans who hâve been J. L. Couch. 89. died at hii horn, Mrs. Jennie Vogel. Mrs Frances ,n* " " ' ,rds bo" h’‘'' a ‘ on upper Camp Creek early Tues Smith. Mrs Delores Hughes, and I ! Ku*vn*‘ “rm"rv wt" f,"d * ‘ ,eaa day morning after a short illness Mrs. Irene Ortoo. The assistants for the Installed an‘ surPri*- “ or* for ' he"' thl* lie was born In North Carolina or March IS, 1852. and crossed the officers of the circle wiil be named week with the announceme't of two brand new names to feature plain« to Minnesota with his par at the next meeting. the headline exhibition. ents in an ox cart when be war- Herb Owen, matchmaker, has three year* old He came to Wash succeeded iu signiug two promin­ Ington In 1888 when he was 34 WALNUT DISEASE ent welterweight grapplers from year* old and moved to Oregon In YIELDS TO SPRAY the East for the Friday show. They 1907, settling at Tumalo for eight een year*, then moving to his home Dr. M ille r at O. S. C. Reports on are Pete Metropolos and Art Per­ kins. Lane county fans have not near Waltervllle where he has Sunccettful Blight ¿ o n t rol; had an opportunity to see either of lived until hl* death. W ork to Continue these men in action before. They In 1876 he was married to Mar come highly recommended and tha E. Everett who survives as Distinct progress toward a satis­ does hi* six sons and three daugh­ factory method of control of wal­ ought to put on an interesting ex­ ters. They are: R L. Couch. Moni­ nut blight is reported in the an­ hibition. Bill Taylor, who is coaching the American skating learn for the The capture of the welterweight tor. Washington; G. W. Couch. Ar nual compilation of experiments for . . . . Placid. . . . . . N . . Y . says our boy* ,g ar( winter Olympic Game* at Lake ar* lur( sure tesla, California; James 1. Couch. 1931 made by Dr. Paul W. Miller, belt by Robin Reed a coast man, eg* in the i . Eddie Murphy is skating through Burt Taylor's lei winners. has caused many of the best men Hermiston, Oregon; John M Couch. federal pathologist, who has been picture. Emmett, Idaho; Melvin Couch at conducting investigations for two in the East to come to the coast ____ home; Mrs. A. C. Of Hey. Goshen, years in cooperation with the Ore looking for a chance to go after it. It is understood that both of these BENNETT AIR LINE J H eap Big In ju n Mrs. G. H. Wolfe. Chaney. Wash­ gou Experiment station. wrestlers would welcome an op- SETS ANNUAL MEET ington; and Mrs. Irvin Hansen. Cot­ While Dr. Miller cautions against portunity to wrestle for It. ----------- tage Grove. A forty-five minute special Notices of the a * u a l meeting of He also leaves three brothers and acceptance of results to date as Bennett Air three sisters. They are: J. R. Couch final, many growers who have seen event, which is sure to satisfy stockholders In * of Long Beach. California: J. O. the results of his work in the field those fans who seek rough action. Transport compABy to be held at Couch. Richland. Washington; G. are preparing to follow out the will be offered with Jimmie King, the home office. 1209 Smith Tower, M. Couch. Portland; Mrs. C. E. methods he has developed on their of last week's card, matched Seattle. Washington, on Monday, Davis, Portland; Mrs. D. C. Jack- entire plantings this coming season against Harold Hiebert, otherwise January 18. 1932. at 10 o'clock, were son. Minneapolis; and Mrs. Ed Mc­ On some orchards this past season known as the Terrible Swede from received here this week by local two spray applications of burdeaux Tacoma. King hails from Wiscon stockholders. Election of a board Clure. Spokane. Funeral services will he held mixture served to reduce the in­ sin and is just working his way of trustees and other business fection from blight from close to in on the coast. which may arise will be taken up from the Poolc-Gray-Bartholomew 20 per cent on untreated plots to ii is announced. chapel in Springfield this after­ Several Springfield business men noon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Henry W. less than a half of one per cent. Walnut blight is the chief men­ purchased shares in this company Davis, pastor of the Baptist church more than h year ago and regular at Cottage Grove will officiate, and ace to the walnut industry both in air service between Portland. Interment will be made at Mount Oregon and California, and until Mr. and Mrs. Guistina entertain­ the present work of Dr. Miller no Vernon cemetery. Springfield and Coos Bay was car- ed the Dexter bridge club Tuesday satisfactory control had been ; ried on for several months before found. Infection was comparative right. January 12. Those present being discontinued. A large hangar TOWN TEAM DEFEATS ly light in Oregon this year, yet it were Mr. and Mrs. Rice. Mr. and was erected on the local airport for EUGENE FOOD QUINTET I is thought to have averaged close Mrs. F. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. the company. to 15 per cent for the state as a Evans, Florence Parvin, Floyd Boggs, Vivian Rose. Mr. and Mrs. The Manhattan Cafe basketball whole. E. Guistina. Outside guests were BREAKFASTER'S HEAR team tumbled before the onslaught Bordeaux mixture was tried out of the Springfield town aggregation years ago without success. This Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kilpatrick and BARBARA BARNELL in a hard-fought game played at the failure, it now appears, was be Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Tinker of Pleas­ ant Hill. Miss Parvin made high Springfield high school gymnasium cause of poor timing of the appli­ Members of the Eugene Break­ Monday evening. The final score cations. Dr. Miller's latest findings score and E. E. Kilpatrick low fast club heard Miss Barbara Bar- was 45-41. The visitors held the are that under ordinary conditions score. nell. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. The Sioux tribe made Jean Dar­ The senior girls entertained the K. Barnell of this city, in several lead at the half by two points. 23- two aplications. one applied Just ling. film star of "Our Gang”, a princess of the tribe, so she acted 21, but were not able to retain it. before the blooming of the female senior boys of the Pleasant Hill xylophone solos at their weekly- as messenger to take a letter to Lineups for the two teams were; flowers and the other when the high school Saturday night. Janu­ meeting this morning at 8:30 at President Hoover from Chief Med­ Springfield M. Cafe icine Crow, asking aid for the nuts are about the size of small ary 9, at the home of Miss Veda the Osburn hotel. The program was Nice, 8 ......... F----- Maxwell. 22 peas, will give satisfactory control Daley. The evening was spent play broadcast over radio station KORE. Indians at Fort Thompson, South Dakota, whose crops have been Perkins ....... F___ Grendler, 2 in grafted orchards. ing rook and 500. Those present Brnice Neher Findley accom- damaged by locusts. Ernsting lo .......C McClanahan 4 As rain is found to be the great­ were, Althea Baughman. Ruth Brab- panied Miss Barnell at the piaao. Gerber 11 ...........G_________ Nure 11 ham. Blanche Wheeler. Veda Daley. _________________ est factor in spread of the disease, Huffman 11 .......G Sommerhold'n 2 certain climatic conditions or ex­ Harold McLeod. Earl McLeod. Roy HALL MOT LICENSED SCIENCE LECTURE TO Subs: Cox 10, Prochnow 6. Re­ ceptionally bad blight infection Delp, Dale Lindley, Noble Wheeler, DANCE IS CANCELLED BE GIVEN ON FRIDAY feree, Everett Squires. may make a third application nec­ Truman Akers, and Henry Olson. The American Legion dance essary when the nuts are about Fopcorn ball and apples were en- ; Joyed during the evening. Th morning and which was M. luirson when he found out that Some foliage damage from the Three major Four-H club activi­ daughter, Althea, on her birthday. Postponed because of illness, will a license to conduct dances at the ties are scheduled for the Lincoln bordeaux spray is to be expected, Those present were Bonnie Jeanne fcteen tomorrow it was announ- hall had not been taken out for school In the near future it has but it has not proved to be a vital Tinker. Veda Dalev, Blanche Wheel- ced »kts morning by \\ . E. Buell, this year. A bond Is also required been announced at the school. Two factor, says Dr. Miller's report. Ruth Brabham. Emma Lou Principal. The lecture will be open to operate a dance hall and this has of them are today. Experiments will continue in an er, Baughman. Crystal Baughman and to the public ana will be given at j not been provided. Members of the Seventh grade effort to eliminate it, however. Bor­ Althea Baughman, Roy Delp. 10 o'clock. • ---- 4-H cooking club Is holding a candy deaux 3-3-50 has proved as satis­ Harold McLeod. Earl McLeod Ly­ sale In the lower hall of the school factory as stronger strengths. man Tinker, Prentis Wheeler. Dale today. Mrs. Laxton. club leader, is ! — -------------------- Lindley, Wilbur Ginley. Robert Lo­ Mrs. Bertha Herrington from In charge. renz. Sandwiches, cake and cho­ Klamath Falls arrived Thursday to This afternoon the eighth grade ‘ FOUR ARE TAKEN FOR Four-H agriculture club will hold VIOLATION OF LAWS colate were served for refresh­ Snowfall ranging from three to help care for her granddaughter, ments. six inches tell in the McKenzie val- little Betty Henson, who has beeu their last meeting prior to the mar- --------- T The woman's club of Pleasant ley Monday night and Tuesday. seriously ill for the past three keting tour which is to be held John HolelnaD Defter, was fined In Eugene. $100 on a charge of shooting native Hill held an all day meeting at the Wednesday- morning the thermome- weeks. Members of the Eighth grade Fu-* Pheasant out of season, and was home of Mrs. E. Y. Swift Tuesday ter registered 22 tc 28 degrees The Thurston high school is giv­ ture Home Makers club will enter-j seDtedced t0 30 days ln lhe county January 12. Home demonstration above at daylight, sheltered loca ing a fie social at the school house tain the teachers of the Lincoln! JaiI’ in Eu6ene Justice court Tues- agent Mias Gertrude Skow was pre- tlrars acroiinfing for the higher i n Wednesday evening. temperature. Snow was melting The Ladies’ Aid society Is meet' school at the home of Mrs. L. K. ' day wheD he Pl^a