TllURHDAY. JANUARY 14 1P82 CALL FOR W A R R A N T * Notice 1« tisratgr |lven that Hclxiul LMatrlct No. I t , In ban« County, Oregon, will pay mi the office of Clerk of mm I<| district, ell warrants to a, of Universal M o r t g a g e Corp. and facilities. TO T E X M EAD T H E ABOVE South twenty feet (20); thence day visiting the school and looking the faghlon of deep y neckHneg January 8. 1832. NA M ED D EF E N D A N T : west to the place of beginning; H. L. BOWN. Sheriff of Lane IN T H E N A M E O F T H E STATE after county cases. which are usually more becoming NOW T H ER EFO R E. In the uame County, oregun. O F OREGON you are hereby re­ of the Slate of Oregun, In cumpll W. H. BROOKE. Attorney for Collects Bounty— Virgil Newman than shortel' V-a and which give an quired to appear and answer the W. P. Tyson, Agent unce with the aald execution and Plaintiff. complaint filed against you In the of Weudling collected county boun- slenderness that Is not 128 E St. Phona M W order of sale, and In order to aatla (Jan 14-21-28— F 4-11) above entitled Court and Cause on Ges of *4 for a coyote and *4 for P°®8il>le with a more abrupt neck fy aald judgment. Including Interest, or before the 13th day of February attorney’* fee*, coats of ault aud a modesty piece is to be 1932, said date being more than two bobcat pelts at the courthouje “ ne- N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’ S B A LE accruing coals, 1 will, on Saturday Ucneral Law Practice NO TIC E Is hereby given that by four weeks from the day of the on Saturday. the 23rd day ot January, 1332, at the hour of one o'clock in the after virtue of an execution and order of first publication of this summons I. M. PETERSON Visiting Father— Milton Klntz­ uoon of aald day. at the Southwest sale Issued out of the Circuit Court herein entered of record and If you Attorney at-I.4iw (rout door of the County Court of the Slate ot Oregon for Lane fall so to appear and answer for ley of Los Angeles is spending a City Hall Building houae lu Eugene, (.sue County, Ore­ Couuty, December 12th, 1931, upou want thereof the plaintiff will ap­ few days In Springfield with his gon, offer for sale and aell for cash, aud pursuant to a decree duly glveu ply to the Court for the relief In father, Zack Kiutxley, who has Springfield, Oregon at public auction, subject to re­ and made by aald Court Decemhei her complaint against you de­ been quite ill. demption, aa provided by law. all 11th, 1331, In a suit pending therw manded. to-wlt; for a Judgment of the right, title and Interest of In lu which Clem H. Berlin and and decide of Divorce, dissolving the aald défendants Arthur Wick Ida A. Berlin, were plaintiffs and the bonds of matrimony now and Comas from Washington— Mrs. FRANK A. DE PUE Rulers of Low Prices wire, Anna Wlckwlre, Deamua F. Auderaou and Florence La heretofore existing between you Alma Castle of Bremerton. Wash­ A T T O R N E Y AT LAW Wlckwlre, Urace W lckwlre, Beulah Verna Anderaou were defendants, nnd the plaintiff on the grounds of 10th & Willamette— EUGENE— New Schaefers Bldg. N O T A R Y P U B L IC Hanson and H. L. Crawford, aud all which execution and order of sale desertion and for such other relief ington. arrived here Sunday to be waa to me directed and command­ as to the Court may seem meet and with her father, L. E. Thompson, peraou* claiming by, through, or un­ Sutton Springfield equitable. This summons Is servea der them or either of them, In and ed me to sell the real property who passed away Monday after­ hereinafter described to satisfy upon you by publication thereof In Building Oregon to the aald premlaea. noon. the S P R IN G F IE L D NEW S, a news H. L. BOWN, Sheriff ot Lane certain liens and charges In said decree specified, I w ill on Satur- paper of general circulation pur­ County. da ythe 30lh day of January, 1832. suant to an order of the Judge of (D 24-31— J 7-14-31) Daughter Born— Mr. and Mrs. at the hour of 1 o'clock, P. M., at the Circuit Court of the State of W . H. Lane of Marcola are the par­ Oregon for the County of Lane, the southwest door of the County SUMMONS Court House In Eugene, Lane Coun­ duly made and entered of record on ents of a baby daughter bom to OF ALL KINDS IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E ty, Oregon, offer for sale and sell the 12th day of January, 1932. or­ them at the Pacific Christian hos­ Quick Delivery S T A T E OF OREGON, FOR at public uuctlon for cash, subject dering that this summons be pub pital In Eugene on Saturday. Jan­ L A N E COUNTY to redemption us provided by law, llshod once each week for four suc­ uary 9, 1932. ie Springfield 121-M John Trueadale, Mary Truesdale all ot the right, title aud Interest cessive and consecutive weeks In thp of the defendants In said suit and Springfield News and that the date aud James A. Pitta, Plaintiffs, v*. of all parties claiming by. through of the first publication shall be the Seal Sale Report In— Sale of The unknown heirs of Martin or under them or any of them since 14th day of January, 1932, and the Christmas anti-tuberculosis health date of the last publication shall Oburalnner, also all other persons the 22nd day of November, 1931, lu seals in Lane county for 1931 to­ or parties unknowu cluimlng auy or to the following described real be the Issue of the U th day of February. 1832. ta led *1.960.16, according to a re- right, title, estate. Hen or Interest property, to-wlt: FRANK A. DE PUE. Attorney port made Saturday by Mrs. al. Ì In the real eatate described In AU that particular part und for the Plaintiff. the complaint herein, Defend­ parcel of land commencing at a Bishop Tingle, chairman. (Jan 14-21-28— F 4-11) ant*. point In the West line of the Formerly Walker-Poole To the unknown heirs of Martin Felix Scott, Jr. Donation Land N O T IC E O F BO NO SA L E Lecture Cancelled— The lecture Claim, Nolif. No. 3266. Claim No. Oberatnner, also all other peraona Sealed bids will be received ,«y which John Knox, professor of sci­ or parties unknown claiming any 61, Sections 24 and 26, In Town­ EUGENI«}— 11th H P R IN O F IE l.D right, title, eatate, lien or Inter­ ship 17 S. R. 3 West of the W il­ the undersigned until the hour ot ence at the high school was to have and Chamelton, 228 Main est In the real eatate described In lamette Meridian, 2184.66 feet (5) Five o'clock. P. M.. on Friday, Telephone 723 Phone 63-J the complaint herein, defendant« south of the northwest corner of the 22nd day of January, 1932. and given before the student body Fri­ . said donation land claim, for a Immediately thereafter opened by day was postponed laat week d u e , . . . . .. IN T H E N A M E O F T H E HTATE . ... . .. .. added to the costume the V open- OF OREOON; You are hereby re­ place ot beginning, thence North the Connell of the Town of Spring- to the Illness of Mr. Knox who was , . .. . . . ,, . . . , ................. Ing of the dress may be decidedly quired to appear and answer the 89 degrees 66 minutes East 326.46 field. at the City Hall In said Town, suffering with tonsilitis. . ... . , , low without giving a glimpse of complaint filed agalnat you In the feet, thence North 6 min. 30 for the purchnse of Thirty-five thou­ above entitled suit within four West 2438.96 feet more or less, sand dollars (*36.000.00) Town of one’s slip or bandeau. weeks from the date of the flrat to the south bank of the McKen­ Springfield Refunding Bonds, said Enllatmonto Off— No further e n -, Many of th, new woo, dreggeg are publication of thia aummons and If xie River, thence in a southwest­ bonds to be dated February 1, 1932, llstments are being received at the niade wlth the8e dalnty BddlUong> hearing Interest at the rate of six you fall to appear or answer for erly direction tracing the mean­ der line of the south bank of per cent (6c/r t per annum, In de­ Army recruiting office at the court but gomeGmes a dress designed to want thereof the plaintiff will take a decree agalnat you clearing the the said McKenxie River to a nominations of Five hundred dol­ house. It was announced this week. be worn wlthout one lg ,mproved tf But he never did buy! He's un-American because title to the following described pre­ „ you are point which would be In the west lars (1600) each, maturing serially A reglsteration list Is being made one lg added mise«: The east half of Lota one line of the said Donation Land In numerical order at the rate of of those who seek to enter the ghort and ratber plump you may he contributes nothing to American commerce and four in Block seven of the Claim, If extended, thence south One thousand, five hundred dollars find that V neck lines which would Original Plat of Eugene, Lane tracing what would be the west (,1.600) on February 1st In each of Army> and industry. America is a working nation and a County, Oregon, aa platted on line of said Donation Land Claim, the years 1936 to 1939, Inclusive, at j otherwise be much too deep may page 2 of Volume A of the Record If extended, and tracing the west the rate of Two thousand dollars Sues for Divorce — Sarah A 1 be worn with the addition of these buying nation, boasting the highest standard of of Deeds for Lane County, Ore­ line of said Donation Land Claim (*2.000) on February 1st In each of Mead Friday filed a suit for dl- lace or lingerie additions, gon; that each of you be decreed 2374.36 feet, more or lesa, to the the years *1940 to *1942, Inclusive, 'J'hree atralghl tinea living in the world. Americans must maintain You can buy these accessories to have no Intereat In aald premlaea place of beginning, all In Lane nt the rate of Twenty-five hundred vorce against Tex Mead charging pholoqi aphed through dollars (*2.600.00) on February 1st desertion. The couple were mar- ready made or you can make them nnd be forever barred from claim­ County, State of Oregon. this standard. We will not have— and will not different bifocal lenaeg 8 Also,'the Interest of defendant In each of the years 1943 and 1944, rled In Utah In 1921 and he Is al­ yourself. But remember that they ; ing any right, title, eatate, lien or left an ordlnnrv bifocal Intereat therein and such other re­ Anderson under and by virtue ot and at the rate of Three thousand leged to have deserted her In should be made of fine m a teria l.: dollars (*3,000) on February 1st deserve— prosperity, if we continue to pare our curved top i-eadina uart lief aa to the court may appear a lease, wherein E. C. Huaby ap­ In each of the years 1946 to 1950, 8prtngfteld In 1930. There are no lace, fine linen, mull or organdie equitable. such dlapln rinent that ana af pears as Lessor, and defendant Inclusive. needs down to the level of the worthless citizen hlldren. The new idea Is to make them In The date of the order- directing L. F. Anderson, aa Lessee, In the tha three line» DISAPPEARS The approving legal opinion of the eervlce of thle summons by the service elation erected by and square shape*, arranging the lace ENTIRELY above. Messrs. Teal. W lnfree. McCulloch publication thereof Is December heretofore operated by defendant A Shuler will be furnished the suc­ Portland People Guasta— Dr. and or embroidery along one aide where 16th, 1*31, and orders publication Lum F. Anderson, at the South- right, UNIVIS, At the cessful bidder. Mrs. J. Earl Else of Portland were It will be seen at the V opening once each week for four successive weet corner of 13th Avenue East, modern bifocal with itroight LET’S BRING BACK CONFIDENCE Bids must be unconditional and nrruratelg weeks and the date of the first to- and High Street, In the City of accompanied by a certified check guests of Dr. and Mrs. Milton V. and finishing the other aide of th e : ' i n n ... w publication of this summons la Dec­ Engañe. tn the amount of One thousand W alker on Thursday and Friday square with a fine rolled hem and ember 17, 1931. Dated this 28 day of December, dollars (*1,000). of last week. Dr. Else was chief an edging of fine lace. This of C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R , 1*31. DR. ELLA MEADE The right Is reserved to reject of surgery at the Multnomah coun­ course does not show but It does Attorney for Pl .Intiffs. Resi­ H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. any and all bids. Optometrist ty hospital tn Portland when Dr. give a sense of daintiness that ap­ dence: Eugene, Oregon. By A. E. HULBGAARD, Deputy. I. M. PETERSON, Recorder. 41 W aa* Bth (D 17-24-11—4 7-14) Walker waa there. peals to the well dressed woman. (D. 7-14-11-11) (J 7-14) Breier’s COMPLETE Clean-up Ready-to-W ear N»w $4.87 Business Directory Edw. G. Privat January JUBILEE SALE BONDS Great Savings In Every Department ■ ■3 1 The Golden Rule DRY W OOD POOLE - GRAY B XRTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors He’s Not BUYING ZÁzk uear The Camera shows w hy U N I V I S Bifocals are B etter The Springfield News