PACK TWO T H U flS D A V . JAN VAH Y 14. 1932 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S EDUCATION M EETING H ELD TUESDAY NIGHT NSEEN I uhllshed Every Thursday at Springfield. Lane Countv, Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H. E MAXEY. Editor MARY ROBERTS RINEHART Entered an second clan» matter. February 24, 1803. at the postofrtce, Springfield, Oregon. Ç O fV t/K iH T rQZl y 6 y A M ffV o r a t o r i tf /n tH Â ttr Kin ploy vt*» of lh» Mounlilh Stat«*» I owvr company In thia «11» ■ trlct livid thalr rvguliir monthly educational mcatltt* al the Hprlng field office of the company Tttee day evening Problem» which fre qnently confront co in puny em ploye» were dl«cu»»ed al the meet Illg. A LITTLE WORK ' man, if you had thought of tint at FPANK PAWHtR By George du Mourler the time, we would have something to go on today." A little work, a tilth' play "If I had thought of a number F«»nd Father“ Wasn’t that nice?’’ To keep us going and an, good- of things. I’d have stayed out of it« TOMATOES THl'RSDAY, JANUARY 1«. 1032 day! place altogether," 1 retorted lailly • When I whs a boy my grand Yon like havliig a ride «m father » wish you could help me about ihk mother told me that In her girl­ knee, eh?" KEEP YOUR MONEY MOVING \ llltle warmth, a Utile light hre-tongs, Sperry. 1 don’t stein -cl« Small Sou ’ Not hud hut I'd to think of any explanation tliat Mr;. hood, lu the 1820». people grew (If love's bestowing slid mi, good One o f the reasons why fo u r m illio n people are out o f Johnson would be willing to •« » ¡A.” tomatoes In their flower gardens rather ride oua real donkey night 1 "Tell her the truth.’’ w ork in the United States in tai t, alm ost the only reason for their beauty. They called them “I don't think you understand," I 'love apples" and thought they - -Is th a t too m any people who have money stopped spend­ “la your father liotne?' asked the A little fun. lo match the sorrow explained. "She »imply wouldn't ht- ing it. In the discussions w hich led to the fo rm ation o f the Keve it. And if she did I should have were poisonous. Tu the end of her minister making a Sunday after Gf etoli day's growing and so, N ational Credit Cor|>oration. it was estim ated th a t more to agree to drop the investigation As day»—-and she lived lo be over noon call. good morrow. a matter of fact. Sperry, I had re­ ■ ilnely- grandmother was always a than a thousand m illio n dollars has been taken out o f c irc u ­ Johnnie: “Naw. lie's over 1» the sorted to subterfuge in order to re­ lation, out o f the banks, and bidden away in safe deposits ; golf course." A llltle dual that when we die main out last evening, and I am bit- little suspicious of tomatoes. A l a aacond M i n |»ra»w add» and mattresses by people who are alm ost paralyzed by the Now we eat tomatoes lu every- Minister: "Playing golf on Huu We reap our sowing! And so 4efeMb jheat _ _____ ___ fear thai they are going to lost whai they have accum u­ thing, even lu dam chowder, where day?" Chcli bat loat which l o r u i a W amna impot 1 saw some flgurea the other day over for a game of stud poker and In the ordinary course o f business every do lla r changes W i t car twheta a rd letter» M r» Pane, about the latesl development of the a few highballs." alone of the wvauan. aaema thrilled by the hands seventeen tim es a year. T o take a billio n dollars out Inuiato business, tbe canned and alone u U Iw a a tita ta a the IT SPEAKS of circulation means a loss o f seventeen billio n dollars of teaertevi bouae H r ia frightaned by at range bolt led tomato juice. Mure than business and th a t, the experts say, is a large enough sum aciaea. aa a f aa intrud er ta tbe beuaa, hot LOST 20 LBS. OF FAT FOR IT S E LF ! tOU.MIIi cans aud nearly half a mil­ >omplat«a bia iaeaattgation to keep fo u r m illio n persons at w ork. IN JUST 4 W EEKS lion hollies were sold last year. NOW OO ON W IT H THB STOMY. I’eopie drink tomato Juice because There are m uch safer things to do w ith money than I know, as h haopens, very little Mrs. Mue West of Hi. Louta, Mo,. they thluk it Is good for them. to hide it. Money is not o f the slightest value except to of fit earms, but I aid realise that a ... . . . . i writes "I'm only 28 yrs. old and shot from a .45 Colt automatic would spend. Hidden away it earns nothing, and if enough o f it The world has changed a It« In ' Ko lb, , Bk„ „ oh. bare considerable penetrative pow ­ a hundred yeurs. is hidden it a ctu a lly loses its value. box of your Kruscheu Halts just 4 er. To be exact, that the bullet had weeks ago. I now weigh Hit) lbs I B U Y IN G . probably either lodged itself in a (S im ila r to IiitlliinheatH Anybody w ho is holding currency because o f fear Everybody Isn't broke, aud mu i,,’ ° mar# •" ‘ «‘«y 811,1 further Jeiet, or had penetrated through the ‘ more I ve never had a hungry mo- would be better o ff to invest it in alm ost a n ything . A hund­ flooring and might be «or.-ewhere In lig h t grey. all Industries are on (he verge of ment." red dollars invested in paid-up life insurance policy, o r an over my head. bankruptcy. I talked the olhei Eat folks should take one half annuity, w ith one o f the big insurance com panies w ould But ny candle w-as inadequate for i iilghl with the New York dlslrlbu tcaspoonfiil of Krusht'heu Halts In a Instead of 26c, you get It more than the most superficial exam­ be safer and more productive than $100 hidden away. The (or of oue of (he popular makes of glass of hot water In the morning ination of tbe ceiling, which presented | now before breakfast It's Ihe HAEE. safesi,of all places to put money is in im proved real estate. so far as I could tee an unbroken electric refrigerators He lold me harmless way to reduce as tens of If there are no com m odities that you feel a desire for, and For Just . . surface. 1 turned mv attention, there that his company had Jusl com- thousands of men and women know fore, to the floor It was when 1 was you have money th a t is not w o rkin g , w hy not put it in to : pleted a nut Ion wide selling com Eor your health's sake ask for turning the rug bark that I recognised A man had stopped and was staring at me. one o f these perfectly safe investm ents and get it back in to the origin of the sound whicn had so pelitton, In which every distribu­ and get Kruschvn al any drug store circulation? U n til most o f the hoarded money begins to •tirtled m t It had been the soft long years she has expected me to terly regretting my mendacity." tor was given a certain quota of —the coat for a bottle that lasts movement of the carpet acmss the commit some indiscretion — innocent, w ork again, we are going to continue to have hard tim es; But Sperry has, I am afraid, rather sales as (he goal to aim at, and that 4 weeks Is but a trifle and If after the first bottle you are nol Joyfully floor boards of course, such as going out without loose idea*. as soon as this money gets to w ork, prosperity w ill come “Every man," lie »aid, “would ra’hsr i v ‘*ry one of them had sold more satisfied with results- - money back Some one. then, had been there be­ my overcoat on a cool day—and she back almost instantly. ------- - ii fore me—time one who knew what intends to be on hand for every emer­ tell the truth, but every wwnin make* refrigerators than be had been ask ------------ »------------ - I knew, had reasoned as I reasoned gency. I dared not confess, therefore, it necessary to lie to her Forget ihe ,.d , o gell M N(JW york rrlenU , Some one who. in all probability, still that on the previous evening 1 had nre-tong», Horace, and forget Mri. PR O TEC T O. & C. LA N D burglariously entered a closed house, Jonhson to-night. He may not have ^rganliallon disposed of more than lurked on the upper floor. Obeying an impulse. I stood erect had there surprised another intruder dared to go back in daylight tor his i twenty thousand refrigerators In County judges met at Roseburg last week to consider and called out sharply, "Sperry" I at work, had fallen and homoed my overcoat." t « m ty one days. protective measures against change in the O regon-C ali­ head severely, and had, finally, had sa- that (eel tbe ueed o(, when they can get m ills are dependent upon this tim b e r to operate. W ith o u t rom the door and standing in thè fire-tongs in the umbrella stand under afte ternoon and did not return for two the governm ent tim b e r the private tim b e r w ould be so cut center of the room, prepared for the impression tliat it is an umbrella. daya them at a fair price and on easy ; uji as not to be m erchantible in sm all tra c ts and the Ore­ some stealthy, murderous assault I have a right to ask at least if he terms. It was, h will be recalled, on tha When none came I looked about for intends to continue his life of de­ gon-E lectric railroad extension lik e ly w ould not be made. Thursday night following thj second T H IE V E S 1 weapon, and finally took the only bauchery." The O. & C. lands should be le ft alone. Civic o rg a n i­ sitting - that I ’ had ' gone alone to the» A boy in the navy who swipes a thing m sight. coal-tongs from the I made a mistake then. I should zations in Lane c ounty should w atch th is m a tte r closely. Wi_* bottle o( milk or a piece ot pie in ^replace. Armed with that, I made a have told her. Instead, I took mv -----------a----------- torsory round of the near-by rooms broken hat and jammed it on my head Sperry was on Friday It was on t kut there was no one hiding in them. with a force that made the -lump she Friday afternoon that I received a ,h,! co"k 8 ««Hey »hen he la hun- T H E SAGE OF M ARCOLA I went back to the rug and ex- had noticed jump like a toothache, telephone message from Mrs. Dana, gry, or who casuully helps himself asking me to take tea with her. to a pack of cigarettes from a mess imined the floor beneath it. I was and went out. The Justice o f the Peace o f M arcola was quoted in At what time?” I asked her sec­ mate’s locker, Is not tu be branded right. Some one had been there be­ When, at noon and luncheon, I newspapers th ro u g h o u t the land when he w rote in his re­ fore me. Bits of splintered wood lay tried to tell her the truth, she listened retary. us a thief, the Secretary uf tbe o m p o u n d e d »bout. Tbe second bullet had been to the end: Then: "I should think p o rt to the state “ Peace on E arth Good W ill T ow ard "At four o'clock.” fired, bad buried itself in the flooring you could have done better than that,1 M en’ and no business. ’ Townspeople say he has been I hesitated. I felt that my w i f e ___ Nary has ordered. I think Mr. and had, some five minutes before, she said. "You have had all morning waiting at home for further explan- AJan>a 1« right. noted fo r more practicable advice than that. been dug out. to think it out." ation of the coal-tongs, and that tha The navy takes boys at the age Tbe extraordinary thing about the However, if things were in a state othe^dhi‘nXU,M?,e ° f 8ev‘‘n,’ « ,‘ mo"‘ of “ “’m Once a w om an called on him and asked fo r advice on Arthur Wells story was not his kill of armed neutrality at home, I had a how to get a divorce fro m her husband. tag. For killing it was. It was the certain compensation for them when I vitations, by reason of her infirmity »here such things as pte are In the New Store S pringfield any it was solved. told my story to Sperry that after­ took on something of the nature 0 / piore or lesa common property, and “ Lady,” said the justice o f the peace, “ go home, wash Here was a young woman. Miss noon. co^’"’an ! lie was rig h t. never met any member of the Neigh­ was murdered beyond a doubt, and borhood Club. Yet, but for her, Arthur there is an intelligent effort being and told the clerk to destroy the old out the 8ll chair, lived so hard. She did not Discipline In the navy and t h e ' amaxing, but remarkably simple. Like was there last night-------- " o ’clock on week days w ith the state autom obiles in the allow life to pass her windows, if I army Is, of course, essential. There most mvsteries. I have in my own “Why a man?" garage. house, for instance, an example of a He took your overcoat, instead of ^ ya n ^ s « ,it‘m‘ viZrab^uti hi?l d ii i? " “ blK d,f,erenc#‘ however, be- w------------- great mvstery, founded on mere ab- his own, didn't he? It may have been sentmindedness. —it's curious, isn't it. that we've had herself the nucleus around which were twe«n treating enlisted men as If' This is what my wife terms the no suggestion of Ellingham in all the enacted all sorts of small neighbor- they were the officers' slaves and r e 7 t , e , r dr w Sn ^ d mrum anCQi; ‘‘ a S eatin g them as what they are. mystery of the fire-tongs. rest of the material." re tMries aid not marry. She married • . I had left the Wells house as soon Like the other members of the them. decent American boyi. ss I had made the discovery in the Neighborhood Club, he had a copy It is curious to look hack and re- WOOLLEY night nursery. I carried the candle of the proceedings at the two seances, In appointing Miss Mary Emma and the fire-tongs downstairs. I was. and now he brought them out and fell n><":!jer how Herbert and Sperry and myself bad ignored this quality ir. 1», n ,, , . . . ... ,, , apparenti», calm but watchful. I would to studying them. her, in the Wells case. She was not Woolle’’i President of W ellesley nave said that I had never been more "She was right about the bullet in one of the American calm in my life. I knew quite well the ceiling,” he reflected. “I suppose to be ignored, as I discovered that college, as delegate» to the International Dts- that I had the fire-tongs in my hand. you didn't look for the box of shells a^.crn°j’n' .. L Just when I ceased to be cognizant for the revolver?” sick Horace look half arman)ent conference. Mr. Hoover •f them was probably when, on enter­ “I meant to, but it slipped my W HO AR E T H E Y ? Nothing escapes her eyes, so I was ha* noi only recognlaed that w o-! Where Use S e r v ic e ts D iffe r e n t ing the library, I found that my over­ mind.” eoat had disappeared, and that my He shuffled the loose pages of the careful to place myself with the lump men have a vital Interest In the A man stopped me on the street to say th a t he had " " “nU “ * P— stiff has, badly broken, lay on the record. “Cane—washed away by the B u t T f S ^ w ’i V h S e y £ floor. However, as I sav, I was still water—a knee that is hurt—the cur­ some im p o rta n t in fo rm a tio n . “ They are going to p u t the twinkled. but he tlaH t)ald a merited compll- extraordinarily composed. I picked up tain would have been safer—Hawkins m arket up in the next few weeks,” he said. "Horace, Horace I” she said. “How ment to a great teacher and a life my hat, and moving to the rear door, —the drawing-room furniture is all J long worker In the cause of peace “ Who are th e y ? ” I asked him. went out and closed it. When I over the house. That last, Horace ' b?>ev e,e"j ed y°j a,l » cch l” I ? You detested me?" „ ,„ ». .u .. . reached the street, however. I hail isn’t pertinent. It refers clearly to the He looked at me scornfully, as though I ought to be "Liathrd you," she said with M Woo,ley win th® Mr8t | qply gone a few yards when I dis­ room we were in Of course, the ashamed to confess such ignorance. “ W hy they, ’ he ans­ covered tliat I was still carrying the point is. how much of the rest is unction. "You are cruel and ungrate- »«man In history to be an official' wered, “ are the big shots, the insiders, the in te rn a tio n a l lighted candle, and that a man. pass­ also extraneous matter?” He re-read ful. Herbert has influenza, and does representative of a government In i ',n 'nfem atlonal conference. E very-1 ing by. had stopped and was staring one of the sheets. "Of course that be­ ves r'knoi??;1 FTmL** *" bankers, the Interests.” y, 1 kJD°w B- 1 know a great many . , . after me. longs, about Hawkins. And probably thincs. But you!” one who knows her, or who knows "O h ,” 1 said, and thanked him and w ent on m y way. Mr composure Is shown by the fact th is: ‘It will be terrible if the letters I could only stare at her. anything about her thirty years' that I dropped the candle down the are found.’ They were in the pocket­ When i graduated fro m college I had a great deal of "T.he strange thing is,” she went career an president of Wellesley, next sewer opening, but the fact re­ book. presumably.” awe of the Interests, and at th a t period they were indeed on, “that f have known you for years, mains tliat I carried the fire-tongs H e folded up the papers and re­ and never «inpected "your s7n«7*o7 wl11 a ,r e ‘’ that her part ln the COD' ' p re tty pow erful. Im p o rta n t corporations were com parative­ home. I do not recall doing so. In placed them in a drawer. (act, I knew nothing of the matter . _ - “W e’d better go back to the house,” humor. You'll forgive me, I know, ;< Terence will be an active one a n d , ,a2 i ly few. and those few were sm all in com parison w ith today. until morning. On the way to my ] he said. “Whoever took your over­ I tell you that your lack of humor was that whatever »he ha» to »ay there T h e ir stock was controlled by a com pact group of men house I was elaborating a story to | coat bv mistake probabl) left one. to mv mind the only flaw in an other­ will be Kittened to with respect. who, by acting together, could often m ake or break the tile effect that my overcoat had been The difficulty is , of course, that he wise perfect character." ECKER stolen from a restaurant where I and ' probably discovered his error and went m arket. M organ could get them all in a room and tell them Frederick Ecker, President of the «ay Miant 0*4 dined. Tha hat offered back again last night Confound it w hat to do. Metropolitan Life Insurance com- B u t tim es have changed. C orporations are enorm ous; , | pany, gave a senate committee shares are scattered am ong m illions. They, the interests, the highest priced trade, has start- rooms Is a treat to watch. some Interesting facts. His com are not w h a t they used to be ed using a sandwlchman, as the Unfortunately, the scenes of fifty pany is perhaps the largest flnan- One tim e I served on a civic com m ittee, most o f whose fellows who carry walking adver years ago, when the departure of d a l Institution In the world, members were hankers. The executive secretary was a ttsements are called This chap an ocean greyhound was much like Mr. Ecker said that he thought b rig h t young college graduate. He said to m e: " I don’t have tops anything we have ever seen, the time when the original May that we are now very close to the to w o rry ; when th is job is over these big bankers w ill take His Job requires him to smoke a (flow er used to sail, are no longer condition of business and Industry t are of me.” cigar, wear full dress, gloves, silk , to be seen. The machine age has which we must for a long time to Whwfhwr if is light, h«ot, power or cold, W ell, the job was over, and 1 told h im : “ You are going hat and carry a cane. Intruded and baggage moves Into come regard as normal. He thinks •Ucfricity will fyrnith a o y . . . or oM. One to liave a great shock as to the pow er o f In ternation al It’s the cigar that is the finish the ship by moving platforms, esca- It Is foolish to look for a return of Bankers. They m ay control m illions, but one th in g they ing touch. The chap smokes It with ' lators and other gadgets and the boom times we had ln 1824 to 1928. »• cm convenient. . . 0« oUon . . . o t the Jay Walkers can’t do is to get you a job. T hey may send you to the There Is more Jay walking ln the an alr U*at bowls over everybody big piers resemble all too much the And at the very height of the boom, other. And the coM of eUetricity ia so heads o f certain corporations w ith letters of in troduction , largest city ln the country than ln and must result In boosting busl- Interior of the assembling plant of he pointed out, there were a mil- reasonable tbot yoe may enjoy aN of its hut th e y ca n 't insist th a t you be hired. Those corporation any other town In the world. Rules ne8B ,or employers. any large factory. non and a half unemployed. managers w ill reply to the hankers, ’You hold us respon­ "»any services economkaSy. H eady any have been made against It that no- B e confided to us that he Is an Still, to the observant spectator, How heavily the public has had sible; you m ust let 11s alone.’ ” body here pays any attention to. actor, out of a Job. He gets 620 a there are many little tearful fare- to draw on Its reserves to pay oft tervice electricity performs, ooets but a It turned out as I predicted. The young man fin a lly Only at a few of the busiest cor- » e e k for a six-hour a day stroll, wells. The perils of the deep are obligations Incurred In boom times secured a job, but not by any help o f the Interests. penny or tw o ...m an y cost less. See your ners, where extra policemen are Cigars are furnished him free. He still subconsclensly very real to Is suggested by Mr. Ecker’s state I have seen several national elections, but never one in dealer today, stattooed at the curb, is an attempt aay* hla boss gives him some right most people ment that 32 per cent of all the w hich Ihe partners o f any o f the big in te rn a tio n a l banking made to give the auto a break. out of case, which means they ----- ---------------------- i loans made by the Metropolitan ln houses were agreed upon a candidate. ; are probably two-for-quarter. That’s M ED IC AL MEN HEAR he past year were made to policy T w o partners, s ittin g side by side, w ould offset each In spite of this there are prob­ better than we can afford. DISCUSSION ON CANCER holders, who had to draw on that o th e r’s votes. ably fewer accident« here in pro­ • • • Members of the Willamette Medl-j accumulated surplus. In the last analysis, who are they? portion, than In any other city. Sailing Days cal society laat Thursday evening ■ITl te ll you. You and I are they. We run things. A Drivers here have to be on their buslness ntay have m illions o f capital^ big pla n ts,a n d ’ huge I toes all the time. H they hit any- h.T.n "T”1“1 * | hear" J K’8« of Portland LIB R A R Y B E N E F IT ■ • 8 bortv thev arB thpown I H01"1 t0 obtaln pler paMf!" from speak on cancer following a ban- TEA IS POSTPONED sales *-------- forces. ” B u t if you and I do not like its product, all «nJ tt tlk es a S ^ L tw i a t t h e ' aDy ° f h'g p*rm,ttln* «uet at the Osburn hotel. Dr. M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N RA TE One Year In Advance ....... .... 11.76 Three Months Hix Months — .......... 1....... 61.00 Single Copy . 75c . 6c mere serious ditficukira 1 fancied .hat. by killing my wife gvixtby at (he break last table. I might be able SYNOPSIS ■o get out without her following me SU Tehiwoa (w k * M l h n M «ry>, ki» » i l i . al I U r i Baca. H trk a rt to the front door, which it her cus­ tom. ahl.laoa ami « '• aot«», A Ik a . aa<‘ O r i r r r f , (rla n d i a x l nat*kba,a, ara li: tk» But. as a matter of faot, 1 need fcab.t w( 1 aldina « z c a ly m e *tin « a A l a i t a a i not have concerned myself about the>, M ia . D a la . « h a la kaatraa, aarlaa tka hat. W hen I descended to breakfast p ia lla ta ky savia Jty ai rati ( i n * a a p r ii- aatlMìc a a a -ia « o h M iaa Ja. aai>. a frìand a l the next morning I found her sur­ tir . Spari» a n i a prolaaataaal, aa tka veying the umbrella-stand in the hall. ■radiala. The hre-tongs were standing there, A l ik a ita » a lim i» i l a u.a t r i n i t a lli II.» datati» o l a m ardar «a il ia c a -a . >n.a Inalai gleaming, among my sticks and um­ tk a l r . U l i Syarry l a u r a tkal a ntipkkc», brellas. A r tk u r W rlla , h a i b aa i a k d » y u r r i o a i lz 1 lied. I lied shamelessly. She is a W it k Jaknaoa ha i-,aa ta tka V a lla rtaidanca and tfcay Sud c tn s rm a lla n u t I l a ma-tium a nervous woman, and, as we have no accanai M r v W alla leda tk a « kar L a t t a 'J children, her attitude toward me is akal M u ta li in a St a i dtpraaalaa. one of watchful waiting. Through SEVENTH INSTALMENT ynxKBRjpcE _ I COLOSSUS SUITING 9c C. J. Breier Co. Gas, Oil, Water, Grease, Battery “A ” Street Service Station PRESCRIPTIONS C ¿isL e A C Ketels Drug Store CAW DY »BROG F G G I M A N N ’S Do You Know Thor TO BE CONTINUED ^Bottle ^Milk B8EBNCST CAMPJB fflertridtywiffcoobL Refrigerator these huge assets are m erely liabilities. T alleyrand said a shrewd th in g when he rem arked: "T here is one person w iser than anybody, and th a t is every­ body." You and I are everybody, and we decide. Mr. M organ does awe me. Even the editor o f this paper, who is m y boss, does n o t f ill me w ith any great alarm . But believe me, I care about you, gentle reader. When you tu rn y o u r thum bs dow n I’m through. best, »oon Is to when for them to get free. Visitors t0 aboard for an hour m I ls <;hal"nan of the surgical com -- --------- — which ------- — The benefit tea the — 11b- catch the local angle b t It 8° bei° re the b,K boats sail for mlttee of the University medical rary board was to have sponsored be hoped they will f KuroPe - It Is an experience worth school In Portland and is chief of at the home of Mr». N. W. Emery they get back home ° rm bavlnK' i' 8lde from the beauty of ( the department of surgery at the on Tuesday of this week has been the ornate decorations of the big Multnomah county hospital. postponed because of conflicting • • • liners, the hurry and bustle d isplay-. Several Springfield physicians affairs. It has tentatively been 8nkY Sandwich Men ed In settling the thousand or so were in attendance at the meeting set for January 20 at which time One place here, selling to only passengers In their proper state- and banquet. a program will be planned. 2 4 HOURS MoantaiB States Pover C o m p aq