THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HPK1NGEIRLD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON, THb’KHiJAY. JANUARY 14, 1932 TWENTY-NINTII YEAll BAPTISTS HOLDING W om en'• Beautifier Prominent Church Officiate Here for Five-Dny Religi­ ous Education School No. 1 LODGE OFFICERS Chick Hatching WOMAN'S CLUB City Asks Bids To Start Soon On Bond Issue ELEC1S OFFICERS ARE INSTALLEO LINN WILL BUILD CONNECTING HOAD Roland Moshier Heads I. O. O. F. Croup; Stella Eaton New Hoble Grand of Rebekah's Two Sections on Cascade Highway Planned for Work in Sister County This Year Future for Poultry Producers Recorder Advertises $35,000 Not Gloomy Says Robert Mrs. David Saltsman to Head of City Bonds to Replace Nelson; to Set Incubators Issue Due in February Civic Club; Miss Skow Gives Interesting Talk Incsbetors al the Nelson Leghorn! bonds of the City of Hprlngfleld poultry farm will be aet very soon in the sum of *36,000 are now be­ New of I leers for the year 1«32 MANY VISITORS HERE with the Drat hutch, according to WILL AWARD DIPLOMAS VISIT MADE TO LEBANON were elected by the Hprlngfleld ing advertised for sals by I. M Hubert Nelson, proprietor. Indica­ Womens Civic Improvement club at Peterson, recorder. Tbe bonds were r ■ All Elective and Appointive tions are now that there will be a Classes End Friday Night; At­ Springfield and Marcola Men their meeting Tuesday evening at authorized by tbe city at a special tendance Open to Anyone Officers Seated at Joint fair demand for chicks tbls year the Community ball. They are: election held last fall. Two bond Attending Dinner at Cham­ M Marcel Gratcau. invantor of although the prices which the Mrs, David bailsman, president, Issues faced tbe city council at that Installation Ceremonies Interested in This Work ber of Commerce There th< '«reel Wave, w i i given a car- higher grade stock will command I Mr> Ftaht>r ¥lce priM!ldeot ■ time, and funds were sot available lift o( honorary membership • A large number of local people, by l Fifteen Rebekah and fourteen I ure lower than they bave been fo r, M„ L K , age aIM| Mr, , x Val. to meet them. Voters approved the \meriean llairdrcaiera Aa- Two section, of the Cascade »ocia on hit 7Mh birthday, Ha (). O. F. officers were Inatalled here some years. Tbe Incubators will be were re-elected as secretary new bond series which merely re­ highway In Linn county are plan­ un> ultwndlug* the rive day luacb llvea n ’Iremeni near Pana. Monday evnlng at a Joint installa­ operated continuously until late snd treasurer respectively. Appoint place those falling due the middle ned for construction thia year, a or»' Inalllule wltlcb I n being beld j tion crcniouy held al the lodge ball. Muy batches have been coni|||eted. ive officers will be announced at of February. delegation from tbe Hprlngfleld Tsuyoshi Inulcai, new head of the ul III« Kimi lluptlai church till» j A large number of vlaltora from Although tbe price of eggs is next meeting to be beld January 26 Tbe bonds will be dated February Japanese Government, who warns ! Chamber of Commerce learned wick under III« auaplcv, of III« the rest of the world to keep hands Monday evening when It met with Eugene and Irving were present. dropping now, It has held up very Outgoing officers are: Mrs. C. E 1, 1*32, and wll! bear interest a t 1 off in Japan's difficulties with the Chamber of Commerce at Le­ Members of the Irving lodge acting satisfactory during the previous Wheaton, president, and Mrs tbe rate of 6 per cent. Tbey will be 1 NuiTheru Huptiat Conference with i China. as Installing officers for Spring­ months, says Mr. Nelson. The gen­ banon. A connection with tbe Mo­ Issued In denominations of *600I headquarter» ul Portland. Emma Olson, vice-president. field I. O. O. F. lodge number 70. eral decline In all prices has enabl- hawk road from Holley to Mabel Two financial contributions were each, and will be retired in the fol-| Classes began uu Monday even ! Officers of the lodge Installed ed the poultry man to make a fair „ ^ ,„ „ ,.,4 „ tbe ntaMlng. The lowing order: *1600 on February 1, will be built aa a secondary high­ lug and will continue through Fri- j were: Roland Moabler, noble living troni his flock although bis way and a section of road built voted to contribute *10 to In eacb of tbe years 1*36 to 1*3* day evening Each evening la devot-1 grand; Erneat »lack, vice grand; 7.,ty llbrary ft|nd and , 6 ,o tbe Inclusive; *2000 on February 1, of from Lebanon to Belo If the plan, ed In two uiie hour clu»»ue which B a y a rd T . M o rrill A nnounces oewuld oiaon, secretary; Karl (Hr profits have been decreased. Farmers In the Thurston vicini­ student loan Iund of tbe state fed­ the years l«40 to 1942 Inclusive; of tbe Linn county court are car­ are held (rum 7 30 to « 3 0 In the C and id acy W ednesday for ard. treasurer; A. c. Peddlcord. ty have already batched out several eration. Tbe club also discussed *2500 on February 1, of eacb of the ried out. church. warden; C. E. Nolf, conductor; M. hatchings of chicks which tbey ex­ the future quilting work of tbe A delegation of eight men from County School Office years 1943 to 1944 Inclusive; and An entire I'uurae In religious ■ J. McKllu, right support to the pect to have ready as friers for tbe I Marcola were also present at the group. Tbey have completed sev­ *3000 on February 1, of eacb of the study and leuclilug la being given. noble grand, John H. Lorub, left Easter market. meeetlng. They drove more than eral quilts already which have been years 1946 to 1950. It la divided Into auctions for the i Ituyard T. Merrill, 1533 Orchard Wife of Jasper Resident Pass­ 70 miles to get to Lebanon to urte afreet. Eugene, yesterduy officially support to the noble grand; B. E. given to the needy, and have ma­ different age groups and conalala All bids on the bonds must be ed at Home on Saturday Pyne, right support to the vice announced his caudlducy fur (he a road that would cut the distance terials available (or further work. filed at tbe city ball before the u( ten leaaous. Dlplumaa will be j posinoli of County School Huperln- grand; J. W. Oates, left support to exactly In half. Lane county ha, Following Long Illness Miss Gertrude Skow, Lane coun­ prevented lu tbuae who attend ami, hour of five o'clock on tbe evening lendi-nl of Lune county, und led the vice grand; T. C. Harker, left now a road graded to the county ty home demonstration agent, was of Friday. January 22. A special complete all of the leaauua. scene support ; II. O. Bsnkey, right Mrs. Ella Wallace, wife of M. L line above Mabel and the district the principal speaker at the meet­ council meeting will be beld to Among the fatuity uiembera art off what '-urly events Ind'calc will Wallace of Jasper, died at her has raised a tax to surface the be s scramble for county offices by scene support; Oeorgc E Findley, ing. She bad as her subject, "The open tbe bids Immediately after found prominent uiembera o( lilt home Haturday following a linger­ highway tbe delegation Informed , I representatives of euch major po-¡ Inside guurdlan, H. A. Lansberry, House lu Which We Live." In dev­ tbls hour. church. They Include Dr. O ing illness. Hhe was born at Johns­ the Lebanon people. Building (our i III lesi party, ! outside guardian, and John Ketels, eloping her subject Miss Skow took Wright, Dr. T. II. Hagan, Port ' Hr, chaplain. town, North Dakota, on December or five miles on the Linn county In unnoiinrlng his cuudldscy Mr up a consideration first of tbe hu- land; Dr. Lee Springer of Loa An 30, 1886, and was 45 years old at side will give the Mohawk valley Installing officers • from Irving Merrill declared D ial he was enter Small Students of Mrs. Fen-1 man body as a bouse and some of gelea, and Mrs. Louise tlunderup. tbe time of her death. Hhe moved an outlet to the north. These fa. ulty members last week , •“« «he field early with the Inlen were Jesse Bailor, district deputy ton and Brattain Toy Or- ilts major requirements, later dig- to White-Earth, North Dakota in . The Lane county delegations completed u similar school In Eu -| ««>“ °t circulating petitions noml ; grand master and hl. district depu uinui iiihh m »j,i ’ w» » chegtra on Program cusalng some of the Improvements 1911 and came to Lane county 18! were heartily received at Lebanon ----------- about the physical home which will gene and will go lu Koseburg i o ! “»1*“« him In»«'»'» of puylng Ih» «leu: George Masi, grumi marshal years later. Hhe came to Jasper and keen interest was shown In nalllule n ell week »20 candidate fee as stipulated In Walter N. Day. grand warden Announcement of the program. be of material advantage to the hold another Instltut one and one-half years ago. the Cascade highway and the Ban- It has been announced. ! «he set of thi legislature at tlie J«“>e* Kyan, grand secretai*; Le-j for an evening of music to be given ' human. tiam road. Work on both projects Besides her husband she is sur­ The classva here are open to the *>«» «•»«'<•« will have to pre j l»nd Ho,», grand treasurer; Roy at the high school auditorium on puns were discussed for a pot general public and regular ...lend •"“< » «"'*«'•“ *» h *h« names of | Morris, grand Inside guardian; Friday evening, January 32, by stu |uck dinner and surprise party for vived by heY mother, Mrs. George is expected to progress materially Funeral Service for Promin­ W. Hpaun, Jasper; one sister, Mrs (his coming year. an. e I, not required of Home who »*<• I-r cent of the voters who “ «>'«" Dtngledew. grand outside dents of Mrs. Clara Tuttle Fenton, the husband of one of the members ent Springfield Man Held Gay Williams, Camp Creek; two Those going from Hprlngfleld voted for congressmen In the last guardian. and Wiley Maxwell, assisted by the toy orchestra of the to be beld on February 13. Each do nut seek credit toward. were F. B. Hamlin, W. K. Barnall, Held on Wednesday nieces, Mrs. Evelyn Neilson, Eu­ • lei 1. on Io meet the requirements ■ grand chaplain Bruttain school under the direction plom as. member Is requested to bring her Rebekah Officers gene, and Mrs. Martin Larson, Can­ John Anderson, J. D. Pyle and H. I of Ihe law. of Miss Helen High was made this husband and no one will know In L. E. Thompson, one of Bpring ada; and one nephew, George Wil­ E. Maxey. New officers of Juanita Kebekah week by Mrs. Fenton. Mr. Merrill. yy £ F A R E OF CHILD r M e r r ill, ill Ills announce­ ! whose honor the affair is being field's outstanding citizens, died at liams, Camp Creek. The students will appear In a held until that evenlDg with the ment. says I list he list! been a rest lodge installed were: Htella Eaton, his home. 728 North A street. Mon­ noble grand; Glenn Htone, vice Mrs. Wallace was a member ol MRS. WILSON ELECTED CONCERN OF P. T. A ., j .m uf Oregon for 3g years, and a program of solos, duets, trios, with exception of the officers in charge. day afternoon after a short Illness grand; Pearl Schantol, recording a demonstration of aigbt reading Hprlngfleld Jaunita lodge number | resident of Lane county for tbe Mrs. A. B. Van Valxah and Mrs. NATIONAL DELEGATE at the age of 81 years. g is t, Hear Mrs. Mont at Training y w a , ......... h,g fcome secretary; Clarlue Putman, finan­ und ear-training by a little girl only 85 and of tbe Hprlngfleld Metbodlst I. A. Valentine were hostesses for Luman Elephalet Thompson was Episcopal church. School Held at Santa Clara (|J Eug„,,e „ grBI|UBl<, of ()re. cial secretary; Mrs. Mabel Peddl- four years old. Springfield Resident ia Regent of refreshments after the meeting. Last Saturday gun Normal school at Monmouth, I I cord, treasurer; Eunice Gerber, Transposition numbers will be They were assisted by Mrs. Wheat­ born at Waupaca, Wasconsin. on Eugene Chapter, Daughters Funeral services were held from wurden; Elinor Smith, conduct­ given by Dorothy Flanery, Peggy Beptember 11. 1850. and married the Methodist church Wednesday of Am erican Revolution , und of the I'ulveralty of Oregon,| on who poured the tea. Doris Girard, musician; Car- Wright, and Donna Gene Ernest, Child Welfare Work la one of the -Where he received the degree of ress, Alice L. Signor on October 12, 1874 afternoon at 1 o’clock. Rev. Dean . . , ... Mrs. Bert Edgell and Mrs. Baugh In the same city. Four cht|drgs. » • > * ....... .. ’•>« construction o f ' „ s ,,lllJ)irl„g H„ ,M He Jarrett, chaplain; Alberta Walk- each eight years old. Mrs. Gertrude Wilson has been were guests of the club at their were born to this nnlon. all of whom «C; Poindexter and Rev. C. K. Chap­ any al.nd.rd P. T. A. organisation.) m#rr|M (<,„r ,.„lldreI1 ,,ah er right support to noble grand; elected as one of two delegates to Ethtd Ruth Fulop and Elaine man. pastor of the church of God Mrs. Charlea E. limit, alate vice 1 laugh l and been principals nf g r a d e 1 , Lillian Black, left support to noble Hchaffenberg, each seven, wll! pres meeting. together with his wife, survive. in Eugene, officiated. Interment represent the Eugene chapter, The sons and daughters are Mrs. was at the Laurel Grove cemetery. Daughters of the American Revolu­ president, lohi members of the : sch ools (or 16 years, and haa hud grand, Edna Yarnell, outside guard­ ent a Japanese frolic with Maxine Maude Bryan. Mrs. Welby Stevens. Poole-Gray-Bartholomew c h a p e l tion, at the annual Continental con­ Issue county executive couucll In j yi,urB ,.lp ,.rlrIlt.e B. B(.h,M>l ian; Nellie Pyne, Inside guardian; Valller accompanist. BOY SCOUTS CHANCE Earl Thompson. Floyd Thompson was In charge of arrangements. session at a training school and teacher, principal, und superintend­ Hose Montgomery, right support to More difficult numbers will b e' ference to be held In Washington vice grand; Clara Taylor, left sup­ played by advanced students who! sliver leu ul Hants Clara lust Sat­ ent. MEETING TO TUESDAY Mrs. K. V. Barrett, Eugene, and next summer. Mrs. Vina Opdycke, port to vice grand. Mrs. M. E. Caatle, Bremerton, urday. now residing In the capitol city. Is are seeking high school credit fori The candidate seeks election on Joel Cowden Elected Senior Patrol Washington. He also leaves two WENDLING MINISTER The relntlon of Ihe depression the following platform: 1, full co­ Installing officer« for the Kebe­ their work. the other delegate. Leader; Lloyd H a rris Is N ew TO PREACH SUNDAY brothers and one sister: D. H. and the effect on the school child operation with Ihe Htate Uuperln kah lodge were Alice Lotah, dia- Mrs. Wilson was also elected one Announcement was also made of j Scribe for Troop Thompson. Bellingham. Washing­ should he watched very closely, »he len dent of Public lustructlon. fav | lrlcl Pr- ‘«,-n« •»•1 •“* a , another recital to be given at the | of ten delegates to represent the ton. J. M. Thompson. Hprlngfleld. Rev. Poindexter to Preach Sermon Eugene organization at the state said, and urged eui h1 P. T. A. unit oriug the adoption of (lie Oregon I slatauta: : Alberta Walker, mar- high school auditorium on Friday. Beginning next week the meeting and Habra Calkins. Iowa Falls, at Coburg and Aid Sunday luke some step to make It possible Education Plan as adopted by the shull; Carrie Jarrett, secretary; January 29. by high school stu­ convention to be held in Portland School in W o rk for every child to continue In Oregon HUIS Teachers aaaoclallon I Lillian Black, »r.-a»urer; treasurer; Clarine dents who will end their semester of the Hprlngfleld Boy tk-out troop Iowa, and twenty-one grandchil­ in March. Hhe is also regent of the will be held at the Methodist dren. school regardless of the manner In plan c o m m lllce. D ecem ber 1939. for, chapter this year. warden; Mary C. Magill, of training. Rev. O. W. Jefferson of Wendl- church every Tuesday evening at 7 which present conditions have ef­ lb. -Im p ro v e m en t of pul.lh educa •»•»P'“ "*: «"»»»* O‘rar.1. Inside Elections were made last Friday Funeral services were held at o'clock Instead of Wednesdays as ing, pastor of the Methodist at the Ancestor's Day meeting held fected his home life. Hon lu Oregon; 2, lull cooperation “<>d Wanda Barnea, out CHURCHES UNITE FOR the Poole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel has been tbe practice since the churches at Wendllng and Marcola at the home of Mrs. R. T. Burnett The third week of the month has between Ihe county school super j *ld* Buard*an' Wednesday morning at 10:30 PROHIBITION RALLY troop was organised last fall. been set aside uk Child Welfare Intciident. school boards, teachers,| o'clock. Rev. J. T. Moore, retired will preach at the morning service in Eugene. Decision to make the change was at the Springfield Methodist church Muguxlne week, und each unit Is and patrons In conducting school pastor of the Methodist church of­ Rev. Childers of Eugene to Presen reached al the meeting last night. Sunday it has been announced by- expected to have III per cent of Its affairs of the county; 3. full per­ ficiated. The Murphy-Moshler at Prohibition R ally Service A Hcout Leaders training course I, Rev. Poindexter. The sermon MR. AND MRS. TAYLOR members subuerlbers to this publi­ formance of all duties pertaining quartet sang a number, and Inter­ at M ethodist Church topic will be "Positive Religion.” being held In Eugene every Wed­ HAVE ANNIVERSARY cation. Mrs. N. M. Peligra of Gar­ to Ihe office of county school sup­ ment was made at Laurel Hill nesday evening and the Hprlngfleld Tbe Sunday school will begin a den Way I, county chairman of the erintendent ; 4, cooperation, pro­ cemetery. The three Hprlngfleld protestant workers want to attend this. teacher training class Tuesday Host of Friends Surprise Them child welfare work. gressive and efficient ndmlnlslra- Mr. and Mrs. Thompson came to congregations will unite Hunday W ith P a rty on T w e n ty -F ifth Joel Cowden was elected senior evening. This will be conducted The sum of *H.26 wua netted from 1 n()|| W edding Anniversary Mayor Re-Appoints All of evening In one large service al the patrol leader, and Lloyd Harris was Eugene from Minnesota In 1891, on a labratory plan and will con­ Ihe fllver lea for use In purchasing j Present Staff at Council Methodist church tor a prohibition chosen scribe at the meeting last and moved to Springfield the fol­ sider as goals, means of attainment, a loving cup to he awarded the rally. Dr. 8. E. Childers, pastor of night which started at 6:30 to en­ lowing year where he carried on the problems and needs of the To honor their silver wedding an­ Meeting Monday Evening chapter with the largest attend KENSINGTON CLUB the Christian church In Eugene will able Glenn Martin, scoutmaster, and his life-long profession of black- school, the leaders and the coustitu niversary, many friends of Mr. and mice record In Ihe contest now be­ HAS CUESTS FRIDAY All city officer, not elective were preach the seriuon, and the Baptist his assistant. Paul Potter, to attend smithing. He lived to see the pass­ ence. Sessions will begin at 7:30. Mrs. W. A. Taylor gathered at their ing held. ing of the horse and the coming of reappointed for the year 1932 by quartet will sing several numbers. the training session. home Tuesday evening for a sur-*" Mrs. J. McMurray, Grants Hprlngfleld representatives ul Regular Sunday school will be tbe horseless carriage before he re­ the Mayor, W. P. Tyson, It was prise party. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Carol Adams took charge of the Pass; Mrs. Annu Keasey, Eugene Ihe meeting were Mrs. I). C. Ogil­ beld Sunday at 9:45 and the Ep­ announced at the monthly meeting LARGE TEA IS HELD were married at Longview. Texas, troop after the leaders left for the tired from his position about elgbt worth League will meet at 6:30. vie. Mrs. Lee Putnam. Mrs. It. P. and M l,, Hattie Mitchell, were years ago. of the city council held Monday in 1907, and moved to Portland In balance of the meeting. kuck I h of the Kensington club al Mortensen, und Mr,. Ella Lone FOR VISITOR IN CITY Rev. Poindexter will be at Co 1910. They lived at Roseburg for Mr. Thompson was at one time I heir regular meet lug held Friday night. These are Hugh Jollff. fire hard. Justice of tbe Peace for Spring- burg Hunday morning and will several years coming to Springfield Mrs. Chas. O. Wilson and Mrs. iifternonti at the home of Mrs. chief; Lum Anderson, police chief; field and ha, beld several other preach on the subject. "Sensitized on October 28, seven years ago. MRS. ECCIMANN GIVEN Hugh Cowart, -night officer; Robert Clifford Otto Wilson entertained at i .Mary Ke,spy. Mr,. Harry Whitney civic offices. He has always been to God" at 9:45. He will also at­ SPRINGFIELD LADIES Plerrle. street commissioner; W. the home of the former Wednes­ j wii , the iiHslataiit hoste,H. EMBLEM FOR WORK interested in civic improvement tend the Sunday school work and Those who were present Includ­ ed: Mr. and .Mrs. Marlon Adams TAKE AMARANTH POSTS Plans were dlHCUHaed during the K. Ilarnell. wiring Inspector; and day afternoon between the hours and the community affairs of his an official board meeting after tbe and son. Bob; Mr. and Mrs. Enoch of four and six at u tea in honor Members of the General Lawton afternoon for an Initiation for six Hal Bryan, plumbing Inspector. The council also passed un or­ of Mrs. W. H. Riddell of Detroit Camp Auxiliary. Veteran of the home town. His congenial spirit service. Mr,. (’. E. Wheaton and Mr,. nex members to he held January Stuart, daughter. Nellie, and son. Alice Lorall were liiHtalled a, of 22. when the club meet, nt the dinance providing for the refund­ who Is visiting at the home of Hpanish-Amerlcan war. presented and his willingness to assist others Frank; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lax- fleers of Ihe Willamette Court, home of Mr,. Paul Bnsford. This ing bonds due In February, and for her daughter, Mrs, Chas. Wilson. Mrs Myrtle Egglmann with a gold has caused him to be the subject LICENSE NEEDED ton and son. Junior; Mr. and Mrs. of many Interviews and newspaper which a bond Issue is now being Order nf Amaranth, at their meet­ will he an evening meeting. Fifty guests from Eugene and national auxiliary pin Haturday at FOR DOGS IN 1932 J. B. Ernest and Donnagene; Mr. ing held In the Masonic temple In advertised. Tills was ordered by Hprlngfleld were invited for the the Initiation ceremonies held at the articles. and Mrs. Bias of Eugene; Mr. and Eugene Monday evening. Mrs, the residents at a special election afternoon. Mrs. Hubert Bias, and Mrs. P. Her­ Eugene armory. The pin was pre­ More than 100 dog licenses have Wheaton became the standard LEGION SEWING CLUB und wn, only a legal formality. been issued at the office of W. B. rington. Assisting the hostesses were Mrs. sented In recognition of Mrs. Eggl- P. T. A. TO MEET AT bearer, and Mrs. Lornh was ap­ PLANS MEET FRIDAY Games and stunts were enjoyed Larson Wright. Mrs. Levi Neet. inann's having completed six years LINCOLN ON FRIDAY Dillard, county clerk this year. This pointed to the office of Charity. during the evening. of active duty in this office. She is about the same ratio as was is­ Mrs. Waller Gossler. Mrs. Lawr­ MARY VIOLA JAMES A (lance and refreshments follow Members of Ihe sewing rlub of the A called meeting of the Spring- sued at this time last year. These ence Moffitt. Mrs. Walter Hcott was re-elected recently to fill the DIED ON SATURDAY Hprlngfleld American Legion auxi­ ed the Inatallallon ceremonies. post for her seventh year. field Parent Teacher association are the state dog licenses which HOME MISSION GROUP and Mrs. C. E. Wheaton poured. liary will hold their first meeting will be held at the Lincoln school are issued through the various Mrs. Mary V. James, 37, died at TAKES CANDY TO POOR STUDENTS CONDUCT ”f th<’ v<,Br |,’rl,l“v B* ,l"' hom*' of the Uahkosh Mill, Saturday. She WENDLING PLAYERS Friday afternoon at the request of counties. A person living in a city Mrs. W. H. Pollard It was decided CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR which has a dog license ordinance Mrs. Ella Lombard, vice-president. Members of the Home Mission SERVICES AT CHURCH at the regular meeting of Ihe auxl- wn, born al Pendleton in 1396, and DEFEAT BIKE RIDERS ELECTS NEW OFFICERS The program .will be under the di­ needs also buy the latter license society of the Methodist church i llary nienihers held al Fall Creek I, survived by her husband, Earl rection of Roy Qulney, principal, If they have already purchased the made candy and took It to the Lane Miss Edna Pepper and Donald | w,„,k Mr„ w ,>1(Mler- „ gol(1 James; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Comrade basketball team of Miss Mary Hadley was elected and will be along educational lines, one from the county. county poor farm for the Inmates Saunders, members of the Wesley star mother who recently visited lu II. Palmer, Farmington. Washing­ Wendllng Tuesduy evening defeat­ Sunday afternoon. foundation group al the University, France, told of her trip at the ton; one step-daughter. Ruby Bar­ ed the Dlnty Bike club team 27-25 president of the Christian Endea­ It has been announced. LIONS WILL ATTEND The candy was made from sup­ conductor the Epworth league ser­ meeting. A pot luck dinner was ker; and five brothers and three In a fast, close fought game. The vor of the Christian church at their, plies not used at the taffy pull vices at the Methodist church Bun­ held with the Legion members sisters. She was a member of the bicycle riders held a lead In the meeting Sunday evening. Barbara SCOUT COUNCIL HOLDS COTTAGE GROVE MEET Adams Is the new vice president, party which members of Mrs. A. B. day evening. ANNUAL MEET TONIGHT prior In the meet-lug. and dancing Christian church. The body was scoring during the entire game un­ and Esther McPherson Is the sec­ Miss Dorothy Nyland, rellRlou, and gnmes were enjoyed after the shipped by the Poole-Uray-Bartholo- til Ihe third quarter which they A delegation of members from Van Valzah's Sunday school class inew chapel to Farmington where entered with a lead of 6 points retary-treasurer, William McLean education director for the founda­ Iw.o meetings, Election of officers for the Coun­ the Springfield Lions cluh will go held at her home last week. Ihe funeral service was held on The Junior riders defeated the is the social promoter. A business ty Boy Scout Council will be held to Cottage Grove tonight at the tion, and Francisco Tiihhun hail meettlng of the C. E. was held at Monday. tonight at a dinner meeting to be invitation of that group. W. F. LINCOLN BALL TEAM younger Wendllng team 23-13 In c h a r g e of the evening service. HOME-MAKING TALKED the church Tuesday evening. which consisted of addresses and held at the Osburn hotel. Repres­ Walker, district governor, will a preliminary game. TO PLAY ON FRIDAY AT TWO MEETINGS musical numbers. entatives will be present from Ben­ make his official visit at that time. QUARTET SINGS FOR ton, Lincoln and Linn counties. D. B. Murphy and Veltle Pruitt The Lincoln school eighth grade SCHOOL WILL HAVE Two home-makers meetings wore EVANGELISTIC SERVICE WARREN D. SM ITH TO These counties have been united were appointed Joint tall twisters basketball team will play the Pleas­ CHURCH CLASS HAS held this week by Miss Gertrude ADDRESS BROTHERHOOD WASHINGTON PROGRAM with Lane In the formation of a at the luncheon meeting Friday. ant Hill team at Pleasant Hill on The Murphy-Moshler quartet of PARTY ON MONDAY L. Hkow, county demonstration larger Boy Scout district. Friday. Efforts are being made to agent. She was assisted by Mrs. the Christian church provided sev­ Observations on a trip to South A program In conjunction with SPRINGFtELD PASTOR schedule a game with the Woodrow Members of *1rs. Dean C. Poln Zelta Roden wold, state specialist eral musical numbers last Thurs­ America will he told Monday even­ the national observation of the bi­ dexter's Bunday school class of In home mnklng from Corvallis. day evening at the revival service ing a, the monthly meeting of tha centennial of the birth of George PRISCILLA CROUP AT WENDLING SUNDAY Wilson school In Eugene In the near future. the Methodist church were guests They held their first meeting In which Is being held at the Christian Men’s Brotherhood of the Metho­ Washington will be held at the MEETING IS TODAY Rev. F. S. dento will preach the 1 at a party held In the church par­ this illklrlet Tuesday morning at church In Eugene. A large number dist church by Warren D. Smith, Brattain school on a date yet to be Cute Hand—T. C. Johnson who Members of the Priscilla club morning nermon at the Wendllng lors Monday evening at 7:30 10 o'clock nt Ihe home of Mrs. E. Y. of members of the church met at professor of geology at the univer­ selected. Programs are being ar­ o'clock. Mrs. W.ll. Pollard and Hwlft nt Pleasant Hill. That after­ the Moshier home that evening and sity who last year made an extend­ ranged In many schools and by will be entertained this afternoon Methodist church In the absence I, employed nt the gaa plant in Eu Miss Dorothy Mao Poller assisted noon nt 1:30 they met a group at attended the evangelistic services ed trip to that region. many organisations In cooperation at the home of Mrs. J. M. Larson, of Rev. Jefferson who will be In gene suffered a had cut on hl, hand P. J. Bartholomew Tuesday night while at work. Sev­ the hnsless. This class Is made up the Lowell high school and dis­ In a group. Members of the quar­ The regular 6:30 dinner will be with the George Washington bi­ hostess. Games, stunts and refresh­ Hprlngfleld. nf Junior and senior high school cussed schedules for home am, tet are Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Murphy served by ladles of the church be­ centennial commission authorised ments will occupy the afternoon for will go to Wendllng with Rev eral stitches were necessary to close the wound. Imine-making. and Mrs. and Mrs. Roland Moshier. fore the address by the visitor. dem o. ■ tudenti. the members and guests. by congress. Ed ÍUGENE MAN OUT FOR SCHOOL JOB WALLACE FUNERAL HELD WEDNESDAY PIANO RECITAL SET FOR JAN. 22 LE. PASSES MONDAY City Employees Retain Offices