OIL S O U 1« CITY TURN DOWN MRS. BARNARD FETED MANY AT RECEPTION U ts u i n i n U n i ON NEW YEAR S DAY One hundred and fifty people, ' member» of the Methodist Kpisco- j pal church of Springfield, and other friend» of Rev and Mr«. Dean C Standard Oil Plant at Second ■ Poindexter, called at their home ! Friday afternoon during the open and Main Streets Disap­ house hour« of 3 to 5 o'clock. pear* During Week-end Mrs. W. K Barnell sang a vocal 1 solo and was accompanied at the Rasing of the Standard Stations. piano by Mrs. Bernice Neher Find Inc., service station at Second and ley. Mrs. Findley also played a Main streets was completed here number of piano solos during the this week Every vestige of the afternoon. former gasoline station has been removed and the lot very neatly Mrs. W C. Rehhan and Mrs. I’. cleaned up. Even a new sidewalk J. Bartholomew were In the dining has replaced the long driveway of room and preside,! over the tea the station. tables. The station was built In 192$ for Mrs. Wm. G. Hughes, assisted by the Standard Oil company and was |ler daughter. Elisabeth. Miss Doris operated for the greater part of Myers, and Mrs Ralph Fullerton, the time by Virgil Jones. | had charge of the serving Reasons for the action of the Rev. and Mrs. Poindexter re­ owners of the station have not been ceived the visitor» and were assist­ given to the public, but It is under­ ed by Mrs. W. H. Pollard. Mrs. R. stood that they are following a P. Mortensen, and Mrs Frank Bar similar procedure in other places tholomew. where they have already or con­ Mrs. N. W. Emery, Mrs. Willis template the disposition of proper Bertsch, and Mrs. William Burch ties which they have on leased had charge of the kitchen for the ground. One station in Eugene was afternoon. raxed last week-end, and another at Creswell has been torn down • and moved to Westfir on the upper DRIVER’S EXAMS FOR Willamette highway. COUNTY SCHEDULED HUNTLYS HAVE GUESTS State examinations for automo­ FOR DINNED FRIDAY bile drivers' and chauffeurs’ been ses will be given to residents of this district starting today. They are being given at the City Hall in Eugene by Glenn Bown. state ex- amiuer between the hours of $ and 5. He will be io Eugene on Thursday. Friday aud Saturday of this week, and again on January 21, 22. and 23. Visits to other parts of the coun ty will be as follows: Junction City January 16 and 30; Cottage Grove, January IS; Florence, February 26. Donald and Gerald Kahler who April 28; Oakridge. January 28 are teaching in southern Oregon left for their schools Sunday. Janu­ LEGION ADOPTS NEW ary 3. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Tinker PRICES FOR DANCES aad family went to Eugene Satur­ Effective at the semi-monthly day. January 2. where R. H. Spear of Portland, district sales manager dance Saturday night, all dances of the Willys-Overland company sponsored by the Springfield Am presented Mrs. Tinker with a erican Legion post number 40 at the Willys-Overland sedan which she Thurston hall will cost those at­ won in the recent Willys-Overland tending them 50 cents. This is a national slogan contest. The car decrease of 25 cents from the form­ was left in the Willys-Overland gar er 75 cent scale used, announces J. age on display until Wednesday ol ■ M. Larson, finance officer for the post. this week Mr. and Mrs. William Laird of J A very nice crowd attended the Spokane. Wash., were guests of Post’s annual New Year's eve car­ Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Laird and fam­ nival dance at Thurston last Thurs ily Thursday. They are on their day evening. way to Long Beach. California, to spend the winter. Miss Emma Olson, who has em­ PASTORS ATTEND MEET ployment in Eugene spent New AT ALBANY TUESDAY Year's at her home at Pleasant Four Methodist ministers of this Hill. Mies Arlene Mitchell who has district. Rev. S. D. Trefren. Cres­ employment In Portland spent a well; Rev. Jefferson, Wendling; few days during the holidays with Rev. Clemo, and Rev. and Mrs. D. her parents at Coast Fork. Satur­ C. Poindexter. Springfield, attended day evening her mother entertain­ a meeting of churcb officials of this ed a number of her friends in her district at Albany Tuesday. honor. Rev. and Mrs. Poindexter pro- A baby girl was born to Mr. and ceeded on to where he conducted Mrs. Chester Wheeler of Albany a funeral for a member of his form- Sunday. December 27. The little er charge at Hood River. one weighed 8*/« pounds and has i been canted Shirley-Ann. Mrs Wheeler was formerly Daisy Ben- ' MISSION GROUP HAS nett of Cottage Grove and Mr. MEETING ON TUESDAY Wheeler lived at Trent. Mrs. Emma Olson was hostess at Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mauney of Jasper are the parents of a baby her home Tuesday for the regular monthly meeting of the members girl born December 26. of the Women’s mossionary so­ ciety of the Methodist church. Mrs. W. F. Walker had charge of the program during the afternoon. Plans were made at the meeting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bonney and for a George Washington anniver­ son from Klamath Falls visited at sary dinner to be given at the John Edmlston's last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. James Calvert and church on February 19. Admission daughter. Dora, from Junction City was set at 35 cents each and the visited relatives here and attend dinner will be open to the public. ed the Baugh golden wedding an­ niversary here last week. Coach is III Mrs. Oscar McMahon has been Norval May. basketball coach at ill with flu for several days. ' the high school 4s ill today and is Roy Calvert from Junction City no, able to meet his classes. spent Sunday with his brother, I Harvey Calvert here. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Harbit and : Visits at Home — Miss Clara sons from Vaughn attended church Wagner, commercial teacher at the services and visited relatives here high school spent the holidays at last Sunday. the home of her parents at Cor- Last Sunday a large crowd at- vallis. tended the lecture on Egypt given ----- by Rev. E. V. Stivers at the church. I The next lecture will be given the first Sunday in February, on Rome; and Italy. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Huntly enter­ tained at their home Friday with a New Year's dinner having as their guests. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Pohl and children. Virginia and Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Movis Morton. Gilbert Wilcox, Miss Doris Graham, and Mr. nad Mrs. Gatch Bolton of Cor­ vallis. I Upper Willamette i *— ---------------------- ♦ Thurston T h ese Càiri» Are fa sh io n ex p erts luiet* UVb tM OUi* U«sj *U dull«» OL uer On HiukLV t««t> Vv U tnnt a lor Mr», jenuic txitiAi'U ou Mouda,. She attended a uauit- kerchief shower at the Baptist church lu the alteiuoon and tnal evening was houor guest at a galh ering out at Garden Way. Members ot the Rebekah lodge, of which she has been a member siuee 1915. also planned a party in her honor, but failed to have their guest present. Mrs. Barnard was born in New York on January 4. 1882 and moved to Kansas in 1885. She was married to F. F. Barnard while living in New York In 1900 they moved to Oregon. Two of her brothers served in Ihc Civil war. Letter Heads Office Forms Hand Bills Statements Blotters Envelopes Menus, etc. Here’s How I Serve More and Save More New Store - New Stock Offices: 119 E. Broadway, STOCK UP EUGENE. OREGON and SAVE JANUARY CLEARANCE Women’s Footwear Hard W heat, 49 Lb. Sack 49 Lb. Hack BROKEN SIZES VALUES TO $4.98 1 .39 ALL SIZES IN THE LOT SWEET CHOCOLATE 1 Pound Tins SEE THE8E P IC T U R E S Sunday — Monday Charles F arrell — Madge Kennedy “HEART BREAK” Tuesday — Wednesday Clive Brook — Peggy Shannon “SILENCE" Thursday — Friday JOHN GILBERT “ W est of Broadw ay” 2i/o Cans, Each 95c McKENZIE BLEND FLOUR VALUES TO $3.98 7 8 c pr. CAL SPIN SPINACH DALLED DIAMOND FLOUR CROUP 1 GROLIP 2 Willamette Press Pet« Becker Meet* Wisconsin Boy in Forty-Five Minute Preliminary Event CIVIC CLUB 10 HDLDjLECTOH Tickets At The BLEU-REAGAN 10 TUSSLt FRIMY Mr anil Mrs. D. (I. Baugh of Thurston. Sunday observed I heli ' The many S| rlngfleld sport fan» Golden Wedding uiililverslary with who saw the Robin Heed Pul Rea a large noon dinner for inimedlate .tin wrestling match ul the Eugene members of the family, and (lie armory last week were pleased tills afternoon and evening were given week when they heard the iiniioiiii over to meeting their many friends ....... lhal the same two genlle- and nelghlmrs who gathered to fell inetil will lie given another chance cllate the early l ane county sel L. F Shuey. K7, is «lili repon mg it show their stuff. Hers. I at si week Reagan was pilled the urtare,ling» ul ihr I S Seitille Mr llaugh presented his wife in »n, trOuml Hr 1» » I i\il W m ugulnsl Heed, present holder of the vrtcrau with a gold ring In connneinora World's welterweight belt. In u lion of their fiftieth anniversary. belt contest. He cnuld mu make the Mr. aud Mrs Baugh were mar 14b weight limit demanded by the rled mt January 2. 1882 al Raphoe. I Japanese Connnander_J rhanipalon who refused to post the Nebraaka. Mrs. Baugh was form belt under oilier conditions. The erly Miss Rita Sianhle. She was match was held hut II,«' lieli was horn in Wisconsin lu August 1869 not al slake Mr Buugh was born lu Septem­ Reagan ,-on,plained that the ber. 1859. being Jusl one inonlh weight Imposition whs a handicap older than his wife He was horn In hint and llie wreallers have The (our 4-H Club girls who won the national Style Show champion­ in laindou. England. agreed to battle again Friday night ships. wearing the clothes they made themselves. Lett to right The couple came Io Oregon In ( at catch weight without posting the Helen Louise Thomas. Amesville. Ohio, semi tailored silk dress, hell Reagan halls from Gasper. Yonkelowitr, Hoopestown. 111 . tailored wool dress; l - o w s r • 19(i:l from Hyamis, Nebraska, and ’ Demonstration Agent to Give Buchanan. Georgia, cotton school dress. Mary ^ a r l« . Ashtaid, Mam^, have realded on their farm near Wyoming. and Heed makes Ills informal party dress Each girl gets a tree tour to the S £ m e so f Thurston since that lime. Talk at Next Meeting Sche­ I home al Reedsport History and Annette, the grand national champion, gets a trip to Europe | Pete Becker, Salt latke City Two children. Ray Baugh. Thurs duled for January 12 ton. and Mrs William Culver or Eu fighter-wreatler. ami Jimmie King, nene, and two grandchildren, Hurry I Wisconsin lad. will appear In a New officers for the Springfield HUGH BOWEN PASSES and Klin Buugh. are living and I fast 4b minute preliminary event. Women’s Civic Improvement club MONDAY MORNING were presettl Salurday. ' This Is King's firs, visit to Eugene. for the year 1932 will be elected ■ Both are reported •<> he lough and at the next meeting to be held at Hugh Bowen, resident of Route I rough and the mulch should be In­ the Community hall on Tuesday 1. Springfield, died at the Pacific MANY WILL ATTEND evening. January 12. Mrs. C. E. Christian hospital Monday morn Lieutenant General Sht*eru ILsijo, teresting Wheaton has been president of the ing following a short illness. Mr. ENESCO CONCERT SUN. uead «I Japan's army m South Manchuria, where an imitation waa GRAVESIDE SERVICES Bowen was born at Monroe. Ore­ club for the past two years. it "jit’T on. Special Admission Set at 28 Cents Also scheduled on the program gon. March 17. 1873. and moved ARE HELD SATURDAY For General Public; Reserved for the evening will be a talk on with his parents to Lebanon a few Seats Sell For SO Cente home improvement work by Miss years later. TOWN TEAM TAKES Graveside services were held at Gertrude Skew. Lane county home In 1906 he met and married the Laurel lllll cemetery Saturday WIN OVER WENDLING Thousands of lathe county people demonstration agent. Miss Skow Christine Clem. They moved to Al­ ul 10:30 for Luther Herrington. will be given un opportunity Sun­ will talk on the subject. "The berta, Canada, in 1917. and return Springfield's first string town' away in Klamath Falls day afternoon Io heur Georges Eli House You Live In. baskethull leant won from the first on Monday. December 38, 1931 Mr. ed to make their home at Eugene esco, world famous Rumanlun vlo string of Wendling in a double- Herrington formerly lived In Thurs­ — --------------- in 1924. residing there until a year Uniat, when he uppears lu concert header Monday night, by u score of ton, having moved to Klamath -SILENCE" IS THRILLING a*° when m<’ved ,he,r Urm at McArthur court In Eugene al 29-19 The second siring of visitors Falla five yeara ago. home near this city. 3 o’clock under the auspices of defeated the local second team 30 MELODRAMA AT REX He leaves his widow. Mrs. Christ- Il,- was horn In Michigan June lhe Associated Students. 13. The lineups for I he first game 20. 1869. and came to Oregon In ine Bowen; two daughters. Mrs. "Silence." which a few years ago j eIlsen junction City; and tlf special interest to local pro- i were as follows. ! 1913. He la survived by his wife, thrilled Broadway audiences on the Mrg Claude Bryant. Eugene; one pie will be the announceiiienl that Sprlngtlcld Wendling Mrn |,,.rtha Herrington, at Klam stage. has been brought to the grandaon. one sister. Mrs. Effie j (he concert will be open to the l Prochnow, 14 F Stolberg 2 alh pgR*; three aims. C. K Her- screen by Paramount under the di- gt Clair. Cottage Grove, and two general public at an admission I Cox. 2 F Nell i ,|„gt(,|, Klamath Falls; C. W. Her- rectioo of Max Marcin, its author brothers, Harry Bowen. Monroe, Mehl 1 1 ringt.,,, ,,f Detroit. Michigan; S A C charge of 25 cents and 50 cents for , Krnstlng 8 and Louis Gasnier. and will show an(J Djck Bowen Minnehlck. Al reserve,! seats A large number of I Huffman 2 G Cox 10 u^rfington. Cleveland, Ohio; two Springfield people iiave Indicated . Sharon at the Rex Tuesday. berta. Canada. U . Crow daughtera. Mrs William Henson of that they will take advantage of Substitutes Nice The thrilling melodrama which Funeral services were held from Perkins I. Thurston; Mrs. Hubert Gray, of litis unusual opportunity. Everett Squires, referee. has stood the test of time has been ,be Poole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel I Thurston, and several grandchll- filmed with Clive Brook playing j„ g Ugeue on Wednesday afternoon dren and other relatives. Rev K. Enesco Is scheduled io arrive In the role which H. B. Warner made at » o’clock. Rev. Workman or Mar V. Slivers officiated, Vealch fit- Eugene late Saturday night direct Power Man Im p ro v *! famous on the stage. Marjorie Rant- Cola officiated and interment was , neral home was In charge of the from New York where he lutided beau and Peggy Shannon have the made in the new j. o. O. F. ceme arrangement. from Paris Monday. He is making The condition of E, W- Albers, The Home-Run King wen, hunt­ his first Pacific coast appearance chief feminine parts, and handsome tery. superintendent of (he Mountain ing at Camp Bryan, N. C-, and Charles Starrett. who played oppo­ brought in a deer to prove that he in Eugene, and will go to Portland States Power plant, who was In­ V laita from Prospect site Mariam Hopkins in "Fast and UNIVERSITY GROUP TO ran shoot as well as bat Monday where he will uppear with jured while at work Saturday Is Hal Miller, employed at Prospect Loose,” carries the Juvenile role. the Portland Symphony orchestra CONDUCT SERVICES much belter today it 1» reported. Is In Springfield now visiting with that evening as guest artist. "Silence ” As the story of a likable Mr. Albers humped his head while his family which maintains their and handsome crook whose crimes Enesco was a child prodigy. working Saturday and for u while "Light That Saves” will be the CHURCH GROUPS PLAN horn,' here. bring ruin and death to the woman sabject 0{ tbe morning service at BOX SOCIAL EVENTS He wns entered In the Vienna con­ It was feared that he hnd been he loves. His daughter, while a tJje Methodist church Sunday. Rev. servatory at the age of seven. At seriously Injured. baby, is taken from him and Dts and falls in love with Madge PARTY TO BE FRIDAY Evans, an Austrian countess, a come a reduced income and won a "Don't you know your way charity fete for the benefit of dis- th|g (own, asked the sar- Husbands will be guests of the title of ‘good manager* from my hus­ abled heroes in the progress as the q|> ladies at a party Friday evening picture opens. ,.N o „ angWered Mr. Chuggins, which Mr. and Mrs. Floyd B. Flan band. 9 t Under the vari colored lights are ( )( you ery are giving for members of the, “This store has the best stock of fortune-telling booths. I uni j don't suppose I'd have gotten mixed Needlecraft club. The affair will lie Judy shows, a gypsy band in up in it. do you?” —Washington held at the Flattery home at Fifth goods in the country, arranged so you colorful native dress, strolling Aus and 11 streets. Star. trian and Prussian officers witih can sec exactly what you are buying. beautiful Viennese companions, and It's a pleasure Io buy where you know everywhere a forced gaiety and laughter meant to conceal the pain you can save and still get quality gro­ in their hearts, that they cannot ceries.” quiet. 77 E. BROADWAY BuBinesg Cards [ Stenographer 64 Y rn rs ~j Mj. mid Mt*. D. O Baugh Hnd Been Married Fifty Year*; Friend* Congratulate Williams’ Seit Service Store Test You Forget’ Thurston Couple Has Anniversary ........ 89c 28c CLASSIC W HITE LAUNDRY SOAP in Bars 25c ....... 9C H ad) LAOGA RIPE OLIVES 9c Tall Cans ARMOUR’S VERIBEST CORN BEEF « 15C No. I Can KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES BULK SHORTENING 3 Pounds 10c HEINZ TOMATO JUICE ................ 25c Irish-Murphy Co. Springfield, Oregon 28c • f<» Get the Irish-Murphy Habit— It Pays! Phone 22