THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1»S2 THB SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TURKI W alteevllle Resident Haro— H N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R * HI a t H»«a» ■Z T. Klntalet la re­ Nollue la hereby glveu that th e ! C. Page of W altervllle was a busi­ ported to be III at his home this undersigned baa bean duly appoint-I ness visitor In Springfield on Tues­ week. ad executor of the eatate of luiulaa day. Mr» M J Mi-Kiln will entertain Mulkey, deceaaed, and any and all Leaves tor Salem— C. A Kirk members of tha Naw League at her peraona hawing claims agalnat the Visitor from California — Miss left Wednesday morning for Salem horn« Haturday afternoon with a aald «state are hereby required to Lowsll Rssident Haro — H F. I Dorothy Depew of Oltroy. Caltfor where he will spend a few days Coes to Portland — George P. present aald clalme, duly verified ona o'clock luncheon Tha aftarnoon aa by law required, at the law office Hoffman left Friday for Portland Schul« of Lowell was a business j ,,|g. t , vi.iting with Mr. and Mrs. visiting with friends. , will ha »pant with «mil«a and olhar of II E. Hlattary. Attorney, Hulte New Business and Improve- on business visitor In Springfield on Monday. Carl Aiken of thia city. 10, 717 W illamette Htreet, Eugene, I i entertainment. Admitted to Hospital— C. A. Lo­ Program Stressed Winberry Man Here — Vern Oregon, In Lane County, Oi«gon,| ment Mine C laim Filed — Robert K. Boy Released— Jackie Kolllas of gan of Fall Creek waa admitted to within alx months from the data During Bueinees Slump Huahnell Haturday filed on two Hucka of Winberry was a visitor F all Creek was dismissed from the the Eugene hospital for treatment TO W H O M IT M A Y C O N C E R N N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T of thia notice. q u a rti mine claim« In the Fall In Springfield Monday. Eugene hospital Sunday. He lias on Tuesday. Dated and first published Dec­ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF I will mil bo r«»pon»lblc (or uny ''The electric and «aa utilities Creek district. T lllfi H TATE OF OREGON FOR ember 24, 1*31, Haa Operation— Mrs. Elmer Feg been a patient there for several at the proper vouchers, within six mouths made to retain operatic« personnel Di. aim Mrs. W illiam Foster. vllle were visitors In Springfield borne of Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Rebhan Guests Leave— Mr. and Mrs. P. C. undersigned ha. been »P»H’>»‘ ed K l „,.u, o, und from tbe 24th day of December, Intact, endeavoring constantly to Saturday. Eiacutrl« of the Estate of Mary T<1. UlUHtl, u| K, , „ j „ . upUlne Koot> 1*31, to the said administrator at effect efficiencies aud e< on unies In Returns to Home— Mrs. Clifford M iller who have been house guests Returns from California Mr. Aun llamea, dei-eaaad, by the Comi the law office of L. L. Ray, In the deceased, and of har »aid ealata operating methods rather than to j Move to Cottage Grove— Mr. and Bryan and infant baby born Christ­ of Mr. and Mrs. D. C Ogilvie left and Mrs. W ilfred Cook and family, I , c u i . I Hl L a n e C o u n ty . O re g o n , ouullfled aa am h All Mluer Building, Eugene, Oregon. Mrs. Harvey Taylor moved to Cot­ mas day. were dismissed from the Wednesday morning for Sacra- and Mr. Cook's brother, Robert, C. A. PRYOR, Administrator of curtail wages and employment ....... having claim again. 'he aald ««tale are hereby notified «•»•»« , «gainst They have Eugene hospital Haturday and re­ mento, California, wbere they will returned the end of the week from the estate of W illiam H. Roach, "Throughout 1*30 and 1*31 every tage drive Monday. ... " , , „ , »aid estate are hereby required to deceased praaent the win,a duly verified rPr,flad stop for a short while before pro- Richmond. California, where they branch of Industry searched dell- been residents of Springfield for turned to their home here. '¿‘. • • “ T w ' i ! ' i * 1" ' proper vo u ch .r. attached. to L. L. RAY. Attorney for Estate. ceedlng on to Missouri, their old have been visiting during the holl gently for optimistic signs, with several years. Wall« A W a ll., tank of < • » « • « • « j ul „ « Maln .treat, (D 24 31- J 7 14 21) Tonsils Removed — Mrs. H. E. home, wbere they inland to live. days. »mull success, lu my opinion, 1(321 HhU . Kugens, l a w w i l y , ( re H , (> w„ hia „ „ Portland People Hera— Mr. and Wilks of Wendllng underwent a Mint w it h in a l * in n iith a f r o m I hit K » will see an upturn, for really hope I gnu. within «1« Ilion I ba from the Mrs. Del Hinson of Portlaud spent minor operation for the removal uf month« from the dutu of thl» no N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’ * SA LE data of lit« flrat publication of thia ful signs of underlying Improve lice, the aama being «luted uud pul> REAL PROPERTY New Year’s eve In Springfield at her tonsils at the office of a local notice. ment, however slight, were evident llatied tbe flrat tlm« thia the 17tb the home of hla parents. Mr. and physician on Tuesday. NO TIC E la hereby given that by Data of flrat publication, Dec. 10, day of December, 1*31. virtue uf an • xecutlon and order of durlug the last two months of 1*31 Mrs. Fred Hinson. 1031. BERTHA W ETZEL, Executrix. I. M. PETERHON, Executor of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court In the territories server) a notable j Returns to Portland— Mr. and WELCH A WELCH, Attorney«. Collects Bounty— Harold Hart of the luiNt W ill und Tealamelit of the State of Oregon for l-ane Improvement tri prices and demand _______( I) 10 17 24 31— J 7)_______; uf Ellen Joaephlne Root, De- County this 6th day of I)ecember, for farm products, especially dairy Springfield, Route 2, Saturday col­ Mrs. E. C. M iller returned to Port­ 1*31, upon und pursuunt to a decree land Saturday after having spent ceaaed. duly glveu aud made by said Court and poultry products, was Indicated lected *3 county bounty on a female the holidays here at the home of (D 17 24 31— J 7-14) N O T IC E this 1st day of December, 1*31, In during these last two months. Rel­ coyote at the office nt the county Mrs. Miller's father. Dr. W. C. Reb­ OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T a ault pending therein In which B. ier conditions were reported parti­ clerk. N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SA L E ON It. Brundage wan plaintiff and E. C. han. Notice 1« hereby given that the E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E Simmons aud Mina Simmons, bis cularly In the agricultural districts Returns from California— Verne underalgned, Frank J. Hly, Execu­ Notice la hereby given that by wife. Herman liurguyne und Jessie of the Pacific Northwest and In Returns to School— Mias Shirley tor of the Ratal« of Emma A. Hly, ¡virtue of an Execution and Order llurgoyne, his wife, were defend I Minnesota and North Ibikota. In- Gerber, son of Mr. and Mr». H. E. Drew returned to Monmouth where returned Friday from deceased, hua filed hla Final Re of Hale In Foreclosure, laaued out ants, which execution and order o f , creased prices for oil are aiding Gerber, she is attending school Monday. port und Account aa such Executor , of tha Circuit Court of lauie County, Stockton. California, where be has sale waa to me directed and com . p,.tro|,,utn producing territories, with the Clerk of the County Court | Oregon, on the 23rd day of Decern mantled me to sell tbe real pro Miss Drew has been a guest of . . . been for the past few months. uf lull,« County, Oregon, and that ber, 1*31, In a ault wherein on the pert) hereinafter described to sat - »” •» improvement. Is therefore be- Miss Barbara Adams during the Haturday, the 16th day of January, 32ud day uf December, 1831, tu »aid Isfy certain liens and charges in Ing shown In those sections where Returns to School— Jack Jackson past week. 1832. at IU 00 h i lock In the fore-1 court The Riverview inveatment said decree specified, 1 will on j electricity ts employed extensively left Saturday for Corvallis where noon In tha County Court Room In Co. recovered Judgment agalnat the Friday the 8th dayjrf January.^1832., jn ,|,e production and distribution he Is attending school after haring Injures Leg— Leonard Boggs ot the Court Horn,« at Eugene. Ore defendant» Arthur W lckwlre, Annu at tbe hour ol 10 o'clock, A. M, «on, haa been aet by the Hon C. P. ! Wlckwlre, Deuniua W lckwlre and at the southwest door ol the Coun­ of oil. Another favorable factor In spent the holidays here with his Marcola sustained an Injury to Itarnard, Judge uf »aid Court, aa Grace W lckwlre for the sum of ty Court House In Eugene, Lane ■ he general situation Is the fact I parents. his leg Saturday when he was the time and place of hearing oh- Three Tbouaand Hix Hundred Hlxty County. Oregon, offer for sale and that there were fewer bank failures' struck with a hook he was handl­ Jedluna to the aaine. and for the four and 34 100 1*3664.34) Dollar» sell at public auction for cash, sub Returns to School— Mias Elisa­ ing. He is employed at Fischer's final seulement of said estate. I and for the further aum of *243.86 Ject to redemption as provided by toward the end of the year, and beth Hughes, daughter of Mr. and mill. FRANK J. HLY, Executor. Dollars as Interest thereon, and for ¡aw a„ o, , he rlgh,. llt |e and inter that hoarding decreased. All these A W Et.LH A W ELLS, Attorneys. tbe further sum of Four (*400.00) eat of the defendants In aald ault evidences of better general bust Mrs. W. G. Hughes, left Monday 1 house In Eugene, Lane Couuty. Ore- -------- - . , _ _ L IA B IL IT IE S OF NEW YEAR DINNER goo. offer for sale and sell for cash. ttnct to re- an Maid t n . . nir ths*ro. 3,450.00 demptlon, a . provided by law, a l l ! '»'h. 1*31. In » »»“ .P«“ ??“ « the^ Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Lewis enter­ Surplus __________________________— PLACE. At the millsite formerly owned by The Eugene Transit 4.136.95 Undivled profits—net .......................... . of the right, title und Interest of I in ln b *■,em tained at their home Friday with a Milling Co. Go to the end of West Second St. and 6.250.00 Circulating notes outstanding the said defendants Arthur Wick *<*» * • Were„ ? S “ I .Vie,, t a turn to the right. Office just North of the McDonald FRANK A. DE PUE wire. Anna W lckwlre, Deamus l-utn F Anderson and b ore. ce La New Year's dinuer for a group of Due to banks, including certified and .... 1,117.70 cashier's checks outstanding Wlckwlre. Grace W lckwlre. Beulah Verna Anderson were J « '*-« “ ; their friends. Those present for the A T T O R N E Y A T LA W Lumber CO. ... 110,397.85 Demand deposits ..................................... which execution and order ot sa le, affair were Mr. and Mrs. T. C llar- N O T A R Y P U B L IC Hanson and H. L. Crawford, and all .... 48.638.43 PRICE. U N H EA R D OF PRICES. Absolute Sacrifice. The pro­ I persona claiming by. through, or un , waa Io me •»lre« ‘ *'d and command ker. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Putman and Tim e deposits ...... .............. ....... ..... - ..... .... 10.000.00 Bills Payable and rediscounts ------- --- Spring! isld Sutton ceeds from this lumber go to the lien claimants and tier them or either of them. In and uu‘ t0 . 1 children Marion and Lloyd Shipley, I to the said premises. hereinafter described to satisfy Oregon B u ild ir g they need the money. Cost of Lumber uo considera­ ............. ...... »208,990.93 Total ................................................. H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of Lane certain ,len* ‘ ‘’“¿J1’'8 *“ “ i* and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wills. tion. County. decree specified, 1 will on 8tttnr- State of Oregon. County of Lane, ss: N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T (D 24-31—J 7-14-21) ll“ 30th da,y °.f 1Ja!‘UaAy'M193?,' I. Wm. G. Hughes, president, of tbe above named bank, do solemly TERM S. Cash. __________________ at ihe hour of 1 o clock, 1. M.. at Notice Is hereby given that J. F swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge o iu u n u a ! the southwest door of the Count) Berger has filed in Court Ills final and belief. SUMMONS Court House In Eugene. Lane Coun- FRED KA RDELL. trustee W M . G. HUGHES. President. OF ALL KINDS as administrator of the IN THK CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ,y Oregon, offer for sale and sell account Correct— A ttest: A. R. Sneed, L. K. Page, Paul Hadley, Directors. fo r Lien Claimants. Quick Delivery STA TE OF OREGON, FOR public auction for cash, subject estate of W llllum 11. Herbert, de ceased, and that said account will Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of January, 1932. L A N E CO UNTY redemption as provided by law, Phone Springfield 121-M ocme before the County Court ill (S E A L ) FRAN K A. DePUE, N o U ry Public for Oregon. John Truesdale, Mary Truesdale all of tbe right, title und Interest the Court House in Eugene. Ore­ My commission expires January 11. 1932. und James A. Pitts, Plaintiffs, ' of the defendants in said suit and gon. at ten o'clock A. M. of Janu­ of all parties claiming by, through va. ary 8, 1932, for examination and The uuknown heirs of Martin or under them or any of them since allowance. All persons objecting the 22nd day of November. 1931, In Oburslnner, also all other persons thereto should file their objection POOLE - GRAY or parties unknown claiming any or to the following described real as required by law and appear at right, title, estate, Hen or Interest property, to-wlt: BARTHOLO M EW said time nnd place stated. All that particular part and In the real estate described In J. F BERGER. Administrator parcel of land commenting at a the complaint herein, Defend­ if. D. A LLEN . Attorney for Estate point In the West line of the ants. Formerly Walker-Poole Felix 9eott, Jr, Donation Land To the unknown heirs of Martin N O T IC E O F BO NO SALE Claim. Notlf. No. 3266, Claim No. Oberslnner, also all other persons Sealed bids will be received ny 61, Sections 24 and 25. In Town­ or parties unknown claiming any EUG ENE— U th S P R IN G F IE L D ship 17 8. R. 3 West of the W il­ the undersigned until the hour ot right, title, estate. Hen or Inter and Charnelton, 228 Main lamette Meridian, 2184.66 feet (5) Five o'clock. P. M , on Friday, est in the real estate described In the 22nd day of January, 1932. and Telephone 723 Phone 62-J tbe complaint herein, defendants - south of the northwest corner of Immediately thereafter opened by snid donation land claim, for a IN T H E N A M E OF T H E STATE the Connell of (he Town of Spring ^ 3 o NSID€R the healthful convenience of being able to OF OREGON: You are hereby re-1 place of beginning, thence North field, at the Cltv Hall In said Town, 89 degrees 55 minutes East 326.45 qulred to nppear and answer the for the rurcliase of Thirty-five thou­ feet, thence North 6 min. 30" complaint filed against you In the sand dollars (*35.000.00) Town of worm quickly that chiHy corner The discomfort of a cool West 2438.96 feet more or less, ubove entitled suit within four Snrlnrfleld Refunding Bonds, said to the south bank of the McKen- weeks from the date of the first bedroom or bath can be quickly dispelled with the use bonds to be dated February 1. 1932 xle River, thence in a southwest­ bearing Interest at the rate of six publication of this summons and If erly direction tracing the mean of o portable electric heater which can be easily moved you fall to appear or answer for per cent (6% ) per annum. In de­ tier line ot the south bank of nominations of Five hundred dol­ want thereof the plaintiff will take from room to room O r the electric heater can be per­ the said McKenile River to u a decree against you clearing the lars (»5001 each, maturing serially point which would be In the west In numerical order at the rate of title to the following described pre manently installed in the woll line of the said Donation Land Ope thousand, five hundred dollars mlses; The eaRt half of Lots one Claim, If extended, thence south (»1,500) on February 1st In each of and four In Block seven of the tracing what would bo the west the years 1936 to 1939. Inclusive, at Your dealer has either type and a wide variety of ttylex Original Plat of Eugene, Lane line of said Donation Land Claim. the rate of Two thousand dollars County, Oregon, as platted on and sizes to choose from Why not inspect them today? If extended, and tracing the west page 2 of Volume A of the Record (*2,000) on February 1st In each of line of said Donation Land Claim the years *1940 to *1842. Inclusive of Deeds for Lane County, Ore­ 2374.36 foet. more or less, to the nt the rate of Twenty-five hundred gon; that each of you be decreed ’T ’hree straight lines place of beginning, all In Lane dollars (»2.500.001 on February 1st to have no Interest In said premises photographed through and be forever barred from claim -' County, State of Oregon. In enrh of the venrs 1943 and 1944 I t O» Also,'the Interest of defendant and at the rate of Three thousand different bifocal lenses— el Ing any right, title, estate, lien or Intereat therein and such other re- Anderson under and by virtue of dollars (»3,000) on February 1st Dft an ordinary bifocal OR