THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thuraday at Springfield, Lane County. Oregon, by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H E. M AXEY. Editor Entered aa second class matter, February 24. IM3. st the pastutttce. Springfield. Oregon. M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N One Year In Advance ........... $1.75 SII Months THURSDAY. JANUARY 7, t»82 THE 8PR1NGF1ELD NEWS PAOB TWO .......... ............ $10« RATE Three Months Single Copy — .............. 75c ....5c THURSDAY. JANUARY 7. 1»32 BACK TO T H E EARM T h ere w ere 208.000 m ore persons living on fa rm s in America at th e beginning of 1931 th a n th e re w ere at the beginning of 1930, according to th e an n u a l report of th e S ecretary of A griculture. F rom w hat we observed, we should say th a t the increase during 1931 h as been even g re a te r th a n th a t. This is a very significant m ovem ent of population aw ay from industrial c e n te rs and back to th e ru ral regions, w here th e problem of keeping out of th e poor- house is now here nearly so difficult. P erh ap s the m ost in tere stin g conclusion w hich Mr. Hyde draw s from th ese and o th e r figures is th a t th e United S ta te s is ap proaching the stag e of a s ta tio n a ry population. In all but fo u r or five of the big cities th e d e a th ra te today is higher th an th e birth rate. T he com ing g en e ratio n s in America m ust com e from th e farm s. T he se c re ta ry believes th at th e prevention of an ac tu a l decline in th e population of th e nation calls for th e developm ent of gov ern m en tal poli­ cies which will m ake it increasingly possible for a large pro­ portion of o u r people to live in th e co u n try , even th o u g h not wholly dependent on farm in g for th e ir em ploym ent. We m ust say th a t we ag ree w ith Mr. Hyde th a t the dweller in th e sm all tow n, o r on th e farm , is m uch m ore se­ cure so far as the necessities and m ost of th e real coiii- fo rts of life go, th a n m ost of th e people who live in th e cities are. W hen city folks talk as they do about th e terrib le dis­ tress and su ffering of so m any m illions of th eir people who have no jobs and no w ay of feeding o r housing th eir fam i­ lies, th ey are talk in g ab o u t so m eth in g th a t we who live in th e co u n try to w ns and on th e fa rm s only faintly com pre­ hend. It is in tim es of general in d u strial depression like these th at we realize how m uch b e tte r off we a re th a n o u r city cousins. ----------«---------- DO TAXPAYERS VOTE? A proposal to increase th e n u m b er of persons taxed by low ering th e exem ptions is su re to find favor in m any q u arters. It will be supported not m erely as a m eans of in­ creasing revenues but on th e ground th a t it will im prove th e m orale of th e country. As one distinquished S e n a to r put it recently: "T h is co u n try belongs to all of us and a s fa r a s possible all of us ought to co n trib u te to its support. If we had m ore m en and wom en paying th eir sh are of governm ent, how ­ ever sm all th a t share, we should have m ore m en and w om ­ en ask in g w hat becom es of th eir m oney and we need th a t.” We have a population of 120 m illion of w hom ab o u t 60 million are eligible to vote and of w hom less th a n tw o m il­ lion paid a tax on incom es received in 1930. C om pare w ith these figures th e 23 million p asse n g er a u to s reg istered in th e United S tates on D ecem ber 31. 1930, and th e 12 m illion radio sets recorded by th e census of 1930. M ERCHANDISE' T he chief fo rre ste r says saw mill cap acity needs to be limited to cut down over production O ur im pression is w henever production is cut th e wood su b stitu te m a n u fa c ­ tu re r tax es up th e difference, and th e saw mill o p e ra to r is just in th e sam e place he w as before. A vigorous sales policy is the only hope for lum ber even in good tim es. It m ust be m erchandised like any o th er product or else su ffer results. W aiting for people to ru sh into a lum ber yard to buy lum ber is past, but few com e. T he lum ber d ea le r has g e t to go out and sell them both lum ber and a plan for using it. Electric fly paper has been invented. A nother weapon for women to use on th eir husbands. At least th e governm ent is hopeful, w ere sent out this week. Incom e tax blanks Q f e FAMILY / DOCTOR JOHN JOSEPH GAINES M.D T H E NEW YEAR G reetings to all! And, adieu to 1931. You and I, dear reader, have m arked an o th e r m ile-post on o u r trip. W ith th e in erease in speed they seem to show up so m uch fa s t­ er— these m ile-posts. And yet, th ere are precisely as many h o urs in this year as th ere w ere in th e y ear of our Lord, n u m b er one. Its ju st b u sier th a t we are, th a ts all. So busy we d o n ’t notice th e passing of time. Every d ep artm en t of science h as m ade strides during th e past year; m edicine h as progressed too. I think I can break up a cold now m uch qu ick er and clean er than I have ever done before. Ju st put my p atien t to bed for ONE DAY, and give him a tab let every hour until perspiration s ta rts freely. T h a t’s all th ere is to It. And he m ight get well as fast with a tum blerful of ho t w a te r every hour, instead of th e sw eatin g tablet. But then, th e p a tie n t w ouldn’t feel like he was being tre a te d properly unless he had a little m edi­ cine, now, would he? And 1 have learned to he skeptical ab o u t GERMS h am ­ m ering down th e enam el of te e th — th e h a rd e st sub stan ce in th e hum an s tru c tu re . N ecrosis of hone tak es place w hen n u tritio n is cut off by violence, plugged canals and o th er causes. C hances are, germ s have noth in g w hatever to do with d estru ctio n of th e enam el of your teeth. L et’s be se n s­ ible In th e com ing year. Your fam ily doctor is able to tell you when and how to fight germ s. My New Y ear resolves are em bodied In the sim ple d e­ term in atio n to fit m yself for B E T T E R SERVICE in the ta k ­ ing care of my fellow -m an and m yself during th e com ing year. I will be alert for the right, as my M aster gives me to see th e right. God bless you all! '^SÏ<ÎHT4ÜNSEEN Z, _ powerful enough to nani» hl« own FIRST RELIEF WORK choice. ON WILLAMETTE STA R TS It Baker 1» named anil elected, he A crew ot nine men reerulleil will he the fourlli uldeat m u ll Io he made Preatdent Itukcr will lie 111 from the c m i n li unemployed 11*1 when the next Prealilenl 1» »worn u a . pul to work oil the Willamette In. Only William Henry llarrloon. blghwni near Lew-ell repairing and gk. Janie* Buchanan, «5, and Zncli Improving if»»* highway .Monday ary Taylor. «4, were older men ^ 7 s t r o t e n y x.- -«s»-- morning T i l l * I* the tlral crew of John Adam* and Andrew Jack*on BY RÄDFOOD MOBLKY were linker's age when they were men to be paid front inuitly relief "If you're arrested with all that lessly lighted a vciund candle and Inducted Into office linker Is si III funds to lie pul Io w in k o il the W 'll WASHING ION. 1» f . Jau. « hardware on you," he sait), “you'll placed it on the table in the hall at lam elte highway. The men employ I A l l t o i i i s l v l 't I 'o n c i i'» » hu . again considered a* a young man In these the foot of the staircase, to facilitate be held as a first-class burglar. You S Y N O P S IS are equipped to open anything from my exit in case 1 destted to make a »cub'd down to buslncs*. titter Ila days, while llarrloon. Buchanan cd are resbli'iil* of (be l.o w i- ll. I-all S i* people. Horace Juha*on (w ho tell* a can ot tomatoes to thé missionary hurried one. and Taylor were all deemed old Creek. Wlnberry. and Dexter ill* the M o ry ). h it w il« . old h it*. Pane. Herbert I lien 1 climbed slowly. The fog had brief ChrlHtma* holiday, and every men at the lime ot their election box in church.” Kobintott and h it titte r . Ahc«. ami D r trie!» ndlcatIon points to tho present *e* S perry, (nen d a and neighbor*, are in the But 1 felt that already, innocent as apparently made its wav into the habit of h o ld in f weekly meeting» A t o u t of I was, I was leaving a trail of sus­ house, for when, halfway upc 1 turned stun living u highly oonstitnttvo them. M r t Pane, who i t h o tte tt. v a n e t the Miss Joyce and the and looked down, tlx- candlelight was one. Generally, business looks ask program by u n e x p e x W iy arrang»«« a a w n t- picion behind me ualittic seance w ith Miaa Jeremy, a friend of office boy, the dealer and my wtie. hardly more than a spark, surrounded ance ill Congress during* Its all P r Sperry and not a professional, aa the And 1 had not started yet. by a luminous aura medium I do not know exactly when 1 be- tings, (oaring that II will puss leg­ 1 dined in a small chop-house where A t the first sitting the m W iuro «11» »»• gan to feel that I was not alone in islation that will throw commercial detail» of a m urder a t it * t o cc u m n g 1-ater I occasionally lunch, and took a large that night Sperry learns that a neighbor, cup of strong black coffee When I the house. It was, 1 think, when 1 A rth u r W e ll» , h a . been .hot m y . M t t o u . l r went out into the night again 1 found was on a chair on top of a table in activities nnl ot (h d r usual stride. W ith lo h n w n he go«. to the W e ll, r.m denco Arthur's room, with my candle upheld The present emigre»», however, ■n.l they hnd known to havw »wen far us legislation can achieve that at the M ine tim e that M r» W ella there. She alao .p e a k , ot a pocketbook effect. While the two major parl­ bcuia loat which contained »oma im por­ tant car tickets and letter» M r . Pane, ies are »till keeping up their war alone ot the women, aeema th n lled by the (are. yet neither side will (alt to i»ye«ligatton. N O W G O O N W IT H T H E S T O R Y . support anv legislation that the country at large consider» benefl I find that the solution of the Ar- d al. thur Wells m>»tery— for we did solve it—take, three diviaions in mi mind. Congress proved Ils willingness Each one is a sitting, followed by an In forget party strlie by the speed investigation made by Sperry and my­ with which It ratified the nmrator- self Ium even If such action was accnm But for some reason, after Miss Jeremy's second sitting. I found that canted bv growles from members mv reasoning mind was stronger than of both parties All other details m v credulity. And as Sperry had at Incident to iirgnnlilng emigres» that time determined to have nothing more to do with the business, I made were handled without friction, com­ a resolution to abandon my investiga­ mittee chairmen being named and tions. Nor have 1 any reason to be­ Installed promptly tltilv the elec­ lieve that 1 would have altered mv attitude toward the cate, had it not tion of the President Pro Tern of been that I saw in the morning paper the Semite remains to be done and on the Thursday following the sec­ The W all» houaa loomed before me. ailent and mysterious. Instead of allowing that formality ond seance, that Elinor Wells had closed her house, and gone to Flor­ the day which had ended in Arthur the nxira overhead. I attxxl there, can­ to tie up business. It has been ida Wells's death. Already a potential dle upheld, and every faculty I poo* shelved for more Important bust I 1 confess I had an overwhelming housebreaker. I avoided policemen, >essed seemed centered in my ear». ties». desire to examine again the ceiling of and the very jingling of the keys in It was not a footstep It was a soft Gne of the earliest measures, nr the dressing room and thus to check my pocket sounded loud and incrimin­ and dragging movement. Had I not up one degree further the accuracy ating to my ears. been near the ceiling I should no« have group of measure», which 1« to be o f our revelations. After some reflec­ I do not like desirted houses. Even heard it. Indeed, a trtoment later I passed concerns Increased taxation tion. I called up Sperry, but he flatly in daylight they have a s n <:cr effect w < not certain I had heard it. refused to go on any further. My chair, on top of the table was That a boost Is coming Is not to be on me. They seem, in their emptv too securely balanced. I had doubted. Roughly, the Republican* d all "Miss Teremv has been ill since spaces, to have lie! I and •' past. I- in I what I was looking for, a port favor a general tax that will apply ! U! ray insecure position, 1 suddenly over- ever party has Its way. the net re tenaciously. Suppose there were cart­ cun fess that a certain part of it came' balanced, c h a ir and all. My head must suit will be that the average d tl ridges in his tabic drawer? Suppose from the anticipation of the Neigh- have struck on the corner of tho xen will pay more to the govern ' I should find the second bullet hole borhood Club's plaudits. For Herbert' table, for I was dazed for a few gone out, I ment either directly or through in the ceiling? I no longer deceived to have made such an investigation, m. rnents. The candle had a— myself by any argument that my in­ or even Sperry, with his height and of course. 1 fell lor the chair, righted higher plilces for all purchase» terest was purely scientific. There is his iron muscles, would not have sur­ it, and sat down. 1 was dizzy and I Where the Hervlra 1» D iffe r e n t" " ^ After the tax question Is settled a point at which curiosity becomes prised the club. But I was aware was frightened. 1 was afraid to move, lest the dragging thing above come that while they expected intelligence Coiigresa can be expected to t a k e unbearable, when it becomes an ob­ session, like hunger. 1 had reached and even humor, of a sort, from me. down anJ creep over me in the dark­ up the revision In our hanking they did not anticipate any particular ness and smother me. that point. And sitting there, 1 remembered the laws. The United States has dras j Nevertheless, I found it hard to bravery. The flash was working, but rather very things I most wished to forget tleally changed Its hanking law* plan the necessary deception to my w ilt M v habits have always been en­ feebly. I found the nail where the —the black curtain behind Miss j several times In the past In order tirely orderly and regular. My wildest door-key had formerly hung, but the Jeremy, the things flung by unseen to bring them up to date. The ob­ dissipation was the Neighborhood key, as" I had expected, was gone. I hands into the r->m, the way my Club 1 could not recall an evening was less than five minutes, 1 fancy, watch had slid ever the table and ject now soufflit to h e attained Is awav from home in years, except on in findirifc a kev from my collects it fallen to the floor. to permit the Federal Reserve Since that time I know there is a business. Yet now X must have a free that would fit. The bolt slid back with Banks to discount paper it Is now madness of courage, bom of terror. a click, and the door opened. evening, possibly an entire night. Once inside the house, the door to Nothing could be more intolerable forbidden to touch, and empower It In planning for this, I forgot my nervousness for a time. I decided fin­ the outside closed, and facing two than to sit there and wait. It is tiie to grent exte-ston s on farm mort ally to tell my wife that an out-of- alternatives, to go on with it or to same insanity that drove men out of gagea. town client wished to talk business cut and run, I found a sort of des­ the trenches to the cliarge and almost If Congress can hit on the right with me, and that day, at luncheon— perate courage, clenched my teeth, certain death, rather than to sit and I go home to luncheon—I mentioned and felt for the nearest light switch. wait for what might come. formula, observers here say that In a way, I daresay I charged the The electric light had been cut o f f ! that such a client was in town. I should have expected it, but I upper floor of the house. Whatever billions of dollars of fresh capital “It is possible," I said, as easily as A i ibn urn« o f ihe ; f w everybody » b u ilJ k ^ I could, “that we may not get through had not. I remember standing in the drove me, I know that, candle in will lie put to work and employ hand, and hardly sane, I ran up the le p u m a . r«d«»ot»hng or cl»»ni>^ I l Mwnw back hall and debating whether to $o this afternoon. If things should run ment created for millions of those over into the evening, Fll telephone. on or to get out. I was not only in staircase, and into the room over­ now seeking work Many plans to dial evefyilyn» m iha honw g»u » n r n tn n She took it calmy enough, but later a highly nervous state, but I was also head. It was empty. r« t« (* ihe firrplsc» — W h y n»gl»ci ih« Are, As suddenly as my sanity had gone, effect this result have been offered on, as I was taking an electric flash badly handicapped. However, as the p U i» —doetn 1 u dewiy» t lnll»»iiennoi, toot from the drawer of the hall table moments wore on and I stood there, it returned to me. The sight of two Congress hv leading hankers nnd and putting it in my overcoat pocket, with the quiet unbroken by no myster­ small beds, side by side, a tiny dress­ financelrs and it Is expected that By ■mulling » Humphrey Rtduuufir» you ing-table, a row of toys on the man­ ious sounds, I gained a certain con­ »he came on me, and I thought she fidence. After a short period of re­ telpiece, was calming Here was the one of these plans will be passed w ill giy« your fireplac« new beamy »ng looked surprised. During the afternoon I was beset adjustment, therefore, I felt my way children's night nursery, a white and by Congress be'fore many day» have »y«ryg»y unlay — you » 4 bring ih« old placid room which could house noth­ to the library door, and into the room. with doubts and uneasiness Suppose nassed The general feeling here Is furplec» imo ih» family c n l » ing hideous. Once there, I used the flash to dis­ ,he called my office and found that I was humiliated and ashamed. I, that almost any one of these pro |f?e client I had named was not in cover that the windows were shut­ I lierr a ir b»»unful auihenuc periog bown? It is undoubtedly true that a tered, and proceeded to take off my Horace Johnson, a man of dignity and jects will go a long way towards d rtig n « d H u m p h re y R a d la n lllr» i to tangled web we weave when first we hat and coat, which I placed on a reputation, even in a small way, a restoring confidence In huainens l ‘»> inure»» w ith your horn» furnohing». practise to deceive, for on my return chair near the door. It was at this successful after-dinner speaker, num­ • • • to the office I was at once quite cer­ time that I discovered that the bat­ bering fifty-odd years of logical liv­ If your flreplac« n chlppoj or dirty ing to my credit, had been running tery of my lamp was very weak, and One of the most Important quea tain that Mrs. Johnson would finding a candle in a tall brass stick half-maddened toward a mythical dan­ tlons with which the present Con »round tlw »dg». an aitracny» irnon telephone and make the inquiry. ger from which I had been afraid After some debate I called my sec­ on the mantlepiece, I lighted it. model will cover adl defreu and "gress will have to deal Is that of to run away I Then I looked about The house had retary and told her to say, if such a I sat down and mopped my face evidently been hastily closed. Some giv» your fireplace n ew beamy war debts and reparations. All Eu message came in, that Mr. rorbes was in town and that 1 had an ap­ of the furniture was covered with with my pocket handkerchief. rope Is beginning to feel that th< Come in today and lei ur make After a time I got up, and going pointment with him. As a matter of sheets, while part of it stood unpro­ amount of money It owes the a (Uggaation for your flreplaca IM 4 M I f * fact, no such inquiry came in. but as tected. The rug had been folded into to a window looked down at the quiet Thar» W » M t * r » i t « * n *« ••■«$•1» Miss Joyce, my secretary, knew that the center of the room, and covered world below. The fog was lifting. I United States Is too great for It to A i-<-mobiles were making cautious W« raA an t heal 1/91» • H u fftp L '» , " »d^nlA »« I» be able to pay and that eaneelln Mr. Forbes was in Europe, I was with heavy brown papers, and 1 was R M tly kk» ik » haat « f th» Ie n N u<» » »aHa»l conscious some months afterwards extremely startled to hear the papers progress along the slippery street. A tlon Is the only solution. The recent la r W»ack door to the Wells house. Noth- mistake, as the chair was a light one. not even midnight, the magic hour of city, came to the conclusion that I Germany cannot live up to the! ¡ng was more unlikely than that the and the weight of my overcoat threw the night. Somehow that fact reassured nag, key would still be hanging there. I it back against the wall. Young plan This means that Oer-! and I was able to take stock of my Candle in hand, I stepped out into must, therefor«, get a key. Going through my desk I found a the hall, and was immediately met bv surroundings. I realized, for instance, many cannot pay other European pumber of keys, mostly trunk keys a crash which reverberated through that I stood in the room over Arthur» i countries and they In turn will lie ' ld one the key to a dog-collar. But the house. In my alarm my teeth dresing room, and that it was Into unable to pay the United States. te in the afternoon I visited a client closed on the end of my tongue, with the ceiling under me that the seccmd France’s position Is the stumbling • f mine who Is in the hardware bust- agonizing retulta, but the sound died —or probably the first—bullet boo block and efforts to make that atai and secured quite a selection. away, and I concluded that an upper penetrated. T elephone 28 »31 o a k s tre e t One of them was a skeleton key. Be window had been left open, and that country change Its attitude and for­ persisted in regarding the matter as the rising wind had slammed a door. give Germany Its Reparations may a joke, and poked me between the But my moral/, as we sty since the war, had been shaken, and I ro a r reault In a general scaling down of SwaMor-bladea aa I went out. the combined war debts and repara­ tions. Another European confer­ MISS FISH GUEST AT ence will be held next month, and PARTY ON SATURDAY Its recommendations may point the l way to a solution of the world's Misa Alma Fish, daughter of Mr, financial troubles. A majority of and Mrs. J. R. Fish of Garden Way, ! voters In this country Is felt to be against cancellation and the Issue was the honor guest at a part at i may become an Important one In the home of her parents Saturday the coming presidential campaign. evening. Miss FiBh is attending • a a Vat Dyed Color»— 36 Inches Wide school In Portland and spent the Recent developments began to holidays at home. make Newton I). Baker, President Guests at the party Saturday Wilson's war secretary, appear ns LARGE SELECTION OF PATTERNS evening were Mr. and Mrs. Dale an Important figure In the coming Cheshire, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Che­ . campaign. Baker has come out In shire, Robert and Herbert Che­ the open and shown that he Is not shire, Lindley D uial. Lloyd Herb­ averse to being the Democratic can ert, and Melvin Shove, all of Che­ didate If the party as a whole de­ shire; Roy Woods, Kenneth Camp­ mands him. He has declared that bell. Miles and Villa McKay, Lela he is willing to be either a standard Gates. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Koplln, bearer or a private In the ranks In Eugene; Tom Tedball, Veneta; Joe the campaign. While Oovernor Gerber, Faye Fisher, and Barbara Roosevelt Is still the leading can Chandler, Springfield. didate, yet he may be beaten In the convention. A lot of curiosity still exists as KENSINGTON CLUB TO An stmoophere that is hum« like n I restful. Yon*l gnjov stopping at the I" L S Ib l IT In Portland. to whether former Oovernor Smith HAVE MEETING FRIDAY BCONOMTCAL . . . . »1 AN1 PER DAT will back Roosevelt. While Smith J A. Cuahman, M . igrr i Is considered unlikely to make the Mrs. Mary K essey will be host­ race again himself, yet his voice is FO U R T H A N D A ID E R ess at her home, 70« Fifth street, Ruler» of Low Price» still the loudest In the councils of for members of the Kensington 10th A Willamette— EUGENE— New Schaefer« Bldg. Ills party and any man he opposes club Friday afternoon Mrs. Harry Is unlikely to be nominated, al­ Whitney will be the as dstant host though It Is questionable If he Is ess for the afternoon. ^ — 1 MARY ROBERTS RINEHART W A SH IN G TO N SIXTH INSTALMENT The Go-Between F G G I M A N N ’S ur old fireplace new beauty everyday utility zzz Every Home Deserves) the Comfort andk Convenience of* HUMPHREYS r m m fît MP f f REY r e NORTHWEST CITIES GAS Co. TO BE CONTINUED HOTEL N ew Spring Prints 15c RESLD yard C0MF0RTABIÆ The Golden Rule POKTLAND