THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HI’IUNGEIKIJ), LANE COUNTY, OltEGON, THURHIlAY, JANUARY 7, Hf32 TWENTY KK1HT11 VKA1L p 1 1 IO HOLD SCHOOL Library Board Officers Chosen « No. 82 — Dentist Observes CHAMBER TO VISI T ROSEBÜRG TEAM LADIES NIGHT” Birthday 7 uesday LEBANON MEETING WILL PLAY S.H.S. PLANS STARTED New Grid Leader Close Relatives of Dr. N. W. Group Plana Silver Tan at County Council Will Hold Horn* of Mrs. N. W. Emory, Lions Dsn Names Committee Emery Surprise Him at Din­ Cascade Road Will ba Dis­ Double Header Game Sche­ ner on 73rd Anniversary Tuesday P. M. Next Week cussed with Linn County duled at Gymnasium for - to Make Arrangements; Ini­ School of Instruction and City, to Get Action Thera tiation Feature of Event Tomorrow Night Silver Tan nt Santa Clara Another milestone In the life of All officers of the Hpringfleld LOCAL LADIES Library Isiard were re-elected at Dr. N. W Emery brought a surprise» held at the Library on Monday afternoun, They are: Mrs. N W. Emery, president; Mrs. C. E Whea­ ton, iresldenl; Mrs. L. K. Page. *? ary; Mrs. David Haltp man. I. I, Mrs. William House snd Mr» /y Potter as the other members board of directors. Member» he library board voted Io hi w ue of the badly worn iMiok» i -g- I. and to spend some of their ’or supplies. T he group w, a sliver tea at the home « I .f, W Emery next Tuesday afte .»ooli during th» hours of 2 and 5. home for luncheon and found moat I of hla close relatives gathered t o , Officers Chosen for Year by honor him with a dinner on the oc Springfield Chamber at Last ■ aslon of hla seventy-third birthday, i Night's Meeting Here "It waa a complete surprise, staled the local dentist who was Building of the proposed Can- horn al Brandon. Franklin county, cade highway through Linn conn- ty will be discussed with the Le- Ney York, on January 5, 1869 Dr. Emery was a young boy at the lianon Chamber of Commerce next lime of the civil war and lived at Monday when a delegation from his father's home, far from the ac­ Hpringfleld visits that city. The tual fighting, but he distinctly re­ Hpringfleld Chamber of Commerce calls many of the momentous at Its meeting last night accepted an Invitation to attend the Leban­ events of Ibat thrilling war. Guests at the dluner were P. It on meeting The Oshkosh cutoff Emery, a brother; Mr. and Mrs. from Mabel to Holly, which would John Kossman, sister of the dent shorten the distance Into the San- 1st; und Mrs. Ida Emery, sister In- tin in and Calapooia valleys will alco be talked. luw. of College Crest, Eugene. HOSTESS the anual meeting of the director» MUSICIANS ON PROGRAM Io him Tuesday noon when Io- went | BARNELL IS RE-ELECTED FIRST Members of Committee Ex­ pected to Attend and Make Suggestions for Work Group Named to Accept Con­ tribution« to Fund for Pur­ chase of Shoes for Needy LEAGUE Directors Come Within $600 of Putting Schools on Cash Basis January 1 MEET MORE Local Boys Taks Game from Pleasant Hill and St. Mary's During Past Week's Play RECEIVED Springfield District Finances in Good Shape Despite De­ linquent T^tx Payments WORK ON BRIDGE IS STARTEO HERE Woman Drowned AütO lUlSnaD UKA CIRCLE TO INSTALL TONIGHT t ----- Scouts borm 7 wo Patrol Iroops ,0.W. TO INSTALL OFFICERS JAN. 13 £ FUNDS Payment of all general fund war­ Springfield high school »III meet C arl H Hageman, class of ‘33, Itoseburg’s basketball five here Fri- 19 years obi, chosen C»|it«in o f I lar rants issued prior to the last meet­ day evening In the opening A lea- yard's football squad fo r 1932 lie ing of the school board of Spring- ts from Lorain, Ohio field district number IS, can be gue competition for each achool. A made at once it was announced preliminary game with the second I Monday evening at the monthly team pitted against the Marcola i meeting of the school board by C. F. players will provide B league com Barber, clerk. A call for these war petition during the same evening rants, all up to and Including 2029. It Is difficult to predict anything « J l JIÆ* JL uSis issued this week with Interest about the Roseburg Hpringfleld J f| Iittiä» hr,u bva»»» n beard to cease on January 9. 1932. The game as very little has been last warrant called was Issued Dec­ of the Southern city's work so far. This Is the first year that that city Mrs. Leah Golay, Blue River, ember 21. 1931. Loses Life When Automo­ has been included in the same high There are approximately *500 In bile Goes Into River outstanding wai rants now unpaid The Hpringfleld Chamber of Com school athletic district as the Lane which la probably as low as the merce re-elected W. K. Barnell county schools. Although the game ' will not have any official bearing Mra. I>eah Onlay, 42. Blue River, warrant Indebtedness will get until president at the meeting. Other of­ on the district championship to be wa* drowned In the waters of the the close of the school year in June ficers chosen were H. E. Maxey, determined by tournament play. McKenxIe river Friday morning, when another large group of tax vice-president; I. M. Peterson, yet It will be Interesting to watch and Mr Oolay, the other occupant funds are due again. treasurer; W. C. Wright. H. O. Dib- the comparative strength of the of the automobile in which they blee, John Anderson. Julius Fulop The late arrival of tax funds laat Step* at Each End of Side­ various schools of this league. were driving to Eugene to attend and W A. Taylor, directors. week reduced the difference be­ walk Expected to Increase Hpringfleld has contented herself a New Year'• dlnner' «* tween receipt» of last year and this Delegates chosen for the Lane Beauty of Structure Auxiliary Group to Take New county chamber of commerce were so far with scheduling games with caped wltn bis life as the tie rod year from *5,138 to almost the on the car broke and the machine Officers at Armory Meeting; F. B. Hamlin. P. J. Bartholomew B league teams which are far more plunged into the lake above the *2000 total which will not be re­ New ornamental steps and side- numerous and closer at hand. ceived due to a lower district tax and H. E. Maxey. » walk approaches are being built at Mrs. Eggimann in Charge These teams have been putting up dam. levy in the present budget. each of the four corners of the j »ome stiff opposition In the early Mr. Golay managed to extricate Iuka Circle, Ladies of the U. A .! Shortage of funds because of Springfield bridge across the WII games. Both Pleasant Hill and Ht. himself from the wreckage and It. will Install officers for the year non-payment of taxes has been felt lamette this week. A crew of the Mary's high schools defeating the his calls for help were answered by the board, although It has not at their monthly meeting at the! state highway department Is doing local boys in their first games. The by a resident living nearby. Mrs. Armory this evening it has been ' been as bothersome to the local the work. i Hcores were reversed however, dur- i Golay was pinned under the ma- directors as it has been in other announced. Mrs. Myrtle Eggimann, I A poured concrete step flanked Ing the past week as the b oys! chine and several attempts to dive last year's state president, will be | districts where the tax levy has by ornamental rock walls Is being rounded Into shape. None of the B under the water to her proved use­ been greater and delinquent tax the Installing officer. built at each eud of the sidewalk New Meeting Night Sought; league schools have football teams less for Billy Goff. Leaburg. payments even greater. on the bridge Running out for up- The new officials of the group and they are free to start basket- The character building and his­ proxlmately IX feel on the outer Water had to be turned out of Workers Desire to Attend Had the district received all of urr Mrs. Wandu Barnes, president; I ball practice Just as soon as the> the dam before the bl)(ly and th(. (he funda whlch tt had a righl to torian officers are new The char­ side of what would to- a continua­ Ethel Jollff. senior vice president; Training on Wednesday start school, whereas the A league car could be recovered. acter building offb-e ha» been start I tion of the walk If It were construc­ expect the district would now be Nellie I'urr. Junior vice-president; teams have to spend their entire ed to promote grenter moral and; ted will be a row of rough rocks Allen Sneed was elected scribe Mr. and Mrs. Golay were driving on a cash basis as it was last year Gladys Landson, patriotic Instruc­ time concentrating on football until religious training, while the his , placed In the position of a retaining to Eugene to meet their daughter for a period of three months. This tor; Mrs. Edith Laxton, chaplain; for Hpringfleld Boy Scout troop after Thanksgiving. torlan office has been created In | wall. and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne problem of aucertalntng Just what Mrs. Pearl Knowler. treasurer; number 11 at their first meeting The Hpringfleld boys have shown Robinson, when the accident hap­ part of the tax levy will not be each local and each group Is urged ; The step Idea for bridges Is a new Leila Clark, inner guard; and Clara since Christmas last aight. Two to keep an accurate history of the| one as yet for the highway depart­ forthcoming each year is one of the Barnes I’epiiell. conductress. Assist­ patrols were » rganlxed at the meet » fonaia‘en‘ Improvement lately un pened. der the guidance of Norval May. work undertaken and completed In ment. They have completed simi­ ants and the secretary will be Ing. Robert LaJole of the Eagle pa Survivors include her daughter difficult problems facing any tax coach. They must meet Rosebnrg. its Jurisdiction. lar work on Hendricks bridge near named by the officers at the time trol. and Richard Richardson will of Lorane; her father and mother. levying body declared C. A. Swarts, University High. Cottage Grove, head the Bob White patrol. The Santa Clara high school will Waltervllle and will possibly carry Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foreman. Hys- chairman of the school board, of the installation. and Eugene high schools in A lea- provide numbers by the glee cluh i out the work on all large bridges i . -«..»«.in. ham> Montana; two sisters, and Scho° l Imarda do not want to levy The meeting was held at the A potluck dinner will be held fol­ gue play to determine champ! n- brothers all of whom reside a dl»trict tax excessive beyond the Following the meeting proper a' In the state If It prove» satisfac­ Methodist church at 6:30 and the ship of the district. This w l l ^ e £ £ £ and „ L son H ^ M of the district, hut at the lowing the Installation ceremonies. tory. It Is said. general question box will be ron meeting next week will also be held held In March. same time they would like to know ducted by Mrs. Hunt for the pur at 6:30 Efforts will be made to Dey. Myrtle Point. 8t. Mary’s team went down 13-20 FUNERAL HELD FOR Just how much of a levy can be ex­ pone of answering any questions ' COURTESY EXPENSIVE have the meeting night changed Funeral services were held Mon­ In their return game played on the pected when it is made. They de­ which may arise. at that time. Glenn Martin, scout­ MRS. TUHY SATURDAY day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the FOR TH IS YOUNG MAN master. is attending the scoutmas local gym floor Saturday. The first Branstetter chapel. Dr. E. V. pend on receiving certain funds Mrs. Emerson 1» general chairman ' half ended 7-6 In favor of St. Mary’s from this channel and need them. Springfield Resident Passes at Eu­ ter's training course in Eugene Stivers officiated and interment of arrangements for the meeting J Man Stops to Crank Stalled Csr In some districts the levy falls to gene Hospital Thursday A fter each Wednesday evening and other but they were outplayed during the was made in the new I. O. O. F. for W om an, It Kicks, Hs Has Mrs J. P Wray Is In charge of the second half produce sufficient revenue and war­ Lingering llln e s t troop workers have expressed a Compound Fracture of Arm service committee, and Mrs. Wood­ The lineups for both schools1 cen,lerJ’- rants remain unpaid at the end of desire to attend. ruff 1« In charge of the tea. Mrs. were: each year piling up until a time Funeral services for Mrs. Frank Doing a chivalrous thing, which Mortsnsen. Mrs, Agnes Prochnow LOCAL MUSICIANS IN St. Mary's Springfield when they aggregate a sum. the In­ Tuhy who passed away at the Eu­ and Mrs. Lee Putman are the host­ all young men ought to do, despite , SERMON TOPICS FOR _ _ F Christenson: 4 D. Wright .2 terest on which amounts to a six- BROADCASTS ON RADIO gene hospital last Thursday, Dec-1 the relating of thia Incident, proved esses Mrs (I II. flood of Eugene able sum itself. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Hawk - .... — __ F .______ Toman 4 ember 31. were held at the 8t. to be a real sacrifice for Howard' Is president of the county unit. G. Wright 10 .....C......... Guthrie, 3 Miss Barbara Burnell, daughter Mary's Catholic church In Spring- When a district finds its income ( abe of Cedar Elat Saturday. Cabe. The purpose of the tea Is to pro son of J. C. Cabe. was walking down of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Burnell, was field on Saturday morning at 9 “The Call of Obedience will be Stevenson. 6 .... G.............. Gettv reduced to a low level and a high G.......... Durbin. 2 vide funds to he used In the pur the atreet when he came up to two heard In a half-hour program of o'clock. Rev. Father D. H. Curley the subject of the morning service i Squires, 2 tax levy is necessary to provide for the absorption of the warrants chasing of a silver teapot which Is strange women who were trying to xylophone solos played over radio officiated and Interment was made at the Christian church at 111 Tuesday evening both teams m Pleasant n e & s a n i Hill n i u were w e n ? defeated u e ic m c u ■ to be awarded to the local unit get their lialVy automobile started station KOHB In Eugene Tuesday In Mount Calvary cemetery. The o'clock It has been announced by from it frequently becomes necessary to with the best attendance record He volunteered to take the crank < evening between the hours of 6 rosary service was held at the itev. Valtle lVultt. pastor. His oa the local floor by overwhelming J Mrs- St«"a Findley to Be In­ exceed the 6 per cent limitation established during the period be­ and try to start It The motor back-1 and 6:30. She was accompanied Poole-Gray-Bartholoniew chapel in evening sermon subject will be scores. The preliminary game be­ stalling Officer; Refresh­ provided by law A special election ments Are Planned must be held for this purpose and tween November If» and April 16. fired, and x-ray pictures at the of­ by Mrs. Bernice Neher Findley at Eugene Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The Light of tne World.” Mrs. W. tween the second teams ended 50- P. Tyson and Mrs. Ella Lombard 22 against the visitors. The first The award will be made at the fice of a local physician revealed the piano. these usually result in disputes be- ■Mrs. Tuhy wa.-wborn in Russia of New officers of Pine ( ircle. tween various factions, some of April meeting of the County Coun­ that he bad fractured one bone In Numbers Included In the program Austrian parentage and came to will ring a duet at the morning string game score was 41-18 for aervlce. The choir will have a spe- Springfield. These games were Neighbors of M oodcraft. will be of- w(,oni are certain to oppose any cil. Ills arm In to places and had crack- j were: Schubert's "Serenade." Wag-1 the United States 24 years ago. She c'sl anthem for the evening pr» i quite rough and several fouls be flcially installed at their next re-1 form of tax lncreas<1. tier's "Evening Star," and Godard's was married to Frank Tuhy at ed the other one. gran-„ ' (ng called. The lineups for each gular meeting at the I. O. O. F. ■ Fortunateiy th e Springfield OAKRIDGE MAN GETS "Berceuse." Dixon. North Dakota. In 1913. and hall January 13. it was announced school dls, rlct has been able to The Bible school meets at 9:45 team were as follows: Mias Barnell and Mrs. Findley leaves five children. They are LARGE BOUNTY SUM CHICKEN BUSINESS IS this week. A special practice for the avojd this for some years. Interest Second Te im i will appear In another radio broad Anton. Edward. Rose, lxiuls. and and the Christian Endeavor at 6:30» Picas. Hill installation was held at the hall payments in the district on out­ Springfield for a social hour. BRIGHTER HERE NOW m st program on Thursday. Janu­ It (1. Carter. Oakridge, collected I Mildred, all at home, and four Tuesday evening by the incoming standing warrants have been very .....F M. Wheeler : Hartman, 8 *6(1 from the county bounty fund [ Poultry business Is lookliig up ary 14, when they will be partici­ brothers and four sisters. , ; Thatcher. __ . . . ... __ F P. Wheeler. 4 officers. 3 light in contrast to those in other Snturday when he brought the now according to It. It. Nelson, pants In the Eugene Breakfast Her brothers are Steve Koler, MEAT HOUSE. MEAT IS Thurman Cogiatt New officers are Mrs. Nellie Carr, districts. Thurman 24 24 ..... c dub program. pelts of five cougars and four lynx ( Springfield: Frank Mid Anton poultry raiser who lives eaat of DESTROYED IN FIRE Frese. 3 ........... G Lindley. 4 past guardian neighbor; Mrs. Juet- No important business w as' to the clerk's office. He wus given Springfield Despite the recent de­ Koler in North Dakota, and Joe ----------- Wilson 8..._.........C,____ Garmine 10 te Taylor, guardian neighbor: Mrs. brought before the board at the the bounty on one baby cougar Koler. In Russia. Two sisters. Mrs. Damages totaling *75 were sus- Barnum 2, Lord 2. Williams 4. Glenn Stone, advisor; Al Pohl, ma­ monthly meeting. Only routine af­ cline In prices the average poultry which was unborn at the time of raiser Is now able, by taking ad TEACHERS HOME FROM Barbara Kralleek and Mrs. Uchytll talned by J. R. Byers Saturday Subs. gician; Minnie Girard, clerk; Mrs. fairs were considered and the Its capture. All of the animals were STATE EDUCATION MEET live In Springfield. The other two morning when his meat house a t » Dalsey Pugh, attendant; Mrs. Ra­ monthly bills were allowed. First Teams vantage of the decline In other raptured with the use of dogs and prices, to ninke expenses In most live in North Dakota. 147 E street and some of Its con- Springfield Pleas. H ill chel Thatcher, attendant: Melba Hpringfleld school teachers who were nil taken along the Wiliam tents were destroyed by fire be- d . Wright 2 F ............ Olson 5 Mellon, captain of the guards; Instances and in some cases to attended the annual state conven­ etle river above tlnkrldge he states. WOMAN BREAKS LEG; lleved to have been started from Hawk 6 ..............F........ Garmine 2 Myrtle Eggimann. correspondent; CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO make a small amount of money. tion of the Oregon State Teachers Poultry business has been very association at Portlund last week ATTEND REVIVAL IN BARN ALL NIGHT a stove In the building. Part of the G. Wright 13 .......C....... H. McLeod Mrs. Clarine Putman, flag bearer; CAR LEAVES ROAD: Sam garage adjqlnlng the meat house Squires .............. G ..... C. McLeod 2 Doris Girard. musician; quiet until the first of the year, re­ have relumed and assumed their Members of the Springfield G ............ Parks 2 Sweeney, inner sentinel; Ray Nott, Mrs. Charles E. Woodward of the was damaged by the fire. Wade Stevenson 18 TREE STOPS DESCENT ports Mr. Nelson, hut it has now touching positions this week. Everett Squires referee for all outer sentinel; Noah Helterbrand, Christian church will meet this shown great Improvement. The de­ Among those attending the sessolns Pleasant Hill district who broke Paddock was passing and turned In Mrs. Maymie Richmond, and Mrs, evening and go to the evangelistic Frank McMullen, Eugene, nar mand for high grnde breeding In Portland were G. B. Wood, prin­ her leg In an accident at the farm the alurtn when he saw the flames, the games. Sadie Baldwin, managers. services being held in the Christ­ rowly escaped serious Injury to slock, which Mr. Nelson specialties cipal of the Brattaln school; Roy home while doing chores last Fri­ Mrs. Stella Findley will be the ian church In Eugene in a body. himself and Ills automobile eurly In has shown considerable improve Qulney. principal of the Lincoln day evening Is getting along nicely OPENS RADIO REPAIR BRIDGE CROUP ARE Installing officer. Members of the local congregation Munday morning when the uuto- nient during the pant week. school. Miss Leone Elliott. Perry- according to her attending physi­ SHOP TH IS WEEK Refreshments will be served fol-1 who lntend to attend are asked to mlbole which he was driving left cian. ENTERTAINED HERE dale, teacher of domestic science lowing the installation work. meet at the R. O. Moshler home at the road on the grade nt Doyle ASTRONOMY LECTURE Mrs. Woodward was alone on the A radio repair and service shop nt the high school, and Miss Helen Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Cross enter I Fourth and D streets at 7:16. An hill, new section of the McKenxIe farm when she met with her acci­ was opened In the Commercial AT H. S. ON FRIDAY High, music teacher at the Brat- effort will be made to provide highway, mid started townrds the dent early In the evening. She had tallied with u bridge party at their State bank building next to the Inin building. FAMILY REUNION IS transportation for all those deslr- river. A large fir tree stopped the gone to the barn Io do the chores home here Monday evening. Mr. postotfice this week by John Zlol- John Knox, professor of science HELD HERE ON FRIDAY ing to attend car and saved It from plunging Into nt the high school, will deliver a nnd was unable to make her calls und Mrs. George Blair of Eugene kouskl. No receiving sets will be for help heard until morning when won the first prises, and Miss Ce­ handled at the new store, although the river. lecture on astronomy at the high SEEKS TO TRANSMIT Carl Robberaon passed and heard cilia Jones. Springfield, and Mrs. a line of tubes and parts will be M r. and Mrs. Roy Koch Hosts at school auditorium Friday morning MESSAGE TO GERMANY McGRECOR ON PROGRAM T h e ir Home fo r Large New her. He summoned a physician who Ray Nasholm of Eugene, the sec carried. GUARDSMEN ESTABLISH at 10 o'clock. The lecture will he Y e a r’s Day Gathering ond awards. AT COLONIAL SHOW took her to the Eugene hospital. LONG SERVICE RECORDS free and will be open to any per- Jack Jackson, student at the Ore­ aon who Is Interested In attending. gon State college at Corvallis, will FORMER RESIDENTS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Koch were Walter B. McGregor. Springfield attempt to aend a holiday greet­ LEGION MEETING AT Hergcanls Orval Cantrell and CHURCH SCHEDULES ARE VISITING HERE hosts at their home New Year’s day j restuarant man. provided one m im ­ ing to Fred Frese’s mother who Verrol N. McFarland Tuesday com COPPER TUBING FROM FALL CREEK TONIGHT ât the family reunion dinner which I her on the entertainment program QUARTERLY MEETING lives In Germany, very soon. Mr. pleted five and three years service Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Clover have was attended by all members of the j at the Mldnlte New Year's eve show ENGINE SAID STOLEN Jackaon la active In amateur radio The regular semi-monthly meet­ respectively In the local national The quarterly meeting of the as their guests this week. Mr. and family with the exception of one ! at the Colonial theatre Thursday guard unit. They will both he dis­ Fred A. Hills, mnnuger of the work at the college station KOAC. ing of Springfield American Legion Baptist church will be held here Mrs. A. E. Badger of Seattle. The son, Clifford, who is statlonel at evening. Mr. McGregor plays the charged and will re-enllst. Elmo Hills Creek Lumber company at He will use the short wave trans­ post number 40 will he held at Fall this evening. A potluck dinner at guests are returning from a sum­ Guam with the U. S. Marine corps. ! guitar and Io In gr* at demand for Creek hall this evening nt 7 o'clock. Long completed five years service Jasper Friday reported the theft of mitter In sending the message. Those present included Mr. programs. He also has a one-man 6:30 will precede the business mer Bpent In the middle west. Mrs. I A potluck dinner will precede the In the company In December, ac­ 10 feet of copper tubing from one meeting at which reports will be Badger Is a talented violinist and. Koch's mother, Amanda E. Koc' , j vaudeville skit which he presents meeting and each member Is asked cording to Lieutenant C. A. Hwarts. of the donkey engines belonging to SNOW SPORTS ENJOYED is a former resident of the Coburg har son jpggp and great grand without assistance. to bring his own knife, fork, spoon, received from each of the various vicinity. They are considering lo daughter, Mary of Lorane. Mr. and commanding officer. the company. The theft Is believed BY LOCAL RESIDENTS plate and cup. officers. eating In the Willamette valley. to have taken place Thursday even Mrs. Abe Koch and two children of, In«. DR. AND MRS. W. N. DOW Lorane; Mr. and Mrs. Tice Koch JUMPS OFF PLATFORM Uuesis of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford BAPTIST GUILD HAS and seven children of Harrisburg; TEACHERS. OFFICERS BONE IN LEG BROKEN Wilson who spent New Year's eve TW ELFTH NIGHT PARTY ENTERTAIN FRIENDS Ermol Churchill and nnd the following day at their cabin TALK S. S. PROBLEMS Mr. and Mrs EASTERN STAR HOLDS HELD ON WEDNESDAY MEETING TUESDAY daughter. Elinor, of Marshfield; j R»lph Irish. Marcola. Is recover Ollesta at a New Year's pnrty at MEETING ON TUESDAY at McKenxIe bridge report an en Teachers and officers of the Bap Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Deffenbacher Ing from an accident In which he Joyable outing In the snow Mem­ Mrs. A. It. Vanl Valtah entertain­ Members of the Aretanla guild, the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. N. The regular meeting of Cascade bers of the party were Mr. and Mrs. ed members of her Sunday school young women's organisation of the tlst church met at the home of Mr. of Coburg; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent sustained a broken leg Monday. M r Dow were Dr. and Mrg. Milton V. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Ered Wnlker, Chapter, O. E. 8., was held at the C. F. Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Lawr­ class of the Methodist church at a 1 Baptist church, held their regular and Mrs. Marvin Chase Monday Johnson of North Bend, and Mr Irish was at his home and Jumped off a small platform breaking the and Mr. and Mra. F. B. Flanery. lodge quarters Tuesday evening. ence Moffitt. Mr and Mrs. Walter Twelfth night party at her home monthly meeting Tuesday evening evening to discuss the work of the and Mrs. Koch and family. A large turkey dinner with all leg. His Injury was treated and sat The evening was spent with cards Newly Installed officers of the Gossler. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Fan Wednesday night. About twenty- at 7:3o at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J organisation with which they are awaiting the arrival of the new lodge were In charge of the even­ drem. Mr. and Mrs. Larson Wright five young people at the class were Merle Chase. No special business affiliated. This was the regular the trimmings was served during at the office of a local physician. He ts now at hla home. was transacted during the evening, monthly meeting of the group. | the late afternoon. present. and the host and hostess. ing's work. year. All poaslhl» iiieana of Improving lliw work of the various local Par cut Teacher association unit» will ba thoroughly discussed Halurilay afternoon at Hants t'lara when every member of the County Coun­ cil ba» been seked to anther at the Community hall between the hour» of 2 and 4 for the purpose of holding a »liver tea and to hold a ■ehool of lualrucllon Mr». Charles K. Hunt, »late vice- I resident, will make a short talk on the subject, “What la a Standard School I’. T. A.." and will conduct the »ehool afterward». tTlie »1 hool will conalat of »liort Informative talk» by head» of the vartoua departments of the County Council. These and their h»«lgn menta are: Mr«. II It Kmeraon, membership Mr» I) C. Ogilvie. publicity. Mr». W I. Parker, aervlce »hop Mr» II. A. Him», program Mr«. Warren I). Smith, parllnien tary law. Mrs. Itoy Woodruff. Foor-H. Mr». A I. Lomax, »tody group» Mrs. J. W Pttxgerald. health. Mr« t>e Lillian Burris, character building .Mr« J. W. Working, historian. Mr» It P Mortensen, hospitality Plans for annual ‘Ladles’ Night program of Hprlugfluld Lions club were discussed and a committee uppoluled to proceed with the net eaaary arrangements was named al the luncheou meeting last Friday. Memhera of the committee are W. K. Iluell. chairman. John Ketels Itev. Dean Poindexter. Elmer Mtfixey, Kev. Veltle Pruitt, und fejnoch Htuari, A program of entertainment In- ■ hiding many stunts and the lull la (Ion of cult Lions are (he feature» Ilf the evening's activities. The dale has not been set, but will probably lie held »ome lime In February. A proposal that (he Lions cluh »tart u shot} fund was discussed und a committee named to haiidle tbe donations. Nlel Pollard. John Hutiderer and W. K. Barnell were named on (Ills committee. It was pointed out at I ha meeting that very few of the shoes donated to the Community Relief depot were useable and several expressed themselves as favoring the coutrl button of small amounts towards a fund to he uaed In purchasing shoes In those Instances where It wan actually necessary to prevent suffering The venture Is not be­ ing undertaken by the members of (he club alone, hut the committee members will accept donations of fund-» from anyone willing to make them The shoes will tie purchased at coat by a local merchant. Irene Manley with her banjo, and Vernon Liles, with an array of harmonicas, provided the musical ■ nlertaliiniciit for the luncheon The appearance of Kev. Polndex ter at the luncheon gaily bedecked with a monstrous scarlet red neck­ tie done up In an artistic bow cuu»ed subdued laughter In several places along the table. -This soon ceaaed however when It was dis­ covered that nearly all the mem­ bers were wearing red ties much to the disgust of Enoch Stuart, the tail-twister, who seems to have an aversion for red. and who usnnlly collects a dime from offenders. A SCHOOL FINANCES TALKED BI BOARD