PAGE FOUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. DEC KM HER 81. 1981 Cal-, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Trotter and Give Him a Ticket BARLEY ADVANTAGES daughter. Mr. aud Mrs. C. R Syl­ "Don't you know your waj TOLD BY SPECIALIST vester of Walterville. Mr. aud Mrs. around thia towilT" asked the sur Orville Wegner of Salem. Harley produci Ion has been slead dOiilc traffic cop Mr and Mrs. J. D, Harrill. D. T lly Increasing In western Oregon Harrill of Deerhorn were entertaln- No." answered Mr. * ougglns. a„,| Admitted to Hospital—Irene lieu „„ steadily decreaalng In lea v es Saturday — Miss Audrey Odw at Ihe home of Mrs Evelyn Crop Specialist Urges Caution ton of Marcóla was admitted to Ihe McPherson will leave S.lurduv for .f I knew aiiv way «round II. you I I rasiera Oregon over thè taat 20 in Planting Crown Vetch; Eugene hospilal on Monday. Eugene Optican Has Same Harrill at l.eaburg. Klamath Falla where she is leach don I suppose I il bave golten lulxed VHtr( „ eotuparlsoii oli cenati» Ila Mrs W. C. Thlenes was hostess " « sh lu g lo li i,||ve« inaili* hy II II. Hill, a s s o d a te ing school. after havl < »font tlie u p III II, do you* May Become Weed Equipment Used in Giving to her children and grandchildren Mrs. Frank Lo- V is ita P a re n ts Sipr. h lidavs wllh her larenls here iigroiionilsi al the Oregon Expert License Applicants Exams. at her Deerhorn home. T H E FA C T O R IE S A flood of inquiries concerning . I *,n Harrisburg meni «ladon shows. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carter en Diemtsred from Hoopital— C. M. her ' * r*nU lly M a rg a re t W ld d em er In I »29 western Oregon produced Residents of l* n e county who iertained a party of close rela­ highly publicised new crop, crown''*’ "Are Ihe fiali biting ?" vetch, have been pouring Into the R«1Bbow Resident Here— bottle I.a lb i! c. C ukrltlgc. ami Ray Sini i. had automobile driver» license» tives Christmas day. "I doni know." replied the wearv i more limn a million tuisliols of luu I have shut my llllle slsler lu from W endling » e re illsmlsse|l frinii the < ■ ton Experiment stanon and the j Laird of Rainbow was a huatneas prior to the enactment of the new angler. If they are, they re biting *r,*M' * •«*» life and light Eugene hospital Saturday. United Stales department of agri v(aitor t„ Springfield on Tuesday ! age that was inoal noticeable in examination law may ascertain In I For a rose, for a ribbon, for u each other.” OUTLOOK SEASON clulure since the appearance of an I a very few minute« Just what trade the Iasi HI years III eas'eru Ore Christmas at Camp Creek— Mr «renili «croas my lialrI, NOW APPROACHING article about It in * iialional (arm Ja,Per M«" Here — Jim ami and Mrs W. II Holihs sp.-iil flirt I ton. on the oilier hand, lb ■ census I have mnd<' lor restless (eel alili they will get In the vision and color A Hard Ride ----------- magadne. says H. A Schoth. asso l-loyd Aubrey of Jasper wrrv vlsl shows that ill 1909 there were toil teat* If they are curious about thia. mas at Ibe O. II Hardy bom- at illllil Ihe night. of State and d ale agronomist stationed at Ore-■’ora in Springfield on Tuesday. Dldn I you claim when you sold mio acres of tuirloy grown, while In l)r. Ella Meade. Eugene optician, Agriculturalirts Camp Creek. Locked from sweets of summer Nation Preparing Economic g en Stale co.lege |(> _ Krallk „ me ihlN car that you'd replace any I»'.'» Hila hud shrunk Io 4X000 haa Just received a complete set of uud fnim wild spring air; Home for Holidays— 'll M lur thing that broke or was missing' aerea, though the lutai cereal acre Forecast Now inatrumenlM. duplicates of those Crown vetch Is a perennial leg Hamlin and his son. John Nellis I who ranged the meudowluiids, Ine Lombard, teacher al North age east of Ihe mounlaina had In- used by the state examiners In ume. native of Europe, which has drove to Portland Friday Yes «Ir. Wliat Is If?" free from sun Io suu. a Rend. Is spending Ihe holidays Wliat is ahead for farming in gen- fo« faculty of growing on very poor 1 I creased close to 22b.lion acres. making their testa of the applicants Free to slog and pull he buds and Paator Visitor—Rev. Oarhodeii m | »1 rlngfleld with her mother, eral and of Oregon farmers In partl- clay soil, starling early and other "Well, I waul four front teeth Mr lllll pointa out dial there Is vision and color determination. watch the fur wlnga fly, and a collar hone Ilostuu Tran now consideratilo Interest, and I liuve bound my sister ill her play wise making itself conspicuous — , S lleti Is visiting with relatives | The equipment consists of four cular' Guests in Eugene— Mr. and Mrs. script. ; here this week While thousands of Oregon farm actually as well as figuratively rightly ao, In feuding cheap wheal parts. The first consists of two up­ lua-llnie was doue W. P. Tyson and daughter. Muriel. and operators are seriously Io liveatock. On the other hand. If right poles which the person taking owners Oh. my llllle alatar, was It IT mulliug over this question state Mr Scho,h 18 recommending lhal Visiting in Counntry—Miss Dora I spent Christmas In Eugene al Ihe Should Be Easy grain 1« Io lie grown expresaly for - Wan II IT the test is asked to manipulate ‘ , ia , K Oregon growers go easy on this , thy Frese Is spending several days home of Mr. and Mrs Gilbert Ty cft>p how unt„ further ,nfonn. #| Into a parallel position by means of and governmental aid 1. being mo- "I cau l marry him. mother He thia livestock, Mr. Hill calls at can b/ ha(| on Wa„ en .t„e , tenllon to ihe fact that In both two strings. The second test Is one bilixed to bring then, the latest doesn't believe there's a hell I have robbed my slsler of her day eastern and western Oregon luirley Return from Portland— Mr. and of range of vision. This Is taken am esi economic outlook informa- #Bd ¥a|ue tf any in tbjs s,ate (n of maidenhood Marry him, my dear, and tMhfwIII normally (nature more pounds t on poss e to gather to be applied tbe fjrsj place. he says, it Is a plant Goes to Portland— Mrs N. W y rs w F walker returned io with a Perimeter and shows Just (For a robe, for a feather, for a tween us we ll convince ........... i ,,f feed p„r r,. ,|la„ w((h # strong under(.n,u,1(| nwt gy9. Emery went to Portland Friday Io | Springfield Saturday from Pori land what the scope of vision of the on the problem. trinket s restless spurkl, "For example, al Moro, Marloul individual is by making individual Right now final information and tPnl which spreads rapidly and, *"h her sisters. Slie returned 1 wberB they spent their Christmas he s wrong. Shill from Love nil dusk shall fall, i barley will ontyleld Itybred 129 charts for each eye. statistics are being assembled tor might easily cause tin» plant to be- ! the middle of Ihe week. wllh friends. how shall she know good, The Psychological Moment | wheal. " says Hill Al Ihe Union si« The determination of colors when ,he annual nationwide agricultural a serious w«ed Anyone who Drives to port,and _ cnrlton: „ . c .. M llow shall she go scatheless intermingled constitutes the third outlook conference to be held in ba8 had to fl, ht mornlU(t glortwl. Wym .n drove to Portland Wednes Folk H .r^ -M r ami Mrs "Am dere anybody In de congre lion Trebl barley beats Ihe best through the sln-llt dark' test, and the final test is the ability Washington. D. < .. where at least; Canada thistle and similar weeds dav to transact business He ex ** Alderln of ttklani are gallon what wishes prayer for delrj wheal, and ul Pendleton figures I who could be Innocent. I who to read a chart at a certain distance one representative from every that spread from such root» Is not | rem . to ................................... spending Ihe holidays In Spring failin'«»" asketl Ihe colored minis- H * ”* Tr’ "' ‘•‘•«X•-«•*»»»« »•«' >•«-« return sometime ’-------- today. could be gay, x field as guest» of Mr. ami Mrs 8. ,er i wheat hy ;loo pounds por acre. In to determine whether a person is stale will meet lale In January to eager to add another problem. I who could have love and mirth prepare a national report on agri- j weateru Oregon barley will heal near or far sighted. Portland People Vi»it Here — 1 N Roberts. Reports from Europe are that before the llglil went by, Yassuh. responded Brother either wlieul or outs on fertile, well Dr. Meade is the first person in (he plant there is not considered I liavi put my alser In her mating Mrs. Milton I J0»«» "Ah's a «pen thrlf, an' Ah ¡drained upland noil. Return to Seattle arrived Monday to spend a few Eugene to privately own the items mand. supply and. probably could. desirable for feed because of a lime away— and three sons of Seattle left ('hrows mah money round reckless "Feeding trials wllh barley aud ol testing equipment. Several of the Many angles of the present situ 1er laste. It has been tested out days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. j Sister, my young slsler. was II IT Sunday for (heir home at Seattle Hke." corn allow (hut too pounds of bur leading opticians in Oregon gather ation were forecast in previous out Noah L. Heiterbrand and family. Was II IT partially on the Arlington experi-' , --------------------------------after having spent Christmas al "Ve'y well. We will Join In pray I» equal to 90 to »5 pounds of ed in Portland when the state ex­ look reports. though the business mental farm in Virginia and In one; visiting Brother — Miss Theda i Ihe Wilbur Lloyd home here er fn' Brother Jones )es' afteb de co,n- !*'*• the corn usually shipped aminers were being trained and slump has continued longer and vase the early green growth was Perkins of Seattle arived in Snrlnir . . . it .» t . * . . , vollevtlon plate have been passed hen» from tli«» east usually ar I have robbed mv slsler of Ihe lips several of them purchased the nec gone deeper than expected, says L. eaten readily by cows. field Sunday to spend a week visit- Guests at Junction City—Mr. and ngulusl her breast. rives with 15 In IX per cent mol essary equipment. R Breithaupt, extension economist General experimental information ing with her brother. George Per M. Larson and family spent For a coin, for (he weaving of my i (are content of g to 9 per cent, so at Oregon State college, who heads Currant Bread Pudding There is no fee for the tests about the crop is so slight that the | kins. ( ( hrlstmas day at Junction City childrens lace and lawn), 1 lure, white barley often has a mol» Each person is given a chart of the the outlook work in Oregon. As Oregon experiment station is by Butter small moulds unit fill near­ where they were dinner guests at Feet dial pace beside he loom, I that II equals corn (siuud for pound soon as he returns from the nation, vision range of each eye. and no means ready to distribute piano from K F «'" “ 'he Sam Miller home. ly full of breadcrumbs and dried ' 'n sin h cases." hands, hands lhal cannot rest — _________________ certificate of the responses of the al meet he will head the work of or seed for trial, though some deal­ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Emery of Kla- currants. Beat three eggs with two How can she know motherhood, Spring barley is the highest yield preparing local adaptations of the math Falls are spending several individual to the tests. cups of milk, and four tablespoons ers now handle It as a hardy orna­ whose strength Is goneT Ing In many parts of Ihe stale, hut report as applied to conditions in days here this week visiting with of sugar, flavor to taste, and pour mental. I who took no heed of her, starved In Western Oregon rail barley Is this state. relatives. Into the mould. Lei stand for five and labor worn, often favored, tartleularly as a It is significant that the national minutes, aleam for half an hour, 1. against whose placid heart my -♦ Return to Tacoma— John Hallin nnrso crop for red clover, in which conference this year Is giving in­ and serve will lemon sauce. sleepy gold heads He. and Sam Galloway returned to Ta- role 1( Is belter than either wheat creased attention to demand trends Round my path ihey cry to me I coma Sunday after having spent The Christmas to New Year's r oats, say« Hill. as well as surply." says Mr. Breit­ llllle souls unborn Mrs. Hubert Gray was called to several days in Springfield visiting vacation hag been filled with holi­ haupt. "The events o. the past two Klamath Fails a few days ago by at Ihe home of Mrs. Emma Olson CARD OF TIIA.NKR Gist of Life! Creator! I was I! day nativities of interest to many years clearly demonstrate that in the serious illness of her father. We wish Io extend thanks to out Il was I! Included in these have been the periods of deflation and business Robert Herrington, who formerly Returns from Vacation— Miss Fog Bothers lin e rs j many friends for their kind ser­ family re-unions and parties at the recession, farm income declines resided here. Mrs. William Henson Annis McGookin, nurse in the of­ vices. beautiful floral offerings, and home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence i The popular conception of an Russian Dragging more because of weak demand than also a daughter of -Mr. Herrington, fice of Dr expreslons of sympathy during our Milton V. "alker. re u,.eu„ greyhound nearly a quarter Gossler where members of Ihe Har because of over-production. bereavemeiil at Ihe death of our was unable to go on account of seri­ turned Monday from Portland > of a mile long Is that It can dis bet family and a few close friends Russian dressing Is mad« by add "In Oregon the annual cash in ous illness of her small daughter. where she had spent the Christ re|[ard aln)oat any na|ura, h>lard beloved buaband and faith r. gathered Christinas day. Ing two teaspoons of chill sauce, come from crop and livestock pro­ Betty. She received word of the mas holidays with friends. Mrs. George W . Gerber barr, nK hugH lceberfII, , r,p " and a whole pimiento chopped fine At the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. duction between 1924 and 192S was and family. death of her father Monday morn to a cup of mayonnaise. across the Atlantic. Thai thin Is C. Earl at Cedar Flat the Nelson approximately »120.0CQ 000. or ing. Mr. Henson left at once for Drive to Tigard—Dr. and Mrs. family of Harrisburg and Mr. and slightly more than 12100 per farm This year II Is (ashlouuble (o Imik W.' H. Pollard, their children. Ruth not true was shown tbis week when a newspaper headline slated that (op-heavy. And Ihe rever Is pari Mrs. Richard Hart and daughter, TMs year the Oregon cash incomt Klamath Falls. and Bob. and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and daugh­ eight liners were held up on one of thia fashion. Norma of Cedar Flat were guests. is estimated at around ISO.OOO.OOj Steen spent Christmas at Tigard Mr. and Mrs. John Fountain of though the gross production was ters. Edna and Lela. Diem and as guests of Dr. Pollard's sister day for hours because of a fog. A further emphasis Is given to Walterville entertained six of their only about average, indicating that Edith Nelson from Harrisburg, and About 21 family relatives weife Sometimes the big vessels are revers by embroidery. Fortunately Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hart and held up al Quarantine, five miles they are not frilled and turbellowed children and their grandchildren over production was not alone to daughter, Norma, spent Christmas present. at their home. Mrs. Harold Robin­ blame." from Wall Street, for a full day. Sometimes the embroidery iwcurs day with Mr. and Mrs. Chase Earl. during which Ihe passengers can on (he collar section, sometlmca on son of Portland was unable to be Mrs. Beulah Harbert enjoyed only fuss and fume and ear with ' present. Bacon Omelet having all her family gathered at reluctance the wonderful extra Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Potter enter­ Chop some crisp hot bacon, and home for Christmas day dinner. Mrs. J. A. Phelps entertained , meals the steamship Is forced Io tained Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Farn­ mix with an omelet mixvire before Those present were Mr. and Mrs. eight couples of young folks at her serve them free of charge, ham and children of Richmond. rooking. Cook as ushal. Dick Harbert. sons Wayne and Dar­ home Monday night. December 88. * Nature still holds the whip hand rel from Vaughn. Mrs. Genevieve Several games were played during on man. Even Lindbergh had to I Beaman from Gold Hill, and daugh the evening. Those present were K*ve up his plan Io fly Grand! to ter Zora from Eugene, and son. Leo­ Lucile Jordan. Florence Jordan.. Washington when Italy's foreign nard Beaman from Salem: Mr. and Veda Daley. Mildred Swift. Locetta. minister came here. Just because of Mrs. Perry Beaman and son from Baughman. Bonnie Jean Tinker. | fnk- Vernonia; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pet­ Caryl Lord, Evlyn Phelps. Harold j • • • erson and children, Margaret and McLeod, Dwight Brown. Earl Me- Being Pilot No Snap 77 E. BROADWAY Leonard from Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Letal. Jack Doane. Dick Noble, EUGENE. OREGON Every vessel leaving or entering Jack Harbert and daughter. Molly Henry Olson, Robert Phelps and; York Harbor must have a Dean from St. Helens; Mr. and Fred Dent. ! licensed pilot. The penalty for not Mrs. Harry Harbert and children Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Phelps and twoi carrying a pilot Is forfeiture of the and Cecil Harbert. Mr and Mrs. children spent Christmas day In, ^surance and the »300 or so that Lawrence Gossler and son. James Roseburg with Mr. and Mrs. Jack rould b» saved Is too small to make ¡and daughter, Jeanine. Dent and family. Fred Dent return- 11 advisable to try to cut down on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grant en­ ed to Pleasant Hill with them to that Item. j The pilot "takes o v er" the vessel tertained Christmas day. Mrs. spend the holidays. Grant’s sister and family. Mr. and GROUP 1 Gerald Kable who is teaching 88 800,1 as he steps on the bridge Mrs. Overly and children from Cor- school at Yoncalla. Donald Kable j ’ "d whatever happens from then is ' VALUES TO $3.98 Vallls. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frost, re­ who is teaching school at Ten Milei ,he P|,o, s fault If he makes a mis Ruler» of Low Price» cently from Minnesota, and Mr. and Douglas Kabler, who is attend he lo"«» his license and bis 10th A Willamette— EUGENE— New Schaefer» Bldg. and Mrs. E. J. Frost, Miss Gertrude ing Monmouth, are spending the mpans of livlihood. which probably Frost and Miss Adeline Carter from Christmas holidays with their par j ,ook him twenty years to qualify Eueene. Also their daughter. Miss ents. Mr and Mrs. T. F. Kabier at for' 11 ,8 ,a c fl-om being a soft snap, I BROKEN SIZES Marjorie Grant, who is attending 1 leasant Hill. pv< n on bright days. the wide points of the”rever, some I . of O. this year, and their son. Emery Hyde, »on of Mr. and Mrs. When one thinks how hard It is times on the tie part ul the scarf Jav Grant, who is principal of the C. F Hyde of Eugene sailed from ,o ,lrivp “n au,° °n a misty day one that goes with them. Dorena high school this year were Portland Sunday. December 21, for *'an flK',rP the worries a pilot has The embroidery may be of self GROUP 2 present. the Grlent. He will be gone three | ,n a harbor crowded with shipping color or of contrasting color - all Rev. E. V. Stivers, pastor of the months. Emery Hyde formerly lived i and 8teerl°K u vessel riy« blocks the colors of Ihe fashion rainbow, VALUES TO $4.98 Thurston church, will lecture on at Pleasant Hill where he attended ' lonK up a narcow river. But It pay« and they are many, may he useil. Rome next Sunday. One of the ser­ high school. He Is a sophomore at; 8 Ter}r Ko°d Income and there Is no For bright color Is one or Ihe smart ies of lectures of the Holy Land the University of Oregon. ! 'apk candidates. details of this year's fashion. Springfield, Oregon which he visited a few years ago. Miss Loree Laird who is a fresh-j • • • Revers are usually double. In that ALL SIZES IN T H E LOT Harry Calvert motored to Junc­ man at the University of Oregon ‘ lnfan,y Industry case the embroidery 1s done before tion City Thursday evening where Is spending Christmas vacation i Npw Yorlt'’’ telephone directories, the two thicknesses of malerlnl are he spent Christmas eve with his with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. | i88Ued In four big hooks, are a nuls- put together. The embroidery can grandmother and other relatives. N. Laird at Edenvale. ante to consult, because of their then be pressed from the wrong NOW GOING ON Mr. and Mrs. Arch Shough, who »ZiMIBMBMIIIII'gW Miss Nellie Lorenz, a student at size. Out of this trouble has grown side. And Ihe lining or facing of the have been visiting relatives here the State Normal school at Mon­ a business all rh own T h | g ) a rever covers the ugly uiider-slde of Save Money on These Low Price» of Our Surplus for some time left for their home mouth. is spending Christmas vaca nothing less than a concern which the work and makes a smooth, at­ Stock. Stock up for a month! in eastern Oregon last Saturday. will take y„ur directories and re­ tractive finish. tion with her parents at Trent. Miss Mildred Price, who is teach­ The farmers of the Lowell and turn them with a thumb Index ing at The Dalles, Is spending her adjoining districts are talking plans Switchboard operators. and Christmas holidays with her par­ of starting a cheese factory. Mr. others who have to turn tf) thp Kingley’s Oreen Olives ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Price. Blair of Lowell was In Eugene on rectories often. fl„,| , he flfty rfin(H Pint Ja rs charged for the service a small Monday discussing the promotion Pound Regulation Mayonnaise of such a project with Mr. Harlan, .mount t° pay ,or th„ POnvM),enf.e Break the yolk of an egg in a manager of the Eugene chamber of obtained shallow bowl, add a half teaspoon commerce. It's a service that could be start- of dry mustard, the same amount of BusineHH Garda Per Pound The tri-community club which In any town and salt, a pinch of red pepper. Mix well eludes the districts of Cloverdale, for other books than directories. Pound le tte r Head« and gradually beat In a cup of olive Bear Creek and Enterprise, will oil and two tablespoons of good have a watch party Thursday night Whatever happens during foe Office Komis STOCK. The stock of lumber formerly owned by the Eugene vinegar or lemon Juice. The oil at their community hall at Clover present session of Congress will 4 Pounds 2 2 /s C Transit Milling Co. We have what you want. Hand Dills must be beaten In slowly. Some dale. The women will furnish Jello, have to he discounted by the voters, Pound 1QC cooks work It In drop by drop. The cake and sandwiches. P . tlctans of both great parties as- COME -L O O K — SAVE. Statements point is, it must be beaten very, ed with V” ry * MeCh W'" bp ',e,,VPr- very thoroughly. PLACE. At the Ynlllslte formerly owned by The Eugene Transit d wlfo an eye to Influencing votes Blotters Jam Omelet Milling Co. Go Io the end of West Second St. and Make an ordinary omelet. When and ■wb .......... g "residential election Envelopes d wlfo the purpose of building White Mayonnaise turn to the right Office Just North of the McDonald Pound 7y2C It Is ready to send to the table, Into a bowl break the whites of spread It with Jam, roll, and serve >P good campaign material Lumber Co. Menus, etc. two eggs and the yolk of one, na- The president Is firmly commit- DAL’S DIAMOND PRICE, UNHEARD OF PRICES. Absolute Sacrifice. ThP pro­ Ticket« Ing a light-colored yolk if opsaible. °d to foe task of restoring a me«», Uses for Sour Cream HARD W H EA T FLOUR Kaeh ceeds from this lumber go to the lien claimants and Add a cup of olive oil, a pinch of There are quite a number of ex­ ure of prosperity to foe entire conn- 4» Pound Sack, they need the money. Coat of Lumber no considera­ white pepper, a quarter-teaspoon of cellent ways of utilizing sour try m the next few months and he tion. salt and a tablespoon of lemon cream. You will find It a good sub- At The >n "lgn any rnfia""re that I In mired« of Other Need­ Juice. Beat ail with a rotary egg stltute for sweet milk In dressings will benefit the ordinary man. whe- . ____ „ TERMS. Cash. ed Item« a t Money beater until stiff, creamy mayon for salads. If can also be used In ,hpr l>roPO8cd by his own party or Large Package Having Price« | nalse results. This Is fine for chick stead of sweet milk when making hy the Democrats, relying on the FRED KARDELL, Trustee en salad. If the dressing is to be chocolate fudge, and scones and K°°d "«use of the common voter to for Lien Claimants. Offices: 119 R. Broadway, used with fruit salad a tablespoon pancakes made with sour cream i distinguish between his own value of sugar may be added. will he beautifully light. and that of hl» opponent. MOTOR EYE TESTS AVAILABLE FREE New Plant Draws Hood of Queries I McKenzie Valley Thurston « « - eyiBNOT CAMPJB MARSÍ1ALL ->>>>> Upper Willamette Williams’ Sell Service Store ftappp Jîftu j?ear JANUARY CLEARANCE Women’s Footwear The Golden Rule 78c pr. J Irish-Murphy Co. $ J. 39 Great Pre-Inventory Sale LUMBER Your Chance to Save! Olive» Crystal Cream 19c ‘Lest You Forget’ Citron Peel 15c Rice Candy 12/sc G in g e r S n a p s 10c Cocoanut Krinkles Jersey Corr Flakes 5c Fig Bar» P o st T o a stie» 95c S u p er S u d s Willamette Press 15c Get the Irish-Murphy H a b it--/f P a y s i