I c THE SPRINOFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER »1, IM I rs. Gerald Holey and son of Port­ Ject» now under roastruetton which M arriage License« laaued KLEIN SAYS GOVERNMENT I land came up Christmas day to warw not completed In 1931. U»- During the peat week marriage PUBLICATIONS USEFUL I spend Ihe week-end with Mr. and ftnlahed construction during 1*31 llcenae« have been granted by the ' Mrs. F. D. Lacey. Includes the Prospect diversion pro­ ceuaty clerk to Ihe followlng: Al­ ‘‘Are Government Publications The West Point Grange held a ject of The California Oregon fred l.lndqulat and Alice Urlttaan, U a a fu ir Is the title of the radio special meeting In the hall last The Lane County Chamber of I mi I I i of 1‘ rovolet, Oregon; Cllfford talk to It« broadcast Sunday. Janu­ Monday evening. The members of Commerce will meet at Creswell on Power company system which will Mtiuon»on, Moacow and Geneva ary 3. by Dr Julius Klein, assist­ the Orange cast thetr votes for the Thursday January 21»t at the not be placed In service until 1*33. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S IN T H K CO UNTY COURT O F T H E Hall. Kugene; Merl« lla rp er and ant Secretary of Commerce of the state officers. The results were a s : Orange ball and the bualnesa men The largest part of th< expenditure N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R » S TA TE OF OREGON FOR LANK IcOla Hcott, both of Kugene; John Culled States, over ihe coast-to- follows: State master. Arthui at Crgawwll have been invited to at in 1933. according tc preliminary COUNTY. l’ederaon, Kugene and France« coast network uf the Columbia Brown; state secretary, Mias Her- tend tbe aeaalon. H. A. Howe on figures, will be In the electric de- NOTICE IM HK ItEH Y G IVEN : M A TTER OF T H K KK ,, , That L. L. Itay haa been appoint­ IN T A T T H K K OF Broadcasting System, from four to lha Beck; state overseer, M C. Saturday on behalf of the chamber partment—*16,347.300; tha gas de- TO W H O M IT M A Y C O N C E R N W IL L IA M II. R O A C H ,1 r ' ' ’ ed adinlnlalrator of the ««late ol partrnent will expend *3.31*.809. and four fifteen P. M.. Portland time. Glover; atate librarian, Mr». Marie ,he Invitation. Deceaaed. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S I will mil lie rimpiiiiHlblii fur any Rebecca A. Porter, dece»»ed, by the *6.338.867 will be expended (or The talk will he beard locally NO TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IVEN : Flint McCall. A Chrlalmaa tree waa ------- Notice 1» hereby given that the debt« riintrni'lfil except my uwli County Court of l.nne County, Ore­ That C. A, Pryor ha« been appoint other departments, Including gen­ through station KO IN. Dr. Klein held and gifts were exchanged. gon All peraon« having claliua undur»lgned by order of the County In future. eral construction. again«! »aid ««tale are required to ed admlnlalrator of the e»tate of Court of the State of Oregon fot will weigh the charge«, made so Don Stoneberg. who has been II II. MANKKY. J7 preaent them, with the proper W illiam II. Roach, deceaaed. by the Lane County entered on the lat freqiienlly nowadays by the oppon­ County Court of Kugene, Lane very III with pneumonia. Is Improv­ voucher«, within »lx month» from BEDROOM SUGGESTIONS Oregon. All per«ona hav day of December. 1*31, have been ents of "Bureaucracy,” that govern­ the 17th day of December. 1*31, County, ing. ¡ng"'cl'aim« a gain at''¡.'a Id '«»tale are appointed Joint administrator» of ment publications are largely of a Submit« to Operation— Mr« Karl Io the «aid adiiilnlatrator at III« law required to preaent them, with th e ' l,b" Mr. and Mr». Clyde Sldwell and OFFERED HOMEMAKERS «>» 'mrle» B. Blanton, 11U lie nl of Trent uiiilerweiit u mu office In the Miner Building, Ku proper voucher., within «lx month» dec-eaaed. All persona having trivial or unprofitable nature, and daughter, Ml»» Agnes Sldwell. are Jnr operai lull at the Kugelte liimpl gene, Oregon from the 24th day of December. I ' »«»«•- “ r" bere that many of them are concerned visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Charles How to obtain restful sleep, prl L. I. ItAY, Adiiilnlatrator of 1*31, to the «aid admlnlalrator at b>, ""DD«,d to preaent the aame with matters In which the govern­ Everhart In Berkeley. Cal. Mrs. lal Monday. vary, storage space and personal the Katate of Rebecca A. Por­ duly verified and with voucher» the law office of L. L. Kay, In the ter, deceased. attached to the under«lgned at the ment should not intrude. He will Everhart was formerly Miss Louise | "Conditions arising during the Ity in the bedroom Is the theme of Miner Building. Kugene, Oregon. point out how these accu»atlon» an. Sldwell previous to her marriage. I P « " " » « F ^ r s have presented oper a series of letters announced by (D 17 24 31 J 7-141 C. A. PRYOR. AdinlnlHtrator of law office of Gordon 8. Well« in the latlng and management problems of Gertrude L. Skow, county home N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T the eetale of W illiam II. Roach, Milter llulldlug. Kugene, Oregon, for the mo»t part unfounded, and M is. A d . Zlnser, who tem :M . ma„ , tud>. the poWlc within »lx month» from the date will undertake to prove that the deceaaed. demonstration agent Miss Skow N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S IN T H E CO UN TY COURT OF of the flrat publication of thl» no­ .«boot in Albany. I . spending the utn)(y ,ndo, | r y . M<,ord|B< L. L. RAY, Attorney for Batate. Intelligent use of facts provided by Is offering these helps free to all T IIK STATE OK OREGON FOR Notice la hereby given that the tice.* C h ris t» » , vacation at the home of Tl(.(. prf.sl„ en, (1)24-31 J 7 14 21) T IIK COUNTY o r l,ANK. IN underalgned ha« been appointed The date of llrat publication of official booklets often brings very women who enroll for them before her parent«, Mr and Mr«. K. O. I'H O llA TK No. 6671. thl» notice la December 3, 1931. E v M u lor or tin- la«t W ill anil »ubidantlal business profits facili­ charge of operation. Byllesby En January 12th. J. H. BLANTON, IN T IIK M A T T E R o r T IIK KM Teatament of Klleu Joaephlne Root, N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SA LE tates operations, and enhance» to a ' gtneering and Management corpora- Hix letters are Included In the A LICE BLANTO N, Joint ad- .Mlas June Goodale who teaches T A T E OK ELIJAH C. MTUMAN, deceased, and of her »aid «»tutu REAL PROPERTY high d eg r e e the welfare of the In­ . tton. The ( ailing off in manufac series. Material for them has been mlulMlrator« of the e»tate of and ha» duly qualified aa aucb. All Deceaaed. in the local high school, la spend- NO TICE la hereby given that by dividual American citizen. turtng and trade has resnlted in de- compiled by Mrs. Zelta Kndenwold. t'harlea 11. itlanton, deceaaed. TO WHOM T H IS MAY CONCERN; peraona huvlttg claim» aguluat ihe virtue of an < xecutlon and order of ing the holidays at the home of her i j , v«. v (I) 3-10 17 24-31) Copies of Dr. Klein's addre»» may creased loads while abnormally low state extension economist In home Notice I* hereby given that the auld «»late are hereby required to ■ale laaued out of the Circuit Court parents In Newberg. , , preaent auch claim» duly verified he obtained without cost on applica­ . water conditions tn territories ser- management, as a result of re­ umleralgnetl, »« the adniliiUtratur of the State of Oregon for laine Mr». Hazel Osburne. who teaches . , , . . N O T IC E T O C P E D IT O R 8 of the above «m illed estate hua with proper voucher« attached, to County thia 6lh day of December. tion to the Portland District office . I ved largely by hydro-electric gener- quests made at the Homemaker day Notice la hereby given that the In the first and second grades here,: filed lu «aid Court, hl« flual ac­ uie at my office at 234 Main atreet, 1*31, upon and purauant to u decree of the Bureau of Foreign and Do- i atlng stations have contributed fur­ meeting held last spring. Home­ count; (hut the time »el for the Hprlugrield. Oregon, wlthlo a ll duly given and mud« by aald C o u rt' underalgned ha» been duly appolnt- ls spending the Christmas vacation me»tlc Commerce. month» from the date of thl» no­ n , , ther to the problems of maintaining makers will find these letters con­ thlN l»t day of December. 1*31, In | ed executor of the eatate of Loulwa hearing thereon, befure the aald with her son. Grieg Osborne In . . . . . . Court 1« lu o'clock A M. January tice, the »am« being dated and pub a «ult pending therein lit which 11 Mulkey, deceased, and any and all ,, H d ' h|Fh standards of service, particul- tain good, workable Ideas for mak­ 16, 1*32. and all peraon* havlug llahed the flrat time thl» the 17th II. Ilrtindage wa» plaintiff and K. C. persons having claims agulnst the LIONS MEETING BEING ’ a arly In those communities where ing the bedroom a restful, comfort­ Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bettis and Simmons and Mina Slmmona. hl» »aid estate are hereby required to any objection« to the aald fluul ac­ day of December, 1*31, ¡growing demand» for rural and do- able. convenient, attractive place In preaent said claims, duly verified HELD AT NOON TODAY wife, Herman liurgoyne and 4e««le count »hall file the aame In writ- Mlss Thelma Cross spent Christmas I. M I'KTKHHON, Kxecutor of . . „ „ .... . mestlc service have been In evl which to sleep, rest and »tore one's as by law required, at the law office lug on or before the hour »et for at the home of Mrs. Bettis parents. dence the I-aal W ill and Teatament liurgoyne. hl« wife, were defend­ of II. K. Slattery, Attorney, Suite ant«. which execution and order of belongings. the hearing. The regular weekly luncheon Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Foley who live of Kllen Josephine Root, De­ «ale was to me directed and com­ 10, 717 W illamette Street. Kugene, II. K S L A T TE R Y , Aduilnlatra meeting of the Springfield Lions "Electric output of utilities in the ceaaed. The first letter will be mailed on near Brownsville. manded me to sell the real pro Oregon, In Lane County, Otegon, tor of the Katate of Elijah C. (D 17-24-31—J 7-14) Standard Gas and Electric Com­ January 15th, according to Mias perty hereinafter described to »at- within six months from the date club Is being held at noon today Mtuman. Deceased. Harry Harbert of Burns, Oregon, pany system for the 12 months end­ Skow. and the other five letters instead of Friday which Is New l«fy certain lieu« and charges In of this notice. t!) 17 24 31 -J 7-14) N O T IC E Dated and flrat published Dec­ Year s day. The meeting last week is visiting at the home of Mr. and ing October 31 totaled 4.448,026.787 will follow at two-week Intervals. «aid decree specified, I will on Mrs. T. Q. Green with his wife OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Friday the gth day of 4anuury. 1932, ember 24. 1931. kilowatt-bours, compared with 4, Enrollments may be made by w rit­ Date of last publication January wuk omitted as It would have fallen and two children. at the hour of 10 o'clock, A M. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Notice la hereby glveu that the ut the southwest door ot the Coun­ 21. 1932. 612,499.973 kilowatt-honrs In the ing or telephoning Miss Skow at >n Christmas day. Notice la hereby given that the underalgned. Frank J. Mly, Execu­ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Green are LANSFORD II. M U L K E Y , Ex- previous twelve month period, a de­ her office In the Public Market uuder»lgued ha« been appointed tor of the Katate of Kutina A. Mly, ty Court House In Kugene, Ijtue vtaltlng with Mrs. Green's parents, ecutor of the estate of Louisa crease of 3.57 per cent as compared building In Eugene. N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SA L E Kxecutrlx of Ihe Katate of Mary deceaaed. ha« filed hl« Flual Re­ County, Oregon, offer for sale and Mulkey, deceased. NO TIC E Is hereby given that by Mr. and Mrs. Gooding and relatives with a decrease of 3.87 per cent Ann llaruea. deceaaed. by the Conn port and Account aa auch Kxecutor sell at public auction for cush, »ub Addrea», Eugene, Oregon. Ject to redemption as provided by In Milton-Freewater. virtue of an execution und order of ty Court of Lain- County, O regon with the Clerk of Ihe County Court during the same period In total SCHOOL CLASSES TO H K. S L A T TE R Y , Attorney for Mr. and Mrs. Loren Gray and sale issued out of the Circuit Court All peraona having claim» again»! of lo n e County, Oregon, and that law. all of the right, title and Inter Kxecutor. eat of the defendants In said »ult of the State of Oregon for Lane small son and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon electric output in the United States aald eatate are hereby notified to Maturday, the 16th day of January, RESUME ON MONDAY ( I) 24 31—J 7-14-21) County, December 12th, 1931, upon Gray and two children, Hilda Despite general daverse conditions, pr««enl the aame duly verified to 1*32, at It).Ut) <> cluck lu the fore­ and of all parties claiming by, through or under them or auy ot und pursuant to a decree duly given the uuderalgtied at the office of noon In the County Court Room lu domestic electric sales Increased Classwork at both of the Spring- Well« A Well». Hank of Commerce the Court House at Kugene, Ore­ them since the 1st day of Decem­ N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SA L E ON and made by said Court Decembet Louise and Verna Mae of Marsh­ about eight per cent during this field grade schools and at the ber. 1931. In or to the following E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E field are visiting at the home or Mr. 11th, 1931. in a suit pending there­ illd g , Kugene. Lane County, Ore­ gon, hua been aet by the Hon 0 . P. period, partly offsetting the decline high school will begin again Mon­ Notice Is hereby given that by in in which Clem H. Berlin and and Mrs. Campus Gray. gon. within a ll month» from the Uarnitrd Judge of aald Court, aa described real property, to-wli: Beginning at a point 31.71 virtue of an Execution and Order Ida A. Berlin, were plaintiffs and In sale» for industrial purposes date of the flrat publication of thia i Ihe lime anu place of hearing ob­ day after the annual Christmas and chains West and 6.12 chains of Sale In Foreclosure, Issued out Lum F. Anderson and Florence La notice. "During 1931, no properties ot any New Year's vacation. The high jection« to the aame, and for the South of the Northeast corner of of the Circuit Court of Lane County, Date of flrat publication, Dec. 10, final »etllemenl of «aid eatate. Verna Anderson were defendant», ere added to the Standard school vacation began Wednesday. ' size Section 10. Tp. 18 8. It. 3 W. W. Oregon, on the 23rd day of Decern which execution and order of sale 1*31 FRANK J. MLY, Kxecutor. M. In I-ane County, Oregon, and her, 1931, In a suit wherein on the i Gas and Electric company system. December 23, and the grade schools BKItTHA W E TZ E L , Executrix. j WKLLM ft W ELLS. Attorney». was to me directed and command­ running tnence East 11.96 chains; 22nd day of December, 1931, In said ed me to sell the real property WKLLM A WKLLM, Attorney». Substantial construction expendl- started theirs the next day. Dec­ I l) 17-24 31— J 7-14) Thence 8, 83 deg. Euat 10.00 court The Riverview Investment hereinafter described to satisfy ID 10-17-24 31--J 7) Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 8chnelder and tures, however, were required for ember 24. chains, thence Nort I 76 deg. 16 Co. recovered Judgment against the certain Hens and charges In said W. E. Schneider of Seattle, Wash- developing and expanding proper- min. Kaat 10.30 chains to fence on defendants Arthur W lckwlre, Anna N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S SUMMONS decree specified, I will on Satur- the West aide of the Pacific W lckwlre, Deamus W lckwlre and da ythe 30th day of January, 1932, Ington. were Christmas day and : ties. Combined net earnings ot all Goes to McMinnville— Jim Ellis, NOTICE IM HER EBY G IV E N : IN T H K C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E Highway; thence 8. 7 deg. 36 min. Grace W lckwlre for the sunt of S T A T E OF OREGON, FOR at the hour 6t 1 o'clock. P. M.. at week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. subsidary and affiliated public uti pressman at the W »iamette Ureas, That Frank Aldrich ha» been ap Kaat 11.10 chains, thence S. 7 Three Thousand Six Hundred Sixty- LANK CO UNTY the southwest door of the County W. Dixon. J. W. Schneider is a pn> Hty companies of the Standard Gas spent the week-end at McMinnville pointed admlnlalrator of the e«tate deg. 18 min. W. 6.43 chains to an four and 34-100 (»3664.34) Dollars, Court House In Eugene. Lane Coun of Marah Guthrie Aldrich, deceaaed. John Truesdale, Mary True«dale Iron bar; thence N. 88 deg. 66 and for the further »uni of *263.86 ty, Oregon, offer for sale and sell lessor In the high school and W. E j and Electric company for the 12 with his mother and sisters. He re­ and Janie« A. Pitta, Plaintiffs, by the County Court of Eugene, mill W. 32.88 chains to a point Dollar» as interest thereon, and for at public auction for cash, subject Schneider 1» a law student tn the months ended October 31. 1931. turned to Springfield Monday even­ va. Dune County, Oregon. All peraona South of the place of beginning; the further «um of Four (*400.00) showed a decrease of 2.09 per cent, ing. to redemption as provided by law. Slate university of Washington. The unknown heir« of Martin having claim« agaln»t aald eatate thence North 14.16 chains, more Hundred Dollar» a» attorney's fees all of the right, title and interest ' as compared tvith the previous 12 Oberatnner, also all other peraona are required to preaeut them, with or less to the pi e of beginning herein, und for costs and disburse­ of the defendants in said suit and Miss W llloughby Howe, a student j mont|,g wj,|le gross earnings de- or parties unknown claiming any the proper voucher«, within alx containing 47.30 acres, more or ments taxed at the sum of *26 90. of all parties claiming by. through of the Portland Bible Institute Is creased 4 57 per cent right, title, eatate, Hen or Interest Thlg lndi. month» from the 3rd d«y of Decem­ less, in Sections 10 an.. 11, said and said execution to me directed, or under them or any of them since In the real eatate described In ber, 1931, to Ihe »aid admlnl«lra- Township und Range. t ^e company has met the commanding me In the name of the the 22nd day of November, 1931. in home for the holidays with her par-1 categ the complaint herein, Defend­ tor at the law office of I,. L. Ray, Dated this 7th day of December. : of Oregon. In order to satisfy or to the following described real ents. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Howe. i decline In gross earnings by offset- ants. In the Miner Building, Kugene, Ore­ 1931. «aid Judgments. Interest, attorney'» Jane Alice Everson Is spending tjng operating economics prevent- property, to-wlt: To the unknown heirs of Martin gon. II. L. BOW N, Sheriff. fee«, coat» of suit, and accruing AH that particular part at and Obersluner. alao all other persona FRANK ALD R IC H , A'lmlnl« «.«.»■»•ine a a weelt wtlb her trien<1- Hazel lng ,|je net f ronj declining as much By A E. HULEGAARD. Deputy. coats, to sell the following des­ Formerly Walker-Poole or parties unknown claiming any trator of the Katate of Marah the West 'lin e of t h e j< la tk - at Lorane she left <-'>»rtat- earningB during the past ID 10-17 24-31—J 7) cribed real property, to-wlt: right, title, estate. Hen or Inter­ Guthrie Aldrich, deceaaed. The Kaat half H i ) of the East Felix Scott. Jr. Donation Land mas day. year. est In the real eatate described In L. L. RAY. Attorney for Katate. EUGENE—11th SPRINGFIELD half ( H ) of the Southwest quar­ SU M M O N8 Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Olson and Claim. Notlf. No. 3256. Claim No. the complaint herein, delenduutn _________ tP 3 10 17 24-31)_________ "The preliminary construction ter ( Ú ) of Section Four (4), IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H K and Charnelton, 228 Main 51 Sections 24 and 25. in Town­ fam ily of Reedsport and Mr. and IN T H K NAM E OF T H E STA TE Township Sixteen (16), South S TA TE OR OREGON FOR LANE ship 17 S. It. 3 West of the W il­ .Mrs. Otto Olson and family of Eu budget for 1932 totals *25.015.966 Telephone 723 Phone 62-J O F ORKOON: You are hereby re­ Range Four (41 West. W illam ­ COUNTY. which includes 33,508,034 (or pro- lamette Meridian. 2184.66 feet quired to appear and answer the Susie M. Bucknum. Plaintiff, vb . ette Meridian, containing Forty south of the northwest corner of gene spent Christmas with Mr. and i complaint filed against you In the acres (4 0 ), ulso beginning at a C. F. Mickelson. C. F. Mickelson •Mrs. Andrew Olson and Mr. and said donation land claim, for a , above entitled «ult within four point In the south line of the us Administrator of the Estate of place of beginning, thence North y rg Arthur Olson. 1 week« front the date of the first East half (\4 ) of the Northwest Hattie 11. Mickelson. Deceased, 89 degrees 55 minutes East 32«¿45 The Portland teachers Edith publication of thl« summon» and If quarter ( *4 ) of the above des­ Melba V. Gilbert. Rupert T G il­ ! you fall Io uppear or answer for West S * « fe°J('hmor."o? less. Snere, Irma Snere and M yrtle Uro- cribed Section Four (4), twenty- bert, W alter B. Arp. und Jane JEWELER j want thereof the plaintiff will tuke feet (20) West of the Southeast Arp. his wife. Bank of Commerce, to the south hank of the McKen- Ehong, are home for the Christmas a decree against you clearing the Repairing a Specialty corner thereof; thence North a corporation. Ed Zlttlker and J. zle River, thence in a southwest­ holidays. | title to the following described pre- AT twenty (20) feet; thence east to G. Beddo. Defendants. Springfield, Oregon erly direction tracing the mean­ | m ils*: The ea«t half of Lot» one A family reunion Chilstmas din­ the Pacific Highway, thence To W alter B. Arp and Jane' Arp, der line of the south bank of ner was enjoyed at the home of and four In Block «even of the South twenty feet (20); thence Ills wife. Defendants: the said McKenzie River to a Original Plat of Kugene. Lane west to the place of beginning; In the Name of the State of Ore- point which would be In the west Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Durdick. Guests County, Oregon, a» platted on NOW TH E R E FO R E , in the name Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN gon: You and each of you are here line of the said Donation Land were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Burdick page 2 of Volume A of the Record by required to nppear and answer of the State of Oregon, In compli Naturopathie Phyalelan Claim. If extended, thence south and daughter of Reedsport and Mr. ’ PRICES GREATLY REDUCED of Deeds for Lane County, Ore­ the complaint of plaintiff Ule’*» R» m Oregon. December 3, 1931. W. H. BROOKE, Attorney for Dated this 30th day of Novem­ DR. ELLA MEADE plaintiff, 860 W illam ette Street ber, 1931. Optometrist Eugene, Oregon. H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. Mr, and Mr». Clifford liryan, 711 rir« t «treat, are the parenta of a tai by daughter born to them at the I'aclflc t'hrlal Ian hoapltal on Krlday, December 26. 1*31. Daughter ► Born— Son Born— Mr. and Mr«. C. L. Klvett of Creawell are the parenta of ii baby «ob born to tlnin at the I'aclflc Christian hoapltal on Mun- day, December 27. j Coburg POWER COMPANIES FACEDJECLINES ♦ k ♦ I ♦ Creswell POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Business Directory Edw. G. Privat Great Pre-Inventory SALE Fulop's Department Store FULOP’S D epartm ent STORE BONDS Monday, Jan. 4 Eugene Business College DRY W OOD The Camera show® wh v U N I V 1 S .iifocals are B etter WRIGHT and SONS New Year l 41 W eet Bth Eugane (D 3-10-17-24-81) (D 3-10-17-34-31)