THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAH. S l ’K IM iH K L D NEW YEAR WILL Reception Set WEST LINN M E S to r New Year BE WELCOMED GAME OH TUESDAY I.A.SE . Dl \T Y . < > It E( i < ) \ Christmas T ill K.SDAY. DEI E.MHKH 3 1 . 193? HEARINGS HELD Day OH SCHOOL M No. 6t Jania, Ua„kl, SCHORL EKES C I1 ÏTREASURER s " cc , ss M b ™ REPORTEB GOOD Rev. and Mrs. Poindexter to Pretty Home Ceremony Held Rev. Taylor Organizes Chil­ Church«« Plan Watch Parti««, Be at Home to Friend« Fri­ Weather Condition* Prevent at Home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Eugene and Mohawk Union Successor Not Yet Named dren Congregation, Hold­ District 19 Has Warrants day Afternoon. 3 ’Till 5 Johnson. Christmas Day Baptist Young Folk« Will Invaders from Proceeding High School District Bud- by Council Which Met Last ing Services for Them totaling $1734.68 Outstand­ Frolic in Snow Outing with Trip to Coast Area Ml** Fay* I. Johnson. daughter llev. und Mr*. Df-un C. Poind««- gets Argued on Tuesday Night in Special Session ---------- ing at End of This Year ■ — ■ -■ A new Innovation In church work of Mr. and Mr*. l-e*lle Johnson, H ter will he ut home at the par*on- LEGION DANC€ TONIGHT uge, Mil (’ «treel. to member* of PLAYING _______ IS COMMENDED and Kelly «treel«, became the brltl- In Springfield I* being «uccexsfully GYM I S BOTHERSOME SALARIES WILL BE CUT (conducted at the Flr«t Baptist T A X L E V Y NOW LOWER Ibe Methodist Kplicopal church of of Ira H. Chapman ut u pretty wed Down Alumni; a, nar -r /» 1 i I J. «. r- w • m ^.1 u church. Thl* I* a Junior church for Privnte Partie ‘flig h t which Io- I* puelor. und to their Regulars Tax Commissioner Indicates Four Employees Getting More , bUdre„ of |h< con pur* will lie from three to five. 138 Less Than Year Ago Ml** Johnson wa« dressed In a The junior church movement f* *-*- tveru) ladle* of Hie church have Five huMkethall players from light blue «Ilk crepe gown and car A decision In the hearings on the W. O. Hughes. Springfield city not a new one In the United States, Loss of Income due to Increasing West l.lnn high sebdol came to ‘qvlteil to iim h I h I Mr*. Puln- 1932 will be til tingly obaarv *<1 i>, 1 rb-d pink carnation* a* «hi- wa* ‘he Eugene treasurer for the last several years, having been used successfully in numbers of „ellnquent taxes ha. 'ring the afternoon, and Springfield Tuesday and «bowed given uwuv l,v h e r f a t h e r K e v ‘ HprlngGi-lil people both III (he i Itjr o a s t, r »r .h and Mohawk unton high school dl^ rendered hl. resignation to the city many of the larger churches of the not been as large a problem la '•! Mr*. Poindexter Invite all the haul high «ebool team one of Harry P H Nea nuil olm'wtiiiru, In evident alter a Hi at. past.r of the trt(.tl| wbk.„ wa„ be| by ‘ «■»“ >»«l°»er a* he prepared accepted to take effect when a su e junior church anticipates an en Rece,pU dur|l|< tbe pre„ellt tie*. Kuril coligregullon ha* plan­ January for ereatlug cloaer con­ cessor was chosen and qualified tlrely separate children * „ch.x.l year which began July 1 field a* the first «top on a holiday Those present were Mr. and Mr*. *° l*'ave following heated argu n e d « o u ie (uurtlon (or Ihl* evening tact* with the member* of hl* con­ The Kpworlh League al the Metho gregation He expect* to vl«lt with season barnstorming trip. The, •- M Goddard, Mr und Mr*. Jake ment» for and against the proposed No one to take the poaitlon has yet «Ion within the congregation As 1931. have bMO >5 13X les. than been named by the council. worked out here by Rev. Taylor the they were for tb(. per(()d at o 1,1*1 church I* «ponnorlug u large all the member* during the month liuil Intended to go on to Coquille ,,ark. Kugene; Mr. and Mr*. Fred budgets. Fifty-three resident* of the Mo- All city employees receiving >100 1 hlldren have their own officers, the end of 1930. The district now watrli parly ami devotional «ervlce. and to dlMcUH* the work of the und Mur*hfleld. hut were forced to Park. Koaehurg; Mr. and Mr*. A. C. turn hack bei-au*« of (he high (’hapman, parent* of the groom; hawk district signed the petition a month or more volunteered a re- ln< luding ushers, and have their j ha* outstanding warrants totaling Ml*« Myrna Bartholomew In charge. church, water und rough weather In the and Mr*. It B. Hall, Spring resenting the adoption of the pro- duction in salary of 1« per cent own 8ectlon of ‘he church to sit In. >1,734.68 fOr which there are no The older member* of the church niountaln*. They met Ihe Albany fl,‘hl; George MeKellop. Wend ling; posed school budget which provided This was accepted by the counci. Special song* and a short ser- funds available. will gather In the undlturlum earlier LARGE DINNER HELD high hi hool «quad Wednesday even Mr,‘ Kmh" William* und «on. Ken- for an emergency fund of >3.374 The cut affects Lum Anderson, i mone,,e comprise the service for In the evening (or the weekly pray­ The expected Income, or the ; net; Howard Park; Mr. and Mr*, und also carried an item of >3,000 chief of police; Hugh Jollff, fire tl>e children. Usually the sermon- AT MITCHELL HOME mg. er service. amount asked for In tbe district There I* nothing much to be *ald 1 E “ Goddard and daughter, for con«tructlon of new building* chief; A. J. Cowart, night watch ette ia ,,lu,'‘ra‘«d with the use of tax levy for the year is >2,000 less The Christian Endeavor oí the Mr. and Mr* Jame* Mitchell en­ about the local game. Gordon Vara of Kugene; Mortimer Monger.I The»e people were repreaented by man, and Robert Plerrle, street Bon,e everyday object. <*hrl*llun church will have a »orlaI than for the previous year. This tertained at their home Friday with Wright accounted for six of th* and Hoy Chapman. Al Chapman. W’. W Calkin*. Eugene attorney. commissioner. Older members of the church do evening ut the church (rom k to 12, 1 k . . . 1 ‘caves approximately >3,000 less a lurge ChrlRtma* dinner In honor basket* for hi* team. Iluwke was and Cutirle* Chapman, brother*. : not object to the special activity: _ L II. E. Well* represented the school awaiting the arrival of the new I ________ , anticipated income for the district of Mr Mitchell'« «later. Ml«* Hattie the only other player able to drop among the children. It increases th|. y~ r tna„ 1 board. year. William McLean I* in charge same period Mitchell, who I* «pending a year'» a baaket. The visitor* completely attendance among the younger |ast year Elimination of the building fund o( the event Mary Hadley I* chair­ leave of absence In thl* country onplayed Springfield and members rolks, and even the adults gain les- and reduction of the emergency man of the entertainment commit sons from the short children's ser- ^htractlng the total sum of from the mission field* of Africa. of the local team declared after­ , item wa* asked by the objector*, tee and ha* Jewel llellerhrand and vice. I *arrants outstanding from the ward» thut thl* was the mo*! «killed t)ue«t* for the dinner were Mr who claimed that the >3,000 Item Burbara Adum* a* a»*l*tant*. This work should not be confused amount ’ hich can reasonably be wa* Intended to be used in the K*ther Mcl*her*on and Barbura and Mr*. A. K. Cray und three turn and moat courteous team met *0 with the Sunday school activities expe‘ ted the district finds Itself far thl* Reason. of Seattle. Leland Cray, Mr and building ot a new gymnasium. Adam* have charge of refresh­ _______ Regular Sunday school classes are!*1400 ahead ot the Mr*. A. F Poley and Lora Poley An election bad been held and The starting lineup* for the con­ ment*. Nine Automobiles Involved in beW eTery mornln« a»d the junior Thla »«“ aa ««>d a showing a» of Portland: Mr. and Mr* H. T test were: the gymnasium work approved and At the Baptlat church the entire t u /- u rv • l * i- i ch“fch service is neld at the open- was Inad« last year, however, when Mitchell of Ashland; Ml** Hattie Rebekah Group Invites Odd ,h<“ n •» > » election lt»elf was ques- congregation will unite In a «pedal Springfield W««t Linn I nree Crashes During H0I1- | ins of tbe regu,ar morn|ng ^ rvlce the district was on a .-ash basis *ong service and devotional to be­ Mitchell, llelbert Mitchell. Mr. and H aw k, 2 Fellows to Hold Joint In- loDed and ano,her keld In which the F Warren, g days; Collar Bone Broken A nursery to care for smaller i ,rom December until late in Feb- held III the basement while they Mr*. D B. Murphy and Ml«* Clara D Wright F stallation at Hall Jan. 11 , pr,,po,,al waB de,eated Campbell « children while their parents are at- ruary. It is a better showing, how- June*. wait the arrival of m e new year. G Wright 12 ----------- The »chool board then asked the C Uro** 10 Oeorge Logan sustained a broken tending church is also maintained ! eTer- when ° ne takes into consider- Guest* who visited during the Stevenson Most o( the lluptlat young people Regular InHtallatlon of newly "tale superintendent^ whether or collar bone and other bruises, and In the church basement. G Irish « . ation that the district voluntarily are expected to lie out of town that afternoon were Mr. and Mr*. F. G Squire* G Karboniskey elected officers of Juanita Rebekah not they could go ahead and build two automobiles were badly wreck­ reduced it* tax income by some evening. Jjowever,' a* they have Clark, und *011. Morris, Mr. and Substitutes: Springfield— Hart l2.001). Had this not been done the been Invited Io *pend the New Mr*. I. E. Murphy. Mr. und Mr*. man. Referee: Everett Squires January 11, the second Monday In cording to the defense. An answer the intersection of tbe Wendling district would have shown a tavor- Year'* eve and New Year * day on E. D. Anderson und duughter, liaKketbull fan* who attended the J“nuar>- It was decided at the from the superintendent was not road and Fifth street. I able gain of >3400 as compared to a »now outing at the Blockade near Pat«y. of Eugene; Mr. and Mr*. game at the high arbool gymnasium '»• ‘•Ung held Monday night immediately forthcoming so the Logan is reported to have been a surplus of >2700 reported this Nimrod on the McKenzie. The Glenn Archnrd of Lebanon, and Mr. last night had nn opportunity of The lodK’’ lBBUed an '"»Itatlon *> Hem was included in the budget in driving into town when the car I time last year. young (oik* will leave the city on and Mr*. K. A Morse. seeing two games for one admit- 1,18 1 lon service with them that The defendants, comprlatng the driven by M B. Harris of Eugene. rant figure* only and does not con- the following day. FUNERAL HELD TUESDAY duled a* a high school vs. Alumni evpnlnlf This has not been acted «'hool board, avers that they had Occupant* of the second machine sider the bonded Indebtedness game, and a preliminary had been aB y‘‘*' A po,lu‘ k dinner will J agreed to use the money to retire were also shaken up but were not I'erhap* one o( the beat attended FOR COBURG RESIDENT Three Appointed to Consider which is ».0.000. ■octal (unction* of the two-day ob­ arranged between a group of uni- Pre" ‘de the Installation program. ’«»nils were It not to be used to seriously injured. - Foreclosure Actions Against With the expiration or the date servance will he (he annual New The newly elected officers of the hulld the gymnasium, Joseph F. Neat, resident of Lane verslty Htudents from this city anil Three automobiles were Involved Jobless Home Owners ' '>n which taxes can be paid and Yegr'« eve dance which the Ameri­ county for the pn*t 50 year* died the Town team. ' Rebekah group are, Mrs. S tella! '* wa* no* '"»til after the budget In a minor acldent on Main street ----------- the transfer of the alMHed fund* can Legion I* sponsoring at Thur* at hl* home nt Coburg Saturdny Led by Fred Buell the llnverslty Eat',n- n°hle grand; Mrs. Glenn ! had been prepare« that the district the same day when E. O. Stevens Appointment of three Lane conn- t0 ‘he school treasurer It will now ton hall tonight. Special entertain­ morning at # 3 0 ut the age of 73 Stone, vice-grand: Pearl Schantol, * a8 informed that the gymnasium boys plavi-d a hard game, hut were of Camp Creek driving through ty men, F. L. Chambers. H. C. Far he several months before any large ment eVent* have been arranged year* defeated 22 21. Norval May, high recording secretary; Ctarlne Put- « » ‘Id not legally be built at this town struck an automobile being ]ey, and c. W. Allen, to a commit-: tax turnovers are made to the dis- (or this (unction. lie wa* born at Eureka. Kau«a* school roach wa« referee for the ,nan' flna,,<’lal secretary: and Mrs. time. Had the >3.000 Item been drlven by Mrs Frank Bainbridge tee to consider and devise mHans trlcts. Heverul private partle* In the city dropped from the budget, which al­ as she was pulling away from the of protecting home owners of the on April 14, 1X59. and wa* married game. The starling lineup« for Mabel Peddlcord. treasurer. —---------------------- and midnight matinee* at each ot ready had been reduced >1.000, It Is curb without signaling. The Bain- county who are out of work and r ic a s a n r s **»*>-*-.*. Io Ml** Harriett Pringle In 1X7». thp»i- teuiii« were: the theatre* In Eugene will attract contended that the base for next bridge car was shoved over against who are In danger of losing their They came to Oregon In 1XX3 and University Boy* ^MAND CONTINUES Town Team GERBER FUNERAL HELD other*. year's budget would have been another parked cai belonging to F. have re*lded In thl* county since Fred Buell Itosene Perkins property through foreclosures, was FOR HEAVY CLOTHES New Year * eve ul*o bring* the FROM CHAPEL SATURDAY lowered by the six per cent limita­ that time. J. Glaspey of Fall Creek. None of made this week by County Judge Itulph Hughes Gilbert Ernsting nnnuul winter outing of the mem tion. the cars were badly damaged. There Is still a strong demand C. P. Barnard. Beside« hl* widow. Mr. Neat I* Gerald Morrison William Cox Funeral services for the late her* of the Obsidian«, mountain- Explaining the large emergency The automobiles of G. 8. Abner for winter clothing and shoes at the H. Harrington George W. Gerber were held Katur- climbing organization of la n e coun­ survived by three mm* unit four Eldon The committee was appointed at fund. Mr. Wells explained that and John Crawford were damaged Community relief depot and sup­ II. Huffman (sub) day afternoon from the Poole-Uray- ty. Many members of thl* organi­ daughters: George Neat. Mr*. Pearl K. Prochnow the suggestion of J. M. Devers The high school regulars walked Bartholomew chapel In Springfield should the Wheeler tuition law last Thursday evening when they chairman of the governor's unem­ plies of these are being disposed zation will drive to their cabin* Wlsraraon. Harry It. It Neat, pas­ tor of the l.lghthoUHe Temple. Mr*. sway with their game 30-16. This at 2 o'clock.' Rev. Dean C. Poin- which Is now being disputed In collided at the intersection of Sec­ ployment relief committee. They of almost as rapidly as they are re­ above l,o*t Creek ranch thl* after­ court be declared Illegal, the dis­ noon and evening and will partid- Bertha K. Powell, all of Kugene, gume was slightly slower than the dexter officiated and interment trict would lose >2500. The Mohawk ond and Main streets. will investigate actual cases where ceived according to the ladles In ami Mr*. Isinra A. Dt-nnls, Albany first one, Harrington officiated for wa* made at ’Laurel Grove ceme- The icy pavements of this city unemployed persons are in danger charge. («te in un evening of fun and enter- district obtained >3250 from the The depot is pretty well stocked tainnient New Year'a day will bring and Mr*. Mary K. Bowers, Marsh the game. Their starting lineup* tery, proved too much of a handicap of losing their homes, and some of fund last year he contended. were: field. One son, Hubert II. Neat Tuesday morning for William Ger­ the cases where this has already with suits and light weight shoes, the annual snow sports of the out­ Mr. Gerber died here last Thurs- In arguing the Eugene school dis­ lach. His car skidded into the happened in the past. They will although there Is a fair demand for died III nn automobile accident In High School ing club. Alumnl day morning following a heart at- trict case a question of the legality street curbing and one wheel was also consult the people having loans these items. This denrand is not as Gordon Wright June of thl* year. I.yneh tacf He and hts wife had been of the school board making provis­ broken. Thatcher Funeral service* were held Tues­ F. Squires making their home here with their on the property in an effort to dis­ heavy however, as the demand for LIGHT FOR WATCHMAN day afternoon al 2 lit) o'clock from ljawke E. Squire* «on, H. E. Gerber, for the past ion In the budget for legal aid to courage them from taking over underwear, socks and stockings, and shoes. PLACED ON TUESDAY the Vcali-tl chapel In Kugene. IteV. Stevenson homes. Lloyd Mattison three years. He was 81 years old. carry on the fight against the STORES TO BE CLOSED Wheeler law was raised, and Mr. Squires Needy people were pretty well Hersey Tomseth -______________ _ Property values have been de- A night light which will flash Gordon C. Griffin officiated, unit In­ Galloway Inferred that this was a taken care of last week, but there R. Prochnow. sub terment wa* made In Kest Haven FRIDAY, NEW YEARS flated so greatly during the past on and off when the telephone at TH IR TE E N SHEEP DEAD problem beyond the jurisdiction of cemetery. The next game on the high school few years that in many cases the are still many weeks of cold wea­ the city hall I* being buxzeri by cen­ Most business houses In Spring property itself is not now actually ther ahead for these destitute fami­ AS TRUCK HITS FLOCK the tax commission. schedule Is to he played with Pleas­ tral unlll the call Is answered wa* Springfield district 19, has made field will remain closed all day Fri­ worth the amount of the loans and lies and'It is very necessary that ant Hill on the local floor on Janu­ hung In the street In front of the RESOLUTIONS SUBJECT Five sheep were killed outright provision for funds to carry on this day. New Year's nay. Indications the lender would not be improving the relief work be continued for ary 5. city hall Tuesiluy. The light will OF SUNDAY SERMON and eight others either died of In­ fight. are that the day will be a very- his condition were he to acquire some months yet. Increase the effectiveness of the juries or were badly cripled and The relief depot between Main quiet one here. No outstanding title- to the property. "Resolution* or Iti-ROlute Per FORTY GUESTS ATTEND night policeman, according to city had to be killed Monday night when TOWN BASKETBALL and A streets on Fifth is open every events have been scheduled for official*. By means of the flash­ son«” will be the theme of the TEA ON SATURDAY the driver of an oil truck rounded afternoon. People having donations the city on that day, most of the, ing light the officer will be Inform­ morning me**age nt 11 a. m. at the TEAM DROPS GAME parties and entertainments have McCREDIE SPRINGS NOT a curve 111 the road and drove Into to make to the work can leave them ed thut someone Is calling the city MelhodlHt church Sunday. The new Forty ladles called at the home the flock without seeing them. C. C. at the Springfield Electric store if been scheduled for this evening. J Q HAVE DEPOT AGENT Springfield's town basketball hall without hl* being there to hear •►fflcer* of the Metho