PAGE BIX LOIS MORAN IS IN NAUGHTY ROLE Star of “Men in Her Life" Is Trying to Live Down Her Blameless Past THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24. I M I THE SPlUNOnilLD N EU» HOLIDAY TRAVEL SAID INCREASING Elmira NEIGHBORS ] TAX MILLEAGE Christmas Brings ROYAL ELECT NEW OFFICERS n 1932 id 1 .3 Manners * i IN IS ¿ 21.5 Dangers or of rire Hre Edwin Porterfield. a senior lu the school of pharmacy at O. B. C„ ® Is speudtng the Christmas vacation St (he home Of hi. parents. Mr aud County Officer« Seeking to Scattsring of Wrappings from Hold Expsnditurss to Sum Packages Held to Be Great­ Through Trains Running in Mrs r. M Porterfield. Two Sections; Postal Vol- urn« Reported Heavy Mr ““•* Mr»- J **• J*»ns aad ar* 1,,ovln« ‘ “'P Crseh Bslow Recommendation est Haiarcf at this Season _______ ' to thetr home east of Elnrira. Warnings of the danger of fir« 1931 MILL AGE WAS 24.1 during the Christmas season are Christinaa business is not so dull Tomu \\ hisniau was able to re Luis Moren, ctneniutically q.t-ak for some people this year. Railroad turn to school Monday after having Clerk's Offics Cuts Additional kelsg Issued by (Ire officials this Ins, want« to go naughty In a big transportation, although very sub- tonallltla. «j ppr from Opetation ••• effort to bold down the way. iSbf ha» gone guy—and «he normal for the year, has leaped Kay Vincent Is ill at the home of Costs' Expenses Pruned »umber of holiday conflagrations so love« It! common in previous years. forward during the past few days, kla mother-in-law, Mrs. Murtha She explained why between Christmas slwuys means gifts il«e to low rates, and most of the Marsh. l iiat l aue county taxpayers will scenes In 'Men In Her Life,” start­ through trains on the Southern Pa Bill Plowman la speudtng the (,av one-tenth mill less next year a,,d Pa<‘l*a«aa aud these mean large ing Sunday at the Helllg. clfic lines both north and south- vhilstmas vacation at the home of (bal, wa„ recommended by the U,,“,U,,U niu,*> P*P"r *val "1 MUppone most actresses are dis bouud have been running In two kls parents at Vancouver, Wash Budg«i Committee was Indicated ,Br,‘d *kout on the floor which arc sutlstied with the parts they have sections to accommodate the pas- ingtou this morning by W. U. Dillard. easily combustible. to play, began Lois, looking allur­ The greatest hatarvl of former senger lists. Miss Loye DeVore a member of county clerk. Mr. Dillard an ing in a daringly decollete black .Monday saw the peak la outgoing *“* bl la uounced that county officials were years, the tallow candle. Is almost Dr Nicholas Murray sequin evening gown. ‘But. honest mail at the Springfield postofflce. ,he holidays at her home In Port- trying to reduce euttmuled (uxea extinct, but with Its passing we ly, with me It was getting to be a president ol Columbia Vniyersity, This was ppt quite up to the beet land’ for both state aud county _ purposes have an Increasing use of electrical shares with lane Addaros of Qurxgo curse! the Nobel Peace Prize for IW1 The day of last year, but was very close. Mlss °4 ell is speudiug the vac»- fraB tbe 5i.i01.01t.20 as shown In current for lighting purposes. Many “You see, when I first started in Nobel Prîtes are paid from a lund tlon at i orvallla. the proposed budget Io a figure of of these are of Inferior grade and pictures at the age of sixteen, a left by Alt red Nobel. Swedish engi­ according to F. B. Hatnlin. post­ J. P. Bryan is quite ill at the approximately St.050,000 00 can eaally be the cause of serious neer, who invented dynamite, and art provision in my contract with Sam­ awarded by a commission which master. I (Ires, say fire officials I hospital in Eugeue. (.'arriéra on the rural routea re- _„ _________ | With, this reduction millage for ) uel Uoldwyu was that I was to re­ meets in Oslo, Norway. Each prise Springfield has been fortunate Hollister B. Miller, evangelist. main unsophisticated and unspoil­ is in cash, about 54J.00Û Theodore port their volume of mail fully as both purposes for 19,12 will lie 21.5 respect Io serious flrea (bis fall great as during the previous year. and WlUta* McL*aa aon* 1 * ,ader Roosevelt was the last pre Instead of 21.6 as recommended by ttlld w|nl. r Tha lBa, „„rlou. blase, ed.' It meant a lot of publicity aud are holding an evangelistls meeting .American to wm the Peace Pru Although Christmas purchases; . . the budget committee. The millage and only Important one to be one terrifically heavy handicap—i I at the Elmira Christian church. last year was 34.1. have not run into such large fig­ was stamped once and for all us a reported here for some time w 4 s' ures as in former vears. the number! There wi" b* a Christmas pro- llufiy ingenue, and God help me if HOOT GIBSON, WILD Slushes have been made In the the one at the high school gymnss ot purchases have been approxl- •tram «‘ven Krida> *v*‘n,n« at ‘be estimated expense of many of the luin where only slight damage wa» I tried to avoid It!" “Stella Dallas marked Lois .Mo- AND WOOLY. AT STATE mately the same say most mer­ Christian church, and each Sunday county offices und departments. dons. chants. The most noticeable dlf school class is to bring a gift for Mr. Dillard has announced that he rail's first Important success. It Out in Hollywood. they're talking Terence is that less valuable arti­ some needy family or person. made her name synonymous with about a new comedian named Hoot will cut the operating expense« of cles were sold in greater quantttlea. sweetness, but it meant that every- his office five per cent further Gibson—the star of wild and wooly PRISCILLA CLUB HAS thing she did after that was Just than that shown In the published Westerners—who has just made another version of “Laurel" In CHRISTMAS MEETING budget them sit up and take notice of his NEHER HOME SCENE "Stella Dallas." ability to go after the laughs and r u n i C T i i i c d a d - t v The sheriff's office which hud The annual Christmas meeting of Lois was very popular with the ge, , henl hke he uged to go aiter OF C H R IS T M A S PA RTY asked for another deputy and ad The board of directors of the Eu Ì the Priscilla club of Spriugfteld was fans, although she would get let- tbe vlllans in outdoor dramas. I dltlonal expenditures has now ! gene Building congress met Mon- ters urging her to branch out aud Members of Mrs. A. B. Van \*1 ¡held last Thursday afternoon at the agreed to get along with operating | daF al,d appointed a committee to prove her versatility. "Several Hoot has always had a flair for zah's Sunday school class and their'home of Mrs. William Rouse. The ¡expenses as they were anil to not | draft and submit by-laws. This fans." recalls Lois, "wrote, 'If you I’gt*1* comedy in his pictures, and triends gathered at the Neher home afternoon was spent with games committee is composed of P, J. could only lose your virtue, just ,his talfnt of hls *>»» been exploited east of Springfield Saturday even and refreshments. Those present • l\P loJr »«“'her deputy Edwards. J. W. Header and lira to the highest possible degree in ing for the annual Christmas party ; were Mrs. Norman Howard. Mrs An Interesting change in the bud once. ham Smith. his new vehicle "The Hard Hom- of this organisation. Twenty-five M J. McKlln, Mrs. John Tomseth, get this year is found in the coun Then came the talkies and a . . , , , The following officers were elec- song-and-dance film _thei a h iras bre' wbicb come» to the sta ,e thea young people were in attendance. Mrs. W. H. Stearmer. Mrs. W. H. ty fair Item where provision Is ted: K M Drew, president; P. J. Saturday. made for a flat salary for the (air sed heroine of a mvstery thriller tre next Friday and “------- BerDice N*h" nndley w,a hOSteM Hobba' Mra E C' 8tuart- Mra H Edwards, vice-president; C. H. Har­ secretary, and appropriations ot Then she and her mother decided „•« . Western built for laughing ,he eVe“lng- " S^ , " en‘ “7 ; lan, secretary; G. I>. McClarwn, 55.300 has beeu made by the coun to take a vacation in their adored purposes as well as thrills, and M •Mrs ° ™bb‘ee' Mra “ *' P r ’ I treasurer. Paris. They left for New York. One «bile it contains the fast action and cb ris,">*s ‘ “^d * b‘lb *»• “> ¿a‘- Mrs Jobn Seav” ' and J' ty and 52.500 by the state. The organisation sooir will con day at lunch with Beulah Living- hard riding that makes outdoor en »'‘‘¡r teacher who is spending some -M. Larson,_________________ The original budget as prepared duct a campaign of home building -io n at Hi, Algonquin a man ap- tertainment so ideal for the screen. tin‘e 1,1 Mediord wlth her son — -------- * by the committee provided for and repair here. This plan will pro- preached their table and asked Miss i adv ance reviews from the coast GifU were ex*hauged and lal,!r ¿SOI.103.00 for county expenses and vide Jobs and owners will also ben- collected for distribution among the — — ■ -4 | the remainder for stale taxes, and 1 cflt by the low coats of lumber poor children of the community. The Pleasant Hill Christian Sun- tor payment of prtndpul and in It was Marc Connolly, the play- renl comedies, day school gave a Christmas pro- terest on bonds voted by the pro­ SUMMER SESSION PLANS wright. and he asked Lois to do a ll »trikes us that Hoot is a smart gram at the church Tuesday night pie. play for hint. The result of this showman for giving the world some- December 22. After the program Estimated expenditures for the ANNOUNCED BY COLLEGE meeting was the lead in "This Is thing to laugh at in these depress- candy was distributed to the young ge„eral fund totaled 5288.801 00. New York." one of the few real inS day’s. Summer seaion dale« at Oregon folks. Gifts were hung on the tre* with receipts estimated at 525.- State college for 1932 bave just success of the last Broadway sea -------------------------- for the old folks home of Eugene, j too.OO The general fund figures been announced by Dean M Ell- «>n. I CRESWELL CHURCH Miss Re ba Brogdon. teacher at aa ge, by the committee before the wood Smltb. director, as June 20 PROGRAM IS TONIGHT the Pleasant Hill high school will hiter changes were made are as to July 29. As usual, work In home become the bride of Geue Eberbard follows: economics, vocational education Annual Christmas program of of Eugene Thursday evening. Dec­ G e n e ra l Funds and commerce will be featured, the Sunday school of the Presby- ember 24. Advertising 3.500.0U ( though opportunity to work In Miss Genevieve Beaman, who is ,erian church at Creswell will be Mrs. Frank Blair of Lowell and 2.5OO.OII | many other .departments will be Agriculturist principal of the school at Gold Hill. held Thursday evening, December Stuffed Potatoes sister, Mrs. Cox of Willagellispie, Assessor 15.000 00 i afforded. drove up last Friday and is spend- cotnInencing at 7:30. Stuffed potatoes are a delicious who bave been visiting their Auditing 750.1)0 Dean Smith ba« announced a par- The program for the evening has ing Christmas holidays with rela­ , . mainstay for luncheon. Of course, mother. Mrs. Boyd at Redlands, Bounty 1,8000" Ilal list of visiting Instructor* tives here. been prepared as follows: you need rather large potatoes for ( a,1,ornla- returned to their homes (-jrcull pourt 15.000.00 among whom will be Dr II. C. Hymn— "Oh, Come All Ye Faith Mrs. Tetters from Cottage Grove Saturday. They were accompanied (-oroner stuffing. 1,000.00 Sherman of Columbia university, is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Need­ fuL” by their brother William Boyd. i clerk 21,580.00, a noted research worker aud au The Pleasant Hill high school * Cne well-known restaurant makes ham here. Welcome— Maurice Lower. County Court 8,000 oo thor in the field of nutrition who Invocation— Raymond Marquart. a specialty of mealy baked pota- basketball teams will meet the Lo- The Thurston high school boys Court House 10.000.00 will return in Oregon State for the Call to Worship—Charles Moore. , toes which are a meal in them rane teams at Pleasant Hill Wed- basketball team won over the Dor- District Attorney 4.620.00 third year. Hymn— High school class. selves, though they are not stuff- nesday night. December 23. cna high school team here last Fri­ 1.100.00 -------------------------- District Home Agent Reading—Member of Women'! ed. They are served split open both -------------------------- day evening while the girls' team District Sealer 500.00 F a LL CREEK TO GET Bible class. : ways, with a big tablespoon of but- GIRLS SINO CAROLS was defeated. 21,800.00 Emergency Song— "Silent Night,” Men's ter in each, a tablespoon of chili NEXT LEGION MEETING The young people of the neigh­ 12.000.00 j AT CHURCH ON SUNDAY Election chorus. sauce, and a tablespoon of grated borhood have gone together and 1.446.00 Fire Patrol Springfield American Legum Christ's Coming—Jnlor boys and cheese. The result is really a stuf- bought a Christmas present and Thirty girls dressed in white Fruit Inspector 2,600.00 post number 40. and the auxiliary ' fed potato. And delicious. girls. are sending it to Clyde Hart, who is robes and carrying lighter tapers, Health Officer 200.00 will hold their next meeting at Fall Song—Beginners. in the hospital In San Francisco marched from the front of the Indigent Soldier 1.500.00 Creek It wax decided at the regular Round Sandwiches Reading— Orvil Wilmot. where he bad his leg amputated a Methodist church to the balcony Insane 16.000.0(1 meeting held In Springfield last Musical Trio— Billy Lower. Mar­ Here is a delicious sandwich: | Sun„ay eVenlng where they Justice Court short while ago. 3,000 00 week. The meeting at Fall Creek ion and Muriel Olson. Slice skinned tomatoes that bave gave an hours program of the fav- Juvenile Court 1.000.00 will start with a potluck dinner. Christmas— Beginners. been thoroughly chilled, quite thin. or„ p chrl, tm„ carolg between 4 Hrpdatory An|ma,a 400 00 Star Drill— Beginners. Butter rounds of bread the same an(J 6. 30 ReT l)ean c Poindexter School Superintendent 9.070.00, E n te rta in s C lu b Talk—Rev. Cromley Pastor. size as the tomato slices. Spread CODtrlbule(1 a readlng. . Tbe Blrtb. 38.880.00 ! one slice with mayonnaise and the day of Hope ■■ to tbe program 2.000 00 I Mrs. I.uella Bristow entertained Slaughtered Animals , T H L AT II I other with very finely minced cel- _________________ 9 040.00 S tb** ladie* (l>e Pleasant Hill com Surveyor .......... Account of Estate Filed— Final 1.000.00 I "(unity club at her home In Spring- account of the probate of tbe estate * 7 ' OD‘° n “r, PU? “e REBEKAH LODGE HAS Tax Rebate 1.500.004 ^or an a11 daT meeting Wed- of Henry W. Rose was filed Wed- ° ' md ° ’’ ween 1 ‘>se ’* ° 9 te " CHRISTMAS EVENT Tb,",,e nesdav. ° f br*“ad Presl’ neatly “ X«“ »«’' C H R IS T M A S E V E N T Traffi( STARTS XMAS 2 100.00 Oesday. December 16. A covered | These were very successfully ger- 3.966.00 dish luncheon was served at noon S Annual Christmas party for the Treasurer D A Y ............... A County Bounty Collected— Fred ved at a tea ‘be °*ker day. 600.00 Gertrude L. Skow, home demon­ Rebekah lodge was held at the I. V. S. Labor Bureau SHOW FOR THE Quinn of Creswell was paid the 50.000 00 stration agent, was present and i O. O. F. ball Monday evening. Re-1 Care of Poor East Apple 8auce ! county bounty on one coyote at 8 850 0 0 ibtfKan b,*r lectures on economical gular lodge work preceded the Health Service WHOLE FAMILY 13.000 (To meals and family eating habits. The ; tbe office of the county clerk on An easy way to make applesauce Christmas festivities during which Widows Pensions Tuesday. 5.300.00 nV l meeting will be held at the is to wash the apples, pull out tbe members exchanged gifts. County Fair Board _________ home of Mrs. W. R. Cole on Wed »‘ems, and cut the apples In quar Oswald Olson, Elmer Findley, and Bounty is C ollected- Ted Har- te„ or elghthlf The„ put thpm ErneRt B|a(,k )n 5288 601 00 nesday afternoon. January 6. IT'S THE BEST , per of Springfield collected the ¡over ■ the fire with enough water to Sam Richmond and Miss Eunice j General Fund Receipts i county bounty on one coyote at th e !coyer> , tew tenr l>lr««rJ Springfield Baptist church Tues­ Prepare six lamb chops by trim-' thelr tnon,b|y meeting Wednesday day night and at the Methodist bounty on __________ one coyote ___________ was collected _ Something New— W i t l i l l i r a p ir it . f C I . ria t- at the office of the county clerk ming and removing fat and skin. Th' " Wa" th? a""“’1«1 church last night to hear and wit- niaa an«l n il th a t i a h r a t ! A Western Comedy. Tuesday by R C. Barfield of Cot 'fave ready a generous four ounces * hriRtlna" Party for the lodge. A ness the dramatic presentations at of chopped veal mixed with the i,hr""ma» »«» held and gifts these churches. The Baptists offer­ tage Grove. yolk of an egg. tablespoon of top were e»chan«ed * program was ed a pageant, "White Gifts for the Farms are Visited— O. S. Fletch­ milk, pepper and salt. Broil the P ^ -n te d under the direction of King.” and the Methodist congre­ chops for two or three minutes o n : M,aa Melba Mellon''- w A-| er. county agricultural agent, and ' Taylor had charge of the refresh­ gation and choir united In the pres­ one side only. Place generous E. R. Jackman, farm crops special­ entation of a combined cantata and ments. ist of Oregon State college, visited spoonfuls of veal mixture on the pageant under the direction of Mrs. the farms of H. C. Bushel! and G. cooked side of each chop. Place | Jane Ketels and Miss Helen High, the chop with the uncooked side CHRISTMAS DINNER TO W. Deterlng Tuesday. choir leader. down in a baking dish which has BE HELD ON FRIDAY va rtsm ts Sunday evening choirs at the BualneitH Cards ----------- Christian and Baptist churches Divorce Decree Granted— A di­ been well oiled. Do not add water as there will be sufficient moisture Mr- and Mrs John Carson are en- each presented sacred cantatas. vorce decree was given In circuit Letter Heads court Tuesday to Mabel R. Drake for the dish to cook in Its own j tertalnlng at their home Friday Office Forms from her husband Earl D. Drake. Juices. Cover the baking dish or wlth a Christmas dinner for a large The plaintiff's former name of Rol­ casserole tightly and bake for about number of their friends and rela KENSINGTON CLUB Hand Bills i c t m AO DADTV fifteen minutes. Serve on toast tlves. Some of those who have ler was restored. H A S C H R IS T M A S F A R I Y with any desired sauce, tomato, been Invited are Mr. and Mrs. O. Statements Committee Head Named— At. a mushroom, or some other savory W. Carson, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Members of the Kensington club Blotters Carson, and family, J. P. Adams of Springfield were entertained at meeting of the livestock project vegetable. and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ their annual Christmas party Fri­ FIRST SHOWING committee of the Lane County Envelopes ion Adams and son, Robert. Agricultural council Monday, E. A. day at the home of Mrs. W. C. Here from Portland — Mr. and IN EUGENE!! Menus, etc. Mct'ornack was elected chairman. Wright. Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew, Mrs. J. B. McFarland and two sons JUVENILE CIRCLE Mrs. D. B. Murphy, and Mrs. A. J. and Mr. and Mrs George Leslie Tickets HAS PARTY SATURDAY Morgan were on the entertainment and children of Portland are visit­ OIL COMPANY TO GET committee, and Mrs. M. V. Walker, ing at the home of Mrs. Edna Pear­ Twenty-five members of Pine Clr Mb’s W. F. Walker, Mrs. Levi ADVERTISING SIGN son, sister of Mr. Leslie. At Tbe One of the large electric signs, cle N. O. W. number 62 held their Neet, and Mrs. W. H. Hobbs had similar to those erected at other Back from California— Mr. and annual Christmas party at the I. O. I charge of refreshments. exclusive General gasoline stations Mrs. E. O. Browning have returned O. F. hall Saturday afternoon. Mrs. | — ■ ’ — XMAS will soon he erected at the A. from San Jose, Cal., where they Stella Findley, senior guardian, had Dance Hall License leeued— A DAY street service station In Springfield. attended funeral services of Mra. charge of the party. Games and re- license to conduct a dance hall at Offices: 119 B. Broadway, John Henderer will have charge of Ada Wilson, sister of Mrs. Brown- j fresh nents were enjoyed during the Midway park has been granted by ■ the erection. ing. afternoon. Gifts were exchanged. | the county to E. B. Orton. Home Repairs W ill Be U rged EUGENE MAN ELECTED TO STATE LABOR BOARD New officers (or the Itoyal Neigh Van N Keiutnery. secretary of burs of America. Springfield, were the Eugene Central Labor couucll, elected last week at a meeting held has been elected a member of the Bl |h, o( Mr, w s 8lva, executive board of the Oregon liter. It was decided ut the meeting Stale Föderation of Labor to Invite members of the M W A. The annual referendum of the eucaiupiuent at their next meeting «late association closed Tuesday. New officers are Mrs. W, II. President Cooper and Secretary Hleurmer, oracle, Mrs. Jim l.axton. ( «borile were reelected. vice oracle, Mrs It I, Drury, chancellor; Mrs Dodd Miller, past Qoes to Roseburg oracle; Mr« Ina Kcrlvnei I. cord er; Ina Cline, receiver; Mrs Ida Walter McGregor. Springfield Morelock. oilier sentinel; Mrs leslulirulil mall. w«ul lo Uoseliurg Alice Peterson. Inner sentinel, Wednesday afternoon where he Mrs Doris Vaughn, musician. Mrs wag gppeur on u program with Waddell, marshall. hl* steel guitar. The officers will be Installed at the January meeting. Lions Meeting Off - .... ■ „ — To Viali Parente There will be no meet lug of the Dr. and Mrs. W N. Dow of Springfield Lions club this week Springfield will go to Astoria next It was decided at the last luncheon, week to upend a few days visit Friday, the regular meeting day mg with his parents. tails on Christina«. 1 — ■"— — ———— — — P It I z K 8 P It I DAN CE AT S IL V E R SPRAY I EVERY WEDNESDAY ANO SATURDAY B Always 50« L aJ jc , F R E E Johnn,a DsMoes. Mgr. Sincerely Y ours It 1 h our hope thuf flu* pH(roii»K<* we have enjoyed during the your I ium been JtiMlIfled in our service to our frlenda. We thunk you and whdi you all the happlucHK of the aea- aon. The B R O A D W A Y , Inc. EVGKNK 30 EAST ItltOADWAY Learn to Fly Upper Willamette at the Springfield School of Flying Student Instruction; Passenger Flights; Trips by Arrangement Fly With Us and You Fly SAFELY Jim MacManiman, Pilot Thurston STATE Because - Laugh ‘Lest You Forget’ HARD OUBRE fc/tltSON BARGAIN MATINEE 15c Willamette Press s Merry Christmas ERIC MERRELL CLOTHES FOR MEN E u g e n » ’a O w n S tore McMorran & Washburne Phon« 2700 M ay Y our C h ristm a s be o n e o f G reat J o y to y o u - y o u r F a m ily and Y our Friends. The A nnual A fter C h ristm as A pparel C learan ce Starts ToznorroTiJ— Saturday