5 THURSDAY, PBCBMBKR 24, 1981 THB 8PRINQFH8LD NBW8 C A L L FOR W A r tR A N T * Notice la hereby glvan i*g t School Ulatrlct No It , In L a ta 1'OUIlty. Oraaoa. will pay al Ilia of 2 « r a ° L . to . , , i : ' r ,r ‘i.r‘ i ' wurruntM to and Including 1967. dated Decnmber 10, 1931. Interest "'«««« after December 2«, 1931 T it t m a Man Mara— John Hallln I ■»«> B*M Galloway * f Tacoma cam« Sunday Io «pend Christmas boll '•"« * ' • Hallln ' • »" <•"<'>* » ' |Oswald Olaon. I -------- ----------------- - C. F IIAItHKIt, Clark. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R * PAO» « V K stores of gold are at I II bidden In tbe land of the ancient Ingaa, and II la Impossible to imagine any more eg- cltlng treasure hunt than to seareh for It. TOWN AND VICINITY III at Home— Mra. Prank Tuby la III al bar borne tbla week. Oakridge Visitor»— Mr and Mra. W alter Llpee «pent tbe week-end at Oakland visiting wltk frisada. Nolic« la hereby glveu that tbe Goaa to Idaho — Mra. Margaret j iinderalgiied by order of lha County N O T IC I TO C R E D IT O R S Kenyon left yesterday for Weiser, Vida Resident Hero— Mra. Ortie I Court of tha Hlatn of Oregon foi Idaho, for a abort vlalt with friend«. Donoho of Vida, waa a bualm N O T IC I IH Il Kit KB Y G IVEN I.iina County ant«r«d on the lal A In aulitili and «ai luslve lln« of | That L. I,. Itay lina be«n uppolnl- day ut December, 1931, bur« been visitor In Springfield Prlday. Leaves for Coast—Jimm ie Weat FRANK PARKER Chrlalniua Curda are now on dia > m I adnilhlalrator of Ih» «atutv ol appointed Joint admlnlatratora of ! left Monday for Rooaovelt Baai h to 11«In-era A. Portar, deceaaed, by Ih, Vida Resident Here Saturday — Ilia eatale of Charlo« B. Blanton, piny al III« News Olflce. ¡Counly Court of lame Counly, ( Ira­ deceaaed. I spend the holidays with hla mother Ben P. Mlnney of Vida waa a visit­ All paraona having nno All paratoia havlug clalnia • laluia ugalhat aald eatate ara here­ S A L A R IE S or In Springfield on Saturday. ugalnat aulii ««tute ara requlred lo Recovering from lllnoea— Alvin by notified to present the aame N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T .a..u. .ww.ni.av . . . . . . . a . , i ‘"’I “ “ 1 “ »•». »•«•» 'ha proper duly verified and with »ouchara A lot of fuss haa been made o ver' Little Theatre Opera— Trolln la recovering now at hla Mother Visita — Mra. Gertrude IN I I I K lO U N T Y L G U Itl U t voucher«, within alx tnonlha from attached to the underalgned at the The U ttle Theatre movement la 1 home following a serious Illness. Wilson baa aa ber guest for tbe tbe aalarlea paid to executives of I l ii . HTATK IIP OREGON F o il tha 17tli day of December, 1931, law office of Gordon H. Walla lu the I III-. CDCN'I Y OP LANK. IN to Ilia aald adtnlnlalrator at hla law Miner Building, Eugene, Oregon, holiday«, ber mother, Mrs. W. H. the American Cotton Co-operative ’ • ’’T atrong In New York and haa Injures Hand— A broken splinter PROBATE No. 1.1,11. office In llie Miner Building. Ku within alx mouths from lha date association That one man ahould **n Important effect on similar corn- Riddell of Detroit, Oregon. I lodged In the band of Mra. Sam IN T H E M A T T E R DP T H E EH Kalia. Oregon. of tha flrat publication of tbla no­ draw 275.000 a year aeema unfair to Panlea In other cities. Five years L. L. KAT, Admlulatrator of tice, Richmond has caused bar consider T A T E D P ELIJA H C. HTCMAN, Sailor Homo on Vacation— Lloyd little-minded people who do not re movement waa broadened the Estate of Rebecca A. Por­ Uacaaaed. Tbe data of flrat publication of able trouble thia week. Sblpley, U. 8. Navy, Is «pending cognize tbe fact that some men out ' ° take In light opera and many ter, deceaaed. tbla notlca la December 3, 1331. TD W IIO N T IIIH MAY CONCEItN; tbe Christmas holidays In Spring- have greater ability than others, i creditable presentations are now (D 17-24 31—J 7-14» J. H. BLANTO N, Loovo for P o rtland — Mr. and Notice la liaroby glven that tb« field with bis mother. N i k i ., Alcala Zamora, first Cow- ALICE BLAN TO N, Joint ad- No man draws a big salary very “ »POng- they died the property reverted to same time. In Europe, nearly every reputed lawful possessor thereof la crown. The underlying theory of „ . Dale of flrat publication, Dec. 10, port and Account aa auch Executor John Nelawanger of Creawell, Ore­ That C A. Pryor has been appoint-i field aa guests of Mr. and Mra. the . . .„ , small city has an opera comnsov with tbe Clerk of the County Court nl administrator of the eatate ofj Klley Snodgrass returned Friday Inheritances today is much the i , u IML C. E. Wheaton. gon. . J J ¡from whose ranks are drawn t.i • W illiam H. Roach, deceaaed. by the evening from San Francisco where BKKTHA W E TZ E L . Executrix. of lasne County, Oregon, and that same. A dead man owns nothing, . , . . . . That the amount claimed to be Saturday, (ha 14th day of January, . . .. . " famous singers who eventually ap- WE1J.H A W ELLS, Attorney« County Court of Eugene, Lane she had spent several day« visiting Leave fo r Portland — Mr. and but nations and states, by law, per- . . ... . , due aald clalmant la 225.00. That a 1332, at lO.Otl o'clock In tbe fore­ pear at the Metropolitan and Chl- fO 10-17-24 31—-J 7) 5n7 H ; . m : X n. „ . , \ L . r = e h.Ve ’ *th “* - Clifford Wllaon have gone to mlt him to make a w ill telling how „ ,, noon In the County Court Room In particular description of said chat­ , . ! cago Civic Opera Houses in this the Court Houae at Eugene, Ora- tels la aa follows: wants his property distributed . ,, . . . . . Homo for C h ristm s__ Mias Luc-' I>orU*nd to aP«nd the Christmas he N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T One Durant Touring Car Mie required to present them, with the . . country. For a few years tt looks as gun, haa been aet by tbe Hon C. I*. proper vouchers, within alx months t. holidays at the home of Mrs. Wll- after he has passed away, and in ... . .. ,, . . „ del A N o .C 4725 Motor No 61323 Notice la hereby given that J. P. H.uiuird. Judge of aald Court, aa from the 24th .lay of December, llle Rkhn,ond ot Hortlaxnd U expect-, .. . , 7 though these light operas In Eng- the absence of a will, laws specify ... One Harley Davidson Motor 1931. to the aald udmlnlalrator at *•<* to be In Springfield Friday to Berger haa tiled In Court hla tbe time ano place of bearing ob- parent«, . , . , ’ Hsh will have to serve as the prov- Cycle No 24 Jl) 11515. flnal account a« administrator of JecIlona to the aame, and for the that his relations shall have the pro- . . , . . the law office of L. L. Ray, In the spend the day with her parents, v , Ing ground for most of our own Son Bom— Mr. and Mrs. W. M. That aald chattels will be sold Miner Building. Eugene, Oregon. the «alate of W illiam H. Herbert, final aettletnent of aald ealate. Mr and Sam Richmond young singers. Many an American al public auction on the 13th day Warfeld of W estfir are tbe parents deceaaed, and that aald account PRANK J. SLY. Executor C. A. PRYOR. Administrator o f , " Taxes on Inheritances are the of December, 1831, at the residence wllj coma before the County Court W ELIJ4 A W ELLS. Attorney«. girl and boy has risen to operatic of a baby son born to tbem at tbe the estate of W illiam H. Roach Returns to Shedd— Mrs. A. M. faJrest of all taxes. They take noth of aald clalmant A. H Pohll, one In the Court Houae In Eugene, Ore (D 17-24 31—J 7-141 d> ceased fame through a start In such com 'Snodgrass returned to her borne at ' Eu« *ne ho,P1U1 0,1 »«‘ “ 'day. Dec mile north of Creawell, Oregon, on L. L. RAY, Attorney for Estate. gnu, at ten o'clock A. M. of Janu ing from any living person which ponies. Shedd Saturday after having spent ' ember 1,31 the east aide of the Pacific High­ ary K, 1332, for examination and that person has earned. Except for SUMMONS way In Iz n e County. Oregon, at one allowance. All paraona objecting a week In Springfield at the Riley L ..V . Portiang— Mr. , n<1 Mrs. reasonable allowances for widows thereto should file their objection XU E ?.7*V.,VI XT Ut' T ' * E o'clock P. M. of said day. A Great Show— N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E j Snodgrass home. Harry M. Stewart and fam ily «111 and dependent children, these is no E OP OREGON, aa required by law and appear at ■ S T A - • T - ........... ..............— POR — That thia notice la given pur­ REAL PROPERTY One of the annual events on LANK CO UNTY suant (o section 51-402 Oregon Code ■aid time and place atated. spend Christmas in Portland at the sound social or economic objection. Broadway ig the balloon parade CE Is hereby given Annotated 1830, J P HKItUKK. Admlulatrator John Trueadule. Mary Truesdale a . I see It. to inheritance taxes run- „ta decreed a first lien against is that It gives no clue to the BURT. Deceased. said Judgments, Interest, attorney's Fred J. Stewart and L illie 8tewart the property deecrlhed In plaintiff's Visiting Sen In California— Mr. spoken word. Chinese in different NO TIC E IS HEREBY G IVEN fees, costs of suit, and accruing were plaintiffs and Betty A. Bel- mortgage, to wit: FRANK A. DE PUE llnglnnlng at a point 60 feet that by virtue of an order In the costs, to sell the following des- and Mrs. L. G. L arsb en y left Sun­ provinces speak almost totally dlf-1 Inger, Leo Tucker and Beatrice A TTO R N E Y A T LAW east of the northwest corner of County Court of Lane County, Ore- crlbed real property, to-wlt: Tucker were defendants, which exe day tor San Francisco to spend the (erent languages, yet all can read The East half ( H ) of the East ¡cutlon and order of sale was to me Ixit 6 In Block 26 In Fairmont, gon, made on the 24th day of Nov- N O T A R Y P U B L IC half ( H ) of the Southwest quar- Christmas holidays visiting with the ideographs. In Japan the Ideo- now a part of the City of Eugene, ember, A. D„ 1931, In the matter directed and commanded me to sell Sutton ter 0 4 ) of Section Four (4), their son Arby. They will return praph which stands for the name of Springfield 1 the real property hereinafter des­ Ixxne County, Oregon, according of the estate of Mary 1. E. Hurl hurt, deceased, • the undersigned Township Sixteen (16), South to Springfield Sunday. to the original plat thereof and cribed to satisfy certain liens and Premier Inukal can be pronounced Building Oregon Range Four (4) Weet, W illam ­ running thence east to a point duly appointed, qualified and act charges In said decree specified, I in four different ways, all equally!I ette Meridian, containing Forty 53 and 1-3 feet west of the west Ing administratrix of the said es­ will on 2nd Saturday, the 2nd day Daughter Bern— Mr. and Mrs. R line of the alley running north tate, w ill on and after the 28th day , acres (40); also beginning at a B. Bonney of McKenxle Bridge are correct. In his native city he Is call­ dny of January, 19.12, at the hour ed "Kogashi,” but most Japanese ' point In the south line of the and south through said block; of December. A. D„ 1931, offer for of 10:00 o'clock A. M„ at the south­ East half ( H ) of the Northwest the parents ot a baby daughter pronounce his name "K l" or "Take­ thence south 110 feet; thence sule and sell at private sale for west door of the Counjy Court ROUNDTRIP . . . $28 west to a point 60 feet east of the cash, or for cash and credit accord-1 quarter 04) of the above dee- born to them at the Pacific Christ­ shi.” while It Is equally correct to House In Eugene, Lane County, OF ALL KINDS arlbed Section Four (4), twenty ian hospital In Eugene on Monday. west line of said block, and Ing to law. the following described Oregon, offer for sale and sell al Coach ticket, good in day refer to him as "Tsuyoshl.” Quick Delivery feet (20) West of the Southeast December 21, 1931. thence north to the place of be­ real property belonging to said es public auction for cash, subject to coaches or reclining chair can In his own family, under the Jap­ tate, and all of the right, title and corner thereof; thence North ginning, together with the tene­ redemption as provided by law. all — also in Tourist Steepen on Phone Springfield 121-M twenty (20) feet; thence east to ments, hereditaments and appur­ interest of the deceased therein, to- anese custom, his name Is never of the right, title and Interest of ayment of berth chargc(sbout Portland People Guests Here — the Pacific Highway, thence tenances thereunto appertaining, wlt: the defendants In said suit and of 2 (he Standard Pullman cost.) used at all and he Is only referred The W % of the W ft of the N. South twenty feet (SO); thence Dr. and Mrs. Milton V. W alker have superior to any title, Interest or all parties claiming by, through or to as "Otosan.” which means "Hon­ E .K , except a 40 foot strip to weat to the place of beginning; as their holiday guests this week, clnlm of defendants herein or under them qy any of them since Lane County, all In Section 33, NO W TH E R E FO R E . In the name Dr. and Mrs. W illiam Cone of Port orable Father." any of them, and that said mort­ the 6th dny of June, 1930, In or to • a « Township 18, South Range 3 of the State of Oregon, In compli­ gage be foreclosed and said pfem the following described real prop­ O O L F i’R i W iT H West of the W illamette Mi rldlan ance with the said execution and land. They w ill spend the balance TREASU RE Ises sold by the sheriff and the erty, to-wlt: containing 40 acres of laud, In order of sale, and In order to satis­ of the week here. TO said Judgment and the expenees of Beginning nt a point on the Reports from Guyaqull. Ecuador., Lane County, State of Oregon. fy said Judgment, Including Interest, proceeds applied to the payment East side of Countyroad Number say that many gold relics of the Also the E)4 of N W I( of NE% attorney’s fees, costs of suit and Families to Gather— Mr. and Mrs of said Judgment and the expen­ 33, 90 feet East of the center ses ot sale; and that defendants| In Section 33. Township 18, accruing costs, I will, on Saturday, J. M. Larson will entertain at their ancient Inca Kings have been found of the S. P. Railroad Track on South Range 3 West of the W ll- the 23rd day of January. 1932. at and all persons claiming under the South line of “D" Street In home this evening for a number In the mountains near the Colom lumette Meridian, containing 2u the hour of one o'clock In the after­ One-way coach ticket that them be forever barred and fore­ the town of Ooshen, thence of relatives from Junction City, F ri­ bian border. Nobody can guess how saves you many dollan. This acres of land. In Lane County, noon of said day, at the Southwest closed from all right, title, Inter­ gal bettoi resulta South 3.6 degrees East along said many thousands or millions of dol is trans comfort at the lowest front door of the County Court­ day the group w ill gather at Junc­ State of Oregon. est. lien, claim and equity ot re­ County road 400 feet, thence possible cost. That said sale will take place at house In Eugene, Lane County, Ore­ tion City for the annual Christmas lars worth of gold are still hidden demption In said property and North 86 degree East parallel Tbe modem bl that the purchaser be placed In the office of A. J. McKy at the cor­ gon, offer for sale and sell for cash, day dinner. with said 'D* Street 200 feet to a in caves of the Andies. When Flz- ROUNDTRIP . . . $8$ ooals that «Um­ possession thereof and for such ner of W illam ette Street and at public auction, subject to re­ point thence North 3.6 degrees arro, the Spanish conqueror of further relief as to the court may Eighth Avenue East In Eugene, demption, as provided by law, all West 400 feet to a point on the iliate blu> dia- <50 poMitdf e / 6aegagr may 4« To Hava Gueata— Mr. and Mrs. J. South America, robbed Atahualpa.; of the right, title and Interest of Lane County, Oregon. seem equitable. South line of said D' Street, tbteied f r t t or. I h t t i l i t i t l i . ) tortion ",ump” This notice Is published In the the said defendants Arthur W lck­ Nelson wilt have Mr. and Mrs. Hoy the last of the Inca Kings, he ob­ This summons Is published by thence South 86 degrees West Anna W lckwlre, Deamus Worswick, their daughter and son- tained enough solid gold to fill l along said South line of said 'D' order of Hon. G. F. Sklpworth, Springfield News, a weekly news­ wlre, For bettor ara* Street 200 feet, to the place of Judge of the Circuit Court, Lane paper of genera! circulation pub­ W lckwlre, Grace W lckwlre, Beulah in-law. as guests for Christmas din what he described as a very large beginning, containing 2 acres County, Oregon, made November lished at Springfield. Lane County, Hanson and H. L. Crawford, and all ter vlalon far and m a r, get Univi» ner Friday. That evening (be en­ room, but It has always been be more or less, all In Lane County, 30, 1931. Dated and flrat published Oregon. Date of first publlcatlon persons claiming by. through, or un­ der them or either ot them. In and tire group will go out to the Berg lleved that Aaahulapa managed to November 26tll, 1931. December 3, 1931. Oregon. BEA TR IC E WA8SOM, Admin­ to the said premises. W. H. BROOKE. Attorney for farm home east of Springfield for secrete the larger part of his treas Dated this 30th day nt Novem­ DR. ELLA MEADE H. L. BOWN. 8herlff ot Lane a social gathering. Mrs. Berg 1s a sra. istratrix of the Estate of Mary plaintiff, 860 W illam ette Street, ber, 1831. Optometrist County. 1. E. Hurlburt, Deceased. Eugene, Oregon. H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. There Is little doubt that great alttar of Mrs. Nalson. (D 24-81—J 7-14-11) 41 Waat 8th lugana (N 84— D 3-1S-17-M) smcœwixÊ Business Directory Edw. G. Privat BONDS BY T R A IN SAN FRANCISCO DRY WOOD P «24 LOS ANGELES • U N IV IS Bilocals Southern Pacific ID 3-10-17-34-31) , (D S-1S-17-S4-S1)