PAOK FOUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S I'ubtUbad Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS THURSDAY. DECEMBER 84. IM I SÎ ü HTIK s EEN H. E. MAXEY, Editor Kilt»■red a* second class matter, February 24, 1903, at the postoffice. Spilngfteld, Oregon. MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE One Six Months |1.00 ...........75c Single Copv ...... ........................ 5c THCKSDAY, DECEMBER 24. 1931 C H R ISTM AS AND GOOD W IL L C hrist mas, the season o f jo y and good cheer, is devoted to the m ind and soul instead o f to the physical body. It is a tim e when we should elim inate spite, bad feeling, and ill hum or, and not neglect those who have a rig h t to our a t­ tention and care. N ot only to the person to whom it is extended but to hundreds o f others good w ill engenders good w ill. Like m any m irro rs in a room, good w ill reflects and reflects a countless num ber o f images— m ultiplies w ith o u t end. P ro f­ fe rin g good w ill to one may effect thousands. IX) y o u r p a rt to reflect this great C hristm as s p irit! Good w ill costs nothing but is the most valuable g ift m an­ kind can receive. --------------»------------- MARY ROBERTS RINEHART S 6* AMk> FOURTH INSTALMENT SX NO PSI S Six peopl«, Horace Johnaon I who telle the K o ry ), hie w ile, ohl M r s I'aae. Herbert Nobtneon and hie eaetrr, A ik * a ad O r Sperry. friends and nr'<,ibor». are in the habit ot S o ld i"* weekly ineetinge A t one o l them. hire. D ane, who le hostess. varies the prearam by unexpectedly a 'ia n « tn g a spirit nalietic ecence with Miee Jerem y, a friend o l lb Sperry and not a proteeanmel. ae the m ed ium A t the tire' riltu ig the m edium telle the detalle of a m urder a , it le occurring l-gter that night Sparry le a rn , that a neighbor, Arthur W elle, ba, been abut m yettrlouely W ith lohnerm he gone lu the W elle realdence and they find confirmation o f the m edium ’e account M rs W elle telle them her hueband shot himself in a tit o l depreeatoa. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY ’Do I you recall how you left the was when we were going out, and front door when you vyent out? 1 after Hawkins had opened the trout mean, was it locked?' door for us. It had lieen freezing “No. The servants were out, and hard, ami Sperry, who has a had I knew there would be no one to ad­ ankle, looked about for a walking mit me. 1 left it unfastened " sink He found one, and I saw Haw­ But it was evident that she had kins take a swift step forward, and broken a rule ot the house bv doing then stop, with no expression what­ so, for she added: “I am afraid to ever in his face. use the servants' entrance It is dark "This will answer, Hawkins." there” “ Yes, sir,” said Hawkins impas “The key is alway s hung on the nail sively when they are out?“ And if I realise that Sperry was “Yes If any one of them is out nervous that night, I also realise that it is left there. There is only one key. he was lighting a battle quite his The family is out a great deal, and it own, and with its personal problems. saves bringing some one down from "She’s got to quit this sort of the servants' rooms at the top of the thing," be said savagely and apropos W A S H IN G TO N both tide* with splendid campaign ROAD CREWS BUSY material even If It full* Io result PATCHING WEAK SPOTS in ax uiiii'li benefit Io the country j «a Die more preaalng demanda for Crews of the malnleiiance depart domeatle relief. lueiit of the Htnte highway depart meni were working over the Mc­ Kenzie highway east of Hprlngfleld Tuesday repairing and patching all the weak spots on the surface, WASHINGTON, 1). C. The ad Juurninent of rongreea over the ChristninH holidays I* giving the country at large * chance to slael up the two houses. The net results appears to lie that we eau expect DIRGE EDI! THE YEAR the greatest show on earth when ' By Percy llysshe Shelley the members resume their labors. I Enough liitlmatiou was given In tin Orphan hours, the year Is dead. few days lu which the congressmen Come and sigh, come and weep! acted before the holidays Io Indl Merry hours, sm ile Instead. cate that the favorite sport for the! lAir the year Is but asleep. next few months of the nation's See, Il sm iles as It Is sleeping. law givers will he president halting Mocking your untimely weeping. It looks certain that anything Mr. Hoover proposes, regardless of Its KiMul effect on the country, will he As an earthquake roeka a corpse In Its coffin In the rlay. opposed I I I vigorous terms, and that practically everything he has So * h"'’ ' h«' ">"«►> '•'«r»«'. Rock» the dead-cold year today; said or done since his Inauguration, barring only perhaps hla Thanks­ Noletnn hours! wall aloud giving proclamations, will come In For your mother In her shroud. C resw ell Woman P aste* Mis. Emma Florence Jordan died ul Medford Thursday. December 17. at the age of 64 year*, leaving aur vlvilig her husband. Geo. W. J or dan. ami one daughter, Mr*. Tlielmu D'Neal and five grandchildren Two daughter* are deceased A brother Robert Heed survive*. She was a slater of the late Samuel Reed. Mr. aud Mrs. Jordau weut to Medford ubout two month* ago seeking higher altitude for health betterment. She waa born near Creswell, February 16. 1864, on the Heed farm and ha* lived In this vicinity all her life except * short time at Raymond. Waahlngtan, and the last two month* at Medford. She was married to Mr. Jordan at Creawnll In 1889. Relieving then that jomethmg might possibly be hititien there, t made an investigation, and could see some small objects lying there. Sperry brought me a stick from the dressing-room, and with its aid succeeded in bringing out the two articles which were in­ strumental in starting us on our brief AN ORDERLY ROAD PROGRAM but adventurous careers as private in- vestigstors. One was a Wither rarer The funeral waa held Sunday for unstinted abuse. An orderly five year road program whereby all the state strop, old and stiff from disuse, and As the wild air atlra and awaya afternoon at 3 30 at the Schwerlug prim a ry highw ays would be placed in order o f im portance So far as congress can be said the other a wet hath sponge, now The tree-swung cradle of a child. diap el with Interment at Creswell lo r constuction has been asked fo r by the Lane C ounty stained with blood to a yellowish to tie In harmony on anything right cemetery. Rev. Geo. Crumley pnator brown. Chamber o f Commerce in a resolution to the Oregon State now. the one subject on which a S o the breath of these rude duys "She is lying, Sperry," I said. "He Rock* the year:— be calm nnd ot the I'reshyterlun church official H ighw ay comm ission. Such a move w ould give the taxpay­ majority vote can always be relied fell somewhere else, and she dragged lug mild; ers more fa ith in the highw ay departm ent and w ould d e fi­ may lie expressed In the slogan. him to where he was found." nite ly in fo rm each locality when it. could expect the state "Down with Hoover.” And tt Is not Trembling hours; she will arise "But—why?" highw ay through the p a rtic u la r section to be constructed. "I don’t know," I said impatiently. Leave for Medford — Mr. and being expressed In language quite With new love within her eyes. “From scime place where a man would Mr*. M II llunlty left Wedueeday as refined as that. While that tdeu Since P ortland strong arm ed the com m ission fo r its be unlikely to kill himself, 1 daresay. morning tor Medford to epeud the seetus to be the favorite one In January gray Is here. tw o roads to the sea and the governor changed the person­ No one ever killed himself, for in­ Like a sexton by her grave; Chriatmua holldaye. stance. in an open hallway. Or stopped congressional interviews, not even nel Oregon's road program has been all chaos. It Is the shaving to do it." being confined to the opposition February bears the bier; biggest p o litica l football in the state today, and is fast los­ “We have only Miss Jeremv's word March with grief doth howl ana political observers here believe ing the support o f even its most ardent friends. Such a Injure* Healing— Mr* 1). A. Dill for that." he said, sullenly. “Confound Sperry was on the Boor, examining the carpet w ith Mg flathljghL. rave, it, Horace, don’t let's bring in that that the president’s persunal nnd condition, w ith o u t a change is brought fo rth , w ill surely man o f Goshen I* recovering nicely stuff if we can helo it." house of nothing, as we walked along. "It's political euemlea will tak It out And April weeps but, O, ye hours, from an Injury In which ahe sua result in $3 license fees and o ther radical changes in the We stared at each other, with the hard on her, and besider But I think my knowledge of the largely In conversation. They have Follow w ltlf May’s fairest flowers tallied a broken right uhkle. m ethod o f finances. strop and the sponge between us. Sud­ “Yes?” *■ seen too many similar conditions In denly he turned on his heel and went key bothered her, for some reason It is tim e fo r the com m ission to reassert its e lf; put up And as I read over my questions, cer­ “She couldn’t have teamed about the past to be convinced by the up­ F IR S T IN JU R Y FROM back* into the room, and a moment a program whereby the state w ill know w hat it can expect tainly they indicated a suspicion that it.” he said, following his own trail later he called me, quietly. in the fu ture, and arrange fo r the p rim a ry highw ays as POOLE - GRAY "You’re right." he said. "The poor the situation was less simple than it of thought. "My car brought her from roar against Mr. Hoover. B A S K E T B A LL REPORTED appeared. She shot a quick glance at her home to the house-door. She was devil was shaving He had it naif me. fixed by law to take definite places in tu rn fo r construction. They figure that, when It comes BARTHOLOMEW brought in to us at once. But don't done. Come and look.” t’lvde t'oltrana. student at the New projects should come last, except o f course P ortland s “Did you examine the revolver when you see that if there are other de- down to action and voting, at least But I did not go. There was a roads to the sea w hich m ust be bu ilt at any cost and rig h t velopmentg, to prove her statements on the fundamental program of re­ Fall Greek seluail Is the first casual­ carafe of water in the bathroom, and you picked it up?” away, to keep the big c ity fro m " k ic k in g over the apple I took a drink from it. My hands 'I. monsieur? .Vo»/” Then her she—well, she’s as innocent as a child, duced expenditures and Increased ly to bo reported from basketball Formerly Walker-l*oole Do taxation, they will swing Into line teams of the county this year The were shaking. When I turned around fears, whatever they were, got the but take Herhert, for instance c a rt." I found Sperry in the hall, examining best of her. "I know nothing but what von suppose he’ll believe she had no They ran be expected, however, to youth sustained a broken arm Fri­ Lane county has fo u r prim ary highw ays under con­ the carpet with his flash light, and I tell __ , you. __ ______ 1 was ____ out. _____ I can ,____ prove outside information?” El'GENE 11th HI’RINUFIICLD He received now ana then stooping to run nis hand i that that is so I went to a pharmacy : stru ctio n at present and they should be nearly finished by "Rut it was happening while w« dress up the new legislation In their day, December 18. and Charnelluu, 228 Mala flo or * th e c le rlr w i l l r e m e m b e r >ver the floor ■the clerk will remember. W' re »lint in the drawing-room.” own words and endeavor to make It medical care at the office of a the tim e such a program can be fo rm u la te d and put in to Telephone 722 I'bone 62 J Springfield physician appear as their own child, entirely effect. E xisting contracts call fo r com pletion o f the M c­ “Nothlag here," be said in a low I know, monsieur, he will tell you "So Elinor claims. But if there was anything to hide, it would have taken different from anything Mr Hoover Kenzie, Roosevelt, Siuslaw and the W illam ette road to O ak­ tone, when I had joined him. "At least that 1 used the telephone there. 1 haven't found anything.” 1 told her that it would not be nee-, tune. An hour or so, perhaps. You has suggested The president Is ridge, in 1932. A five year program w ould necessarily carry How nyich of Sperry a proceeding essary for her to go to the pharmacy , i see how Herbert wsxil 9 jump on playing the game, In his endeavor the W illam ette highw ay fro m Oakridge to Crescent on the with the carpet the governess had and she muttered something abou that.” to have necessary legislation pass­ aeen I do not know. I (lanced children and went up the stairs. ) D alles-C alifom ia highw ay, w hich lik e ly would be done w ith I said irritably to him. "1 intend to ■p and she was there, on the staircase Sperry came back with the opiat. ed. by being careful not to propose federal money. go home, it is LJO in the morning." to the third floor, watching us. was nowhere in sight, and he was con­ anything hut the essentials, which But as it happened, I did not go J. C. A insw orth, chairm an of the com m ission, indicated She came down the stairs, a lean siderably annoyed. all are agreed upon, avoiding nny "She knows something," I told him. into tny house when I reached it. I Rest o f Good Wishes he would be pleased to have the support o f Lane county young Frenchwoman in a dark dress­ was wide awake, and 1 perceived, oo statem ent that might lie taken as ing gown, and Sperry suggested that “She is frightened." fo r a five year program when he visited here last week. We she should have an opiate. She seized T ills Rest o f Good Seasons Ip at itiy w iles window*, Sperry eyed me with a half frown. dictating methods As a result. It believe th £ com m ission should have the support o f the en­ at the kiea, but Sperry did not go ’'Now see here, Horace," he said that the lights were out. As it is her Because we are F riends appears unlikely that any political 11 “P *?r me on down at once for his professional suppose we had come in here, w ith o u t1 tire state if it w ill take th is broad view o f the highw ay - 1 rare occasions when I spend an eve­ capital will be made of any of the F or Best o f Good Reasons! the thought of that seance bemud us? program . C e rtainly it w ill reduce the great flo c k o f local “You were not here when it oc­ We d have accepted tne thing as it ning .i iay from home, 1 surmised that president's message* to congress 44 delegations w hich sm other ever}- m eeting o f the highw ay appears to be, wouldn t we : I here ! sin u c< uliortably asleep, and mad« cur cd, Mademoiselle? ' he inquired. since It convened. "No, doctor. I had been out for a may be a dozen explanations tor aat mi u i tu the pharmacy to which the commission lately try in g to “ get theirs w hile the g e ttin g is We se s’ governess had referred. walk." She clasped her hands. "When sponge, and for the razor strop \\ hat I 5th and A Streets S pringfield There Is no question that all con­ good.” Friends o f the Oregon State highw ay program , as it night-clerk was in the prescript in heaven’s name has a r.i • - • , I came back—— ” gressmen are convinced that new ii : r un 1» hue. the simp. He had was o rig in a lly conceived by R. A. Booth, John Yeon and H. a . - ... inlet w i 1 "Was he still on the floor of the to do with tt imself comfortably on two taxation and drastic ruts In govern B. V auDuzer, should bend th e ir e ffo rts to b rin g order o u t dressing-room when you came in?" fired, and tnc , evoiver has one - ”■ fix •i. « ith an old table cover over "But yes. Of course. She was alone. chamber It may not be tiie cl . mental expenditures are demanded. o f the present chaos. s '< .md a halt-empty bottle ol to stop »navmg in order to . Sbe could not lift him." --------------- <$>--------------- The battles that will be fought wilt '.n ... •., ,i on a wooden box beside suicide, but that’s no arg. n that “I see,” Sperry said thoughtfully. hnn He did not waken until I spoke all be on the various plans that will HONORING A G R E A T MAN “No, I daresay she couldn’t. Was the it can t be done, and as to t . e y bow do I know that n o .u k_ck to h:m. revolver on the floor also?" he offered, and the members can be “Sorry to rouse you. Jim,” I said. The nam ing o f the Cape Creek bridge, on the Oregon "Yes, doctor. I myself picked it door key isn’t hung outside on a nail expected to fight each other fully He flung off the cover and jumped W E W ISH YOU sometimes?’’ Coast highw ay, a t Heceta, in honor o f H. B. VanD uzer fo r up” up. upsetting the bottle, which trickled as hard as they attack the presL "We might look again for that hole To Sperry she showed, I observed, m any years chairm an o f the highw ay com m ission, is asked a »tale stream to the flo or “Oh, A VERY M ERRY dent. a slight deference, but when she in the ceiling.” fo r in a resolution by the Lane co u n ty cham ber o f com ­ glanced at me, as she did after each "I won’t do it Miss Jererrv has that’s all right, Mr. Johnson, I wasn't • • • p, arynow.” C H R IS T M A S merce. Mr. Van Duzer was an outstand ing fig u re in Oregon reply, 1 thought her expression slight­ read ol something ol that sir:, The senate, which Is prohibited I let that go, and went at once to highw ay building and this is an outstanding bridge, a m a r­ ly altered. At the tone tins pusiled heard pi it, and stored it in her sub- ! the object o f our visit. Yes, he re- AN D A from originating financial leglsla me, but it was explained when Sperry conscious mind" velous piece o f construction. Seven hundred feet high But he glanced up at the ceiling I m< mb red the governess, knew her, started down the stairs. Ion and has to wait until the lower and at the m outh o f a seven hundred foot tu nnel ove rlo o k­ "Monsieur is of the police?” she nevertheless, and • monu-ni later had a» i matter of fact The Wellses' H APPY, PROSPEROUH house passes bills before It can i good many things there. Asked ing the great P acific ocean th is bridge is unlike .any other asked, with a Frenchwoman’s timid drawn up a chair and stepped onto bough as to er teleph ,ning, he thought it take any action on them, will find it. and 1 did the same thing. We pre for the constabulary. NEW YEAR stru ctu re in the world. It should be a fin e m onum ent to respect I hesitated before I answered. I tented, I imagine, rather a strange was about nine o’clock, maybe earl­ Its hands full with foreign affairs. ier. But questioned as to what she had the m em ory o f Mr. Van Duzer, ju st voted P o rtla n d ’s firs t am a truthful man, and I hate un­ picture, and I know that the presence citizen. - i , necessary lying But I ask considera­ o t the rigid figure on the couch gave telephoned about, he drew himself Not since Senator Lodge attacked ________.________ I up. President Wilson for his foreign me a sort of ghoulish feeling. tion of the circumstances. “Oh, see here," he said. “I can’t The house was an old one, and in "I am making a few investigations," policy has there been such a chance 1 told her. "You say Mrs. Wells was the center of the high ceiling a plas­ very well tell you that, can I? This for senators to drag In the old Boston delivers fresh fish in St. Louis by airplane. Per­ alone in the house, except for her hus- ter ornament surrounded the chande­ business has got ethics, all sorts of spectre of "entangling alliances." haps we m ig h t put wings on some o f Oregon’s fresh fru its lier. Our search gradually centered ethic*.” band ?** He enlarged on that The secrets on this ornament, but the chairs were and they can be experted to run •The children ” and find a better m arket in la rg e r cities o r n o n -a g ricu ltu ra l of the city, he maintained loftily, were S p rin g fie ld low and our long-distance examination "Mr. Wells was shaving, I believe, the entire gamut of political fire­ areas. F ly in g straw berries should be as welcome as fly in g in the hands of the pharmacies. It when the — er — impulse overtook revealed nothing. It was at that time, works In the discussions oyer the "Every fish in any com m unity, especially i f they were accompanied too, that we heard some one in the was a trust that they kept film?” payment of war debts and repara­ by some th ic k cream. There was no doubt as to her sur­ lower hall, and we had only a moment trouble from dope to drink, and then to put our chairs in place before the some,” he boasted. prise. "Shaving? I think not." tions. When I told him that Arthur Wells “What sort of razor did he ordin­ butler came in. He showed no sur­ W hether the senate Is going to prise. but stood looking at the body was dead his jaw dropped, but there arily use?” make It harder for the United “A safety razor always. At least I on the touch, his thin face working. was no more argument in him. He I met the detectives outside, doc­ knew very well the number the gov­ have never seen any others around ” States to collect its foreign debts or "There is a case of old-fashioned tor,” he said. "It's a terrible thing, sir, erness had called. not Is beyond the power of anybody "She’s done it several times,” he razors in (he bathroom.” a terrible thine.” here to predict. There Is a feeling I ’d keep the other servants out of said ‘T il lie frank with you. I got She glanced toward the room and curious after the third evening, and here that the senate, as a whole. Is shrugged her shoulders. "Possibly he this room, Hawkins." "Yes, sir.” He went over to the called it myself. You know the trick. ased others. I have not seen any.” likely to arouse Intense resentment “It was you, I suppose, who cleaned sheet, lifted the edge slowly, and then I found out it was the Ellingham among European statesm en by their replaced it, and tip-toed to the door house, up State Street.” op afterwards." "What was the nature o f the con­ frankness over war debta, but. It Is "The others are not back yet. I’ll “Cleaned up?” “You who washed up the stains?” admit them, and get them up quietly. versations ?" being pointed out on all sides, It Is HE NEVER M AD E M IS TA K E S “Oh. she was very careful. It's aa “Stains? Oh, no, monsieur. Noth- How is Mrs Wells?” going to be difficult to collect the "Sleeping," Sperry said briefly, and open phone and any one could hear The head of a large Philadelphia com pany decided to bw of the sort has yet been done." her. Once she said somebody was not money Oermany owes us, and the I felt that she was felling the truth, Hawkins went out. open a New England branch. L ooking th ro u g h his o rg a n i­ I realize now that Sperry was—I to come Another time she just said, io far as she knew it, and I then other Allied nations, without going zation, he selected a prudent, industrious young man. 'This is Suzanne Gautier. 9:30, am sure he will forgive this— in a asked about the revolver to war, an action that Is not even “Do you know where Mr Wells state of nerves that night. For ex­ please.’ ” " I am th in k in g o f appointing you our New England “And tonight?” remotely considered possible. None ample, he returned only an impatient kept his revolver?’ m anager w ith headquarters in Boston,” he said. “That the family was going out— of the countries tn the World war "When I first came it was in the silence to my doubt as to whether rawer of The young man received the news gravely. flrawe. . . that ___ table. I suggested that Hawkins had reallv only just returned not to call." have the least desire to start an ft he placed beyond the children’s a-d mi ! • ethlng down other war. Judging by their repeat­ " I believe it w ill be a wise move, s ir,” he answered. “ I reach. pi was It " « Il b 11 II ; r h ed to have an 1 do not know where never m ake m istakes.” ed expressions. Without force It important bearing n the case. This Frt." does not seem likely that Germany “ Never make m istakes?" the boss repeated in cre d u l­ an be made to pny the present ously. "M y , my, then I couldn’t th in k o f appoin ting you. ness. Shipments for the week were D AIRY M A N FAC TU R ER S LUMBER MILLS NOW debts and every Indication points Just im agine how I should feel, having a man in Boston 5.1 per cent over production. Pro­ RUNNING 29 PER CENT duction at this group of mills stay­ TO H OLD M EET FEB. 15-18 to a deep cut In the amount due. w ho never makes mistakes, when I am down here in P h ila ­ It appears more than likely that delphia m aking them every day.” Oregon's butter and Ice eream the senate eventually will decide SEATTLE, Wash. — A total of ed approximately the same as the The young man was not sent to Boston. He lived out week before. Unfilled orders show- makers, now joined Into one state­ to find out exactly how much Oer­ his business days in an obscure position, m inus erro rs and 343 mill* reporting to the West ed no change from the week pre­ wide association are to meet in a many can afford to pay and then ( ’oast Lumbermen’s association ror m inus hits. vious New export business re­ four-day annual convention nnd set In motion the machinery for the week ending December 12 oper One o f the m ost interesting men o f m v acquaintances 'Pbiln 7*4« ceived during the week was about short course this year at Oregon collecting that amount, shaping do­ i ated at 26.9 per cent of capacity, a* has been w rong about fo rty per cent o f the tim e. »0 thing tut It buff 800,000 feet less than the volume State college February 15 to 18. For mestic legislation to provide for the I can look hack over His career and point out a dozen compared to 26.7 per cent of capa reported for the previous week. several years the college has held required Increase In taxes that will I HII CO .the world's largest radio manufacturer has produced d iffe re n t points where he took one stand and subsequently city for the previous week and 44.7 per cent tor the same week last New domestic cargo orders were a two-week butter-makers short have to be levied to offset such re­ the woild't finest radio! This surpassing instrument will bring in had to revise it. more stations, with greater clarity, finci tone and better volume, than year. For the first 49 weeks of over the previous week by about course but It had to be abandoned duction. The failure of congress to W hy then has he stayed on top? any othei radio receiver 250.000 feet, new rail business drop­ this year. Some of Its features, legislate approval of the chief ex­ F irst, I th in k , because he is absolutely tru th fu l. W hat 1931 these mills have operated at ped approximately 3,000.000 feet however, together with Instruction ecutive’s action In granting a mora­ Just think what this means to you. Programs you never heard before, he sometimes im agines to he the tru th tu rn s out la te r to be 37.9 per cent of capacity as com while the local trade declined ap­ In Ice cream making, have been torium to Germany, which expired distant station* a* ea* zt mid aa cleat to heai aa local broadcaat* an error, hut he never consciously hedges fo r a n y th in g or pared to 54.4 per cent for the same . no fading, no booming itisi pure cleat undistorted Philco tone. anybody. period of 1930. During the week proximately 2,000,000 feet when added to the annual convention pro on December 15, places that coun­ compared with the previous week”* gram. P.vtry boiiti on tht at»i o/ thu u ontutftti it’ it a m t' try In the light of a defaulter on Its Second, he is alw ays try in g . R oll him in the dust, and ended December 6, 188 of these business. During the 49 weeks of And it has the most superbly beautifm cabinet you ever aawl > D e­ Through cooperation of the 70 Ice obligations, but this has been dts- plants were reported as down and he is up in a m inute and s ta rtin g forw ard again. Lay some- 1931 production for 223 mills has cream makers In the stnte an out­ ounted and congress' approval, signed by Norman Bel Gcddea, foremost cieatoi of fine furniture, it tilin g before him w hich you th in k is p re tty good, and he 155 as operating. Those operating is executed in walnut, with figuied instrument panel, framed in V- averaged approximately 0.07 per standing middle-western Ice cream onsldered merely as a perfunctory in s tin c tiv e ly reaches fo r a pencil and begins to try to im ­ reported production as 43.1 per cent Mutched Oriental Wood and Matched But* Walnut pilasters. Care» cent over orders received. specialist, Professor C. A. Iverson ctlon. Is expected any time. prove it. Let him accom plish an objective, and im m ediate­ of their group capacity. ful hand rubbing finishes the exquisite cabinet work. of Iowa State college, Is being The senate Is going to have Its ly he has set his eyes on anothe r point fu rth e r ahead. Think of such a radio for only $15 Ji Current new business reported by brought to Corvallis for a series greatest, difficulties over proposals F • inally, he never wastes any tim e in re g re ttin g the Hae Major Operation — Miss •D „ - — ■=■----- 222 *dent*cal mills was 7.7 per cent I his marvelous 11 tube Philco Balanced Superheterodyne hat so egret,” said wnm »non, past. ’’ R Regret, some one, “ takes as ....._„i. m uch ...» o u . t o f __ you over production and totaled 5,600,- Grace Male underwent a major of lectures and demonstrations dur­ that will be offered that the United amazed the radio world that demand is fai ahead of factor imply. ing the convention. States become a part of the World as a prolonged d ru n k .” ooo feet less than the footage re- operation at the Pacific Christian 1 his first small shipment iust received here will be sold imir a dy. otirt, If not of the League of Na­ You must an aou. to get vour order ini Bv all meant don’i mis* this T his man has been an encouragem ent to me. So have , celved the previous week. This Is hospital In Eugene Friday. Miss Home from Hoepital — Stephen tions Itself. The question Is one opportunity to own 'Tht WonJ'i Pmfn Raaie/" the words o f Stevenson, w ho exclaimed, “ God give us the seventh successive week with Male teaches school In Portland. Rife, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Mel that will open the floodgates of ora­ young men who have the courage to m ake fools o f th e m ­ orders In excess of production, mak­ Rice who underwent an emergency tory and, It. Is expected, result tn selves.” ing the longest period of such fav­ Dexter Man Operated on— Wil­ operation for acute appendicitis more patriotic speeches and flag 1 fig u re tiia t I am entitled to one m ajor m istake a week. orable relationship since last Janu­ liam Kloster of Dexter submitted to Wednesday of last week was waving than any similar discussion T his is m y quota. As long as I keep w ith in i t I feel all ary - February. It Is due to the a major operation at the Pacific brought to his home In Bprlngfleld since the end of the war. The In­ rig h t. low production and a fairly regular Christian hoiipltal Thursday of last S pringfield, Oregon Monday. He Is recovering nicely terjection of this question, which And fre quently I run over. !$««!• flow, although small, of new bust week. from the operation. can be expected early, will furnish P M IL C O T B A N I I T O N I . . . *2 m i Funeral Directors ,clTLerry Christinas A” Street Service Station EGGIMANN’S ««ye T O B E C O N T IN U E D Wright & Sons A-