THURSDAY. DBCBMPER 24. IM I T H « SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAOR TWO BULK BUYING IS TO E Careful Purchase of Staples in Large Quantities Aid to Budget-Cutting Wives Mt. States Will Spend $615,000 N e w Postage Stamps W ill C a rry T w e lv e D iffere n t Pictures o f W ashington Bright Future Held For World Adjustment of Present World Problem« Will Be Boon to Masse» Says W. A. Elkin» Large Sun Announced for New Construction in 1932 by Power Company C. M. Brewer, president and gen­ eral manager of Mountain States Huy lu hulk and buy In largi uusntttles, «tore carefully nnd cook Power company, has announced properly, 1» the advice of food au that the company's* construed *n thorttles to housewives who would budget for 1932 will amount to • serve Inexpensive, healthful meals »615,088. Standard Gas and Electric Com Specific suggestions for breakfast commodities come from Luc) A. patty's preliminary construc'lon Case, extension specialist in nutri­ budget for 1932 will total »25.015.- 966. according to John J. O’Brien, tion at Oregon State college. Buy rolled oats, corn meal, and president of the company. Projects coarse graham in large quantities, now under construction at proper­ in cloth sacks. Store in a dry place, ties in the Standard Gas and Elec­ free from duat. Purchase cocoa, cof­ tric company system amounting to fee, sugar, kippered salmon, salted »3.508.034 will not he completed codfish and dried nkfm milk In hulk. during 1931, costs for which are included In the preliminary budget Beginning January I, IftM. the 200th year unee George Washington'» birth, all U.S. pottage stamp« up to the ten-rent variety will have Washing­ Suitable containers for hulk foods ton 's picture on them. Since photography was not invented until long after the death of the Father of His Vo figure set up for 1932. Unfinished . ounlry, old paintings and statues have been are large, empty (in cans lu which construction during 1931 includes used as models for these stamp pictures of Washington at different agri shortening, peanut butter and can­ the Prospect diversion project of dles are shipped. These can some­ The California Oregon Power com­ times be obtained at stores, points pany system which will not he out Miss Case. Coffee cans and placed in service until 1932. large sixe fruit jars ran also be The total preliminary budge! ex­ used. penditure for 1932 may be segre­ Save on sugar, says Miss Case, gated as follows: Elertric depart by buying beet sugar or ••manufac­ ment. »16.347.300: gas department, i _______ T his is th * seventh of a ser­ turer's” sugar Beet sugar costs less than cane, yet has the same »3.319 80». and other departments. Trans-Pacific Network Starts ies of articles on O rthodontia including general construction. »5. food value and uses. •'Manufactur­ Between Mainland and Ha­ to acquaint the public w ith this 338,837. p artic u la r branch ef dentistry and er’s'' sugar costs less than beet, but waii; Ceremonies Held In Lam- county the principal ex­ its possibilities. comes in coarser grains and dis penditure will probably he the solves more slowly. Trans-Pacific telephone service By DR. J. E. R IC H M O N D building of farm lines and other ex­ beiweeu America and Hawaii offi Wheat and corn can be cleaned tensions. It is a great surprise to most peo­ dally was inaugurated Wednesday. ple to learn that the width ot the and ground for table use at the Formal ceremonies, scheduled at Jaws is fully developed at the age local mill for a small charge. Spring MR. AND MRS. BERTSCH 1 p. in., in which government, bnsi ot six. if it is going to be without wheat is cleaner than winter wheat.; TO ENTERTAIN FRIDAY ness and telephone officials of the some artificial stimulation, yet it is hence is more suitable for break United States and Hawaii took in keeping with the statement of fast cereal. Cracked wheat is an in­ Among the many family gather­ part, marked the formal dedication eminent physiologists and psycho­ expensive cereal provided it can be cooked with fuel used for other ings to be held in Springfield on of the new telephone service, it logists that "the average develop­ purposes at the same time. It re­ Christmas day will include one at was announced ny the company ment or growth of the brain is 898 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis here. quires several hours of cooking. gragis from birth to the age of Bertsch when they will entertain Immediately following the cere­ six. From six to nineteen the Whole grain cereals contain more for their friends and relatives. monies. H. D. Phillsbury, president growth is but 40 grams.' The minerals, vitamins and n,ughage Those expected for the day are of the Pacific Telephone a- Tele growth of the whole is normally than others, evplains Miss Case. Mr. and Mrs. Pearme Crowe and graph company, declared the new out oj proportion io the growth of Cracked wheat as a cereal dish re family. Mrs-. Edna Yarnell and American Hawaiian telephone net th„ regt of the body, during the T im McCoy and P olly Ann Young in a scene tro m ’’The quires chewing but this is valuable daughter. Edna June; Mr. and Mrs. work open for commercial use. The first six years of life. One Way T r a il" playing at the H eilig Saturday only. to the teeth and digestive system William Bertsch. and family, Mrs. hours will be from 10:30 a. m. to While, as told in the last article, of the normal person. Peters. Marjorie Reckerd of Port­ 6:30 p. m. daily. The rate will be the lack of spaces between the MODERN FURNISHINGS CAUSES OF DUSTY HAY land. and Miss Bertha Bertsch of »21 for the first three minutes, and front teeth of a child of six is the MAKE FARM HOMES DISCUSSED BY O. S.C. MAN Administrator is Appointed— Ira Klamath Falls. J7 for each additional minute. most common Indication of future Mr. Willis Bertsch is now on his W. Gilstrap has been appointed ad­ Fourteen calls, each 200 to 5000 irregular teeth, there are occasional VERY ATTRACTIVE "Wonder what makes (his hay so ministrator of the estate of M. J. way home from San Francisco miles long, were made during the cases where a faulty relation of While the rugged, sturdy farm ; lagued dusty this year?” Gilstrap. The estate amounts to where he took a load of Christmas dedication program. T. G. Miller, the jaw Is evident even at thia How often has this question, ex »1500 in real property and »3250 In trees recently. He is expected vice-president of the American age. For instance, we sometimes home of the 19th century bad a home tonight or early Friday. personal property. Telephone A Telegraph company, find the lower incisors closing in charm of Its own. modern equip­ pressed with greater or less vigor, sneaking from Washington. D. C„ front of the uppers and when this ment makes the present farm house been heard ut this time of year as made the first call to J. A. Balch, condition is found, there are men a far more pleasant place In which clouds of dust arose as feed wus president of the Mutual Telephone of national standing who recom­ to live. This is the opinion of M. dug oul of the mow nr stack for ompany. at Honolulu. Secretary mend treatment as early as four S. Winder, of Chicago, executive the stock. secretary. American Farm Bureau of Interior Wilbur then talked to years of age. G. It. Hyslop. bead of the farm Governor-General Judd of Hawaii, crops department at Oregon State If this condition Is present in the Federation. and V. S. K. Houston. Hawaiian temporary teeth and is allowed to ‘’Furnishings of moderate price, collet, has recently hud this ques delegate to congress, conversed continue, it will be found that the selected with care and -arranged tion put in him, together with the with I rincess Kawananakoa. mem lower jaw will be uverdqgeloped for the greatest beauty, now adorn |Uery as to whether salting would We celeb rate w ith p resen ts and feastin g a t C h rist­ l Per of (he last reigning Hawaiian and the chin will show undue pro­ most farm rooms,’’ Mr. Winder irevent dusl developing Professor m as th e b irth d ay of C h ristian ity — th e p ractice of family. minence while the bone carrying said. "Bleak parlors drove many llyslop saya he has never run any P eace on E a rth — Good Will T ow ard Men! the upper incisors will be prevented families Into the kitchen. In former experiments on the matter, hut he from making a normal development years, but interesting living rooms has handled a lot of hay in his lime, and so make the chin appear more which are both comfortable and both before and after slacking, and prominent than it actually is. In useful have supplemented these would say from experience that Ito In th e New S to re Springfield Mrs. B. F. Shonkweiler died at later life a condition may develop Twentieth century efficiency which iiii ause can be blamed for dusty Seattle. Washington. December 15. that is impossible of correction by- pervades the business world lias hay. invaded the home In both city ar.d at the age of ninety one years. She means of orthodontia. One common cause Is overflowed On the other hand, one sometimes countryside.” was the mother of W. E. Shonkr meadows that leave a deposit of wiler of Creswell and visited him finds that the lower Jaw is not long Mr. Winder, member of a sub­ mud that turns to fine dust on the about three years ago and made enough to bring the lower teeth committee of the National Commit­ bay, he says. Another Is late sown the return trip to her home from Into normal relation with the up­ tee on Wood Utilization of the de­ fields of grain hay that will have her in one day without any one ac­ pers. In this case, however, it Is partment of commerce, which spon- clods mixed with the huy when It usually advisable to follow the sered a recent booklet. ’’Furniture. is mowed and raked. Any amount companying her. The Standard Oil company moved course of watchful waiting for in Its Selection and Use,” feels that of salt added in such hay Is not its two gas tanks and station unit certain instances nature does cor­ there Is an increasing farm interest likely to affect Its dustiness, llyslop Friday from the auto camp "of Z. rect these cases. in the subject of home planning believes. Children before the age ot six and furnishing. He cited the use of Clausen and shipped them to C. But where hay is put In the stack Votsberger at Westfir where they are the one who most commonly this bulletin by 1400 home demon­ or mow a little too moist, there will be installed. Mr. Clausen will have bad habits that contribute to stration agents of the U. S, depart­ may be dust develop that was not confine his attention to the cabins malformation of the jaws. Some of ment of agriculture, as proof of present at all when the hay was these habits are as effective in his contention. of bis auto camp. made. This Is caused by develop The Creswell basketball teams moving teeth as the most efficient ’’Because of the deep desire for ment of mold on the hay which orthodontic appliance, but the won both games played at Lorane real facts, together with the many later flies off when the hay Is hand-, Friday evening by close scores and forces are always in an undesir­ opportunities now offered rural led. In such cases application of h tty contested games. They were able direction. home-makers, you will find most of salt at haying time might prevent One little boy had a habit of the women of our farms well In­ treated with appropriate refresh­ development of such molds and ments after the game and report a sucking his tongue in such a way formed on home furnishing nnd de­ hence keep down the dust, says as to force the lower incisors into coration." he pointed Ollt. ’’They fine time. Hyslop. Geo. Sedgwick arrived Saturday a fan-shaped prominence while at have found that the time and en­ Use of salt with hay that has to morning from San Miguel, Califor the same time he drew the upper ergy spent in acquiring knowledge lie slacked while loo moist has Its incisors back and so flattened the nia, where he has been superintend­ of wi»e selection anil good arrange­ limitations, however. Hyslop warns. upper lip. Another had a tongue ing the construction of a highway Rulers of Low Price» ment is well expended: that pious bridge at Bradley; he will be home habit that drew the back teeth ing homes attract interesting peo­ MoiHlure within the hay may be 10th &. Willamette— EUGENE— New Schaefers Bldg. above away from his cheek so as ple. and that families reflect the overcome In this manner, perhaps, for the holidays. Mi- Mildred Wilkins left Satur to present a peculiar one-sided ap­ warmth and charm of their sur­ but if there is any dew or other free .water oil the outside of the day morning for McMinnville to pearance to his face. Both of these roundings." hay there Is grave danger that it cases showed the effect of the dis­ »»end the holidays at home. "Men and women of the ft: C. R. Cleaver of Seattle spent a placed teeth even when the mouth appreciate this booklet, because It may heat and cause what Is com­ day with his mother, Mrs. Margaret was closed. While both these cases helps them to secure comfortible, monly known as spontaneous com bustlon. For this same reason a responded nicely to treatment, only Martin during the week. correctly furnished homes, satisfy­ The Conquerors’ class of the M. the overcoming of the habit will ing to their artistic senses and leaky roof has been known to set a barn on fire. E. Sunday school being the adult prevent a return of the same con­ fhelr needs." class, enjoyed a Christmas party at dition. ‘‘Furniture. Its Selection and the Annex Wednesday evening. Use." can be obtained from the STUDENTS HEAR GLEE They played games and ate pop GOSPEL ASSEMBLY Superintendent of Documents, at CLUBS SING MONDAY corn balls. SERVICE IS TONIGHT Washington. D. or from district The Royal Neighbors held a Jit­ Members of the boys nnd girls The only public CbrlHtmaM pro­ offices of the bureau of foreign and ney supper and bazaar at their hall gram to be given In Springfield domestic commerce, In principal glee clubs of the Hrattaln school at Wednesday evening that was a suc­ Christina» eve or Christmas day cities. It sells for 20 cents a copy. Springfield combined to present u cess socially and financially, a will be held at the Full Gospel As­ The National Committee on Wood short musical program nt the school large crowd attending. sembly tonight. Christmas eve, ac­ Utilization has prepared a study Monday afternoon at 2:30. The A community Christmas tree wag cording to Bister Vernon, pastor. course based on the bulletin, which program consisted of Christmas Installed Saturday at the Intersec­ The special program will begin at It will supply to leaders of groups music and was under the direction tion, J. P. Lane getting it up; It is 7:30 o’clock of Miss Helen High. which care to study the subject. nicely electric lighted and Is an at­ tractive ornament to the streets. Alleyne Spencer. Jeaneanne Spencer, Alma Urousbeck and Eva 1VHERE THE BETTER A TTR A CTIO N S Benton students at Monmouth Nor­ play mal are home for the holidays, ar­ riving Thursday. Miss Bess Sedgwick. Mrs. Minnis Sedgwick and Miss Seibert of Ever­ ett, stopped off Saturday on their SATURDAY ONLY way to Log Angeles, to call o l Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sedgwick. NEW TELEPHONE SERVICE OPENS Dental Science Advances Improvement of life for the great inasaea of people I lie w orld over wus the subject of the Christina ndilriias given Io lha I.Ion» club of tt| rlngfleld ut their weekly lunch eon Friday by Itev W. A Elkins. Blurting Willi an cxpluiiuitim ol the degradation and corruplnesa of the early Itomuii government, the speuker Iruced some of the tnujoi changes which have tukeu place froig the lime of the birth of 4’hrtel and the decay of Roman eivlllsu lion. Human civilisation was that uf a few Indlvldiiula wlin held drunken power over inasaea of lielpleaa sluves, he slated The coming of Christ as a simple man with no armies Io en'oree his doctrine, hut Instead bring ng a simple dignified message of equuilly and Jilstic >, was eventually lo have fur more eflectiveiieaa Ilian hud ever keen accomplished with power and might. Bui there was persecution. Uncertain us to how II la lo lie liroiighs about, b ill firmly convinced that oul of (he i haoa in which the entire world finds Itself now si rug gling will rise a new order, one which will hriiiK (he greatest amount of Joy, comfort, and sails- faction lo the masses of the pen pie. was predicted by (he speaker Eveuls of history bear out the contention, he said, ihai clouds al­ ways prei'cue all great develop lueiits and fore want advances which Hie world has made. Preceding the address the l.lous club quartet consisting of Dr W C. Rebhun, president. Dudas Mur­ phy. Vellle Priiltt, and Merlon Fere- hoe sang the Chrialmas carol, 'Silent Night, Holy Night.’ I luring (he business nieeiing F, II. Hamlin, II. E Maxey, mid W. K liarnell were named oil a periliun enl highway rommlltee to re ri > enl the club III llll lltgllWhy meet lliga. I rGION DANCE SET FOR CHRISTMAS NIGHT Tlie aeml monthly dance sponsor- oil by the Springfield American Le­ gion post nu III I Mir 40 at Thurston will be held Friday evening. Christ ma» night. Instead of Saturday It lias been announced by J M lair- son, finance officer for the post. A special dance la being planned for tlie Thurston halt on New Year's eve. a week from tonight Another dance la aclieduled fur (he Donna hull Saturday night of (his week. MILL RUNS SATURDAY; TO CLOSE ON FRIDAY ■'lie Hootli Kelly lumber company plunl in Springfield will dose down for Friday. Chrialmas day, but will operate ou Saturday making five days for the week. The plant opened about two >>eks ago on a cuvialled schedule, Monday, Jan. 4 The Eugene IliisineHs College begin» Its regnlur w in te r term , and A wise decision fu r any young man o r woman le to take h boniness course, and * No o th e r school offers you a more th orough trn ln - ing fo r less money. Make y o u r arrangem ents now It s a good school. E ugene Business C ollege Phone 686 A. E. Roberts, President M iner Bldg. Eugene, Oregon HRjSrry (TiristTnas Remembrance Ketels Drug Store Creswell W e W ish You A Very Merry Christmas The Golden Rule HOTEL HEILIG ECONOMICAL................ Much of the pleasure of traveling Is spoiled by unnecessarily high hotel bills. Comfort with economy at the PRESIDENT. R A T E S .......................... »1 AND J2 PER DAY J. A. Cushman, Manager FOURTH AND ALDER PORTLAND ¿¿ndgaie w und is perfect BEST BY C O M P A R IS O N /" “ O ne W ay T r a il” SPRINGFIELD COUNCIL APPROVES TRANSFER Transfer of certain funds the taking up of several past warrants was authorized at a dal meeting of the Springfield council held Monday evening i o’clock. and due spe city at 5 SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY rices “Men In Her Life” L O I8 M O R A N A N D C H A R L E S B IC K F O R D Continuous Shows Every Day 1:00 until 11:00 P.M These are the days of rock bottom building costs, when far-seeing people are putting up ihe.i cwn homes. Dot t wait until prices rise before building. Now is the time. Wc shall be glad to have you consult us for n estimate. The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. Phono 452 Corner 5th and Willamette On till« b irth d a y o f the G reatest B u ild e r o f nil, let us extend o u r most sincere good wishes.