THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY -K1U11TII Y KA It. B A S K E T B A L L s'“ r ON NEW SEHEDIItE M “ ,r" SPRINGFIELD, LANK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1931 No. 50 TEACHERS WILL Liberty Lodge _ _ _ _ MEN BIDS CALLEO FOR Installs Officers ATTEND SESSION CHOOSE OFFICERS AERIAL SURVET «o«» NEED! FAMILIES GIVEN BASKEfS Mr«. C. E. Wheaton Enter-1 Large Crowd Attend« Spring- Virginia Christie Carries Off taine at Home Saturday for Lnn« to Be Well Represented field Installation Tuesday P. J. Bartholomew Elected Government Ready to Photo­ Honors With Her Work as All Poor People of City Pro­ Mr«. G. Wilson, Retiring at Annual State Meeting Evening; Supper is Held President for 1932; Covered graph Willamette River from Evasive Debutante vided with Christmas Dinner at Portland Dish Dinner is Served Springfield to Corvallis Mr». E Wheaton win lioatena Food Through Relief Depot Newly elected officers of Liberty Virginia Christie, playing the role at her home Halurday afternoon for I of Ruby Mayfield, modern debut- ADY l<«lg‘- number 171. Hprlug ST. MARY'S TAKES GAME a reception «Ivan In honor of Mr». PROGRAM NOW NEW DISTRICT SOUGHT OPEN BIDS ON JANUARY 5 i ante In "The Hidden Guest" three TOYS ARE : field, were officially installed at a INCLUDED Gertr* e Wilson and her officer» act mystery comedy, m at V the Spring Prob- ,,r«“ gu'berlng held lu the lodge LA/ I- 93 - O * . — III» " S J I I 13 9s Traveling West Linn Aggre­ of Social and Economic Committee Asked to Provide work Mutt Start 10 Day« Held high school Friday night, car Work of Community Group t * 1« chapter, O. K H. of rooms Tuesday ulglit. C. E. Mwarts gation Stop« Here Tuesday Bprln. & lems of County to Be Key­ for 1S3I. The room« After Awarding and be Com- ried away honors for the best per Has Been Successful; Mini- was the Installing officer. Ho pres­ Transportation to and From Night to Play Local H. S. were . *ully decorated with note of Discussions Church for Aged People ented Levi Neat, retiring worship­ pleted 30 Days Later formance. mum Money ia Required t'hrl»lmu ' ,,r» «nd greenery. High School and Alumni to Tangle in Annual Affair at Gym Wednesday Night a ful muster of the lodge, with a past Although not carrying the lead- Idtne county teachers will be Lighted ta, '•£ n the table« added P. J. Bartholomew was elected Bids for photographing from the Ing role, Eva Louk as Melanthurla. Christmas will be a brighter and master's pin on behalf of the lodge further to t. 'oration »rheme. well represented al the annual con members. president of the Men’s Brotherhood air tbe upper W illam ette river from Melons," the superstitious house- happier day for some 23 needy faml Late In the af> z "i light retreah- ventlon of the Oregon State Teach­ A large number of people were of the Springfield Methodist church •Springfield to Corvallis as a part maid, had an equally difficult part lies In the vicinity of Hpringfleld m enu were sen the boat«»». ers' association to be held al Pori I present for the evening Including of the canalization survey now be­ and gave a fine presentation of because of the generosity of the at tbe monthly meeting held Mon­ land neat Monday, Tuesday and During the aft» 1*31 offi­ visitors from Corvallis and Oak- day evening. Giber officers chosen ing conducted by Army engineers, tbe role. residents of the city and surround- Wednesday. cer» of the local Ka». u Ht»r group , ridge. Two members, John W. Pur- for tbe year 1932 are Rev. Dean C. are to be opened at tbe office of Others in tbe play carried their Ing farm territory. E. F Carleton, former Eugene Tuesday, December W, the alruug p ree n led Mr». W llion, worthy mat Major Oscar O. Kuentz. district of parts In a nice manner, but lacked ' cell and J. W. Dailey, who now live Poindexter, Mrs. Ida Gants, Mrs. Carl Olson, first vice-president; W rit Linn team will Invade Hprlug run. with a copy of the lodge ritual. school superintendent, announces at Corvallis were present. fleer at hla office In Portland on the polish of tbe two mentioned. Mrs. Scott, and Mrs. Wheaton four Professor John Knox, second vice- an Interesting program for the as Held for an Interesting gain». The Regular lodge work preceded the president; Dr. N. W . Emery, third January 5, It was announced this It Is seldom that high school play- loyal workers spent tbe past two Those Invited for the afternoon sodat Ion sessions. Weal Linn boy» are going to make week. The work is to cover an area ers are able to abandon tbelr self-' days preparing Christman baskets Included: Mrs Wilson, Mrs. E E vice-president; Kalp Keeler, fourth The president of the association, I a barnatormlug tour uegl week and Fraederlck. newly elected worthy Hupi. I,. W, Turnbull of North i lowed by an oyster feed late In the vice-president; Dr. W. H. Pollard, of approximately 90 square miles. consclouaoess as well as these two for the needy people on their list. will be guvala of the Springfield Specifications relative to the d,d- Baskets can hardly be the correct matron. Mrs. I’earl Schautol. Mrs Bend, has secured a group of speak | evening. treasurer; S. Y. Bartholomew, chap­ high school overnight while here. Mis Marguerite Mllhollen direr.- term, however as many of the boxes John lleuderer Is the new wor- lain; aud Howard Hughes, secre­ work set forth that the land to be Darr Wilson. Mrs. C. A. Swart«, era who are outstanding In the edu­ Although West l.lnn ha» not been Mrs Ida llolverson, Mrs. Janie photographed is approximately 2.6 i ted the play which drew a large which were filled with supplies are ! shlpful muster of the lodge. tary. cation world. The key note of the miles wide, and the area indicated crowd. ; even larger than most of the old- In the »tale tournament for the t'ruaan. Mrs. Alone llasford. Mrs Oswald Olson was Installed as Preceding the meeting tbe men general program will he the social inrludes various channels and 8ome comment was beard on the | fashioned clothes baskets. pe»t few year», their team ha» re­ Margaret Ward, Mrs. Elsie Pollard. . marshall, and John Ketels, cliap- held another of their stag covered sloughs of the river. From tbe slid economic problems of our coun­ peatedly been a runner up In Ore­ Mrs llelene Perkins, Mrs. N. Dgels- new stage settings used for tbe first Theae ladle» are actlng on be I lain ut the session. dish dinners. Paper napkins, and try. Among the Interesting address­ photographs is to be constructed a time In the production of the play. tialf of tbe gon City dlatrlrt, aud they can be by. Mr«, opal Roberta. Mrs. Jane of the entlre I .p e r tablecloths helped to create controlled mosaic of the area. es will he "The Role of the Public Mounted no to brlug a strong »quad Ketelg, Mrs. Itertha House, and Most of It was very favorable, al- ,.lty. Contributions and donations the proper atmosphere which made Hi bool In the Holutlon of Business The work Is authorized by an act though some expressed disappoint uf fooda and produ<» second acts, poggibie to prepare several very er students romp away with the the Pleasant H ill Christian church B. Pitkin; and “The Social and Bco- tee of the Doctors' Official Credit tee to use their automobiles to take long end of a close score. Thia year about the same. High water and ’ Eldred Glaspby offered violin solos good meals. nomlr Significance of Vocational |Jurpau (>n|> branch of Tuesday afternoon. December 11. The children are not being for- elderly people to and from church flood, are experienced In J a n u a r y !« » « ^ “ >e second intermission. the grad» will have such players as The boy was serloualy Injured Preparation." by Dr. Andrew M County Medical and Dental osao- were discussed. The president was aud Febnrary. i The orchestra was augmented in Everett and Ereemau Squires, Thur­ gotten either. Christmas Is sup­ Soule. Dr Lomsx I . professor ° » jc la tl„ n, WBB mad. , hlll week by r>r Instructed to appoint three men- man. and the Tomseth brothers, In Halurday morning at bis home when I-and adjacent to tbe river is re­ two of its selections by xylophone posed to be a time of rejoicing for commercial education of New York M. G. Howard, newly elected presi Iters on the committee and others he fell from a lOfoot derrick on solos played by Barbara Barnell. the lineup. the children and most of the poor university; Dr Pitkin I . professor o( Uj(, coun|y a8B(M.,atlon Or were urged to volunteer their ser­ ferred to as clutivated plain, pro­ Admlaalon lu the game will be lb which he was standing while help­ viding many fields and pastures children of Springfield will find of journalism of Columbia unlver - O. R. Gullion will (III tbe uuexplred vices. The committee was not ap­ ing hla father do some work on cents and 10 cents All proceed« suitab'e for emergency landings. some toys In their homes Christmas slty. New York City, and u nation He struck the back of lernt of Dr. Hunt, reslgued. Dr. A. pointed at the meeting will be used to purchase new baa their well Cerotnerclal landing fields are lo­ morning. Many organizations In .be ally knowu uuthor aud peycbolog II. Norton of Eugene, and Dr. R. H. his head and passed away al the ketball shoe» for the regular high Replies to several letters sent out cated at Eugene and Albany. , city have been gathering toys for Ist; and Dr. Soule I . president of ()f Junt.,loo ( .,|y are upw ap. school team. The tickets are now Pacific Christian hospital Sunday by the local Brotherhood to other I "The river channels are narrow, > distribution and a large number of (he Georgia State College of Agri po|nteea without regaining consciousness. on sale. units In the state urging their aid the water swift and the banks lined toys were collected at the Metho­ culture aud Mechanic Arts. Dr. Howard was elected president in a campaign to eliminate cigar­ Pallbearers at the service were Doth of these games will start at with trees, so there are no water | dist church cantata and pageant In addition to (We general assem­ at a meeting of members of tbe young boys, friends of the deceased. 8 o'clock. ette advertising from "Old Oregon" areas suitable for seaplane or am­ last night. People of the church blies. (here will be twenty-nine dif­ Lane association held last week­ alumni publics.ion of the Univer­ Coach Norval May's regular» Homer Parks. Howard Parks, Rob­ phibian landings and anchorage: having decided to bring them In­ ferent departments having their end. Dr. Milton V. W alker of sity of Oregon, were read by the went down Io a 22-21 defeat last ert Phelps. Res Sluts, Donald Gil­ Funeral Services Held for stead of an offering In many In- according to the specifications The annual programs. The chairman of 8prlngf„.ia> was choMen aecreUry- secretary Friday evening at the bauds of St. bert, and Ralph Kenney. Promises of coopera­ Members of the survey crew now ^ r s . Jennie Edmiston, Thus- stances. The Baptist guild has also each department ba. prepared an traaaitn. r for yaar Mary*« In Eugene. The Springfield church and Endeavor room were tion were received from Dr. Carl made and distributed many toys ton Resident Since 1975 unusually strong program. From doing ground work left Wednesday: boy» held the lend the first half. | filled with sympathetic friends and I Done), president of W illamette Uni­ for the poor children. reports coming to the office of B. COMMUNITIES ENTER foi Portland to spend the Christmas ' but were unable to slop the Ht - many beautiful floral offerings. versity. and from Ronald Glover, F. Carleton, executive secretary of holidays. They are expected to be ' Mrs. Jennie Edm istm passed A great deal of credit for the Mary's boys from dropping In long DRAMATIC CONTEST 1 Salem attorney Frank was born nt Pleasant Hill the association, there will be an a t­ ! away last Thursday, December 17, successful manner in which the city hack on duty Monday morning baskets to even slid finally pass September 18, 1820, and has lived 1931. at the home ot her daughter. of Springfield has been able to tendance of not less than 2500 Efforts to have an Upper W illam ­ Eighteen communities have en­ tlielr own score. In the community all his life. He Is teachers at this convention. Mrs. Rosa Baughman, in Eugene. handle her relief problem this win­ ette Brotherhood District organized HUNTER GETS THREE tered the one-act plav contest spon- survived by his parents and one She has been in failing health the ter must go to the relief committee Each county In Oregon and each g),rpd fcy (hp , une ,.oun|y Kecrea. were continued at the meeting. BIG COUGAR PELTS past year, but never became srlons- organized under the direction of N. sister. Ills gratidspnrents. Mr and teachers organization sends dele- non and Dramatics association, ac-1 Gifts and popcorn balls were Mrs. Henry Schwarger of Eugene ly ill until Tusday night. She had L. Pollard. They provided the In­ gates to this meeting. Attendance cord|ng to Howard Dunn, assocla ¡ passed out to those present Three cougar pelts were brought and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Heaver of at the convention Is voluntary, an d , a stroke ot paralysis from which dependent nucleus around which prvtlldeDt here Wednesday for collection ot she did cot regain consciousness Pleasant Hill. I the meeting Is financed by tbe the work could be centered. They Contests will be held during Jun To V is it Parents the county bounties by W ilbur Pit­ Funeral services were conducted teachers of Oregon. Class room She leaves to mourn her passing provided a central depot for the cher. by Rev. C. K Chapman of the teachers, principals, superintend­ uary and February. This associa­ three sons; John and Roy Edmts- concentration of the supplies, aud Miss Virginia France of Spring- The three animals were killed Io Church of God In Eugene. Inter­ ents. supervisors, members of tbe tion is one unit of the extension ton of Thurston. W alter Edmiston bave been very successful In secnr work supervised by Ger- field leaves Friday morning tor the vicinity of Adams mountain. ment was In Ihe Pleasant H ill ceme­ faculties of all the normal schools , service of Eugene. Mrs Flora Price o f , ¡ng tbe cooperation of local organl- rude , 8kow ,l()me dtmotlRtru. Seattle to spend the holidays visit­ Pitcher said. Dogs were used In Death Overtakes Springfield tery. Thurston. and Mrs Rosa Baugh-, zation in the management of the and colleges of Oregon w ill attend (lon agen( ing with her parents. treeing the cougars. Resident Seated at Stova; man of Eugene, and seventeen depot o f course the organl- and participate In the various pro — —i, , . _____ - - Funeral Service Pende SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS grandchildren, and two great-grand- zation was useless without the good grams of the convention. The Ore­ chlldren and one brother. Jaanes will and cooperation of the contrl- HAS CHRISTMAS PARTY gon State Teachers' association George W. Gerber, resident of Dutton of Outlook. Washington. She butors. but this has been maln- holds 1« annual convention In order Springfield for Ihe past three years was preceded in death by her hus- tained. Mrs. W illis Bertach Entertains to give teachers In their various passed quietly sway this morning band. Perry Edmiston. one son. i This committee maintains a re- specialised fields opportunity to Class at Homs Monday Even­ at the Springfield Service Station Frank Edmiston. and one daughter.: cord system of all needy people of discuss their problems, and to bring ing; G ifts Exchanged at 8:30 o'clock He waa seated by Mrs. Ethel Platt. Springfield and vicinity and are to all teachers In the state through the heater In the building visiting She was born near Richmond, able to distribute equitably all nec- Mrs. W illis Bertach entertained their representatives the most re­ friends as was his custom when he members of her Sunday school cent developments In the education­ Virginla. on September 15. 1859 and essary food and clothing. There leaned Ills head hack and passed class of the Hpringfleld Methodist al world. was married and came to Oregon in has been no charity drive for fin on. Death came so quickly and 1875, where she has lived In Thurs- ances here aside from the Red church at a Christmas party at her peacefully that those near him home Monday evening Her guests ton the entire time, except one Cross and Salvation Army, the peo­ were unaware of his demise. year in Idaho. Six years ago her ple preferring to share what they were Barbara Barnell. Florence Mr. Gerber was 81 years old May, Jean Ixiuk, Louisa Cowden, husband died and since then she have with others and in this manner having been born In Kenton. Ohio, has made her home tn Eugene. have been able to provide enough Jolaina Putman, Roberta Putman, ng February 2, 1861. He moved Collene Cornell, Jean Lloyd, La- Th funeral services were hid at for all. with with Ills parents to Indiana Moyne Black, Flora Bertach, and the Veatch chapel In Eugene Sat­ when a small boy. and on Decem­ Leola Bertsrh. urday. December 19. Dr. E. V. MRS. POHL HEADS NEW ber 17. 1378. he married Miss Anna Stivers and Dr. Childers officiated The early part of the evening High School Has Christmas CHURCH CLUB OFFICERS Morrell. Shortly after this they was spent with games and stunts Program Wednesday; Grade I with Interment In. Mt. Vernon cem­ moved to Johnson eounty, Missouri, Schools Stop Work Today etery. She was a member of the utter which Mrs. Bertach served a Mrs. M. A. Pohl was elected presi­ where he resided until 1889 when Christian church. dainty buffet supper In a room dent of the Cooking club of the Springfield high school students they moved to North Dakota. Illuminated by Christmas tree Christian church at Springfield at In 1988 Ihe family came to Wash­ lights and candles. Following the lust night begun their anual Christ FIVE WORD SLOGAN the regular meeting and Christmas mas vacation. This was one day ington for one winter and then lo­ supper Miss Ix>ota Bertach. as earlier than hud been set by the WINS NEW AUTOMOBILE I parly of the ladleH held last Thurs­ cated at Monroe, Oregon. Three Santa Claus, presented each per­ day evening at the home of Mrs. L. school board, but was decided up years ago he moved to Springfield son with a delightful gift from un­ A five-word slogan. "Satisfaction G. Lansberry. Others elected are on by the faculty of the school so. where he has been making his der the Christmas tree and mem­ Grows as Milage Mounts" written Mrs. A. E. Cole, vice-president; home with his son, H. R. Gerber bers of the class presented a gift us to enable John Knox, science for the Wlllys-Overland company Mrs. N. L. Pollard, secretary-treas­ Instructor, to get to California In and family. to their teacher. In a national contest won first prize urer; and Mrs. W alter Richards, time for Christmas. They will make Surviving Mr. Gerber Is his wife, The rooms were decorated with of a new W illys six-cylinder club corresponding secretary. The latter Anna; four sons, David W. Gerber. red and green streamers and were up the day later In the school year. sedan for Mrs. E. B. Tinker of two being re-elected. Grade school students w ill start Albany; George W. Gerber, Minne­ Illuminated with candle light. Pleasant Hill, according to a radio their vacations tonight after the sota; H. B. Gerber, Springfield, and announcement made last Sunday. STATE FILES TWO close of school. The afternoon In George M. Gerber. Sweet Home; SPRINGFIELD ALUMNI Mrs. Tinker is the Pleasant H ill most of the classrooms was to be two duughfers, Mrs. Gladys Miller COURT SUITS HERE correspondent for this newspaper. REUNION IS PLANNED given over to programs. Knclnlta. California, and Mrs. Lela All school classes will start again Squires, Monroe; besides several Two suits wre filed by the state Members of the Springfield high on January 3, 1932. grandchildren and great grand­ PROBATE OF ESTATE Industrial achlent commission In At the high school Wednesday children. He was a member of school class of '29 will hold their OF VETERAN ORDERED circuit court. Eugene, Wednesday. annual reunion meeting and dinner afternoon a program was given the Mluenlte church. The commission seeks to collect at the Lee-Duke cafe In Eugene starting at one o’clock. This Includ Funeral arrungemenls have not Appointment of Roy O. Young as 3125.23 from David Sandgren. Fritz Mon-lay evening, December 28, ed a one-act play, "The Return of been completed this morning. administrator of the estate of W il­ W. Sandgren and Leo Lundman en­ starting at 7 o'colck. Miss Maxine Christmas," by students; two num­ Poole -Gray-Bartholomew chapel In liam Franklin Ware has been filed gaged In sawmill and loggln oper­ Snodgrass and Miss Beth Johns bers by the glee club; a vocal solo ations. A suit Is also filed aalnst Sprltigriehl Is In charge. In probate court. have charge of arrangements. by Miss Leone E lliott; xylophone Ware, a world war veteran, died Ivan L. Hale and Loren Wood en­ There were 38 graduates In the soln by Barbara Barnell; violin solo, In France October 3, 1918. He form­ gaged In sawmill operations to col­ IUKA CIRCLE ELECTS class and an effort Is being mode Gene Hamblen; reading by Mrs. W. erly lived at Springfield. The estate lect 9182.83. i CHAPLAIN AT MEET to have as large a turnout as pos­ B. Buell; vocal solo by Miss June consists of a government Insuranc sible. Dank«; and numbers by the orches­ certificate for 36239. CAMP CREEK DISTRICT ■ Kdythe Laxton, now president of tra. the Iuka Circle, Ladles of the G. A. TEA TO HONOR WIFE HAS CHRISTMAS TREE BRATTAIN FOUR-H CLUB A., Hpringfleld, was chosen chap­ POSSESSION BRINGS OF VISITING DOCTOR A Christmas program centered lain for the ensuing year, and Mrs. HAS MEETING FRIDAY FINE AND SENTENCE around a three act play, "Christmas M yrtle Egglmann was selected as Mrs. M.lton V. W nlker has In- Members of the Four-H sewing with the Mulligans," was given at Installing officer to Install newly Gene Thompson, proprietor of voted a number of friends to her club of the Hpringfleld Bratta'n the Lower ('amp Creek school on elected officials at the next meet­ home Saturday afternoon to attend Ernie's Barbecue In West 8prlng- school held thetr regular meeting Wednesday evening. The program ing. ii tea which ihe Is giving In honor field was fined 9260 and sentenced at the school Friday afternoon. The was sponsored jointly by the school A Christmas party for the mem­ bers a n / families of the Circle was of Mrs. W illiam Cone of Portland, to 30 day» In the county jail Tues- group has completed their project and the Sunday school of tbe Mra. Cone, together with her hua- day when he waa found guilty In Recitations, monologue« and heard a talk by Miss Smith, lead-1 church. held Iasi Thursday evening at the band, a Portland phyalclan, are holl-. Justice court ot possession of llq- er. A social time was enjoyed fol-l and songs provided the other enter- Egglmann Candy parlor«. day guest« of Dr. and Mra. Walker, uor. lowing the meeting. talnment for tbe evening. Two good basketball games will hr ottered Hpringfleld «purl* biter» during the Christmas week, accord- in« In mi announcement laaued at Hprlugtleld high acliool Weilneada) by W, K. lluell, principal. MEDICAL SOCIETY NAMES OFFICERS EARLY RESIDENT 6. W. GERBER DIES OF HEART ATTACK DMrrrg (Chrtötmaß Students Start - Annnai Vacation "Nvwll What did I «II your