PAGE SIX THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1081 Report of Estate piled— Inset) Report ef Estate Filed— Inven­ MILLS LAST WEEK be installed In January at a Joint Mrs. Jones had Juat paid the last tory and appraisement of the estate OPERATE 2« PER CENT meeting with Creswell, (loahen. Installment on the perambulator. o f I'honias Reeves was filed In pro Shopkeeper ; "Thank you. lua'aui W lllak eiisle. N o rk e n ile . M ohawk. bate court last week. The estatae Seattle. Washington— A total of Arch Shougb who has been work M cK eiitle and Weal ISilnt O ranges How Is the baby getting on n u » r i mounts to $1883.73. 340 mills reporting to the West ing 1« eastern Oregon for several M r.. Jones "Oh. h.'s quit, all I Coast Lumbermen's association for months returned home Monday tC o u tln a e d fro m F irs t Page) Miss Smith: "Jonnnle. how many right. H.'s gelling married west Mr. and Mrs. Felix Sparks from week." —Prlnlalk. Farm Name *s Piled— The as- j Bounty it Collected— The coun­ the week ending December 6 oper days are there In each month’" the uccompanlmvttt. sumed farm name of Sunny Home ty bounty on one bobcat was col­ atod at 36 3 per cent of capacity, as Blue River were In Thurston thi Jobunle: Thia iriMlnctlon will Include a She : “What kind uf a tree la was filed for record at the office 1 lected at the office of the county compared to 37.1 per cent ot cap- ftrat of the week at John Price's, "Thirty days hath September, large "limber of musical nnnibers. aclty for the second preceding Mrs. A. B Mathews left last Fri of the county clerk Saturday by I clerk Friday by Dick Mathews of that’” All the rest I can t remember. - an omlme and tableaux work week. Last week contained a holl day for Los Angeles. California, John Adams. ■ ’row. i t . : "A fig Ira«', madam.“ The calendar bangs on yonder Nearly 100 people will participate day. Thanksgiving, and Is not di to spend the holidays with her She : “My heavena. 1 thought (he wall. fpO each, and apportioned ing by noon of December 23. chanical stimulation ot appliances mises: The east half of Lots one picot tops. Cradle soke N e w F r e n A on a basis ot club enrollments as and four In Block seven of the The following officers of the Lo- probably the first question that heck. follows: Western states. 15; «'ast­ Original Plat of Eugene. Lane well Grange were elected la st1 comes to the mind of the reader is, County, Oregon, as platted on ern states, 10; southern states. 35; "why do teeth get into positions A n ultra smart stocking ol excep­ Crisp and Fresh Quart jars - Each page 2 of Volume A of the Record and central states. 40. With Ore week. Muster Joe Walker; over­ seer Frank Tucker; steward Emery that are abnormal so that they 2 Lbs. of Deeds for Lane County. Ore­ tional beauty and grace. need to be moved V gon; that each of you be decreed gon boys winning four, the remain­ Callson; chaplain. Mrs. L. J. Mc­ der of the 15 allotted to the west N I W t I I C O IO IS Laughlin; lecturer. Mr. Fosner; as There are a large number ot to have no interest in said premises be forever barred from claim­ ern states were distributed three sistant steward. Karl Drury; treas causes for crowded and Irregular and ing any right, title, estate, lien or I teeth. are rather obscure Interest therein and such other re­ to Colorado; two each to California urer L. J. McLaughlin; secretary and Washington, and one each to KERR and not yet entirely convicted of lief as to the court may appear Doris Hyland; Ceres, Ardlth Idaho. Wyoming, New Mexico and Mooney; Pomona. Ruby Hyland; equitable. causing the conditions for which 5 Pounds Montana. date of the order directing Elora, Juanita Edward; lady assist they are blamed while others are the The service of this summons by the The winners were selected by a ant steward; Mrs. Fosner; gate- i so definitely connected with cer­ publication thereof is December 9 Lb. Bag tain malocclusions that there 16th, 1931. and orders publication committee of civic and business keeper. H. W. Veatch; musician, seems to be no doubt of their ef- once each week for four successive leders of the country, headed by Mrs. Tucker. These officers will weeks and the date of the first Arthur M. Hyde, secretary of the i feet. publication of this summons Is Dec­ U. S. department of agriculture While trying to avoid all techni­ ember 17, 1831. The contest was conducted by the! cal and professional terms this one C. A. W1NTERMEIER. Attorney for Plaintiffs Resl- National Committee on Boys' and malocclusion" is almost unavo'd- dence: Eugene. Oregon. Girls’ 4 H club work. A Splendid cookie able in any article on Orthodontia 3028.60. C h ris tm a s B rings M a n y P ro g ra m s Thurston McMorran & Washburne KODAK You can be proud to Give Archer Hose Upper Willamette Carl Baker Film Shop Irish-Murphy Co. Fig Bars 15c Dental Science Advances Salad Dressing 29c For Fall and Winter Wear Sweet Potatoes Hot Cake Flour 45c Corn M eal j 21c 17c Cocoanut C rinkles Here’s C A N D Y For 19c Crackers C H R IS T M A S Just Arrived W h ite Beans 25c Peanut Butter 49c C anned Milk 10c M argarine 16c H oney 25c W A L D O R F P A IN T Corn CO. 15c FLO U R 49c BREAD Even in ^Those Good Old Days - - Money Spent for Quality Merchandise is an Investment in Satisfaction and Enjoyment. LAST CHANCE! to get that electric $3.98 Get and them six with coupon8 WAFFLE IRON Rockdell Pancake Flour or Syrup 12 Quart Galvanized Pail, 35 Total ......... $1.15 t. Both for 75c the broken glass replaced. "As soon as I saw you turn that corner,” said the tiafflc cop, stop­ ping a lady motorist,'* I said to myself, 'Forty-five at least.' " "Oh, no, officer,” she replied In­ dignantly; "It's Just this hat that makes me look so old.”—Plntalk. ( OMPLETE LINE OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY PRODUCTS AND ARE READY TD (JIVE YOU IMMEDIATE SERVICE. TH IS WORK IS OUR SPECIALTY 1 ^one 9 W HIT E FRONT GROCERY p^one 9 Marshall’s Body & Fender Works 1 59 W. 5th Phone 901