THURSDAY. DBCBMRBR 17, 1931 TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS N O T IC K TO C R K D IT O R S N O T H '/ IH IIK ItK B Y G IV E N : That I. I, Itay haa been appoint­ ed adinlnlatrator of the eatate ol Itebecca A Porter, dneeaaed, by the County Court of lutne County, Ore­ gon. All peraous having claim« usalnat »aid eatale are required to present them, with the proper voucher», within »lx month* from Ihe 17th day of December, 1*31, to the aald adinlnlatrator at hla law A Inn ul Hu I mill »xclualvu llua ol office In the Miner Building. Eu i 'ItrIni mu« Curd» am tin» au tils gene, Oregon. L. L. ItAY, Administrator of pluy «1 III» Nnwa Officii, the E»tate of Itebecca A Por­ ter. deceuaed N O T IC K O F F IN A L A C C O U N T I I ) 17 24 31—J 7-14) IN T II E CO U N TY COURT OF I'HK M TATE OK OUEGON F lllt N O T IC K TO C R E D IT O R S T D K COUNTY OK L A N K IN Notice 1« hereby given that the I ’lto llA T K No 6671. underalgned has been appointed IN T II E M A T T E R OK I I I K EH Executor of the laat W ill and T A T E OK E LIJA H f . MTUMAN, Teatament of Ellen Joaephlne Hoot, Decaaaad. deceuaed. and ol her aald eatate TO W HOM T H IS MAY CONCKUN and ha» duly qualified aa auch. All Notice 1» hereby given iliul the peraon» having rlalma agalnat the uiidaralgtiad. aa the administrator aald ealale are hereby required to of the above ontlllod eatale haa preuenl auch claims duly verified filed In »aid Court, hla final ac­ with proper vouchers attached, to count; that the time aet for tho me at my office at 234 Main street, hearing thereon, before the »aid Hprlngflehl, Oregon, within six Court la 10 o'clock A M. January moutha from the date of thia no­ 16, 1932. and all peraona having tice, the »nine being dated and pule any objection» to the »aid final ac Halted the first time thia the 17th count »hall file the aatuu In w rit­ day of Deretuber, 1*31. I M PETKIIHON. Executor of ing on or before the hour »el for the I uih I W ill and Teatament the hearing. of Ellen Joaephlne Itoot, De­ H. E H L A T T E ItY , Admlnlalra ceased. lur of Hie Estali- Ilf KIIJuli C ( I ) 17 24 31—J 7-14) Htutnan, Oeceaaod. I l) 17 24 31- -J 7-141 N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S N O T IC K T O C R E D IT O R S Notice 1» hereby given that the underalgned ha» been appointed l i ‘ - utrla uf ihe Eulate of Mary Ann llarne«, dneeaaed, by the Coun ly Court of luine County, Oregon All peraon« having claim» agaln»t ■aid eatale are hereby notified to preaeul the aaiue duly verified to I be underalgned at the office of Well» * Well». Itank of Commerce Bldg, Eugeue, Ijin e County, Ore- gun » lililu » li month» from the dale of the ftr»l publication of thin notice. Date of flrat publication, Dec 10, 1931 BERTHA W ETZEL, E ie c u trll W ELLS * W ELLH. Attorney» I I I 1OI7 24 3 I — J 7) NOTICE IH IIK ItK H Y G IV E N : Thai Frank Aldrich haa been ap pointed administrator of the estate of Harah Guthrie Aldrich, deceased, tiy Ihe County Court of Eugene. Lane County, Oregon All peraon* li'ivlng claim« agalnat aald eatate ur<- required to preaent them, with the proper voucher*, within a ll month» from Ihe 3rd day of Decem­ ber. 1931, to the aald admlnlalra tor at the law office of L. L. Itay, In the Miner Building, Eugene. Ore­ gon. FRANK A LD R IC H , Adralnla- trntor of the Eatate of Harah Guthrie Aldrich, deceaaed, I, L. KAY, Attorney for Eatate. (D 3 10 17 24 31) N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N Dinner Guaata Hare — Mr and Mrs. Herbert Mmeeil and two sons of Eugene were dinner guest» of Mrs. It. Montgomery on Sunday. Mrs. Montgomery I» mother of Mra Hi/ieed. Injur«» Hand— Bruce, eldest »on uf Mr. and Mra. II. K. Maxey, pain­ fully Injured the Index finger on hla right hand Sunday when he caught It In the Inge of an automo­ bile door lliat waa being closed N O T IC R T O C R K D IT O R S N O T IC K OF S H E R IF F 'S SALK REAL PROPERTY Notice la hereby given that the underalgned by order of the County Court of the State of Oregon fot Lane County entered on the lat day of December, 1*31, have been appointed Join! admlnlstratora of the estate of Charlee B. Blanton, deceaaed. All persona having claim« agalnat said eatate are here­ by notified to preaent the same duly verified und with vouchers attached to the underalgned at the law office uf Gordon H. Wells In the Miner Building, Eugene, Oregon, within six months from the date of the flret publication ol thia no­ tice. The date of first publication of this notice la December 3, 1*31. J 8 BLANTON, A LIC E BLANTO N. Joint ad uilnlatrator» of the eatate of Charlea It. Blanton, deceaaed ID 8-10 17 24 31) N O T IC E O F K A L E O F C H A T T E L U N D E R PO SSES SO R Y S TO R A G E L IE N Take Notice, that A. II. I'olill. residing at Creswell, Oregon, claim* a lien on the chattels hereinafter mentioned for storage furnished upon One Durant Touring Car Model A No. C 4726 Motor number 81R23. One Harley Davidson Motorcycle Me 24 JD 11616. which storage waa furnlahod and performed upon said chattel* at the residence of said claimant from September 1*. 1*31, to and Indud lug November 27th, 1*31, at the request uf John Nelawanger of Creswell, Oregon, the reputed own er thereof and reputed lawful pos­ sessor thereof. That the charge for aald storage during said period 1« 126.00 which la a reasonable charge therefor. That the name of tho reputed owner of aald car and cycle or the reputed luwful possessor thereof la John Nelawanger uf Creswell. Ore- Con. That the amount claimed to be due »aid claimant la 326 00 Thut a particular description of said chat­ tels la ua follow«: One Durant Touring Car Mo­ del A No C 4726 Motor No. 81823 One Harley Davldaon Motor Cycle No 24 JD 11616 That aald chattels will be sold at public auction on the 18th day of December. 1*31, at the residence of said claimant A. 11. 1‘ohll. one mile north of ('reswell. Oregon, on the east aide of the Pacific lllgb way In Lane County. Oregon, at one o'clock P. M of said day. That thia notice Is given pur ■ uant to aectlon 61-402 Oregon Vode Annotated 1*30. That the proceeds of said aale will be used first to the payment of the expenaes of said sale; sec­ ond. to the discharge of aald lien; third, the balance If any to be paid over to the County Clerk of Lane County, to be held by him in trust for the owner thereof. Dated at Eugene. Oregon thia 27th day of November, 1*31. JO HN L MARSH. Constable. By VAN SVARVERUD. Deputy. Oaparmant of tha Interior General l« n d Office at Itoaeburg, Oregon, November 18th, 1*31. N O TIC E la hereby given that Nellie Adam», of Leaburg. Oregon, i who, on April 22, 1*30, made Home­ stead entry. Herlal, No. 01*30*, for S E '« S ectio n 24, T o w n sh ip 18 8 Range 1 E. W illamette Meridian, baa filed notice of Intention to make final three year Proof, to eatabllah claim to the land above deacrlbed. before E. O. Immel, U. 8 Commissioner, at Eugene. Oregon, on the 22nd day of December. 1831 Claimant names aa wltneaaea W illiam Shaming, of Vida. Ore­ gon. Guy Jonea. W alter Millican, and NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALK N O T IC E 18 HK ItEM Y G IVEN, Frank Jonea, of I^eaburg. Oregon. ROBERT E CRAW FORD. that under auil purauant to the Acting Register, term» of Section 61 403 Oregon (N 1*28— D 3-10-17) Coil« Annotated, and In foreclosure; uf a lion filed under aald aectlon again»! one 1*24 Itulck touring N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SA LE car. Motor number 11413X1. Factory REAL PROPERTY number 11060*7. and at the dlrec NO TIC E 1« hereby given that by tlun uf the claimant, I have levied virtue of an execution laaued out upon and taken Into my poaaeaalon , of tho Circuit Court of the State of ■aid above deacrlbed personal pro ' Oregon for Multnomah County thia perty at 992 Jackaon Street, In the | 16th day of November, 1(31, In a SUMMONS city of Eugene, Lane County, Ore < ■ult pending therein In which IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E gun. and will on the IXth day of Frank L. Blewett. Executor of the December, 1931, at the hour of o n e' Eatate of Jnhu II. Blewett, de-1 S T A T E OH OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY o'clock p. m. of »»id day aell the ; ceased, was plaintiff and Marlon name to the hlgheat bidder for caah | II. Day, Mary M Day and Jennie E Susie M Bucknum. 1'latotltf, vs. C. F. Mickelson. C F. Mickelson at public auction. Held aale will Marsh were defendants, which exe­ aa Adinlnlatrator of the Eatate of be held at 992 Jackaon Htreet. In cution waa to me directed and com Hattie B. Mickelson. Deceaaed. the city of Eugene, I« n e County, inanded me to aell the real pro­ Melba V. Gilbert. Rupert T. G il­ ( Iregon. perty hereinafter described to satis­ bert. W alter B. Arp. and Jane JO HN L. MARSH, Constable. fy certain llena and charge» speci­ Arp, hla wife. Bank of Commerce, ____________ (D 1017)____________ fied. I will on Saturday the 1* day a corporation, Ed Ztntker and J. of December, 1*31, at the hour of G. Beddo. Defendants. 10 o'clock A. M . a t the aoutbweat To W alter B. Arp and Jane Arp. door of the County Court House In hla wife, Defendants: Eugene. I« n e County, Oregon, of­ In the Name of the State of Ore­ fer for aale and sell al public auc­ gon: You and each of you are here tion for caah. subject to redemp­ by required to appear and answer tion aa provided by law, all of the the complaint of plaintiff >lle quire- by law and appear at ■aid H> nd place »tated J. l . JKItOKH, Administrator H I). A L L E N . Attorney for Eatate ID 10-17 24 31 - Business Directory Euw. G. Privat BONDS DRY WOOD UNIVIS Bifocals NO TIC E la hereby given that by virtue of an i xecutlon and order of sale laaued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for l-ane County thia 6th day of December. 1*31, upon «m l pursuant to a decree duly given and made by said Court thia 1st day uf December. 1931, In a suit pending therein In which B II Brundage wa» plaintiff and E. C. Hlminon« uml Mina Simmon», hla wife, Herman Burgoyne and Jessie Burgoyne, bis wife, were defend­ ants, which execution and order of »ale was to me directed and com­ manded me to sell the real pro perty hereinafter described to sat­ isfy certain llena and charges In aald decree specified, I will on Friday the 8th day of January, 1*32, at the hour of 10 o'clock. A M. at the southwest door ol the Coun­ ty Court House In Eugene, l-ane County, Oregon, offer for sale and aell at public auction for cash, sub Jed to redemption as provided by law, all of the right, title and Inter­ est of ihe defendants In aald «ult und of all parties claiming by, through or under them or any of them »Ince the lat day of Decem­ ber. 1*31, In or to the following deacrlbed real property, to-wli: Beginning at a point 31.71 chain» West and 8.12 chains South of the Northeaat corner of Section to. Tp. 18 S. R. 3 W W M In l-ane County, Oregon, and running tnence East 11.96 chains; Thence S. 83 deg. East 10.00 chains, them e North 76 deg. 16 min. East 10.30 chains to fence on the West aide of the Pacific Highway; thence 8. 7 deg. 36 min. East 11.10 chains, thence 8. 7 deg. 18 min. W. 6.42 chains to an Iron bar; thence N. XX deg. 66 min W. 32.88 chains to a point South of the place of beginning; thence North 14.16 chains, more or leas to the pli e of beginning, containing 47.30 acres, more or leas. In Section» 10 « n - I t , said Township and Rangi- Dated thia 7th day of December. 1*31. H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. By A. E. HCLEG AARD. Deputy. (D 10-17 24 31—J 7) N O T IC E O F SA L E O F REAL PROPERTY PAGE FWC and got hla check at coat He Im ported all hla delicacies direct from Europe and had to pay top prices for out-of-season stuff. TOWN AND VICINITY Goas to Salam — Mra. Wallace Hunt Near Coburg— W. K Bar- Hawka left Monday for Salem to ba nail and Frank Smltaon hunted for with her daughter who la III there. j geese near Coburg Sunday Drive to Salem— Dr. and Mra. H P. Mortensen spent Sunday visit Ing In Salem. V is ito r from T ra n t— P erry WH llama waa a visitor from hla home at Trent Tuesday. Go to Destar— Mr. and Mra. Rob ert Carrr left Monday for Dexter lo spend a week with friend». Visito from Fall Crook — Fred Leppert uf Fall Creek waa a busi- oeaa visitor In Springfield on Mon- day. Ooas to California— Mra. Riley Snodgrass left Sunday for Han Francisco to spend the week visit­ ing with her son, Kenneth DeLaa- aus. Halaey People Hara — Mr. and Mrs. I). Hayes. Doris and Kenneth llayea. and George Hayes of H al­ aey were Sunday visitors at the Riley Snodgrass home. Visit at Draw F. B. Hamlin and »on. John, drove to Drew Friday to spend the week-end with rela­ tives. Visit* in Portland— Mrs. W. A. Taylor went to Portland for a short trip Sunday and returned here Monday evening. Collect Bounties— R. C. Evans of Belknap Springs collected 23 on one adult coyote and 34 for one adult female coyote at the office of the county clerk last week. T H E M A TTER OF T H E ES T A T E OF MARY I. E. HURL- B l'R T , Deceaaed. NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IVEN / • r //>• that by virtue of ao order In the County Court of Lane County, Ore­ gon. made on the 24th day of Nov­ ember, A. D„ 1*31, In the matter of the eatate of Mary 1. E. Hurl- hurt, deceased, the undersigned duly appointed, qualified and act­ ing administratrix of the said es­ W ith S traw b erry Jam tate, wilt on and after the 28th day of December. A. D., 1*31, offer for You can add Interest to m»ny a aale and aell at private sale for dessert -with a Jar of strawberry cash, or for cash and credit accord­ ing to law. the following described Jam. Floating island, for Instance. real property belonging to said es­ tate, and all of the right, title and Ftsh out a strawberry, soft and interest of the deceased therein, to- sweet, from the Jam lo place tn the wlt: The W t i of the WV4 of the N. center of each Island. Rice pudding: put a spoon of E.\», except a 40 foot atrip to I-ane County, all In Section 33. strawberry Jam on each serving of Township 18. South Range 3 the pudding. West of the W illamette Mi rldian containing 40 acres of land, I n ! Bread pudding: spread the pud­ ding with strawberwry jam. add a I-ane County. State of Oregon. Also the E H of NW % of NE>« meringue, brown In the oven, and In Section 33. Township 18, serve hot or cold. South Range 3 West of the W il­ Cream cheese: make a delicious lamette Meridian, containing 2o acres of land. In I-ane County, dessert of It by serving It with State of Oregon. crisp crackers and strawberry Jam. That said sale will take place at Any other sort of jam will do, of the office of A. J. McKy at the cor­ course, but strawberry seems to fit ner of W illam ette Street and Eighth Avenue East tn Eugene, In so far as flavor Is concerned with all these desserts. I-ane County. Oregon. This notice la published In the Oh— you can gild fine gold and Springfield News, a weekly news­ paint the Illy by adding a dab of paper of general clrcdlation pub­ lished at Springfield. Lane County, strawberry Jam to each glass Oregon Date of first publication dessert dlsn of home-made vanilla November 26th, 1931. ice cream. BEA TR IC E WASSOM, Admin­ It's good. “Yum-yum," the chil­ istratrix of the Estate of Mary dren say about it I. E. Hurlburt. Deceased. * a a (N 26— D 3-10-17-24) Fried Oyatara N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA LE Drain, clean and dry the oysters. ON E X E C U T IO N NO TIC E Is hereby given that by Sprinkle lightly with salt and pep­ virtue of an execution issued out per, dip In flour, egg and cracker of the Circuit Court of the State of or stale bread crumbs, and fry In Oregon for Lane County, Oregon, on deep fat. Drain on brown paper. the 7th day of November, 1931, In an action In which Dora M. John Serve on a hot folded napkin, gar son. was the plaintiff and W. Stager nlsh with parsley and lemon. Fried and Ellen B. Stager, were defend­ oysters should be served Immedi­ ants, In which action the plaintiff ately. It Is better not to begin recovered Judgment against the de­ fendants for 316.69. with Interest frying until they are wanted than thereon from the 7th day of Nov­ to delay serving. a a • ember. 1931, at the rate of 6% per annum to the date of the payment Rice Au Gratio of said judgment; and the further cup minced onion sum of 38.20 costs which said exe­ 1 clove of garlic, minced cution was to me directed and com­ manded me In the name of the State 2- 3 cup chopped green pepper (no of Oregon, to levy upon the pro­ seods) perty of the defendants In ordei 2 cups canned tomatoes to satisfy said Judgment. Intereat, 3- 4 cup rice costs and accruing costs, I have levied upon the following described 1 tablespoon minced paraley real property of the defendants tn 2 tablespoons butter I-ane county. Oregon, to w tt: 3-4 cup grated American cheese. Beginning at a point In the Salt and pepper. South Line of the County road known as the Lorane highway, be­ Wash rice and parboil In boil­ ing County road No. 846, directly ing salted water for 5 minutes, south of the North East corner drain. Melt butter, add onion, gar of the North West quarter of Sec­ tion (14) In Township (18) South lie and green pepper and aau.e Range (4) West of the W illam ­ until tender without browning. Add ette Meridian and running thence tomatoes and when boiling stir tn South 707 leet, thence West 160 the parboiled rice and simmer un feet, (hence North to the South line of the said Lorane Highway til rice Is tender, adding salt to and thence Easterly along the taste when half done. Turn Into but South line of said Highway 161 tered baking dish and cover top feet more or less to the place of with cheese. Brown In moderate beginning In Lane County, Ore oven. . Sprinkle with parsley and gon NOW T H E R E F O R E IN T H E serve at once. • a a NAM E OF T H E STA TE O F ORE GON. amd In compliance with said Broiled Oyatara execution and In order to satisfy Take two doxen large oysters, said Judgment. Intereat, costs and accruing costa, I will on Friday the cleaned, drained and dried tn a 18th day of December at the hour aoft cloth. Sprinkle with s ilt and of 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of pepper. M elt two ounces butter In said day at the Southwest front door of the County Court House In a large frying pan, lay In one doxen, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, of­ as soon as the last one is tn. turn fer for sale and sell at public auc­ the first one and when all have tion for cash to the highest bidder, been turned begin taking out; lay subject to redemption as provided Ing them closely on a large butter­ by law. all the right, title and In­ terest of the said defendants tn and ed oyster broiler; cook to a light to said premises and all parties bfown over moderate fire. While claiming by, through or under them these are browning the other dox since the 7th day of November, en may be "set" In the butter 1931. Dated this 9th day of November, Have six rounds of toast on a hot platter; put four oysters on each, 1931. H. I - BOWN, Sheriff of Lane sprinkle on the butter In which County, Oregon. they were stiffened and serve with By A. E. HULEG AARD, Deputy. lemon cut In eighths. (N 1F28— D H 4 - 1 7 ) Hart 89UMECT CAMPJB Visitor from Vida— Charles Al- H A M A N O EGGS OE L U X E Up-county people who demand len of Vida, transacted huatnesa In ham and eggs to the true American Springfield Tuesday. way can get them at the swanky Misa Clara belle Waldorf-Aatorta. the new SZO.IMM).- V ialta at H« Wagner spent the week-and at Cor 000 hotel, to exactly the same form valila visiting with her parents. that Cal Coolidge gets hla up to Visitor from Mohawk—Glen Stai his Vermont home In other words ford of the Mohawk region waa a a real farmer's wife will cook It on visitor In Springfield on Tuesday. the gold plated range at the 47-story hostelry. W altervlllc People Hara — Mr. About ten American women will »od Mra. Arthur Easton of Walter- cater to the tastes of American- 1 ville were visitor» in Springfield born palates. Not all of them are Tuesday. Yankees either, as a couple of col­ ored mammies have been hired to Thurston Resident Hare— W alter Ed ml» ton of Thurston waa a busi­ Juggle corn pone and poaaum for visiting Southerners. ness visitor In Springfield on Tues­ The only thing the average Am­ day. erican will not be able to recognize Cottage Grove Man Hara— <' A. from his food hla mother used to Marmaduke of Cottage Urove waa serve will be the price. We have­ a business visitor tn Springfield n't learned that yet and will wait Tuesday afternoon. for somebody else to tell Us. We suspect It will be about 32.60 for Recovering— M rs. D. B. M urphy "ham and--------- Yes, one order. Is recovering nicely now at her a a • home here following a major oper­ SOM E H IG H P R IC E S ation performed laat week. Restaurants here that have a Leaves for Portland — Verne millionaire following do not hesi­ Wooley left Monday for Portland tate to charge plenty. One place wherFhe will undergo an operation gets seventy-five cents for a baked potato. ’ Another charges 24.60 for at the Veterana' hospital fllet-mlgnon— better known to Jef­ Home from Hospital — Donald, ferson, la., as tenderloin steak. ■mall son of Rev. and Mra. O. C. One promoter entertained his Poindexter, waa brought home from prospects recently at * big hotel the hospital Tuesday. with a banquet that coat him exact­ ly 330 a person—and he didn’t give Bar Breaks— Three students at away any gold cigarette lighters the Brattato school were bruised either. He was "to" with the hotel Wednesday afternoon when a bori- certain people who perpetrate it. Kintal bar on which they were They do say that some people playing broke and fell. Boy Haa Operation — Stephen Rice. 12 year old son of Mr. and Visita with Parents— Miss Irene Mrs. Mel Rice, underwent an em­ ergency operation for appendicitis Jeter, student at the Springfield at the Pacific Christian hospital high school spent the week-end at Mabel with her parents. Miss Jeter early Tuesday morning. stays with Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Pohl while attending school. IN About 100 aat down to table and knew they had eaten whan they finished Visits Father— Mrs. W. H. Ander­ son and son, Forrest, went to Port­ land Saturday evening to spend the week end visiting with Mr. Ander­ son who is a patient at the Veter­ ans hospital to that city. They re­ turned home Sunday evening. a a a HOT RIDING Now summer la over, city work­ ers will have a reet from the dally roasting they had to endure going to work and returning on the sub­ way. Moat visitors expect the sub­ way to be cool on hot days. but. on the contrary. It Is as hot aa a boiler room. to winter it la Just about aa cold as the open street. Windows on the trains are always left open to allow the smells to escape. In one car alone there may be twenty or more different nationalities and nearly all of them have their own cookery. One ran detect the odor of llmbur- ger, garlic, und a thousand other fragrances that appeal alone to the here go out In the country for the sole purpose of catching hay fever which destroys their sense of smell. Mebbe so? a a a T R IC K N O V E L T IE S There's a certain German shop to the West Forties that sells the moat curious tninga to the world. They make suitable presents for anybody. One ta a water pitcher that playa tunes when you pick It up. The same Idea la applied to cigarette boxes, perfume bottles and other knlckknacks. At the same place one can buy music boxes, walking and talking dolls, trick canes and a host of mechanical toys that children go wild over. And prices are more than reasonable, a 36 bill being enough to supply the whole family with desirable gifts they never heard of before. DOLLAR DAYS! ^ ® as-îiàD^ slashed to approxim ately 1 cent a m ile ( 3 l for each 100 m iles). G o to a ttw b tr t for the holidays! Shedd Realaent Here— Mrs. A. M. Snodgrass of Shedd Is spending the week to Springfield. She is staying at the Riley Snodgrass home during the absence of Mrs. Snodgrass who Is in California and who w ill return to Springfield on Friday. TICKETS GOOD ON A U TRAINS LEAVING N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Notice la hereby given that the undersigned, Frank J. Sly. Execu­ tor of the Estate of Emma A. Sly, deceased, haa filed hla Final Re­ port and Account as such Executor with the Clerk of the County Court of Lane County, Oregon, and that Saturday, the 16th day of January, 1932, at 10:00 o'clock In the fore­ noon to the County Court Room in the Court House at Eugene, Ore­ gon, has been set by the Hon C. P. Barnard. Judge of said Court, as the time ana place of hearing ob­ jections to the same, and for the final settlement of said estate. FRAN K J. SLY. Executor. W E LL S A W E LL S . Attorneys. SAM PLE S an R O U N D T R IP S : F ra n c is c o $ 1 3 .5 0 Klamath Falls Oakridge .................................................... Westfir ...................... — ............................. 4.85 100 -95 Southern Pacific Carl Olson, Agent Phone 65 (D 17-24-31— J 7-14) Christmas Morningl Coffee— toast— bocon— all mad* right a t the breakfast table. You unwrap a shiny new percolator, plug It In and soon the stimulating aroma of coffee it wafted through the roam. Fresh, crisp toast pops from the new automatic toaiter— not a chance of burning. Across tha table bocon tizzies an the new electric grin. With those electrical aids, your breakfast out-cheft the bett chef t. ELECTRIC HEATERS PERCOLATORS Local Dealers HOTPLATES have provided complete dis­ WAFFLE IRONS plays of electrical gifts for your convenience. An elec­ ELECTRIC CLOCKS trical gift may be found to fit TOASTERS every purse and every need. Your dealer will be glad to WARMING PADS assist you In making suit­ able selections. M ountain States P o w e r Co. rU2.e« // • *_ J • 12« LUr*