THURSDAY, DUX'EM UKK 17. 1931 CHAMBER GROUP 10 HEAR ENGINEER T H E HPKINUFIKLD NEWS PETITION ON SCHOOL CHANCES POSTPONED S. P. TO CUT FARES FOR HOLIDAY TRAVEL Thurston Mr. and Mrs. Bob Parrot were called to Westfir last Sunday by the sudden death of their son-ln- law, Frank Green. Mr. Green was struck In the chest by a place ot lumber. Miss Lois Mathews had her ton- sits removed a few days ago. Melvin Buell from Klamath Falls spent last Sunday night here wltb his aunt. Miss Hersma. He drove on to Portland Monday. The Thurston basketball teams were defeated at Ixmburg Friday evenRig by the Leahurg teams. Mr. and Mrs. Hay Baugh and family took Sunday dinner with Mrs. Htella McPherson at Hprlr.g field. Miss Ruth Thompson from Eu­ gene spent Sunday In Thurston. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Shays from Cottage Grove were caller In Thurs­ ton la»t Wednesday. Mrs. Hay Rennie entertained to her home last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Wrlley Ham and sister, Grace from Eugene and Mrs. Arch Hhough. The high school basketball teams met their defeat with the alumni team, on the local floor last Wed­ nesday evening, Carl Platt one of the high school players had bis foot badly bhrt and was unable to play wltb tbe team at Leaburg Fri­ day evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Price and Mrs. Inus Sbougb daugbter, Patty, visited relatives In Eugene Sunday. itev. and Mrs. E. V. Stivers took Sunday dinner at John Edmlston’s. Morris Brown from Sluslaw spent tbe week-end In Thurston He formerly resided here. IHELMI IODO IS IN ‘SWAN EE NIVEN1 DEGREE STAFF ELECTS CAMP CREEK CHURCH OFFICERS LAST WEEK PLANS CHRISTMAS TREE Auollier postponement of con­ Houtliern Pacific: has Joined Plana were made fur a Joint Mrs. Genevieve Louk was elect A community Christmas tree will sideration of a petition for a j Chrlatmaa party uf the Odd Fellows hands with Hanla Claus this year ed president of the Degree staff ot be held at the Lower Camp Creek change of boundary of school dis­ and Itsbekuh lodges ut the Hebe- according to J. A Grtnaudy, pas Springfield Juanita Rebekah lodge church Wednesday. December 13. trict waa ordered at a meeting of ' kah meeting Wednesday evening, senger traffic manager. In offering at the regular meeting and Christ A large tfee will be decorated and E. I. Davie, Head of Willam­ the county boundary board Mon they having been Invited by the a variety of fares for holiday travel Blond« Beauty Wins Big Role mas party held last Thursday even » program Is being urranged by log. Mrs. Zella Cantrell was residents of that community. Odd Fellows previously. The party which are the lowest ever offered ette Survey Workers, Will day. in New Thrill-O-Drarna, named vice-president, and Mrs. Lee The petition asking that a part will be held Wednesday evading for this occasion. Speak to County Croup With Grant Witners Principal Item on the 8. P. bar of the lllu\Jp liutte district be trans­ December 30. The general commit Putnam, secretary treasurer. Estate to be Probated— I. M gain counter will be the famous Installation ceremonies will be Peterson of Springfield has been I'auallialloB of Ilia, Wlllametth ferred to the London dlatrlct will tee la L. E. Zlnlker, J. P. Lane With the presentation of "Hwa- river fur bars» transportation from be taken up at a meting of the Mra. J. E. Woodson, Mra. Murte "Dollar Days" when roundtrips nee River," Thelma Todd, the cap- held January 8, at tbe lodge rooms appointed administrator of tbe re­ Olson, and Mildred Treanor. A will lie sold between all »tattoos on initiation ceremonies were held late of Ellen Josephine Root. The I'orilaml to Springfield will tw ills- board Munday, January Id. tlvatlng heroine of one hundred program conimlltee was appointed. the company's Pacific lines for ap­ cussed at the monthly meeting of comedies Is elevated to the ranks for Mrs. Stella Eaton, Mrs. Can- estate consists of 92360 In personal Mrs. J. K. Miller, Nleta Zlnlker proximately one-cent per mile Ilia, loan,, awuilty chamber of com­ NORMAL SCHOOL HAS of featured famlnlne players. While trell. Mrs Glenn Stone, Mr» Mabel! property These »ule dates will he Dee, 22, - and Mra. Frank Hly. Mrs. Hly waa merce Io ba, liaald at III« Lee Duke Miss Todd has appeared In several Peddtcord. Mrs. Pearl Schantol, j 3 LANE GRADUATES also appointed to make arrange- 23, 24. 26 and Dec. 30. 31 and Janu Business Name Filed— The as- rate III Ku«i>tiu luulglil. recent feature talking pictures, Miss Mary Ann Louk, Miss Max manta for costumes for the drill ury I. Final return limit will be K. I. Davia, In charge of Ilia party "Swanee River,” gives this talent­ Ine Snodgrass. and Miss Kunlce, sumed business name o', the Eu­ Of the 25 students of the Oregon team. midnight, Tuesday, January 6. gene Cleaners was filed for record ed young screen actress her first Gerber. of Army engineers now stationed Noruiul acbool at Monmouth who Mrs. Stone. Mrs. Meda Catching, Monday at the office of the county Italph Mercer while walking Cent-a mile roundtrips will also he ul Springfield to make a survey will receive dlplomaa of graduation »old on the same dates to points and Miss Edna Swarts, were In clerk by E. W. Holliday. of the rlvar to dataruilua tba feasi­ at the clove of the fall term Dec­ home on the highway Tuesday charge of the social and refresh-1 ..... - .......... ...... evening wan struck by a passing north and east of Portland. bility of canallaatlou, will ba Ilia ember IN, three are from Ixine, In addition to theae aale dates ments following the meeting. aulo and thrown tome fifteen feet principal speaker for the gat baring. Estate to be Settled— John Hry- The following are me Ixine coun- and Injured with a broken leg add Gruiandy also announced that Ila will discuss the work which ha ! son has been appointed admlnls- ty graduates: Ida Jane Cox. Hprlng- bruises. He waa taken to Ibe Paci­ roundtrip» would be reduced be­ Flnal Account ot Estate Filed— trator of the estate of Claude Hus- and hla parly aro doing field; Paul A. Gordon, Collage fic Christian hospital for treatment. tween ull 8. P. points lu Oregon Flnal account of the estate of A. ¡sell. The estate consists of >1000 Mr Ihavla waa to have appeared Drove; Virginia Hhlelds, Junction Mra. Ethel Everson and Mra. to approximately one and one-balf P. Sandes was filed In probate In real property and >200 In per- at the laat inoulhly mealing of the City. Fountain represented the local He cents per mile und one-way trip» to court Thursday. sonai property. County Chamber whan that body about two cents a mile on sale bekah lodge al tbe Elmira lodge mat at Hprlugfleld, but waa callaad CARSON ADAMS, 12. HAS meeting al Elmira Tuesday even dally from December lti to January waa unable to be preaaut. IS. Ing. out of town nt the laat minute aud BIRTHDAY DINNER K i l l I! Tickets at these reduced rates waa unable to be preaent. The menu chorus met Wednes­ will be good on all tralus and will A crew of around aeven men Mr. and Mra. Marlon Adurna en­ day evening at tbe school bouse be honored In either chair cars or have been working on the aurvey tertained ut (heir borne on East and tbe large-t attendance since Pullmans, the latter plus the usual problem for the peat ala week«. Main atreet, Hprlugfleld. Sunday organisation greeted the trial of berth charge». They are Inveatlgatlng the chan with a birthday party In bonur of several new pieces which bad been lial possibilities, drainage aud flood the twelfth birthday of Carson ordered. Over ZO were present. control problem», aud are mapplug Ada ma of Junction City who la It. G. Grr la the new owner of tba river and the land on both aldea muklng hla bomo with them while the 30 acres recently owned by H. between here aud Junction City. hla mother la bark Kaat with her N. Huberts and he la In possession They have progressed with their father, who la aerloualy III. and plana Improvements. He comes The Eltnlra Better Home» club Thoae preaent at the Adama to Creswell from Hprlugfleld. work now to a point between the met wltb Mrs. Charles Guile Tue». mlU-raca dam and the Kerry »tree! home were Caraon. Mra. J P. Nellie Olson and Eleanor Olson bridge. Adama and daughter, Edna. Miss were honor guests at a birthday day. Tbe afternoon was »pent In opportunity to demonstrate her Those attending Mildred and Mlaa Marlon Caraon. party for them Wednesday even­ tying a quilt. many talents and exhibit her stat­ were: Mrs. Dabltn, Mrs. Hooker, uesque beauty as the leading wo­ Gretchen Movlua. Mr. aud Mra. ing at the home of Mr. and Mra. BIBLE CLASS TAKES Mr». George aud daughter, Delores, man in a front rank production. Harold llenueinann. Mr. and Mra. John Iteak. The evening waa en­ LEAD IN S. S. CONTEST Georgs Caraon. Hr., Mr. and Mra. joyed In gathea and refreshments Mr», brown, Mrs. Porterfield, Mrs. In “Swanee River," which comes Bowles, Mrs. Bryan and son. Billie, Marlon Adama, and aon, Robert. of cake. Jello and chocolate; those to the Hellig theatre tomorrow for SCHOOLS GET MONEY Mrs. Wilkinson, Mrs. Eaves, Mrs. Membera of thè Ulble Htudy clase preaent were Harriet Olson. Flor­ 3 days. Miss Todd shares stellar ilamar, Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. Hose and of thè Hpaingfleld Cbrlatlau church FROM COUNTY FUND honors wltb Grant Withers, former ence txiwer. Inex Hager. Audrey KENSINGTON CLUB TO Mrs. Guile. held thè lead laat Sundsy In an at- Martin. Elate Aahbaugh. Opal Warner Brothers star player, who Virginia, daugbter of Mr. and tendance coni rat belo« held by thè ENTERTAIN FRIDAY Woodson. Earl Woodson, Htella A tax turnover of >62,463.68 was Mrs. G. L. Rblnesmith has return made Tuesday by the county treas­ has many talking successes to his church lllble acbool. They were Schmitt, Kenneth Holbrook. Her- Membera of the Kenalngton club foli,; «ed < loaely by thè prlmary de. ed to school after being ill for tbe urer to tbe school districts ot the credit. chel Ludington. Lillian Heak, Kalph of Hprlngfldld will bold tbelr an­ I m >•( fi» » fìt « past week. county. The money came from the A nice assortment of wrist and strap watches that Lower and Mr. and Mrs. Heak. Tbe Elmira high school basket­ county school fund following pay­ COOKING CLUB PLANS tu (hi tuhta»t v«uh c I ahm tu re- nual Christmas party Friday at the On Thursday evening the birth­ are priced right. Diamond and Birthstone rings are vr««vut'4ni ut »*« ii eia«» la lo P. J llarlbolomew. Mra. D. II Mur­ bered by friends with a pot luck teams In games at Elmira Friday always good. Fountain Pens and Pencils also make the financial position of school dis­ The regular monthly meeting and Ilare ih« Ir Indi* 14uni o«i tba phy. and Mra. A. J. Morgan have supper at hla home; those present night. Ixivina Flake of Not! has spent tricts In the county now because annual Christmas party for mem­ lari» oa< reps »»niini r* »• i, been named on the entertainment were Mr. and Mra. J. T. Kerr and committee for the affair. Mra. M. tbe past week with Wllletta Ben­ approximately 26 per cent of the bers of the cooking club of tbe MM IUMU> UUlV« ss« pO««lbÌ0. family, Mr. and Mra. Kalph Wright V. Walker. Mra. W. F. Walker. nett. taxes for the past year are delin­ Springfield Christian church will and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mra. Levi Nsst, aud Mra. W. H. quent. The action of the last legis­ be held at the home of Mrs. L. G. SALE OF COUNTY DOC Thompson and family and Mr. and Hobbs will have charge of refresh­ lature In reducing tbe Interest on Lansberry. 764 A street. Spring- Mra. Brown. LICENSES STARTED ments. delinquent taxes from 12 to 8 per field. this evening at 8:00 o'clock. The home of Mr». Margaret Mar cent has caused many landowners Each member will bring a small tin caught fire early Friday morn County dog llcenaea for the com Rev. Kalph Clark held preaching to let their taxes go default rather, gift to exchange with some other log year were placed on aale at the JUNIOR CLASS PRESENTS Ing about 2 o'clock and totally des than go to the bank and borrow member. office of the county clerk Ibla ANNUAL PLAY FRIDAY troyed before assistance could be services at the Leaburg church Sun­ money at the same rate of Interest. obtained. It waa occupied by J. day evening. week. Members of the Junior class of P. Kutan as u tenant at the time The county recently received The program sponsored by the HUNTERS, TRAPPERS 1000 toga for 1932. The new Ucen- Ibe Springfield high acbool pres­ and the houahold goods were saved Leaburg Boy Scouts Saturday even­ SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS COLLECT BOUNTIES aea are due January I. After ented their anuual class piny at and taken over to a neighbor. E. ing was enjoyed by a large crowd. PARTY TO BE FRIDAY March 1 there 1» a penally. Ta«» the usaembly period at the high C. Odem. The fire started In the Tbe program Included a number of Monday was a rather rough day for a male dog will be Increased acbool Friday morning. The produc­ rear of the building. The house was songs, tap daiices by Mrs. Mary for Lane county predatory animals ' The annual Christmas party for March I from >2 to >4 and for a tion selected for thia year waa "The lost for lack of water and equip­ Barrlou, Impersonations of Cohen at least a flock of bounties were ' members of the Bible Study class ment to attend such u fire. Mra. Dreaalng Gown." The cast Included female dog from >:i to >5. and Kelly by Carrol Lansbery, collected that day. being one of Notices have been sent out to lllanche liâtes, Lucille Millican. Martin carried some Insurance. She Kelly Swafford. Harold Frazee and of the Springfield Christian church the heaviest days of bounty pay- j will be held at One church on Fri­ all dog owners of record lu the Beth Corning. Oscar Clement, resides In Creswell. Henry Carlson. Lee Fountain as First National Bank Bldg., Springfield merit in gome time. day evening starting at 7:30. The J llenry Trlnku and William Greg- The Health club met Thursday a cowboy aud Mickey Smith as a county culling attention to the due The following bounties were col-( afternoon ut the acbool house and hick farmer created much merri­ entertainment committee consists dale I ory. of Mrs. Archie Davis, chairman, lected: Wilbur Pitcher, Cottage — ......... ....... reports were given of the success­ ment. Grove, two cougars; Glen Liedtke. i ful working of the inllk campaign Appointments made for the Mrs. Walter Laxton. Mrs. Roy Pugh Creswell, one cougar; Prince E. [ and Mrs. Hugh Jollff. The refresh­ whereby the school children were Christmas program at Leaburg in­ receiving inllk furnished by pat clude, Mrs. L. 8. Brown. Mrs. Ira ment committee will provide re­ Hellfrich. Vida, one bobcat; D. W. Green, Minerva, three bobcats; I rons. Noon but lunches were In­ lsliam. Mrs. Johnston, Christmas freshments for the evening. The party is being held for the Darrell Pitcher. Cottage Grove j stalled Friday. Mra. Italph Yoder treats; Boy Scouts as tree commit­ and Mra. (X E. Warner having tee; Mrs. Isham's and Miss Ellen members of the class and their four bobcats. charge. They were served from Johnson's Sunday school classes families. All others who are inter­ ested In Joining the class are cordi­ the gym kitchen. are in charge of decorations. PLANS FOR MILITARY ally invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dixon left •1. „ BALL PROGRESSING Friday morning for Portland where MRS. ECGIMANN CHOSEN they will spend the week end. Plans for the military ball and SECRETARY FOR GROUP REBEKAH LODGE PLANS Howard Dixon la working at the Are Always rouifC at • dinner of the Lane county chapter CHRISTMAS PARTY bank a few days during the ab Mrs. Myrtle Eggimann of Spring- of the United States army reserve sence of hla father. field was chosen secretary for the Annual Christmas party for the officers' association will be well Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jack of Al- ladles auxiliary Ueneral Lawton Juanita Rebekah lodge of Spring- along at the next meeting ot the hunibra. California, were Creswell camp, Veterans of the Spanish- field will be heli Monday. Decem­ chapter to be held at the Eugene visitors on Friday. American war, at their annual ber 21. and plans for this event Hotel Friday, January 8. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Schwerlug LET US SUGGEST: Major Van Svarverud, president meeting held at the Eugene armory were discussed at the regular meet­ entertained at evening dinner on of tbe Lane county chapter, is in Monday evening. Mrs. Judd Staut- ing this week. The chrrter was UookH, Perfumes, Thursday, the gudsts being Mr. and fen elected president. draped during the meettDg in honor charge of the dance and dinner ar­ Fancy Stationery Powders, Mrs. Kenneth Hchwerlng and Mr. This marks the sixth term In of Mrs. Hannah Hill, a member, rangements. Pena, Toilet Sets, and Mra. Al Hchwerlng. The occa­ this office for Mrs. Eggimann. who died at Reno. Nevada, on Dec­ Pencils, ■cottons, sion celebrated the birthday of Cougar is Killed— Everett Smith ember 7. l>,-Kk Soln, Pace Creams, Mra. Kenneth Hchwerlng. of Cottage Grove killed a cougar AIR HOSE. FAUCETS, Tree Decorations, Toilet Water, Dorena high school basketball last week and was here Friday to Candle Seta. Rouge. teams played Creswell at Creswell STOLEN ON SATURDAY GLENN WOOD GIVEN collect the county bounty. Friday evening before a good slxed RESERVE PROMOTION — And dozens of other useful and very appropriate gifts About 30 feet of compressed air crowd. The Creswell teams won Salaries Are Reduced— Salaries hose, several length of water hose Announcement was made here of known value await you here. the double-header. Scores were, the of all employes of tbe Eugene Fruit ■ boys by 9 (o 7 and the girla by 43 and several water faucets were this week of the promotion of Growers association will be re­ stolen front the Thurman service Glenn Wood, principal of the Brat- to 22. Four car loads or more came duced ten per cent starting Janu from Dorena to root for their station In Springfield Saturday tain school in Springfield from the ary 1. This action was voted at a night after the station was dosed post of second lieutenant to first teams. They were entertained meeting of tbe board Saturday. after ‘the game with hot refresh­ It wus reported at the city hall lieutenant in the Officers' Reserve Main Street Springfield, Oris. Sunday by C. O. Thursntan, pro­ corps. The appointment was made ments. Defendant Given Time—The de­ by President Hoover. Creswell Grange held Its annual prietor. fendant In the case of Sigma Tau ' The appointment Is effective as election Friday night resulting as fraternity versus Harold McKenzie of December 1. 1931. follows: Worthy Master, C. J. Crit­ STORES NOW SETTLED was given ten days in which to an­ tenden; overseer, E. J. Itengel- swer the complaint, according to IN NEW LOCATIONS brock; lecturer, Mrs. H. D. Lud­ P. E. O. MEMBERS HOLD an order of Judge G. F. Skipworth ington; secretary. Mrs. Margaret Two Springfield business houses CHRISTMAS PARTY HERE In circuit court Saturday. Warner: treasurer, W. 8. Gillen- which moved Into new locations water; chaplain, Mrs. C. J. Critten­ last week have now straightened Thirty members of Chapter 4, P. Bounties are Collected — The den; steward, R. E. Wrtght; assist­ out their stocks and nre doing busi­ E. O. Sisterhood of Eugene were county bounties on two cougars ant steward. Winters Wallace; lady ness In their new locations. The entertained Monday evening at the and two bobcats were collected at j assistant steward, Mrs. R. E. two firms nre the New Home Bak­ home of Mrs. W. H. Pollard In the office of the county clerk Fri­ Wrtght; gate keeper. 8. A. Russell; ery and the lrlsh-Murphy Seed and Springfield. This was the annual day by C. L. Nystrom of Oakridge.! Ceres, Helen Melhorn; Pontons, Feed company. They are both oc­ Christmas party for the group. Miss Nystrom reports heavy snow above Mrs. Henry Taylor; Flora, Thelma cupying floor space In the Stanley Frances Elizabeth Baker of Eugene Oakridge where the animals were Howe. building at Fifth and Main streets. was the assistant hostess. killed. Mrs. Hattie Uroshong and Miss Myrtle Groshong cante up front Portland Saturday. 'WHERE THE BETTER ATTRACTIONS Elmira Watches Make Welcome Christmas Gifts . | McKenzie Valley Edw. G. Privat Jeweler N I M H ¡HIHSH! n : Chri«fn»°» Ctfts Qt AU Kinds Shop EARIV The Drug Store < * BUY NOW! F L A N E R Y ’S D R U G S T O R E This Store Is Full of T H IS Christmas Bargains Corn-Fed Lane County TURKEYS All Fine, Tender Birds Fat Chickens, Ducks and Geese are here ready for the oven. Also fine corn fed steer beef, pork and lamb. IN D E P E N D E N T M E A T CO. K. C. STUART 4th and Main Sts. — Phone 63 PRATT HOLVHRSON Springfield, Oregon at the MANY BOUNTIES PAID DURING PAST WEEK Seven hunters collected >62 in bounties from Lane county laat week for killing predatory animals. They were: C. B. Wheeler. Uoahen, one coyote >1; Everett Small, Cot­ tage Grove, one cougar, >10; C. S. Nyatrom, Oakridge, two bobcats, >4. two cougars, >20; Dick Wat­ kins, Crow, one adult female coy­ ote. >4; Ted Watktna, Crow, one adult coyote, >3, one adult female coyote. >4; Claude Nyatrom. Dex­ ter, one bobcat. >2; and L. R. Mil­ lican, one adult female coyote, >4. " g g g^ g g g * g g * g p l ay a ttd g tt ■ L o w e st P rices is perfect "BEST BEST BY COMPARISON ! " B a t 9 ÿ ^ ™ Thursday and Friday “SWANEE RIVER" Saturday Only "FIRST AID" - O n c e s Sunday - Monday - Tuesday “ IS THERE JUSTICE” s ever offered at Christmas time. This store offers greatest bargains in every department your money ever bought. Every article in this store ie high grade mer­ chandise and has our guarantee. Let this be your Christmas headquarter« for useful, worth-while gifts. YOUR DOLLAR WILL CO FARTHER AT Fulop’s Dept. Store Continuous Shows Every Day 1:00 until 11:00 P.M 4 334 Main St. Springfield, Oregon