PAGE TWO T U R S P R IN tll'IE L D NEW S FOUR H REPORT OF YEAR READY Enrollment Figures for $1930 Projects Listed; Increase of Previous Year Shown CASES SET FOR TRIAL IN CIRCUIT COURT TH U R SD A Y. DBCKMBBR 17. I M I Chicago’s 1933 Exposition Opens First Exhibit Circuit court case» for the next week have been given. Five crimin­ al case« have been ltate road patrolmen are appointed, Oregon, and Itoy Engale. assistanl the center of the parade ground tage Grove and Springfield—Urban field was taken in as a member of defendant company as a protection —— — In charge uf rodetil control work, dies a flag hearing fifteen stars population—4.588; school census of the Springfield' Lions den at the of bl* employe*. were In Eugene fur a brief confer­ and fifteen stripes. RODENT CONTROL TO all rural boys and girls in Lane regular weekly luncheon Friday. At diagonal corners of the fort, The plaintiff slate* that he wa* ence with O. D Fletcher, l.aue log blockhouses frown down upon BE MEETING OBJECT county agricultural ugent. county—6773; percentage of enroll­ .Mr. Giese transferred his member Injured »-bile working wllh an elec­ Joka .Vassos. great grandson of Captata W h ittie r, is barrack, the narrow enclosure between ments to census of rurals 9 Io 19— ship front the Eugene den where tric dishwashing machine January The biological survey lias a set is L ir s f S irro ria g ra . k'bo led troops Io tile of original fort Inner and outer stockades and The first meeting of a Commit­ 23, 1931. 27.9; number of individual club he has been a member for several hunter. P. Illglit. employed In Lane menace the prospective foe with tee of Die laine County Agricultural members completing — 1.444; per vea»». trass French cannon which saw bang on the rough, hand-adzed of frontier life at the beginning auil Linn counties to com tint pre council lo talk over work for (he walls and above the heavy, ma- of the marvelous century whoa« W. J. Moyer, president of the Cot­ »«rvice In the War of 1812. centage of completion to school dalory animals The county pays NEW CAMP COOKERY coming yeur will be held Saturday knclent flint-lock muskets, duel- sonry fireplaces. culmination (he world will sale tage Grove den was a guest at the census of rurals—25. a pari ot the coat of the huulers •j>< pistols and pow-der h o rn s' It is a fascinating reproduction brate In Chicago la 193*. ULUB STARTS WORK at the Eugene chamber of com Note that there is a tendency for luncheon meeting. services. merce. more girls than boys to complete Organisation of the thinker’* This will be the rodent control 1 fideuce and quicker reactions, thau FARM COUNCIL GROUP at the ages of 9. 10, and 11. but CAFETERIA SUPPER WELL camp cookery dub ha* been com committee and t ) . S. Fletcher, coun­ CHURCH GROUP SEWS anybody who began driving late In from 1 years and up there are more MEETINGS SLATED l-leted. according lo u report at the ty agricultural agent, will meet ATTENDED ON FRIDAY life can possibly have. Anything FOR POOR OF CITY boys completing than girls. The fig­ office of the county dub agonl. with the committee. which calls for skill, courage and Meetings of three project com ures also show that 4-H club work Mr*. W II. Anderson of Garden Approximately 100 people attend­ The committees are appointed by coordination of mind and muscle ,u|t(eea ,,f the Lane County Agri The Women’s Alliance of (lie reaches the most between the ages Way I* dub leader Junior Hay la ed the benefit cafeteria supper at Eluio Chase, presldenl of the coun Community Liberal church met at must be learned young to be learn­ cultural council have been sche­ of 9 and 14 Inclusive. president of the new dub and For­ the Springfield Methodist church ed well. the church parlors Tuesday at duled for next week. It Is an rest Anderson, vice president Eat °R- Lane county club members won a Friday evening, and proceeds taken • • • ............ ■" 1 1 Eleventh avenue anil Ferry street nouncetl at the office of the county ley Rebeck Is secretary treasurer total of 1645.00 in prize money at in are believed to be sufficient to Get« L im it of Ducks — Oswald In Eugene and ape the tl»v sew AGE agricultural agent. the State Fair and the Pacific In­ make the necessary changes in the Olson hunted ducks al Sllleoo* lake ing for the city po r. , I had a visit at my farm a few The livestoek committee will be ternational Livestock Exposition. heating plant of the parsonage, 2 RESIDENCES HERE Sunday. He says that he shot the A covered dish lund Was days ago from a young man of 75 at the county agent's office at 1:30 The Livestock Judging team at this being the purpose of the event. held at noon of the II day m sting INCLUDED IN TRADE *"“** l,n'" wh,k on ‘h* ««’ll» who, with his wife, who is in her p. tn. Monday and the crops com­ theSJ’aciflc International took 4th sixties, was making a round of mittee will meet at the agent s of­ place ip competition with 53 teams In a trade of residence property visits from one brood of grand fice at 1:30 p. 111. Tuesday. from tfle 11 western states and 3rd ’ IUKA CIRCLE TO HOLD ■ M B M U last week. Mrs. Rose Osburn ac-1 children to another. This old In the crops judging contest. The horlicultural committee v . Ill CHRISTMAS PARTY _______ Almost everybody is afraid o t , friend had never tried to drive a meet at the chamber of eommetee quires the home of P. Aug Peter Three out of the seven demon­ Members of Iuka circle. Ladies somet,lilI6 at some time or another. ear untn he was 71, but he had starting at 7:30 p. m Wednesday. son at Eleventh avenue east anil stration teams sent to the state High street. Eugene, and Mr. Pel- fair placed first and I-ane county of the G. A. R. and their children Rlgbt now the »hole world seems drlven on ,hig trlp from Florida errou takes over the Osburn home a and will hold a Christmas party at the to be in a stat‘‘ of fear—not ,e a r , to Iowa, then to Illinois. Wiacon- cooking demonstration team MRS. KIPP: Hello, Have you seen FOUR-H CLUB FUNDS on thq Lorane highway In the Col­ llveslock demonstration team re- Eggimann parlors in Springfield oi war but fear of P°rerty. 1 think «,jn anq across to Northern Michi- those swell bargains over at lege Crest district. these fears have been exaggregated gau on (jje Canadian border and WILL BE DISTRIBUTED presented the state at the Pacific this evening. Each member will that Concentration sale of The new owners will take pos­ Irernational. placing fourth in com exchange Christmas gifts. A pot- b> all of the loose talk about busi- , thence eastward across Ohio and Broler'a? Four-H club yin» for boys ami session of their respective homes ness depression and unemploy-1 Xew York State. He stopped off petition with the state champion luck supper will be held late in the MRS. LONG; No why? Things tm girls who have completed their re­ January 1. ment. There is a certain justifica to see me on his way to visit a teams from the 11 western states evening. ( hrlstinss tool tion, of course, for the man who family of grandchildren on Cape quired projects for the first, third is afraid that if he loses his Job be Cod Bay. and was going to drive and fifth years of dub work have DR.STUDLEY ESTATE MRS. KIPP: I’m telling you. Hom» been received at the office of II won’t be able to get another right back to Florida from there. swell looking Dresses they’re WILL BE PROBATED C. Kuehner. county dub agent, and away. Too many people are let­ selling for 84-87 and *6*3. I had not seen him tor five year4 are now being distributed. ting that sort of fear Interfere with Order for the probate of the es­ Just the thing for Christmas but he and bis wife each looked Certificates for boys and girls tate of Dr. Harvey L. Studley was their work. It ought to be a stimu gifts. ten years younger. They attrtbu who have completed their second filed In probate court Thursday. lus to work better and harder and MRS. LONG: Thanks for the lip ted that to the fact that, even in and fourth years of dub projects so reduce the risk of losing (he Mrs. Burnire A. Studley Is up I’ll go right over. what most of us call old age they »111 also be Issued. Mr. Kuehuer pointed executrix of the will. The job. are not afraid to try new Ihings. says that II will be some little estute consists of 84000 In real pro The people upon whom fear rests • • • lime before all dub members en­ pertv and 820.000 In personal pro­ most heavily today are those who SHIPS titled to the pins »’ill receive Ihernr perty. in flush times enlarge their scale I have never seen a greater con of living to a point where their trast between the old and the ne»' THIS WOMAN LOST reduced Incomes do not now cover than the contrast between the old P.-T. A. MEETING FOR VALUES TO $15.00 COLLAR ATTACHED STYLE the expenses they have Incurred American fighting frigate Consti­ 64 POUNDS OF FAT DECEMBER CANCELLED The only happy people, after all tution, and the great new German NOW GOING AT - - are the ones who have got their flying ship, the DO-X. Both of Mrs. H. Price of Woodside, L. I., There »ill be no December meet­ fixed overhead expenses down to them came into New York Harbor ing of the Springfield Parent- writes; "A year ago I weighed 190 lbs. I started to take Kruschen and a point below their assured in about the same time. Teacher association, according to now I weigh 126 and never felt bet­ Breier G i t a antees Lowest Prie comes. They are the only people If the men who manned (he Con an announcement made this wi ek ter In my life and what’s more. I During Their Concentration I know who are not afread. stitution in its famous battle hail by Mrs. George Prochnow, presi­ look more like 20 yrs. old than the • • • mother of 2 children, one 19 and been told that their grandchildren dent. An unusual large number of the other 18. Every one of my Sale Q U A L IT Y would live long enough to see a social affairs during the month friends say It’s marvelous the way There is always a market for any N£W PATTERNS — PLAIN COLORS I reduced.” ship actually larger than the Con­ made the meeting inadvisable. kind of a product which is of high To lose fat with speed lake a halt stitution, flying through the air at OI PT. STORES teuspoonful of Kruschen In a glass er quality than the general run of Divorce Decree Granted— A di­ a speed of a hundred miles an hour of hot water before breakfast every SIZES 14 TO 17 commoditise in the same line, Eugene, 968 and carrying seventy-two passen­ vorce decree was granted In clr- morning—don’t miss a morning— Somebody will always pay a quality Or*. Willamette gers, they would have thought it • ult court Friday for Elizabeth It. an 85 cent bottle lasts 4 weeks— price for the best. necessary to lock up the person Peters from her husband. George get it at all druggists In Amerlcu. If not Joyfully satisfied after the I know a woman who makes who told them that In a lunatic F. Peters. I first bottle—money back. home-made bread, of such high asylum. quality and flavor that she has a We make equally wild predic­ Rulers of Low Prices market among wealthy families for P tions today. Probably a hundred P all that she can bake, at tweDty 10th &. Willamette— EUGENE— New Schaefers Bldg R years from now nothing will be as R five cents a loaf. Of course, she AT I the prophets of today picture it. 1 can only make a limited number S IL V E R SPRAY Z Z of loaves of bread a day. If she EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY E E made more, hired other people to TWO DEMONSTRATIONS Always 50c L a