THVR8DAY. DECEMBER 10, 1$$1 THS 8PRIN0FIKLD NKW0 In the past at times of high water Ayres said growers in the spring of Ihs year visiter tram W aiterviii«-. Lulu N E W O R E O O N S K Y L I N E on the Pacific highway between Key o( W alterv.lle was a buatneaa 1 T R A IL MAP IS O U T were discussed nt meetings held (If (he remaining approximately Junction Pity and Eugene heavy visitor In Springfield on Tuesday _____ in Cottage Grove and Junction fifteen per cent slmut Iwo-lhlrds through state and interstate truck City on March 19 and 20. are more than 3D days behind In III This Week—-Miss Wilma Fast of • r e v ise Illustrated traffic has been using the Prairie Sixty Lane county turkey grow. payment There have been no (ore Is reported to be III at her home fol<,#r "»»P of ,h* »»regon Skyline road and has caused much damage this week. < rs ioti» purl In the Lane county closures and there are nu Indira Trull have just been received b> i cl i'n of the tour of Ihe North If the Pacific highway Is flooded iPonlinued from First Patel lions of any such steps being taken the regional forester, Portland. west Turhv) Brt i tiers association el present, the secretary said Walterville Resident Her»—Pari Oregon. County Court Order* Reduc­ this winter at any time the court Orange cooperating with the conn held oil Auxii'l 20. Airangellictils Federal Loan Association order will lake effect Immediately Denney of Walterville was a visitor The Oregon Skyline Trail. 250 t> agent. The asaoHatlon In l.ane has oul tion to Prevent Damage It is announced. Secretary Says Lime Bor­ »landing a little more than $1.260, lor Oils section »ere inaile tv Ihe In Springfield on Saturday. mile« long and one of the show During Season of Rains Farmers were saved three cent» county aifoul. rowers Meeting Debt* A limit of 10.000 pounds lpclud trailsMif the Northwest, runs from 1100 In loans on farm property al Statistical Summary Returns from California— Bruce Mount Hood to Prater l^tke. along per pound, or a total of $306 67. on itig vehicle and load Is ordered for (lie present time There are hut Purchased through the Received 2,222 office calls unii Load limit« on five Lane county the market road between Ueorge Christie returned Saturday after ,he creat of the Cascade Range7 » O U T lew loans being made now and NOW $1,250.000 county agent 01 telephone culls III regard Io road* bare been ordered by the town and Franklin, the road be­ having spent a month In Palttor was laid out and poated first In ll has been about two month» H o rticu lture farm* problems. county court to prevent damage tween Pern Ridge and Ihe Territor­ “*• 11921 by the V. 8. forest service; nice (be lusl application was np Moro Than Elgbty-flve Per An effective campaign (or con during the raloy season, tuber ial road and the road between Wrote 2,692 Individual letters since then It has boon resurveved proved. Mr. Ayres says. Tonaila Removed— Mrs. R. R. | ' Cent of Farmer» Pay Nota« Mailed 17,266 copies of 72 elr roads «111 be added to the limit Vauchn and Soil. The market road in places and reposted to avoid ex trol of cherry fruit tiles was con When Due Says Ayres calar letters. lists as need is seen, according to between Coyote bridge and the •Minnick of Corvallis had her ton latlng roads where possible snd to ducted. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S ails removed at the orflce of a Cherry fruit-fly control was ills Made 202 farm visits. members of thre county court. toot of Cantrell hili ts under a 5000 local physician on Tuesday. place It more nearly on Ihe actual Notice Is hereby given that the Devoted 164 days to delti work Despite the so-called hard limes undersigned has been appointed Cascade divide. Forest officers cuaaed and planned at a special Another order has been issued by pound .¡mil ban. weeding held In Eugene on May and 139 day» io work In office there I« only a slight Increase In Executrix of tile Estate of Mary Counting Mail — Bert Sankey. state that apparently the Oregon the county court on the Prairie The Swing Log road south of 2*. and discussed at a regular meet Traveled 14.021 miles by auto­ teports of delinquent payments of tun Barites, deceased, by the t'oun road between Eugene and Junction Prouf and the Briggs Hill road at mail carrier on Route 2. Springfield. Skyline Trail Is perhaps better Ing of Wlllakeniie Grange on Mm m obile ami 236 miles by other obligations of the Lane county fed Iv Court of Lane t'ouuty, Oregon is making a count of each Indlvl- known In the east than It Is to Pity but this will not be In effect Hadleyville have limits of 10.000 All persons having claim* against 16th. means < ral farm loan association, says W said estate are hereby notified Io uuless high water blocks the 1‘ael- pounds as has the Reik Lane road dual parcel of mail handled on his Oregonians. Notices of emergence of fruit Specialists from die Oregon A Ayres, secretary. present thu seme duly verified to route this week. A count of Ihe Over 260 lakes are found along fic highway between these cities south of Crow. Ihe undersigned al Ihe office of mall handled on the other route this trail varying in site from a flies and directions tor spraying Agr.cull oral college cooperated i ' More tliuu elghty-llve per cent of Wells * Wells. Bank of Commerce was made in September by John | quarter acre to several miles In were mailed to all cherry growers tolsi of 67 days w ith d ie lam e Lane county farmers who hold fed llldg. Eugene l.ulie I oim lv. (It. Nice. area. The larger one from the of the county and given to the county meni gon, within all months from (he erwal farm loans are meetlug their dale of (he first publication of this Twenty five demonstration meet north are. Clear. Olallle. Marlon. preM' payments promptly when due and Visitor from Coburg — Mrs. Elk. Waldo, Odell. Crescent. Ola Fifty-nine prune growers atteud Ings were held, uml Ihe county notice. Dale of first publication. Dec ID. George Simpkins of Coburg was a mond. and Crater lakes. In addl- ed two demonstrations on prune ugelli or cooperating specialists If conditions do not get any worse or the present situation does not 1931 visitor in this city on Tuesday. tton to Mount Hood, nine major root-borer control held on July 21 spoke at 122 meetings with a total BERTHA WETZEL. Executrix Inst too long I see no reason now WELLS Has Operation—J. G. Bowermao snow peaks are along this highly Control of brown rol of prunes was attendance of 6.242 « WEl.I.H, AHorneys why this should ne reduced," Mr. underwent an operation at the Pa­ scenic route. Mt. Jefferson. Three also discussed and urged at these The number of days devoted to, ID 10-17-24 31 J 7» cific Christian hospital the first of Fingered Jack, Mt. Washington. meetings. various projects was as follows Control of brown rot of prunes horticulture, Including truck crops, the week. North. Middle and South Sister. was discussed and urged In two 42; dairying, 34; miscellaneous, 21; R etu rn s fro m R eed sp o rt — Mr. Diamond Peak. Mt. Bailey, and circular letters mailed to prune legumes unti forage crops, 20; ro Mt. Thlelsen. and Mrs. Frank Beonett. Jr., re­ growers and In articles given to the lent «control. 29; poultry and or Along the route of the trail there turned Monday from Reedsport press during August. ganlxadon. 22 each; weed control; head and flow off to the west, where they spent the week-end Five pruning demonstrations 18; marketing. 14; general live­ visiting with relatives. Mr. Ben­ branches of the following Import were conducted during November stock. 12; community activities. 10; I nett's mother returned with them ant rivers: Salmon. Clackamas. with an attendance of 112. farm management. 9; cereals, 8; Brettenbush. itantlam. McKenzie. to Springfield for a week's visit. Fertilizers containing nttrogeu agricultural engineering, 7; and Willamette. Vmpqua. and Rogue To the east Bow branches of the •* •»«wberrte. In potatoes, 6. Move to Ashland— Mr. and Mrs. Alden Powell and family have White. Whitewater, and Metolius two demonstrations on Ughi soll. A demonstration was started on CHRISTMAS RATES moved to Ashland this week. Their rivers. October 1, 1921. to tegt various new address is 281 Oak street. Mr. ON S. P. RAILROAD The folder has a detailed map We are over stocked on Shoes. Hosiery and Holiday Authorised fur both the Christ­ Powell was manager of the Ralph with the Skyline Trail, camping kinds of fertilisers and methods of and Stanley store in Springfield un­ places, primitive areas, and State applying fertll.iers on strawber­ mas and New Year periods, cent s Goods, and are making Drastic Reductions to reduce ries. til is was sold. mile offering» of transportation game refuges shown In red and de our stock. Dairying will be made by Southern Pacific tails of streams, peaks, elevations, During the year ending Septem­ company for the benefit of holiday connecting trails and roads shown 20. 540 rows on 18 farms were travelers throughout Oregon and Upper Willamette In black, with other important data ber tested in tbc herd Improvement oilier parts of the west, according such as a log of the entire route. association for production. The as to announcements («day by Carl The Pleasant Hill high school On the back of the map Is print­ basketball team played the Spring ed information needed by the camp­ soclatlon wsa reorganised and a Olson, agent for the company here At the sume time. Mr. Olson re­ field high school teems Tuesday er and traveler. This includes new year's testing started during night in practice games. The paragraphs on trail terminals, con October. Eleven dairymen have pa vealed. Ihe company has completed arrangements whereby Ihe special Springfield first string defeated the dltion of trails, methods of travel proxtmately 400 cows to test. Problems In connection with ihe low fare excursion tickets may be Pleasant Hill tlrst string by a score recommended, camps and accom of 27-18. The Pleasant Hill second modal ions, supplies, fishing, camp control of infectious abortion lu given (his year as a new kind of siring defeated the Springfield sec­ fire permits, and other data In I dairy cattle were discussed at a 'hrlstmas present. OPENING DAY Prepaid tickets, purchased under ond string 20 to 1». As six play­ which the hiker is interested on special meeting on March 22 and | Interest in abortion control was Ihe plan, will be delivered to per ers graduated last year Prof. E. E. such a trip. The folder ts illustra Practical Christm as Gifts—the keynote of 1931. To the first 100 eiislom ers who puirhaae $6.00 sons at all places on the railroad's throughout the year, Kilpatrick is breaking In a new ted with 11 half tone, of scene» Furniture always m akes a most acceptable along the trail. Dairymen in tne extreme eouth- Pacific lines, extending from Port team. or more we will give $1.0d will on the 28th day of I In addition .0 .h r,l . „ , , V" ’ ‘ ,hP "U“ " ty D ecem ber. 1931. at Ihe hour of one' Springfield, Oregon In addition to the articles listed of eggs and of keeping them from o'clock p. m of said day sell the above, there are Illustrated many deteriorating on the farm were dis same to the highest bidder for cash Ils Easy to save money when you shop al Irish- Make our store Your H eadquarters other articles of practical value,cussed at all poultry meetings held at Public auction. Said sale will Murphy's. lit re you no! only enjoy the lowest prices, be held at 992 Jackson Street. In Including Christmas tree stands, during the year. but our complete stock of fine quality foods enable for Christm as. the city of Eugene, lume County, various kinds of garden and out-- Poultry organizations of the Oregon. you to obtain just what you waul quickly und easily. door furniture, poultry nests and county were assisted In conducting JOHN L. MARSH. Constable. GET THE IRISH-MURPHY HABIT — IT PAYS! (D 10-17) drinking stands, racks for canned three special meeting.1 during the goods and vegetables, tool chests, year. REWARD: Young Black clothes basket stands, bathroom Turkey production and market­ Spaniel male dog with white utility cabinets, and breakfast ing problems were discussed at a tips on 4 feet and tall. Stray­ tables and benches. ed from my home about two one-day turgkey Institute held In Pure Vegetable weeks ago. Last seeD on Elabrate machinery and tool out- Eugene February 3 that was at- 5 Pound Pall Main street. Shortening fits are not required to execute the tended by 120 turkey growers, Call Dr. W. H. Pollard. — HOME STORE — plans contained In tne new manual. Problem! confronting turkey 2 Lbs Keep Your Dollars at Home! On the other hand, according to the . 3 Lbs. committee, a Tew simple tools <; Lbs. ONLY A FEW 1 found in practically every home will be sufficient to construct the articles. In giving suggestions for market­ ing the articles made for profit, the At This Special Price — bulletin points out that most of the < articles will find a ready market because they cater to the needs of Hot Cakes - Waffles, on cold m orn­ And for 6 coupons get the $12.00 Small White I Individual homes and do not com- ings and Maid O’ Cream, Heal B utter Waffle Iron for i pete with factory made merchan­ Who wants them without Butter? dise. - No. 2 Tall Cans "You Can Make ft for Profit.” I ROCKDELL SYRUP 2 for <> Lbs. may be obtained from the Portland ROCKDELL PANCAKE FLOUR District Office of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, And get a Waffle Iron located at 215 New Post Office for a Christinas Present. Building, Portland. Oregon. Years’ Work Told By Farm Council LIMITS PLACED ON ROAD LOADS FARM PAYMENTS REPORTED GOOD W illiam s’ Surplus Stock Sale SHOP EARLY S a le S ta r ts 9 a . m . F r id a y Buy U seful Gifts at your Furniture Store $100"“ CASH FREE Big Reductions Do Your Christmas Shopping NOW and SAVE W right & Sons Williams’ Self Service Store Irish-Murphy Co. Phone 9 Pure Honey White Front Grocery Pan Crust 38C 45c Electric Clocks Left M-M-M- $3.89 53C 99c Brazil Nuts, lb. 17c Grape Fruit Beans .... $3.98 Be sure and get your Christmas Berry Set, pink or green, free with $1.00 Airplane With .... 3 Lbs. CRISCO our Quality Coffee. 89c M a lt o ’ M e a l, p a c k a g e B u lk D a t e s , 3 p o u n d s We will have a complete Christm as line of Candies and Nuts to offer. Beautiful Glassware Free with Steam Refined Borax Soap. 25c 25c As usual, we will have candy to offer from 10c pound up. Some of Our Daily Prices Can Pumpkin 5c Salmon, Alaska Southern Spinach, 2*/2 size can. ...10c Van Cam p’s Tom ato Soup, Can 5c Pride, net 7 3-4 oz. flats, 3 for ....................... 25c Fresh Roasted Peanuts 2 p o u n d s ........................ 28o 25c Fined for Intoxication Olenn Jones, Springfield, was fined $25 in police Judge Bryson's court In Eugene Monday when he plead guilty to a charge of Intoxi­ cation Unable to pay the fine he Is serving out a Jail sentence. N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T Notice Is hereby given that J. F. Berger has filed In Court his 1 final account as administrator of the estate of William H. Herbert, deceased, and that said account will come before the County Court In the Court House In Eugene. Ore- I gon. at ten o'clock A. M. of Janu­ ary 8, 1932, for examination and allowance. All persons objecting thereto should file their objection as required by law and appear at said time and place stated. J. F. BEROER, Administrator. S. D. ALLEN, Attorney for Estate. (D 10-17-24-31— 25c K e llo g g C o r n F la k e s,p k g . 6 c ”A TELEPHONE 0 /my O w n - - /o r C H R I S T M A S ! ” Sons and daughters have so many interests of their own! Any telephone employee will take your or­ der, or just tell our business office your wishes. T ub P acific T elephone A nd T elegraph C ompany Business Office: 12