Tlll'KHDAY, DECEMBER 10, IMI THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAO T E A C H E R » ' E X A M IN A T IO N S Bounty la Collaotad— Gordou Do­ Nurse File* Certificate— Vera Z WIFE SEEKS DIVORCE; BOWMAN ACQUITTED Teachers' «xamlnallona for one law yer filed her nurse certificale | well uf Marrubi waa hare Tuesday CRUELTY IS ALLEGED OF LIQUOR CHARQE year, flvs-year aud Ufa certificates tu culle« ( the county bounty ou one Suit for divorce waa filed In cir­ Not guilty waa the verdict of a will he held at the County Cuurl tor record ul the office of the coun-1 Mrs. U. H. McKay received word coyol». room commencing on WedueiMiay, ty clerk Thuraday. cuit court Tuesday by ORve Adren Jury In circuit court Saturday In Thursday from Everett, Washing­ December 14th at *:00 A. M and Kutaey against her husband Jesse the case of ( . F Bowman. Swiss will last four days. Those who wish Bounty I* Collected— The coun ton, telling ul the sudden death of Account of Eatate Filed— Final J. Eutaey home, accused of possession of to take the examination« should ty bounty ou one bobcat waa col­ her brother-in-law, Leslie William», account of lit» probate of the aa T he couple married at Albte, mash fit for distillation. Bowman send at once for «. schedule ebow of a heart attack on Wednesday. Ha tale of Effie N. Fuat waa filed Mat Ing the time each subject la to be lected Haturday at the office of ! Lana, Banton and Lincoln Iowa. January 11, 1*13. and have no waa also charged with poseeeatoa uf the county clerk by H. O. Martin la survived by his widow and four urday In probata court. taken. Address: Countiaa Formed as Ona children. Cruel and Inhuman treat­ a atm. K J. MOORE. Co. Helmut Hupt of Swleahoine. children. He waa formerly a rest- ment are alleged. Mrs. Pearl Bowman, his wife, was D 10 Administrative Area • dent of Creawell and well kqown Minister Fllaa Certificate — The A leuutilui ami exclusiv« llnu ul also acquitted by a directed verdict here. HOW ONE WOMAN LOST Bankruptcy Petition Filed — A of the court. t 'liriHtjiiurt ('urda um iiuw un ill« inlulater'a certificate of M erritt i N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Hoy Scout activities of Lane. K«v. and Mr». 8. D. Trefren »pent Gaurga Eastwood waa Iliad for re 20 POUNDS OF FAT petition In bankruptcy was filed In NO TIC E IH HER EBY G IV E N :' pluy ul the New« Office, the week In Portland attending con­ . Lincoln and Benton counties will federal court at Portland Thursday i >ld Tuesday at the office uf the That Frank Aldrich baa been ap A new counting machine mens pointed administrator of the eatate Lost Har Prominent Hips — ference* and visiting Mr*. T refren ’s I hereafter be under supervision of by Blanche R. McCully of Eugene. county dark. nres wire, rope or cable. An auto­ Bounty la Collaotad— A euuuty ! one board and one active super­ uf Harali Guthrie Aldrich, deceased, Doubla Chin— Sluggishness parent* at Rhoala. Liabilities were listed at 926,064.26 matic brake stupe the count when I,utility mi iiiik Lobi-ai w i, collected by the County Court of Eugene. visor. Herbert Neff returned Wednes­ Hsport of Batata Made— luvan Lane County. Oregon AB person« and assets at 93975. the end whisks through. 'I uosday b> i hurl«» I o* ul Mar Thia waa decided at a meeting day from a week’s visit with hie lory and uppralaemaut uf Ilia es li'ivlng claims against said eatate Gained Physical Vigor— aula. mother at Chiloquin. here Friday when the merger waa A Shapely Figure tale uf Henry W. H ubs waa filed In j are required to present them, with ’I'he Royal Neighbor* held an all put through. Headquarters for the probate court Haturday. The aa j the proper vouchers, within six NOTICI month* from the 3rd day of Decern OF F IN A L S t T T L E M k N T If you're fat — flrat remove the day aesalon Thuraday quilting and three-county district will be In Ku- tnte amounts to 93076.22. her, 1*31, to the said admlnlatra causal working on fancy article*. They bad gen* and Henry Sales, who ba* tor at the law office of L. L. Ray. lu III« County t u m i for the tí lut« Take one half leaspoonful of a pot luck dinner at noon and a been Boy Scout executive here, will In the Miner Building, Eugeoe, Ore SUMMONS of Ori gon fur luihu l'ounty. K ltU H C H EN HALT!» In a glass of I Son, In thu M u lta r »I til« Estate of ! water every morning— la 3 j nusiness session during the after­ retain his position and divide hi* IN T H E C IR C U IT CGUKT GF T H E FRANK ALDR IC H, Admlnla hot Frank A. I l lekat dami, deceased. time between tha three counties. i week* get on the scale* and not« | noon. S T A T E GF OREGON FOK trator of the Eatate uf Harali N ollin 1« hereby given litui 111« how many pound* of fat have van Maraball W illiam * ha* traded hl* LANE CO UNTY Thia merger la In line with a Guthrie Aldrich, deceased. underelguud cxucutur hae filed lahed. place east of town for a 60 acre j national Scout movement to cur heruin blu flnul aicount uud that Koiiald C. Gilstrap, Plaintiff, vs. L. L. KAY. Attorney for Estate. Notice also that you have gained ID 3-10 17-24-31) 1‘hyllla Gilstrap, Defendant. ranch near Yoncalla. ParUes w ill1 ili« Court ha« nppoluleil Tuesday, | tall expense* and utilize to the full In energy— your sklu la clearer— : December 16lh, I 931, at, «luvu i : IN T H E NAM E UP T H E S TA TE NOTICE OF SALE OF CHATTEL I you feel younger In body—KK U8- exchange possession sometime n e x t' all Boy Scout facilities. o'clock In tho foruauon at thu OF OKEGON: You are hereby re­ C liE N w ill give any fat person a April. Boy Scout* from the three coun-, i minty Cuori Kooin lu thu Cuurl quired to appear aud anawer the U N D E R PO SSESSO RY STO R A G E Joyous surprise. Officer* for the Eastern S ta r; L IE N . ties In the new group will use the 1 H ouk « at Ku<«uu, Oregon. aa the complaint Iliad agaluat you In the Get un 86c hottie of K R U 8C H E N : Take Notice that A. H. Pohll, re HALTS from all druggists, (lasts were elected Thursday evening at I-ane county summer camp at Blue suit within a|g limu ami plum fur bearing uf ub ; a b o v e • m ille d jiitlouH tu Muid flnul account and weeks from the date of tha first i elding at Creswell, Oregon, claims 4 weeks). If thia flrat hottie their regular meeting as follows: i River. thu auttluurunt ut «ulti ustale. All ! publication of Hila summons and a lieu on the ihuttels h ereinafter; doesn't convince you thia la th e , Worthy Matron. Mlaa Genevieve puruun» Interested may uppuur at If you fall to appear or anawer fur mentioned for atorage furnished , eaatest, safest uud surest way to Thompson_ worthy patron, A. H. «alii tilin' uin! plum anil (llu objec wuut thereof Hie plaintiff will up i upon lose fat— your money gladly re­ Gillett, associate matron, Mrs. O. * One Duruut Touring Car Model• turned. pit to Hie • uurl fur the relief as lion» If uuy they havu, W. Dixon; associate patron, C. W .i prayed fur In the complaint, to -‘ A N o t ' 4726 Motor number 61826. I lu lull November 12, 1931. ♦ One Harley Davldsou Motor That the marriage relatlou Dixon; secretary, Mrs. N. E. Steele; [ )■■ Il B. KK HAKIMKIN. Eini'Utur wit N O T IC E TO C R E O IT O R 8 cycle No. 24 JD 11615. . Mrs. C. C. Polley of W altervllle , uutat« uf Frank A. Itnhurdauu existing lietwem the plaintiff and treasurer, Mr». Wm. Holllaton; con Notice la hereby given that the (lefenduut be dissolved, and such which storage was furnished and dumuaml. other relief aa to the court m ay' performed upon said chattels at the undersigned by order of the County i duclress, Mr». W. O. Spencer; aa spent Sunday at the home of her ('. II. S E D G W IC K , Creaw ell, Court uf the Htate of Oregon foi ; aociate conduct re»». M r*. Verna aon, Charles Deadmond on Fall I residence of said claimant from appear equitable. dr«.. Attorney fur »«tutu. Lane County entered on the lat Tha nraer airecting the service Hwptember 1*. 1*31, to und Includ­ day of December. 1931, have been Adam*. The Invitation of the Ma Creek. (N 12 19 96: D 310) Ted Magnea» «pent a few days j of thia auinmon» by tb l publication ing November 27th, 1*31, at the uppoluled Joint administrator» of aon» for a Christmas party on Dec­ ■ hereof la dated Auguat 14tb, 1*31, j request uf John Nelawanger of the eatate of Charles B. Blanton, ember 31»t waa accepted and a visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Polley., und direct» publication once each i Croswell, Oregon, the reputed own­ dei eased. N O T IC E OF H E A R IN G ON All persona having constating of Mlaa Ted purchased a farm near H a rris -, week fur alx successive weeka. er thereof and reputed lawful pos­ claims ugaluat said eatate are here­ committee F IN A L A C C O U N T Tbuiupaon. Mrs. Spencer and Mrs burg thia fall where be is n o w : that you appear and anawer within sessor thereof. by notified to preaent the same That the charge for auld storage IN T H E CO UNTY CO URT O F TI1E alx weeks from date of flrat publi­ duly verified aud with vouchers W . W. I-ower waa appointed to help making bin home. S TA TE OF c It EGON FOK T1IE cation. ami the flrat publication uf during said period Is 925.00 which attached to the undersigned at the make plans. Mrs. R. R. Deadmond returned COUNTY OF LANK. said aummona la October 29th, 1*31. Is a reaaonable charge therefor. law office of Gordon S. Wella In the to her home at Leaburg the last ' M ra. I xju Richardson went t o , Thai the name of the reputed i < N. JOHNSTON, Attorney IN T H E M A T T E R OF T H E EH Miner Building, Eugene. Oregon, for the Plaintiff: Kealdence owner of said car and cycle or the within alx month* from the date Portland Saturday to spend the of the week after a six 'gfeeka visit T A T E OF JOHN McOUIKE, De­ reputed lawful possessor thereof Is Eugene, Oregon. ceased. of the flrat publication of thia no­ holidays with her aon, James Rich­ with her sister, Mrs. Frank Peplot, John Nelswanger of Creswell, Ore ' (O 2» -N 6 12 1926 1) 3 10) of Sutherlin and daughter, Mrs < ardson. tice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: gon. The date of flrat publication of Joe Hoyes In Eugene. That thu undurelgiiod, a» executrix Mrs. J. A. Blankenship entertain­ That the amount claimed to be N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N this notice is December 3, 1931. uf the La» I W ill and Testament of Mrs. Vern Coldwell will enter due said claimant la 926.00. That a ed members of her Sunday school Deparm ant of tha In te rio r J 8. BLANTO N, John McGuire. deceased. bus f I lull particular description of said chat A LIC E BLANTO N, Joint ad­ classes at her home Thuraday even­ tain (he W altervllle Ladles Aid at bar account fur the filial aottl«ni«ut General I-and O ffice at Koaeburg. tela la as follows: Oregon. November 16th, 1931. ministrator« of the estate of ing with a party of game* and her home Thursday afternoon uf naltl duc«d«ut» «»tutu In thu One Durant Touring Car Mudel Churlea B. Blanton, deceased. N O T IC E la hereby given that County Court fur luuiu tluuuty, stuiitr. Her class la In the Preaby-1 Each member will provide her own A No C 4726 Motor No. 61,823. ( I) 3-10-17 24 31) Oregon, und lliu l Saturday lb« 12th Nellie Adams, of Leaburg, Oregon, work for the afternoon. terian Sunday school. One Harley Davidson Motor day uf December, I9 3 i. at thu Court who. on April 22. 1*30. made Home- Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and I Cycle No. 24 JD 11616. Miss Elate Aahbaugh gave a party ituuni uf «aid Court In the County Hteud entry. Herlal, No 01*30*. for N O T IC E O F S A L E OF That said chattels will be sold children of Thurston spent Sunday ■ to some of her high school friends I , Section 24. Township 16 8 Court llouae, In tttlgeM at the hour REAL PROPERTY at public auction on the 18th day uf t«n o'clock It* the forenoon, baa ituuge I E, W illamette Meridian, of December, 1931, at the residence IN T H E M A TTER O F T H E E8 Wednesday evening at the boms of visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Syear i Iweu fixed by «aid Court aa the haa filed notice of IntenUon to of said claimant, A. H Pohll, one ingen of Deerhorn. T A T E OF MARY I. E. HURL-1 Mr. and Mr*. Dan Driscoll. llni« uud place fur boarlua objec make final three year Proof, to \ mile north of Creswell, Oregon, on BURT, Deceased. H ouk Iberetu, and for the settle establish claim to the land above the east aide of the Pacific H igh-. N O TIC E 18 H ER EB Y G IV E N ' described, before E O. lium el, U. flJ melit thereof. way In Lane County. Oregon, at | that by virtue of an order In the : COST FOR JAIL MEALS Commissioner, at Eugene, Oregon, County Court of Lane County, Ore-, BEKTIIA L. UUKUHARDT. on the 22nd day of December. 1*31* one o'clock P. M. said day. gon, made on the 24th day of N ot - | Executrix uf the 1 41»I W ill uud That thia notice Is given pursu » ...... ♦ - ONLY 11.75 CENTS EACH Claimant namea as witnesses: Teatanietit uf Juhu McGuire. uut to section 61-404 Oregon Code ember, A. D„ 1931, In the matter Arnold Hays and daughter, Beat W illiam Sbarnlug, of Vida. Ore­ of the eatate of Mary I. E. Hurl- i A total of 2229 meals were ser­ demUHed. Annotated 1*30. rice, from Seattle, Wash., visited gon. I,. I*. KAY. Attorney fur Ealute. That the proceed* of said sale hurt, deceased, the undersigned! ved at the Lane county Jail during Guy Jones. W alter Millican, and will be used first to the payment duly appointed, qualified and act­ relatives here last week. They IN' 12 19-26: 11 3 10» the month of November, says a re­ Frank Jones, of l-eaburg. Oregon, of the expenses of suld aale; sec­ ing administratrix of the said ea­ were on their return trip from port made by Sheriff Harry L. • ROBERT E. CRAWFORD, tate. will on and after the 28th day ond. to the discharge of said lien, Acting Register. third, the balance If any to be paid of December, A. D.. 1931, offer for Oakland. California. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Bown and turned over to the coun­ Mr». Needham spent two days (N 1*2«— D 3 1017) opportunity ever offered at Christmastime. Notice 1« hereby given that the ty court. over to the County Clerk of l-ane aale and sell at private sale for underatgner haa been by order of County., to be held by him In trust cash, or for cash and credit accord­ last week with her slater, Mrs. Doo­ The meals cost the county 11.76 Come expecting to find the greatest gift buying ing to law. the following described little In Cottage Grove. Mr. and (he County Court uf the State uf N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F ’S SA LE for the owner thereof. cents each, this being for supplies Oregon fur Lane County appointed opoprtunity ever offered at Christmas time. Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this real properly belonging to said es­ Mrs. Doolittle are planning to aoon REAL PROPERTY only -and not Including other costs tate, and all of the right, title and udiulnlatratrlx of (he < »t^ ' of 27 day of November, 1*31. leave for Colorado where they re­ Every article in this store is high grade merchan­ NO TIC E Is hereby given that by Interest of the deceased therein, to- of production. Hu»l« Vudjannky, dercaaad. All JOHN L. MARH11. Constable. sided previously to coming to Ore­ dise and has our guarantee. wlt: peraon« having cluliii« aja ln at «aid virtue of an execution Issued out By VAN HVARVERUD, Deputy. The unit coat of Jail meals has The WSy of the W % of the N. gon last spring. «■tat« may present the »»mn duly of the Circuit Court of tha State of Let this be your Christmas headquarters for use­ varied between 10 cents aDd 13 ! B.%, except a 40 foot atrip to verified and with voucher attached Oregon for Multnomah County thia Miss Hasel Simmons entertained SUMMONS ful. worth-while gifts. Lane County, all in Section 33, with a party at her home last Wed­ cents for a number of months past. Io the underalgned at the law office 16th day of November. 1*31, In a Township 18. South Range 3 of Gurdon S. Wells In the Mluer suit pending therein In which IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E YOUR DOLLAR WILL GO FARTHER AT evening In honor of HTATE OR OREGON FOR LANE West of the W illam ette M< rldian nesday Building. Eugene, Oregon, within Frank L. Blewett, Executor of the Administrator is Appointed— H CO UNTY containing 40 acres of land. In Chester Moore's Dlrthday. After «lx mouth» from the date of the Eatate of John 11. Blewett, de­ Lane County, State of Oregon. find publication uf thia notice. Date ceased, waa plaintiff and Marlon Huale M. Rucknum. Plaintiff, va. spending the evening with games P. Mulkey haa been appointed ad­ C. F. Mickelson. C. F. Mickelson Also the B U of N W U »1 NE<4 singing, refreshments were served ministrator of the estate of Louise of flrat publication hereof la N V- II. Day, Mary M Day and Jennie E Murah were defendants, which exe­ as Administrator of the Estate o f ; in Section 33. Township 18. > ein her 12, 11)31. Mulkey. The estate amounts to ■ Hattie 11. Mickelson. Deceased. South Range 3 West of the W il­ at a late hour. SUSIE E HEAD. Admlnlstra cution waa to me directed and com­ 334 Main St. Springfield, Oregon Melba V. Ollbert. Rupert T. G il­ Mr. and Mrs. Linn Endicott from 91600 In real property and 9100 in i lamette Meridian, containing 2u Irlx of the eatate of Huale Vod' manded me to aell the real pro­ perty hereinafter dnaerlbed to satis­ bert, W aller B. Arp, and Jaue acres of land. In Lane County, j Portland are visiting relatives here. personal property. Jnuaky, deceased. fy certain llena and charges a peel- Arp. his wife. Bank of Commerce, State of Oregon. (N 12 1112« D 3-10) fli-d, I will on Haturday the 1* day u corporation. Ed glnlker and J That said sale will take place at Inventory of Estate Filed— In­ of December, 1*31, at the hour of G. Heddo. Defendanta. the office of A. J. McKy at the cor­ 10 o'clock A M at the southwest To W alter B. Arp and Jane Arp. ner of W illam ette Street and ventory and appraisement of the door of the County Court House In , h l* wife, Defendanta: Eighth Avenue East In Eugene, estate of Ellxa A. Foster was filed Eugene, laine County, Oregon, of­ In the Name of the State of Ore ljtn e County. Oregon. • in probate court Saturday. The fer for «ale and aell at publld auc­ gon: You and each of you are here This notice Is published in the - tion fqr cash, subject to redemp­ by required to appear and answer Springfield News, a weekly new»- estate amounts to 91003.62. tion aa provided by law, all of the ' the complaint of plaintiff Hied paper of general circulation pub­ right, title and Interest of the de against you In the above entitled lished at Springfield. Lane County. Defendant Files Demurrer — The fendanta In said suit and of oli court and cause.,on or before the Oregon. Date of flrat publication defendant in the case of Jeramlah parties claiming by. through or un-1 expiration of the time prescribed in November 26th, 1931. Atkinson versus Margaret E. In ­ der them or any of then* since the the order of publication, to-wit: On BEA TRICE WASSOM. Admin 6th day of April. 1931, In or to the or before the expiration of four Istratrlx of the Estate of Mary , man filed In circuit court Friday to following described real property. I week» from the date of ftr»t publl a demurrer to the complaint. 1. E. Hurlburt, Deceased. to -w lt: ration of this Rumman», and If you IN 26— D 3 10-17-24) fall to answer, for want thereof South fifty-eight and one-third plaintiff will apply to the court for N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE Bankruptcy Petition Filed — A t r»N 131 feet of lx>l five (6), and petition In bankruptcy was filed in ON E X E C U T IO N the relief prayed for In the com und North eight and one-thlrd NO TIC E Is hereby given that by federal court at Portland Thursday plaint, to-wlt: Ik 1-8) feet of Ixit four (4), Block That plaintiff have Judgment virtue of an execution issued out alx (6) Ellsworth's Addition to ugalnat defendanta C. F. Mickelson of the Circuit Court of the State of hv Roy Miller, restaurant operator of Junction City. Liabilities were Eugene, Oregon. and C. F. Mickelson as Admlnlstra : Oregon for I^uie County. Oregon, on Dated thia 18th day of November, • tor of the Estate of H attie B. Mick the 7th day of November, 1931, In given as 91572.66 and assets at 1931. elson. Deceased, for the principal an action In which Dora M. John 9370. H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. sum of 91800.00 with Interest at aon. was the plaintiff and W. Stager ’ IH \ !•: IICLK O A A RD . D eputy N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’ S SA L E 7% per annum from March 1. 1931. and Ellen B. Stager, were defend­ (N 19-26— D 3-10-17) REA L PROPERTY and the foBowIng sums with Inter ant». In which action the plaintiff NO TIC E Is hereby given that by eat at 12% per annum from the fol­ recovered Judgment against the de N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA LE lowing dates for taxes paid, to-wlt: fondants for 915.69. with Interest : virtue of an «xeruUon and order of REAL PROPERTY thereon from the 7th day of Nov-1 »ale Issued out of the Circuit Court 961.74. November 6, 1928. ember, 1931, at the rate of 6% peri of the State of Oregon for Lane 9116 00. November 6. 1928. NO TIC E Is hereby given that by annum to the date of the payment County this 5th day of December, 962.66. May 4. 1929. virtue of an execution and order of of said Judgment; and the further 1931, upon and pursuant to a decree 965.81. February 20. 1930. sale Issued nut of the Circuit Court ,um of 98.20 costs which said exe­ duly given and made by said Court 944.07. November 3. 1930, of the State of Oregon for Iatne cution was to me directed and com­ this 1st day of December. 1931. In 947.3». May 5. 1931. County the 19th day of November. 1931, upon and pursuant to a decree and 9200.00 reasonable attorney manded me in the name of the State a suit pending therein In which B. duly given and made by Raid Court fees and the costs and disburse of Oregon, to levy upon the pro­ B. Brundage was plaintiff and E. C. the 18th dny of November. 1931, In ments of this ault and that »aid perty of the defendant» In ordei Simmons and Mina Simmons, his n »lilt pending therein In which »uni» be decreed a flrat Hen against to satisfy said Judgment. Interest, wife. Herman Burgoyne and Jessie Fred J. Stewart and L illie Stewart the property described In plaintiff's costs and accruing costa, I have Burgoyne. his wife, were defend­ levied upon the following described ants, which execution and order of were plaintiffs and Betty A. Bel- mortgage, to-wlt: othing i«nd> more Christmas cheer to your Beginning at a point 60 feet real property of the defendants In sale was to me directed and com­ Inger. Leo Tneker and Beatrice east of the northwest corner of Lane county. Oregon, to-wlt: manded me to sell the real pro­ Tucker were defendants, which exe­ home than the glow of small electric lights. The Beginning at a point In the perty hereinafter described to sat­ I.ol fi In Block 2« In Fairmont, cution nnd order nt sale was to me South Line of the County road isfy certain Hens and charges In now a part of the City of Eugene, directed nnd commanded nte to sell modern symbol of the Christmas spirit, their color­ known as the Ieirane highway, be said decree specified. I w ill on Lane County. Oregon, according the real property hereinafter des­ to the original plat thereof and Ing County road No. 846, directly Friday the 8th day of January, 1932. cribed to satisfy certain liens and ful brightness im p arts a w arm w elc o m e— an south of the North East corner at the hour of 10 o’clock. A. M. running thence east to a point charges In said decree specified, I 63 and 1-3 feet west of the west of the North West quarter of Sec­ at the southwest door «1 the Coun­ will on 2nd Saturday, the 2nd day Inviting glow to your home. line of the alley running north tion (14) In TownshlR (18) South ty Court House In Eugene. Lane day of January, 1932. at the hour and south through said block; Range (41 West of the W illam ­ County, Oregon, offer for sale and of 10:00 o’clock A. M.. at the south­ ette Meridian nnd running thence sell at public auction for cash, sub­ thence south 110 feet; thence west door of the County Court Decorative lights are practical, lasting decoration». South 707 4eet. thence West 160 ject to redemption as provided by west to a point 60 feet east of the House In Eugene. Lane County, west line of said block, and feet, thence North to the South law. all of the right, title and Inter­ A fter the holidays they will be ready for every Oregon, offer for sale and aell at thence north to the place of be line of the said Lorane Highway est of the defendants In said suit public auction for caah. subject to OF ALL KINDS ginning, together with the tene­ nnd thenre Easterly along the and of all parties claiming by, festive occasion through the year, end if handled redemption as provided by law, all of the right, title and Interest of Quick Delivery ments, hereditaments and appur­ South Hue of snld Highway 161 through or under them or any of tenances thereunto appertaining, feet more or less to the place of them since the 1st day of Decem­ Die defendants In said ault and of with ordinary care will last for years. Pilone Springfield 121-M beginning In Lane County. Ore­ ber, 1931, In or to the following superior to any Utle, Interest or nil purtlea claiming by, through or described real property, to-wlt: claim of defendants herein or gon. under them or any of them alnce You can enjoy electrical decorations the whole Beginning at a point 31.71 NOW T H E R E F O R E IN T H E tho flth day of June, 1930, In or to nny of them, and that said mort­ chains West and 6.12 chains the following described real prop-| gage be foreclosed and said prem NA M E OF T H E STA TE OF ORE­ holiday season for only a few cents. It will pay South of the Northeast corner of Ises sold by the sheriff and the GON, and In compliance with said erty, to-wlt: GOLFERS WiTH Section 19. Tp. 18 S. R. 3 W. W. said Judgment and the expenses of execution and In order to satisfy Beginning at a point on the you to invest in decorative lights — the perfect M. In I-ane County, Oregon, and proceeds applied to the payment snld Judgment, Interest, costs nnd East side of County road Number running tnence East 11.96 chains; of-said Judgment and the expen­ accruing coats. I will on Friday the 33. *0 feet East of the center expression of "M erry Christmas" for your home. Thence S, 83 deg. East 10.00 ses of sale; and that defendants 18th day of December at the hour of the S. P. Railroad Track on chains, thence North 75 deg. 15 and all persons claiming under of 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of the South line of "D" Street In min. East 10.30 chains to fence on them be forever barred and fore­ snld day at the Southwest front the town of Ooshen. thence the West side of the Faciflc closed from all right, title, Inter­ door of the County Court House In South 3.6 degree« East along said gut nattai reaul » Highway; thence S. 7 deg. 35 min. est. Hen, claim and equity of re­ Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, of­ County road 400 feet, thence East 11.10 chains, thence S. 7 demption In said property and fer for sale and sell at public auc­ North Sl! degree East parallel deg. 18 min. W. 6.42 chains to an that the purchaser be placed In tion for cash to the highest bidder, The modern hi with said 'D' Street 200 feet to a Iron bar; thence N. 88 deg. 66 possession thereof and for such subject to redemption as provided point thence North 8.B degrees •cala that «lim­ tr.ln. W. 32.88 chains to a point further relief as to the court may by law, all the right, title and In­ Weal 400 feet to a point on the inal» olut dl» South of the place of beginning; seem equitable. terest of the said defendants In and South line of »aid 'D' Street, thence North 14.16 chains, more thence South Sil degrees West This summons Is published by to said premises and all parties tortlon 'lump' or les» to the ph. e of beginning, along »aid South lino of «aid 'D' | order of Hon. Q. F. Sklpworth, claiming by, through or under them containing 47.30 acres, more or Street 200 feet, to the place of i Judge of the Circuit Court, Lane since the 7th day of November, For better ea»- less. In Sections 10 anu 11, said beginning, containing 2 acres County, Oregon, made November 1931. far and near, gat Unlvti Township ahd Range. Dnted this 9th day of November, more or le»a, all In l4tne County, 30. 1931. Dated and first published Dated this 7th day of December, December 3, 1931. 1931 Oregon. Bilocáis. W. H. BROOKE, Attorney for H. L. BOWN. Sheriff of Lane 1931. Dnted this 30th day of Novem­ plaintiff, 860 W illam ette Street, H. L. BOW N, Sheriff. County, Oregon. ber, 1*31. DR. ELLA MEADE By A. E. HULBOAARD. Deputy. Engene, Oregon. By A. B. HULBOAARD, Deputy. H. I.. BOWN. Sheriff. Optometrist (D 9-10-1714-31) ID 10-17-14-31—J 7) (N 19 29—D H 6-17) (D 8-10-17-84-81) 41 W r it tth lugana Creswell SCOUT MERGER MOVEMENT UP McKenzie Valley BUY NOW! This Store is Full of Christmas Bargains Thurston at the L o w e st P rices Fulop’s Dept. Store Business Directory Let you r hom e say “M e r r y C h ristm a s" N D R Y W O O D UNIV1S Bifocals M o u n ta in S t a t e * Pow er C o m p a n y