THURSDAY. D W t'EM BK RH V lM l THK SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAO« TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Ihibllthed Every Thursday at Springfield, 1-ane County, Oregon, by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H . K. M A X E Y , Editor Entered ua second class m atter, F eb ru a ry 24. IM S . at the postoflicv. Springfield, Oregon. M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E d i m Year In Advance ______ >1.75 T h ree M onths ........- ................. 75c 81« Mouths ............................... »100 Single Copy ----------------------------5c T H U R S D A Y . D E C E M B E R 10. 1931 SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE LAW Too many people are taking advantage of our bank­ ruptcy law. This may mean that there is som ething wrong wih the law. Or there may be som ething wrong with a good m any of our people. \\ hichever it is, som ething needs luting. if it is the law that needs changing, th a t is easily done. If it is the people, there s also a way to handle those who go into bankruptcy to defraud their creditors. T he bankruptcy law was m eant to serve a good pur­ pose. It was not intended that it should be used to cancel a m an’s debts simply because he had bought more than he could pay for. It was m eant to protect an honest man who had suffered unavoidable handicaps, disappointm ents and losses, who was unable to meet his indebtedness for the time being. It was not intended to be used in the way it is being used today in a great many instances. There have been times when it seemed a bankrupt set out with the deliberate intention to defraud his crditors. He would live in luxury, denying himself nothing that could be bought on credit. His family dressed like millionaires. His house furnishings were a dream . But when the tim e came to pay for all these fine things, he would take the bankruptcy law, and another entry would be made to the profit and loss account on his creditors' books. Men have done this even though draw ing the same salary as when the account was made—som etim es even larger salaries. There were not—o r at least didn't appear to be—any good reasons w hy he shouldu t or couldn't pay his just debts. It looked like he just didn't want to pay. and the bankruptcy law provided an easy—if not an honorable —way out. T here's a flaw somewhere in a law th a t will allow a m an to defraud his creditors, it doesn't m atter under what pretext it is done. There is som ething wrong with a law that will hold out a hope of som ething for nothing. There is som ething wrong with a law th at will suggest a shady transaction, and then leave a loophole to slip through. There is something wrong when men can cancel their hon­ est debts just by a stroke of a pen. Our bankruptcy law certainly needs fixing. -$> UNFAIR COMPETITION The American arm y is now served with Soviet m atches while the American m atch m aker is taxed to sustain the standing army. The American governm ent only recognizes Russia when there is a chance to save a dollar on goods made by enforced labor. T h at's the reason Russian lum ­ ber continues to come into the United S tates when Lane county mills are idle and lum ber is selling far below cost of production. The Oregon congressional delegation should have sufficient intestinal fortitude to tackle this problem and stay with it until we eliminate this unfair competition that reduces the American lumber worker to starvation. Mistaken for a m oonshiner while he was reading the river level guages in the we’ small hours of the m orning, a m em ber of the army engineer crew on the W illam ette river survey was challenged by dry officers. M oonshiners and milk men are the only persons supposed to be up before breakfast these days. 1 1 ■$> The Boy Scout m anual has become Am erica's best book seller. T hat's one thing to be credited to the male of the younger generation. In the olden day it probably was B ret H arte or some other hair raiser, that the youth of the country bought heaviest. Eighty-six per cent of the liquor cases tried in the courts of this country result in conviction. It would appear that the courts are doing their part to enforce prohibition even if there are some notable exceptions. — —- — ■ — — a j —— - —— There are 29 Mexican section hands working on the S. P. railroad above Oakridge. They should be given tickets back to Mexico. Their jobs are needed by Lane county citizens out of work. The governor calls his program tax reduction. The county courts call it “passing the buck.” The taxpayers name tor it will be heard after the sheriffs send out the tax receipts. A C cttage Grove hen laid an egg eight inches long. She should be paraded before the other flocks in I^ane county as an example of w hat can be done. We ll know the w ar has started in earnest in M anchuria when the Japs and Chinamen began asking for loans in the United States. This Congressm an G arner is well named when it comes to getting votes, so it seems. W E FAM ILY DOCTOR JOHN JOSEPH GAINES. M.D DIATHERMY Literally, it m eans “heating through,” this diatherm y form of treatm ent. The apparatus used in adm inistering is expensive; not many rural physicians nowadays can af­ ford such high-priced stuff, considering the almost impos­ sibility of carrying it to widely-scattered bedside patients. Nevertheless it is, and has been for some time, a grow­ ing, popular method of applying heat in the treatm en t of localized inflamm ations. T hat it will destroy germ s by heat th at are deeply situated within the body, I seriously doubt. I believe diatherm y will greatly accelerate local circulation, hastening the blood through the part affected, and do some good in th at way—just how much may not be accurately estim ated. The destruction ot diseased tonsils is being brought about by diatherm y, thuB saving a more or less bloody oper­ ation; but it had better not be attem pted by the am ateur or beginner without com petent instruction. The specialist is the only safe man to employe in the electrical exterm i­ nation of the tonsil. My ow n experience has not been very pleasing in the use of diatherm y, much th at 1 regret to say so. I have used it in num berless cases of chronic arthritis; If any omprove- m ent was noticeable it was very slight. I used it in a des­ perate attem pt to relieve pneumonia in an aged patient— and lost; yes, in two cases, without benefit, and where I needed help, oh, so badly. I believe diatherm y to be a very refined, technical, ex­ pensive way of applying the simple principle of heat in the treatm en t of disease. I have yet to be shown th at it fur­ nishes g rea ter heat inside the diseased m em ber than on the outside. But I am not an authority, mind you; I am just, an intelligent, com m on-sense, family doctor, with thirty- eight years of experience. I do not own a diatherm y ap­ paratus, but I work in hospitals where it is available in any Instance desired. I sincerely hope it may come to be the standard, accepted m ethod of obliterating diseased tonsils. STATE FILES ACTION CHARTERS ISSUED FOR TO RECOVER MONEY LANE FOUR-H CLUUG S k ì HT/ISSEEX C harters (or 4 II clubs are being Suit (or Die colleclltill of $1176 .48 Seymour, stale club was filed In circuit court here Sat sent by I I in d ili by the slate Industrial acci leader Io the following clubs: VI­ I t ’l'o the E d ito ri We are hearing dent commission against W illiam M erry M arketers, No. 1, Eugene, M ie. Maude Johnson, le a d e n W llla ., great deal almut the great saving K. E lllo tl. The defendant, according Io the gillosple H ealth club, M yrllo d ill I lie iu g made lit th e e o al o f ru n n in g c o i ^ ht m y <» A»agv v o t e r s » v c d « ' Healthy Helptirs, lilt ) state u du lta anil the people U lu com plaint, wus engaged In rock osplv, leader; I pper l ump Creek. Mrs. C lare W II ' given the im presaiou I hat the quarrying mid road construction. asked. "Can she take shorthand? W e and a man was killed. W hete was lian, louder; Happy H ealth club of same saving should he made in this? W h a t liouse?'* ought to have a record.'' Dexter, J F. Rose, lestlsr; H ill “T w o shots One is in the ceiling o f ' county affairs. "Probably not in the dark.” PROPOSED CHANCES S Y N O P S IS V lew M arketing club of W llluxlllos the dressing room." "W e can have some light npw,” , The only acluul saving which cau Six people, Horace lohnaon (w ho tell* * OF SCHOOLS PENDING p,c. Mrs. M yrtle Gillespie, leader; “Anti the other killed him?” the r to r y l, hi» w ile, old M t» llaae. Herbert Sperry said. Kohinxon xtnl h it uxter. Abca. anti D r But here, instead of a reply we got l e made by the slate or couuty Is There was a sort of restrained M arquette M arketin g club, W ard Sperry, friend« and ne>(hhorx. are in the movement in the n-ooi now tits' saving In running eipensea. Herbert the wx*rds, "library paste.” Proposed transfer of purl of Die h ah it'o f hokllns weekly meeting«. A t one of school, Agnus Hayes, lead er, lu Q uite without warning the medium d ie lowerlug of luxes by thanglns them. M r * Dane, who io ho»tets. eortoo the turned on a bracket light, and 1 moved le ird o ry of Ihe Illack Unite school groaned, and Sperry believed the away the roller chair. -jrvsram by unexpectedly orron«in« a amrtt tluslrlous Ten, W lllaken ala school, ( t o m real property to other sources ■attain »eance w ith Miaa Jarenty. a friewd of district to Hic I.outiini school dis­ “Go and ggt Clara. Horace,” Mrs. trance was over. M rt Helen Thom , leader; R iver • Ir Sperry and not a profeaaional. aa the Iin uni* W aiver ol Veterans “ She’s coming out ’ hi- said "A Dane said to me, "and have her bring trict was considered at a meeting ‘\O W GO ON W ITH THK STORY 1 note-book and pencil.” Nothing, 1 glass o f wine, somebody. " But she did Slate Aid. Repeal of Referring the of the county boundry board yes view M arketing club, R iverview • ih o n i, Mrs. N ellie Davis, leader. Miss Jeremy, the medium, was due believe, happened during my absence not come out. Instead, 'h e twisted lit appropriations for higher educa terday hut no acllou taken mid Ilio at 8 JO and at 8 JO my w ife assisted Miss Jeremy was sunk in her chair ,h " H c \ r « i heavy to lift,” she u n it-I nun. etc., are a ll potuiuendable II m a ile r was postponed Io Decem­ Mrs. Dane into one of the straight and breathing heavily when 1 came T h e n : "Get the lather oil hit they do not return to the slab Cuogar Pelt Brought In— A coll chairs at the table, and Sperry, sent bark with Clara, and Sptrry was tered. ber 14. face 1 lie lather, th e lather. I .»nougli iu stuns wit) to compensate out by her. returned with a darkish still watching her pulse. Suddenly try gi pt It was brought to iho county The valum iini of the te rrito ry In­ She subsided into the chair and he- I . . . ... bundle in his arms, and carrying a w ife said: “Why, look I She's wearing my gan to breathe with difliculty. "I want j •he stale for the outlay. volved .n the proposed transfer will i It i a ■ office Frlduy by W. B P a l­ light bamboo rod. The position of the counties, I do he determ ined before the Iinani sels lon of Culp Creek and the cuuaiy "Don't ask me what they are for,” he said to Herbert's gnn of amuse­ not think has been placed before Il Is announced. bounty of $10 c o llrrlrtl ment. "Every workman has his tools.” the people 111 a way that they real Herbert examined the rod, but it Ise the difference between them was what it appeared to be. and noth­ aud the state. ing else. Some one had started the phono­ W e all know that we are passing graph in the library , and il was play­ through a period of unusual de ing gloomily. “Shall we meet beyond presalon, and the stale officials are the river?" when Miss Jeremy came in. doing all they can to assist, but Should T h in k of th e D ru g S to re F irs t! She was not at all what we had H e real burden of raising the expected. Twenty-six, 1 should say, money, outside of donations, must In our stnrt* arc many articles very suitable for and in black dinner dress. She seemed be on the counties. T he State like a perfectly normal young woman, Christm as. They are articles vf known value and even attractive in a fragile, delicate Highway Commission Is doing evt-ryon useful. haw ; way. Not much personality, perha everything possible, but It was nec­ lude» the very word "medium preclia la-t us help you with your selections. essary to sell more bouds to curry that A "sensitive,” I think she called herself. W e were presented to her. and on the work sod It Is necessary but for the stripped and bare room, for the counties to meet the situa­ it might have been any evening after tion, and It takes w ork o r a dole, In the New Store Springfield anv dinner, with bridge waiting W e all liked her. and Sperry. Sperry e ith e r of which costa money which the bachelor, «i%t ife ; and my w ife contributed a positions. Sperry sat near the medium chaotic T h e secretary’s notes and pay our share on state high of unrelated words often being childish. now. where Herbert had been. gold bracelet. On going over the written notes ’he ways. T he state has none of these The rest of the party were as we W e all felt, I fancy, rather ab­ had been, save that we no longer | next day, wlten the stenographic rec- troubles, th e ir share ot the road surd. — t e , -* * We arranged between us that we touched hands Suddenly Miss Jeremy lord had been copied on a typewriter building does not come from a were to sit one on each side o f her, began to breathe more quietly, and to Sperry and I found that one word la x on real properly. and Sperry warned me not to let go move about in her chair. Then she sat recurred frequently. The word was U n fortunately the demand for "curtain" of her hand for a moment. “They upright. O f the extraordinary scene that low er taxes n atu rally comes at have a way of switching hands," he “Good evening, friends," she said. followed the breaking up of the se­ explained in a whisper. “I f she wants I am glad to see you all again." lim es like these when the burden ance. 1 have the keenest recollection. to scratch her nose I'll scratch it." I caught Herbert's eye, and he Miss Jeremv came out of her trance is heaviest on the counties due to J We were, we discovered, not to grinned. weak and looking extremely ill, and unemployment, and shifting of bur touch the table, but to sit around it “Good evening, little Bright Eyes,” Sperry’s motor took her home. She Delicious candy m akes a delectable Christm as gift, at a distance of a few inches, holding den from state tq county. hands and thus forming the circle. he said. “How’ s everything in the knew nothing of what had happened, untl you should set- the special gift boxen of cundy that C. P. B A R N A R D . County Judge and hoped we had been satisfied. By And for twenty minutes we sat thus, happy hunting ground tonight?” “Dark and cold," she said, "Dark agreement, we did not tell her what we have prepared! They ure a delight to the eye— of Lane County. and nothing happened. She was fully It's had transpired, and she was not curi­ handsom e liolly boxen Hint reflect the very spirit of the conscious and even sppke once or and cold. And the knee hurts. twice, and at last she moved impa­ very bad. I f the key is on the nail— ous season. arnica will take the pain out." SAWMILLS NOW AT Herbert saw her to the car, and tiently and told us to put our hands Herbert, who was still flippantly came back, looking grave. We were on the table. These boxes are not alone good to look at they 24'-; CAPACITY CUT amused sgid: standing together in the center of the 1 had put my opened watch on the contain file finest, freshest candies obtainable any­ ‘ Don't bother about your knee. Give dismantled room, with the lights going table before me. a night watch with a where. S E A T T L E , W ash.— A total of 343 luminous dial. A t five minutes after us some local stuff Gossip. I f you full now. "W ell,” he said, “it is one of two m ills reporting to the West Coast nine I felt the top of the table waver out." “ Sure I can, and it w ill make your things. Either we've been gloriously under my fingers, a curious, fluid-like hair curl." Then suddenly there was a faked, or we've been let in on a very Lum berm en’s association for the motion. week ending Novem ber 28, the “The table is going to move," I said. sort of dramatic pause and then an tidy little crime.” th * Service la Different** It was Mrs. Dane’s custum to serve week In which the Thanksgiving However, curiously enough, the outburst. “H e ’s dead." a Southern eggnog as a sort of night­ table did not move Instead, my watch, day holiday occurred, operated at “W ho is dead?” Sperry asked, with cap on her evenings, and we found it before my eyes, slid to the edge of i4eH eH H eeH BH aM «B waiting for us in the library in 34.4 per cent of capacity, as com­ the table and dropped to the floor, his voice drawn a trifle thin. “A bullet just above the ear. T hat’s the warmth of its open fire, am e pared to 27.1 per cent of capacity and almost instantly an object, which we recognized later as Sperry’s knife, a bad place. Thank goodness there's cheer o f its lamps, even in the dignity for the preceding week, and 38.1 was flung over the curtain and struck not much blood. Cold water will take and impassiveness of the butler, there per cent for the same week last the wall behind Mrs. Dane violently. it out o f the carpet. Not hot. ,Vof was something sane and wholesome. For the firs t 47 weeks of One of the women screamed, ending hot. Do you want to set the stain?’ The women of the party reacted year. “Look here," Sperry said, looking quickly, but I looked over to see 1*31 these m ills have operated at in a hysterical giggle. Then we heard around the table. “I don't like this. Sperry at a corner desk, intently rhvthmic beating on the top of the 38.4 per cent of capacity as com­ working over a small object in the stand behind the medium. Startling I t ’s darned grisly.” "Oh, fudge 1" Herbert put in irrev­ pared to 54.8 per cent for the same palm of his hand. as it was at the beginning, increasing He started when he heard me, then period of 1930. During the week as it did from a slow beat to an in­ erently. “Let her rave, or it, or what­ credibly rapid drumming, when the ever it is. Do you mean that a man laughed and held out hit hand ended Novem ber 21, 202 of these "Library pastel” he said. " It rolls initial shock was over Herbert com­ is dead?”— to tne medium. plants were reported as down and “Yes. She has the revolver. She into a soft, malleable ball. It could menced to gibe. “Your fountain pen, Horace, he needn’t cry so. He was cruel to her. quite easily be used to fill a smalt hole 140 as operating. Those operating in plaster The paper would past« reported production as 48 4 per said to me “ Making out a statement He was a beast. SuHen.” “Can you tee the woman?” I down over it, too.” for services rendered, by its eager­ cent of th eir group capacity. asked. “Then you think------ ness.” “I f it’s sent out to be cleaned it C urrent new business reported " I ’m not thinking at all. The thing The answer to that was the pen itself, aimed at him with apparent will cause trouble Hang it in the she described may have taken place in by 223 identical m ills was 9.3 pel Timbuctoo. May have happened ten accuracy, and followed bv an outcry closet." « Herbert muttered something about years ago. May be the plot of some cent over production and totaled from him. 9,000.000 feet less than the footage “Here, stop it I” he said. I ve the movies having nothing on us, and book she has read ” was angrily hushed. “On the other hand,” I replied. "I* received the previous week. Ship­ got ink all over me I” “ Now then,” Sperry said in a busi­ is just possible that it was here, in W e laughed consumedly. The sit­ ments for the week were .1 per ting had taken on all the attributes nesslike voice, "you see a dead man. this neighborhood, while we wen- sit­ cent over production. Uroductlon of practical joking. The table no and a young woman with him. Can ting in that room ” you describe the room?” "Have you any idea of the time?" at this group of m ills decreased longer quivered under mv hands. "A small room, hit dressing-room. " I know exactly. It was half-past a*bout 6,500,000 feet under the week "Please be sure you are holding mv He was shaving There is still lather nine.” hands tight. Hold them very tight, before, and totaled 3 million feet, said Miss Jeremy. H e r voice sounded on his face.” At midnight, shortly after "And the woman killed him?” reached home. Sperry called m<- ' ' -he less than the second week. Unfilled faint and far away. H e r head was " I don’t know. Oh, I don't know. phone. "Be careful. Horace," In dropped forward on her chest, and ltd orders Increased about 3,500.000 she suddenly sagged in her chair. No, she didn’t. H e did it I” "Don’t let Mrs Horace think ai i feet. New export business received "H e did it himself?" Sperry broke the circle and coming to has happened. Arthur W elb -<1 There was no answer to that, but himself tonight, shot himself i he during the week was about 9,000,- her. took her pulse. I t was, he re­ a sort of sulky silence. head. I want you to go there with 000 feet less than the volume re­ ported. very rapid. "Are you getting this. Clara?” Mrs. me.” “You can move and talk now if you ported for the previous week. New Dane asked sharply. "Don’t miss a like," he said. “ She’s in trance, and “A rth ur Wells 1” there w ill be no more physical dem­ word. Who knows what this may “Yes. I say, Horace, did you hap domestic cargo orders were over develop into?” pen to notice the time the seance be­ the previous week by about 3,600,- onstrations.” I looked at the secretary, and it was gan tonight ?” Mrs. Dane was the first to speak. 000 feet, new rail business dropped " It was f iv e minutes after nine whe I was looking for my fountain peti clear that she was terrified. I got up approxim ately 3,800,000 feet, while Rulers of Low Prices and Herbert was again examining the and took my chair to her Comm-’ mv watch fell.” back, I picked up my forgotten watch the local-trade stayed approxim ate­ "Then it would have been ahotn stand. 10th <& Willamette— EUGENE— New Schaefers Bldg “I believe it now.” Mrs. Dane said. from the floor It was still going, and half past when the trance began?” ly the same when compared with “I saw your watch go, Horace, but the hands marked nine-thirty. the previous week's business. Dur- "Now ,” Sperry said in a soothing tomorrow I won’t believe it at all. the 47 weeks of 1931 production “H ow about your companion ?" I tone, "you said there was a shot fired for 223 m ills has averaged appro­ shooting. In the opinion of many for all children. It deserves a more xim ately 4 per cent over orders DUCK HUNTING IS prom inent place In the d iet than It received. sportsmen. MARY ROBERTS RINEHART ’fitte r ‘B ox. T ■> SECOND INSTALMENT Christmas Shoppers Ketel’s Drug Store Many Christmas Bargain. Hoffman’s Dry Goods Store C CANDY-- FOR CHRISTM AS! F G G I M A N N ’Q Thursday, Friday and Saturday GIFT DAYS T h e Golden Rule T O BE C O N T IN U E D DECLARED GOOD Surprised and delighted duck and goose hunters are reporting to the Oregon state game commission that there are more m igratory game birds a ll over the state than for many years, nearly all varieties being w ell represented and many sportsmen are reporting lim it bags. Shooting has been good In every section of the state, the Columbia R iver basin reporting am ple sup­ ply of both ducks and geese, while eastern and central Oregon are get­ ting th e ir share and K lam ath, Sum­ mer and other southern Oregon lakes are vielng w ith the bays along the Oregon coast fo r firs t honors. Tagging facilities of the commission In Portland are being taxed to the lim it. An expected poor season for mig ratory w aterfo w l shooting has turn ­ ed out to be a decidedly good sea son, and sportsmen are wondering how much the shortened season as ruled by the Biological Survey, has had to do w ith the condition. The heavy concentration of birds from the north during October and the firs t h alf of Novem ber has had much to do w ith the present good T he last day of the season for 1 now holds,” Mrs W illia m s says. legal shooting of ducks, geese, ( Evidence that the prune can be 260 MEN AT WORK ON b rant and coot is Tuesday, Decem ­ served In many other forms than EMERGENCY PROJECTS ber 15, at sunset and sportsmen stewed Is found in a bulletin called are hurrying to get In th e ir full "The V alue and Use of Prunes," Lane county during the past quota of this sport. T he form er fed­ edited by M rs. W illiam s in which ww'h had 260 men a t work on em­ eral regulation perm itted such she offers 13 receipts for using this ergency road work outside of Eu shooting until the m iddle of Janu­ fru it, as well as a list of menus nnd g< ne. other suggestions for combining T he county had 112 of these men ary. prunes w ith other foods In salads, on the emergency payroll anil the desserts and other dishes. state had th - rem ainder. OREGON PRUNES HIGH The recipes Include, among The county men at a wage- of $2 IN VALUE AS FOOD others, whole wheat prune m uffins, a i ln y work for two weeks and then prune brown betty, spiced prune g l. e way for while to others. The "No m atter how young a prune bread pudding, prune cobbler, state men receive $3 a day and may be, It's always getting prune cake and prune fillin g for work two weeks anil then are off stewed.” cake. for two weeks. T his line from a well-known popular song expresses a fact that Is probably responsible In a large measure for the ra th e r mild en­ thusiasm w ith which many persons T i l l s station is prepared to serve every need of view the prune, according to Mrs. your automobile. W hetiier you want your tank filled Jessamine C. W illiam s, head of the Up with Violet Flay, Anti-knock, or General Ethyl, foods and n litrltlon departm ent of double-powered gasoline, need oil, water, air or a com ­ Oregon State college. plete engine overhaul your car may be left here in HOTEL fcES'D^T ¡FMfi COMPL E TE SER VICE! "T he prune Is a wholesome, nu­ tritious, economical foot), which supplies energy, is a good source of Iron, contains other necessary min erals, contains vitam ins, Is it mild laxitlve, supplements the m ilk diet of Infants, and Is a desirable fru it capable hands. This is the station of complete service. “A ” Street Service Station 5th and A Sts. Springfield, Oregon CONVENIENT.... Located in the heart at the tndfaeee and shop­ ping district. TIhee Media float Tfceeter Row. BCONOMXCJU.____ « AMD «3 P B S DAY FOURTH AMD A LDBS PORTLAND