____ THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY KIGIITII YEAH HPKINGKIKI J>. LANK COI NTY, OREGON TIIITIH IM V DKCK.MBKK IO, IM I _____________________ No. 44 School BOOTH-KELLY MILL SCHOOL VACATION Civic Club Holds M P T H I TIKES YEAR’S WORK IOLD Mission bunds to TAX LEAGUE TO hewer Children Here Remain at Home Christmas Meet RE OPENING SURE SET AT TEN DAYS MEETJONDAY EAfiir C U E LEAD 03466661 Bnptiat Church Women Make Count in Lane Shows Falling Book Review and Discussion Ahtuinl Meeting Held nnd Re­ Declelon to Aid Needy Here Governor'« Tax Commit!«» OU of 198 in Census Since Five-Day Week; Eight Hour Classes Cease Thursday, Dec­ of Holiday in Foreign Land Santa Clara and Pleaeant HUI Tueedey Night October 25 of Last Year Features Session Schedule to Be Effective ember 4, Start Again Mon­ Call« Session at Eugene port Presented from Coun­ Squad« Fall Before On- First of Next Week day, January 4, Report Chamber of Commerce ty Agent's Office for Year Funds belonging to the Mission A falling off ot 198 children of elaught of Local Boys A review of the book, "She Car- Circle of the Baptist church will not lie sent out of the oommunlty, but will be kepi at home for dis­ Committees to b f ‘ ~ed to tribution among the needy people Take Charge of Vi Ac­ or Hprlugflehl and vicinity. It was decided Tuesday evening at a meet­ tivities for Next O ing held at the home nt Mrs. A. J. 1 - x Cowart, Reports ot llii' ucllvltlvt **5^ A program on the work of nite Lane County Agricultural « * * Ion workers In Burma was pres tor the i>u»i year and »uiniii, •ed at the meeting by Mrs. Mel ■>t l he work ot III« county ax* Mrs. W. K G rlffllh. and Mrs county limn« deinoiiatrallon ug«i. .a rlto n . Mrs. W illiam Hi lilt k uml county Four-H club Ittadur were preaenled mi tliu annual in««'» .«1 lb« devotional*. lux ot lb« organisation Monday at lhit Eugene chamber ot coniinHrc«, The following urn the new oftl- cere of the council: Elmo Chase, Eugene, president; O. A. Nlcbola, Cottage drove, vie« prealtlent; I). J. Calvert, tioalien, »«vretary lrnaa urer. ELMO CHASE. PRESIDENT I school age In Leno county Ibis A special meeting called fur the CAMPS REMAIN CLOSED I Springfield school children will i rled a la n te rn lu Her Hand ’ was ' year Is noted In the annual school have ten days vacation tor the ! given by Mrs. David Saltaman, city I VICTORIES ARE DECISIVE purpose ol hearing diacuaslou on ceuaua Just completed and com­ | Christmas and New Year's holidays librarian, at the Christmas meeting the proposed organisation of a Tax piled at tbe office of the county Former Employees of Saw­ It was decided at a meeting of the j of the Civic club which waa h eld . Marcola Cornea Friday; Team Conservation league In Lane eoun ( mill Get Preference in Em­ school board held Monday evening. at tbe Community hall Tuesday I acbool superintendent. ty will he held at llie Kugene t'harn Will Visit Santa Clara There are 14,882 children of ployment; Will Use 100 her of Commerce next Monday eve | . Schools will be closed Thursday evening. Mrs. Julius Fulop gave a 1 , school age In Lane now as com- ( School Next Monday I talk on "Christmas In Hungary ", ulng, December 14. at 7:30. afteipoon, December 24. Christmas Approximately 100 men, nearly pared with 16.080 al thia time last and served some of the native j «ve, and will open again on Janu- The meeting la called by Wm Early indications are that Bpring- i all former employees of the Booth- year. cakes of that country. I ary 4. ¡932. W Harcombe, secretary, for the field high school will have an «ven School children are those be Kelly lumber mill, will return to Mrs. Nina McPherson, chairman Tbe selection ot vacation dates Tax supervising committee named b etftr basketball team than had tween tbe ages of four and 20 years work next week when tbe local of the quilt committee reported th e ' was determined after consultation some lime ago by the governor. been expected according to school »awuilll resume» operations after a whether attending school or not. There will be u general discus wltn principals of the schools and ! completion of four quilts. These | officials and others who have »but-down »Ince July, according to Tbe numerals are those actually have been turned over to needy; slon of tax problem» at the meet they were arranged so as to per­ watched the local players swamp an announcement made this week Ing und a decision as to whether! residing In each school dlatrlct as mit the greatest number ot days j people. their opponents In the first two by Ralph W Martin, assistant man­ nt October 26. A nominating committee consist-1 the proposed tax league should be vacation without extending the sets of games of the season. ager. In charge of operations. Mr- School officials are unable to ac- lime for tbe d oling of school In ing of Mrs. Valentine, Mrs. Catch- organised lu tbe county. Friday evening the Springfield Martin was not sure Ibis morning ing and Mrs. Fulop, was named to i county for the fulling off of num­ the spring. Under tbe present ar­ boys met the Santa Clara team In whether tbe mill would be in readi­ i recommeno officers for the clnb ber of children of acbool age tbla rangement students will have a to­ PREPARATION, THEME a double header game and won ness for operation Monday or Tues­ year. day vacation but will only miss six ' next year. both. The score was 47-11 In the day. but Indicated tbat It would OF CHURCH SERMON The next meeting is to be Janu | actual school days. Had the vaca­ The falling off was practically all first, and 36-12 in the second. probably »tart Monday. ary 12, when new officers w ill) tion started earlier they would Tuesday evening tbe local boys The theme of the 11 o'clock wor­ In Kugene as 176 of the 198 were re­ The plant will operate on a five- have missed another day and hy be elected. Miss Gertrude show., went to Pleasant H ill where the The Eugene count ship service al the Methodist ported her«. day week, eight boura each day. having the classes resume work on 'home demonstration agent will at ) first string team defeated the HIB W. N. Gottler, Commander,* church will lie: "Preparing for Ike thia year shows 4464. Present plana provide for opera­ January 4, the teachers and stu­ i tend the meeting and give a talk, i Billies, 27-18. In the game between Announces Selections at birth of our Klug." The church; tion on the first five days ot tbe dents can take advantage of the the second teams the Pleasant H ill school meets at 9 45 a. in. There Walterville Meeting week with Saturdays off. extra week-end for tbelr vacation. boys won 20-9 from the local high Is much Interest In the prepara­ 18795776 No plans have been made for the Routine business occupied tbe Appointive officers of Springfield ) tions for the Christmas services school team. opening of the camps or the Weodl- balance of the evening for tbe American Leglnu poet number 40 ’ uud Ibere Is work for all hands to ( Six lettermen at the school are ing mill. It Is expected tbat the board members. were announced by W alter N. Uoe ; do. If any one be without a task | being forced hard by newcomer« mill will operate for 60 days at this sler, newly elected commander, at now. let him apply by coming to) who want places on tbe high school time, and there are plenty of lugs the post meeting at W allervllle lust these services and be can find a team. Harold Stevenson, Lloyd In the mill-pond to keep the plant Thursday evening. Frese, Dick Wright, Gordon Hawke, place to work. running that length of time. Tbe They are: Chaplain. W. If. Poll­ Williams, and Hartman are all Tbe Young people have a full Congregation Gathers for Big planer mill at Wendllng will con­ John Henderer to Be Wor­ seeking places as forwards on the ard; hlatorlan, Oswald Olson; ser­ program for tbe Holiday season. Chicken Dinner Preceding tinue to operate on a part-time shipful Master During 1932; 1 team. Gordon Wright, Vern Allen vice officer. Dr. W. N. Dow; serg­ A large attendance Is desired at Annual Meeting basts to fill orders aa It has during eant-al arms, Carl B. Beuaeny; em­ the devotional service at <:3U Sun­ and Stevenson are battling for the Installation Date Set the past summer and fall months. ployment. M A Pohl; membership, day evening at which time plans center poaltlon. while George That Community Relief Depot Is S. G. Moahier. Marion Adams and Mr. Martin, after a meeting of At the annual meeting of Liberty cher, Bruce Squires. Wilson, Mills, W alter N. Gossler, Mr llowland, will be presented for special work Dulls» Murphy were elected trua- Open Every Afternoon; May former employees of the mill Mon­ I Lodge No. 171, A. F. A A. M. held Liles, and Thurman all want to Vern Caldwell. Frank Emerlcb. Mr. In tbe Christmas services. tees at the annual meeting Munday Leave Articles Next Door i Tuesday evening, December 8. the day at the Odd Fellows hall, de­ Plummer, and Elmer Peplol; areo- play guard. nlghl of tbe t'hrlsllan church. Mrs clared that there had not been any following officers were elected to nuuttes. C. A. Hwarts; Amerlcanl- MAKING CANDY FOR Rotund Moahier was re-elected A very extensive ached tile haa Clothing, bedding and shoes are I great Improvement In the lumber serve tbe lodge for 1932; John Hen­ xutlon. itoy Quinsy; Boy Scouts. P. church clerk, and W. A. Taylor- been arranged fo r' the team this needed at the Community Relief situation which would warrant tbe derer, W. M.; Dan Stewart, 8. W .; J. Bartholomew; child welfare. Dr. CHRISTMAS INTERESTING was chosen church treasurer. depot at the present time according I Arthur Baugh, J. W .; C. F. Eggi- year and calls for two and three ! resuming of operations at this time. W. N. Dow; community service. game« a week until the tournament Roland Mushier was elected Sun­ Tbe re-opening of the mill la be to workers In charge. A consider It i was a member. Kev. W illiam Mrs. M. V. W alker. Mrs. W. F. leaves his widow; one daughter, GIVES PROGRAM HERE Mr. Jackson Is a civil war vet­ was made in Laurel Grove ceme­ RESULTS OF WORSHIP Taylor officiated and Interment W alker. Mrs. Levi Neel, and Mrs. Lois Lou. aged three; his parents, eran having enlisted at Paris, tery. W illiam O. Greenleaf, famous for W. H. Hobbs will have charge of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Green; four was made In l-aurel H ill cemetery. IS SERMON SUBJECT Maine, in Co. K. 12th Main Volun Springfield chapel. Poole-Orey- his Imperslnutlons of famous char refreshments. Mrs. Bartholomew. sisters, Mrs. R. B. Wilson. Mrs. teers: he later moved to Minnesota “Worship and Its Results" w ill be aclA-s appeared before llie high Mrs. D. B. Murphy and Mrs. A. J. Charles Bales. Mrs. Lee Tennis, all Bartholomew were In charge. and 21 years ago came to Creswell CHRISTMAS SPIRIT FELT school students nt It) o'clock this Morgan were named on the enter­ of Cottage Grove and Mrs. R. W. IN TH IS COMMUNITY the subject of the morning sermon managing a fruit ranch for some Buchner of Springfield. by Veltle Pruitt, at the Christian inornlug in a monologue presenta­ tainment committee. IUKA OFFICERS ARE years until be sold It and lived re­ tion of Kip Van Winkle. W alter Lee entertained the mem­ Funeral services were held at the tired ever since enjoying a car and Decorated Christmas trees com­ church Sunday morning. Beryl CHOSEN AT MEETING Mr. Greenleaf appeared at Villard bers at the Friday meeting with Poole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel in plete with myriads of small color- i Thomas will sing a solo. good health generally. The evening sermon subject will hall, U. O. Kugene, earlier in the several numbers on his steel guitar. Springfield on Tuesday afternoon ed lights are making their appear Wunda Barnes was chosen presi­ Those present were Mr. and Mrs. at 1:30. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter Ed Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. ance on streets of Springfield this be “1 Am" there w ill be special dent of the Ladles of the U. A. K., week in a presentation of ‘"The officiated and interment was made Steele, Mr. and Mrs. John Martin. week. Large trees have already i music. Iuka Circle, at their regular meet­ Merchant of Venice." He attempts COOKING CLUB HAS The Bible school meets at 9:46 ing last week. Dther officers to Impersonate each of hla char­ MEETING ON TUESDAY In the Mount Vernon cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Hllloston. Mr. and been set up at the Mountain States and the Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Power company office, at Wright's i chosen are Mrs. Kihei Jolllf, senior acters. Mrs. C. E. Hew itt, Mr. and Mrs. C. Tbe evening service starts at 7:31). vice-president; Mrs. Nellie Carr, Members of the Lincoln school DOCTOR LOSES DOG; H. Sedgwick, Mrs. Lou Richard­ furniture store, and at the Irish- Special attention is called to the Murphy store. Doctors offices have Junior vice president; Pearl Know- TH IE F ENTERS ROOMS Four-H cooking club held their re­ JUMPS OUT OF PEN son. Mrs. Geo. Snere. Mr. and Mrs. also decorated small trees, and | forthcoming evangelistic campaign ler. treasurer; Verna Lansdon, pa­ OF RIVER WORKERS gular meeting at the Community C. W. Dixon and Mr. and Mrs. many of the other business firm s ' to be launched here In February. triotic Instructor; Clara Barnes, hall Monday evening with Mrs. i The small black spaniel dog be­ Jackson. have decorated their store fronts Due entire year has been devoted A transient employed to carry In W alter Laxton as their leader. Mrs. ( longing to Dr. W. H. Pollard has conductor; and Leila Clark, guard­ to making preparation» for thia ! with green garlands. wood at the Elite hotel Is Jielleved L. K. Page, club leader was called been missing for two weeks. The ian. CHARACTERS CHOSEN event and the Parrish evangelistic Plans were made for a Christmas to have entered several rooms of away because of illness ot a sister. dog Is about three months old and FOR M. E. CANTATA H. S. ORCHESTRA PLAYS party has been secured to lead the party to be held ut the Kgglmann the hotel occupied by the men mak­ Those attending the meeting has white spots on the tip of each campaign. Confectionery on the next regular ing the survey of the W illamette were May Johnson. Delores Nice, of his feet and on his tail. He FOR THURSTON EVENT Most of the participants In the and to have pocketed articles of Jean Louk, LaMoyne Black. Druc- Jumped out of his pen and was last meeting night. cantata, "The Word Fulfilled” to theirs Monday evening. llle Ogilvie, Coleen Cornell and seen on Main street. A reward has Nearly $30 was received as pro­ PRINCIPAL WOOD GETS be presented at the Methodist Mildred Tuhy. F. G. HAVEMANN TAKES been offered for the return of the church on Wednesday evening, Dec­ ceeds from the play. "Mary Gold'' RESERVE OFFICER’S POST Home for Holidays dog. ember 23, under the direction of ) which was presented at the Thurs­ OVER GROVE BANK Odin Olson has returned to FORMER LIBRARIAN At a regular meeting of the Lane Mrs. Jane Ketels and Mrs. W . H. ton hall last week. Springfield nnd will retnuln until County Chapter, Reserve Officers The Springfield high school or- F. 0 . Havemann, In charge of Pollard, have been selected and PASSES IN NEVADA REBEKAH LODGE PLANS after the Christmas holidays. He chestra, which Is being organized association, held In the Eugene liquidation of the Commercial State work Is well under way on the pro­ FOR CHRISTMAS PARTY has been employed at Bridal Vlel, hank of this city has been appoint­ Word received here this morning duction. Nearly 100 members of and directed by Butord Roach, was Hotel. December 4, Lieutenant Glen Orason. B. Wood was elected vice president ed to take over the liquidation of by Mrs. Fred Louk, secretary of Plans for a Christmas party for the church w ill have parts in the present and played several num- ' hers during the evening. for the ensuing year. Lieutenant the Bank of Cottage Grove which Juanita Rebekah lodge told of the members of the Rebekah lodge production, and the choir w ill be Saw Qaahes Leg Wood has served for the past year failed to open Its doors Monday death at Reno, Nevada, on Decem­ were discussed at the regular meet­ augmented to a membership of 30. Clifford Crabtree sustained a as secretary-treasurer. Captain ¡WORLD PEACE SUBJECT morning. He will have charge of ber 7, of Mrs. Hannah H ill, former ing of that organization Monday Miss Helen High Is directing the painful accident Saturday when a Van Svarverud was elected presi­ both banks and Is -now spending tesldent of Springfield. Mrs. Hill evening. The affair- w ill be held singers and Mrs. Bernice Neher OF METHODIST LADIES drngsaw which he was operating dent. most of his. time In the south Lane will be remembered by her friends on Monday evening. December 21, F ndley Is the accompanist. Ravoll chewed a ragged gash In his leg. World Peace was studied at the city. as an active worker In civic affairs at the lodge rooms. Ernest Black, Sumner will handle special lighting The cut extended to the bone. regular meeting of the Home Mis­ MRS. JARRETT HOSTESS and she was city librarian for many ORwnld Olson, and Elmer Findley effects. sion society of the Methodist y«ars before moving away. were chosen to make necessary ar­ FOR 4-H SEWING CLUB CHRISTMAS CANTATA TO Leave for Cottage Crave— Mrs. church Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. rangements for the function. REV. STIVERS TO GIVE BE GIVEN DECEMBER 20 W alter Daggett and son left Satur­ Wm. O. Hughes was the leader of Members of the Beaver Four-H LECTURE ON EGYPT day for Cottage Orove for a visit TOYS COMPLETED BY sewing club were entertained at the discussion. A Christmas cantata w ill be with friends before returning to CAFETERIA SUPPER TO BAPTIST GUILD GROUP Mrs. Ida Gants and Mrs. Vaughn the home of Mrs. O. H. Jarrett F ri­ Rev. E. V. Stivers, pastor of the given by the choir of the Christian their home at Portland. They spent BE GIVEN ON FRIDAY Thurston church has announced reported on tbelr work as dlrec day afternoon. This group Is com­ church on the evening of Sunday. several days here last week with Mnklng of toys for Christmas posed of first, second, and third A benefit cafeteria supper will that he w ill give a lecture on Egypt tors of the Community relief depot Deeembei 20, It was stated today Mr. Daggett, one of the men work­ boxes was completed at the meet­ during the past week. year club workers. Their next hy Rev. Veltle Pruitt, pastor. The ing on the survey of the W illamette ing of the Aretanla guild of the he given at the Methodist church at the church on the first Sunday in meeting w ill be held at the home name of the cantata and the sing river. Baptist church which met Tuesday Friday evening. The affair Is be­ January. He has just completed of Faye Holveraon on December 16. ers will he announced soon. evening at the home of Mrs. Merle ing sponsored by the ladles of the two lectures on Palastlne. The LOAD OF FIR TREES TAKEN TO CALIFORNIA Drain Rssldsnt Hero— Mrs. A. 1’. Chase. Most of the toys w ill ba church, and proceeds w ill be used puatof made an extended visit to N. O. W. MEMBERS HAVE these countries about a year ago. JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Nllsen of Drain, Is spending the distributed locally among those to pay for completing work on the W illis Bertsch and Norval Foss MEETING WEDNESDAY whose parents are out of employ­ furnace In the parsonage. week here visiting with Mrs. J. II. STARTS GLEE CLUB Dallas People Here >— Mr. and left Sunday evening for Palo Alto, ment. Brumette. Regular meeting of Pine circle Ha» Major Operation— Mrs. Ü. B. Mrs. A. W. Thornton of Dallas California, with a truck load of 740 A girls glee club has been started Christmas trees to sell there. Mr. Neighbors of Woodcraft, was b«M spent the week-end In Springfield Murphy Is recovering nicely from a California Visitors— Mr. and Mr». Qoea to California— Mrs. L. K. at the Lincoln school among the as guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. B Bertsch has made several trips to at the I. O. O. F. hall Wednesday Junior high school students. Mrs. Page left Monday for California to P. C. M iller of Sacramento are visi­ major operation which she under­ Flanery. Mrs. Thornton Is a sister California with trees during the evening. A chill-bean dinner w m went at the Pacific Christian hos­ tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Crystal Male will direct the activi­ be with her sister who Is reported I pre-Christmas season. enjoyed after the buslneea n ts X lM . of Mr. Flanery. pital In Eugene on Monday. D. C. Ogilvie this week. to be very 1 1 1 . ties of the group. LEGION MEMBERS ON COMMITTEES Com m ittee Elected Til« following la the n«w «xecu- live couiinllt«« M. II. Stewart, Ku g in « , J W Maxwell, Irving, C. W. Allen, Vtilu; 8 A. Rusch, Junction City; Mre. II. W Dunn, Junction City; Mr». Ralph I*. Laird, Creswell. It wa» decided at thn meeting to urganlae a Lull« county Farmers' Week »mil« I line In Jauuary when a five day program will lie heltl at th« Eugene chamber of commerce on various farm problems. President Chase will soon ap­ point the various committees that will have charge of the different department ot agricultural work aa Mponsored by the council. The following Is a brief summary of the report ot 0 . H. Fletcher, county agricultural agent. , I Crop Improvement Further Interest In alfalfa was promoted and 18,150 pounds of cer­ tified Grimm alfalfa seed was used In l-aiie county during the year Bowed at the average rale of 12 pounds of seed per acre, this should plant 1,612 acres Four alfalfa lours conducted In May were at tended by 106 Interested farmers. Thirty special farm visits were made to give assistance on alfalfa problems. Circular letters and news articles were also used to pro­ mote Interest In alfalfa. Two addi­ tional demon»! rat Ions on the value of lime In growing alfalfa were started. Three farmers harvested 6,160 pounds of hardy Ohio red clover frmn six fields that were Inspected uml | ussed for seed In the Interest of reestablishing the red clover seed Industry of the county. Fifteen acres of Lailtno clover were certlflced for need. Four demonstrations showed the value of Austrian winter peas for hay In western Lane county A twoucre mixed pasture was started as a demonstration on wet but fertile land. Twenty six varl&tles of wheat and 25 varieties of oats were tested for reHUlAlire to rust In a nursery near ('ilfth m a n lnten«Mt tn Dort field turnips WAS proniottNl In le roast section and tree committeemen were assisted In pooling orders for 52*4 pounds of seed of thin variety. Five acres of Hurbank potatoes on two farms were Inspected and A potato grading school was held with an attendance of 3b. Lim a Rock and F srtllix s ra Twelve Lane county farmers pur­ chased two carloads of lime rock containing a total of U H tons through the office of the county agent. The operators of the Hlack Butte Quicksilver Mine were assisted In Ihelr project to develop the lime de­ posit found In that mine. During 1931, the county agent tested 13# soli samples for #2 farmers to determine their lime re- qirreinents. Western Lano farmers were as slated In pooling orders for nine Ions of superphosphate. Demonstrations on thn Influence of diporphosphate on vnrlous < rops were conducted ns follows: Alfalfa. 4; root crops, 3; potatoes, 2; nnd Lailtno clovor, 1. Weed Control Ihm inistrations on the control of noxious weeds with sodium chlor­ ate slutted In former years were observed and results announced Ihreiig'i circular letters and news articles. » Heventy-three parties purchased 10.222)4 pounds of chlorates at cost through the office of the coun­ ty agent for the control of noxious weedr and other plants. Thirty special demonstration* on eentrol of weeds with chlorates weie itarted In 1931. Eighly-flve farmers attended a demonstration of spraying and dusting equipment for use with chlorate wood killers conducted near Eugene on April 8. Fifty farmers from six communi­ ties look port In n weed control lour conducted In the Wtllakenzle community on June 17 by tho agri- c u ltu ra l c iiin iiiltl.......... W lllakeiizle (Concluded on Page 4) CHOOSES OFFICERS MASONS ELECT Clothing, Bedding i TOESOAYiNIGHT A re Needed Now