The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 03, 1931, Page 4, Image 4

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Famous Hunter Tells
Art of Animal Trapping CIRCUIT
County Court and Chamber
to Seek Cheshire East and
Willamette Projects
Survey as Advocated by Offi­
cials Here Will be Selected
for Siuslaw Extension
How to 9 k i n
With the exception of coon,
There« oue uucertalu thing j small fur bearer should be skin Juilgo G. F. Sklpworth Fixes
about huullng the weather. Mauy 1 lied whole, bv cutting around both Time For Eleven Criminal
a tiiaii lias plan tied for month«, I bind legs below the knee and
and Civil Actione
tied up a considerable sum of itralght across mid ground vent
money In hl« outfit and at uo in I The pelt Is I lien removed mainly
Cgaea fur the tame county cir­
considerable expense got hltn«ulf by peeling the bide from the legs cuit court were set on Ihe docket
to the big game destination only with thumb and tinge, s.
I'l. yeaterdey by Judge U. F Skip-
to find a «lege of untoward climatic tall should be spill down, two worth.
conditions tbat make« bmillug Lui Inches uud the bone pulled out,
The following la the docket pre
possible, t he alternative of mun­ The hide Is then druwu down until pared;
ching the cud of dissatisfaction by fore legs a l e reached, where the
State versus Angus llurblck.
the vtfblu fire is offered In the fact knife Is used Io cut around the feet.
Alice Miller vereue Carlton Speti
that a knowledge of trapping may Mors pulling and III, pelt 1« work eer.
turn an otherwise ruined vacation ed down to the cam mid then the 1 State versus C. Band Bearl Bow
into one of fun and profit.
eyes. Cut dose to the skull so eurs man.
laiuls Horde vereue Winona Hot
The mutter of traps uud other and eye holes will be as small us
puruphernaliu for the game Is possible. When the nose Is reach Mineral Springs.
State versus V. L. Arnold.
best left to the individual choice ed. this should be cut off. leaving
State vereus Joe Daniels.
guided by local condltlone of the the grtatle end of nose on hide The
William II Itunte versus Eugene
fur to be taken. Traps are Import­ pelt will now be fresh side out and
ant, but the lure to be used In their should be placed 011 a stretcher Savings and Loan association
Bearl McAllister versus Brother-
connection Is equally so. Scent made the saute shape as the bide
alone or traps alone are Insuffici­ Tails of opossum anil muskrat hood of Amerlrmi Yoenien
W. E Bost versus laruls Harmon,
ent. He who would run a trap Hue should be cut off.
I'adfle Finance Corporation ver­
must know something of the habits
Trapping ua a pastime or a bust
of game aud this with Judicious > ness really requires study aud sus lamls B. Harmon
Nlrk Andrews versus Oregon
. use of snure. bait and lure, will do much experience. lit thia as In
1 the trick. Be careful iu locating all branches of outdoor life there Bridge and Dredging company.
and making the sets. Du not use are mmiy elements that enter tor
A new machine make« paper
1 too much scent, a few drops are good sportsmanship. Study the
, plenty, uud these near the trap. game laws, don't dealt out the en­ barrels, said to be lighter, stronger,
Commercial sceuls ure on the luar tire family, and remember some­ and cheaper than wiMsleu ulies
kel In great variety at prices that one before you left these for you
rutige up to >1.01) a hottie. The Think of the good fellows to come
home made article will do as well, aoothei day.
lu some cases better. For Ihose
! who perfer to make their own, the
Mlcruporous rubber, which ab­
Quirk Delivery
- following notes will be of Interest.
sorbs moisture up to 60 per cent
Phone Springfield 12I-M
Bait Recipes
by volume, has also been develop
For wolf—Pint of oil. one half ed.
fish, onehalf musk glands and a
little oil of rhedlum. Muskrat scent
glands have the most musk In the
Extension of the Siuslaw highway
east from Cheshire to the Prairie
road and completion of the unim­
proved sap of four to five miles on
the Willamette highway between
Uoshen and Pleasant Hill will be
requests made to the state highway
commission at a meeting in Port­
land Thursday.
Members of the county court will
be supported by a delegation from
^Jane AddamsGets $5,000
the chamber of commerce.
The extension of the Siuslaw
route an planned now will follow
a county road and is the survey
long held as most practical by the
Latte Will Receive $14,746.6V
county court. A few years ago
the proposed extension of the Sius- Board of Health Points Out from Returns on Federal
All-Day Meeting Held Satur­
law to connect with the Pacific Work of Public Worker and
Lands During Past Year
day; Visitors From Crow
highway was planned by the state
Preventative Importance
Have Lecture Hour
Lane county will receive >14.-
highway department to follow a
new route northeast to connect
,t ,g , nch a com pact,„ 1 , ghort
Creswell Grange held an all-day
with the Pacific highway at the |jme since the public nurse has ap- of the receipts from rentals and session Saturday and enjoyed a
turn west of Junction 1 ity.
peared, that some people still think
visit from members of the Crow
The county court strongly pro- of her as „ nOTe„ y and do no, know reserves.
Grange whicu came over 22 strong
tested against this survey as it W|jat she is trying to do. or why
The bulk of this is front the During the morning session the
crossed improved farm land and she
such , place in COIU Cascade and Siuslaw forests and time was devoted to business the
the cost of right-of-way. which munjgj,- life
smaller amounts from the Desch- local grange voting >10 to the
would had to been bought by the
utes and Umpqua forest reserves. Health club lor use In furnishing
county, would run into a consider-
Preventive medicine has made
able sum.
remarkable strides. It is now This amount represents the collec- milk to school children,
tions for the year ending June 31,
fine dinner was served at noon
With the completion of the por- kD0WB ,ha* n,anv human ¿‘»eases 1931.
The lecture hour was turned over
tlon of the Willamette highway and disabilities can be easily cured
The amount to be received by to the Crow Grange which gave ___________
between Goshen and Pleasant Hill or entirely prevented, but doctors
maintenance on this section will cann0‘ K° ‘n‘° ‘he homes of pati- Lane is only exceeded by one coun- two of their competitive playlets
The famous head of Hull House
For fog— To a half pint of lard
be taken over by the state as wttn '?n,s
° ‘her doctors, and it is ty in the state. Grant county re- for entertainment. The lecturer w»n a big cash prize for her work add musk glands and scent bad
said three were in the contest and
sometimes difficult to apply these
other portions of the road.
for international peace. She will | of skunk. If possible In place of
they were bringing the two losers
new discoveries in their own prac­
give the money to the Chicago lard use oil made from the fat of
tice for they may then be accused
skunk or coon. |Note—If you have
could be after such a splendid of­
of looking for a Job. The public-
any value for your domestic rela
health nurse fills the gap between
lions, do not mix this concoction
Friday night the Pleasant Hill session was devoted to further
what the doctor knows and ran do.
111 the wife's kitchen.) For those
and the general public. The need
of you who plan to play the trap­
! to spread this knowledge of dis- coming at the high school g y m n a s - _________________
ping game for the first time, bor
| ease prevention into homes, schools
row a gas mssk when fussing wltb
and work shops is met by the pub­
ibis »tuff. Another suggestion:
served about 11:30.
lic health nurse.
Tip off the board of health tbat
The Misses Verna Wiley. Shir­
Public health nursing activities
The annual meeting of the Lane
nothing serious has happened In
ley Wiley. Josephine Mathews. Iris
j are many and varied. The public
County Agricultural council will be Four-H Members Place in your home.
Wallace all of Portland were down
There is no doubt about the fact health nurse assists the doctor for the Pleasant Hill high school held in the Chamber of Commerce Grain Show at Chicago;
Coon. mink, etc.—Fish oil Is best.
that the dresses we buy ready when the school medical examina-
rooms in Eugene at 1:30 p. m. on
Buttle up some small flah and place j
Freeman, Conley Win
made are much more ornamented “ ‘ ns are made, and later explains
Monday. December 1. Officers for
Jerry Kabler of Yoncalla spent
lu the sun for an hour or so each
with buttons of some sore than to ‘he parents what conditions and
the ensuing year will be elected;
Two Lane county Four-H boys day until an oil terms. Pour off
Thanksgiving with his parents at
they were during the decade fol- defects have been found, convey- Pleasant Hill.
the county agent, the county home > placed as winners in the corn dis-
the oil. The process takes several
lowing the war.
ing the doctor's advice regarding
demonstration agent, and the coun­ I plays at the annual grain show at
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dinges en­
days 1 keep the gas mask handy).
You may buy metal buttons to treatment to them. She is invalu
ty club leader will give reports on
tertained with an oyster supper
Chicago, according to a report re- Other scents used by trappers are
match or to contrast with your “hie in the control of communi-
activities of the past year; plans ! ceived here yesterday.
Saturday night.
Those present
beaver castor, made from the
dress or you may use fabric- cover- cable diseases, aids the health of-
will Lc made for work for the com
were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dinges. ing year, and any other business' L‘‘*’nar" Kre",n“" »» Junction glands and anise otL
ed buttons to match the dress or of “ cers in seeking out the source
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lord. Dale thatn.ay egularly come before the I C,tJr wo" nint" ,ni1 Ernest <-’onle’'
Trapping with halt Is more In­
the contrasting trimming material. of infection, and helps in the or-
Laird. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Beaver. council will be considered.
' of Springfield placed tenth In the teresting from the olfactory point
You may have buttons covered with ganixation of toxin-antitoxin and
Byrl Beaver, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
corn displays entered in the Junior of view and Is conceded to be Just
the material of your dress at no vaccination clinics. She instructs
Every farm organization in Lane
Tivey, Leonard Tivey, Mr. and Mrs.
exhibits for region one of the Pa- as successful. For marten, wild­
very great cost at dress maker ser- ‘n families where there is a case
W. R. Elliott. Frank and Dorothy county is entitled to membership ficic Northwest.
cat. weasel, fox. skunk, opossum,
vice places or with a little dilig- of tuberculosis and. if necessary, Elliott.
in the county agricultural council
coon and mink, use fresh and
ence you may cover them yourself, assists in making arrangements for
On Thursday. December 3. the
bloody tidbits of rabbit, fowl or
meetings and work. Each organl- DO R EN A VOTES $1570
It is best to use wooden button hospital care, sees that those ex-
men of the Cloverdale district are
moulds. but on a pinch you can use posed to tuberculosis are frequent-
FOR OILING OF ROAD fresh meat.
to meet and work on the commun­ zat;on is expected to send one of-
those very inexpensive bone but-1 examined by their doctor or at a
Road district 14. at Dorena. Bat­
ity hall. There will be a covered ficial representative, but should
tons of the sort that are used on clinic so that early trea'ment may
dish dinner at noon served by the he represented by the entire com-1 urday voted 74 to 38 to Rpend,
children's underwear.
be secured should it be required.
mittee that is responsible for the >1570 for oiling the road east from
If your material is very sheer
She looks out for the handicap-
Several young people met at the agricultural work of the organiza- the steel bridge, acording to a re­
you should first pad the buttons ped*and crippled, and when neces- home of Bonnie Jean Tinker Satur­ ton.
turn made to the county clerk's
with a coarse cotton or sheer woo! sarv provides expert advice; she day night and enjoyed games and
material of somewhat the same advises the expectant mother and dancing. Refreshments consisting
Insurance la now being offered
Street Improvements to cost
shade. Cut the padding and the teaches child health training in the of sandwiches, cookies and choco­ newspapers against loss by libel >453.34 were voted in road dis
outside covering In the form of a home and school. She looks after late were served by the girls as­ suits.
trlct, 53, Florence, by 13 to 7.
circle with a diameter nearly twice the child before he enters school, sisted by Mrs. J. A. Phelps, Mrs.
the diameter of the button. Gather always acting under the direction Andy Olson and Mrs. E. B. Tinker.
first around the edge of the pad- of the doctor.
Those present were Lucile Jordan,
Except in emergency it Is im Flqrenee Jordan. Nancy Barnum.
possible for the public health nurse Caryl Lord. Veda Daley. Evlyn
to do bedside nursing; were she to Phelps, Lucetta Baughman, Bonnie
1 do this there would be little time to Jeanne Tinker. Earl McLeod. Har
, reach the general public in her old McLeod, Robert Hammond,
work of teaching preventive meas­ Dwight Brown. Robert Phelps.
ures and hygiene.
Jack Doane. Dick Noble and Harry
Insurance companies and indus­ Barnum. Chaperones were Mr. and
trial corporations recognize the Mrs. Andy Olson. Mrs. Pehrson.
. commercial value of this nursing Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Phelps. Mr. and
I work, and employ many nurses. Mrs. E. B. Tinker.
| The nurse occupies fn life a posi-
j “ on akin to that of the doctor and
I clergyman, and although the inti
macy of her work in the home may
J sometimes reveal the “skeleton in
, the closet’’ these things are not
I disclosed, for they are sacred to
| her.
Hospital training alone does not
prepare a nurse for public health
work; she needs special prepara­
tion through field work under the
supervision and instruction of ex­
ding and slip the button into the perts and
little bag thus formed. Draw up courses in public health nursing
the draw strings and overcast to given in various universities In the
give a flat foundation.
Gather up the button cover with
There Is much health work still
matching thread. Insert the padded to be done and it is probable that
button, and draw up the draw this nursing program Is still hardly
strings, overcast, trimming off any out of its infancy.—State Board of
rough edge, and the button is Helath.
ready to sew into position. Buttons
may be used on cuffs, belts, col­ LOST 20 LBS. OF FAT
lars, or they may follow the diag
onal line of the bodice of the dress
as shown in the sketch.
Mrs. Mae West of St. Louis, Mo.,
writes: "I’m only 28 yrs. old and
weighed 170 lbs. until taking one
box of your Kruschen Salts Just 4
CUSHMAN MONDAY weeks ago. I now weigh 150 lbs. I
also have more energy and further
The Jury in the case of Lane more I've never had a hungry mo­
county versus J. P. Christie was ment.”
Fat folks should take one half
taken to Cushman Monday after­
teasponnful of Kruschen Salts In a
noon to view the land which the glass of hot water every morning
county seeks to condemn as right before breakfast—an 85 cent bottle
of way for the Coast highway. The l“»‘« 6 weeks—you can get Krui-
land Involved is part of a mill site.
a\ , a]i *?rU£kLS ,8'
fully satisfied after the first bottle
but the mill has been burned.
—money back.
The case of Nettle Metcalf ver-
st.s C. W. Johnson was taken under
How could radios affect spark
advisement by Judge G. F. Skip- plugs? Because spark plugs affect­
worth Monday forenoon. The plain­ ed radios, or at least those install­
tiff seeks to recover >1240 paid the ed In autos. So now a plug has been
defendant In cash and hy note for developed which eliminates “spark
slock which It is alleged was Bold plug static” from your auto-radlo
without license.
U.S. Forest Funds
Upper Willamette
Irisih-Murph Co.
Hard Wheat Blend Flour, 49s
Pork & Beans, 4 cans
Kerr Hot Cake Flour, 9 lb.
4-lb. Pail
8-lb. Pail
Lauudry Soap, White Eagle
10 Bars
The Greatest Christmas
... V ALUES ...
will be found in our
Genuine Gold Seal
Floor Coverings
December Sale
Give Her a Beautiful Gas Range
or a Silent Gas Refrigerator
New Low Prices on
Genuine Congoleum Rugs:
9 x 1 2 each
$ 7 .2 5
6 .5 0
4 .7 5
1 8 x 3 6 ru g
< 0
o o
Un-heard-of Low Prices
On New and Used Appliances
3 .8 0
.3 0
Wright & Sons
Northwest Cities Gas Co.