THVRHDAY. DEC KM RFR 8. IM I CRUELTY 18 CHARGE DAMAGES ASKED IN OF WIFE IN DIVORCE CAR ACCIDENT CASE THE HPRINOFIBLD NEWS n o t ic e of eale of REAL PROPERTY T E A C H E R S * E X A M IN A T IO N S McKenzie Valley Thurston Creiwell Teachers' examination» for on«- in the matter of the eh year, five-year and life certificates ---------- T A T E O F MARY I K H I'R L - will be held at the County Court room commencing on Wednesday. I Bob Marx of WaJ'orvllle Injured Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hart left for Cruel and Inhuman treatment are BURT. D eceased "Better than Uold" a tbr««-act General ilaniagea of fjiniu and N O TIt K 18 HKHEBY G IVEN December 16th at 9:00 A. M. and: his ankle Saturday when as he was San Francisco last Tuesday night, royalty comedy drama was pres­ »pedal damagea of 8300 are »ought alleged In a divorce complaint , ,, . , that by virtu» of an order In the will last four day» Those who wlah y Cour, #r |unty, Ore- to tuke the examination» should : cutting wood be struck his foot in response to a telegram from the ented Friday evading at tke W . O. In a null (lied In circuit court Frl filed In circuit court Wednesday day In which Minnie M. Haggard by Eleanor Davidson against her gon, made on the 24tli day of Nov- send at once for a schedule show­ with tbe sxe Inflicting a bad gash hospital there saying their son W. hall to a banner house hy mem­ brings action ugalnat Paul Hoppe. husband Murray G. Davidson. Tbe ember. A D . 1931, In the matter ing the time each subject Is to be , Mias Evangeline Christensen of Clyde Hart, who was In the avia bers of the Methodist church and | Deerhorn school. Miss Ellen John Gon corps station at the Phlllp- Ladies auxiliary. The meeting waa married at Reno, Nevada, *?f *•“ ' Mary I. E •lu r*' taken. Address’ The plaintiff afaloa that October couple ,. . _ „ ...... . . . . . hurt, deceaaed. the undersigned E J. MOORE Co School Supt. son. Miss Haxel Delong of leaburg pine Islands, had arrived there and centered around a southern moun­ February 8, 1929. and have no chll ,,llly ap|a,lnfwl ,iua|lri,.d and act. IN Inal she was a pnasenger In tbe It 10 and Miss Delong of Vida returned waa very III. He had to have his tain horn«, a pretty romance invol­ A Ix a u tllu l alni »»elusive lilla of car of Fred Bickford ou the Mea- dr*«- Ing administratrix of the aald es- for their school work here Munday right log amputated at the hip ving three couples, without eertoua The plaintiff elates that her hue ¡tale, will on and after 'he 28th day Cbrlattiius Carila are miw mi ili» dowvlcw road and this car was N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S A. D., 1931. offer for N O T IC E IH H E R E B Y G IV E N : evening after spending the four-day Joint. The Injury was caused by plot, promoting a pleasing story play a l Ih * News u nii'«, struck by one driven by the d«- < hand haa an ungovernabla temper sale December, end sell at private sei» for and that ahe was forced to leave ash, or for cash and credit at cord That Frank Aldrich haa been ap­ Thanksgiving vacation at their hurting his leg while playing baa- at well aa helpful morale. The (endunl. pointed administrator of 'he estate ketball. He came through the decorations were attractive, the N O T IC I him April 10. 1929 lug to law. the following described of Sarah Guthrie Aldrich, deceaaed. homes In Portland and Dallas. O F F IN A L S k T T L E M E N T W ilfred Praxes of Leaburg, re- jperallon and after having a trans fireplace of artistic design of stone real propeiiv belonging to -uld es­ hy the County Court of Eugene, Account of Estate Filed— Order I A d m in istrator le Appointed — late. and all of the right, title aud Lane County. Oregon AB persons turned to Corvallis Sunday night fusion of two quarts of blood he deserving special mention. Tbe In (Ita Cnuuty Court (or III» d ia lo of flnul settlement of the probate mte,«st of the deceased therein, to- h-itlng claims against said estate where be Is majoring In agriculture .» getting aloug better than was players seemed to have perfected of (be estate of Joaapli Leuiinuu* i Frank Aldrich haa been appointed wlt: of Oregon (or Lan» Cnuuty. are required to present them, with ' expected. Mrs. Hart returned i heir adaption to the part played, administrator of tbe probate of the Ili III» M u ltv r of III» Estui» of was filed Saturday. The Wit of the W H of the N. the proper vouchers, within six at Oregon State college. Frank A. litiliurdsun, ilecoased. George M arx spent tne week home Saturday, but Mr. Hart will and with clear enunciation made «state of Marsh Guihrle Aldrich. E.*4, except a 40 foot atrip to months from the 3rd day of Decem­ M olli» la huruby glveu tliat Ih» Lane County, all In Lection 33, ber. 1931. to the aald administra­ end In Portland as the guest of his remain with him for some time the hearing easy and fascinating. Army Discharge Filed — United Tha eatate uni m ills to 11600 In real iii.derslgiicil »xi'i'Ulor bua (Iloti Township 19, South Range 3 tor at the law office of L. L. Ray. friend Jack Bryan. yet. A hobo stunt by Winters Wallace liurulu Ilio (Inai uccouiil uud liuti Htutea uruiy discharge of Frank K. property. West of the W illamette M< rid lan In the Miner Building. Eugene. Ore­ Many Thanksgiving family-group N e lt Sunday Rev. Stivers plans and H. M. Traxler. mostly panto­ III» Court boa uppnllitotl Tuusday, Lightfoot of Oakridge wax filed containing 40 acres of land. In gon. Ihii'uiulitir lfal ti. 1931, a l »lev» i for record al the office of the coun­ Account of Estate Filed— F in a l I ul ne County, State of Oregon. FRANK ALDRICH. Adminis­ dinners were celebrated In thia sec- , o continue his lecture on the Holy mime acting of a preparation «'clock In tb» (orminoli ai ih» Also the E H of NW>4 of NE>4 account of the prohat» of the es­ trator of the Estate of Sarah Gon this year. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Land of Palestine. He spent some of a dinner, with a live chicken In ty clerk Wednesday. Cnuuty Cnurl linoni tu tb» Court In Section 33. Townahlp 19, Guthrie Aldrich, deceased. tate of George it. Olcott was filed Hucka and family of Fall Creek ,ime visiting this land a few years evidence, was a comedy to the re­ lloua» ut Eugeiiu, Orvgou, a» Ib» Koutli Runge 3 West of the W il­ L. L. RAY. Attorney for Estate. Wednesday. were guests at the borne of Mr and lgo Thurston church under Mr. gular play. Opening and Intermla- lini» unti piare (or beuiìng ni ob SUM M ONS lamette Meridian, containing 2o ID 3-10 17 24 311 lattimi» lo aulii (litui accolliti ami Mrs. W illiam Hucka at Deerhorn. | stivers, preaching lias planned to ■lons were ably filled with attrac­ acres of land. In lume County, III» Buttlt'inent iti aulii »»lui». All IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT GF T H E Mr. and Mrs. J. D. H a rrill enter­ raise 950 (or missionary work by tive musical selection«. Mrs. W. E. State of Oregon. Notarial Commission Filed - The N O T IC E OF SA L E O F C H A T T E L STA TE GF OREGON FOR paratoia Interealad uiay uppaur al That aald sale will take place at McKay violin artist, playing old notarial commission of H. H Earle the office of A. J Mi Ky at the cor­ U N O E R PO SSESSO RY STO RAG E tained a number of relatives at next Easter. l-A N F CO UNTY »uld tini» unii placo and (Ilo objuc- L IE N . their home in Deerhorn. Mr. and time melodies with Mrs. C. I. Kent Ronald ('. Gilstrap, Plaintiff, va. was filed for record Saturday at ner of W illam ette Street and tlona II any tlioy bave. Miss Mildred Price who is leach­ Take Notice that A. H. Pobll, re­ Mrs. Z. C. Potter of W altervllle accompanying. Miss Doris Trefren Ilalttd November 12, 1931. Phyllis Gilstrap. Defendant. Eighth Avenue Kaat In Eugene. the office of the county clerk. ing at The lyalles arrived last Wed- siding at Creswell. Oregon, claims 14ine County. Oregon. singing two delightful solos ac­ were entertained at tbe home of ii i. u n ii kftM O N , ■ » t m-n IN T H E NAM E O F T H E S TA TE nesrlay night and spent Thanksgiv­ Thia notice la published In the a lien on the chattels hereinafter thel rsoo, Wesley. In Eugene. uatato of Frutta A. Itlcburdaou O F OREGON: You are hereby re­ companied by Miss Vivian Ogram ing holidays with her parents here. Springfield News, a weekly newa- mentioned for storage furnished N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S quired to appear and answer tbe doct'uaotl and Francis Everson, violinist upon Mrs. Arch Shough and daughter. paper of general ctrcnlatloa pub­ C. 11. SEDGWICK, Croawoll, complaint filed ugalnat you In the One Durant Touring Car Model playing several classic and har­ Notice la hereby given that the lished at Springfield. I^ane County, above enlltlad suit within 'lx tira.. Atloruey (or vaiala. Patty, who have been in Eastern A No C 4725 Motor number 61825. TEACHERS TESTS TO monious selections accompanied by weeks from the date of the first undersigned by order of the County O regon. Dale of flrat publication (N 12 19 26 I» 3-1(1* t.regon for some time are visiting One Harley Davidson Motor BE HELD THIS MONTH publication of thia summons and Court of the State of Oregon for November 26th, 1931. bis sister. Mrs. Phil Nordllng of cycle No. 24 JD 11515. here witii her parents. Mr. and B EA TR IC E W A88O M . Admin­ If you fall to appear or answer for lame County entered on the 1st Eugene. The total receipts were which storage was furnished and day of December. 1931, have been istratrix of the Eatate of Mary Semi-annual teachers' examlna- Mrs. John Price. Others who vlslt- N O T IC E OF H E A R IN G ON waul lli .r - o l Un- plulntlff will ap performed upon said chattels at .be over forty dollars. Mrs. W. O. appointed Joint uilinlnlatratora of I. E. Hurlburt. Deceased. F IN A L A C C O U N T ply to Ilia court for lb« relief aa residence of said claimant from tlons will be held In Lane county "<* Thanksgiving day at the Price Spencer was director of the cast IN 26— 1) 3 10-17 24) prayed for In (he complaint, to­ the estate of Charles B Blanton, home were, Mr. and Mrs. Oran September 19. 1931, to and Includ­ courtroom for four-days starting AB persona having IN T H E CO UN TY CO URT O F T H E w n : That tbe marriage relation deceased. and the play could worthily com­ ing November 27th. 1931, at the UTA TK O F t.REGON F o il T IIE existing betwei n the plaintiff and claims against aald estate are here­ N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE request of John Netawanger of Wednesday. December 16. accord­ Palmer from Elmira, Mr. and Mrs. mand the pleasure of neighboring ON E X E C U T IO N by notified to present the same Perry Price from Eugene, Mrs. Jen- ing to announcement at the office CO UN TY OF L A N E defendant be dissolved, and such NO TIC E Is hereby given that by Creswell, Oregon, the reputed own­ tie Edmiston, from Eugene, W alter towns. IN T H E M A T T E R OF T H E ES­ other relief aa (o the court may duly verified and with vouchers attached to tbe undersigned at the virtue of an execution Issued out er 'hereof and reputed lawful pos­ of E. J. Moore, county superintend­ T A T E O F JOHN McGUIRE. Do appear equitable. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McDermott Platt, and sons, Carl, Kenneth and sessor thereof ent of schools. law office of Gordon 8. Wells In ibe of the Circuit Court of the State of coaaod. The order directing the service Miner Building. Eugene. Oregon, Oregon for Lane County, Oregon, on of Yakima, Washington, visited Mr. That the charge for said storage Roy, and Miss Mildred Price from The other semi-annual examina­ N O TIC E IH H ER EB Y G IVEN : of thia summons by the publication within alx months from the date the 7th day of November, 1931, In during said period is 925.00 which and Mrs. Wm. D. Sedgwick Satur tion is held in June. Compared to Tbe Dalles. I bat tbv undersigned, aa « » » t utrix thereof la dated August 141 h, 1931, of the flrat publication of thia no an action In which Dora M John Is a reasonable charge therefor. day at the home of Mr. and Mrs ol tb« Lust W ill ttntl Testament of and dlrerta publication once each ties. John Edmiston and daughter. That the name of the reputed these examinations In the past but son. was the plaintiff and W Stager N. E. Steele, having dinner there. John McGuire, deceased. haa (Hod week for alx successive weeks, owner of said car and cycle or the few make application now as most Hazel, returned Sunday evening The date of first publication of and Ellen B Stager, were defend­ Mr. McDermott Is a scout execu­ bar account (or tbu dual aottleiutinl that you appear aud answer within Ibis notice la December 3, 1931. reputed lawful possensor thereof Is teachers obtain certificates through from spending Thanksgiving holi­ ants, In which action the plaintiff of aald decedents estate In tbv alx (reeks from date of flrat publi­ J 8, BLANTON. recovered Judgment against the de­ John Nelswanger of Creswell, Ore- graduation from accredited schools days at Port Orford, while there tive in his home district. Mrs. Mc­ County Cnurl for lama (lounty, cation. and the first publication of ALICE BLANTO N. Joint ad­ fendants for 915.69, with Interest | Dermott and Mrs. Sedgwick were Oregon, uud (but Saturday the 12lli aald auminona la October 29th. 1931 That the amount claimed to be and colleges where this examlna tney went out over the bar and ministrators of the eatate of thereon from the 7th day of Nov­ old time college mates at Oregon c N JO HNSTO N. Attorney day of December, 193», at the Court tlon Is not required. saw the big whale which' has been due said claimant is 925 00 That a Charles B. Blanton, deceaaed ember. 1931. at the rate of 6% per State college. Room of auld Court In tb« County for (be Plaintiff: Residence (D 3-10-17 24 31) there for several years. They visit­ annum to the date of the payment particular description of said chat­ Eugene. Oregon. Court llnua«. In Eugene at lb« hour Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Lacey enter­ of said Judgment; and the further tels Is as follows: ed Mr. and Mrs. Ted Turel. (O 29-- N 5 12 1 9 26“ !) 3 10) of tan o'clock In tba (orouoon. baa One Durant Touring Car Model SMALL PERCENTAGE OF sum of 99.20 costs which said exe­ tained Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Thomp­ Mrs. John Edmiston and son. been 11 n il li) »aid Court uh lb« A No C 4725 Motor No. 61.823. IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E cution was to me directed and com­ FOREST FIRES MAN MADE James, took Thanksgiving dinner son and family of Eugene r t din­ tlm« and place for bearing objec _______ One Harley Davidson Motor N O T IC E O F SA L E STA TE OF OREGON FOR manded me In the name of the State Ilona tberatn. and for tba aettle Cycle No. 24 JD 11515 LANE COUNTY of Oregon, to levy upon the pro­ The district forester's office at I ln Sprlngliel* with her sister. Mrs. ner Thanksgiving day. menl thereof. That said chattels will be sold IN T H E CO UNTY COURT OF T H E perty of the defendants In ordei Mr. and Mrs. J. R. M iller enter­ i Stella McPherson. S TA TE OF OREGON FOR JACK Charles Nichols. Plaintiff, vs. Phyl­ to aattafy said Judgment. Interest, at public auction on the 18th day Roseburg has made the following B ER TH A L llC ItG IIA ltO T . Mr. ar.d Mrs. D. O. Baugb and tained Mr. and Mrs. Melvin M iller lis Nichols, Defendant. Summons. of December, 1931. at the residence Executrix of tb» Laal W ill autl SON COUNTY report on fires in the Umpqua for- costs and accruing costa. I have To Phyllis Nichols, Defendant: of said claimant, A. H Pohll. one est and adjoining forested lands M r and Mrs 118y Bau« h' son and family of Creswell and Mrs. Teataini-ut of John McGuire, In the M a tte r of the Estate of C arl IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STA TE levied upon the following described mile north of Creswell, Oregon, on H enry Grossman, Deceaaed deceaaed. real property of the defendants In during the past summer: lla rry ' Ella, ate turkey K. V. M iller of Eugene at Thanks OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ the east side of the Pacific High­ Notice la hereby given that In L, L. HAY. Attorney for Estate. Lane county. Oregasi, to-wlt: Many (ires occurred both on iast Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. giving dinner. quired to appear and answer the pursuance to an order of tbe above (N 12 1# 26 1) 3-10) Beginning at a point In the way in I-ane County. Oregon, at government and privately owned s,aniey BaUBh a‘ Donna' ■ nfitled court made In tbe above complaint filed against you In the one o'clock P. M. said day. Mr. and Mrs. H arry Bush and South Line of the County road That this notice Is given pursu­ land entll'ed matter on November 3, 19 above entitled suit on or before Some were lightning fires, Miss Cora Calvert from Eugene family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bush, known aa the Lorane highway, be­ four weeks from date of tbe first N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S 31. ibe undersigned, administratrix ing County road No. 946. directly ant to section 51-404 Oregon Code but most of them were man-caused spent the Thanksgiving vacation Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bush and fam­ Nolle« la hereby given that the of aald estate will aell the premises publication of this summous, or for aouth of the North East corner Annotated 1930. want thereof tbe plaintiff will take ily, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McKay, That the proceeda of said sale —either wilful or accidental. Aside w' alx months from the date of tb« Jr. D L. C No. 74. township 17, 8. Court, made November 4th, 1931, gon. of the sudden serious illness of (IraLpublliutlou of tbla notice. Date It. 3W. of W. M In lain» County, and first published on November NOW T H E R E F O R E IN T H E two protection agencies, however, Leslie W illiams who had met with of drat publication hereof la N V- Oregon, containing 1 acre, more or 6lh, 1931. SUM M ON8 NA M E OF T H E S T A T E O F ORE report that this Incendiarism Is not a severe heart attack. leas. cnt he l 12. 1331. IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E GON, and In compliance with said FRAN K B. REID. Attorney for SUSIE E. HEAD. Adiutnlatra O LIV E A M cK IN NIS. S TA TE OR OREGON FOR LANE widespread but confined to a very The Civic Improvement club A party was sponsored Thurs­ Plaintiff. Residence and Post execution and In order to satisfy trlx of tb« eetale of Huale Vod Administratrix few localities and in tbe case of CO UNTY. said Judgment. Interest, costs and Office Address, Eugene, Ore­ day eveniDg by the Epworth Lea­ were aroused Tuesday afternoon jau sky, deceased. 1N3 12 19 26 D3| accruing costs. I will on Friday the i Stusie M. Bucknum. Plaintiff, vs the forest service Is almost entire­ gon. _______ IN 12 19 26 H 3 10)_______ C. F. Mickelson. C. F. Mickelson ly confined to the immediate vieJ gue of the Methodist Episcopal with a splendid address by Mrs. 18th day of December at the hour (N 5-12-1926 D 3) N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N I church. About 35 attended. A de­ Geo. P. Winchell of Eugene who us Administrator of the Estate of of 10:00 o'clock ln the forenoon of Deparm ent of the In te rio r Hattie B. Mickelson. Deceased, inity of Drew said day at the Southwest front lightful time was had. after which spoke on the coming disarmament N O T IC E General laind Office at Roseburg. “On the whole people are grow­ Melba V. Gilbert. Rupert T. Gil­ door of the County Court House in refreshments were served. The lea­ conference. She liberally respond O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE Oregon, November 16th. 1931. bert, W aiter B. Arp. and Jane ing more careful with fire and less Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, of­ Notice Is hereby glveu that by fer for sale and sell at public auc­ Arp. bis wife. Bank of Commerce, tolerant of the wilful efforts on the gue which was organized this fall, ed to questions following her ad­ N O T IC E la hereby given that is flourishing rapidly under the dress. The club voted to make a a corporation. Ed Zlniker and J. Nellie Adama. of Leaburg, Oregon, virtue of au execution and order tion for cash to the highest bidder, part of a few to burn up forested G. Beddo. Defendants. who. on April 22. 1930, made Hoine- of sale Issued out of the Circuit subject to redemption as provided special contribution to the State leadership of Ben Adair. steiul entrv. Serial, No. 019309, for Court of tbe State of Oregon for by law. all the right, title and in­ To W alter B. Arp and Jane Arp, areas. Student loan fund. Mrs. C. W. JEWELER N E le. Section 24. Township 16 8. Lane County, October 28, 1931. up­ terest of the said defendants In and his wife. Defendants: "Thinking people, and especially The West Point Grange held its Repairing u Specialty In the Name of the State of Ore­ the folks who enjoy going on camp- homecoming last Friday evening Dixon, chairman of the social com Runge I E, W illamette Meridian, on and pursuant to a decree madu to said premises and all parties mittee. announced a Christmas i haa filed notice of Intention to by said Court Ocluoer 27, 1931, In claiming hy, through or under them gon : You and each of you are here Ing, hunting, and fishing trips are large crowd was present at a Springfield, Oregon make final three year I*roof. to u suit pending therein In which since the 7th day of November. by required to appear and answer party to be beld Monday evening the complaint of plaintiff Died beginning to realize more each business meeting and election of December 14 at tbe club house establish claim to the land above Mary E. Hostlck was plaintiff and 1931. Dated this 9th day of November. against you In the above entitled year that without forests and officers. A program was presented described, before E O. Iramel, U. 8. George F. Hostlck. M yrtle F. Bos­ tick, The Commercial State Bunk 1931. court and cause, on or before the streams vacation would be much after which a lunch was served, opening with a pot luck supper at Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Commlaainner. at Eugene. Oregon, of 6:30. Ladies present were Mrs. Ed Springfield, a corporation, and H. L. BOW N. Sheriff of Lane expiration of the time prescribed ln mi the 22nd day of December. 1931. N aturop ath ic Physician Games were played. A good time Anderson, Mrs. Thos Brown, Mrs. A. A. Schramm, State Superintend the order of publication, to-wlt: On less enjoyable.” County. Oregon Claimant name» aa witnesses: I'hono 9 1 J ------------------------------ was enjoyed by all. By A. E HULEGAARD. Deputy. or before the expiration of four W illiam Shaming, of Vida. Ore­ ent of Banks, were defendants, V. O. Clack, Mrs. C. J. Crittenden which execution and order of sale weeks from the date of first publi­ (N 19 26— D 3-10-17) Hillsboro— The acreage of hairy Miss Ada Zlnser, teacher In the gon. Office Hours: 1 to & I*. M cation of this summuna. and if you vetch harvested by Washington first grade school at Albany, re­ Mrs. G. H. Davidson. Mrs. T. P. Guy Jonee, W alter Millican, and was to me directed und commund 406 Fourth Street SUMMONS Jackson. Mrs. A. H. Gillette, Mrs fail to answer, for want thereof Frank Jones, of Leaburg. Oregon. ed me to sell the real property hereinafter descru.« u to satisfy cer­ IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E plaintiff will apply to the court tor county farmers next year will be turned home Sunday after spend- Hattie Groshong, Mrs. M. A. Horn. ROBERT E. CRAW FORD. greater than in any previous year, | Thanksgiving with relatives Acting Register. tain Hens und charges In said de­ S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E the relief prayed for In the com­ Mrs. C. W. Dixon, Hrs. C. 1. Kent, CO UN TY O F LANE cree specified, I will, on Saturday, says W. F. Cyrus, county agent here. plaint, to-wlt: (N 19 2«— D 3-10-17» Universal Mortgage Corp. Mrs. Jos. Kirkham. Mrs. F. D. Charles Cleineuts, plaintiff, vs Jean Ibe 5th duy of December, 1931, at That plaintiff have Judgment The low price of grain and the Miss June Goodal. teacher in the Lacey. Mrs. John Martin, Mrs. W. Flanigan, defendant. the hour of one o'clock P. M. at tbe against defendants C. F. Mickelson N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S rather small contract price being h ^h school, returned Sunday even E. Nason. Mrs. W. W. Parsons. TO JEAN FLA N IG A N , D E F E N D ­ Notice Is hereby given that the southwest door of the County ANT, AND TO IN U S FLA NIG A N, and C. F. Mickelson as Administra­ offered for Austrian field peas has after spending the Thanksglv Court House in Eugene. Lace Coun­ tor of the Estate of Hattie B. M ick­ Mrs. Lou Richardson. Mrs. E. A. undersigned has been by the Coun HIS G U A R D IA N : W. P. Tyaon, Agent ty, Oregon, offer for sale aud sell brought about an increased Inter ¡ng vacation with her parents in elson. Deceased, for the principal ty Court of the State of Oregon for Schwerlng, Mrs. C. H Sedgwick. IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STATE 126 E St. Phone M W lame County appointed admlniatra at public auctin for cash, subject OF OREGON, You are hereby re­ sum of 91800.00 with interest at est in hairy vetch as a seed crop. Newberg. Mrs. Geo. Snere, Mrs. W. O. Spen- to ledemptlou as provided by law, 7% per annum from March 1. 1931. trlx of the estate of Hugh Morrison, Mrs. Hazel Asburn spent cer, Mrs. N. E. Steele, Mrs. J. S. quired to appear and answer tbe and the following sums with Inter he says. all of the right, tL e and Interest deceased. All persons having omplalnt which has been filed a- Thanksgiving with her son. Grigg. Tay,or Mn) c ,ara T raxler, Mrg. claims against said estate may pre­ of the defendants in said suit and gainst the above named defendant, est at 120fr per annum from the fol­ General Law Practice N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA L E of all parties claiming by, through lowing dates for taxes paid, to-wlt: In Portland. sent such claims duly verified and Ethel Treanor, Mrs. S. D. Trefren, Jean Flanigan, within (our weeks R EA L PROPERTY 961.74. November 5. 1928. with vouchers attached to the un­ or under them or any of them since from the date of the first publica­ I. M. PETERSON Mrs. Frank Viles, Mrs. J. M. Walk NO TIC E is hereby given that by . A , the 13th day of July, 1929, In or to 9115.00. November 5. 1928. dersigned at the law office of virtue of an execution and order of Account of Estate Filed— Final up. Mrs. Clyde Wright. Mrs. Ralph Atlorney-ut-Iaiw tion of thia summons, and If you the following described real prop- 952.65. May 4, 1929. Gordon 8. Wells, Miner Building. sale issued out of the Circuit Court account of the probate of the es- Yoder and Mra. Roy Sadders. City Hall Building All that part of the Northeast fail to so appear and answer for 956.81. February 20, 1930. Eugene, Oregon, within six months want thereof the plaintiff will take of the State of Oregon for Lane tate of W illiam J. Benninger was erty, to-wlt: 944.07, November 3. 1930, of the date of the first publication Springfield, Oregon a decree against you for the relief quarter of the Northeast quarter County the 19th day of November.: f i|ej Friday. 947.39. May 5. 1931. of thia notice. This notice la first ____________ __ -and the lots numbered one, two as prayed for In his complaint, to- and 9200.00 reasonable attorney 1931, upon and pursuant to a decree W hat is said to be the earliest published November 5, 1931. wlt: For a Judgement against the and three of section 15, iu town­ fees and the costs and disburse duly given and made by said Court English silver table fork, made In ANNA VAUGHN, Admlrlslra- above named Jean Flanigan In the the 18th day of November. 1931, in An explosion of a gas tank near ship 17. south, range 3 west of menls of this suit and that said FRANK A. DE PUE Irlx of the eatnte of Hugh Mor­ the W lllum ette Meridian. In Lane sum of One Thousand Dollars, to­ sums lie decreed a first lien against a suit pending therein ln which Thomas Cogshaii. British war vet- 1632, Is exhibited at the Victoria A T T O R N E Y A T LAW rison, deceased. County, Oregon, which lies west gether with Interest thereon at the the property described in plaintiff's Fred J. Stewart and L illie Stewart eran_ restored his hearing which ht> and Albert museum. South Kens­ (N 5-12 19-26— D 3) N O T A R Y P U B L IC were plaintiffs and Betty A. Bel . . . ... ... . ,v of the Deadmond Slough, and In­ rate of eight per cent per annum I mortp ,ge, to-wlt: ington. cluding all of the Deadmond Is­ from the 9th day of February. 19 Boginning at a point 60 feet Inger. Leo Tucker and Beatrice liad l08t through shell shock. Springfield Sutton 31, and the further sum of 9135.00 land and extending to the center east of the northwest corner of Tucker were defendants, which exe N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S S A L E Oregon Building of said Deadmond Slough; also as a reasonable attorney's fee, and Lot 6 In Block 26 ln Fairmont, cution and order of sale was to me REAL PROPERTY his costs and disbursements here­ now a part of the City of Eugene. directed and commanded me to sell the ferry boat and cable used as NO TIC E Is hereby given that by in. and for a decree that the mort­ Lane County, Oregon, according the real property hereinafter des­ access thereto and all the appur virtue of an execution Issued nut gage of tho plaintiff be foreclosed to the original plat thereof and cribed to satisfy certain Hens and teuances belonging to said prem­ of the Circuit Court of the State of and the real property described running thence east to a point charges In said decree specified. I ises and said ferry boat; also Oregon for Multnomah County this 53 and 1-3 feet west of the west will on 2nd Saturday, the 2nd day Beginning at a point In the therein, to-wlt: 16lh day of November. 1931, In a line of the alley running north day of January. 1932. at the hour south line of the Abraham Land­ The north half of Donation suit pending therein In which and south through said block: of 10:00 o’clock A. M.. at the south es und wife Donation l4»nil Claim Land Claim No. 43, Notf. No.32 Frank L. Blewett, Executor of the 88 In Sections ten and fifteen thence south 110 feet; thence west door of the County Court No. 45. Notf. 6128 In township 17 Estate of John II. Blewett, de­ west to a point 60 feet east of the House ln Eugene. Lane County, South, range 3 west of the W ill­ Township 18. 9. R. 3 West of the ceased, was plaintiff and Marlon west line of said block, and Oregon, offer for sale and sell al amette Meredlan 28.03 chains W illam ette Meridian, In Lane Formerly Walker-Poole II. Day, Mary M. Day and Jennie E. thence north, to the place of be­ nubile auction for cash, subject to west of the most easterly south­ County, Oregon, and being the Marsh were defendanta. which exe­ ginning, together with the tene­ redemption as provided by law. all east corner of said claim, and North half of the D. L. C. of cution wns to me directed and com­ EUG ENE— ltth 8PR INGF1HLD ments, hereditaments and appur­ of the right, title and Interest of running thence north parallel George M. Ct ryell the same con­ manded me to sell the real pro­ tenances thereunto appertaining, the defendants ln said suit and of m d Charnelton, 228 Main taining 160.23 acres of land, more with the east line of said claim perty hereinafter described to satis­ or less. In said County and State; superior to any title. Interest or all parties claiming by, through or 27.64 chains to the north line Telephone 723 Phone K2-J fy certain liens and charges speci­ claim of defendants herein or under them or any of them since , Also beginning at the south thereof, thence east 20 feet, fied, I will on Saturday the 19 day any of them, and that said mort­ the 6th day of June. 1930, In or to west corner of Donation Land thence south parallel with the said of December. 1931, at the hour of gage be foreclosed and said prem the following described real prop­ Claim No. 59 In Tp. 18 S. R. 3 east line 27.64 chains and thence 10 o'clock A. M. at the southwest ises sold by the sheriff and the erty. to-wlt: GOLEERit Wil'H West of the W illamette Meridian west 20 feet to the place of be­ door of the County Court House In Beginning at a point on the ; and run thence North 12.38 chains said Judgment and the expenses of É iî’i ginning, all being a part of said Eugene. I4»ne County. Oregon, of­ East side of County road Number proceeds applied to the payment to right of way. thence west 8 Donation Land Claim No. 46 In fer for sale and sell at public auc­ 33. 90 feet East of the center of said Judgment and the expen­ chains and 1 1-3 links, thence l4tne County. State of Oregon; tion for rush, subject to redemp­ of the S. P. Railroad Track on ses of sale; and that defendants south 67 Unas, thence east 8 also the right to set and perpet­ tion ns provided by law. all of the tjie South line of "D” Street In and all persons claiming under chnlns 1 1-3 links and thence ually maintain a high post for right, title and Interest of the de­ the town of Goshen, thence them he forever barred and fore­ North 67 links to the place of be­ ferry cable on land belonging to fendants In said auR and of alt South 3.5 degrees East along said closed from all right, title, Inter­ ginning, In Lane County, Oregon, Emily F, Stevens, Carrie Tyson, gat bettai result» parties claiming hy, through or un- County road 400 feet, thence est, lien, claim and equity of re­ be gold as provided by law, by the Alan H. Tyson, J. W. Barnes and ib'i them or any of them since the North 86 degree East parallel i demption In said property and M yrtle Barnes on January 22, 19- Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon, to The modern bl 6th day of April, 1931, In or to the with said ‘O' Street 200 feet to a that the purchaser be placed In pay said Judgment, coots, and ac- 13, 20 feet east of the north end following described real property, ocals that sllm- point th?nce North 3.5 degrees possession thereof and for such cra ng costs and disbursements. of said Btrlp of land above dea to-wlt: West 400 fee: to a point on the further relief ns to the court may This summons Is served upon you crlbed. and a stay pole about 10 Inats blur dis­ South line of said ‘D’ Street, seem equitable. by the publication thereof In the feet high about 10 feet north of South fifty-eight and one-third Aa atmogphgre that la home-like and rsatML tortion "Jump' thence South 86 degrees West This summons Is published by the north bank of the slough Springfield Nows, pursuant to an (58 1-3) feet of Lot five (5), and enjoy stopping at tha P R E S ID E N T <■ P u rilia d along said South line of said D' running across and near the order of the Hon. Q. F. Skipworth, order of Hon. O. F. Skipworth, and North eight and one-third ■ C O N O M IC A L --------91 A N D «3 P B DAY For better, eas- Street 200 feet, to the place of | north end of said lands, also a Juilce of the above entitled court. Judge of the Circuit Coiy-t, Lane (8 1-3) feet of Lot four (4), Block beginning, containing 2 acres J. A . Coahman, Managar "Deadinan " In tha north bank of duly made and entered the 3rd day County, Oregon, made No ovember six (6) Ellsworth's Addition to lon far and near, get Unlvli more or leas, all In lAne County. of November, 1931. Date of first j 30. 1931. Dated and first published said slough. Eugene, Oregon. FO U R TH AND ALDRR Oregon. December 3, 1931 xla. Dated this 18th day of November, Dated this 28th day of October, publication. November 6th, 1931. Dated this 30th day of Novem­ W H. BROOKE. Attorney for DO NALD YOUNG, Attorney 193t. 1931. iR. ELLA MEADE plaintiff, 860 W illam ette Street, ber. 1931. for Plaintiff, 430 Miner H. L. BOW N, Sheriff, of H. !». BOWN, Sheriff. H. L. BOW N, Sheriff. Optometrist Eugene, Oregon. Building. Eugene, Oregon. I, ane County, Oregon. By A. E. HULEGAARD, Deputy. (D 8-10-17 24-21) 1 (D 8-10-1724-31) fast 8th Bugsns (N 5-l"19-2«-D 9) (N S-1S-1S-1S— D S) (N IS IS — D S-1S-17) Coburg Business Directory Edw. G. Privat BONDS HOTEL POOLE ■ GRAY BARTHOLOMEW RES Funeral Directors UNIVIS Bit «cals COMFORTABLE........... PORTLAND