■> s THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY KHUITH YEAH SPItlN O K IK fJ), 1«ANK COUNTY. OREGON, T IH ’RSOA V I »Hi EM HER 3 New Roads |ßJ|f|E Qf | | ^ | | [ Bible Sunday To CHIC CLUB PLANS BASKETBALL BOYS Iwo bo«»« Men Plan M g ) JALKS V A sk ed o f County Be O bserved H ere PLAY SANTA CLARA COSTS TAKEN UP CHRISIMAS EVENT IN CLINIC HERE j»»nHoopie™ nous, loumsis Delegation from Westfir and Oakridge Here Seeking County Court Will Send Out Sixteen Came* Scheduled lor Survey on Routes Notices to Relatives of Springfield Before Tour­ Patients in Hospital nament Play-Off wo new county ruads tu lb« r. . ‘ fir winl Oakridge district are uf lb« county court, elegatlun of that area wa» Pre-Tournament Games Have iturilay anil requested that No Bearing on Eligibility t. ity provide for a roail on Ci S i bank of the river from of Various Teams II». irltle» and another road W ith »lx l<* It or in »n lu rn liix out Io i with the High I ’ralrle NEW LEAGUE IS FORMEL NEW LAW IS CITED Forty Cases in County Would Come Under Provisions of Statute Now Enforced Notices to relatives of patient» I In the Oregon state Institutions Monday evening nt U i» h ig h »ihoni rrnul. Z ' asked for thu south ,or th® Insane who may be respon gymnasium fur In itia l In u k e lh a ll Tb« p u n ille h u ilis i lull« point Io a very Ml court about ‘ he ject "The Living Word.” The Miss Hattie Mitchell, mission -,tfice at Portland were here Tues __ 8‘ ral«htenlng of the Springfield Young People hold their regular Installation of All Officers to Be Held at Dinner Meet- worker ,n lbe Belgian Congo of | day afternoon to inspect work comJ aecUlr ot th® Cobnr< road Flans weekly evening a. 7 : (Ml o'clock. : D e c e m b e r 15 Africa will give an address on "Oui pleted to date by the crew of men wer® ort«,n»llJr “> straighten out K 13 -Evangelistic Work in the Belgian uuw making a survey of the Wll- th® road through tbe game farm suciessfiil season In this sport for old survey for the W illamette high sent out by Lane county. Norval May’s hoop men. The state recently charged bock way which was abandoned when The turn out Is not limited, how­ the present survey was made. to the county all costs of care for ever. Io this group alone, as a large patients from l-ane, this being pro­ number of hoys, several of whom FOUR-H CLUB GIRLS vided for by a state law enacted at have had considerable experience the 1»31 session of the legislature. BUSY W ITH ACTIVITIES In uctuul competition during the The charge uf care Is for non- past year are out trying to make M-mkers of the "Wlltrh In Time "1 violent canes only, l^ n e county, the team and win the letters this ¡ sewing club at the llratlaln school according to recent reports, has 18 season which they failed to get last { held a regular meeting last Wed ; non-violent patients In the east year. iiesduy with the following officers ,ern Oregon hospital and 24 at the The six lettermen at the school In charge: Muriel Tyson, presl-; »••** hospital at Salem, are Brut« Squires. Oordon W right.; dent; Elsie Ingram, secretary;, Marlon county officials have al- Lloyd Prese, Tomsetli, Harold I Fralices Cornell, vice-president; ready started this movement to Stevenson, and George Thatcher. lysle Keeler, yell leader, and Helen determine If relatives have the abb Open Season Friday llty to pay or that estates may pro­ Lyons, song leader. Springfield high school's teamj Miss Smith, club leader lead In vide the necessary funds. will swing Into action tomorrow. the memliers In singing after which lame county for the coming year Friday evening when the local five' names were drawn for Christmas has budgeted *18.000 to take care meets the Santa Clara team on the presents. of the Insane patients, this being Springfield floor. The program presented was as the first time that such an Item Sixteen game« have already been follows: "Why We Have Thanks- has appeared In the budget. Ef signed for the local boys before1 giving." Maxine Kiultson; a p la y ,i(ortg will be made to collect as tournament plays which start In j “Polly l*ut (he K ellie on," with the far as possible from relatives able March, The schedule as It stands following In the cast, Isyle Keeler, to pay. M. E. CHURCH PLANNING now Is as follows: Mrs Lena Fraedrick was chosen C° n’ °" at “ ** 7:30 •erT,ce “ th e “ *wette river. Major Kuentz la to and follo» ln« ‘ he railroad align Fern Corell, Jane 1‘lialr. Angela December 4, Simla Clara, here, i CHRISTMAS CANTATA worthy matron of the Cascade ' hr,a,lan church Sunday evening charge of all river and harbor lm ! menl Due to b‘,Bvy road work T l o - Pilgrim Maid.' by Muriel Ty llecemher X. I'leasaill H ill, there. ------------- chapter Order of Eastern Star at There ’ *n * ’ ° ‘° “Ho! Reabers prc-ven.ent work for thia district. j in other part8 ot lhe co“ nt’r th‘“ son; a song by eight girls; recita­ December I L Marcóla, there "The Word Full Hied." Christmas , hplr regular mee(lng TueBdav of L lfe a Harvest." to be presented and Lieutenant Cassidy has been ’ proJect haa been delaye‘‘ - tion. Elsie Ingram; "A Thanksgiv­ December 14. Santa Clara, there . cantata, has been selected for pres ,,Tenlng o , her offlcera elected at ,ableau' and Moshler-Murphy- assigned to superintend the work “ was reP«rted “ » diambe. ing Rider' Rose Odgen; "The First December IX. Kt Mary's, there eolation by the Methodist church , jme w er#. c A 8warta . Mitchell, ladles trio. . of surveying the W illamette with that 8ome of the ° H “ » “ I * “ 1®8 Thanksgiving," Elsie Ingram, December -II. West Linn. here, i on Wednesday evening. December wor, hy patron; Mr# Tbe morning sermon subject will * »¡«w o( determining the reasibil were 8€ekin« PAc‘ »r®« °< ‘ b® Mc- Helen Lyons, W y e lla Spriggs, Max­ January I, St Mary's, here. " °“ e T h l" ' Th° U Lackeat '' Vwl-I Ity of canalizing the river from Ore- Kenlle rh'er and otller acen,c apoU 23. It was announced this week tol, associate matron- R B Old I ine Valller, Marjorie Mulligan. January 5. Pleasant HUI. here. The program Is being directed by baIn aMOC •late patron Mrs Id a i“ * HrU‘U WUI del‘Ter the Rermon 4>°n City to Springfield. ln thla 8ectkm to ,urnlah lhe tour' Muriel Tyson, and Rose Odgen; a Two-Day Sale of Disabled January X, Marcóla, here. Mrs Abbie a" d lhere WlU * * apeC‘aI Tbe firs‘ » o r* »b®e‘ of ‘ he sur-1lat »«enc‘e8- Moving pictures were Mrs Jane Ketels and Mrs. W. H Swartg ae<.re tary. play by studonts of Principal January IS, Hosehurg. there. A committee Pollard. Members of the choir un­ Wheaton, treasurer; Mrs. Darr Wll- Veterans' Flowers to Be Bch001 mee,s a‘ # :* 6 anP-’8raphy of land and flood February I*. Open. day of thia week under the direc­ mimed and there will be several MILK TRUCK OVERTURNS . .. . . . „ . meeting December 16. This meet Three ladles. Mrs. P. J. Uartholo- eontro1- February 26. Kugene, there. tion of Major M. B. Huntly. Tbe a .e a u s Elaborate lighting effects ,ng wl„ gtart a, # . J0 anr , h<> church par. owners of the bakery are to make W alter Scott and they report very Mrs. Mirlan Rice was hostess for the Junior class play, "The Dress- NO CLUE FOUND OF her own classification. a daylight plant whereby people on | good success. the group which met at her home. | nonage. ing Gown" which was Io have been Tournam ent Dates Set the streets can stand and watch 1 Stamps to be sold for a total of Another meeting of the group has FROSTY PAVEMENTS MISSING DEXTER MAN presented at the high school audi­ Present plans provide for a B _________________ every process of the manufacture I *25 were given out at both the been set for Tuesday of next week. SLIPPERY IS REPORT torium on Friday evening. Decem­ league tournament In each county, No trace has been found this of the bread and pasterles. j Brattain and Lincoln schools. Highway pavements ln Oregon, BIG BENEFIT GAME AT ber 4. has been changed to Friday, the Lune play to be held on Febru­ The back half of the building! These are being sold by the stu-; and especially to the mountain morning of George Fletcher of Dex­ ary IX. 19. 20 Another tournam ent' PORTLAND SATURDAY December 11, ao as not to Interfere will house the Irish-Murphy Seed dents. At the high school the girls' TO ATTEND MEETING areas are all covered with frost ter, who left his home Saturday, with the basketball game against for runner-up h ams In each of the OF LIGHT EMPLOYES now and are very slippery to drive supposedly to hunt cougar to the and Feed company. Just when this league is handling the sale. They Oregon Stale College. Corvlllla. Santa Clara scheduled for the same move will be made has not been also plan booths at downtown counties will he held February 26 over, according to reports received hills of the Lost Creek district back Miss Maxine Snodgrass and Miss at the Eugene office of the Ore­ of his home. or 27 Io determine lhe district Dec. 3—The final hlg football game evening. stores during the Saturdays Just determined yet. The cast for the production Is as Lulu McPherson w ill go to Albanv gon Automobile Association. champions. The three highest of (he season In the northwest will His automobile was found Sun- M. R. Irish acquired a five-year preceding Christmas. teams will ulao earn (he right to be played Saturday afternoon. Dec­ fallows: Mrs. Peabody. Beth Jen lease on the building recently when The seal sale campaign w ill con­ this evening to attend a meeting of There was no snow on the Siski- day by a searching party which the N. E. I. A. for this district. you mountain part of the highway ; wen‘ ou‘ after he had failed to re- enter the A league tournament to ember 5. between University of nlngs; Mr. Peabody, Henry Trtnka; he purchased the grocery stock tinue until Christmas. The National Electric Light asso- the first part of the week. he held In Kugene March 4 and 6 Utah and Oregon State on Multno­ Cumber, butler, Oscar Clement: from Ralph and Stanley. ,urn from what was to have be«n with eight teams In play. These mah civic stadium field In Port­ Sarah, maid. Blanche Bates; Mir q q Y SQOUTS PLAN FOR elation is composed of those peo­ an afternoon outing. W ater In the ple who deal In the sale of electric wl>! Include Eugene. Vnlverslty land. The game, which will start lam. daughter. Lucille Millican; An­ TABLES TO REPLACE Visitor from Junction City — radiator was frozen when the car • FEED NEXT THURSDAY I lighting equipment. High, Cottage Grove, Roseburg. at 2 o'clock, will be played for the gus Kirk, lover. Roy Rasmussen. Charles Toftdahl, father of Mrs. was found. No trace was found of DESKS AT LINCOLN All Springfield, and the three high II benefit of the unemployed. J. M. Larson, is here today from the missing man. Members of the Boy Scout troop seats are reserved and are selling CHURCH MISSION GROUP leugue teams. Searching parties claim that If Junction City for a visit. CHURCH MEETINGS A number of new tables are be­ of Springfield are planning a large Under lhe present arrangement for *1.00 each. _________________ i the man was injured he would have HAS MEETING TUESDAY ing built at the manual training potluck feed to be held in the base­ WILL BE CHANGED Utah closed Ils conference sea­ II becomes possible for a 11 league Visits Sister— Mrs. N. W. Emery dled bY now from exposure. Of- department of the high school now ment of the Methodist church at team to come forward and win the son Thanksgiving day by defeat­ Mrs. W. H. Pollard was hostess Starting this week the choir re­ went to Portland Sunday to see Het*!* are Inclined to believe that to replace desks being used at the their meeting Thursday evening of district title over the A league ing Utah Aggies 34 to 0 and at the at her home to lhe members of the her sister who underwent an opera-1 be *be country as he Is report- Lincoln school. The tables and next week, according to Glenn Mar­ hearsals of the Methodist church schools if they show sufficient same time won Its fourth consecu­ Foreign mission society of (he tion In that city. She returned to | sd to have don® frequently during w ill be held on Wednesday and tin, scoutmaster. chairs will be provided for the tive Rocky Mountain championship. Methodist church Tuesday after­ strength. tne past. He Is also supposed to Eight of the boys have recently prayer meeting on Thursday In­ Springfield on Monday. The Vies have lost only one game noon. Mrs. L. K. Page had charge smaller children with the belief have threatened to commit suicldo In 30 starts In the last four sea­ of the program for the afternoon. that they will be more convenient taken their tenderfoot examina­ stead of the opposite as has been LEGION GROUP GOES TO Return from Albany — Mr. and although this theory Is not given tions and the troop Is now awaiting the custom for the past several sons. They placed five men on the The next meeting of the group will and satisfactory. Mrs. G. W. Gerber returned Satur­ much support. WALTERVILLE TONIGHT Rocky Mountain all-star team this years. It Is believed that this ar­ the arrival of Its charter. be held the first Tuesday In Janu­ day from Albany where they spent rangement w llT prove more satis­ Outstanding among the ary at the home of Mrs. Emma Ol­ MOTION TO WITHDRAW Members of Springfield Amerl year. several days visiting with relatives. factory to both events. METHODIST CHOIR DIVORCE SUIT FILED MRS KENYON HOSTESS Utah players Is Captain Frank son. can laiglon post number 40 will go FOR AENEAS MEMBERS GETS NEW DIRECTOR Io W altervllle tonight to hold their Christensen, considered one of the Corvallis People Hers— Mr. and H. S. STUDENTS TAKE On motion of the plaintiff the regular semi-monthly meeting. This greatest fullbacks In the country. LIONS TO ENTERTAIN Mrs. H. K. Phillips of Corvallis Couch Schlssler of Oregon State divorce action of Gladys Ethel An . Members of the Aeneas club The s< lection of Miss Helen WORKOUTS ON MAT were week-end guests to Spring- will be the first meeting held out the Utes when they FOR FOOTBALL TEAM dersnn against her husband H. D. were guests at the home of Mrs. High, director of music at the Urat­ of (own fur some months, nlthough scouted field. Several of the boys at the high Anderson which was filed In cir­ Margnret Kenyon Saturday after taln school, as leader of the choir the post endeavors to hold meet­ swamped Utah Aggies. Schlssler Springfield Lions club will en­ cuit court last week lias been with­ noon. Guests of the club were Mrs. school are taking their required ings In several of the smaller com­ says the Orungemen are in for a Visits Parent»— Earl Eagle, of ot the Methodist church was an­ tertain members ot the high school drawn. lively afternoon and will He lucky W. N. Long and Miss Edna Swarts. physical education work In the spe­ Vaucouver, Washington, spent the nounced this week at the church. munities where they have members to win. Jack Cox, two-year letter- football team and their coach. Nor- The motion states that differ­ Mrs. M J. McKlln will entertain at cially designed quarters adjoining week-end here visiting his parents. Miss High assumes the work ot during the year. mnn guard of Union, will captain vai May. at their regular luncheon ences have been settled and a the next meeting to be held the the boiler room where a large mat Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Eagle, while en­ Mrs. Bernice Neher Findley who at the Community hill Friday noon. non-suit Is desired. the Ornngemen. has been Installed. first Tuesday after Christmas. haa been serving as both choir di­ Portland People Guests. — Mr. route to California. About 30 students are expected. Tumbling, wrestling and other rector and pianist. Mrs. Findley and Mrs. Virgil Sexton of Portland Members of the club heard the i forms of exercise are being en­ ORDER FOR PROBATE IUKA ELECTION SET were here Monday evening as LOCAL PEOPLE WILL Here from Portland— Mrs. W alt­ w ill continue to act as pianist. Dixie Jubilee quartet sing at their joyed. guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Reb- RESIDE AT YACHATS luncheon last week. er Daggett and son of Portland AT ARMORY TONIGHT OF ESTATE IS FILED are visiting with Mr. Daggett here FOOT BADLY SMASHED han. Mr. and Mrs. George Folsom tor a few days. Mr. Daggett is a BETWEEN TWO TIMBERS Order for the probate of tbe es­ KENSINGTON CLUB TO Election of officers will be the Mrs. Egglmann III— Mrs. C. F. have recently moved to the coast HERBERT TAYLOR IS principal Item of business tonight tate of J. P. Mllltron was filed In HAVE LUNCHEON FRIDAY member of the U. S. Army engi­ neers making a survey of the W il­ Kgglmann has been 111 several days to make their home near Yachats. 3am Spicer of Marcola waa taken VISITOR TH IS WEEK at the regular meeting of members probate court Wednesday. Members of the Kensington lamette river. this week, but expects to be able Mrs. Folsom was Verlle Knicker­ of Iuka circle, Ladles of the Grand The estate amounts to *12,500 to the Pacific Christian hospital In Herbert Taylor, former linotype Army of the Republic. The meeting and the heirs are H. M. Mllltron, J. club will hold a no-hostess lunch­ Io be up fot* a while this afternoon. bocker, daughter of W illis Knick­ Eugene Tueaday evening after he erbocker. having been recently operator and printer at the News bus been called (o start at 8:00 E. Mllltron and W. G. Mllllron. eon Friday afternoon at the home Returns from Klamath F a l la - had sustained a badly smashed foot The First National bank of Junc­ of Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew. The af­ Mrs. J. M. Larson and two sons when two large timbers rolled to­ Collects Bounty— Clarence Cox marrrled to Mr. Folsom, a painter. office arrived In Springfield Wed­ o'clock. nesday for a visit with friends. He tion City Is named administrator fair will be in the nature of a cov­ returned Monday from Klamath gether crushing the hones In the of Marcola collected the county ered dish dinner and will start at Falls where she haa been visiting foot He was attended by a Spring has been in Seattle for some Visitor* from W sltervllle— Mr. ot the estate. liounty of *2 on one bobcat pelt at PRISCILLA CLUB TO l;0 0 o’clock. relatives since Wednesday of the field physician. the office of the County clerk this HAVE MEETING TODAY months before coming 175 Spring- and Mrs. Tom Carney of W alter­ previous week. field. vllle were visitors In Springfield Returns to School— Miss Maurlne week. Hunt Duck* on Coast— Riley Members of the I'rlscllla cluh on Monday. Lombard returned Sunday to North Portland People Here— M r. and Spend Week-end In Portland— Visitor from Sweet Home— Mrs. Bend where she Is teaching high Snodgrass, Norval May. Dr. W. N. Mrs. W illiam Foster ot Poctland Mr. and Mr*. M M. Peery spent Home from Hospital— Mrs. Me- will hold their regular meeting this Visit* at Portland — Dr Milton school after having spent the Dow. and Larson Wright spent the spent the week-end here as guest the Thanksgiving holidays and the Lagan returned Io her home here afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mina A. D. Fogel nf Sweet Home was a Monday following recovery from an Dillard, 730 F street at 2:00 visitor In Springfield on Wednes­ V. W ulker spent the week-end In Thanksgiving holidays here with week-end hunting ducks in the Silt- of Mrs. Foster's parents, Mr. and week-end to Portland visiting with coos lake area. day. , Mrs. Frank DePue. Portland. her mother, M r*. E lla Lombard. friend*. operation at the Eugene hospital. o'clock. ENEÍNEER FINISH WORK ON SHEET B.E.S.ELECTSNEW LEADERS TUESDAY borget-M e-N ots T o B e S o ld b rid a y L a d ies’ A id Plans C afeteria Supper B a k ery to Change Location in Town CHR'STMAS SEAL SALE