PAOB POUR T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S SCHOOL AFFAIRS STILL UNSETTLED D istrict 17 Again to the Fore as Children Are Said Not to Be in School Lighter Track Loads Ordered L im it of 10.000 Pounds placed on T w o County Roads S ta rtin g Yesterday f Thanksgiving. Kt Albeit T. Heul r F a r m c o m m o d ity P rices going s k y - w ard A IL T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 2«. 1 9 3 1 candidate lu agrarian districts. Melvin Traylor has all Vouug's good pollila and In addition la known to favor the “ m i l l i o n people*' lu financial m a ile rs Ills birth In Kentucky, early manhood in Texas and business career III State Han 50 on Payroll Here Chicago will win him millions of voles, If chosen Now on Emergency W ork; iletialor Lewis Is another with a Wage Rate $3 Daily fine geographical background. Horn In Virginia, a lumberyard 26 A T W O RK FOR C O U N T Y worker lu the slule of Washing BEPORT OF MEN ON JOB IS MADE Ion and congressman from that state years ago, he Is now an Illi­ nois senator. Added Io that, he Is sincerely admired by millions of voters of foreign blood whose vari ous languages lie speaks fluently, Lasi on the list Is Henalnr Heed lie Is a man of power, and Ills weakness Is Ills refusal Io abide strictly by parly tenets. He be­ longs to the old school of spell­ binders and Is a most picturesque character. W tf f Lower truck load limits on two vJ’V ‘ f t Iff. Lane county roads went into ef­ LAW T O T A K E A C TIO N fect yesterday on order of the h ployment O PEN ING up county court. Eight or Nine Pupils Held to City Calls for 25 Last W eek; t e x tile m il l s dooming The load limit Including vehicle Be Absent fro m Classes Demand is Met Through and load is not to exceed 10.000 Now, is Report 2 2 I ndustries enu Red Cross Office pounds on the Swing Log road in the area south of Crow and the G u iiiiie liil anti llrow n Affair« in school district 17 FULL BLAST- About 50 men are now employed 2i Briggs Hill road In the Hadley- which several weeks ago came to a n slate emergency road construc­ M en’a Rubber lloola. W aterproof. Keep Your Eeel PRICE OF OIL ADVA* vllle district. tion lu l.aue county. Just recent peak with the withdrawal from Warm am i Dry S 2 .9 5 This is the first special order on ly a crew of 33 men were engaged school of practically all pupils in T h e New Hoae (luarilg to Save W om en' h Hoalery. lowering truck load limits by the lit thia special work which pays M ONET BEGINNING the district owing to the hiring of county this fall. Som ething Very New. - i >u*r three dollars per duy with the men a new teacher are still in a very SEER ÎNVES î ME n L alternating so (hat they will lie Notices of the new order were much unsettled condition, accord posted on the roads yesterday. employed at leas: one half time OPTIMISTIC I Ing to reports at the office of the Corner Fourth ami Main Streeta The county last week had 2« tnen county school superintendent. Springfield, Oregon employed on emergency road work EVERYWHERE and 35 men were employed by the There are about eight or nine city on special work to provide as children in the district who are many Jobs as possible The county not attending school now. it is rule of pay Is Iwo dollars a day. said. Seven pupils are enrolled at the school now. Other children in Men seeking emergency work are j the district are attending school at registered at the Red Croon office Junction City and Liberty district Estimated Budget for Next When Jobs are available the state Year Presented to C ourt; county and c llv ask the Red Cross The county superintendent's of " ( f l i c io send tin no n listed flee has given his information to Anticipates Free Cate the district attorney's office and Judge C. I*. Barnard of the (¡pun Estimating that the 1932 Lane Alta King, district attorney, says ty court says that plans are shup that complaints against the par county fair will cost $10.000. the Ing well ao that every possible em­ Merciful heavens r G u i,-th a tS J w fo f f ergency ents will be made within the next fair board has submittad to the Job will be made avail­ E v e r y o n e «9 g o in g to hjLvo s u c k few days after the sessions of the county court its tentative budget able for the winter. for next year. Receipts are estl grand Jury starting today. d. t e r r i b l e a p p e t i t e fo r t u r k e y s / ' horse They are all rngular entries District Attorney King explained mated at $2000. leaving $3.000 to be sei--' met by state and county. that delay in taking action against Mr Roosevelt Is clearly the lead­ It is understood that the 1932 the parents of children not attend ing contender at the present writ­ ing school as required by the state fair will likely be a free gate as ing. the wiseacres admit, although compulsory laws is due to a present recommended by the Lane coun­ they hint that he has shot hts holt heavy circuit court term and the ty chamber of commerce in Its in­ vestigations of the fair. The bud­ already by having the spotlight meeting of the grand Jury. — [centered on him so powerfully and Following the controversy in get as submitted by the board to Hunting Today — Frank Smit-' Return Home— After spending long, ahead of the actual cam­ school district 17 several weeks the court is as follows: son and H. H. Schaffenberg are the past two weeks visiting at the paigning. He is committed to pub­ Gloves T h a t Usually Sell from 69c to 96c ago and the withdrawal of pupils Estimated Expenditures hunting ducks and geese today. j home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. lic ownership of public utilities. parents were warned that their Premiums — Livestock $2500. W A S H I N G T O N Every Pair Perfect— _______ although not In a radical way. will children must attend school. Many poultry, $185. schools $85. grains, Returns from Portland— Mr. and Pyne. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jordan and infant daughter will leave to­ BY RAOFOftO MOBUY ' probably favor the wets. If elected started attending school in adjac­ fruits and vegetables $250. com­ Mrs. W. F. Walker returned Sun All the New Fall Shades | and Is known ns a fearless, able morrow for their home In Bremer­ ent districts but after a few weeks munity exhibits $800. domestic day evening from Portland. ton. Washington. and honest man. In addition he were withdrawn. It is said that In process $75. textiles $135. art $85. Washington. D. C. — Jockeying Visit at Roseburg— Mr. and Mrs. carries the prestige of an honored I all cases the required tuition ' miscellaneous $20. Total $4135. Has Serious Hemorrhage — for the honor of being named the name His main weakness Is that j Frank Logan motored to Roseburg not-paid in the other districts. for president Four-H Club—Exhibits at county Sunday to spend the day visiting Claude Lawton of Fall Creek was Democratic nominee . . .Tammany helped to elect him gov been under way , fair $600. other premiums. $250. with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hart. brought to a local physician's of­ next , summer has , . _ , ernor of his state and his main Rulers of Low Prices weeks The sttua . . . . . . . . . expenses $150. fice Monday evening suffering with now for several . • strength Is that he has dared to 10th < ft W illam ette— E U G E N E — New Schaefers Bldg. tlon resembles the start of a good , „ .. , . Visits With Son— Mrs. Gertrude • challenge the wishes of the Union Secretary's salary. $1000; use of Wilson and her son. Hobart, have a serious hemorrhage of the nose. . horse race more than anything to Sl|Uare T1(ter He is getting along very satisfact­ car. gas and oil. $200; Judges. $120; which It can be compared Those • ‘ ,, . . . . gone to Salem to spend Thanks­ Newton D Baker, who has been labor. $700; caretaker, $600; lights giving day with Mrs. Wilson's son. orily now, according to his phy­ who have seen starters trying to sician. hack peddling on his boom for the and water, $175; drayage, $20; ad line up the field In a big race will nomination, Is easily the most vertising. $300; insurance. $600; Visits Parents — Miss Lucille recall the number of false starts powerful rival of Roosevelt. If he emergency fund, $500; wiring Richmond was here over the week­ before the final rising of the bar­ pavilion. $500; siding pavilion. end to visit at the home of het M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H HAS rier. and especially the number left would come out openly and cam­ $175; total $10.025. parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rich­ S E R V IC E S A N N O U N C E D at the post where the starter failed paign there Is no telling how strong he would grow. The Am­ mond. Estimated Receipts to measure up capably to hts Upon the church rests the res­ erican Legion is strongly for him Nohing could be simpler than Concessions. $1000; grandstand. Breaks Arm in Fall— Frankie, ponsibility of meeting the most duties. because of his support of the A. E. this little play apron that is de­ $500; rents. $240; pens and stalls. small son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W e’re proud o f o ur New Store and Invite everyone In the convention next summer F. at a time when the politicians vital n^eds in the lives of all peo­ signed like an old fashioned work­ $145; poultry and rabbits, $60; Viles. sustained a fractured arm ple in te community. This chal­ the main object of the whole party were trying to run the war Instead to visit iih and get acqual ntetl with o u r new twlf- man's apron with a tape to hold it miscellaneous, $80; total $2025. Saturday afternoon when he fell lenge will be presented by Rev. will be to see that none of the of letting the general staff do It. Hervlce departm ent. V lalto rs fell iih it I h the iiio h i up- over the hear and tapes at either from his tricycle. State appropriation. $2500; coun­ Dean C. Poindexter Sunday mors candidates is "left at the post,” a He has a long record of accom­ side to tie It securely In place. to-date arrangem ent to be found unywhere. ty appropriation $5500. Total In­ Dinner at Junction City—J. M. ing at the Methodist church under condition that would tend to des­ plishment without a single blot to It can be mads of cretonne, of cluding above $2025, is $10,025. Larson is having his Thanksgiving the text: “Feed My Sheep." The troy party harmony in the canvass mar his slate. If he will announce figured print, of unbleached mus­ dinner at the home of his sister-in- question of race and class preju­ for votes later. At the present mo­ his candidacy, politicians agree lin. It can be bound around the law, Mrs. Sam Miller In Junction dice will be presented Sunday ment political observers here ■ hat he will pass Roosevelt as the edges with tape—red. if it is made IN S U L A T IO N B O O K L E T evening at 7:30 under the theme* frankly assert there are at least I -ailing candidate. Sour o r Dill City. W hite or Yellow of unbleached muslin, of the color H A S F A R M E R S ' IN T E R E S T ''Closer Fellowship." This mess­ nine candidates of major rank. 9 11». Hag "Al” Smith Is generally consider­ Spend Day at Blue R iver— M r. age will be given largely by the They are In the order In which ed the most popular man, personal New Commerce B ulletin fo r Fall and Mrs. C. E. Wheaton have gone use of poetry and verse. ’hey are now considered by most I ’ Building Operations Recom The church school with a goal of politicians. Governor Franklin D. ly. In lhi- whole Democratic party to Blue River to spend Thanks­ Quart Jara each and will have a powerful voice mended by Engineer giving day with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Christian character, is trying to Roosevelt, on New York; Newton when It comes to naming the next render a fundamental service to D Baker, former secretary of way Vincent. M. C. Betts of the United States all who choose to come, says the In Wilson's cabinet; fromer Gov­ candidate. His chances are not department of agriculture. Wash- Go to Portland—Mr. and Mrs pastor. It meets at 9:45. The ernor Alfred E. Smith, of New , -o iiH ld e i oil gr.-at, the same causes ington. D. C., prominent in the Clifford Wilson and son. Mac. have young people’s meeting is at 6:30. York; Oovernor Albert C. Ritchie, that militated against his election Gallon Can« 2 CanH 20c Cana field of agricultural engineering, gone to Portland to spend the of Maryland; Owen D. Young, in the last race being the ones Coburg Methodist used to frown on his being named believes that the farmers of the Thanksgiving holidays with Mrs. father of the Young plan that sup "The work which the Master Be country who are contemplating fall Wilson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Me- gan" will be the theme of the mes erseded the Dawes’ reparations the standard bearer. His political building or reconditioning oper* Clain. sage st 9:45 a. m. Te young peo­ plan; Melvin D. Taylor, Chicago record Is one of the best ever est­ ations will find much useful In­ ple will meet at 7:00 p. m. The banker with pronodneed Ideas on ablished by any politician In the formation in a new bulletin on in- Tysons Have Guests— Mr. and church school meets at 10:30. You economies; former Governor history of the country and he Is sulating materials Just issued by Mrs. W. P. Tyson have as their are welcome at any of these ser­ Harry Byrd, of Virginia; James known t o b e a man who gets things the national committee on wood dinner guests today. Mr and Mrs vices. 2 Boxes Hamilton Lewis. Illinois Senator; done. 49 Lb. Sack G o v e rn o r R itc h ie Is (« .p illa r In utilization of the department of A. B. Tyson and son, Alfred, and and ex-Senator James A Reed of his own state and a fine candidate commerce. iMr. and Mrs. O. H. Tyson and Missouri. Guests of Daughter with whom to attract the women's “House Insulation: Its Econom- FOn- Alton, of Eugene All nine of these men are strong vote He Is one of the most will ies and Applications" is the title i Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson have potential candidates. Only two of ing candidates but is classed as a of the publication which was com- To Vl,lt 8on* - Mrs M,ry Hoff gone out on the Lorane highway them have expressed openly any possibility only In case of a dead piled under the guidance of a sub­ committee of 12 nationally recog- San Francisco to spend the Thanks­ west of Eugene today to be reluctance to running for presi­ lock. Ex-Oovernor Byrd, across the guests of their dent. Baker and Traylor, and prac­ Potomac from Ritchie, ranks about , nized building and housing auth­ giving holidays with her sons in Thanksgiving 2>/z Size 3 Can« orities. Mr. Betts, representing that city. She will return about daughter and son-in-iaw, Mr. and tically nobody takes thetr attitude on even terms with his neighbor, Mrs Roy Worswick. seriously. Mr. Coolidge will pro­ except that he is stronger with the the American Society of Agricul December 2. bably rest In history as the only 'solid South.” tural Engineers, is a member o' of the figure if It is made of a each Spending Day at Marshfield — man who refused the office whpn CALL FOR WARRANTS Owen D. Young passes nil testa | the group. The bulletin was pre- Mr. and Mrs. Marion Adams and print. he could have had It. If any of and his main handicap Is that he ' pared with the consumer's inter- We congratulate the S. H. S Boya on their victory. Notice is hereby given that son. Bob. left Wednesday after­ Any apron will qo. of course. For School District No. 19, In Spring- these nine men Is chosen to run is felt to he tied up with Wall . est foremost in mind and is non-| noon for Marshfield to spend field, Lane County, Oregon, will he cannot he classed as a dark Street loo strongly to be a popular! the Important thing about this one Is the little pocket—big for a poc­ technical in its treatment of the Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. pay at the office of clerk of said subject of insulation In building : C. A. Phillips. Mrs. Adams parents, district, all warrants to and includ­ ket—to hold some sort of play­ and construction. thing. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Carson, will ing 1800. dated September 30, 1931. "The farmers' share of the coun- return t0 wlth Mr. and Interest ceases after November 28, The apron can be devised as a 1931. try s annual building and construe jjrg Adams painting apron, and then will serve , tion budget is large,’’ Mr. B etts1 CLAYTON F. BARBER, Clerk. the double purpose of keeping the Baj,j "an<] millions of dollars go [ frock beneath it clean and holding farm buildings. The farmer the painting equipment. The pocket nstura„ y ,gTt"er7s"te » > > o PICKLES 25c / G rapefruit 17c 25c Blend FL O U R C O R N Flakes T U N A Flakes 25c HOTEL RES 25c PL U M S 85c FOR C O RN M EA L 15c Pineapple 10c C H ILLY DAYS u s e - c l e a n - q u ic k -h e a t ECONOMICAL................. th e c l e a n - q u i c k - p o r t a b le PORTLAND E L E C T R IC HEATER