THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1881 N O T IC I TO CREDITO RS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAO» N 0 T IC 1 FOR pu b lic a tio n CRUELTY CHARGED ADVICE ON APPLE > Daparment of the In te rio r ... NO TIC E IH HER EBY G IVEN General Irnnd office Roa.hurg. ,N DIVORCE ACT,ON TREE GROWTH GIVEN I < 'lìm i Edgar J. Adana has been ap Oregon. November 141th. 1131. .. " pointed executor of Ih * I mat W ill g and m inhuman treatment N O T IC E la hereby given that: < ' 'ruel — irewwwm Nitrogen uaed alone or In com The W illing W orker, club met at Mr and M r. Andy Olaon enter The Eastern Star honored P u t and Testuiiivnt of Edith C. Adami deceased. by tha County Court of Nellie Adania. of l^wharg. Oregon. ar* a,,*« *d *n » divorce complaint blnatlon with other fertilise r, gave ,ka home of Mra. Bell Hurd Wed- tallied a group of 14 young people Matrons and Cast Patruos at th«lr» County, dragon. All paraona who. on April 22. 1830. made Home Bled In circuit court Saturday by better appla tree growth and vigor neaday aflgfnoon The members of at a dancing party at their home inpeiiag Thursday «vaulag. Flora) having »Ialina agalnat auld aitata ?i"ad ” “ ,ry.' M ,i l.a l'_No 018308, for Ixora W illia m , agalnat Delete I.. eesry caae In trials conducted tba l'lub ?»me dressed for a hard at Pleasant H ill laat Saturday decoration« of chrysanthemum« tu ara required to praaaut than), with NE14, Section 24. Townahlp 14 S w i l l i a m . on tha H. 8. Merriam ranch at "m e party. Mra laom Cog won night The evening was spent play- baahats graced the rooms and wera III» proper vouchers within a ll Range I E. W illam ette Meridian, Tho couple were married Goahen by O. S. Fletcher, county 'he prlxe of belnr the poorest dresa ing games and danclag Those pre- tastily arranged by a commltte« moni ha from tha 301 li day of Octo haa filed notice of Intention to bar, 1031, to tha said executor at make final three year Proof, io Rossbur« April 10 thia year. agent. '-0 lady. A social time waa enjoy tent were Alice Weiss, Marie M alt consisting of Mrs. C. W. DUon, Bounties ara Collastad Tad Bar- the law office of L. L. lia r In tha establish claim to the land above Complete fertiliser» gave la- "d and lunch waa served by th» xau, Evelyn Pbelpa, Caryl Lord, Miss Corwin Keea and Miss Phyllla described, before K. O. Immei, U. H par, Springfield routu 1, wua bora Miliar llulldlng, Eugene, dragon Rseelver la Appointed— Appoint- J**'«. and co'«r ' wbl)« Bonnie Jean Tinker, Crystal Weber. A program after chapter Thuradny Io obtain tha county ElM lAlt J. AllAM H, Executor Commissioner, nt Eugene, Oregon, tueut of a receiver of the New Ser »*tro • ! “ nd “ r M " A Otaon song composed by Mr». Leabo ap­ I,, ,u u o LANK CO UNTY propriate to the occasion was NOTICE TO CREDITO RS sale laaued out of the Circuit Court • cor# i2 8' A U ,'«e crowd at Tb‘’ ladle» ot tbe Heaaant HUI Falls and Roseburg aud these _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lluould ('. Gilstrap. Plaintiff, va sung. Mias Nellie Olson accom­ Notice la hereby given that the of the State of Oregon for Lane tended. community club will bold a meet- plants are Included In the receiver­ Phyllla Gilstrap, Defendant. Mia. C. II. Hadgwlck a lit a i talnad : undersigned haa been by the Couo ship. County thia 23rd day of October. Mrs. H. A. Folay and son, Virgil, Ing December 2 at the home of panist. Refreshments of pumpkin tha Praahytarlau Aid Wrduaaday ' IN T IIK NA M E OK T H E STA TE ly Court of the Htate of Oregon for 1831, upon and pursuant to a decree , ware , „ Uora at the home of M r Mra. K. B Tlnker The , pie with whipped cream, dough­ duly clv«n and made bv Maid Court i . r*'*^'*» aftarnoou. A short business and 1 OK OREGON: You are hareby re­ lame County appointed admlnlatra quired to appear aud anawar tha trig of the estate of Hugh Morrison this 22nd day of October, 1831, In lu>d Mr> W ' T Bettis, last Sator- the day will be repairing dolls and nuts and coffee were served by a aoclahlilty filiali tha aftornooii. complaint filed agalnat you In tha SUMMONS a ault pending therein in which daY- The Foleys live near Browns- dressing them for Santa Claus, for committee Miss Genevieve Thomp­ deceased. All persona having Punipkln pia wlth whlpped creato above entitled ault within 'lx claims against said estate may pre- IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E Joseph Owen and Edna F. Owen yllle. charity purposes. Everyone is re- son. Mrs. Verna Adams, Mrs. P. H. weak» from tha date of tha flrat alid coffa» wara aarvad aeut such claims duly verified and S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E l^ w l. aLdDi X a X Oir* " ,r e • b,p,’lD« d° “ ’ l,art‘ Ot N I block and Mrs. G. E. Everson. publication of thia summon« and with vouchers attached to the un CO U N TY OF LANE The Royal Neighbors enjoyed a If you fall to appear or anawar for derslgned at the law office of Charles Clemeuts, plaintiff, vs Jean defendants, which execution and iarload of Table Queen squashes to dolls so as many dolls as possible N O T IC I wunt thereof tha plaintiff w ill ap­ Gordon H. Wells, Miner Building, pot luck dinner at tbe home of order of sale was to me directed the California market. This 1s the can be dressed. Flanigan, defendant. OF F IN A L SE T TL B M E N T ply to the court for the relief aa Eugene, Oregon, within alx months Mrs. Carlisle Scarbrough Thurs­ ------ ----------------------- TO JEAN FLA N IG A N , D E F E N D ­ and commanded me to sell the real second car load they have shipped III thè Counly Court fur tha Sluta prayed for In tha complaint, to- of the date of the first publication property hereinafter described to faB j t . ________________________ day and spent the afternoon work- of dragon for Imita County. wlt: That the marriage relation of this notice. Thia notice la flrat A N T, AND TO IN U 8 FLA NIG A N, satisfy certain liens and charges In „ ,, . .. i \T li HIH G UAR DIAN: lug on their bazaar articles which In III» M attar of Ih» Batata of eglatlng betw»•>• " f October. 1831. lu aald Court Eugene, laine County, Oregon, of­ ot Section 29, Township 18 South 88 In Uectlons ten and fifteen play. "Mary Gold" by the ex-high at the home ol Mrs. W alter Car Silkwood and Ted Ferlng. C O U N T ! Or L A N E . of Range 6 West of the W lillun­ The Stale of Oregon. l>.. Itepreaentad Townahlp 1», 9. U. 3 West of the Creswell was victor Friday even­ IN T H E M A TTER OK T H E EH uud acting by the World W ar Vet fer for sale and sell at public auc­ school students. The proceeds ter, December 17. ette Meridian, in Lane Connty, W illam ette Meridian, In Lane T A T E OK JOHN McGUIRE, De , «run»' State Aid Commlaalon. re- tion for cash, subject to redemp­ ing In the first of Its series of Inter­ Oregon. from thep lay Is to help pay for M1„ Emma Godard returne„ County, Oregon, and being the tion aa provided by law, all of the ceased. Dated this 23rd day of October. the grade school piano. It w ill be Sunday night from Lebanon where scholastic basketball games, their , covered Judgment agalnat the de­ right, title and Interest of the de­ North half of the D. L. C. of N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N : fendant» Horald J. Reran and Ueorge M. C< ryeli the same con­ 1931. fendants In said suit and of all given on Thursday evening. Dec- ghe hag been v,slUng hef auQt opponents being from Dorena. The T h a t the u nd.ralyned a . executrix y ;„ hHr K llevsn for , hp ■urn of H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. taining 160.23 acres of land, more parties claiming by, through or un­ visitors put up a snappy game but . ember 3, at the community hall. of the Im al W ill and I » .la m e n t of Tw() T h „ „ „ ind H1I „ llndr<(d Ntn»ty . By A. E. HULEG AARD, Deputy. or leas. In said Connty and State; Mrs. W. E. Harden. der them or any of them since the John M cG uire, decatMed, baa tiled and M 100 Dollar», the counts went 53 to 8 tor Cres­ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baugh enter (O 28— N 5-12-18-24) Also beginning at the south 4th day of April, 1831, In or to the her account for the final aettlament l(lge, her wllh thereon at well in the girls’ game and 24 to 7 west corner of Donation Land talned last Sunday for dinner in T . M R F D v«,n i «- Dcri T following described real property, of »aid decedent» ealate In the ra|e , ()Ur ppr c»nt p,,r annum W ULP r t L I Claim No. 68 in Tp. 18 H. R. 3 NOTICE OF SH ER IFF'S SALE ON honor of Loren Edmlston s birth 1 for Creswell in the boys' game. to-wit: County to u r t for lmne tlouuty fr„,„ and alnce the 28th day of May. West of the W illam ette Meridian E XEC U TIO N IN FORECLOSURE da TROPHY OF HUNTER Oregon ami that Saturday the 13th .mounting to Three Hundred Houth fifty-eight and one-third and run thence North 12.38 chains A pot luck supper welcomed Notice Is hereby given that by ** day of December. 183«, at the Court Sixty »even and 04 100 (»347.041 (68 1-3) feet of Lot five (6), and to right of way, thence west 8 virtue of an execution and order home Mrs. Lou Richardson Friday lttate of Oregon (or nation Land Claim No. 46. Notif. L A N E C O U N TY X * k offlce' Application blanks first publication of thia notlue. Date west front door of the County bis illness. He was actiee as a hereinbefore referred to 1» partlc- Laue Couuty, October ?8, 1931. up- of first publication hereof la N v '» u r t House in Eugene. I-ane Coun d M ..r,hMl . . No. 2935, In Township 16 South Charles Nlrhols, Plaintiff, vs. Phyl- are belD4 sent out to the dog own- ou and pursuant to a decree made ember 12 1831. «Y- offer fur .ale and »<*" " ' V ? 2“fi" ' ‘ " * 7 »nd r farm er and fru it grower 20 years of Range 4 West of W illamette by said Court Ociooer 27, 1931, lu Ils Nichols. Defendant. Summons. S U SIE E HEAD, Admlnlatra f redemption aa provided by law. thence East along the South line Mary E Hostick was plaintiff and IN T H E N A M E OF T H E S TA TE A. Tromp. Mr. Tromp tor a num­ a G. A. R. and civil war veteran. being a subdivision of Jaa. Ebbert, Jansky, deceased, 1,11 tbe r*ttht. title and Intereat of said claim 1164 feet, thence OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ Ueorge F. Hostick, M yrtle F. Hos­ His wife died at Los Gatos about (N 12 18-26' I) 3-10l ! of the aald defendants Harold J Jr. D. L- C. No. 74, townahlp 17, 9. tick, The Commercial State Bank North 0* 8' East 1026.1 feet, quired to appear and answer the ber of years has been first each Bevan and Esther E Bevan. Allle j B- 3W - ot W. M. In Lane County, four years ago. interment as Los thence North 88* 30' West 1147.7 complaint filed against you ln the year to file application. of Springfield, a corporation, and Wallis, W. J. Llchty and R. 8 ! J’ 1’’'*»» . conUlntng 1 «ere, more or A. A. Schramm. R a te Superintend- Gatos. feet to the West line of said above entitled salt on or before Shelley and all peraona claiming claim, thence along said West four weeks from date of the first ent Of Banks, were defendants, O L IV E A. M rK IN N IS , Report of Estate Made— Inven­ by, through or under them or any The Men's Chorus organized lice South 0* 29’ West 1036 feet publication of this summons, or for which execution and order of sale Administratrix. ~ or either of them. In and to the tory and appraisement of the es­ Wednesday evening at the school to the place of beginning, con­ was to me directed and command­ want thereof the plaintiff w ill take (N3-12-18 26 D3) aald premlaes. taining 27.38 acres of land in Judgment against you and w ill ap­ tate of Robert Paeschke was filed house with seventeen members ed me to sell the real property H. L. BOW N. 8herlff of Lane the Geo. W. Evans donation land ply to the court for the relief prayed in probate court Saturday. NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE hereinafter desenueu to satisfy cer­ The and more expected. Officers were County, Oregon. claim in Lane County, State of for in the complaint and for a de­ tain liens and charges in said de­ ON E XEC U TIO N estate amounts to »5463.26. (O 28 — N 6-12-18 24) JEWELER chosen as follows: President, C. H. Oregon, except roadway. cree specified, 1 will, on Ssturday, cree of absolute divorce from you. NO TIC E Is hereby given that by Sedgwick; vice president, Jos. Repairing a Specialty Now, therefore, ln the name of This Summons is published once ! virtue of an execution laaued out the 6tb duy of December. 1931, at EXEC U TIO N IN FORECLOSURE , he circuit Court of the State of the hour of one o'clock F. M. at the the State of Oregon, in compliance each week for four consecutive Account of Estate Filed— Final Kirkham ; secretary and treasurer. Springfield, Oregon Notice la hereby given that by Oregon for Lane County, Oregon, on southwest door of the County with said execution and order of weeks. In the Springfield News, a accourt of the probate of the es- S. D. T refren; director, F. K. — j In — j — to satisfy —- j week|y newspaper published at sale and order said virtue of on execution and order of the 7th day of November. 1931, In Court House lu Eugene, Lane Coun­ — tate of Peter Hansen was filed on Noordhotf, pianist. Miss Harriet »ale In foreclosure Issued out of the an action In which Dora M. John ty. Oregon, offer for sale and sell Judgment, interest, taxes, attorneys Springfield. Oregon, in Lane Coun­ Thursday. Moore. A music committee con­ fees, costs of suit and accruing ty, State of Oregon, by order of the at public auctln for cash, subject 'Circuit Court of l-ane County, Ore­ son. was the plaintiff and W. Stager Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN sisting of Mr. Noordhoff, M r. Odem gon. on the 28th day of October, and Ellen B. Stager, were defend­ to tedemptlon as provided by law, costa, I will on Saturday, the 28th Hon. G. F. Sklpworth. Judge of said Naturopathic Physician ' 19.11, In a suit wherein, on the 28th ants. In which action the plaintiff all of the right, tl« e and Interest day of November, 1>31, at the hour Court, made November 4th, 1931, Report on Estate Filed— inven­ and Mr. Gillette were appointed to Phone 91-J day nf October, 1931, In said Court recovered Judgment against the de­ of the defendants In said suit and of 2 o’clock In the afternoon of said and first published on November tory and appraisement of the estate investigate supplies. The meetings 5th. 1931. day, at the Southwest front door of of all parties claiming by, through Vlcca Kundret recovered Judgment fendants for »16.48. with Interest Office Hours: 1 to 6 P. M. FRAN K B. REID, Attorney for of Marcus H. W right was filed In w ill be held each week for practice itgalnst the defendants Minnie Lu- thereon from the 7th day of Nov­ or under them or any of them since the County Court House, In Eu­ 406 Fourth Street | clsno and Gultisnn Luciano, whose ember. 1931. at the rate of 6% per the 13th day of July, 1928, in or to gene, Lane County, Oregon, offer Plaintiff. Residence and Post probate court. The estate amounts and a goal of some entertainment name Is sometimes spelled Gutlano annum to the date of the payment the following described real prop- for sale and sell for cash, at public Office Address. Eugene, Ore­ to »1209.35. planned for the w inter months. All that part of the Northeast auction, subject to redemption as gon. Luciano for the sum of Nine Hun­ of said Judgment; and the further provided by law, all of the rig h t erty, to-wlt: (N 6-12-1*26 D 3) dred (2900.00) Dollars, aud for the sum of »8.20 costs which said exe­ Universal Mortgage Corp. SUMMONS FOR PUB LICA TIO N amount of Seven and 63-100 (7.53) quarter of the Northeast quarter title and interest of said defend­ further sum of Thirty-nine and cution was to me directed and com­ IN FORECLOSURE OF TA X LIE N Dollars, the same being the amount and the lots numbered one, two ants, Oscar A. Vitus and Rosa A. 11-100 (239.11) Dollars ns Interest manded me In the name of the R a te NO TIC E OF SALE OF IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT F T H E then due and delinquent for taxee aud three of section 15, In town­ Vitus, his wife, and all persons thereon, and for the further sum of of Oregon, to levy upon the pro­ REAL PROPERTY S TA TE OF OREGON, FOR for the year 1924 together with ship 17, south, range 3 west of claiming by. through or under them IN T H E M A T T E R O F T H E ES Ione Hundred (»100.00) Dollars aa perty of the defendants In ordet LANE CO UNTY W. P. Tyson, Agent penalty, Interest and costs there­ the W illam ette Meridian, in Lane or any or either oi them In and attorney’s fees and for costa and to satisfy said Judgment. Interest, T A T E OF M ARY I E. H U R L W. Clyde Fisk and Martha L. Fisk, on upon the real property assessed County, Oregon, which lies west to said premises. disbursements taxed at the sum of costs and accruing costs, I have 126 E St. Phone 56W BURT, Deceased. Plaintiffs, vs. W. H. Hastings to you, of which you are the owner H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. of the Dead mood Slough, and In­ »60.70, nnd aald execution to me levied upon the following described N O TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IVEN and Jennie Hastings. Defendants. as appears of record, situated ln By A. A. HU LEG AA RD, Deputy. that by virtue of an order ln the cluding all of the Deadmond Is­ directed, commanding me In the real property of the defendants In To W. H. Hastings and Jennie said County and State, and parti­ (O 28— N 6-12-19-2«) land and extending to the center name of the Htate of Oregon. In I.ane county, Oregon, to-wlt: County Court of Lane County. Ore (lennrnl Law Practice Hastings, the above named de­ cularly bounded and described as of said Deadmond Slough; also o rd e r to aatlafy aald Judgments, In­ Beginning at a point In the gon, made on the 24th day of Nov-' fendants: follows, to-wlt: the ferry boat and cable used as NO TIC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE ember. A. B„ 1931. In the matter terest. attorney's fees, jeodts of Houth Line of the County road I. M. PETERSON IN T H E NA M E OF T H E S TA TE All of lot numbered Ten In access thereto and all the appur­ suit, and accruing costa, to sell the REA L PRO PERTY known as the Lorane highway, be­ of the estate of Mary I. E. Hurl- OF OREGON: Attorney-at-Law Elmer Acres, Lane County, Ore­ tenances belonging to said prem­ following described real property. ing County road No. 846. directly N O TIC E Is hereby given that by burt, deceased, the undersigned You are hereby notified that W. gon; City Hull Building ises and said ferry boat; also to-wlt: south of the North East corner virtue of an execution and order of duly appointed, qualified and act Clyde Fisk and Martha L. Fisk, the You are further notified that Beginning at a point In the sale Issued out of the Circuit Court Lot One (1), and the Northeast of the North West quarter of Sec­ Springfield, Oregon said W. Clyde Fisk and Martha L. : r . • w ¡ ill s on t r s f L after S the j 28th s ? duy »' south line of the Abraham Land­ of the State of Oregon for Lane : tate, Quarter (N E Q ) of the Southeast tion (14) In Township (18) Houth and Quarter (8 E Ú ) ot Section Thirty- es and wife Donation Land Claim Connty the 28th day of October, of December. A. D„ 1931, offer for cncy numbered 2636 issued on the Fisk have paid taxes on said pre­ Range (4) West of tho W illam ­ No. 46. Notf. 4128 in towashlp 17 1*31, upon and pursuant to a de­ sale and sell at prlvute sale for 14th day of August, 1929, by the mises for prior or subsequent years, five (36) Township Eighteen (18), ette Meridian and running thence South, range 3 west of the W ill­ cree duly given and made by said cash, or for cash and credit accord­ Tax Collector of the County of with the rate of interest on said Houth, Range Hix (4) West of the South 707 feet, thence West 160 FRANK A. DE PUE W illamette Meridian, In I«ane amette Meredlan 28.03 chains Court the 27th day of October, 1*31, ing to law, the following described Lane, State of Oregon, for the amounts as follows: feet, thence North to the South A TTO R NEY AT LAW west of the most easterly south­ In a suit pending therein ln which real property belonging to said eg County, Oregon, except ten (10) line of the said Lorane Highway Year's Date Tax Rate of NOTARY PUBLIC acres deeded to C. E. Blodgette. east corner of said claim, and Harold J. Wells was plaintiff and tate, and all of the right, title and and thence Easterly along the Tax Paid Receipt No. Amount Interest running thence north parallel NOW. TH E R E F O R E , In the name South line of said Highway 161 George E. Terry, Mary J. Terry, Interest of the deceased therein, to- 1925 Aug. 14, 1929 Sutton Springfield 33660 6.87 12% per annum | of the Hlate of Oregon, In compli­ with the east line of said claim Mary Terry and C. A. W lnterm eler wlt: feet more or less to the place of 1926 - Aug. 14, 1929 33718 8.62 12% per annum Building Oregon 27.44 chains to the north line were defendants, which execution ance with the said execution and beginning In I«ane County, Ore­ The W H of the W H of the N. 1927 Aug. 14, 1929 32523 7.00 12% per annum order of sale, and In order to satisfy thereof, thence east 20 feet, and order of sale was to me di­ gon. E.14, except a 40 foot strip to 1928 Aug. 14. 1929 27591 7.82 12% per annum said Judgment, Including Interest, thence south parallel with the said rected and commanded me to sell NOW T H E R E F O R E IN T H E Lane County, all In Section 33. 1929, 1st half May 5, 1930, 12734 2.79 12% per annum attorneys' fees, costs of suit and NA M E OF T H E S T A T E O F ORE­ east line 27.44 chains and thence the real property hereinafter des­ Township 18, South Range 3 1929. 2nd half Nov. 5' 1930 44810 2.79 12% per annum G U bt'tR S Wi l’H accruing costs, I will on Saturday, GON, and In compliance with said west 20 feet to the place of be­ cribed to satisfy certain liens and West of the W illam ette Meridian 1930. 1st half May 5, 1931 2187« 3.36 12% per annum the 28th day of November, 1931, at execution and In order to satisfy ginning, all being a part of said charges In said decree specified, I containing 40 acres of land. In i the hour of One o'clock In the said Judgment, Interest, costs and Donation Land Claim No. 46 In w ill on Saturday the 28th day of Lane County, State of Oregon. Said W. H. Hastings and Jennie foreclosing the lien of said taxes afternoon of auld day, at the South­ accruing costs, I w ill on Friday the Lane County. State of Oregon; November, 1981, at the hour of one Also the E H of NW % of NE>4 Hastings, as the owners of the and costs against the land and west front door of the County 18th day of December at the hour also the right to set and perpet­ o'clock. P. M., at the southweet In Section 33. Township 18, legal title of the above described premises above named. Court House In Eugene, Lane Coun­ of 10:00 o’clock In the forenoon of ually maintain a high post for door of the County Court House South Range 3 West of the W il­ property as the same appears of This summons Is published by ty, Oregon offer for sale and sell said day at the Southwest front ferry cable on land belonging to In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, lamette Meridian, containing 2« record, and each of the other per­ order of the Honorable G. F. Skip- for cash, at public auction, subject door of the County Court House In get better result» Emily F. Stevens. Carrie Tyson, offer for sale and sell at public acres of land. In Lane County, sons above named are hereby fur­ worth Judge of the Circuit Court to redemption as provided by law, Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, of­ Alan H. Tyson, J. W. Barnes and auction for cash, subject to redemp­ State of Oregon. ther notified that W. Clyde Fisk of the State of Oregon for the all of the right, title and Intereat M yrtle Barnes on- January 22, 19- fer for sale and sell at public anc- tion as provided by law, all of the The modern bl- That said sale will take place at and Martha L. Fisk will apply to County of l^tne and said order was of the said defendants Minnie Lu­ tlon for cash to the highest bidder, 13, 20 feet east of the north end right, title and Interest of the de­ the office of A. J. McKy at the cor­ the Circuit Court of the County and made and dated this 22nd day of ocals that elim­ ciano, Gultlano Luciano whose subject to redemption as provided of said strip of land above des­ fendants In said suit and of all ner of W illam ette Street and State aforesaid for a decree fore­ October. 1931. and the date of tbe name Is sometimes spelled Gutlano by law. all (he right, title and In­ cribed, and a stay pole about 10 parties claiming by. through or un­ Eighth Avenue East In Eugene, closing the Hen against Ute prop­ first publication of this summons inate blur dis­ Luciano, Edward King, Bertrlce feet high about 10 feet north of der them or any of them In or to l«ane Couuty, Oregon. erty above described, and mention­ Is the 29th day of October, 1921. tortion '‘Jump” I King, L. W. Stevens, Elisabeth terest of the said defendants In and the north bank of the slough the following described real pro­ to said premises and all parties This notice Is published In the ed In said certificate. And you are All process and papers In this 11, Htevens, W. A. Bell, Wm. D. claiming by, through or under them running across and near the perty, to-wlt: Springfield News, a weekly news­ hereby summoned to appear with­ proceeding may be served upon the For better, eax- tiueen, and Jane Doe Queen, wife since the 7th dav of November, north end ot said lands, also a Lot Five (6) In Block Two (2) paper of general circulrtiou pub­ in sixty days after the first publi­ undersigned residing within the of Wm. D. Queen, and all persons 1931. lei vision far end near, get Unlvlx "Headman" In the north bank of In Rees Addition to Eugene, Lane lished at Springfield, Lap • County, cation of this summons, exclusive State of Oregon at the address claiming by, through, or under said slough. Dated this 9th day of November, County. Oregon. Oregon. Date of first puhllcetlon of the day of said first publication, hereafter mentioned. BUocal«. them or either of them. In and to 1931. Dated thle 28th day of October, Dated this 28th day of October. November 26th. 1931. and defend this action or pay the W ELLS W ELLS. Attorneys tha said premises. H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of Lane 1831. 1*31. B EA TR IC E W AS8OM , Admin­ amount due as above shown, to­ for Plaintiffs. DR. ELLA MEADE H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of Laue County, Oregon. H. L. BOW N. Sheriff, of H. L. BOW N. Sheriff. istratrix of the Estate of Mary gether with costs aud accrued In­ Address. Bank of Commerce Bldg, Optomstrist County, Oregon. By A. E. HU LEG AARD, Deputy. Lane County, Oregon. By A. A. HU LEG AA RD, Deputy. I. E. Hurlburt, Deceased. terest, and ln case of your failure Eugene, Oregon. I (O 88 — N 4-12-18-24) 41 West 8th Eugene (N 18-24— D 8-18-17) (N 4-18-18-14—0 I ) (O 29 - N 4-12-18-24) to do so, a decree w ill be rendered (O 28— N 6-13-18-8«) (N 24— D 3-10-17-14) Coburg ”7 Upper Willamette Creswell II 1/ • V ailev McKeOZlC Thurston n n. . DUSinOSS ilireciory Edw. G. Privat BONDS « »«¡»w U N IV 1 S Bilocals A