T W E N T Y E IG H T H Y E A H THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Sl'KINf iE IE IJ). LANK I DI STY, RELIEF DRIVE H*s" County Budget FINE START HERE Will Be Topic iltElgON. T ill HSIiAY. NOV EM BEH 26. I !i3 I No. 4« Second Woman Senator ROLL CALL DANE NEAR COMPLEIION Men Strut Selves at Monday Dinner jS. //. S. Grid Team OUT THIS WEEK Annual Taxpayer*' Meeting Committee of Four Named to Slated for Friday, Decem­ ber 18 at Court House Direct Work of Providing for Needy RAeident* IM. E. Brotherhood Hold* Subscription Total to Fall Monthly Dinner Sans Aid Checking Accounts to Get 25 Slightly Below Receipt* of of Ladies at Church Percent Returns; To Pay Past Two Year* 20 Percent on Savings Members of the Men's Brcth- WORK W ITH RED CROSS ELEVEN Gathering Perishable Farm Product* First Problem Facing Worker* Annual taxpayers' meeting for Lane county will ba held this year Friday, December IB. according to I Judge ('. P. Barnard. The meeting will be held In the county court room at the court house. The recently completed county will be up for consideration rating. Items may he ques • 'axpayvrs. Il Is not man dalory Ç he county court to fol­ low su, X >ns of taxpayers at the meet. t It provides an op portunlly t I T» resslou uf opinion Heads of t ** 'nly departments will be presen ’plain ell Items listed lu their "live budgets fur Hie coming WORKERS Q ( jy I "I fk** Methodist church sue ressfully demonstrated tbetr do- GET First Check Up of Return* I r l u w u w o “blll,y at thH _ church • n li. a .. a. _ a -a day evening when >1_ they held Show* $98 Subscribed; monthly gathering preceded Drive End* Thi* Week potluck supper. The ladles MONEY SATURDAY Mon »a . Overcomes U .H .S. R E E 9 ÏARE ROT FORGOTTEN TOOAT Heady Teamwork and Hard Charging Line Smashes' Way to 7-6 Victory TWO TEAMS SHOW FIGHT their Approximately $30,000 to be T * o , 1 Succe«* Place* Sorinrfield in by a »as fust First Dividend were not needed for the affair, of Unfortunate* Senator Thomas If. Caraway's They would not be stopped! organization of n live, uggr«« Annual Boll Call and drive for the men explained widow hai been apptanted to suc­ Dividend checks representing Moving like an unleashed charge slve, hard working relief commit funds In Springfield this year will ceed lier husband n Senator from "They prepared our contrlbu the first payment to depositors In The hearts of 20 needy families ot lightning, the Red Devils, I«« Io cooperatively I iuiii II« ull re­ Arkansas. Mrs. Hebecca Felton of probably fall somewhat short of tlons for the dinner at home and the Commercial Bute bank w hich ,1" this city were gladdened last s Pr,n*flcld high school football lief work In the city ilurlii* the Georgia was the first of her sex to the returns of the past two years we set our own tables at supper closed Its doors on June *. will be night when that many baskets of levee, swept through ('hopple sit in the Senate. winter moutha *«< completed hern It was Indicated here yesterday per. gnd washed and dried and placed In the local malls late Frl food suitable for Thanksgiving din K ,n < '’ mueh »‘•''«Wed University Inal Thursday evening »1 the City following an unofficial check of put away the dlanes afterwards day and wllf be delivered Batur ' . . ...... . ....... .......... H,,h «'hool grid team for a 74 hall on the rail of Nell Pollartl returns made by drive workers without assistance," mated one of day morning. Announcement to ners were distributed by Red Croa» victory in the closing game of the who had been naked by Mayor Ty under W. P. Tyson, chairman for the more bold members of the or­ this effect waa received here th is, worken' aiding the local rommun- local season at Hayward field last ■on to serve us I'hulrninn of u city­ tills district. ganization. night. mornln« from the Salem office by ,ty relief organization. wide relief agency. Mrs. Carl Ol­ A total of 99*. representing al There were about 30 members F. G. Haverman, deputy in charge) Contrlbufions for the baskets They charged, they hurdled, son and L. M Shannon and Tbel- most that many memberships had I present for the meeting Monday nier Nelson were named on the of the liquidation of the bank. I poured into the relief headquarters they smashed, they squirmed and * .......... ' yesterday J evening which waa devoid of spe- committee which bosun work Ini Return» of 2a percent will be. In the old Springfield Bakery how they did run. afternoon after moat ot Ihe reports cial entertainment outatde of the made on commercial checking ac -I building all day yesterday and four Speed aud speed alone seemed mediately and wus able to an had been received. It It very pos I group, membership nounre their plans of action by Heads Both Local and Cali­ Slble, however, that several morel Four new members were wet counts, and 20 percent will be paid women. Mrs. Carl Olson. Mrs. to oare the game from ending In noon Krlday. on savings accounts according to J George Gerlach. Mrs. C. E. Whea- a 7-7 tie tn the rtnai half, when fornia Oregon; Merrell in dollars will be added to the sub corned Into the group at the busl- past the Information received here. j ton. and Mrs. I M Peterson spent two Springfield lads rushed ___ Building la Loaned scrlptlon before the final report Is I ness meeting. They are Glenn Mar- Charge of Mt. State* The payment of the first dlvl-, the greater part of the day parcel- th* * H' 8' ,lnfe *° ruln what ap- The first problem, the securln made to the county Bed Cross. tin. J. M Thompson. J. M. Keeler dend to creditor» of the bank will Ing the donations and preparing pea” d ,o a Perfectly timid kick of a suitable location for hcailtjuur C. M Brewer has been elected The drive total was 823 abort of I “nr V**- street formerly housing the Spring A public program Including an O'Brien, president. Standard Gas year were Mrs. W. P Tyson, Mrs year. The election will be held at local business and to sUmul.te to the rellef commlttee Mllk ,han a fe* numbers. Succeas field bakery, volunteered the use and Electric company. Mr. Brewer Illustrated lecture on "Alaska" by W. N. Ix.ng, Mrs. W. H Gants, the next meeting to be held the l0Cal att,lra' also received for the dinner has- m'so leaves two daugh-l Each child will be given a free pastor of the Methodist church Other guests at the dinner were Ten and 15 yard gains seemed to weather. Several people have al­ ponent for Oregon State In Ihe of Messrs. Fitzpatrick. Merrill. Mrs Furl Walker of Portland, also | physical and dental examination read the service. Mr. and Mrs. Gossler, Mr. and Mrs be easy going for Bruce Squires ready offered such supplies and final gnnie of the season In Fort- Field. Boyle and Jackson as vice five grandchildren. Miss Faye Parsons was brides- C. F. Barber. Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Lloyd Freae who did moat of ) residents, for these men have all land. December 5. All recelpta men have gone out to gather them. ADJUSTOR COMES TO mald for Mi88 BaUey and H®*»rd Fandrem. Mr. and Mrs. Larson the ball carrying for Springfield. A Mr. Ilacksby. farmer llvlug from Ihe game, after expenses of been connected with their respec­ NEEDLECRAFT CLUB TO Hughes was best man tor Mr. Ful- Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford tive companies and the Byllesby both learns are taken out. will be U. H . 8. Team Fights north of Springfield donated 36 INSPECT DAMAGE lerton. Bernice Neher Finley play- Wilson. organization for many years, and INITIATE NEXT WEEK Don't think for a minute, how bushels of upples and S. U. Mosh turned over to the unemployment : ed the wedding march. have proved themselves to be emi­ ever, that the U. H. S. boys were ler bus contributed several sacks fund. Herbert W. Adler. Portland, re The newly married couple have Mrs. W. N. Long entertained nently trustworthy and successful not playing football. They greatly of carrots and potatoes. Utah Utea, coached b.v Ike Arm­ presenlatlve of the Fire Insurance B ,arge Dumber 0, frlends Jn th,g PASTOR TO DISCUSS excelled In punting and were suc­ strong. have lost only one game In the performance of their duties.'' the members of the Needlecraft companies adjustment bureau, was Tic|nlty> Men W illin g to W ork Fullerton having club at a no-host luncheon at her “ IDLENESS” SUNDAY cessful in completing two forward The committee has a group of this season and that to University Sprlngfl(lla home Friday at one o'clock. Mem­ here Monday Inspecting the dam- graduat ter the campus boys broke away parative srnres would say Utah Is noon al the residence of her par­ Present plans are to have two Rev. Veltle Pruitt will conduct for a long run and set the ball Carl Olson. Mrs. O. H. Jarrett. POSTPONED T H IS WEEK ,ons parentl1 twice as strong as Oregon State. ents. 406 Fourth street. ladles from different organisations each service. Mrs. Floyd Thompson, Mrs. W. H. down on the Springfield 12 yard Utah Is making a hid for admit There were present Barbara Pollard. Mrs. Sidney Ward, and tn the city take turns In super The Bible school meets at 9:45 line. Four attempts failed to make The regular meeting of the ^M. LEGION SPONSORS vising the relief headquarters for a lance to the Pacific coast confer­ Jane Ketets. Betty Jean Jarrett. Mrs. Long. Sunday morning and the Christian Springfield Women's Christian DANCE AT THURSTON Endeavor meets at 6:30. The a first down and they lost the ball week at a time. Mrs. Carl Olson ence and no argument would be Anne Marie and Nada Gossler, The next meeting of the club Temperance Union which was t o , to Springfield on the same 12 yard and Mrs. George Gerlnck volun­ belter than a win over Oregon Happy Miller, Aleta Burch, Linn will be helil Thursday. December have been held Wednesday after- line. The maroon clad team Im Another of the regular American evening service starts at 7:30. State. Ketels, Jimmie Miller, Dallas Sch- 3. at the home of Mrs. Wilson. teered to serve the first week and mediately began battering the noon has been postponed nntll the Legion semi-monthly dances being Every seat In Multnomah civic lewe. and Freddie and Dorothy Tills will be an evening meeting have assembled a large array of campus team line eventually work­ first week tn December because sponsored by the Springfield post DAVID POINDEXTER ILL stadium at Portland Is reserved Mitchell. good warm clothing. Two others starting at 7:30 and will be fea­ of the Thanksgiving holidays is being planned for Saturday ing the hall to the other end of Mrs. Hamlin was assisted In the tured by Initiation of new mem­ will be an duty at the building and the top and only price Is 11.00. AT HOME OF PARENTS the field and seemed certain to which Immediately precede Wed evening. Plans are being made for Application for tickets should be entertainment of the young people each afternoon next week from 1 bers. neaday. score when the half ended 0-0. a special entertainment feature. sent to the ticket office at Mult­ and the serving of refreshments to 6. David, the small son of Rev. Scores in Second Half nomah stadium or to the graduate by Mrs. Walter Gossler and Mrs. and Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter. Is The first concern of the commit­ The second half opened In much manager at Oregon State college. Hal Miller. still 111 at the home of his parents. the same manner as the first until tee was the providing of foodstuff Will One of These Men Be the Democratic Nominee for President? The little boy has been sick for Springfield worked the ball down for a good dinner for onch needy over a month, starting with an at­ across the line for the first score. persons In .Springfield. They think FOREIGN LABOR USE GOSPEL ASSEMBLY PLANS tack of influenza and later dev­ They chose to convert the extra that all such persons were taken IS PROTESTED HERE eloping trouble with both ears. He point with a line play and succeed­ THREE SERVICES TODAY care of. frequently runs high temperatures ed. Score 7-0. Protest against the use of for­ The committee works with the Three special Thanksgiving day and specialists are Inclined to be- eign laborers In thin county, and Immediately after the kick-off rlalued Iteil Gross Investigators nt services are being held a the Full “ mastoid 1» after the touchdown, the IL H." b . all limes. This Is advantageous especially on rallroada were voiced Oospel Assembly today. The flrrt inevitable. team brought the ball ba«4- 40 for both parties. It assures the here Inal Thursday evpnlng at the started thia morning at 11 o'clock yards and then completed a long committee that those applying for regulur meeting of the American with Sister Vernon preaching on pass placing the ball on the two fiaid aud clothing are In actual Legion post number 40. The un­ AUXILIARY LADIES AT the subject, "In Everything Give yard line. Three attempts to put need, aud also assures them that animous sentiment of the meeting Thanks." The afternoon service MEETING AT ALBANY It over failed. The fourth was suc­ those people are our own and are waa (hat all such labor should be will start at 2:30 and will bring cessful. but the try for point fall not drifters who come to take ad­ given to local residents and not the Rev. Harry Shaw of Lebanon Mrs. W. H. Pollard, president of ed. The scoring was over for vantage of the generosity of the to outsiders who hAve no real In the Springfield auxiliary of the the game. terest In the welfare of the conn here for an evening service. The local people. American Legion and Mrs. Emma final service will be held at 7:30 try. Milligan received a slight Injury Olson went to Albany Monday A resolution will be furnished In the evening with special music to his eye early In the second h* f evening to be guests of the auxi­ by the singing evangelist, Vernon the district meeting of the legion MANY PEOPLE TRAVEL when some sawdust wag kicked liary group of that city. The Al­ In December for consideration and J. I*ntmore. Into It. Squires wobbled on the ON SPECIAL RATE OFFER bany Legion has purchased the field late In the game after U. H. B recommendation tn the state de­ Oreon-Electric depot from the rail­ man tackled him. stopping him hut Many local people have taken partment of the Amnrlcnn Legion. RELATIVES GATHER AT road company and has remodeled not holding him. advantage of Hie special low fares HOME OF POSTMASTER It Into a very attractive club room. A large crowd for a high school being offered for the Thanksgiv­ ELITE CAFE WILL BE ~i« * game was In the stands cheering ing day holidays by the Southern Postmnster and Mrs. Hamlin RE-OPENED HERE SOON lustily for both sides. It seemed Pacific railroad. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. MISSION SOCIETY HAS are entertaining at their home at that half of Springfield had moved llarL have gone Io Ban Francisco; The Elite cafe will be reopened 406 Fourth street today with a MEETING ON TUESDAY across the river. K. E. Kepner to Oakland; Mrs. J. as soon ns anticipated changes in Thanksgiving dinner for Mr. and „ , Success last night brought clr- M Larson and sons, tn Klamath the Interior can be completed, It Mrs. Virgil Hamlin of Portland, Regular meeting of the Women s cles of Joy to ’he face of Norval Falla; Mr. Gough to Portland; and was announced here today by Al John N. Hamlin, of the American MCIVIN Foreign Missionary society ot the May. Sprlngflek - -h. who has Mrs. A. B. Van Valxah to Medford. Ininn, new proprietor. Mr. Iman, l^egatlon at Blienos Aires, Argen A- Methodist church was held there for the past two y » ..» -e n work- Inis been cooking for various firms Una, who Is at home on a visit un­ TRAYLOR Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. W ing hard with his boys, f rmly con- Collscts Bounty— M. McMullen In Washington, nt Marshfield, and til after the holidays, Clifford H. Pollard as leader. Mrs. U. O. vlnced that the high school hare of Blue River collected 84 county In Bugone. He expects to have the Fields, a nephew, of Eugene, and ALFRED E S M IT H McElhaney was leader of the de- could produce athletic teama as MEWTOM D BAKER bounty money thia week at the eating place open the day after Miss Bertie Lou Hamlin, a niece, From present indications, one ol the above nine men will be selected to oppose President Hoover, when vo,,on®l<' and Mrs. L. K. Page dl good and aa powerful aa any of Thanksgiving. court house (or two bobcats. from Roseburg. Ike Democrats hold thair national convention next summer , reeled the discussion i Ihe schools In this district. BREWER ELECTED IR.S.P. PRESIDENT . DAT BIBLE SCHOOL I™™ HEALIH CUBIC IS S i l NEXT WEEK iailey-Puller ton Wedding Is Held