THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 19, IM I THE SPRINGFIBLD NEWS PAOB FOUR CIVIL WAR VETERAN LAST CALL COMES means enough. After the flret few week« of reducing diet, the »tour ach having le u food to hold and digest, begin» to have a better mu» celar tone and get »mailer, it will then take far lees amount of food to produce the sensation o* lullneaa. Alfred S. Matteson, 89, Died In eating aa In moat other pur- Saturday at the Home of suit» which man follows, the mind His Daughter in Creswell FLOYD MEYERS FUNERAL CONDUCTED ON MONDAY Funeral service« for Floyd Meyer, who died Friday night following a lingering Illness, were held at the Walker-Poole chapel In Spring field Monday afternoon at 1:30. Rev. Poindexter of the M E church conducted the services. Mrs Tyson. Mrs. Pallas Murphy. Mrs Poole sang Interment was in Mount Vernan cemetery. Mr. Meyer was born June 38. ijoj , near Waltervllle, Oregon, on , be farm which has since contin ued b|g home. m> famUy of h|# Va|e Meyw Hotand> ayed years; three hmthers. Eugene of gpr,Bgfle ^|. w H. of Povina Cal • * * p x of Portland. Many Tärkeys In Lane County Pool Upper Willamette Car« and Truck« Form Line Waiting to Deliver Birds at Fruit Growers the county clerk Iasi week Corvallis Paopla Hare— Mr and BATH FOR AUTOMOBILE The firm which will ileal la s o ils, Mrs. William Darling and daughter, RADIATORS IS ADVISED fruit, vegetables and other farm Alice llarllug of Corvallis, spent the week end here visiting at the Choked with rust and sediment, producta Is capitalised nt 376.000. Incorporators are S Moteasen, hume of her alaler and family. Mr automobile radiators have a hard and Mr« Arthur Peterson time doing an effteleul Jolt ot cool­ I,. C. Pope. C W Murphy. ing the motor. A boiling automo­ bile radiator I» very often the symp­ tom of the presence of dirt and The senior class of the Pleas« a Thousands of aiembera of the 1» the controlling factor. To some Hill high school will give tllclr’an Alfred 8. Matteson, a Civil war persous meal time means moving nnal play the first week In He, . in fraternity are guarding FINE BIRDS TAKEN IN her. The cast for th e play Vail •«»•"•» i,nd radla veteran, died at the home of his "f to lb** table, saying nothing, ant Hector" Is as follows Rml Me ,ora' «'llmlliatlllg rust and sedl daughter. Mr«. C. K. Warner. Nov- «»ting all they can hold and then Lane Fowl to Find Market in Leml Hector Simmons; Blanche b' “ »• ember 10. at the advanced age of drifting into an easy chair for a 89 and one-half years. Surviving ““P or • »moke. Such persons are Southland; Another Pool to Wheeler. Jean Ferry; Harold Me nu8'""« ’»>« radiator with a soln Lend. Chauncey Skinner; Hale “f »r'«"'»ry bora*, him are four daughter» and one missing a part of life that 1» their be Formed in December l.lndlev. Hill H alley; Veda H ale, radiator. Fill a son. as follows: Mrs. Ella Renfro, right. tie sociable and take your * “r'" * “‘*r of Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Daisy D. «'««• Don't «"tget that you are a Approximately moo turkeys had vrline Dorway; Ruth Brabham '* « *a",,n buck*‘ Warner of Creswell; Mrs. L. Agnes human being and that one dBfer- bce.i received at the red barn of Margaret Mitchell; Nina McPeek. aBd «»'-»'«•** «die half pound of bo CONTINUES FOR THREE DAYS rax In the water. Pour Hits solu Rusby of Silver City. New Mexico; enee between you and other . ani- . 5 ,h‘* ►'»«*** |rT“ 11 «rowers assocla Julia Morley; Noble Wh el ,i (ion into the radiator and (III up Mrs. Nell M. Reierson of Freder- u,als is that you can carry ideas ,lon Tuesday In the first tur- Elmer Banner; Luclle Jordan, Mr»., 8 » e 1 11 d lr xs l i f x i I ■* d make life pleasanter for ] key pool to be made in lame comi Skinner; Truman Akers. Mr. Skin ¡with a few minutes until It lias tier; Althea Baughman, Hottie f‘" Loa Angeles A half brother John .'ourself and other». If you do this tv this season. Simmons warmed up and the solution has R. Ralnea of Marshfield and 10 and ,ake >our lime >ou wiU ilnd Many Bird» Released The bird» are packed In large ' The’ second Issue of the Pleasant ‘ ‘««lated through the cooling sys­ that you require less food and meal grandchildren also survive him. Over 50.000 eggs were taken this flat boxes which provide ample ven time will mean more than eating Hill high school paper was printed tem Then drain and If the water He was born In the state of New season at the three game farms of tllatlon and were loaded In refrlg large quantities of food. last week. Following Is the staff: is very rusty or dirty, repeat the York April 31, 1843. enlisting in the the state game commission. Game erator cars to be sent to Klamath SENSATIONAL PRICES ON flushing with another borax solu Civil war August 10, 1861, with the Chew your food slowly. You birds to the number of 22.787 were Falls for further loading. The Editor-In chief. Mildred Swift; as­ Ilon. When tlie radiator drain« sistant editors. Jack Doane and STANDARD CRADE MERCHANDISE 10th Missouri Infantry; he was should not be so busy that you released during the past 12 months, birds are all destined to find their wounded February 2. 1863, and cannot take time for your meal, j This release nearly equals that of way suth. probably to Los Angeles Z.lla Manney; .................. iianage, ¡‘ ‘•'a0' »" “P * 1,b fr**b Robert Huinttiuud; «ports editor. later, February 23, 1864, re-enlisted When you find that your business last year, although the game farms and the Bay Cities markets, . EXTRA SALESPEOPLE TO SERVE YOU Noble Wheeler; society editor, I with the 1st Missouri cavalry in requires so much time that you ; had less money to operate on This is only the first of the pools Bonnie Jean Tinker; printer. James which he served until his discharge must curtail your meal hours then -------------------------- to be held in Eugene. At least one Wanlflg. humor editor, France« September 1, 1866. at Little Hock. you have ceased being the master Mrs. HUI from Washington has more ia being planned In December llunsaker; copy readers and typ Arkansas. He came to Oregon of your job. Efficiency does not FAVORABLE RATIOS ,h.‘, . pa'" » •* * w,,h . her after the Thanksgiving holidays esta, Florence Jordan. Ida Shirley. | from Illinois and lived at Fall depend or the time you put into James Hill, mid family. She plans IN LUMBER ORDERS McKinley Huntington of Roseburg. Cedi Drew. Creek until last September when your work but the work you put In­ to go on to California In time for — j is president of the Oregon Turkey Ruler« of Low Prices A committee consisting of Prof- be came to Creswell to live with to your time. Washington. D C. — Although I Growers association, sponsors of Thanksgiving. i*owers. Prof. Cooper, and Prof. tOth d> Willamette— EUGENE— New Schaefer« Bldg. his daughter. The funeral was held A. W. Weaver and James Kitiiils- The great trouble with many of lumb*r orders have as a rule equal- the pool. This group it affiliated Kilpatrick drew up the basketball Monday afternoon at the 9chwer- chedule for the county basketball ,on " ’‘urne* 1 Wednesday from a Ing chapel, with Interement In the us is that we live to eat instead of *** or «“X'^eded the limited cut for with the Northwest Turkey Grow (rip ot several days at Triangle eating to live. We allow our ap- sever»l months past, the most Ya-jera association with headquarters B and C league. old Odd Fellows cemetery at Eu­ lake. Eight girls of the Pleasant Hill gene, Rev. S. D. Trefren. pastor of petites to tempt us to eat more T"rable ratios bave been noted dur at Salt Lake City. Itah J. K. Conn, William Byler has return,«1 from the local Methodist church officiat­ than we really need. The organs inK ,h*‘ Past ,wo w*eks. For the (also of Roseburg, wis in charge of under the direction of Miss Brag a (rip to Seattle. Washington. of the human body will stand a re- week ended November 7 new bust the group working In Eugene Tues don. They intend to put on an ing. The high school will give the markable amount of abuse, parti- ness re<'(‘i¥ed exceeded production! day. act between acts of the senior play cularly during the years of early b> 20 P*r cent- » 18 »ndlcated in A glmilar p ^ , wag held TttewUy high school are tukiug tumbling play "The College Cut Vp uext life, but if continually called on 'e >’,rraph<‘J * P o r f *">"> 824 lead- a| Albany and Wednegday th,. The Torch Honor society of Friday evening at the hall. This «hey will eventually break down. ‘n‘ har*w™ 1 “ d 80* ’ *^d m'1,s two groups moved to Oakland Pleasant Hill high school held a play promises to be one of the More than twice as many over- “ ,be Nat,<*®*1 and Roseburg. A pool was held at meeting anil elected the (ollowlng heat given here for some time hav weight persons die of heart dis- ,drers “ »oclation Production og Sa,em Qn Monday officers: ITesident. Luclle Jordan; lng 22 characters In It. Mr and Mrs. Wrlgle from Yak ease, nephritis, arterial diseases. ,hese mills amounted to 146.918.000 l} d «.„an«* .« vice president. Mildred Swift; sec . . . . . feet and sh in m en ti wprt» 9 n*ir Graders and others handling the retary. Bonnie Jean Tinker Two 'ma- W“"h", “re ’ " “ lb« Mr ‘ nd cerebral hemorrhage and , diabetes “na -mpments were » per cent . .. as do underweight persons aboTe ,bU fi«ur* A w<*k earleruurkeJr9 ^ ‘¥ad « new members joined. George Jame­ Mrs. Bert Weaver. They formerly , 816 mills reported orders 16 pet Pr«»»«* surprise at the quality of owned the George Perkins ranch son and Edward Jacoby. State Board of Health Says Find what your normal aboTe , he ghlpmentg „ per .he bird, received. here. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haley should be for your age and height Many Are Shortening Their "They will run about the same Miss Ineg Kyler who Is taking cent above a cut of 1157.072.000 feet. have rented the farm recently oc and make it a point to see that this : grade, most of them are choice nurse’s training ul 81. Vincent hoa- Lives by Overeating cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell weight is maintained but not ex­ Young Son (to shoe clerk wait­ fowls and a few are fancy grade," at Pleasant Hill and will move this p"al *>««•»««■ ” >° "H«ntly un- Millions are daily consuming ceeded. Not only will your health ing on fastidious mother) "No use! I declared Mr. Conn. week. Mr and Mrs Haley hav. * ’ “« an -’l*«U on for appendl be better but you will feel better more food than their bodies actual­ showing her the ilrst ten pair— '*"be delivery prices on prime occupied the Frank Moore ranch arr,''*<, hom" ,o ap*nd * " " ly require, and a large number of and be able to do more with less she won't take 'em.” young toms and on young and old day« convalescing. which is now occupied by Mr. and effort.—State Board of Health. this class are shortening their hens was 16 cents a pound, on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harblt and Mrs. Crabtree and family. lives by overeating. Capacity choice birds and old toms. 12 cents, daughter. Molly Dell, front Scotts­ N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F S SA LE About 78 residents of Pleasant burg. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Peterson eaters no doubt derive a lot of en Roseburg— Present indications and on commercial birds, 8 cents. REAL PRO PERTY joyment out of satisfying their ap­ are that the Northwestern Turke> JUICY TASTY SAVORY NOTICE is hereby given that b, Turkeys are now retailing on Los HUI community met at the home of anrallon , ha Marsh were w defendants, which exe- Christmas presentation of the Bap 4th and Main Sts. Phone 63 ♦ a z s vs w -* i — — a - * v 1 zvss cution was a to me directed and com- list Sunday school was announced hold their next meeting November „ ,, >nd M hpad j nianded me to sell the real pro-, E. C. STUART PRATT HOLVKRSON perty hereinafter described to satis- here tbl8 week following a meet 18 at the home of Mr. and Mrs quarters at Junction City were fy certain liens and charges sped- i ing of teachers and other church Orson Stutx. She will be assisted Oled for record at the office of | fled, f will on Saturday the 19 day f workers Mondav evening. The by Mrs. Hammond and Mrs. Gar- ?n hOKr ° f Pageant is written by Mrs. H. G. mlre. 10 o clock A. M. at the southwest ....... . The freshmen return reception door of the County Court House In W llliam and win <»«*«‘«<1 b>' Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, of-! Mr». William Taylor, wife of the will be held at the bifh school gym­ fer for sale and sell at public auc- pastor. She has announced that nasium Friday. November 2«. SPECIA tlon for cash, subject to redemp- the gelect)on of the cag, of 30 ,.bar. (Z tion as provided by law all of the _ - _ _____ _____ right, title and interest of the de ac,er8 wtH be started 8ot,n They EUGENE SCOUT TROOP fendants in said suit and of all wil1 be recruited from the Sunday i ca iT F D T A IN < i I DPA1 BOYS parties claiming by, through or un- schools classe and from the con _______ r>th and Main Sta. Springfield der them or any ofth em since the grvgatlon. The program will be Scout troop number 2 of Eugene 6th day of April. 1931. in or to the . ~ x , following described real property. glTen on Tue"day evening. Dec entertained 12 members of the ' to-wit: i ember 22. Springfield troop at a social affair South fifty-eight and one-third j -------------------------- at the armory In Eugene on Tues- ms m a No P r o fit SALE T hursday — Friday Saturday Thurston The Golden Rule EATING SPREES SAIDJRIMFUl Choice Homegrown TURKEYS INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. mv J qivinq Irish-Murphy Co. and 1 North61 e'lgh^^nd* o'ticthlrd BROTHERHOOD TO MEET j day e¥enlng Howard H ughes and (8 1-3) feet of Lot four (4), Block AT CHURCH MONDAY Ph*1 Bartholomew, members of the Suggestions For Your T hanksgiving D inner six (6, Ellsworth's Addition to Eugene, Oregon. Dated this 18th day of November, 1931. H L. BOWN, Sheriff. By A. E. HULEGAARD, Deputy. IN 19-26—D 3-10-17) N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S ON E X E C U T IO N SELECT HERE Your holiday vegetables and fruits — bulk dates, cranberries, pumpkin (whole or canned,, sweet potatoes, corn on the cob in the can, Hubbard squash, minced m eat, cider, mixed nuts. CANNED GOODS OF EVERY KIND W hite Front G rocery "The Home of Quality Products’ B a d W e a th e r ! NO W ! NO W ! is th e tim e to send your w ash in g to the laundry.......................... Rough Dry 7c lb. for the Winter No Extra for Handkerchiefs Each Washing Individual — No Marking Or Mixing PHONE 75J - we call for and Deliver SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY SALE NOTICE Is hereby given that by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County, Oregon, on i the 7th day of November, 1931, In an action in which Dora M. John son. was the plaintiff and W. Stager and Ellen B. Stager, were defend­ ants, In which action the plaintiff recovered Judgment against the de­ fendants for 815.69. with Interest thereon from the 7th day of Nov­ ember, 1931. at the rate of 6% per annum to the date ot the payment of said judgment; and the further sum of 88.20 costs which said exe­ cution was to me directed and com­ manded me In the name of the State I of Oregon, to levy upon the pro- 1 perty of the defendants In ordei - to satisfy said judgment, interest. I costs and accruing costs, I have levied upon the following described ¡ real property of the defendants In i I.ane county, Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at a point In the South Line of the County road known as the Ixirane highway, be­ ing County road No. 846, directly south of the North East corner of the North West quarter of Sec tlon (14) In Township (18) South Range (4) West of the Wiliam ette Meridian and running thence South 707 feet, thence West 180 feet, thence North to the South line of the said Lorane Highway and thence Easterly along the South line of said Highway 161 feet more or less to the place of beginning In Lane County, Ore­ gon NOW THEREFORE IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE GON. and In compliance with said execution and In order to satisfy said Judgment. Interest, costs and accruing costs, I will on Friday the 18th day of December at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the Southwest front door of the County Court House In Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, of-' fer for sale and sell at public auc­ tion for cash to the highest bidder, subject to redemption as provided by law, all the right, title and In- ’ terest of the said defendants In and to said premises and all parties claiming by. through or under them ¡ »Ince the 7th day of November,' 1931. Dated this 9th day of November. 1931. H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon. By A. E HULEGAARD. Deputy. (N 19 26—D 3-10-17, ----------- The Men's Brotherhood of the Methodist church will hold their monthly meeting Monday evening. November 23. It will start with a potluck supper served by the men and will be given over to a discus- sion of local affairs. local troop committee also attend ed as guests of Russell B. Jones, leader of the Eugene troop, L. L. Dailey made a short talk and demonstrated some of the points in archery. Doughnuts and cider were served as refreshments. Come Load the Festive Board With Choice and Tasty Foods— V kJ'- tiliä s These Prices Are Good Until Thanksgiving i ' 1 -