THE SPRINOPIULD NEWS THURSDAY, NOVEKBEE I t, IM I Inventory of C ita lo C lio *— In vi'iitory and appralsemsut of aitaio and uppralsemont of tbe aitato of of Hualo Vodjansky waa fill'd In pro liuto court Wodnaaday The aitati amounts to 9974.71. N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T T u ie C IIIIN T V r n ltM T H T A T K o f ' o KK ON I I I ha n I A I ha (Ih (IH K (H )N NT h V estate to be Probated— Lee C. Abbe liua been appointed aduilnla lia lo r of the estate of llenry W Itose. Tim estate conalata of per­ sonal property of the value 62000. M in i Location Notice Filed— No lice of u mine location In the Fall Creek field waa filed for record at the office of the county clerk by U. K. Iluabuell. NOTICC OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T In the County Court fur the Hint« of tlrcaou for lame County. lu the M atter of tbo Estutu of Frank A. Itlchardaon, deceaaod. Notice la hereby Mlven that the undersigned executor has filed herein hla final account und that the Court haa appointed Tuesday. Ileiem her 16th, 11131, a t «le v e l o’clock lu the fureuoon at the County Court Itooni In the Court House at Eugene, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing of ob lections to said final account and the settlement of said estate. All persona Interested may appear at said tlniv and place and file objec­ tions It any they have. Haled November 12. 1931. II K. RICHARDSON. Executor estate of Frank A. Itlchardaon. deceased. C. II SEDGW ICK, Creswell, Ore., AltorneV (or estate. (N 161626: D 3 10) N O T IC E OF H E A R IN G ON FIN A L ACCOUNT IN T H E CO U N TY CO URT O F T H E STA TE O F l.H EUO N FUK T H E CO UNTY OF LANE IN THE MATTER OF THE ES T A T E O F JOHN McGUIRE, De ceased. NO TIC E IS HEREBY G IVEN : That the undersigned, as executrix of the Last W ill and Testament ot John McGuire, deceased, has filed her account for the final settlement of said decedents estate In the County Court for lame iluunty, Oregon, and that Saturday the 11th day of December, 183c, at the Court Room of said Court in the County Court House, In Eugene at the hour of tei^ o ’elork In the forenoon, has been Tlxcil by said Court as the time und place for hearing objec tlous thereto, uud for the settle incut thereof. B K K T IIA I. BU ItU HAR DT. Executrix ot the Last W ill uud Testament of John McGuire, deceased. L. I.. ItAY. Attorney for Estate. |N 12 1828 D 3-101 N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Notice Is hereby given that the uuderslgner has b«H L|- t,4 . . | • «rise « « e s e e k ■/> frnr f h lb ulta« r final iflu ì Ihpgsao VMBf PpfWlf n sa n a e -n n _ v ig lia i-- make three year Proof, i to highest for any week so far this m Gordon 8. Wells, Miner Bonding. LANE CO UNTY. establish claim to the land above Eugene, Oregon, wltbln sis months year, according to a stotendtotomf IN T H E M A T T E H OF T H E ES­ described, before E. O. Immel. U. S. T A T E OF CECH, J. H LU YTEIt. the American Hallway Association Commissioner, at Eugene. Oregon, of the date of the first publication of this notice. This notice Is first Deceased. transmitted to the Interstate Com­ on the 22nd day of December, 1931. published November 6, 1831. TO WHOM T H IS MAY CONCERN: merce Commission October 13. Claimant names as witnesses: ANNA VAUGHN, Administra­ Notice Is hereby given that I the W illiam Hbarnlng. of Vida. Ore­ trix of the estate of Hugh Mor­ undersigned. L. H Mulkey,, have gon. rison, deceased. NOTICE OF SH E R IF F 'S SALE filed my final account as adminis­ Guy Jones. W alter Millies«, and (N 6-12-18-20— D 2) REAL FRO FB RTY trator lu the above entitled probate Frank Jones, of leaburg, Oregon. NO TIC E Is hereby given that by proceeding; that the time set by ROBERT E. CRAW FORD. the aald Court ' for the bearing virtue of an execution and order of SUM M ONS Acting Register. llmreon before the seld Court Is sale Issued out of the Circuit Court (N 18 20— D 3-10-17) IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E Friday, November 20. 1931, at tbe of tbe Htate of Oregon fur la n e S T A T E O F OREGON FOR hour of 10 o'clock A. M and no­ County this 23rd day of October, SUM M ONS L A N E CO UN TY tice la hereby given that anyone 1931, upon and pursuant to a decree liavlug auy <>b)t one Block seven of 18.93 cbalns. thence West 27.00 Scott's Addition to the City of Eu­ N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S NO TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N : I chains, tbenca South 11.39 chains, gene, lame County. Oregon; That N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’ S S A L E ON That F. LaVerne I-arnb has been I tbence West 2 chains, tbence said lien be decreed to be a first E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E South 2 chains, tbence East lien and superior and prior to tbe appointed administratrix of tbe Notice la hereby given that by 29.00 chains to tbe place of begin­ lien of the aforesaid J. W. Jami­ estate of Julia S. U m b , deceased, virtue of an execution and order of by the County Court of Lane Coun-1 ning; and also the Northwest son; that plain tiffs lien be fore­ sale In foreclosure Issued out of tbe quarter of tbe Northeast quarter closed and said premises sold In ty. Oregon. All persons having of Section 29, Township 18 South tbe manner provided by law and Circuit Court of Lane County, Ore­ claims against said estate are re­ of Kange 6 West of tbe W illam ­ the proceeds applied, first to the gon. on the 28th day of October, quired to present them, with the ette Meridian. In lame County, payment of costs, then to the Judg­ 1931, In a suit wherein, on tbe 28th proper vouchers wltbln six months day of Actober, 1931. In said Court at the bank Thursday evening. The NOTICE OF ROAO D IS T R IC T Oregon. ment aforesaid specified In favor from tin- 23 day of October, 1931, Dated tbls 23rd day of October, of the plaintiff and the balance to The State of Oregon. Represented M E E T IN G success of their recent entertain­ to the said administratrix at the and acting by the World W ar Vet­ Pursuant to a petition signed by the aforesaid J. W. Jamison unless erans' State Aid Commission, re­ ment showed 6144 net which with law office of L. L. Hay In tbe Miner 1931. H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. otherwise determ med by the court covered Judgment against the de­ the required number of freeholders llulldlug. Eugene, Oregon. The Lone F ir circle No. 136 other funds brings the assets of the By A. E. HULEG AARD, Deputy. and that the defendants be fore­ fendants Horald J. Bevan and in Road District No. 21, which peti­ F La V E R N E LA MU. Admluls (O 29— N 6-12-19-26) closed of all right, title and Inter­ Esther E. Bevan for the sum of tion has been duly approved by the Neighbors of Woodcraft held their company up to nearly 6200. Dta- tra lrlx of tbe estate of Julia S. est In said premises excepting tbe Two Thousand Six Hundred Ninety- County Court of Lane County, Ore­ regular meeting in the hall, Thurs­ cussion of emergency support with Lamb, deceased. L. I.. HAY, Alturney tor N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S S A L E ON statutory right to redeem and snch nine and 86-100 (92.688.66) Dollars, gon, who have made and recorded day evening with an attendance of water and power was a feature of the Estate. E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E other relief as to the court may together with Interest thereon at an order that said petition be ap­ 21. Two visitors. Mrs. Laura Viola the meeting and 9. C. Bond. J. R. appear equitable.. The date ot the the rate of four per cent per annum proved and that an election be held (O » 2 9 — N 612 19) Woods of Salem and Mrs. Shan- Clack, Carlisle Scarbrough, E. A. NoUce la hereby given that by order directing the service of thia from and since the 28th day of May. in pursuance thereto, therefore, virtue of an execution and order summons by the publication there­ 1928, amounting to Three Hundred N O TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IVEN doah of Corvallis were present. Schwering and L. E. Ztniker were N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S ot sale In foreclosure Issued out of of is dated October 20th, 1931, and Sixty-seven and 06-100 (6367.06) that a meeting of the legal voters Five new members were initiated. appointed a committee to make In­ Notice Is hereby given Ibat the tbe Circuit Court ot Lane County, required publication thereof once Dollars, and for the further sum In Road District No. 21, In Lane The following officers were elec­ vestigation as to supply equipment County, Oregon, will be held at the undersigned have been appointed Oregon, on tbe 28th day of October, each week for four successive of Two Hundred Seventy-five and methods and report at the next Executor uud Executrix of the es­ 1931, In a suit wherein on the 22nd weeks. Date of first publication, (6276.00) Dollars attorney’s fees hour of 8 p. m., on the 20th day ot ted: Guardian Neighbor, Mrs. Jane advisor, Mrs. Ernest meet! tag. November. A. D. 1931, at the Howe Graville; tate of Mary E. Jewett, deceased, day of October, 1»31, A. I*. Kosen- October 22nd. 1932. and for coals and disbursements Schoolhouse In aald Road District, C. A. W 1N TER M EIEK . by tbe County Court of lame Coun dall recovered Judgment against Wroth; magician. Mrs. Clara Vogt; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Elmore and taxed at the sum of 631.00. and said Attorney for Plaintiff, Resl- execution to me directed, com­ to determine whether said road dis­ clerk. Miss Alma Allingham; bank­ two children of Alameda. California, ty. Oergon. All persous having Oscar a . Vitus and Kosa A. Vitus, trict shall levy a special tax ot his wife, defendants for the sum of denes: Eugene, Oregon. cliilms agutnst said estate are here­ manding me In the name of the (8978J7 ) Nine Hundred Seventy er, Miss Lola Allingham; attend­ stopped Friday morning on Mr. and (O 22-29— N 612-18) by not tried to present tbe sume, 61300.00 with Interest at the rate State of Oregon, In order to satisfy eight and 97-100 Dollars upon all the ant. Mrs. Evangeline Hurd; flag Mrs. C. H. Sedgwick. They were re­ of 7 per cent per annum from the properly verified to the undersign­ said judgments. Interest, attorneys taxable proverty in said district fo 6th day of August, 1»24. and for ed. at the office of Wells & Wells, SUMMONS fees, costa of salt, and acrulng the purpose of providing funds for bearer, Mrs. Bertha Ruthven; cap turning Woodburn to their Attorneys, Hank of Commerce the sum of 634.47 for taxes, and IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E costa, to sell the following dee- tain of guards, Mrs. Marjorie Van home where Mr. Elmore is United road purposes in district. Bldg, Eugene, lame County, Ore­ tor the sum of 6160.00 as attorney's S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E cribed real property, to-wlt: Duyn; press correspondent. Mrs. States entimologlst in Los Angeles. Dated this 3rd day of November, fees herein, and the coats and dis­ gon. within six months from the CO U N TY OF LANE Nora Castle; outer sentinel, Eugene They were both college mates of the The West fifty (60) feet of 1931. date of the first publication of this bursements herein In the sum of Charles Clements, plaintiff, vs Jean Lot Eight (6) in Block Three (6) Attest: 631.70. which Judgment was en­ Graville; inner sentiner, Palmer boys at Oregon State college seven notice. Flanigan, defendant. W. B. DILLA RD. County Clerk. in Wallis-Dorris Addition to the Date of first publication, Oct. rolled and docketed In the Clerk's TO JEAN FLA N IG A N , D E FEN D ­ C. P. BARNARD. County Judge. Pitkin; managers. Belle Hurd, Her- ' years ago. City of Eugene, in Lane County, office of said Court In said County 22nd. 1931. The Jordan 60 acres up the swale C L IN T O N HURD. County Com­ tha Johns, and Edward Graville. Oregon. on tbe 23rd day of October, 1631, AN T. AND TO INUH FLA NIG A N, N. Scott Jewett, Executor. H IS G U A R D IA N : missioner. was purchased by John MaxweU and said execution to me directed Tbe marriage of Miss Inex Carter Clara A. Morrow. Executrix. NOW . TH E R E FO R E , in the name O. E. CROWE, County Com­ IN T H E N A M E OF T H E STATE commanding me In tbe name of the Wellg A Wells, Attorneys. to Percy Harrington, both of Co­ of Eugene and the deal completed of the State ot Oregon, In compli­ missioner. State of Oregon. In order to satlaty O F OREGON, You are hereby re­ ance with the said execution and IO 22-49— N 6-12-1») burg. took place in Eugene, last Thursday. C. H. Sedgwick, real ee- (N5-12-19) said Judgment, Interest, taxes at­ quired to appear and answer the order of sale, and in order to satisfy complaint which haa been filed a- Tuesday. Both young people are tate agent completed the deal. torney's fees, coats of suit, and ac­ said judgment, including Interest, NOTICE N O T IC E cruing costa to sell the following gainst the above named defendant, attorneys' fees, costs of salt and well known here. Mrs. Harrington This added to 141 acres formerly OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE O F S H E R IF F ’S SA L E Jean Flanigan, within four weeks described real property, to-wlt: is a student in the Coburg high owned by Mr. Maxwell makes him accruing costs. I w ill on Saturday, Notice is hereby given that by Notice Is hereby given that by from the date of the first publica­ the 28th day ot November, 1981, st virtue of an execution and order school and Mr. Harrington Is a one of the largest and most diversi­ virtue ot an execution and ordet Beginning at the Southwest tion of this summons, and If you of sule Issued out of the Circuit corner of the Geo. W. Evans Do­ fall to so appear and answer for the hour of One o'clock in the of sale issued out of the Circuit graduate of the local high school. fied ranches In that vicinity. Court of the State of Oregon for nation Land Claim No. 46. Notlf. want thereof the plaintiff will take afternoon of said day. at the South­ Court of the state of Oregou for "Better than Gold” a new loyalty Mr. and Mrs. H arry Harbert are No. 2936. In Township 16 South a decree against you tor the relief west front door of the County Lane County, October 78, 1931, up­ Lane County. October 21aL 1931 the parents of a daughter, who was play Is dated for Friday evening, Court House in Eugene, Lane Coun­ on and pursuant to a decree made upon and pursuant to a decree duly of Kange 4 West of W illam ette as prayed for In his complaint, to- November 27, at the W. O. W. given and made by said court, Meridian. Oregon, and running wlt: For a Judgement against the ty. Oregon, offer for sale and sell by said Court Octuoer 27, 1931. lu born at the Pacific Christian hos­ October 20th. 1931 In a suit pend thence East along the South line above named Jean Flanigan in the for cash, at public auction, subject a suit pending therein in which pital in Eugene last Tuesday morn­ hall. Local talent makes up the tng In which L. H. Mulkey was of said claim 1164 feet, thence sum of One Thousand Dollars, to­ to redemption as provided by law, Mary E. Hostlck was plaintiff and ing. The baby weighed 7 pounds cast. It Is given under the auspices plaintiff and Mary E. McGregor, North 0* 8' East 1026.1 feet, gether with Interest thereon at the all of the right, title and interest George F. Hostlck, M yrtle F. Hos- and was named Katherine Kay of the Young Ladies Auxiliary of Rachel W elti. Alma Rllson and thence North 8»’ 30' West 1147.7 rate of eight per cent per annum of the said defendants Harold J. tick. The Commercial State Bank the Methodist Aid society and Mrs. feet to the West line of »aid from the 9th day of February. 19- Bevan and Esther E. Bevan. Allle of Springfield, a corporation, and The little girl Is the second child Uilson her husband. George Mis W. O. Spencer is director. More W allis. W. J. Lichty and R. S A. A. Schramm, State Superintend­ of Mr. and Mrs. Harbert, the older claim, thence along said West 31. and the further sum of 9125.00 Gregor and McGregor, his line South 0* 2»' West 1036 feet as a reasonable attorney's fee, and Shelley and all persons claiming ent of Banks, were defendants, being a boy. whose name is Dewaln detailed announcements will be wife, James McGregor and to the place of beginning, con­ his costs and disbursements here­ by. through or under them or any which execution and order of sale Harbert. made later. • McGregor, his wife. O. L. Carlton taining 27.38 acres ot land In in. and for a decree that the mort­ or either of them. In and to the was to me directed and command­ i as the administrator of the Estate said premises. ed me to sell the real property Mrs. Nellie Franz or The Dalles the Geo. W. Evans donation land gage of the plaintiff be foreclosed j nf Frank McGregor deceaaed, and H. L. BOW N. Sheriff of Lane hereinafter descriueu to satisfy cer and Robert James of Long Beach, claim In lame County. State of and the real property described ' S. M. Calkins as administrator of STATE IS PLAINTIFF County, Oregon. tain liens and charges in said de­ Oregon, except roadway. therein, to-wlt: the estate of Frank McGregor de­ (O 29 — N 6-12-18-26) cree specified. I will, on Saturday, California, who have been visiting The north half ot Donation ceased. unknown heirs of Francis IN COLLECTION SUITS Now. therefor«, in the name of the 5th duy of December, 1931. at with Mrs. Nora Castle, have return­ Land Claim No. 43, Notf. No.32- 111. McGregor, Deceased, were de the State of Oregon, In compliance the hour of one o’clock P. M. at the ed to their homes. Mrs. Franz is E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E 88 In Sections ten and fifteen fendants, which execution and or­ The sta’ e industrial acldent com with said execution and order 'of Township 18. 9. R. 3 West of the Notice is hereby given that by southwest door of the County a daughter of Mrs. Castle and Mr. der of sale was to me directed and mission flI6d two suits against Lane sale and In order to satisfy said Court House in Eugene, Lane Coun­ W illam ette Meridian, In Lane virtue of an execution and order of commanded me to sell the real pro­ James is a nephew. Judgment, Interest, taxes, attorneys county firms in circuit court here County, Oregon, and being the sale in foreclosure issued out of the ty, Oregon, offer for sale and sell perty hereinafter described to fees, costs of suit and accruing Mrs. Delphia Taylor of Lebanon last week. North half ot the D. L. C. ot Circuit Court of Lane County, Ore­ at public auctln for cash, subject satisfy the sum of I860 with Inter­ costs, I will on Saturday, tbe 28th George M. Ccryell the same con­ gon, on the 28th day of October, to redemption as provided by law, spent last week-end visiting with est at 8% per annum from Heptem The state commission seeks to day of November, 1831, at tbe hour taining 160.23 acres of land, more 1981, in a suit wherein, on the 28th ail of the right, tk e and interest her mother, Mrs. Meek. her 21. 1929 until paid and 6126 at­ of 2 o'clock In the afternoon of said collect 6215.18 from A. L. Gray of the defendants In said suit and or less, in said County and State; day of October, 1931, in said Court torneys fees and costs and dis day, at the Southwest front door of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Herman and engaged ,n logging. Another suit Also beginning at the south Vlcca Kundret recovered Judgment of all parties claiming by, through buresemonts of suit taxed at 640.70 the County Court House, In Eu­ west corner of Donation Land against the defendants Minnie Lu­ or under them or any of them since small daughter of aalem visited is for 6353.67 against Harry E. and coats of sale, I will on Friday gene, lame County, Oregon, offer Claim No. 6» in Tp. 18 S. R. 3 ciano and Qultlano Luciano, whose the 13th day of July, 192». in or to with Mrs. Herman's parents, Mr. Swartz, engaged in logging. the 20th day of November. 1981 for sale and sell for cash, at public West ot the W illam ette Meridian name is sometimes spelled Gutl&no the following described real prop at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at auction, subject to redemption as All that part of the Northeast and run thence North 12.38 chains Luciano for the sum of Nine Hun­ the southwest door of the County provided by law, all of the right, S U M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N amount of Seven and 63TOO (7.61) to right ot way, thence west 8 dred (6900.00) Dollars, and for the erty, to-wtt: Court Ilouae in Eugene, laine Coun­ title and Interest of said defend quarter of the Northeast quarter IN F O R E C L O S U R E O F TAX L IE N Dollars, the same being the amount chains and 1 1-3 links, thence further sum of Thirty-nine and ty, Oregon, offer for sale and sell ants, Oscar A. Vitus and Rosa A. and the lots numbered one, two IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT F T H E then due and delinquent for taxes south 67 Unas, thence east 8 11-100 (639.11) Dollars as interest at public auction for cash, subject Vitus, his wife, and all persons and three ot section 15, in town­ STATE OF OREGON, FOR for the year 1924 together with chains 1 1-3 links and thence thereon, and for the further sum of to redemption as provided by law. claiming by, through or under them ship 17, south, range 3 west of LANE COUNTY penalty, interest and costs there­ North 67 links to the place of be­ One Hundred (6100.00) Dollars as all of the right, title and Interest of or any or either oi them in and the WUIamette Meridian. In Lane W. Clyde Fisk and Martha L. Fisk, on upon the real property assessed ginning, In Lane County, Oregon, attorney's fees and for costs and the defendants of said suit and to said premises. County, Oregon, which lies west Plaintiffs, vs. W , H. Hastings to you, of which you are the owner be sold as provided by law, by the disbursements taxed at the sum of of ull parties claiming by. through H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. of the Deadmond Slough, and in­ and Jennie Hastings, Defendants. as appears of record, situated in Sheriff of lAne County, Oregon, to 660.70, and said execution to me or under them or any of them since By A, A. HULEGAARD. Deputy. pay said judgment, coats, and ac­ directed, commanding me in the cluding all of the Deadmond Is­ To W. H. Hastings and Jennie said County and State, and parti the 1st day of July 1931, In or to (O 2»—N 6161626) land and extending to the center Hastings, the above named de­ cularly bounded and described as cruing coats and disbursements. the following described real pro name of the State of Oregon, In of said Deadmond Slough; also fendants: follows, to-wlt: This summons Is served upon you order to satisfy said Judgments, in­ perty, to-wlt: the ferry boat and cable used as IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE All of lot numbered Ten In Lot 2 In block 6 In Cheshire NOTICE OF SH E R IF F ’S SALE by the publication thereof In the terest, attorney's fees, co8|s of access thereto and all the appur OF OREGON: REAL PROPERTY Elmer Acres. Lane County, Ore­ Springfield News, pursuant to an suit, and accruing coats, to te ll the addition to Eugene. lame Coun tenancea belonging to said prem You are hereby notified that W. gon; NO TIC E It hereby given that by order of the Hon. G. F. Sklpworth. following described real property, ty. Oregon. isee and said ferry boat; also Clyde Fisk and Martha L. Fisk, the You are further notified that Dated this 22nd day of October virtue of an execution and order of Judge of the above entitled court, to-wlt: Beginning at a point In the holders of Certificate of Delinqu­ said W. Clyde Fisk and Martha L. Lot One (1 ), and the Northeast 1931. sale Issued out of the Circuit Court duly made and entered the 3rd day south line of the Abraham Land­ ency numbered 2636 Issued on the Fisk have paid taxes on said pre­ Quarter (N E U ) of the Southeast H. L. BOWN, 8herlff. of the State of Oregon for Lane of November. 1931. Date of first es and wife Donation Land Claim 14th day of August. 1929. by the mises for prior or subsequent years. Quarter (9 E Ú ) o> Section Thirty- By A. E. HU LEG AA RD, Deputy. County the 28th day of October, publication. November 6th. 1931. No. 46, Notf. <128 in township 17 Tax Collector of the County of with the rale of Interest on said DONALD YOUNG, Attorney five (86) Township Eighteen (18) (O 22-26- N 6-16-1») 1931, upon and pursuant to a de­ South, range 3 west of the W ill­ Lane, State of Oregon, for the | amounts as follows: for Plaintiff, 430 Miner South, Range Six (6) West of the cree duly given and made by said amette Meredlan 28.03 chains Building. Eugene. Oregon W illam ette Meridian, in Lane IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E Court the 67th day of October, 1931 Dnte Kate of Tax west of the most easterly south­ Year's (N 6-1-18 26-D 3) County. Oregon, except ten (10) In a suit pending therein In which S TA TE OF OREGON FOR Tax Interest Paid Amount Receipt No. east corner of said claim, and acres deeded to C. E. Blodgette. Harold J. Wells was plaintiff and L A N E CO UN TY 1925 12% per annum 6.87 Aug. 14, 1929 33650 running thence north parallel NOTICE OF BALE NOW . T H E R E F O R E . In the name t 'buries Nichols, Plaintiff, vs. Phyl­ George E. Terry. Mary J. Terry 12% per annum 1926 8.62 Aug. 14, 1929 with the east line of said claim 33718 lis Nichols. Defendant. Summons Mary Terry and 0 . A. W lntermeler IN T H E CO UNTY COURT OF T H E of the State of Oregon, In compll 12% per annum 7.00 Aug. 14. 1929 32523 1927 27.64 chains to the north line were defendants, which execution STATE OF OREGON FOR JACK anee with the said execution and To Phyllis Nichols, Defendant: 7.82 1928 Aug. 14. 1929 27591 12% per annum thereof, thence east 20 feet, order of sale, and In order to satisfy IN T H E NAM E O F T H E STA TE and order of sale was to me di­ SON COUNTY. 12% per annum 1929. 1st half May 5. 1930, 2 79 12734 thence south parallel with the said OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ rected and commanded me to sell In the Matter of the Estate of Carl said judgment. Including interest, 2.79 12% per annum 44810 1929. 2nd half Nov. 5’ 1930 east line 27.64 chains and thence attorneys' fees, costs of suit and Henry Qreeaman, Doesassd quired to appear and answer the the real property hereinafter dea 12% per annum 21876 3.35 west 20 feet to the place of be­ 1930, 1st half May 5, 1931 Notice Is hereby given that In accruing costa. I w ill on Saturday, cumplalnt filed against you In the crlbed to satisfy certain liens and ginning. all being a part of said pursuance to an order of the above the 28th day of November, 1931, at above entitled suit on or before charges In aald decree specified, Said W. H. Hastings and Jennie foreclosing the lien of said taxes Donation Land Claim No. 46 in four weeks from date of the first will on Saturday the 28th day of entitled court made in the above the hour of One o'clock In the Hastings, as the owners of the and costs against the land and Lane County, State of Oregon; publication of this summons, or tor November, 1881, at the hour of one entitled matter on November 3, 1» afternoon of said day, at the South also the right to set and perpet legal title of the above described premises above named. want thereof the plaintiff will take o'clock, P. M., at the southwest 31. the undersigned, administratrix west front door of the County This summons Is published by ually maintain a high post for property as the same appears of Judgment against you and w ill ap door of the County Court House of said estate will sell the premises Court House in Eugene, Lane Coun record, and each of the other per­ order of the Honorable O. F. Skip- ferry cable on land belonging to ply Io the court for the relief prayed In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon hereinafter described at private ty, Oregon, offer for sale and sell Emily F. Stevens, Carrie Tyson. sons above named are hereby fur worth Judge of the Circuit Court for In the complaint and tor a de­ offer for sale and tell at public sale, to the highest bidder for cash for rash, at public auction, subject Alan H. Tyson, J. W. Barnes and ther notified that W. Clyde Fisk of the State of Oregon for the cree of absolute divorce from you. auction for cash, subject to redemp­ on the premises, from and after tho to redemption as provided by law, M yrtle Barnet on January 22. 16 and Martha L. Fisk will apply to County of Lane and said order was This Summons Is published once tion as provided by law, all ot the 16th day of December, 1931, sub­ all of the right, title and Interest 13, 20 feet east of the north end the Circuit Court of the County and made and dated this 22nd day of of the said defendants Minnie Lu each week for four consecutive right, title and Internet of the de­ ject only to confirmation of sale as of said atrip of land above des State aforesaid for a decree fore­ October, 1931, and the date of the weeks, III the Springfield News, a fendants In said suit and of all by law provided. The property clano, Guitiano Luciano whose crlbed. and a stay pole about 10 closing the lien against the prop­ first publication of this summons weekly newspaper published at parties claiming by, through or un hereinbefore referred to is partlc name Is sometimes spelled Outlano feet high about 10 feet north of erty above described, and mention­ is the 29th day of October, 1961. Luciano. Edward King, Bertrlce Springfield, Oregon, In Lane Coun­ der them or any of them In or to ulnrlv described as follows: All process und papers In thin the north bank of the slough ed in said certificate. And you are King, L. W. Stevens. Elisabeth ty, Htate of Oregon, by order of the the following described real pro­ All of Lot No. 25, of H. L. and T hereby summoned to appear with­ proceeding may be served upon the running across end near the Hon. (1. F. Hklpworth, Judge of said perty, to-wtt: B. Stewart’s Plat of acreage lots H. Stevens, W. A. Bell, Wm. D. north end of said lands, also a in sixty days after the first publi­ undersigned residing within the Court, made November 4th, 1831 Lot Five (6) In Block Two (2) being a subdivision of Jas. Ebbert Queen, and Jane Doe Queen, wife "Deadman” In the north bank of cation of this summons, exclusive State nf Oregon at the address and first published on November In Rees Addition to Eugene, Lane Jr. D. U C. No. 74, township 17. 9. of Wm. D. Queen, and all persons of the day of said first publication, hereafter mentioned. said slough. County, Oregon. lith, 1931. R. 3W. ot W. M. In Lane County claiming by, through, or under W ELLS d W ELLS, AttorMyn and defend this action or pay the Dated this 28th day ot October Dated this 28th day of October. Oregon, containing 1 acre, more or them or either of them, In and to FRANK B. REID, Attorney for for Plaintiffs. amount due as above shown, to­ 1931. tbe said premises. Plaintiff Residence and Post 1831. leas. H. L. BOW N, Sheriff, of gether with costs and accrued In Address, Bank of Commerce Bldg, H. L. BOW N. Sheriff of Lane H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. Office Address, Eugene. Ore O L IV E A. M cK IN N IS Eugene, Oregon. : terest, and In case of your failure Lane County, Oregon County, Oregon. By A. A. HU LEG AARD, Deputy Administratrix, gon. (O 29—N 616169») | to do so, a decree will be rendered (N 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 —D 9) (O 68— N 6-16-18-80) (O 1» — N 6-12-1626) (N 612-1926 D 8) (NS-12-18-26 DS) IV Bounty Is Collected— Tim cotta ly bounty on one coyota waa col­ lected at the office of the county i lerk Wednesday by Joe lla rt, loute 2, tfprlngfleld. Riport in Citato Filed— Iatan NOTICE FOR F U O LIC A TIO N O ip a rm in t of the Interior lory and ippralaim ont of tbe u t a t i of K o u li (I. Husby waa filad la pro- General I .and Off Ilo at Roseburg. Oregon. Novani bar 16th, IRSI. I baio court Tbo astata ainouuti to N O T IC E l i hereby «Ivan that I >2500 Nellie Adama, of I^esburg. Oregon, who. on April 22. 1*30. made H i i i m — t arloadlnga of revenue freight | ®1? 30.*' toJ Coburg