THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T W E N T Y -K IO H T II YKAK. STATE FILES BANK Stop ia Prolimina” ment of First From Commerci«. Pay- •tdt HPKINGKIKLD, LANE COUNTY, OKKOON, THURSDAY, NOVEKBER 19, 1931 Singers to Come Tuesday D ixie No. 45 Special Meeting to LEBANON GAME IS I .0 .0 .K Observe 50th Anniversary Plan Relief Work GATHER IN CITY TO MEET EBIDAY OFE: U.H.S. NEXT S. E. McBee Holds Member­ Jubilee Quartet to Civa Free 5 1 " 11 ■" Program at M. E. Church Condition of Brattain Field ship for 41 Years in Spring- Group Reports on Altered Neil Pollard Calls All Organi­ field Lodge No. 70 Fair Plans to be Heard at zations of City to Send Tuesday at 7:30 Prevents Playing of Grid Monthly Meeting Representatives Game Friday One hundred persons gathered St The Dials Jubllse Quartet known throughout the country (or the sup-i b quality of their musts will give FIELD NOW SEA OF MUD entertainment here Tuesday •«. November 14. at 7:M . U- H. 8. Game is Changed to Appreciation I want to thank the members of the committee organized earlier In the fall for the splen­ did work they have done to date. The organization of a commun Ity-wlde committee to carry on the work of relieving dlstreee among the needy of the city has been asked because of the large numbers of cases needing such relief, so many more than bad been anticipated that It would be an unfair imposition to expect this smaller group to continue the work alone. Annual Mid-Year Institute of Epworth League to Hold Three Meeting Here the I. O. O. F. hall laat night to SPR IN G FIELD TO BE HOST SUPPLY DEPOT NEEDED REV. PO IN D EXTER DEAN participate In the fiftieth anniver­ sary celebration of the founding of Fianl Action In Mattar t Sessions Close Sunday Morn­ the odd Fellow organization in l Many Organizations Vote to Demands on Smaller Com­ mittee Surpass All Previ­ Springfield on October 24. 1881. ing at M. E. Church with panda on Stata Banking Of- Wednesday Evening, Nov­ Support Change; Will Make v alwuya somsthlng about The evening was also tbe annual ous Expectation* Sermon by Rev. Porter fidala at Salam 1« .air ot colored singers that ember 25. at 8:00 Difference in Taxes homecoming night for tbe lodge I ton lies a responsive cord In thei A determined effort to establish The annual mid-year Institute of Sentiment of tbe people of Lane The complete Hat of all approved h„a rt „ ( every listener. They sing The Ixibooan Hprtngfleld high members. the Methodist young people of thia Members of the Juanita Rebekah county towards tbe annual fair, as a systematic method of carrying claims against the Commercial u ,r u|,| folk songs of the tfciuth In «hool football game, scheduled (or section of the W illamette Valley Htate hank ot Hprtngfleld. made be i their own Inimitable way. T h e re ' Brattain field Friday afternoon was lodge, high officials of tbe I. O. O. expressed by votes taken at meet­ on charity and relief work among wlll be held thia week-end la the tween the dates June S. and Nov )a nothing so full of genuine sweet | called off thia mornlug because of F. and visitors from Kugene and ings of the various organizations the needy people of this city at the local church. The registration be­ ember 14 waa filed lu Circuit court ,,eaa. so full of melody, as the old the continued rainfall. The playing others not members attended the of the county will be beard at the present time, and during the com gins Friday evening at 5 o’clock. Wednesday by F. ti. Ituvemann J nvgru aonMa Bn«- Payment of a 25 per cent divi­ recommended life inprisonment; , with Myrna Bartholomew as master Unemployed men may apply for Many of the farm organizations \ stuff started at once. TH A N K S G IV IN G BASKETS dend at this time will release sev ; Chauncy Guymon was found guilty i of ceremonies. work at the Red Cross offices In A county Red Cross worker ts m the county and some others have eral thousands of dollars In this I of murder in the second degree. 7 30 — Organisation and an- the court huuse. and their cases The tables of several needy fami­ ' already openly voiced their appro­ doing considerable work In tnvestl-| | and Harvey HMrley was fonntl - nnuitsemasts. community among the local rest-1 will be investigated. Karh man lies of Hprtngfleld wlll be heaped gating applications for assistance val of the suggested changes. dents. i guilty of manslaughter. 7:46— Three class sessions (sim who Is In need of work will be em- high at Thanksgiving time this One-Day Attempt to Com­ Decision to operate tbe fair along and in seeking out those who need Judge Skipworth set Monday, j ultaueously), Bible, missions, Christ ployd by the state highway depart year due to the efforts of the Girls' plete Canvass Unlikely; All the lines suggested by the county aid. There are. however, many in arts. November 23. as the time for re ment for relief work, and will work league at the high school which Is Will Be Visited chamber committee w ill result in more people In the city who are 8:36— Devotional address. Rev. ceivlng the sentence. James King, for one week. Another crew Is then i making plans to provide several some saving in tax levies, and will In dire circumstances but who will Kisto. defense attorney, asked for a five- put on. and another aet of men baskets on that day. All of the Cold driving rains which dis­ at the same time provide more not ask aid. People of the city 9:10— Fun and frolic a la Tre­ day stay in which to prepare an ap­ ven work. In this manner tbe students and tbe faculty members couraged many people from leaving funds for Four-H club work and should seek oat these cases and fren. peal. His request was granted. list of unemployed Is given about ere assisting the girls In their their homes today will probably more substantial premiums for the make provision to take care of 9:45— Bed time stories, W . A. , a week's work every three or four work. prevent the successful completion Lane county exhibitors, it Is point­ their needs during the winter Most Walker. Large Cities Urge Young Peo- waag, Laat year one room si tbe high of the one-day Red Cross member­ of the funds needed to purchase 10:00— Taps. pie Not to Come Seeking Kltrg rogd cr#wg grg DOW work. school was transferred Into a sup­ ship drive which had been planned ed o u t articles which are not contributed Saturday Morning Employment This W inter ou, uj , he atate highway de- ply depot anu an almost unbeliev­ by W. P. Tvson. chairman for this can be purchased from Red Cross 9:00— Morning Prayers, conduct­ S T U D E N T BODY PLAY money, if the local people w ill get 1 partment at Sutberltn, Drain, Cree- able amount of foodstuff, fruits, district. The canvass for member­ ed by some Leaguer. Ynung people finishing school wp„ gn<| g crgw gb