The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 12, 1931, Page 4, Image 4

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    Tlll'ltSD A Y . NOVKMUKK 12. 1931
BKATT1.B, Wash., Nov. IO— A
mass meeting of the Weat Coeat
lumber Industry, called by the Weat
Coast Lumbermen's association,
will be held at Tacoma, Wash., on
November 12.
T»v> very important questions
will be dealt with at the meeting,
according to the letter of notifies
tion sent out by Col W. B. Greeley,
secretary-manager of the associa­
tion. The meeting will be attended
by loggers, lumber manufacturers
and shingle producers, one subject
Is the production and employment
problems of the northwest lumber
Industry under the present econ
omic conditions. While the United
States Timber Conservation Board,
appointed by President Hoover to
consider problems of the lumber
Industry, has urged the reduction
of mill lumber stocks, the pressure
of local conditions has led many
operators to continue operations
of their plants to provide a certain
amount of employment. Linked
with this situation is the critical
problem represented by the drift
of the industry toward lower and
lower wages, which ia important
both from the standpoint of labor
and the effort of the Industry to
hold the price of its products from
further collapse.
Special Fares to Be E ffective for
People Desiring to Take T rips
O ver Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving day "homecom­
ings" throughout Oregon and five
neighboring western states are to
he made possible for thousands of
persons through the re-establlsh-
ment of cent a-mile roundtrip trans­
portation fares on Southern t'aciflc
lines for the holiday period, accord­
ing to announcement made today
by Carl Olson, local agent.
Trips may be started Tuesday.
Wednesday and Thursday, Novem­
ber 24, 25. and 26. with a return
limit of December S. These dates,
Mr. Olson points out, are timed Just
prior to and including Thatiksgiv-
fng day. with ample time provided
under the return limit for tripa
"back home" to distant points on
Southern Pacifies lines.
35.000 Men in Oregon Unem­
ployed, Says J. M. Devers,
Highway Attorney
Collection Agencies Hit for
Attempts to Attach Money
Given in Charity Move
Oregon has to provide for 38,000
unemployed men during the next
five months. This estimate is that
of J. M. Devers, attorney for the
state highway commission. who un-
d„ dlrwtlon ot Ol)vernor Meler
C° mp,e'’‘d » -Ute-wide survey.
Territory involved includes th e ' Mr' D'fVers * •» herw last week
company's lines from Portland to looking over the situation In con-
El Paso and from San Francisco to' nection with state highway funds
Ogden. Salt l-ake City included (o be expended on emergency road
Roundtrip tickets are to be sold. |
work to provide Jobs tor the work­
as in previous Instances, on the
basis of three-ftfths the coat ot the
usual one-way fare. Tickets will
The state program to provide
be good on all trains, coach or Pull- road work for the unemployed has
been formulated and a wage of
three dollars a day will be paid. Mr.
Devers said. In order to spread
H eat W ith G as
Sunshine heat from
gas-fcred radiants for
«very room in
the house.
Lane county will have about 10
per cent more turkeys for the mar­
ket this season than last. Mr.
Fletcher says. The state increase
is about 10 per cent also but the
national increase is about 1.7 in
number of birds for the 1931 mar­
. *
fo r
ning of the day. Just let us install a Hum phrey Radi-
S ta rt it up when you close
They throw off th at glowing, penetrating
Telephone 28
Thia is the warning la,ned by the
Kdurationai committee ot Ihe Ore­
gon State Mmllcal s iclety which
finds that many girl, go without
the morning meal in < rder to keep
slender. Practically every city has
hundreds ot these underfed who
are starving for lluoueas.
“The tad of sleiid.-ritlng ha bo-
come as great a health probi, m as
disease." conllnues Hie health bul­
letin. "Efforts at slenderising
must be blamed for the large num
i ber of absences from work The
breakfast is an Important meal ot
the day.
"The question as to what consti­
tutes a good • reakfaat shomd be
: determined somewhat by the acti­
vity of the individual and the time
at which he ia to have his next
heavy meal. Those who have am-
pie noon meals and are sedentary
workers may have very light break­
fasts. such as fruit, some kind ot
break stuff (toast rolls, or mut
tins) and a beverage, coffee, cocou
or milk If the worker takes little
food at noonday, breakfast should
include fruit, cereal, breadstuff
and a beverage at least.
Group to Display
,and exhibition which attracts eu
tries from many polula in the Wn
lemette valley as well as lame and
Douglas counties.
»state to be Probated— Anno
Natron Group to Make First Vaughn has been appointed admin
Exhibition at Show at
latratrla of the estate of Hugh Mur
rlson. who diet! In Washington leav
Oaklnnd in December
Sale of Women’s
U sual $ 1 .9 8 V alu es
Another road Job where all hand
labor will be employed la (he Moa-
bey Creek pruject and Ibis will be J
takne up In the near future.
On G u ard.
T h a n k sg iv in g
1 urkev
T h e Golden Rule
Rulers of Low Price»
10th <& Willamette— EUGENE— New Schaefers Bldg.
Irish-Murphy Co.
5th anti .Main Sts.
New Self Service Plan
Our big 9tore has been completely remodeled and
re-arranged so that you may be served quickly and
easily. Many people have told us they like our new
up-to-date method.
P-Nut Butter
Bulk lb.
C ane Sugar
10 Pounds
■ ■■
49 Pounds
Buy N ow
1 ’
C anned Milk
Bordens, Carnation,
Alpine or Peti
4 Cans
Per Can
1 Side Swift's Wrapped
O ysters or
Shrim p
2>/j Size
3 Cans
W h ite W onder
10 Bars
: ; s e - c l e a n - q u ic k - h e a t
on î
4SIDER the healthful convenience of being able to
warm quickly that chilly corner The discomfort of a cool
bedroom or both con be quickly dispelled with the use
of a portable electric hooter which can be easily moved
from room to room O r the electric hooter can be per­
manently installed in the woll
Your dealer has either type and n wide variety of
styleB and sizes to choose from. Why not Inspect
them today?
e í E C T R /C /T Y
Examples of roundtrips:
And they burn gas, which m eans
931 Dak Street
EUGENE — "Poor Ina Hi ..uks
around the coi ner lot tl: p, rson
who habitually goes withoiil b eak
Betweu >135 aud >146 was real
ised (rum the entertainment tor
the volunteer tire company at the
W. O. w . hall Friday night. The
program opened with an original
skit by members ot the local fire
company; a violin solo by Mildred
Wilkins accompanied by Harriet
Moore; tap dancing by Jean Lloyd
first aid demonstration by the Boy
Scouts; accordiau solo by Ralph
Parents of Children in Dis­
Mercer; a comedy skit entitled
trict 17 Warned to Attend
"Toot a Toot," by Winters Wallace
and Helen Melborn; a mens chorus
Classes Before Thursday
led by F. K. Noordhotf; Wilma
"It one has an active occupation
Beard in costume of cowboy with eggs or occasionally meat, und one TUITION
song and ukete; comedy readings other but dish such as potatoes may
by Kathryn Warner; vocaf duet be added to the fruit, cereal, bread County Superintendent Takes
by Mrs. C. I. Kent cud Mrs. C. J. and beverage menu.
Action in Regard to
Crittenden and a closing comedy
"For the usual mixed family
skit by members ot the Neighbors
group, where the adults are not
of Woodcraft.
very active musctilarly. the fruit,
Affairs In school district No. 17
A delegation of Odd Fellows from cereal, bread and beverage (ex­ which were In (he forefront of pub­
Elmira came over Wednesday even cluding coffee for children) type licity several weeks ago are again
ing and made a fraternal vialt to ot breakfast is most convenient as causing difficulty (or (be coun(y
the local lodge. About 24 in the tt provides what the children need school superintendent's office.
company. During the session sev­ as well as what is best tor grown­
Warning notices were sent out
eral interesting and entertaining ups. For one who wishes occasion­
yesterday to parents of some doxen
speeches were made arid a pleasant al variety an egg or a service ot
social hour was enjoyed over re bacon may be added without much children of the district that by
freahments served in the dining trouble. As a rule digestion is bet­ Thursday they must be enrolled In
ter when there is one hot dish- Following trouble over the hir­
A surprise pot luck luucheon was served at each meal. Sometimes ing ot a teacher a number of weeks
tendered Mrs. Ellen Lower at her the beverage provides tor this.
ago all children with the exception
home Tuesday noon honoring her
To those who are afraid ot ex-J°f seven were withdrawn from the
birthday. Those present were Mrs.
cess baggage In the form of over- school. The county superintendent
J. E. Woodson, Mrs. E. A. Schwer-;
weight, we should suggest that the notified parents that their children
ing. Mrs. C. E. Lea bo, Mrs. E thel'
light breakfasts we have outlined must attend school as required by
Everson, Miss Anna Lou Groahong, I
are quite necessary. It is more like- state law.
Mrs. Leslie Goheen, Mrs. Arthur
ly that an excess ot sugars and
About twelve pupils whose par-
Olson and Mrs. Cora Olson.
starches is the chief cause ot a ents refused to send them to the
Wednesday was Ladies' Aid day
tendency to store (at or that the school as a protest against the hir­
ot the several churches. The young
amount eaten makes a difference. ing of the new teacher started to
ladles auxiliary ot the Methodist
Certain it Is that the slenderized attend the lamrel Home school.
church met with Mrs. J. E. Smith;
figure so much in vogue today does These pupils are not now attend­
the senior aid met at the annex of
not have the unqualified approval ing the Laural Home school, ac­
the church; the aid of the Church
of medical authorities. Marked un­ cording to a report at the ottlce ot
of Christ met with Mrs. Clayton |
derweight or overweight are equal­ the county school superintendent.
Kivet, and the aid of the Presbyter
ly foolish and dangerous. One in­ Payment ot tuition was required
ian church met with Mrs. J. A.
dustrial staff pnyslclan says that und this is said to be the reason
Blankenship. Mrs. A1 Schwertng as­
‘the going without breakfast habit why the pupils are not now in
sisting as hostess. All worked on j
is a pernicious one and is apt to school. Seven pupils are uttend
something for future bazaars o r,
lead to very poor health.' "
ing district 17 school now.
events in sewing, qifilting and pre­
paration of saleable articles.
Harold Dixon came up from Port-
land Wednesday where be has been.
employed. He will be at home for
a while with his father, C. W.
Like a sentry in time of war the Drug Store is always
on guard, day or night, with medicine to fight disease.
Mrs. Walter Dixon died at S t.;
We carry only nationally known drugs ami we never
Paul, Minnesota, on Thursday alter
a long Illness. She Is the daughter i
in law of C. W. Dixon, local banker.
We are always glad to give you the benefit of our
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dixon visited J
training and experience. Try Ihe drug store first.
Mr. Dixon at Creswell about three
years ago.
Mrs. C. W. Dixon, newly elected
In New Store
Main, Near Fifth
president of the Ladies' Civic Im-;
program or executive committee
“sunlight’’ heat which is natu re’s method of warming
24 25 26
Radiantfires are healthful, too, for every room in
. We will dem onstrate, If you wish.
Ing an estate of >iloti here.
Flral showing of a Lane county
Four II turkey club will be mude at
"I Just paseeil Hill Hkldmore down
Ihe animal turkey exhibition Io be
held at Oakland, Dmgla < county, (he »treat and I never saw auch a
change In a man he was walking
early In December.
along as It he owned the earth,
There Is one turkey dub III lame
and he never even saw me."
county, the Natron club, and this
During Coming Winter
Is among the very few of Ihese
"That's simple I saw him, I i m i h u h
P int ot the!« couti'y emer­ i-lube In Oregon
he was parklug hie car In Ihe only
gency road construction Jobs was
About six members of the club space available in the entire shop
started yesterday when u number will have birds eutered In Ihe Oak ping district."
ot u h n were pul to work on the
grading of the Soulh Alder street
This project will be all baud
labor uud uo machinery will be em­
ployed, according to O. M. Crowe,
county commissioner.
A wuge of two dollars a day will
be paid and every effort will be
made to provide as much employ
men! as possible during Ihe winter.
Road grading by hund labor may
not be as efficient as mschluc work
but It will make more Jobs und
that, according to Commissioner
Crowe Is what Is needed new.
Between forty aud fifty uieu will
be employe,! ou this project dur­
ing ' the winter, Commlsslonei
Crowe aald.
Ketefs Drug Store
flexible and economical heating service.
We will again slash roundtrips ro 1c a
mile (>1 for each 100 miles) to ail places
on our Pacific Lines.
T here’s a way to avoid chilly discom fort a t the begin­
tiie human body.
tor Ih ■ next ye r at her hume
Thursday aflemoo i and completed
plans for the year book tor 1332.
Horn; secooelaoln elaoin etnoin n
Those present were Mis. Dixon;
first vice t-reaiilelit. Mr» M A.
Horn second vice pr . » i d e i l i . Mrs
Ed Anderson; reecrdlii’ secretary,
First of Emergency Construc­
Mrs. F. K. Noordhotf; correspond
ir.g secretary. Mrs E. A, S liwer tion Projects Gat» Under
Way on South Aldar
ing; treasurer. Mr». R tl;h A oder;
auditor. Mr», tl. 11 Duvldso-. r
tiri g (resident. Lades ie.iie.cnt WAGE TWO DOLLARS DAY
ing the past presidents p is c ili
were Mrs N. K .Steele. Mrs. Geo.
Snere, Mrs. Fiara Trnxbr. Mrs. Between Forty and Fifty Men
Clyde Wright, Mis. F. 11. bedgwk'k. Will be Given Employment
H umphrey
P adUatflip
the house.
Mr. and Mra. Joe Putnam spent
the week-end with relativea at
Kenneth Jennings la at his home
at Waltervllle again, the heavy
ia nv of the past tew days having
cheeked the roadwork tor the pres
'the Waliervllle and the Lea
burg I.»dies Aid are each planning
a bazaar (or the near future. At
Waltervllle the baaaar articles and
refreshments will be sold iu the
lower story ot the I. O. O. F. hail
follow lug a short program at the
Waltervllle church Friday eveutug,
November t ’. At Leaburg a silver
tea will oe e uibined with the
baxaar. Mrs. I. S. Brown will be
hostess tor the occasion The date
chosen by Leaburg for (he com
billed silver tea und baxaar Is
Thursday afternoon. December 3.
The Deerhorn P.-T. A. will hold
Its monthly meeting at the Deer-
horn school house Wednesday
evening. November 13. Visitors are
B. F. Minney and C. O. GUnion
have each had petitions in favor
of their candidacy for district coun
ty road supervisor circulating re­
cently. Mr. Minney has been in
charge ot the road work In the
district (or many years.
OF PROVIDING JOBS*' the emergency funds as far as pos-
sible the plan la to have men work
"The Business of Providing Jobs", >°r two weeks ano then be off for
At the afternoon session discus­ is to be the subject of the radio - two weeks.
sion will center around the ques­ talk Sunday. November 15, by Dr. i
. . _ . ,
, ..
In thia state work already there
tion of whether the association Julius Klein, assistant secretary of . „
has appeared a menace that Mr.
should revise the estimated ship­ commerce ot the I nited States.
Devers says is to be fought to . the
ping weights for lumber, the »tan over the coast-to-coast network of
. is
. suits
.. started
. . . . by
utmost. This
dard used lor figuring railroad the Columbia Broadcasting System.
. . . . . old
collection agencies to collect
freight costs when quoting prices from 4 to 4:15 p. m., eastern stand-
___. the
. . state
debts , from
funds that
on delivered lumber. Full data on ard time. The talk will be heard
are being _..
paid out.
thia subject, worked up by commit­ locally over station KOIN, of Port
\ ''This is an emergency relief
tees In recent months, has been land.
sent to every lumber manufacturer
Dr. Klein will concentrate his at- work aDd ,he money P“ld t0 ruad
with a summary of the arguments tention on the practical measures worker’ ls ,Or care of themselves
advanced fr and against reductions bv which various communities and their
-*veral In­
in shipping weights. The aasocia companies. and trade groups have sUnce8 we haTe found that « ’*>**•
tion will seek the Judgments and enabled hundreds of thousands o f ! ,ion agenvles have attempted to at-
recommendations of the entire in­ citixens to "weather the storm" by tach ,he8e • « « * « < * wages for
dustry on this important question. busying themselves in useful, so- old debts. I will say right now that
cailly productive Jobs. The as­ if any attempt of any collection
sistant secretary will stress the agent or other organization or in­
fact that many of these excellent dividual to try and take these
local ideas tor Job creation deserve wages awa> trom road ’ « k e r . ia
to be more widely adopted and de- started that we will use every
Last week the men of the neigh veloped. One of our moat pressing legal power of the 8ta,e to protect
borhbod worked two days digging 1 business problems at this time is ,he8t wen and thelr fanlille8'
Fred Russell’s potatoes for him.
Several weeks ago Mr. Devers
Mr. Russell had bis arm broken that of bringing unemployed money
several wee*ks ago while working and unemployed men together in made a tour of the state to study
on the road near Silverton and he effective fashion, is Dr. Klein's the unemployment situation and
last week he made another trip.
is still unable to use his hand
The second trip showed that unem­
but little.
ployment was a much more serious
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Turel from EASY PLEASANT WAY
problem than was revealed on the
Port Orford spent Friday night at
F A T first tour.
John Edmiston's.
The Ladies' Aid society met with , ..
. ,
Mrs. Charles Grant last Thursday , po|1Bds of fat
. month and ,< ,he
and quilted. They are meeting same time increase your energy
again Thursday to nnlsh the quilt, and improve your health?
Mrs. Hurst from Spy Rock, Cali-
How would you llke to lose your
, .
... .
double chin and your too prominent
fornia. visited her brother, ( harle- abdomen and at the sPme time
Taylor, last Friday.
make your skin so clean and clear
Mrs. Jack Hiller and Miss Lucile I that it will compel admiration?
Wilson from Corvallis visited Miss
011 tke scalee today and see
how much you weigh—then get an
Haxel Edmlston last Sunday.
85 cent bottle of Kmschen Salts Increase of 10 Per Cent in
which will last you for 4 weeks.
Number of Birds is Esti­
Take one half teaspoonful in a glass
mate of County Agent
of hot water every muralng and
We wish to express our sincere when you have finished the con
appreciation for the many expres­ tents of this first bottle weigh your­
Lane county will have between
sions and tokens of sympathy dur­ self again.
16,000 and 17.000 turkeys for the
After that you'll want to 7 walk
ing our recent bereavement. We
““ market this season. ‘ Judging
around and say to your friends,—
B by
1 an
especially wish to thank Rev. Dean "One 85 cent bottle of Kruschen e8tlmate made by O. S. Fletcher.
C. Poindexter; Mrs W. P. Tyson,
, Salts
____ ____________________
is worth one hundred dollars county agricultural agent, who has
and Mrs. Dallas Murphy for sing of any fat person's money
surveyed the situation here.
| Leading druggists America over
The local market will, perhaps,
, _ _
. .
sell Kruschen Salta—you can al-
J. E. Sweeney and family.
ways get it at Ketels Drug store.
absorb from 2000 to 3000 birds and
the remainder will be shipped most­
ly to California points.
The first pool of Lane county
turkey growers will be closed Tues­
day, November 17, when birds from
this district will be received at
the Eugene Fruit Growers associa­
antfire in your bedroom.
the window.........
j McKenzie Valley^
Los Angeles
it at
clean and healthful
San Francisco
Grants Pass
Klamath Falls
Southern Pacifie
Mountain States KE* Power Compaay
a t lunthine
th e c l e a n - q u i c k - p o r t a b le