THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 12. IM I THE BPR1NOPHBLD NEWS I ' 1 NS Rapert of Estate Filed— Inven Notarial Commission Filed— Th? N O TIC E OF SALE N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S W illiam s wife. Mar HUSBAND SUES WIFE; tory anil appraisement of the as 1 notarial commission of W. G. W hile Notice la hereby given that tbe IN T H E C O U N TY CO URT OF T H E CRUELTY IS CHARGED Jurle W illiam s. Pursuant lo a petition signed by late of Hainual W. Minturn was was filed for record at the office undersigned has been by the Coun­ S T A T E O r OREGON FOR JACK- T h e couple m arried at Va Ihe required number of freeholders ty Court of tbe Mtate of Oregon tor SO N C O U N T Y lu Hoad District No 20, which peti filed In probate court Thursday. of Ihe county clerk Wednesday. 1 ruel aod lohumau are Wash . January I , 191. eud have lain« County uppoluted administra­ In th * M a tte r of the Estate of Carl lion has been duly approved by th« The estate amounts to (1200 one adopted child. H enry Oreeeman, Deceased trix of the estate of Hugh Morrison, alleged lu a divorce complaint filed County Court of lame County, Ore­ IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E deceased. Notice I* hereby All persons having — - - gives - - that - - In - li , . i Th* P la in tiff seeks custody gon. who have made and recorded S T A T E OF OREGON FOR claims against said estate may pre­ pursuance to an order of the above ln circuit court yesterday by J. C. I the child ■ angruptoy P etitio n Filed — A an order that said petition be ap­ LANK CO UNTY sent such claims duly verified and entitled court made In the abova ' proved and that an election lie held petition In bankruptcy was filed 1 Charles Nichols. Plaintiff, vs. Phyl­ with vouchers attached to the un­ entll'ed matter on November X 19 In federal court at Portland Friday Io pursuance (hereto, therefore. lis Nichols, Defendant. Summons. dersigned at the law office of 31, the undersigned, administratrix NOTICE ih hekeiiy given by Roy Roberlsuii. laborer, Hprlng I To Phyllis NI i -I io I h , Defendant Gordon H. Wells, Miner Building, of said estate w ill sell the premises Hint n meeting of (ha legal voters field. Liabilities are listed at J IN T H E NAM E O F T H E S T A T E Eugene, Oregon, within six months hereinafter elnafter described at private NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IVEN to the l « n l »<>«.» a n. . NOTICE In llouil District No. 20, III lum« OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ s. to tbe highest bidder for rash. No 1» of L u s County. State of Oregon, th’at a SCHOOL MKE-nN«1^ of the date of the first publication sale. 1746 80 and asaeta (260. Ot F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T p., from and after the « « district will held at Sprlngflild IBeh S c h id 3 County, Oregon, will bn held at the quired to appear and answer the of this notice. This notice Is first on the the ptemlses, from and after the »»•<> mstrtci win be held at Springfield High SchooT'an' (hT?? aZZ Xi 16th day of December. 1931. sub November 1931, at 7:30 o'cloSh 1» tte p ^ . for dU m?X,2? i ’dtai complaint filed against you In the published November 6, 1931. TIi« unilt’rulMiHMl, Administrator hour of 2 p in , on Hie H th day of J£e budget hereinafter set out with tbe levying hoard and to ANNA VACGHN, Administra­ Joct only to confirmation of sale as uf ihu «Nlalc uf l.ui'llu Yurnall, de- November, A D. 1931, at the Lan N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA L E ON above entitled suit on nr before property Tot* on I*1* proposition of levying a special district tax. ' trix of the estate of Hugh Mor­ by l a * provided. The ii ' unii I, bus filed til« Final Aiounl dux Schoolhouse In said Road Dis E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E four weeks from data of tbe first publication of this summons, or for rison, deceased. hereinbefore referred to ts partlc The total amount of money needed by tbe said ai-h«u>i d i. t r i . t a ..-, In Hi« matter uf nu I i I «atatu with trlct, Io determine whether said Notice Is hereby given that by want thereof the plaintiff will take road district shall levy a special ularly described . . follow. Ing the fiscal year beginning on June 30, 1M1 U e n d l ^ J ^ i 3« 19U IN 54249-26— D 3) ill» County clerk uf Intuu County, tax of (»200000) Two Thousand * virtue of an execution and order Judgment against yuu and will ap All of Lot No. 26. of H. L. and T. 1» estimated In the following budget and Includes the .m * Oregon, uml mi order I iiin heel* no-100 Dollars upon all tbe taxable of Rule In foreclosure Issued out of ply Io the court for the relief prayed B Stew art’s Plat of acreage lots , *-ounty school fund, state school fund, elementary school fund anaetJi SUMMON* luudi uml i iitmixl nf recurJ by 111« property In said district for Ihe the Circuit Court of Ia n « County, for In the complaint and for a de­ being a subdivision of Jas. Ebbert. 4**trlct tax, and all other moneys of the district. * * ( u iiiiii ( ‘mil t uf n u . i I ( *uiily, direct­ purpose of providing funds for tak Oregon, on the 2Xth day of October, cree of absolute divorce from you IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E Jr. D. L. C. No. 74, township 17. » BUDGET ing III I n mil 1» uml appoint IIIR Mon* This Summons Is publish««! ones Ing off points and graveling and 1931, In a suit wherein on the 22nd S TA TE OF OREGON FOR R. 3W. of W M. In Ijtn e County. E S T IM A TE D R E C E IP T * day, III» tilth day of Nuvi'inli >r. day of October, 1931. A. I*. Itosen- each week for four consecutive grudlng roads. LANE CO UNTY Oregon, containing 1 sere, more or From county school fond ............................ IH3I. al 111« hour of tell o'clock Iluled this 2Nth day of October, dall recovered Judgment uguinst weeks, In the Springfield News, a Ronald C. Gilstrap, Plaintiff, vs. less. » 7J00.90 A M. fur III« li«urlii!{ uf uh)* <'II*i U n From state school fund ................ Oscar a . Vitus and Hosa A. Vitus, weekly newspaper published at 1931. 14*0.0« O L IV E A. M cK IN NIS. Phyllis Gilstrap, Defendant. In Halil account uml lb« h i ' I I I i in nt From elementary school fund __~ his wlfs, defendants fur the sum of Springfield. Oregon, In Lane Coun­ Attest: W. II DILLA RD. 4.900.90 Administratrix. From tuition for pupils below high «chool ul said ««tat«. IN T H E NA M E O F T H E STATE ty. State of Oregon, by order of the »1300.00 with Interest at the rate County Clerk. 60.00 (N 34 2-19-26 D3) From county H. 8. tuition fund ............. H a lid Ulin IM li day o f ‘ October, ('. F. BARNARD, County Judge, of 7 per cent per annum from the Hon. G. F. Sklpwortb. Judge of said O F OREGON: You are hereby re­ 6.6M.90 O. and C. fund _____ _ 1931. Court, made November 4th. 1931, quired to appear and answer the N O T IC E O F R O A D D IS T R IC T C L IN T O N HURD. County Com­ 5lh day of August, l»24. and for 9*0.9* Total estimated receipts K. (). I ’O T T E R . AdiiiliilNlrutur th« sum of »34 47 for taxes, and and first published on November complaint filed against you In the M E E T IN G »20,000 0« missioner. uf lb« Estate uf l.uulla Yarn. II. 5th, 1931. above entitled suit within »lx for the sum of (160.00 as attorney's O. K. CROWE, County Com Pursuant to a petition signed by E8T ATEO E X P E N D IT U R E * 1>«I CUN«||. fee« herein, und the costa and dis­ mlssloner. FRAN K B. REID. Attorney for weeks from the date of tbe first the required number of freeholders POTTER A B A ILEY, Attorneys. bursements herein In the sum uf publication of this summons and IO 2» N 642) P la in tiff. Residence and Post Elementary In Road District No. 2, which petl , High Total (O 16 22 2» N 642) »3170, which Judgment was en­ Office Address, Eugene, Ore­ If you fall to appear or answer for tlon has been duly approved by tbe Control......... want thereof the plaintiff will ap­ rolled ami docketed In the Clerk's gon, County Court of Lane County, Ore- ‘ N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S »68600 ply to the court for tbe relief as gon, who have made and recorded •C lerk .......... .................. » 200.00 » 100.00 » 300.00 N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S (N 6-124926 D 2) notice ih hereby given : office of said Court In said County •Compulsory education and census ceDMUs ____ on the 23rd day of October. lt » l. prayed for In the complaint, to- 33 00 notice ih hereby given : Tbul F laiVerne laimb has been 17.00 60 00 an order that said petition be ap­ 10.00 wit That the marriage relation proved and that an election be held Supplies ........................... 5.00 That Eilxur J Adams has been ap uppolnleil administratrix of (he and said execution Io me directed NO TICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE 15.00 •Elections and publicity commanding me In the name of the 40.00 existing hetwe< n the plaintiff and 20.00 60.00 pointed executor uf lb« I . uh I W ill estate of Julia H. latrnh. deceased, In pursuance thereto, therefore, REAL PRO PERTY 1 . audit, etc.) 108.33 Hlute of Oregon, In order to satisfy 91.67 defendant be dissolved, and such 200.04) N O T IC E IB H ER EB Y G IVEN uml Testament uf Edith C. A i I u iiih , by (he County Court of Lane Coun N O TIC E Is hereby given that by 1 con tro l:...... 35.00 26.00 60.00 dect*uaed, by th« I'minty Court uf ty, Oregon All persons having said Judgment, Interest, taxes a t­ virtue of an eiecutlon and order of other relief as to the court may that a meeting of tbe legal voters appear equitable. torney'* fees, costs of suit, und ac­ lu Road District No. 2, In Lane lam« County, Oregon. All peraona claims against said estate are re­ T o t a l __ ___ _________________ »ale Issued out of tbe Circuit Court »«SC4* having claim» h k h I iin I said eatutn quired to present them, with the cruing costs to sell the following The oroer directing the service County, Oregon, w ill be held at tbe of the State of Oregon for Lane ure required to pr»N«nl them, with proper vouchers within six months described real property, to-wit: of this summons by the publication hour of 7:30 p. m., on tbe 21st day 11. IN S T R U C TIO N — SUPER VISIO N County the 28th day of October, Beginning at (he Southwest III» proper voucher« within six H. in Hu- 23 das ul October, 1931, thereof Is dated August 14th, 1931, of November, A. D. 1931, at the Principal« ............... .......... 2,666 00 » 2,200.00 » 4,866.00 corner of the Geo. W. Evans Do- 1931. upon and pursuant to a de­ and directs publication once each McKenxie Bridge Schoolhouse In Stenograpbers and other office month« from lb« noth day uf Octo­ Io Hie said adm lnlalralrlx al the assist- cree duly given and made by «aid uullon Lund Claim No. 46, Notlf. said Road District, to determine ber, 1931, tu III» Huld executor ul law office of L. L. Ray In Ibe Miner ants .............. ................................._ week for six successive weeks, Court the 27th day of October, 1931 730.00 730.9« No 2936, In Township 16 Houlh whether said road district shall levy lb» law office of 1,. L. Itny In Ibe llullilliig, Eugene, Oregon. in a suit pending therein In which that you appear and answer within a special tax of (»6182.21) Six thou- of Range 4 West of W illam ette Minor llultdlng. Eugene, Oregon. six weeks from date of first publi­ F L u V E ItN E LA M il, Admlnls Total Expense of Supervision ___ »5,686.00 Meridian, Oregon, and running Harold J. Wells was plaintiff and cation. and the first publication of »and One Hundred Eighty and 20- Ir a lr lx of Ihe ealate of Jullu H ED G A R J. A HAM H, Executor George E. Terry, Mary J. Terry, (hence East along the South line 100 Dollars upon all tbe taxable said summons Is October 29th. 1931. I Jim b, deceased. III. IN S T R U C T IO N — T EA C H IN G l„i»t W ill ami I * «lament of said claim 1164 feet, thence Mary Terry and C. A. W lntermeler C. N. JOHNSTON. Attorney property in said district for the •Teachers __________ _____ _______ i I 1 ' li C. Adiiin , d«i iaaed.‘ L, L. RAY, Attorney for »15.435.00 »11,310.00 (26.746.00 were defendants, which execution North 0* 8’ East 1026.1 feet, purpose of providing funds for for tbe Plaintiff: Residence (be Estate. •Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.) ......... ........... I. i. i* Attorn« f o r : r a ta . 750.00 760.00 and order of sale was to me di­ 1,600.00 thence North 8»' 30‘ West 1147.7 maintenance and construction of Eugene, Oregon. IO 22 2»- N 642-1») •Textbooks (desk copies and indigents)_ 774.00 774.00 feet to the West line of said rected and commanded me to sell all county roads in district. (O 29— N 6-12-1M6— D 3-10) Other expense of teaching __________ _ 306.00 125.00 430.00 claim, thence along said West the real property hereinafter des­ Dated this 3rd day of November, HOAD N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S R IC T iT IC t line South 0* 2»’ West 1036 feet cribed to satisfy certain liens and 1931. Total Expense of Teaching . E T IN t, »39,449.00 N otice Is hereby given that the Io the place of beginning, con­ charges In said decree specified, I N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F ’ S S A L E ON Attest: will on Saturday (he 28th day of E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E undersigned have been appointed taining 27.38 acres of land In W. B. D IL LA R D . Connty Clerk IV. O PERATIO N OF PLA N T I i- iiinl t» a 1»' in ned by Executor and Executrix of the es­ tbe G« k >. W. Evans donation land November, 1931, at the hour of one C. P. BARNARD, County Judge «janitors and other employes qulred, * holder« tate of Mary E Jewett, deceased, Notice Is hereby given that by ......» 2.090.00 « 1,065.00 » 3,166.00 o'clock. P. M . at the southwest C L IN T O N H U RD, County Ccm . j anltorg gUppiïeg claim In lame County. State of In Ituud District No. 23 which pell by the County Court of Lane Coun­ ----- 230.00 door of the County Court House virtue of an execution and order of 110.00 340.00 Oregon, except roadway. mlssloner. ‘ Fuel Hon ban been duly approved by the 332.00 268.00 600.00 All persons having Now. therefore, In tbe name of In Eugene. Lane Connty, Oregon, »ale In foreclosure Issued out of the O. E. CROWE. County Com­ county Court of Lana County. Ore- ty. Oergon against said estate are here­ the State of Oregon, in compliance offer for sale and sell at public Circuit Court of Lane Connty, Ore­ missioner. Light and power.......... ......... ...... 100.00 gt<>* « u have made and r«*cortl«d claims 260.00 360.00 by nollfled to present the same, with said execution und order of auction for rash, subject to redemp­ gon. on the 28th day of October, (N 6-12-19) W ater __________________ ___ 125.00 I r that «aid petition be up 125.00 250.00 properly verified to the undersign­ sale and In order to satisfy said tion as provided by law, all of tbe 1931. In a suit wherein, on the 28th Telephone ______________ 115.00 60.00 ..nd that an election be held ed. at the office of Wells A Wells, 176.00 N O T IC E O F R O A D D IS T R IC T Judgment. Interest, taxes, attorneys right, title and Interest of the de­ day of October. 1931, In said Court Other expense of operation i. ,ii ,nee thereto, therefore, 33.00 17.00 60.00 M E E T IN G Attorneys, Rank of Commerce fees, costs of suit and accruing fendants in said suit and of all Th>- State of Oregon. Represented . I K 18 HEREBY G IVEN B ldg. Eugene, la u « County, Ore­ costs, I will on Saturday, (he 28th parties claiming by. through or un­ und acting by the World W ar Vet­ Pursuant to a petition signed by Total Expense of Operation .................. . »4,930.00 I a III* dtlng of the legal voters In gon. within six mouths from the day of November, 1»31, at the hour der them or any of them In or to erans' State Aid Commission, re­ the required number of freeholders I >l rid No. 23, In Iain« Coun date of the flrat publication of thia ut 2 o'clock In the afternoon of said (he following described real pro­ covered Judgment against the de­ in Road District No. 21, which peti­ V. M A IN T E N A N C E and REPAIRS fendants Horald J. Bevan and tion has been duly approved by the •Repair and replacement of furni­ *, will be held at the hour notice. day, at the Southwest front door of perty, to-wit: ture and equipment ______________ 200.00 Lot Five (6) In Block Two (2) Esther E. Bevan for the sum of County Court of Lane County, Ore­ 200.00 400.00 . . .« on the K i l l day uf Nov­ Dale of first publication, Oct. the County Court House, In Eu­ In Rees Addition to Eugene. lame Two Thousand Six Hundred Ninety- gon. who have made and recorded •Repair and maintenance of buildings ember. A. I). 1»3I, at the Unity 22nd. 1931. gene. Lane County, Oregon, offer and grounds _____________________ nine and 664 00 (»2.69966) Dollars, an order that said petition be ap­ County, Oregon. 400.00 400.00 800.00 N. Scott Jewett, Executor Schoolhouse lu «aid Ituud OlNlrlct, for sale and sell for cash, at public Dated this 28th day of October, together with interest thereon at proved and that an election be held Clara A. Morrow. Executrix. to determine whether Halil read din auction, subject to redemption as Total Expense of Maintenance and Repairs .... ...... the rate of four per cent per annum In pursuance thereto, therefore, » 1.200.00 trlct shall levy a »pedal tax of W ells A W ells, Attorneys. provided by law, all of the right, 1931. from und since the 28th day of May, 11. L. BOWN, Sheriff. i f I tun no i ini,- riiu iii.iiu l Four llu n (O 22-29--N 6424») N O T IC E IS H ER EB Y G IVEN VI. AUXILIARY AGENCIES title and Interest of said defend­ By A. A. t l l ’ LEGAARD. Deputy. 1928. amounting to Three Hundred that a meeting of the legal voters Library: Personal service (librarian, n Road District No. 9. in Lane Principal on other indebtedness ________________ 3,686.00 mlaaloner. wife, James McGregor und City of Eugene. In Lane County. C. P. BARNARD. County Judge. Interest on bonds .............. ..... ......................................... 500.00 O. E. CROW E, County Com McGregor, his wife, O. L. Carlton OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ County, Oregon, will be held at the Oregon. C L IN T O N H U RD. County Com­ quired to appear und answer the hour of 2 p. m., on the 14tb day of mlaaloner. NOW , T H E R E F O R E . In the name as the administrator of the Estate complaint filed agalusl you In the November, A. D. 1931. at tbe W. O. missioner. Total Debt Service » 5.686.9« __________ (O 29- N & 13) of Frank McGregor deceased, and ubove entitled suit on or before W. Hall, Jasper In said Road Dis­ of the State of Oregon. In compli­ O. E. CROW E, County Com­ X EMERGENCY ance with the said execution and H M Calkins as administrator of four weeks from date of flrat pub­ missioner. trict. to determine whether said » 1.000.00 order of sale, and In order to satisfy the estati of Frank McGregor de­ lication of this summons, or for (N5-12-19) road district shall levy a special 600 00 ceased. unknown heirs of Francis want thereof the plaintiff will lake tax of (»1926.93) One Thousand said Judgment. Including interest, N O T IC E 11. McGregor. Deceased, were de Judgment against you and will ap Nine Hundred Twenty-six & 93-100 attorneys' fees, costs of suit and Total Emergency __________ ___ _________________ O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E » 1,600.00 fendants which execution and o r-¡ , (,„ u rt for , hp re„ ef pray. accruing costs. I w ill on Saturday, Dollars upon all the taxable prop­ Notice Is hereby given that by R EC A P ITU LA TIO N der of sale was to me directed and 1ed for In tbe complaint and for a erty In said district for the purpose the 28th day of November. 1931, at commahEed me to aell the real pro- ^ecree of absolute divorce from of providing funds for side roads the hour of One o’clock in the virtue of an execution and order Total estimated expenses for the year. (sum of afternoon of said day. at the South­ of sale issued out of the Circuit items 1-6, II-6, I1I-6, IV-8, V-4, Vl-6, V ll-5 , V lll- 7 , perty hereinafter described to you. in District No. 9 for new construc­ JEWELER Court of the state of Oregon for 1X-9, X-3) sutlsfy the sum of »860 with Inter­ »60,214.00 Thia summons Is published once tion and maintenance where needed. west front door of the Jounty Lane County, October 28, 1931. up­ Itcpnlriiig a Specialty Court House in Eugene. Lane Coun­ Total estimated receipts, not including proposed est al 8% per annum from iW-ptcm each week for four consecutive Dated this 28th day of October, tax ............................................... ......................... ......... ty. Oregon, offer for sale and sell on and pursuant to a decree made 20,000.00 her 21. 1929 until paid and »126 a t - , jn the Springfield News, a 1931. Springfield, Oregon for cash, at public auction, subject by said Court Octuoer 27, 1931, in ' torneys fees and cost, and dis , week,y newgpaper published at Attest. W. B. D ILLA K D . to redemption as provided by law, a suit pending therein In which Balance, amount to be raised by district tax........ .. liiirea* inents of suit taxed at »40 *0 gpr| n(ff)e|d. 1 ^ ^ County, Oregon,, »30414.00 County Clerk. all of the right, title and Interest Mary E. Hostick was plaintiff and “J"1 a* ? L W k ” ®'^er of ,he Hon c - p Barnard, C. P. BARNARD. County Judge. S U M M A R Y O F E S T IM A T E D E X P E N D IT U R E S of the said defendants Harold J. George F. Hostick, M yrtle F. Hos­ the ?Oth day of November. 1»3 1 Jlldge the County Court, U a . 1 C L IN T O N HURD. County Com F o r school y e a r fro m Ju n e 30, 1931, to June 30, 1*32 Bevan and Esther E. Bevan, Allie tick. The Commercial State Bank at the hour of 10 o clock a. m. at e uunty Oregon, made October 9th, mlssloner. it door of •*— the ------- County j jp.t] Wallis, W. J. LIchty and R. S. of Springfield, a corporation, and Personal service sum of I - l- ( l ) , (2), (3), (4 ), (5), the southwest ■“---------* p . E. CROWE, County Com­ II-l-(l), (2). (3). (4 ); IIl-l-(l). (2), (3), (4), Eugene, Lane Shelley and all persons claiming A. A. Schramm, State Superintend­ Court House In in magane, nane Coun- lo u o -, ' RAY H. W ATSON Attorney missioner. IV - l- ( l) , (2), (3 ); V I- l- ( l) . 2 (1 ), 3 (1), 4 (1 )....... »36,835.00 ty, Oregon, offer for sale and sell by, through or under them or any ent of Banks, were defendants, for Plaintiff. Residence and (O 29— N 6-12) at public auction for cash, subject or either of them, in and to the which execution and order of sale Supplies 1-2; 11-2; 111-2; IV-2; V l-l-(S ), 2 (2), 3 (2) Post Office address. Eugene, was to me directed aud command­ to redemption as provided by la * . Oregon. »aid premises. 1.866.00 SUMMONS H. L. BOW N. Sheriff of Lane ed me to sell the real property Maintenance and repairs V-l-2-3 ____________ _____ «11 of the right, title and Interest of Date of first publication, Thursday, 1.200.00 IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E hereinafter desenoeu to satisfy cer­ the defendants of said suit and County, Oregon. October 15. 1931. tain liens and charges in said de­ Debt service IX 1-2-3-4-5 6-7-8 ........................................... 6.686.00 of all parties claiming by, through Dale of last publication, Thursday, S T A T E O F OREGON FOR T H E t 2 In block 6 In Cheshire Total ________ __ ___________________ »60,214.00 virtue of an execution and order of ty. Oregon, offer for sale and sell addition to Eugene, Lane Coun­ IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E ! H IS O UAH DIAN: STA TE OF OREGON. FOR | IN T H E NA M E OF T H E S TA TE »ale in foreclosure issued out of the at public auctin for cash, subject INDEB TED NESS ty, Oregon. LANE COUNTY. O F OREGON, You are hereby re­ Circuit Court of Lane County, Ore­ to tedemption as provided by law. 1. Amount of bonded indebtedness .......... ..................»70.000.00 Dated this 22nd day of October Andrew Holton. Plaintiff, vs. quired to appear and answer the gon. on the 28th day of October, all of the right, Ut e and interest 2. Amount of warrant Indebtedness on warrtnts 1931. issued and endorsed "not paid for lack of funds Nellie L. Smith, and J. W. Jami­ complaint which has been filed a- 1931, In a suit wherein, on the 28th of the defendants in said suit and H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. son. Defendants. gainst the above named defendant. day of October. 1931. In said Court of all parties claiming by, through By A. E HULEGAARD, Deputy, Total Indebtedness ..................................................... »70,000.00 To Nellie L. Smith and J. W. Jami­ Jean Flanigan, within four week» Vlcca Kundret recovered Judgment or under them or any of them since (O 22-29— N 5424») Dated this 30th dav of October, 1931. son. Defendants. front Ihe date of the first publica­ against the defendants Minnie Lu­ the 13th day of July, 1929, in or to C LA YTO N BARBER. District Clerk, IN T H E NAM E O F T H E STA TE tion of this summons, and If you ciano and Guitlano Luciano, whose the following described real prop- Attest: N O T IC E O F 8 H E R IF F '* S A L E C. A. SW ARTS, Chairman, Board of Directors. OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ fall to so appear and answer for name Is sometimes spelled Gutiano REAL PRO PERTY A ll that part of the Northeast NO TICE I n hereby given that by quired to appear and answer the want thereof the plaintiff will take Luciano for the sum of Nine Hun­ erty, to-wit: virtue of an execution nnd order of complaint filed against you In the a decree against you for the relief dred (»900.00) Dollars, and for the quarter of the Northeast quarter S U M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N amount of Seven and 63-100 (7.63) Hale issued out of the Circuit Court above entitled suit within four us prayed for In his complaint, to- further Rum of Thirty-nine and and the lots numbered one, two IN F O R E C L O S U R E O F T A X L IE N Dollars, the same being the amount of the Slate of Oregon for Lane weeks from the date of the first wit: For a Judgement against the 11-100 (»39.11) Dollars as interest and three of section 15. in town­ IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT F T H E then due and delinquent for taxes County this 23rd (lay of October, publication of this summons and If above named Jean Flanigan In the thereon, and for the further sum of ship 17. south, range 3 west ot S T A T E OF OREGON. FOR for the year 1924 together with 1931, upon and pursuant to a decree you fall to appear or answer for sum of One Thousand Dollar», to­ One Hundred (»100.00) Dollars as the W illam ette Meridian, in Lane LA N E CO UNTY penalty, interest and costs there­ duly given and made by said Court wnnt thereof the plaintiff will take gether with Interest thereon at the attorney's fees and for costs and County, Oregon, which lies west W. Clyde Fisk and Martha L. Fisk. on upon the real property assessed this 22nd day of October, 1981, In a decree against you for the relief rate of eight per cent per annum disbursements taxed at the sum of of the Deadmond Slough, and in­ Plaintiffs, vs. W. H. Hastings to you, of which you are the owner a suit pending therein In which ns prayed for In the complaint, to­ from the 9th day of February. 19 »60.70, and said execution to me cluding all of the Deadmond Is­ and Jennie Hastings. Defendants. as appears of record, situated In Joseph Owen and Edna F. Owen w n : a personal decree against 31, and the further sum of »125.00 directed, commanding me In the land and extending to the center To W. H. Hasting» and Jennie said County and State, and parti­ were plaintiffs and Charles E. Nellie L. Smith In the sum of as a reasonable attorney's fee, and name of the State of Oregon. In of said Deadmond Slough; also Hastings, the above named de­ cularly bounded and described as Lewis nnd Agnes May I x > w I h were »800.00 with Interest thereon at his costs and disbursements here­ order to satisfy said Judgments. In­ the terry boat and cable used as fendants: follows, to-wlt: _ defendants, which execution and 8% per annum from November 8, in. nnd for a decree that the mort­ terest, attorney's fees. vo<*8 of access thereto and all the appur IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE All of lot numbered Ten In order of sale was to me directed 1930 until paid nnd the further gage of the plaintiff be foreclosed »uit, and accruing costs, to sell the tenances belonging to said prem­ Elmer Acres, Lane County, Ore­ OF OREGON: and commanded me to sell the real sum of »113.86 with Interest there­ and the real property described following described real property, You are hereby notified that W. gon; ises and said ferry boat; also to-wlt: property hereinafter described to on at 8% per annum from Decem­ therein, to-wlt: Clyde Fisk and Martha L. Fisk, the You are further notified that Beginning at a point ln the Lot One (1), and the Northeast satisfy certain liens nnd charges In ber 31, 1930. until paid and the holders of Certificate of Delinqu­ said W. Clyde Fisk and Martha L. The north half of Donation south line of the Abraham Land­ Quarter (NE14) of the Southeast said decree specified, I will on further sunt of »100.00 reasonable ency numbered 2636 issued on the Fisk have paid taxes on said pre­ I^ind Claim No. 43, Notf. No.32 es and wife Donation Land Claim Quarter (S E U ) oi Section Thirty- Snturday the 28th day of November, attorney'* fees and for costs nnd 14th day of August, 1929. by the mises for prior or subsequent years, 88 In Sections ten and fifteen No. 46, Notf. 6128 In township 17 five (35) Township Eighteen (18), 1931, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock, disbursements of suit. A further Tax Collector of the County of with the rate of Interest on said Township 18, 9. R. 3 West of the South, range 3 west of the W ill­ South. Range Six (6) West of the A. M., nt the southwest door of decree that plaintiff has a first Lane. State of Oregon, for the amounts as follo-vs: W illam ette Meridian, In Lane amette Meredlan 28.03 chains W illam ette Meridian. In Lane tbe County Court House ln Eugene, mortgage lieu upon the South 60 County, Oregon, and being the west of the most easterly south­ County, Oregon, except ten (10) Date Tax Year's Rate of Lane County, Oregon, offer for sale feet of Lot one Block seven of North half of the D. L. C. of east corner of said claim, and acres deeded to C. E. Blodgette. Tax Paid Amount Interest Receipt No. nnd sell nt public auction for ensh, Scott's Addition to the City of Eu­ George M. Ccryell the same con­ running thence north parallel NOW , TH E R E FO R E , In the name 1925 Aug. 14, 1929 33650 6.87 »object to redemption ns provided gene. Lane County. Oregon; That 13% per Annum taining 160.23 acres of land, more with the east line of said claim 1926 12% per annum Aug. 14, 1929 33718 by law. all of the right, title and said Hen be.decreed to be a first 8.62 or less. In said County und State; of the State of Oregon, in eompll 27.64 chains to the north line 32623 12% per annum Aug. 14, 1929 7.00 Inlereat of the defendant« In said Hen and superior and prior to the 1927 Also beginning at the south anee with the said execution and thereof, thence east 20 feet, order of sale, and in order to satisfy 1928 Aug. 14, 1929 27691 7.82 12% per annum suit nnd of all parlies claiming by. Hen of the aforesaid J. W Jami­ west corner of Donation I^n d thence south parallel with the said said Judgment, Including interest, 12% per annum 1929, 1st half May 5, 1930. 12724 2.79 through or undpr them or any of son; that p la in tiff* Hen be icre Claim No. 59 In Tp. 18 S. R. 3 east line 27.64 chains and thence 1929. 2nd half Nov. 5' 1930 44810 2.79 them since the 18th dny of October, closed and said premises sold In 12% per annum West of Ihe W illam ette Meridian attorneys' fees, costs of suit and west 20 feet to the place of be­ 1930. 1st half May 5, 1931 accruing costs, I w ill on Saturday, 21876 3.36 1928, In nr to the following des­ the manner provided by law and 13% por annum nnd run thence North 12.38 chains ginning, all being a part of said the proceeds applied, first to the the 28th day of November, 1931, at cribed real property, to-wit: to right of way, thence west 8 Said W. H. Hastings and Jennie foreclosing the lien ot said taxes Donation Land Claim No. 45 In Beginning at the Southeast payment of costs, then to the Judg­ chains nnd 1 1-3 links, thence the hour of One o'clock In the Lane County, State of Oregon; Hastings, as the owners of the and costs against th * land and corner of Section Twenty (20) ment aforesaid specified In favor south 67 Hnss, thence east 8 afternoon of said day, at the South also the right to set and perpet­ legal title of the above described premises above named. west front door of the County Township Eighteen (18) South of of the plaintiff and the balance to chains 1 1-3 links and thence This summons is published by ually maintain a high post for property as the same appears of Court House In Eugene, Lane Coun­ Range Five West of the W iliam- j the aforesaid J. W. Jamison unless North (17 links to the place of be­ ferry cable on land belonging to record, and each of the other per­ order of the Honorable O. F. Skip- . . . Meridian, — .i-------- -.« a along otherwise determined by th ette thence » North the * court ginning. In Lane County, Oregon, ty. Oregon, offer for sale and sell Emily F. Stevens, Carrie Tyson, sons above named are hereby fur worth Judge of the Circuit Court the Ea»t line of said Section and that the defendants be fore­ he sold as provided by law, by the for cash, at public auction, subject Alan H. Tyson, J. W. Barnes and ther notified that W. Clyde Fisk ot the State of Oregon for the 13.93 chains, thence West 27.06 closed of all right, title and Inter­ Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon, to to redemption as provided by law, M yrtle Barnes on January 22, 19- and Martha L. Fisk will apply to County of Lane and said order ares chAlns. thence South 11.39 chains, est In said premises excepting the la y said Judgment, coats, and ac­ all of the right, title and Interest 13, 20 feet east of the north end the Circuit Court of the County and made and dated this »2nd day of of the said defendants Minnie Lu­ thence West 2 chains, thence statutory right to redeem and such cruing costs and disbursement». of said strip of land above des­ State aforesaid for a decree fore­ October. 1931, and th * date of the South 2 chains, thence East ,, other relief as to the court may This summons is served upon you ciano, Guitlano Luciano whose cribed, and a stay pole about 10 closing the lien against the prop­ first publication of this summons 29.06 chains to the place of begin- appear equitable.. The date of the by the publication thereof In the name Is sometimes spelled Gutiano feet high about 10 feet north of erty above described, and mention­ Is the 29th day of October, 1*81. nlng; and also the Northwest order directing the service of this Luciano. Edward King, Bertrice Springfield News, pursuant to an All process and paper* In this the north bank of the slough ed In said certificate. And you are quarter of the Northeast quarter I summons by the publication there­ King. L. W. Stevens, Elisabeth order of the Hon. Q. F. Skipworth. running across and near the hereby summoned to appear with­ proceeding may be served upon the of Section 29. Township 18 South of Is dated October 20th, 1931, and H. Stevens, W. A. Bell, Wm. D. JutlRo of the above entitled court, north end of said lands, also a in sixty days after the first publi­ undersigned residing within the Queen, and Jane Doe Queen, wife of Range 6 West of thp Wiliam required publication thereof once duly made and entered Ihe 3rd day "Deadtnan" in the north bank of cation of this summons, exclusive State of Oregon at the addree* ette Meridian, In Lane County, each week for four successive of November, 1931. Date of first of Wm. D. Queen, and alt persons ot the day of said first publication, hereafter mentioned. weeks. Date of first publication, said slough. claiming by. through, or under Oregon. publication, November 5th, 1931. W ELLS A WKLL8. Attorneys Dated this 28th day of October, and defend this action or pay the Dated this 23rd day of October, October 22nd, 1932. them or either of them, In and to tor Plaintiff*. amount due as above shown, to­ C. A. WINTERMEIER. DO NALD YOUNG, Attorney the said premise*. 1931. 1931. DR. ELLA MEADE H. L. BOW N, Sheriff, of gether with costs and accrued in­ Address, Bank of Commerce Attorney for Plaintiff. Resi­ for Plaintiff, 430 Miner H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of Lane Eugene, Oregon. Optometrist terest, and in case of your failure dence: Eugene, Oregon. Lane County, Oregon. Building, Eugene, Oregon. Bv A. K. HULEG AARD, Deputy. County, Oregon. (O 39— N 6-19-1*49) to do so, a decree will be rendered 41 West 8th Eugene *(O 32-39— N 6-19-19) (N 6-12-19-19— D 8) (N 6-l"-19-M-D 9) (O 29—N 6-19-19-2*1 (O 29 — N 6-134H6) N O T IC I OF R O AD D IS T R IC T M E E T IN G Notice o i School M e e ting .... « » Business Directory Edw. G. Privat F U D -V IJE A B E A U T IFU L FR A HIE q u i t e d iff'e n -H t FROUK ALL O T H E R S