THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWKNTY-KK1HTH Y KA It. CASCADE ROAD UP 10 COMMISSION Springfield Delegntion to At­ tend Two Highwny Meet­ ing* in Portland Today Bank Dividends Expected Soon SENIOR CUSS I I HONOR HOLL HEAD «««" Survey of Willamette RALPH 8 STANLEY Draw bull House STORE RERE SOLD For Canal Is Started WINS GRID GAME Unusuar Amount of Excell­ Former Officers Say First Payments Will Likely Be Brattain School Has Ninety- ent Talent Brought to Light M. R. Irish Purchases Mer­ Engiticars Establish Head­ in Program Friday Made About Novembor 25 Three Names on List; Sixth chandise Stock and Takes quarters for Unit of Work Graders to Group A packed house greeted Mr* 1 5-Year Lease on Building Ktrel payment of dividend* to at Springfield Tuesday depositors In the defunct Commer CASCADE HIGHWAY IS UP rial Htate Hank will probably be made on or about November 2b, ar- Will Request Highway Com- cord In* to former officer* of the n.itsion to Include Road in bank, which ha* been In the band* / A A. Hcbrannn, state «uperln- Secondary System ^«n. «< bank*, for liquidation A «pedal delegation of Mprlng - a r June S The amount of the field bn«lnoH* men have gone told lt <1 wa* not given, Portland today to attend mooting*1 A| z ’v . a l for the payment must at which they will urge the coni be glv *^v the bank superintend pil lion of the Cascade highway ent al i On and by the Judge of from Oregon City to Mprlngfleld. the dlstrl. >url before It can be F. II llamlln, John Anderson, and made. Tlies a eg peeled shortly. W l\ ilarnell will first attend ni The bank i ^esourens of 3196,- meeting of the Cascade Highway 456. BO when It I a*, turned over to association which Include* repres­ thè state for liquidatim i entatives from each of the cities T h ere were unire Ihan suo known and communities located ulong the depositar* In thè hank. route of the proposed highway. Later in the day the Mprlngfleld representatives will aiteml a meet­ ing of the stale highway commis­ sion at the court hou«e to urge that the proponed road from Mil-, verlon to Mprlngtleld tie put on the secondard highway *y»tem of the! Wt. P. Tyeon General Chair­ «late. man for Drive; To Name Considerable support for the pro Committees During Week poaed road which will «horlen the* illsiaiue to Cortland by upproxl- The annual Ited Cross roll call malely 30 miles bus he.-,, promised I w,„ , lBr| Hpr, d ww,k Iron, communities south of Spring w,„ be condll<.„,d „„ mim I further wupport im t«s day and Thuntdny arrordlB ff to W Jane F. Ketel* and her troupe of Menhir* led all other classes at entertainer* last Friday eveolna WILL MOVE FEED STORE the blah school during the fir» ’ *lx jt the high school when they pre* ----------- week* period with a total of 13 ented a program of Mprlngfleld tai- Irish-Murphy Store Adopts name* on the honor roll. Their ent for the purpose of raising fund* Semi-Self Service Plan; close*! competitor* were the sopho­ to pay for already purchased stage more* with seven. The jtftilori hud Change Fixture* , fro.„ (w# | equipment and to buy new mater­ ials which are needed. |g radua|a. Male of (be Ralph A Stanley The production wa* also a flasn store number « located In Spring he Urattaln school had a total C|aj succee«, net profit* being *oui>- field, to Merwin H. Irish, bead of of »3 name. ||.,ed on the Gr.l wbal oyer Bch, . ved w1tb UlK honor roll The complete list* fol- low admission price of 26 cents the Irish Cash store*, wa* announ­ ced here Haturday. The deal low: | and 10 cents. < unie effective Monday. HIGH SCHOOL That Mprlngfleld ha* plenty of in tbe transaction Irish acquire* Senior*—Donald Anderson. Wins­ talent wa* convincingly brought to all Ibe slock* of the store here ton Bacus, Velda Bartholomew, the attention of those In tbe audl and take* a five-year lease on the June Dank*. Lloyd Frese. Evelyn H a rris F.l... M a.-rt.-i* u.,,». , I Bn“ “ nUniber •«•«’ number on building which George Stanley pur Vee Vernon I lies Fvelvn I lovd Pr° ,r “M br‘,u* hl hearty ap chased two year* ago when he vee Vernon bile*. Evelyn Lloyd. plause and often call* for encore, opeoed Ihe grocery at Fifth and M eecb.«, George Thatcher. Two numb, r. de. Br¥e »• < r »a ’ win" Bl»» at* dren from the Elko school for or- “b1**1 tbe maroon-clod Mprlngfleld me • ver. eter- pbani) prenent th and their three adult -«counted for tbe scoring will bare direct control of tbe work »u‘ rdl*n« «» ‘"deed one of pluck wh‘«b began early in the first quar­ In this area. ,n<1 determination. Forced to flee ter when the Mprlngfleld fullback Poat“ Graduates—Dawn Ch.,»ch men“ <”’ for ,belr • » “‘’‘bn*™ « Future plan* for tbe use of the Headquarters for the engineering * hen carried the ball across the line for Dorothy MsheT £ 7 , pZrL P"’»-“«»«'“» and for the profession- property ba¥e not compiev *• shortly hh kabusch, De Etta Mandgathe. bothered with frequent attacks of | , located In tbe back of the Irish- Mprlngfleld team, which had kicked a... H Bow’*f directors of the school depending on the conditions as __ , Murlun Hhlpley. Kltiabwh Vail. ’ lumbago, offered aaveral number* Murphy »tore now .. . . .. »tid Miss Alexander, teacher, ob- the ball to the Milverton four yard found along tbe river and the wea­ J“"'®r* - V,^ u1» •’bristle, Jewel, on bl> guitar and made a certain The stock of groceries from tbe talned a motor bus and moved t o ! line’ ru»bed through the opposing Helterbrand. Marjorie P rochn ow hit with an arrangement of various s ,al)ley Btore wl„ bw uken , rom ther. according to Davis, who states Texas. Lack of funds made It nec- line and blocked an attempted punt. August Podakowakl. Marceline army bugle calla and marches play- ,be building thia week and will that wet weather will greatly slow essary to do something which No scores were made during the up the work along tbe timber cover- Heavey. Florence Vail. ed on his guitar without accom Ue distributed among the stores would bring In money to pay their next two quarters aa the play xlg- ed areas flanking the river. Freshmen— Lucile Davi*. Carl panlment. "Chill Con Carne Eye* owned by Mr. Irish. living expenses. xagged across tbe field. Both team« Htevenson. Mr. Davis will have aa assist­ a Mpanl.b cabaret scene with a coming at tbe same time a* the All of the children are orphans, fumbled several times and both ants while here. C. I. Dunaven, first BRATTAIN SCHOOL captivating .enorlU offering a „ le wa* tbe announcement laat and the school ha* requests to take tried passing attacks which were First Grade | hm led lo ( iiintv frohi Nouthern Or«* | , dance act wa. the other outstand wwsk by lbe lrUb Murphy .tore assistant; and William Freer, sec­ many more who have no mean* of not generally successful. Spring- . Tyn according to Dunaven. It would and then start back here where group of players. Both teams did achimt district clerk, show a total1 worker. las Knight. Chester Schlewe Parsons who also took the leadin'* ‘ " *°P across the street. he possible to construct the canal they hope to be able to take np a some very hard blockings of 786 children us residing within These county worker* are Investl Fifth Grade role of grandmother, was a clever i project wlthont any locks between five-year option which they now Hie limits ot district 19. as com gating ItttKI cases and are actually ! hold on a farm. Funds derived A large crowd turned out for the Attendance—Alden Powell. Paul offering of interpretive dancing and Mprlngfleld and Salem If the pro­ pared with N26 for the previous1 Providing relief for 600 of these, ject was taken Into the Long Tom from their concert tour will be used game and did some lusty cheering year The cennus Included all Mprlngfleld alone has 66 of these | Nott, Freddie Neet. Vern Gates, dialogue. Marlin Darr. Clarence Clark. John “A Lot of Nonsense" might as river area, but this would create a to purchase the farm and to build for the home children between the ago* of 6 and cases under observation by the j Avltt. Mildred Billings. Juanita well have been the title of the dia­ flood problem which must be guard- a school. Coach May will begin training I* Inclusive und wa* taken by Red Cross. Forty-seven of them Chapman. Bettis Curry. Marjorie “People have been treating us his men Immediately for their next . ed against logue skit offered under the name are actual relief rase* where th e , member* of the Springfield P.-T. o„., „ i McPherson. Violet Steele. Lorraine "Between Trains", by Marceline Four engineering parties were fine." stated Mr. Bowser after the game to be played here against A. com w ltteh composed of Mrs __________ Squires. Eileen Gartner. Seavey and Orval Eaton. The act ' sent out to various cities along the program here. "In California we Lebanon on November 20. The Rachel T hatch er, Mrs. D. C. Ogll and shelter. This organisation spen, ,360 for food for these people I. ’’ no',. N° tt’ He" r was well presented and drew much Springfield I. O. O. F. to Ob- r,t’ " ‘he Arn,y En' spent the entire winter of 1930-31 Thanksgiving day game against vie. and Mrs. Marlon Adams. . . ____ _ . . | ( hase, Mildred Billings, Violet applause. It was good entertain­ 6 . : gtneers office at Portland to start in Los Angeles. Churches and University High, which will fee There ba* been u decrease of 80 | In Springfield during September ( q,w |v serve Golden Anniversary the gurTey work They care. other organizations contributed played on Hayward field, looms Eileen Gartner. Ida Jane m ent. children In the district, due per alone. 1 Irwin. •'Memories" a vod-vll skit offered and Annual Homecoming fully examine the present river generously towards our expenses now as the deciding contest for tfee Imps, to the movement buck to the A survey completed here recently Slsth Grade by Mrs. W. E. Buell. Fred an Eve­ channel to determine the depths while there. School officials co­ district. farm, think* Burlier. The decrease1 revealed that 78 men are In need I Attendance— Mary Murry. Jane lyn Buell, was well received It Springfield I. O. O. F. lodge num- every where, the base substances, operated with us in every manner The starting lineups for the game does not necessarily mean, how of usslstance from road Jobs and ph . ""«•oo™'"1 ever. Hint the number of students other work Ten of these men are Kr„_i,. nni,,.",n Anglia centered about Fred, as an old man her 70 will hold a large meeting heights of banks, distance from the possible and did everything except Wednesday were: who resumed his fiddle playing and Wednesday. November 18. in ob- „uBn channel, and their composl- actually give us textbooks for the Springfield Silverton in the schools have decreased or t>°* being given employment on i,M„. Movshoil increased a* all those enrolled are county projects each week and five . eeler' soon forgot that he had grown old servance of the Golden anniversary tion. Problems of drainage, Irri- children. These they loaned to us G. Wright ..... L.E. Anderson -------- L.T. _____ Specht not attending school. The actual started working under the state ” '** ' S< J"4 * lHn"’I,t- when his mother, dressed as a of the founding of the lodge in this gallon, flood control and possibili­ while we were In the state." The group Is supporting two Rasmussen ...... L.G............................. Gehrke enrollment this year Is utmost the relief road plan on Monday and ., .. 8I?-' i l’'1°'Vd captivating young school girl ap­ t y . The annual homecoming will ties for navigation will all be care- . . . . I ____ ____ _________ . t . . .' I ernell, Tommie Uchytll, Valeria peared. Evelyn played the accom­ also be held on that date. fuijy investigated and all this mass negro boys in southern colleges Thurman ........ C..........Paulson salon us lust year, hut a large more are expected to be added Koch. Lulu Johnson. Homer D. Angell. Portland. Grand of Information will have to be with part of the funds received on O. Stevenson ... R .G ..... ........ r p " paniment aa the elderly lady, wife number of students are coming later. Scholarship — Melma Clement, of Fred. Master for Oregon, and Charles P. presented to the Board of Army the trip. One boy is at Hasklll In­ Sword ...... R.T. Fuller here from the Waltervllle district "The demand will be greater trank Bllck. Henry Chase. Patsy "Socks and Soapsuds" was a Poole of Eugene. Special District Engineers for study before any stitute at Lawrence, Kansas, and Stevenson R.E. ____ Pettyjohn and elsewhere to attend high this year than ever before, and Patmore. question of locating missing aocka Deputy, will both attend the meet- positive action can be expected on the other Is studying medicine at Thatcher ........„.Q.B................ Holla achool. They are not Included In i those who can appreciate the work Sixth Grade which had ben sent out with negro lug which Is to begin at 7:30 at th e , the canal Itself, according to Davis. Wiley college. Marshall. Texas. Squires ...........L.H_.......... .. Green the census. It Includes only those of Ihe Red Cross In aiding this Attendence—Gordon Balwtn. Je­ The entire canalisation survey laundrywomen as portrayed by Eva I. O. O. F. hall. A regular lodge ..R.H.... Radlshauser The program given here last Mills ..... nctuully residing here on' October community should do all they can to make the drive next week a fin­ wel Farnsworth. Holbert Horne- Louk and Alys Thatcher. They session will be held, after which work Is being carried on under the night opened with a group of num­ Frese .................F.B............ ..... Irish 26. berger, Haxel Hicks. Donald House, drew many laughs with their antics. the members of the Springfield direction of Lieutenant William bers by the orchestra with a four Officials—Gene Shields. Umpire; Segregation of the figures show ancial success." says the mayor. Helen Lyons. LaVerne McPherson. The moat humorous event of the Rebekah lodge have been Invited to Cassidy, U. 9. engineer, stationed year old boy as director. "In a Squires, headllnesman; Tomseth. that there are 362 boys and 383! 1 ' ..... Margin Mulligan, Jimmie Orr, Ro­ program was the one act skit attend the racial functions. at Portland. Garden.” "What a Friend We Have referee. girl*. Fathers of 61 of the chll-! » ■ X • I n The entire program has not been bert Perry. Wesley Tobertson, Wy- "Comical Country Cousins" directed In Jesus." “Yield Not to Tempta­ dren nre foreign born, and the elta Spriggs, Henry Uchytll. Max- by Mra. Ketels and which had aa announced, but those In charge LOCAL N O W CIRCLE tion." and medley of “Carry Me mothers of 60 children were horn a cast many of the ladies of Spring, state that the motion picture which Back to Old Virginny" and "Old In other countries. Glaspey, James Hebert, Virginia field who revealed new or rather Dr. W. C. Rebhan. M. R. Irish and CHOOSES NEW OFFICERS Beck to Old Virginny” and "Old Figures taken from the census Hicks, Elsie Ingram. Alvin McBee, apparently hidden talents during Veltle Pruitt took while on a boat , „ A .. _ report nre used In computing the L. E. Stone and Arthur Peterson group. trip down the Rogue river will be the minstrel show. r> * - I n ti- I Wllh,,r McPherson. Rose Ogden. The second part of the program county school tax levy for the next Departmental Officers Com- Karl Pederi(un> Helen were given degrees In the N. O. W. Students at the high achool con­ exhibited. Refreshments will also was given over to songs and open­ lax period. at their regular meeting here Wed­ tug for Annual Visit to Local , Lloyd Henmans. Muriel Tyson. Emil tributed much time and labor to be served. ed with a beautiful presentation of Invitations have been mailed out i nesday evening. Uchytll, Thurman Williams. Ladies' Organization aid Mrs. Ketels In making the show TWO SPRINGFIELD The following officers were elec­ the song. "Memories of Mother” Thirty-four at Chickpn Din­ to all members and former mem Scholarship— Jewel Farnsworth. a success. ted to be installed at a public In­ with a chant of the laird's Prayer, ner Given by Mr*. Van Val- Prominent officers of the Ladles bers of the local lodge to be present James Hebert. Virginia Hicks, Elsie STUDENTS IN CHOIR by the entire group. Other num­ zah’s Sunday School Class of the O. A. R. for Oregon nre ex­ Ingram. Muriel Tyson. for this occasion. Elmer Pyne, stallation to be held on January 9. bers were “Watlng for the Trum­ MRS. MARY SWEENEY A supper followed the election. University of Oregon, Eugene— pected here this evening to attend Burton a. Sankey. and M. J. Me- pet Sound." and "Mary. Don't Yo DIES; FUNERAL MONDAY Kiln are Ihe committee In charge Thirty-four young people, mem­ Among the outstanding musical un Inspection meeting of Iuka circle Newly elected officers are Quar- Weep and Don’t Yo Moan." The bers of Mrs. A. B. Van Valaah’i event* of Hie year nt the University which will be held at the Armory. “ ETERNAL TW ILIG H T" (iian Neighbor. Juetta Taylor; ad­ for the evening. Mrs. Mary Sweenty died at her closing part of the program was Sunday school class and their Departmental officers who will of Oregon will be several concerts visor. Glenn Stone; clerk Minnie M. E. SERMON SUBJECT home, 719 Q. street. Hprlngfidd, given over to a group of selections guests from Eugene and Coburg, Girard; banker. Nina McPherson; hy the huge Polyphonic Choir, coin come nre Mrs. Rose Garrison, Port Haturday afternoon, following a JASPER AREA SEEKS by a double quartet and a sextette attended the annual chicken dinner "The Christian's Souce of Sup­ posed of more thun 200 students, land, state president; Mrs. Susanna magician. Al Pohl; captain of the lingering Illness. TO HAVE NEW ROAD guards, Melba Mellon; flag bearer, which sang. “How Do You Do." a of the group at the Methodist Bernice Finley and Fred lluell have Hammond, Portland, state inspec­ ply.” will be the theme of the Mary Decker was born In Dell special arrangement. "Swing Low church Wednesday evening. A both been chosen members of the tor; Mrs. Frances Smith, Eugene, morning'message at the Methodist Plain, Iowa, May 6. 1878. At the Clarine Putman; Inner sentinel, Residents of county road dis­ Sweet Chariot.” "Who Built the short program was held la the second division, Miss Finley to sing state secretary; Mrs. Myrtle Eggl- church to be given by Rev. Dean age of two she went to Nebraska trict 9 In the Jasper area are ask­ Sam Sweeney; outer sentinel, Ray Ark." “When I Get's to Heaven I'm church basement after which the C. Poindexter. At the 7:30 evening second soprano, ami Mr. Buell to niann, Springfield, state counselor; In 1892 she was married In Raven­ ing that the county provide a road Nott; musician, Doris Girard; Going to Play the Harp." “Carry entire group went upstairs to hear mid Mrs. Alice Doane. Springfield, service the thought to be presented sing baritone. na, Neb., to James E. Sweeney. on the south side of Fall Creek to correspondent. Myrtle Egglmann; Me Rack to Dixie,” "Peter Fishing The opening progrnni of Ihe year member of the state council of will be: “Eternal Twilight." The In 1921 they came to Springfield connect with the Fall Creek ro*d. managers. Noah Hlltérbrand. Sadie on the Sea.” "Be Ready When the the negro children's program. The latter part of tbe evening church school meeting* at 9:66 a will he held on Munday afternoon, administration. Baldwin, and Mamie Richmond; Great Day Comes.” “Hand Me where they have since resided. Members of the county court was spent at the home of Mrs. Van m. Mrs. Ids Gantx and some 26 Each of Ihe vnrlous circles In Ihe December 13, when both divisions Mrs. Sweeney Is survived by her say that no action has been taken senior guardian. Stella Findley; In­ Down the Silver Trumpet, Gabriel.' will Join to sing Handel's "Messiah'' state are visited annually by the assistants sre making an heroic husband, five sons, Floyd Sweeney, yet but that they believe that this stalling officer. Stella Findley; and "Barnyard Song" and “Let the Valzah where games were played. Holding of this annual chicken one of the most beautiful choruses stale president Blid Inspector as n effort to discharge their responsi­ Springfield; John Sweeney, New­ Is more of a community ro*d and Nellie Carr aa past guardian. Church Roil On.” dinner has grown to be a custom bility In the great task entrusted ever composed. Mendelssohn's part of their regular duties. port; George Sweeney and Justin that It should be a district project. for this class. They usually meet A social time will Ite held after to them. Asa Robley will lend the "Hymn of Praise" will be given Sweeney, both of Ravenna, Neb.; The proposed road would be about REBEKAH CONVENTION DESERTION CHARGED at the home of their teacher, but young people's discussion on the the Inspection this evening. sometime early In January. Sam Sweeney of Springfield; two three miles In length. TO BE HELD SATURDAY IN DIVORCE ACTION plans had to be changed this year question, "Just how do we decide Under the direction of Arthur daughters. Mrs. Daisy Pugh. Spring- to accommodate the large number for Jesus?” Boardman, world famous tenor, tho SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS field; Miss Thelma Sweeney, at The district convention for the To Have Guest — Mrs. Freeda Desertion Is alleged as grounds that were to attend. Polyphonic Choir Is organised to HAS PARTY SATURDAY hdme; her mother. Mrs. Emma Peterson of Albany will be a guest Rebekah lodges of this area will be give group singing experience to MRS. MORTENSEN TO BE Decker of Pool, Neb., and two sla­ here today of Mr. and Mrs. Charles held at Elmira on Saturday. Nov­ for divorce In a complaint filed In circuit court Monday by Mabel R. Coburg M. E. Church as large a number of students us Thirty-eight younger high school HOSTESS ON FRIDAY ters, Mrs. Daisy Barker and Mrs Egslmann. Mrs. Peterson was In­ ember 16. It is expected that sev­ Drake against her husband. Earl The Sunday morning massage at possible, und yet maintain an ex­ boy* and girl* attended s social Tens Force, both of West Spring- spector for the Ladies of the G. A. eral Springfield people will attend D. Drake. 9:66 will be from the theme "Let ceptionally high standard of work. gathering at the Methodist church Mrs. R. C. Mortensen has Invited field. R. last year and will visit Iuka the meeting. There are no official The couple married at Vancou­ there he Light." The church school The first division of the choir Is Saturday evening. Part of the even a large group of young people from Mrs. Sweeney was a member of circle this evening. delegates elected, but the sessions ver, Wash.. May 26. 1923. and have meets at 10:30. The young people composed of about 60 students, who Ing wa* spent playing games and high school age on up. Including the Royal Neighbors of America are open to «11 member*. no children. The plaintiff asks re­ will meet at 7:00 p. m Rev. Dean have proven their outstanding carrying on stunt*. Refreshments all those who feel that they are lodge and the Presbyterian church. Visits from College Crest— R. J. An all-day county convention of turn of her former name of Rulter. Poindexter Is pastor and will ability, and who have hurl consider­ were served. still young, to gather at her home Funeral services were held Mon­ Neave resident ot the College Crest the I. O. O. F. lodge was held at preach at the morning service. able experience In this type of sing Mrs. R. P. Mortensen Is the Friday evening for a social evening. day afternoon at 2 o’clock at the area In Eugene was a visitor In Oakridge Armistice day. Homer D. Daughter Born— Mr. and Mrs. lug. The second division, which Is teacher of this group. The dass Poote-Gray-Bart-holomew chapel. Springfield Wedensday morning. Angell, Grand Master for Oregon Ivan Nestle are the parents of a Returns from Medford «— Mr*, about six times ns large, Is made has adopted as their name, "Bright Visits at Albany— Al Valentine Rev. D. C. Poindexter officiating. Mr. Neave Is president of the Col­ and Charles Poole, special district haby daughter born to them at the Alice I^orsh returned Monday up of students with real ability, Lights." Their class song Is "Let spent Tuesday at Albany on a busl- Interment was In Laurel Hill ceme­ lege Crest Community club this deputy were featured on the pro­ Eugene hospital Tuesday. Novem- Medford where she has who have hud less experience. thc Lower Lights be Burning." ¡ness trip. tery. year. gram. her 10, 1*31. , Ing for some time. Red Cross Starts Roll Call Soon SCHOOL CENSOR REPORT IS GIVEN . Of LODGE 00V. I0T0 CtrCle tfh liP Inspected Tonight Church Group Enjoys Dinner