PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, NOVEMBER T., I»31 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS 100 00 125.00 115.00 33.00 Light and power Notice ot School Meeting Water Telephone Other expense of operation 20000 1X5.00 «0.00 17 00 NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voter, of School District No. 1», of Lane County. State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of »aid district «111 be held at Springfield High School, on the XT day of November, 1931, at 7:30 o'clock In the p m. for the purpose of d ie -’ Total Expense of Operation cussing the budget hereinafter set out with the levying board, and to V MAINTENANCE and REPAIRS vote on the proposition of levying a special district tax •Repair and replacement of furni­ ture and equipment .......... ....... 200 00 The total amount of money needed by the said school district dur­ 200 00 ing the fiscal rear beginning on June 30. 1931. and ending June 30. 1932, •Repair and maintenance of buildings and grounds .................... Is estimated In the following budget and includes the amounts front the 400 00 400.00 county school fund, state school fund, elementary school fund, special district tax, and all other moneys of the district. Total Expense of Maintenance and Repairs BUDGET VI. AUXILIARY AGENCIES Library: Personal service (librarian, E S T IM A T E D R E C E IP T S : etc.) ................... ............... ..... ............... 140.00 40(H) From county school fund 9 T.200.00 From state school fund ........ ............... 1.300.00 From elementary school fund ..... 4.900.00 Total Expense of Auxiliary Agencies From tuition for pupils below high school 50.00 VII FIXED CHARGES From county H. 8. tuition fund 0,550.00 •Insurance ... ... ............... 110.00 90 00 O. and C. fund 300.00 T o ta l e s tim a te d receipt* 1X0.000.00 Total Fixed Charges VIII CAPITAL OUTLAYS E S T IM A T E D E X P E N D IT U R E S ¡•Naw furniture and equipment 161.00 639(H) High Elem entary Total Total Capital Outlays I. GENERAL CONTROL •Items marked with an asterisk (•) are the most common used 3695.00 Total Expense of General Control districts of the third class. •Clerk 3 200 00 9 100.00 300.00 17 00 50.00 IX DEBT SERVICE •Compulsory education and census 33.00 15.00 Principal on bonds 5.00 Supplies ...................... 10.00 ............. 3 1.500.00 60.00 20.00 •Elections and publicity ..................... 40.00 Principal on other Indebtedness 3.686 00 91.67 200 00 •Legal service (clerk's bond, audit, etc.).. 108.33 Interest on bonds 500 00 60.00 25 00 Other Expenses of general control: 35.00 Total Debt Service 3695 00 Total X EMERGENCY 1 ................................ 3 1.000.00 II INSTRUCTION—8U PER VISION 500 00 3 2.655.00 3 2.200 00 3 4.955.00 Principals ......................... ......... ...... Stenographers and other office assist- 730.00 | Total Emergency ................. „........................ ......... ... 730.00 35,585.00 Total Expense of Supervision Emily F Slovens. Carrie Tyaon. of the Htate of Oregou. In compii Alan H Tyson. J W Barnes and ance with the sahl execution and Myrtle Barnes ou January 22, 19- urder of sale, end In order to satisfy 13. 20 feel eaal of the north end said Judgment, Including Interest, of said strip of land above des attorney*' fee*, coal* ot sull and 4.13900 crlbed, and a slay pole about 10 . acqrulng coat*. I will ou Saturday, 1 „on no feet high about 10 feel north of 'the 28th day of November, 1931, at the north bank of the slough ' the hour of One o'clock In the Total 36O.2I4OOI running across and near the afternoon ot said day. al lite Houtli INDEBTEDNESS north end of said lands, also a west front door of the County 1 Amount of bonded Indebtedness 370.000 oo i H eadm an' In the north bank of Court House In Eugene, Lane C ouii ly. Oregon, offer tor sale and sell 2 Amount of warrant Indebted lies» on warrtnts I said alough. Issued and endorsed "not paid for lark of funds” I Dated this 28th dav of October, for cash, at public auction, subject lo redemption ns provided by law. 1931. 3'otal Indebtedness 370.000 00 H. L. BOWN, Sheriff, of all of the right, title and Interest of the said defendants Minnie Lu Dated this 30th day of I «tuber. 1931. lutne County, Oregon ciano. Guiliano Luciano whose Attest CLAYTON BARBER. District Clerk, IN 5-18 191« D 3) name Is sometimes spelled OwtlMO C. A. SWARTS, Chairman, Board of Director*. E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E Luciano. Edward Klug. Bertrlce N O T IC E rrty. to-wll: King. I.. W. Bteveus. Elisabeth quarter Ol (he Northeast quarter 1» Notice Is hereby given that by II. Stevens, W. A. Bell, Win. I) O F S H E R IF F S SALE virtue of an execution and order of mid the lots numbered one, two Queen, and Jane Doe Queen, wife Nol.ce is hereby given dial by I and three of section 16, In town­ i sale In foreclosure Issued out of the of Win. I). Queen, aud all perenti» virtue of an execution aid order Circuit Court of l