TUESDAY, NOVEMBER S. 1981 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS NOTICE OF ROAD D ISTR IC T M EETIN G Pursuant to a petltlou signed by the required uurnber of freeholders In Itoad District No. 20, which pet! Ilou has been duly approved by the County Court of lame County, Ore gun, who have made and recorded an order that aald p«lltlon be ap­ proved and that an election be held In pursuance thereto, therefor«. NO TIC E 18 IIE ItE IIY G IVEN that a meeting of th« legal voters In Itoud D lalilrl No. 20, In Lane County, Oregon, will be held at the hour of 2 p m , on the 14th duy of November. A. D. 1231, at the l.an dax Hi hoolhouae In aald Itoad Dla trlrt, to delnrmlne whether aald road district shall levy a special tux of I >2000.00) Two Thousand A no-100 Dollars upon all the taxable property In »aid dlatrlrt for the purpose of provldlug funds for tak lug off points and graveling and grudlng roads. Dated this 28th day of October, 1931. Attest: W H. D IL LA ltD . County Clerk. C. I* HAlt.NAltD, County Judge. C LIN TO N IIC K D . County Com­ missioner. 0 . E. CROWE, County Com mlaaloner. ID 2» N 6 12) Jury Gives Damages - A verdict Account cf Ectctc Filed— Inven SUMM ON» If you fall to appear or answer for NO TICE OF FIN A L ACCOUNT glre. deceased; and that tea octook FHE C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E want thereof thw plaintiff will ap-1 IN T H E COUNTY COURT OF In the forenoon og Saturday the for >25t) was returned by a circuit tory aud appraisement of the estate ply to the court for the relief as T H E STATE OF OREGON FOR 7th day of November. IN I, at the court Jury Friday tor W aller Weber of Dorothy Fisher, minor, was filed S TA TE OF OREGON FOR T H E CO UNTY OF IJ IN E prayed for In the complaint, to- L A N E COUNTY. courtroom thereof In Eugene Ore- who sued Ralph Willoughby. Thursduy. The eetate ainouuts to <.,IBr| „ clemente, plulotlff. ye Jean It; That the marriage relation IN T H E M A TTER OF T H E KS- gon. have been by (he court fixed existing bet wet n the plaintiff and Flanigan, defendant T A T E OF CECIL J. 8LU YTER . and appointed aa the time aud place Nurse Files Certlfloete The TO JEAN FLANIGAN. DEFEND­ defendant be dissolved, and such Deceased. for hearing objections lo said re­ Dance Hall License Issued— A nurse certificate of V«ra C. Con- ANT, AND TO INCH FLANIGAN, other relief as to the court may n t W HOM T H IS MAY CONCERN port and for the final settlement of county dunce hall license was Is­ key was filed for record Saturday appear equitable. HIS G UARDIAN Notice Is hereby given that I the the estate ot said deceased, sued by the county court Saturday IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE Tbe oraer uirectutg the service I undersigned, L. H. Mulkey have ut the office of the county clerk. Martha C. Key, Executrix of for the M. W. A: hall at Crow. GF OREGON, You are hereby re of thia summons by tbe publication I Ried my (Inal a nt as admlnls th« Last W ill and Testament qulrcd to appear and answer tbe thereof Is dated August 14th. 1931, trator In the above entitled probate A. E. Wheeler, Attorney of Olive Account of Estate Filed— Final complaint which has been filed a and directs publication once each proceeding, that the time set by Ethel Allglre, Deceased, account of (he estate of Harvey NOTICE OF ROAD D ISTR IC T N O T IC I TO CREDITORS gainst the above named defendant, week for six successive weeks, the said Court for the hearing (O 8-1522-2»- -N 6) * M EETIN G Linder waa filed In probate court NO TIC E IN HEREBY G IVEN: Pursuant to a petition signed b> Jean Flanigan, within four weeks that you appear and answer within thereon before the said Court Is Thut Edgar J. Adam* Ima homi up Tburaday. the required number ' o ’ freeholder» I ' , h\ d* ' * ‘*f th- « r -t public. six weeks from date of first publi­ Friday. November 20. 1931, at the Report of Estate Made— Inven pointed executor ut H ip haul Will cation. and the first publication of hour of 10 o clock A. M. and an lory an(1 appraisement of the en­ I in Road District No. ». which p etl-, J*'!? .of ,h l" * nd lf anil Teatutiienl of Edith C. Adainu, __ w said summons Is October 29th, 1931 tice It hereby given that anyone NOTICE OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE ON .loo ha. been duly approved by th« decoaead, by Hi« County Court ol having any objections to said tins, ' * ' • Henn' W »«n«f « • ’ '« E X E C U TIO N IN FORECLOSURE County Court of laine County, Ore want thereof the plaintiff will take l.an« County, Oregon, All peraoue C. N. JO HNSTO N, Attorney account shall file the same In writ Pr»*>att. court Friday. The estate ho haye 'made" and"* rerded | * X»« '<"■ ‘ J>e relief Notice Is hereby given that by > gon Inolila duini« against aulii usta!« for the Plaintiff; Residence Ing on or before the time set for amounts to >1638.26. virtue of un execution uud order an order that aald petition be ap­ 'as prayed for In bis complaint, to- are required Io preseul them. with Eugene, Oregon. wlt: For a Judgement against the the hearing; and that this notice, ________________ _ nt sale In foreclosure Issued out of proved and that an election be held II I« propar voucher» within alx (O 2 9 - N 512-19-26— D 3-10) shove named Jean Flanigan In the Is first published In the Spring- . ... ~ .. B .. the Circuit Court of lame County, In pursuance thereto, therefore, m u n t ila from Ih» 30ih duy of Octo­ field News on October 22. 1931. * * * * * Fl * * Sul* ,o sum of One Thousand Dollars, to­ Oregon, on the 28th day of October, NO TIC E IS HER EBY G IVEN ber, m ill, tu the aald executor at L. H. M U LK EY, Administrator. ” 0 M from th" 8 w“ «np <•«■«»•* turn gether with Interest thereon at the 1931. In a suit wherein on the 22nd ’ that a meeting of the legal voters Ih» law offlva of I,. L. Ituy lu the NOTICE OF SALE H. E. SLA TTER Y, Attorney her company waa filed In circuit day of October, 1931, A. P. Rosen- ■ In Hoad D latrlrt No. 9, In I^ane rate of eight per cent per annum Minor Building. Kiigoii», Ornano. OF REAL ESTATE for administrator. court Tburaday by the state Indus- dull recovered Judgment against County. Oregon, will be held at the from the 9th day of February. 19- El HI Alt J. ADAMS, Executor (O 22 25 N 512 19)_______ , rta, , ccldent r()InmtM)on. Oscar A. Vltua and Itoaa A Vltua, hour of 2 p m on the 14th day of 31. and the further sum of >126.00 IN T H E CO UN TY COURT OF of I liu laist W ill uud Taatumant T H E STATE OF OREGON FOR his wife, defendants for the sum of November, A. D 1931, at the W. O. as a reasonable attorney's fee. and Estate of Olive Ethel Allglre, Dec'd " of Edith <’. Alluma, dvcuuaad. T H E CO UNTY OF LANE. IN >130904) with Interest at tbe rate W. Hall, Jasper In said Road Dis­ bis costs and disbursements here­ I, I. HAT, Attorney for Eatale. PROBATE NO. 5671. Notice Is hereby given that Mar- Inventory of Estate Filed— In- of 7 per renl per annum (mm tbe trict, to determine whether said in. and for a decree that the mort­ IO 2» N 6 -IS 19 261 5th day of August, 1924, and for road district shall levy a special gage of the plaintiff be foreclosed IN T H E M A T T E R OF T H E ES­ tha C. Key has filed In the County ventory and appraisement of the T A T E of E L IJA H C. 8TU M A N , Court of tbe M ate of Oregon. In ellt>, e 0, j effPrHon P H odge war the sum of >34.47 for taxes, and tax of 01926 93) One Thousand and the real property described Deceased. and for Lane County, her rinal re- ... . . . . „ .. . . NOTICE for the sum of >160.00 aa attorney's Nine Hundred Twenty-six A 93 100 therein, to-wlt: court Tlle Notice Is hereby given that In port as executrix of the last wllU f" ‘‘d ln OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Tbe north half ot Donation fees herein, and the costs and dis- Dollars upon all the taxable prop­ pursuance of an order duly given and teatament of Olive Ethel All- estate amounts to >1806. Land Claim No. 43, Notf. No.32- bursenieuts herein In the sum of erty In said district for the purpose The undersigned, Administrator 88 In Lections ten and fifteen and made by the above entitled >31.70, which Judgment was en­ of providing funds for side roads of Ihu estate of Lui'lla Yaruall, de­ ber 5. 1931. ln In the - . 6, 1931, NOTICE TO CREDITO RS Township 18. H K 3 West of the Court on October rolled and docketed In the Clerk's In District No. 9 for new construe ceased. hua filed Ilia Final Atount NO TIC E 18 H ER EB Y U IV E N ; office of said Court In said County W illamette Meridian, In Lane matter of the In thn matter of aald vatatn with That F luiVerne Lamb has been on the 33rd day of October, 1931. tlon and maintenance where needed Stuman, deceased County, Oregon, and being the Dated this 28th day of Oc tober, the County Clerk of Lane County, appointed adm inistratrix of the and aald execution to me directed North half of the D. L. C. of signed administrator of the said , Oregon, and uu order hua been estate of Julia 8. lam b , deceased, commanding me In tbe name of tbe 1931. George M C< ryell tbe same con­ estate will sell at private sale to Atteat: W B. DILLARD. made amt entered of record by the by tin- County Court of Lane Coun­ M ate of Oregon. In order to aatlsty taining 160.23 acres of land, more the highest bidder for cash at my ' County Clerk. The Budget Committee met at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M. Monday. County Court of aunl County, direct ty, Oregon. All persona having aald Judgment, Interest, taxee at­ or leas. In said County and State; office, Suite 10, 717 W illamette I C. P. BARNARD, County Judge lug thia notice uud appointing Mon­ claims against said estate are re­ torney’s fees, costs of suit, and ac­ Also beginning at tbe south Street, Eugene. Lane County, Ore- October 26th, 1931. all members of the Committee present. W. P. C L IN T O N HURD, County Com day. the 16tli duy of November. quired to present them, with the cruing costs lo sell the following west corner of Donation I-and gon. and subject to the confirms. Tyson was elected Chairman and C. F. Barber Secretary. The following mission or. 1931, at the hour of ten o'clock proper vouchers within six months described real property, to-wlt: Claim No. 59 In Tp. 18 8. R 3 tlon of said Court, beginning on Fri- *> the Budget estimate for the expenditures and receipts for the Town O. E CROWE, County Com- A. M. for the hearing of objection« fioin (he 23 day of tlctober, 1*31, Beginning at the Bouthwest West of the W illamette Meridian day, November 6, 1931, at the hour of Springfield for the year 1932. mlaaloner. to aald account uud the aettluin«lit to the aald administratrix at the and run thence North 12.38 chains of 10 o clock A. M., all the right, I ix p o t - K - r r u p f t o v P M F N T - corner of the Geo. W Evans Do­ (O 2»—N 5-12) itK B T jM F K O V E M h N T . of auld eatute. law office of L. L Kay In the Miner nation Land Claim No. 46. Notlf. to right of way. thence west 8 title. Interest and estate of the said | «F T Lumber ___ _________________ ...» 50.04) Elijah C. Stuman, deceased, at the tinted thia 16th day of October, Building, Eugene, Oregon. No. 2936, In Township 16 South ■ bains and 1 1-3 llnka, thence Street Commissioner’s Salary .... 1.600.00 NOTICE OF S H E R IF F S SALE ON time of his death, being an entire 1931. F. L aV E K N E LAMB. Admlnla of Range 4 Weat ut W illam ette south 67 llnas, thence east 8 I^ibor on streets ......................... 530.00 EXEC U TIO N IN FORECLOSURE E. O. I ’O TTEK . Adiulnlatrutor Meridian. Oregon, and running Iratrlx of the estate of Julia 8 i halns 1 1-3 llnka and tbence Interest, in and to the real estate Crushed Rock .... .............. ........... 300.00 Notice Is hereby given that by hereinafter described, and all >he of the Estate of Luellu Variir.ll, thence East along the South line lam b , deceased. North 67 links to tbe place of be­ Cement alley crossings 50.00 virtue of an execution and order of right, title and Interest that the lleceuaed. of aald claim 1164 feet, thence L. L. KAY, Attorney for ginning. In luine County, Oregon, 200.00 Cutting weeds ......... ................... sale in foreclosure Issued out of the said estate has acquired by opera­ PO TTER * IIA II.E Y . Attorney«. North 0* 8* East 1026.1 feet, the Estate. Surveying streets ..................... 75.00 Circuit Court of I^ane County, Ore­ be sold as provided by law, by the tion of law or otherwise, in and IO 163229— N 511) thence North 89" 30' Weat 1147.7 (O 22-12-- N 5-1319), Equipment and supplies _____ 10000 gon, on the 28th day of October, Sheriff of I^ n e County, Oregon, to to all of that certain tract of real feet to tbe West line of aald Sewer pipes ____ ___ ______ 75.00 1931, In a suit wherein, on the 28th pay said Judgment, coats, and ac­ estate In Lane County, Oregon, claim, thence along aald West NO TIC E OF ROAD D ISTR IC T NOTICE TO CREDITORS 250 00 Incidentals .......... ...................... day of October, 1931. In said Court cruing coats and disbursements. bounded and described as follows, line South 0* 29’ Weat 1036 feet This summons Is served upon you M EETIN G Nutlce Is hereby given that the The State of Oregon. Represented to tbe place of beginning, con by tbe publication thereof In the to-wlt: > 3,130 00 Pursuant Io a petltlou signed by undersigned have been appointed talnlng 27.38 acres of land In and acting by the World W ar Vet- Springfield News, pursuant to an Beginning at a point 30 links erans' State Aid Commission, re­ the required uurnber of freeholdera Executor uifd Executrix of the ea- tbe Geo. W. Evans donation land west of the west line of the W il­ POLICE D EPA R TM EN T: covered Judgment against the de­ order of the Hon. G. F. Skipworth, In Itoud District No. 33 which peti­ tule of Mary E. Jewett, deceased, claim In lame County, State of liam H. Fisher D. L. C. No. 38, in Chief of Police at >137.60 per month ..» 1.650.00 fendants Horald J. Bevan and Judge of tbe above entitled court, tion hua been duly approved by the by the County Court of Lane Coun­ Oregon, except roadway. Township 19 South In Range One One Nightwatchman at >105.00 per month 1,260.00 Esther E. Bevan for the sum of duly made and entered the 3rd day County Court of lame County. Ore­ ty. Oergon. All persons having Now, therefore. In the name of I (1) west of the W illam ette M eri­ Extra help, supplies and expenses ............. 206.00 of November. 1931. Date of first gon. who have made and recorded claims against aald estate are here­ the State of Oregon. In compliance Two Thousand Six Hundred Ninety- publication, November 5tb, 1931. dian, Lane County, Oregon, loca­ nine and 66 100 (>2,69966) Dollars, by notified to present the same, an order that auld petltlou be ap­ with aald execution and order o f 1 ted 30 links west of and thence > 3.116.00 DONALD YOUNG. Attorney proved and that au «lection be held i properly verified to the undersign­ aale and In order to satisfy said ‘ together with interest thereon at South 1 degree and four minutes for Plaintiff, 430 Miner ed, at the office of Wells A Wells, Judgment, Interest, taxes, attorneys | the rate of four per cent per annum FIR E D EPA R TM EN T: In purauance thereto, therefore, west 7.23 chains from the north­ Building. Eugene, Oregon. i Attorneys. Hank of Commerce fees, costs of suit and accruing from and since the 28th day of May. > 1,500.00 Fire Chief at >125.0 per month west corner of said D. L. C. No. NO TIC E 18 HEREBY G IVEN llld g . Eugene, lame County. Ore­ (N 5 1 ‘,-1»26 D 3) 1928, amounting to Three Hundred Soda and a c i d ___ 50.00 costs, I will on Saturday, the 28th 38; and thence run west 1.40 that a meeting of the legal voter» In gon. within six months from tbe Sixty-seven and 06-100 (>367.06) Extra help ______ 100.00 chains; thence run south I de­ Itoud District No. 23, II I IdlUe Coun­ date of the first publication of thia day of November, 1931, at the hour Dollars, and for the further sum SUMMONS 10.00 Laundry ________ of 3 o'clock In the afternoon of said gree and fonr minutes west 7.00 ty. Oregon, will be bold at the hour notice. of Two Hundred Seventy-five Supplies _________ 50.00 day, at the Southwest front door of chains to the center of the coun­ of 2 I*. M. ou the 14th day of Nov- Date of first publication. Oct. tbe County Court House, In Eu­ (>276.00) Dollars attorney’s fees IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E T e le p h o n e _______ 24.00 ty road known as the M ilitary S TA TE OF OREGON FOR ember. A. I). 1931. at the Unity 22nd. 1231. and for costa and disbursements gene. Lane County, Oregon, offer Road; thence mn southeasterly LANE CO UNTY Schoolhouse In aald Itoud Dlalrlcl, taxed at tbe sum of >31.00. and said N. Scott Jewett, Executor. > 1,734.00 for sale and sell for cash, at public along the center of the said road lo ili- t e i m ill.- wh.-ther auld road dla- execution to me directed, com­ Ronald C. Gilstrap. Plaintiff, vs. Clara A. Morrow, Executrix. ..> 900.00 aurtton. subject to redemption as to a point 30 links west of the RECORDER'S SALARY ........... ........... ...................... trlrt ahull levy a a pedal lax of Wells A Wells. Attorneys. manding me In the name of the Phyllis Gilstrap, Defendant. 100.00 Office Supplies __________________________ provided by law, all of the right, west line of said D. L. C. No. 38 State of Oregon, In order to satisfy (>1400.00) Ou« Thouaaud Four lluu to 22 2» N 5-12-12) > 180.00 title and Interest of said defend­ said Judgments, Interest, attorneys and thence run north from the TREASURY'S SALARY ___ ___________________ IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STATE •Ired and No-100 Dollar« upon ull > 240.00 A T T O R N E Y ’S FEES ________ _____________ __ ants, Oscar A. Vltua and Rosa A. the taxable property In aald dis­ fees, costs of sutt, and acrulng OF OREGON: You are hereby re*! center of said road a distance of LIG H TS t W A TER: NOTICE Vitus, his wife, and all persons 7.29 chains to the place of begin­ quired to appear and answer the costs, to sell the following des­ trict for th« purpose of providing Lights: Mountain State Power Company. OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE claiming by. through or under them ning, being one acre of land. complaint filed against you in the funds for road purposes as follows; cribed real property, to-wlt: Lights for streets and public buildings. Notice is hereby glveu that by or any or either oi them in and | H. E. S LA TTER Y, Administra­ The West fifty (50) feet of above entitled suit within -lx 135000 ou roud "K" up Wlnberry > 2,114.00 12 months ) virtue of an execution aud orde. to said premises. tor. Lot Eight ( 8 ) -in Block Three (3) weeks from the date of the first Creek. >350.00 on road "J" from W ater: Mountain States Power Company, H. L. BOW N. Sheriff. of aale Isaued out of the Circuit (0 8-16-22-2»— N 5) In Wallls-Dorrls Addition to the publication of this summop» and Wlnberry bridge up Big Full Creek, fire hydrants, street cleaning, public By A. A. H VLEG AAR D, Deputy, City of Eugene, in Isine County, >350.00 from W lnberry bridge to Court of tbe State of Oregon for buildings. 12 months ___ ___ _______ ___ > 1,150.00 to 29 N 5 12 19 26) tame County. October 2Iat, 1231 Oregon. cross roads on road "J". >350.00 on 8 U M M 0N S FOR PUB LICA TIO N I amount of Seven and 53-100 (7.53) upon and pursuant to a decree duly .. ■ i r . , j)oiiari, the same being the amount NOW. TH E R E FO R E . In the name road "A" up river from Lowell. IN FORECLOSURE OF T A X LIEN > 3,254.00 SUMM ONS | given and made by aald court, Dated thia 27th day of tlctober, October 20th. 1231 In a suit pend In the Circuit Court of the Slate of of the State of Oregon. In compli­ IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT F TH E then due and delinquent for taxes ance with the said execution and TO W N LIB R A R Y: for the year (1924 together with S T A T E OF OREGON. FOR Oregon for Lane County. 1931. Ing lu which L. 11. Mulkey waa order of sale, and in order to satisfy Services, rent, wood, supplies and expenses ...... ............... 643.00 penalty, Interest and costs there­ L A N E CO UNTY Atteat: plaintiff and Mary E. McUregor, JU LIA VIO LA K N IO H T , Plaintiff, said Judgment, including Interest, 90.00 W. Clyde Fisk and Martha L. Flak. on upon the real property assessed A N N U A L C LEA N U P ..... ............ ......... ......................... ...................... vs. GEORGE H. K N IG H T . De W 11. DILLARD. County. Clerk. Rachel Weltx. Alma Hllson and > 150.00 attorneys' fees, costa of suit and Plaintiffs, vs. W. H . Hastings to you, of which you are the owner H E A L T H O FFICER: Salary, 12 months ...........................— fendant C. I*. BARNARD, County Judge. Hllaon her huabaud. George Me and Jennie Hastings, Defendants. as appears of record, situated in AD VER TISIN G ......... ...... ............ .... ..... - _____________________ > 100.00 To George H. Knight. Defendant. accruing costa. I will on Saturday, C L IN T O N HURD. County Com- ’ Gregor and McGregor, his 10.00 To W. H. Hastings and Jennie said County and State, and parti­ CARE OF POOR .......................................... ......... ............................... IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S TA TE the 28th day of November. 1931. at ' wife, Juinea McOregor and 50.00 Hastings, the above named de- cularly bounded and described as F U E L . City Hall. 12 m o n t h s ___ _______ _____________ ___ _ OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ the hour of One o'clock In thej McGregor, hla wife, O. L. Carlton quired to appear and answer the afternoon of said day. at the South- fendanta: M U N IC IP A L AIRPO RT ....... ............................. ..... ........... ............... 50.00 follows, to-wlt: aa the administrator of the Estate 200.00 T H E NA M E OF T H E STATE All of lot numbered Ten in A U D ITIN G Recorder's and Treasurer's Books one year......... complaint filed against you in the west front door of the County ' of Frank McGregor deceased, and Elmer Acres, Lane County, Ore­ IN D U S T R IA L ACCIDENT Compensation ................... ............... 200.00 above entitled suit on or before Court House In Eugene, Lane Coun- : o p OREGON: ¡8. M Calkins aa administrator of EMERGENCY FU N D .............................................. ........................... 622.71 you are hereby notified that W. gon; four weeks from date of first pub­ ty. Oregon, offer for sale and sell the estate of Frank McGregor de You are further notified that IN T E R E S T ON BONDED INDEB TED NESS: lication of this summons, or for for cash, at public auction, subject Clyde Fisk and Martha L. Fisk, the . ceaned. unknown helra of Francis want thereof the plaintiff will take to redemption as provided by law. j holders of Certificate of Delinqu- said W. Clyde Fisk and Martha L. General Improvement. First Issue >20,000.00. > 1.200.00 II. McOregor, Deceased, were de General Improvement, Second Issue 20,000.00, 1,200.00 Judgment against you and will ap all of the right, title and interest ; ency nunlbered 2636 issued on the Fisk have paid taxes on said pre­ teudaula, whlrh execution and or­ Refunding Funds. Due 1944. >50,000.00 ....... 3.000 00 ply to the court for the relief pray­ of the said defendants Harold J. I 14th (lay of August, 1929. by the mises for prior or subsequent years, der of aale was to me directed and Revan and Esther E. Bevan. Allte Tax Collector of the County of with the rate of interest on said Refunding Bonds, >50.000.00 .............. .............. 3,000.00 J commanded mu to sell thu real pro­ ed for in the complaint and tor a Wallts, W. J. Llchty and R. S. Lane. State of Oregon, for the amounts as follows; Improvement Bonds. 1927 Issue, > 8.050.56 483.03 decree of absolute divorce from | perly hereinafter described to Shelley and all persons claiming Improvement Bonds, 1928 Issue, >12.500.00 750.00 you. aatlafy the sum of I860 with Inter- Rate of Tax Date Year's Bond Sinking Fund ..._......................................... 8.000.00 This summons Is published once by, through or under them or any Interest Amount I eat at 8% per annum from t*«ptem- each week for (our consecutive or either of them. In and to the Receipt No. Paid Tax 12% p<‘r annum ' her 31, 1222 until paid and >125 at- weeks, In the Springfield News, a said premises. 33650 6.87 >17.633.03 Aug. 14, 1929 1925 12% per annum ■ torueys fees and roata and die- 8.62 33718 Aug 14. 1929 H L. BOWN. Sheriff of Lane 1926 weekly newspaper published at >32.411.74 annum 12% Gross Estimated Expenditures ................ hurvaemiuits of suit taxed at >40.70 7.00 32523 per Aug. 14. 1929 County. Oregon. 1927 I mid coata of aale. I will on Friday Springfield. Ijin e County, Oregon, 12% per annum 27591 7.82 Aug. 14. 1929 1928 (O 29 — N 512-19 26) by order of the Hon. C. P. Barnard. per annum A N T IC IP A T E D REVEN UES: the 20th day of November. 1231 12% 12734 2.79 1929. 1st halt May 5. 1930. 200.00 Licenses, pool and billiard halls, etc. j nt the hour of 10 o’clock a m. at Judge of the County Court, Lane 2.79 44810 12% per annum 1929. 2nd half Nov. 5' 1930 County, Oregon, made October 9th, NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE 350.00 Fines, 12 m o n th s---- ------ ----------------- thn southwest door of the County 12% per annum 21876 3.35 1930. 1st half May 5, 1931 REAL PROPERTY 1931. 2.000.00 Road Funds. 12 months ----------------- 'Court House In Eugene, lame Coun­ RAY H. W ATSON Attorney Said W . H. Hastings and Jennie foreclosing the Hen of said taxes ty, Oregon, offer for sale and sell NO TIC E Is hereby glveu that by (or Plaintiff. Residence and > 2.500.00 Hastings, as the owners of the and costs against the land and ut public auction for cash, subject Post Office address. Eugene, virtue of an execution and order ot legal title of the above described premises above named. Ito redemption as provided by law, sale Issued out of the Circuit Court >29.861.74 TO TA L N E T EXPE N D ITU R E S (Proposed Tax Levy) <. regon. This summons is published by all of tbe right, title and Interest of Date of first publication, Thursday, of the State of Oregon for Ijin e property as the same appears of order of the Honorable G. F. Skip- record, and each of the other per­ thn defendants of aald suit and The Common Council, sitting as a levying board, will meet on County the 28th day of October. sons above named are hereby fur­ worth Judge of the Circuit Court of all parties claiming by, through 1 October 15, 1931. Date of last publication. Thursday, 1931. upon and pursuant to a de­ ther notified that W . Clyde Fisk of the State of Oregon for the Thursday. November 19th, 1931. at the City Hall in Springfield at the or under them or any of them since , . , hour of 5:30 P. M. where and when any and all taxpayers of the Town cree duly given and made by said November 12, 1931. the 1st duy of July 1231, In or to Court the 27th day of October, 1931, and M artha L. Fisk will apply to County of Lane and said order was q( gpringdeld shall be heard in favor of or against such proposed tax (O 15-22-29— N 6-12) the following described real pro­ in a suit pending therein In which the Circuit Court of the County and made and dated this 22nd day of levy or any part thereof. perty, to wit; Harold J. Wells was plaintiff and State aforesaid for a decree fore­ October. 1931. and the date of the SUM MONS Adopted by the Committee this October 26th, 1931. Ixit 2 In block 6 In Cheshire, George E. Terry, Mary J. Terry. closing the Hen against the prop­ first publication of this summons W. P. TYSON. Chairman of the Budget Committee. addition to Eugene. lame Coun ' IN T H E C IR C IU T CO URT O F T H E Mary Terry and C. A. W lntermeier erty above described, and mention­ Is the 29th day of October. 1931. A ll process and papers in this STATE OF OREGON. FOR were defendants, which execution ed In said certificate. And you are V. J. DANIELS. ty. Oregon. LA N E CO UNTY. O. H. JA RRETT, Dated this 22nd day of October and order of sale was to me dl- hereby . summoned to appear with- proceeding may be served upon the Andrew Holton. Plaintiff, vs. C. A. SW ARTS. rected and commanded me to sell In sixty days after the first publt undersigned residing within the 1231. Nellie L. Smith, and J. W. Jami­ the real property hereinafter des- cation of this summons, exclusive State of Oregon at the address W. A. TAYLOR, H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. son, Defendants. W. N LONG. By A. E HU LEG AARD. Deputy. crlhed to satisfy certain Hens and of the day of said first publication, hereafter mentioned. W ELLS & W ELLS. Attorneys F. B. FLANERY, (O 22-25 N 612-19) To Nellie L. Smith and J. W. Jami­ charges In said decree specified, 1 and defend this action or pay the for Plaintiffs. son. Defendants. F. G. FRESE. will on Saturday the 28th day of ______ amount ________ due as ______________ above shown, _ to- NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE IN T H E N A M E O F T H E STATE November, 1931. at the hour of one gether with costs and accrued In -, Address, Bank of Commerce Bldg., ROY W. CARLTON, REAL PROPERTY O F OREGON: You are hereby re­ o’clock. P. M., at the southwest terest, and ln case of your (allure 1 C. F. BARBER, Secretary. Eugene, Oregon, NO TIC E Is hereby given that by quired to appear and answer the door of the County Court House to do so, a decree w ill be rendered I_______ (O 29— N 5-12-19-26) virtue of an execution and order of complaint filed against you In the In Eugene, Ijtn e County. Oregon, aale Issued out of the Circuit Court above entitled suit within four offer for sale and sell at public of the State of Oregon for lame weeks from the date of the first auction for cash, subject to redemp­ County thia 23rd day of October. publication of this summons and If tion as provided by law, all of the 1231, upon and pursuant to a decree you fall to appear or answer for right, title and Interest of the de­ duly given and made by said Court want thereof the plaintiff will take fendants In said suit and of all this 22nd duy of October, 1931, In a decree against you for the relief parlies claiming by, through or un­ ¡n suit pending therein lu which as prayed for In the complaint, to- der them or any of them ln or to Joseph Owen and Edna F. Owen wlt : a personal decree against the following described real pro­ were plaintiffs nnd Charles E. Nellie L. Smith In the sum of perty. to w tt: Lewis and Agnes May Lewis were >800.00 with Interest thereon at Lot Five (6) In Block Two (2i defendants, which execution and 8% per annum from November 3, In Rees Addition to Eugene. Lane order of sale was to me directed 1930 until paid and the further County. Oregon. and commanded me to sell the renl sum of >113.88 with Interest there­ Dated this 28th day of October, property hereinafter described to on at 8% per annum from Decem­ 1931. satisfy certain liens and charges In ber 31, 1930, until paid and the H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. said decree specified, I w ill on further sum of >100.00 reasonable By A. A. HULEG AARD. Deputy. Saturday the 28th day of November, attorney's fees and for costs and (O 2»— N 512-18-26) 1931. at the hour of 10:00 o’clock. dlsbursementa of suit. A further Select your new M ontag C irculator Heater at the I A. M., at the southwest door of decree that plaintiff has a first NOTICE lowest prices we have ever been able to offer, and we the County Court House In Eugene, mortgage Hen upon the South 60 OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T lame County, Oregon, offer for sale feel of Lot one Block seven of w ill give you a generous allowance for your old , and sell at public auction tor cash. Scott's Addition to the City ot Eu­ In the County Court for the State heating stove. I subject to redemption as provided gene. Lane County. Oregon; That of Oregon for Lane County. by law, all of the right, title and said lien be decreed to be a first In the M atter of the Estate of Never before, has such a heating value been offered Interest of the defendants In said lien and superior and prior to the Mary J. Bowen, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the suit and of all parties claiming by. Ben of the aforesaid J. W. Jami­ at such lo w prices. I t makes i t possible fo r every home through or under them or any of son; that plalntlff'a lien be fore­ undersigned, administrator of the | to enjoy the genuine comforts and conveniences o f them since the 13th day of October. closed and said premises sold In Estate of Mary J. Bowen, deceased, M ontag Circulated warm a ir heat, cutting costs of 1928. In nr to the following des­ the manner provided by law and has filed his (Inal account In the (he proceeds applied, first to the County Court, for I^ane County, cribed real property, to-wlt: fuel, labor, and brings the heating com fort every Beginning at the Southeast payment of costs, then to the Judg­ State of Oregon, and that the Court home should enjoy. corner of Section Twenty (20) ment aforesaid specified In farur has fixed the 10th day of Nov­ Township Eighteen (18) South of of the plaintiff and the balance to ember, 1931 nt eleven o'clock In the Sec our w indow display o f the famous Montag Range Five West of the W illam ­ the aforesaid J. W. Jamison unless forenoon as the time and the office ette Meridian, thence North along otherwise determined by the court of the County Judge of said Lane C irculator Heaters. Note th e ir beauty. Let us show the East line of said Section and that the defendants be fore­ County, Oregon, I11 said County In you how easy it is to own one now by le tting your 13.83 chains, thence West 27.06 closed of all right, title and inter­ Eugene as the place for hearing chnlns, thence South 11.39 chains, est In said premises excepting the and settling said final account and old heater help pay the cost. thence West 2 chains, thence statutory right to redeem and such for hearing objections there to. South 2 chains, thence East other relief as to the court may AH persons having objections to 29,06 chains to the place of begin­ appear equitable.. The date of the the allowance of said final account ning; and also the Northwest order directing the service of this are hereby noHfl id and required quarter of the Northeast quarter summons by the publication there­ to present and file the same on or of Section 29. Township 18 South of Is dated October 20th, 1931, and before the time for said hearing. of Range 5 West of the W illam ­ required publication thereof once Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this ette Meridian, In Lane County, each week for four successive 1st day of October, 1931. weeks. Date of first publication, RALPH SEARS. Administra­ Oregon. Dated this 23rd day of October. October 22nd, 1932. tor of the Estate of Mary J. HARDWARE — FURNITURE — PAINTS C. A. WINTERMEIER. Bowen, deceased. , 1931. DR. ELLA MEADE Attorney for Plaintiff. Resi­ C. H. SEDGWICK, Creswell, II. L. BOWN, Sheriff, Optometrist dence: Eugene, Oregon. By A. E. HULEG AARD, Deputy. Oregon, Attorney for Estate. Budget of the Town of Springfield For 1932 Business Di* »etoi y ur “Old Heater” T rad e-In -O sier O . • . . a generoits allowance w ill be made for it on a new M ontag C irculator FIL L -V U E A BEAUTIFUL. FR A M E T E R M S if Desired q u i t t d itT e r m t Wright & Sons FROM ALL. O T H E R S 41 West Sth lu fs n s 1 to 2»- N 512-1536) (O »»-»»—N 512-1») (O 5151519: N () • EE O U I W IN D O W D IS P L A Y T farg i< a M O N T A Q CIRCULATOR for every h ea tin g requ irem en t _