T H E S P R IN G F IE LD NEWS ’ AO E TW O THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County. Oregon. by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H. E MAXEY. Editor Entered as second class matter. February 24. 1903. at the po»tofllce. Springfield. Oregon. FI FVFNTH M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E Une Year In Advance ......... - $1.75 Six Months ..... »!•— Three Months Single Copy ........... 75c 5> THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 5. l»3t EX A M IN IN G T H E BUDGET The l^ane C ounty Chamber o f Com m erce appointed a com m ittee w hich sat w ith the co m ity budget com m ittee re­ cently and heard the deliberations on the budget. The coun­ ty cham ber holds th a t every exp> use item o f co u n ty govern­ m ent should be scrutinise this year in order th a t the moat can be had fo r the taxpayers dollar. Econom ies in govern­ m ent is believed necessary in order th a t tax burdens w ill not be increased The com m ittee w ill report at the next m eeting o f the county cham ber in S pringfield Novem ber 19. T his is an act commendable at th is tim e. If everybody in the county w ould give close a tte n tio n to each branch of local governm ent more e fficiency and greater service would be gotten. Public o ffic ia ls m ust have cooperation in order to accom plish m uch w ith the public business. -------«------- D O C TR IN E OF GOOD W IL L T om m y Russell, new president o f the Eugene C ham ­ ber o f Commerce, says he expects to spend a year in his home tow n preaching the gospel o f good w ill. No one could have a better topic during these times. Mr. Russell, who is a w idely traveled construction engineer, is w ell equipped to deliver this message to the com m unity. H is vision has been broadened by contacts in m any countries and his con­ clusions should be taken seriously and applied dilig e n tly. ------------- 4------------- H E W IL L L IV E FOREVER It has been given to few men to com pletely re v o lu tio n ­ ize the w o rld ’s w ay o f liv in g and its habits o f th o u g h t. Fewer still have lived to see the fu ll im ita tio n of th e ir achieve­ ments. Thom as Alva Edison, in the course o f his own life ­ tim e. alm ost lite ra lly turned to w orld upside down. If Edison had done no th in g but to invent the m ultip le x telegraph and telephone tra n s m itte r w hich made B e ll’s in ­ vention practical, his fam e w ould have been w orld wide. In speeding up com m unications he speeded up the tem po o f all hum an life. If he had invented no th in g m ore than the phono­ graph. he would s till be rated am ong the great inventors o f all times. The phonograph brought good m usic fo r the firs t tim e to the ears o f hundreds o f m illions all over the w orld, and has unquestionably been the greatest stim ulus to m usical development and m usical taste in all h istory. If his only invention had been the incandescent electric lig h t, his name would be hailed everyw here as the w o rld ’s g re a t­ est benefactor. T h is invention alone has lengthened the hum an day in every corner o f the civilized w orld, has changed all the w o rld ’s ideas o f e ntertainm e nt, o f housing, our whole m anner o f liv in g and consequently o u r m anner o f th in k in g . I f Edison’s sole achievem ent had been the m otion picture, on w hat a pedestal fo r th a t alone we w ould hold his m em ory. He gave the w orld a m arvelous new means o f looking at itself, brought to the rem otest ham let, even beyond the fro n tie rs of civiliza tio n , n o t m erely a new form o f entertainm ent, but the most p o w e rfu l organ of education in its broad sense th a t has yet been devised. Yet so m arvelously active was this m an’s m ind, so re­ sourceful and ingenious, that even th a t list o f great accom ­ plishm ents does not begin to cover all th a t he did. He to o k the firs t crude ty p e w rite r and made it w ork. He in ­ vented the m im eograph. He invented the megaphone. He invented the m achinery on w hich the w hole great P ortland cem ent in d u stry is based. It was the so-called "Edison effect,” a new scie n tific principle w hich he discovered w hile experim enting w ith the electric lig h t th a t gave M arconi the clue on w hich to develop wireless telegraphy and so. In a very direct way, Edison was the fa th e r o f radio broad­ casting. He was one of the few inventors w ho was practical enough to develop his own inventions com m ercially and make money from them . Yet th ro u g h o u t his life he re­ tained the boyish cu riosity, the y o u th fu l eagerness to learn th a t had possessed him as a school boy. Because he was so em inently practical in the application of his inventions, and because his form al schooling had been so b rie f, he had the popular reputation o f being an u n scie n tific, ru le -o f- thum b inventor. As a m a tte r o f fact, he had probably the broadest and deepest knowledge and understanding o f the physical and chem ical sciences th a t any one brain ever possessed. Edison’s life com pletely fille d Dean S w ift’s description o f a benefactor o f hum anity as being a man who made tw o blades of grass to grow where only one grew before. "H e was a man. Take him fo r all in all. We shall not look upon his like again.” ■ I l l FAMILY DOCTOR JOHN JOSEPH GAINES. M.D T R Y , AND BE CONVINCED I am not prone to g iv in g recipes in m y newspaper w ork. R arely do I a ctu a lly prescribe in fro n t of yo u r physician. B ut, here is a recipe fo r a physical exercise th a t should have free p u b licity, because of its genuine w o rth in practice. IN S T A I M K N T I tsèf A wesnen. Oar raqacCNwaf « o il | f.t iter* It tAl.t tiw » or they efrtainly is not ended .mil if von nv'W , Anr* n»r ont A’azA it by wire ÍI wag interfere I *Aa/f xnr. / ’/un Io marry i 11'i.th I hadn't fluvrd.“ * " ¿“ „ a f 0 / ter arrive/. Z. ,ig,«d ’ «e.ld y? no sense at all. r ife c i lo wrrl Arre n il* li.viurv. l o Peter it made 11 aa .hapeivn, riN7 dw Peter ... well as t, “ the * trouble “ I- -v • , fatted to a complete ex- D iddy wrote bark in complaint of pursuance Io an order of the above married1 Lock at all we’ve had. That’s proof enough.” h •ti t t r c ’.ia! as well as ; h y cal this unwarranted outside interference, entitled court made In the above t o" ' u a: the U. S «¡rant P weua's rage would be beyond en tll’ed matter on November 2. 19 “But why should they say you are 31. the undersigned, administratrix ' There -was no hoy in sight i h< uiuis. •nly pretending to he married if you : _ allv _ ____ rhej ' ad talked sometimes o f the of said estate will sell Ihe premises are _________ married?” “Well. who says so? That’s the ren t him tlf carried their ba^s nt- future when their m.'tor tour wa» hereinafter described at private lr»t question Where did the com- tl - 1, '' 1 hurried ver t -' e . • rr thought thev would prob- sale, to the highest bidder for cash, plaint come from anyhow’” desk. He was surprised at heoig ably be good friends in later year» on the utetnlsea, from and after the “From a gentleman in New York immediately accommodated with two, when their business vicissitudes were l$th day of December. 1931. sub by ¿te i,ame of Carter Wellman— —" si'.jlc rooms. 1 separate aud distinct and no lonm-- Ject only to confirmation of sale as by law provided. The property “You can fix this up,” said the Their good fortune followed them bound up by compuhion in each hereinbefore referred to Is partic­ officer "You got inrtuential friend*, and they both had a real good night’* other'» work and wi»h But if Peter ularly described as follows: am t you? They'll ax y ju up all rest Mung open in»ult at Buddy—" The All of Lot No. 26, of H. L. and T. ngiit. .Ml they got to do is swear Peter had all the bags stowcu neat- sacred cow I" he sneered—all such the. know all about you and every- ly away in the car the next morning, hope* for the future were null and B. Stewart's Plat of acreage lots being a subdivision of Jas Ebbert. thing's jake and there ycu are. You ready for their start for the East. mid. Well, Peter told himself, he just hop Jiw n private in your own when Rowena tripped out of the >.t n't know that he cared. After all, Jr. D. J,. C. No. 74. township 17. S car with Bill here to show you the hotel leading the freshly washed he didn’t get on so very well with R 3W. of W M In l-ane County. way—this is Bill Harmon—riñe chap, Constantine on a brand-new leash Rowena. But she was a good sp o rt- Oregon, containing 1 acre, more or too—he'll go down with you and in- attached to a brand-new collar. the best sport he had ever seen—and less. OLIVE A McKINNIS. troduce you to the judge. He's a' "Gosh, Rowena,” ejaculated Peter, deserved a better break than Buddy Administratrix swell gent, the judge is. He'll see "what'll we do with the mutt? I was giving her. (N3-12-192« D3> how things are in a jiffy.” 1 forgot about him?" ' Peter's grip on the pen made it a It was the simplest way out. and ( "Do with Constantine I” she echoed, sword as he gave form to his scath- N O T IC E O F R O AD D IS T R IC T the officers made it as easy for them ¡ "Why, we’ll buy him a nice silk ing thoughts. M E E T IN G as possible, allowed them to walk un- cushion to ride on, and get him a ( "Granting Io begin with tltal il Pursuant to a petition signed by escorted through the lobby of the fresh bone every day. And charge it u of my bU ilntJ}" he wrote hotel and waited at a respectful dis- all to Rackruff ” ' heavily, "il ntverthelett ajfordt mt the required number of freeholders In Read District No. 2. which petl tance when Peter stopped to send a Peter did his best picture at Grand y rtat pleasure Io lell you ikal tlon has been duly approved by the telegram, which he wrote with a very Canyon, one which brought him no my opinion you are un unspeakable . . . . firm hand and signaled for Rowena small amount of praise and profit. It oad. row may not know—of course County Court of I-ane County. Ore­ to come and read. It was addressed was the Rackruff and Rowena riding yon do not know, fo r Rouena is gon. who have mude and recorded to Carter Wellman. through the rainbow fringe, with one Rostand who is a rousing good an order that said petition be ap­ "Are yon going Io marry Roberta Constantine’» queer, quaint black and sport .................. ..... up her proved and that an election be held and would ............ not throw Lowell immediately on her return white head nodding approbation be- prirahons to yon that in ordrr la In pursuance thereto, therefore. to S e w York, or are yon n o tf I f side her. i meet your insuliale demands for NOTICE I» HEREBY GIVEN yonr engagement is canceled, as Rowena wa» not having the best money, your sister, tired and esr- that a meeting of the legal voters she believest I shall marry her my­ o t luck with her work in tho»e de-| bausted as she is by hard work In Road District No. 2, In Lane long driving, hot sa: rd self immediately. A rolling brown dining weeks of their tour She kept County, Oregon, will be held at the dumpling gathers nothing but a pencil and note-book constantly at by doing her own laundry in the hour of 7:30 p. m., on the 21st day fo r all concerned Please hand, even teaching Conitantine to I bathtub at nights, h .s starred her- of November, A. D. 1931. al th« trouble ft state yonr exact intentions." carry them for her on command, Jf¡f on JlUp and coffee and gone McKenzie Bridge Schoolhouse In __ , ___ “But you can’t marry her,” , pro­ but ideas were not coming to her without a proper meal fo r days al said Road District, to determine You're married t with much frequency. For the first a time. tested Rowena. whether said road district shall levy now.” time in her life, Rowena did not feel "Better men than yon have a spi clal tax of <$6182.21) Six thou “Well, he doesn’t believe it.—And like writing, did not want to be both- worked their way through college. saud One Hundred Eighty and 20 Rackruff, Inc., will pay for that wire ered, and it may as well be added, her For Rowena's sake, / myself am 100 Dollars upon all the taxable if 1 have to »teal a »pare tire to get writing wa» far below it* usual sending you Ihe fifty bucks. property In said district for the it" j standard. “ft is of course guile unnecessary purpose of providing funds for The judge proved extremely »ym-t They lapsed into comfortable fo r me to explain that Rowena maintenance and construction of and agreed with Peter that silence. They did no< quarrel so does not know that you wired for all county roads In district. { »athetic t was an outrage, no less, the way much when they were alone—there this money nor that I am sending Dated this 3rd day of November, people in love embroiled innocent by- seemed less point to it. To be sure, it. Yonr telegram was handed me 1931. »tanders in the tangled web of their when occasion required, they would by mistake and I opened it under Attest: affair*. He had his secretary send wither each other with a scathing the impression it was for me." W. B. DILLARD, County Clerk off a wire to Denver to verify the ¡word, but they never went to the And without an instant's hesita­ C. P. BARNARD, County Judge marriage, and to Rackruff Motors, old lengths. ___ tion _________ he endorsed his sentiments with CLINTON HURD, County Com Inc., in New York, for details of the In Albuquerque, when Peter had ,'he' jignature that would one day mlssioner. trip and complete information re- registered and called for their mail worth thousand' "Peter Blande.4 O. E. CROWE. County Com­ garding Rowena and Peter. He even he was handed half a dozen telegrams Peter was pretty uncomfortable missioner. sent for the local Rackruff dealer, and two or three letter». about the whole business He wa» (N 6-12-19) who fortunately turned out to be both "Nothing for Mi»» Rostand, said not used to any sort of double deal- a native son and a brother Elk. He the clerk. :ng and was not at all sure but at any N O T IC E O F R O AD D IS T R IC T was willing to stand entirely respon­ " W h a t I” ejaculated Rowena, moment officers of the law—or per- M E E T IN G sible for their appearance if required. "Nothing for me? Not anything.'' j,aps the telegraph lotnpany—would Pursuant to a petition signed by j Besides seeing _ to their freedom he Why, Buddy always—he surely must hale him away to jail to expiate hi» made Rowena a present of a friendly ¡have written. Oh, pleaie look again 1 unwarranted manipulation of other the required number of freeholders In Road District No. 21, which petl little dog which he had found in hi» There must be at least one!” people’« affairs by telegraph showrooms that morning and which The clerk obligingly ran through ^ t El Paso Rowcua had two let- tion has been duly approved by the Rowena promptly proceeded to cal! the mail again. ,er, ghe sat right down in the County Court of Lane County. Ore Con»ttntine. Peter grumbled at the "Sorry—not a thing,” he said nearMt chair to read them, and Peter gon. who have made and recorded addition to their party but was over- again. stalked moodily from cigar stand to an order that said petition be ap ruled. “De,r„ me’ Mi<1 Rowena thought- (lesk and barl< again, and watched proved aud that an election be held In pursuance thereto, therefore, And to Rowena had a companion! fully. “B ow —extremely—oddl ber furtively NOTICE IS HEREBY G IVEN ! on the rumble seat from then on. Alone in his own room, Peter took p eter could stand it no longer. By the »alesman’» good offices they off hi» coat and settled down to hi» "Buddy O. K ?” he inquired anx- that a meeting of the legal voters In Road District No. 21, In Lane j were enabled to return to the hotel mail. A quick glance at the letters ¡ousiv without col ice eacort or »urveillance told him they were of no especial "He’» entirely too O. K I'm wor County, Oregon, will be held at the hour of 8 p. m., on the 20th day ot of any kind importance and he turned to the tel- r;ed •• In the early morning Peter read to egrams. The two that he opened first "You can't he too O. K p r o t e s te d November, A. D. 1931, at the Howe the girls the answer to hi» personal were from _ the Company,, hut the peter "Nobody can.—What do you Schoolhouse in said Hoad District, to determine whether said road dis­ third started off on an odd note. txWyram trict shall levy a special tax o f ' "Darling, I hate to ask you "Such has been and is my in­ ($978 97) Nine Hundred Seventy again," Peter read, his eyes start­ tention," read the telegram. . 1 am eight und 97-100 Dollars upon all the Continued Next # e e k ing with surprise. “Devil’s own Probably the last man living en­ taxable proverty In said district fo luck. L ott fifty bucks at crops. tirely honorable in my dealings “ A*“ V“ v I l l H id I A l a t i m i 1 knot M.0.1« hire Kom>« <0 xicom % tS | VMriaier last m .muir inute Lütte hobt»» i» engaged 10 set rr HOTSL WESIQ T he Standard of Quality antee eve ryth in g we »ell. Thia, we f«>el, I» an Im p o rta n t praetlee in the drug butdnemi. W e're at your aetvice dny or n ig h t and Sundays. Ketel’s Drug Store In New Store Main, Near Fifth No Miracles But Good Service We m ake no extravagant claim » or perform no m iracles b u t we do say th a t V iolet Ray and General E th yl are the leuding m o to r fuels in th e ir respective fields. V iolet Ray, a n ti-k n o c k , and General E thyl, double-powered gasoline are serving highly satisfac­ to rily hundreds o f m otorists in this com m unity. They are the best gas money can buy. “A” Street Service Station A lw a y s A p p ro p ria te FG G IM AN N 'S C A N I>IKS are ulwaya mi a p p ro p ri­ ate g ift no m a tte r what (In* occasion. O ur brand I» the »yinbul of q u a lity and o u r lung nervlce in the confec­ tio n e ry buslnes» enables uh to know’ q u a lity in sweet meats. T his sture 1 b in the service o f the com m unity. We ure alw ays glad to see you. F G G IM A N N ’Q "Wbsre iha Rar» Ice is lUffereBt' Buy Your Blankets at Fulop’ Dept. Store and SAVE Never in Ihe h isto ry of our m erchandising were we able to o ffe r such bargains in llig li Grade Nashua Blankets, as th is season. 69C Single Sheet Blankets Double Sheet Blankets Wool Mixed Cover Blankets 98 81 x 90 Heavy Sheets Fulop’s Dept. j Store S pringfield. Oregon D o ?k TOI! Th '•“.1*1»; the price (fa ake o f Soap And $o it it with mo«t othar household tusks. Elactri«lfy bears the burden at trifling Men, Women and Children’s cost. Nearly every service if performs in the home may be paid for with pennies. Are you equipped to take ad­ SHOES I believe the “ laziest” muscles o f the hum an body are those o f the abdomen anil colon. Especially so in cases o f corpulency, very com m on in middle-age and beyond those “ bay-w indow s,” if you get what I mean. Those unwelcom e hammocks, hanging-baskets w hich make us look and feel ponderous, as If we were c a rry in g dead w eight, too much ballast fo r the ship; not actual disease ju s t laziness in bellies. You w ill note beneficial results in constipation and in ihe increased a c tiv ity o f these sagging muscles, w hich leads to a better feeling all over; y o u r waist-band w ill actu a lly become too loose in due tim e- If you keep up yo u r tre a t­ m ent fa ith fu lly . You get a nice degree o f v o lu n ta ry co n tro l of muscles in th is old hanging-basket of yours that may have caused you backaches in the past fro m o n ly moderate use. Learn the benefita o f “ b e lly-b re a th in g .’' 1931. Bounty le Colleeted County on one coyote was collected (|(M ,,IB county clerk Thursday liy Vernon Luff of Lin I slaw. b o llili) Mt«. II Price of Woodside. L. I.. > (lest I writ«-«: ‘A year Ugo I weighed Hill W II lUl.LARD. «’ounty Clerk the I elarteil to take Kruechett »ml C P BARNARD. County Judge now I weigh 12$ and never (ell bet Account of E stais Filed— Final Cl,INTON HURD. County Com ter In my llle »ml what'« more. I mlsslouor. I account of Ihe estate of Jane Hu look more like 20 yra. old than llie O. E. UROWK, County Com lieus was filed In probate court mother o( 2 children, one 19 and mlssioner. ' Krldxy the other IS. Every one o( my ( N t 13-1») friends nay li e marvelous the way I reduced ” To lose fat with speed take a halt 'caspoontul o( Kruscheti In a glass of hoi water before breakfast every morning don't miss u morning an Sf> rent lioitle lasts 4 weeks — t)u i ilitigH am i the hundreds of o ilie r Item» we gj'l II at Ketele Drug Store or any drug store In America. If not Joy­ »ell m e the »fundald oi q u a lity . We c a rry o n ly naUon- fully satisfied after the flr»t hottie nlly know n products, we never »ubatltute, und we guur- money buck. W iiSL D liSffU I am not the o rig in a to r of this sort of self-treatm ent. I do not know who is. And the advice herein is not copy­ rig h te d — i t ’s yours fo r the using. T ry it when In bed. On re tirin g and on aw akening in m orning. Lie fla t on back. Place a hand on the abdomen. See how high you can lif t the hand w ith the abdom inal muscles, then, how low you can let the hand settle by the same muscles. Up—dow n,— up, down, tw elve tim es; th a t’s a ll fo r each treatm ent. C ontinue a m onth, n ig h t and m o rn ­ ing, In bed The lungs need not enter in to th is exercise. the purpose of providing funds for TH IS W OM AN LOST road purposes In district. 64 POUNDS OF FAT Dated this 3rd day of November. UOWtWA ÄIDfi Wí UUMBifc GOPVttiôMT 1051 »V TH| AyTwQtt TU ESD AY, N O VEM BER 3. 1931 —' N e w e s t S tyle» - vantage of this most econo­ mical of all household serv« vanls. See your dealer today! L o w e s t P rice» C o m p le te A s s o rtm e n t tc UL C ourteous Shoe U t t e r s to Serve Ycu COMFORTABLE.......... An atmoaphere that is home-like and restfnL Y