TWENTY KKi I m i YEAR. HPHINOFIEIJ), l^ANK COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 14*31 No. 43 BENEFIT PROGRAM O.E.S. Sponsors MANV NAMES ON SCHOOL BUDGET IS Swing Collapses GRANGE FAVORS W v i U t e ARMISTICE GAME Party for Benefit Adopt New Hours TO FEATURE FUN FIRST HONOR NOLL NEOOCEO EOA IS32 Kills Small Boy CHANGES IN FAIN WITH U N Large Delegation from Blue Telegraphic Messages May John Stick el Meets Death on Large Crowd Expected at River Chapter Attends Meet* Attendance Records Show Saving of 91,826 is Expected Be Charged on Telephone High School Playground Report of County Chamber Eugene and Springfield High ing Here on Tuesday High School Friday When Many More Names Than If New Budget is Adopted Bills in New Service Last Thursday Evening Committee is Endorsed by Second Teams to Play Curtain Rises at 7:30 Are Found on School List at Called Meeting Meeting Saturday ('■■cade chapter. O. 8. will Here Friday A new telegraphic aervlce foi T w o year old John Thomas Stic sponsor ■ public benefit card party I Springfield patrona whereby the Perfect attendance record* for D E B T SERVICE IMPROVES k*’1' **J,‘ “ ,ld **r*. Fred Btlc , . _ ___ _____ WILL AID H. S. STAGE , al lha Masonic hall Monday aran the flrat alx-weeka period at the -------- I kel. waa killed late Thuraday a fte r FARM DISPLAYS URGED city obtalna 24 hour aervlce. and GAME STARTS 2 O'CLOCK Ì Ins at N o’clock. M rs E. K. Frueil Lincoln achool «how tremendous S u m Budgeted to C a r r y on ’ ,,,M,n when a «wing on which he (he patron can have h l* telegraph ---------- — Unusual Amount of Home rtek la chairman for the event and galaa~ uyMr previous re p o rt. p. M A jngt Wheeler H. S. pu*y,n,t <’"11“h««4- ta**Uy in Abolishment of Gate Admis- charged on hia telephone Junction City Squad Bows Talent Material Uncover- ha’ " 88 '*•' “““‘»Unu. Mrs. c. record* however, do .... * * ’ J u ris t him. , ,ion Meets With Approval '‘tate,nent ha* been completed ' a Rwsrts, Mra Helene Perkins, not holarahlp Down to 46-0 Defeat on Tuition Law Usage keep pace w ith the atte n d a n c e ' A coroner’« Inquest waa held a t 1 p _ recently and hae been announced by Mrs. Katoit in Searc . Ira. W II llohha, and Mra. W. ('. Local Field Friday j Ihe courthouse Monday evening 8 OHtOna lOft by ( ,a f , 0 , „ )n Mgent fOr the South­ lla l*. Unusually good attendance Operation of the *chool* of ills- Ixhl. All p relim in ary d eta il* fur I reca„ager for the Weatern U n i-' ,h , Juncllon ( , „ y U a m / ulHm. Brut lain Nchool. w ill cost approx! p 4> Mf i,r‘ “ m ajo rity report of a com m ittee Eu* eDH- b«rs of the local high school foot- a vacation, and agreeable weather mately *1X28 leaa thia year than , " " omaa Bt ckel waa ,,f the Lane county cham ber of com Lnd( of , be , , rmo„ (or Ar erson. Ralph Potter, Hale Robert- the year have been aet at »60.214 00 the W alker-Poole chapel In Spring- ¡and outside shows and other at at t ie teleP^“ Be o ,f,' e >nd c“ ‘ »«cond« in a game at Itra tta ln field aa compared with 162,140.00 for field ervlNlon over the en tire u ffalr. Saturday afternoon at nilallce Bunday morning al the eon, F ra n k lin Vlles, Ralph W llla, tractio ns be self sustaining. hrough to the W estern L nlo n wrea at 2 J# Thl< game w lu It la really surprising the amuunl M ethodist church w ill be "Blessed Verne Daniels, Alice Mate«. Klva laat year. T he estim ated receipts o'clock. Rev. bean C. Poindexter Pomona Grange appointed F rank “ ortland wlth “ « eMtr» expense hearlng on the fln a , „landing of L u tile Hoyles, C lara Brooks. Z ells rpn‘a l,‘ 4^0.000.00 both year.. of talent we have right here In our are the Peacemaker«: for they officiated. H a rlo w , Ray Bow er and H . C. to ,he sub’*crlb«r. ,jlth e r gchoo, )n the di , tric t but A number of changes In the bud own com m unity wheu we begin ahall be called the children of Zoe C arroll, laiulae Cogl 11, K atie W heeler as delegate« from the ln al1 caa<”' the lndl» ldu“ 1 whose „ w , „ be a good game of foo, ba„ butchuk. Pauline Gregory. Jennie « *• h«ve been made thia year Borne caatlug about for II. declared Mra. God " The subject of Ihe menauge Grange to the county cham ber. name la Hated In the new phone we(| wortb attending . Ketels on commenting on the ma w m bB W e Forget. The Jackson. Ada Johnson, M arjo rie Item » have been Increased while book which w ill he released soon „ . . ,, others have been dcreaaed. One Scheduling of an Arm istice day le r t a l found ukailagle (o r Ihe pro pastor, «»», Folndexter la a firm Jo lllff, Ruth Keeler, Jean Lloyd. need only to take down tbe re­ *“ game la an Innovation lo r Spring- d u c llA j j ' believer In lbe doctrine that. Hazel N eablttlla Putnam, Bernice “ * « of »ZW* ,o r “ * • » ceiver and ask for W eatern Union. HALLOWE'EN PARTY IS Preparations for thia program ittgbteouaueaa exalteth a nation, Bnillh, field high school. T h e re are no Juan B tratlon , Jeannie connection w ith the figh t now be­ ing made against the use of the AT BRATTAIN HOME T b e operator w ill connect the pa­ classes that day and heretofore tba have bee«» under way for the paat and that good w ill la a guarantee W ithers. tron w ith the proper telegraph team has been content to rest. mouth. A ll proceed* w ill be uaed of peace. Scholarship— Bernice Sm ith, Haa­ W heeler tuition law has not been H ie theological profes­ agency, depending on the boar of Outstanding among the social Included In previous budgets. Some requests for a game on th a t Io pay for stage m a te ria l* a l the sor« during the greet w ar warned vi Neabltl. Ixtulsa Cowden. Sadie Will Study Woodcraft Pro­ events of the H a llo w e ’en week-end the call. Instruction coeta have been re- la te were heard early In the sea- school. Most organisations In the b |m ^gp^.t | bff fru its of Gott, Ethel U o ti, Jean Lloyd. jects and Hold Weiner Roast On holidays and Sundays the for tbe younger set waa the mas­ 7 A— Attendance— E lm ar Cbaae.' duc* d »1200 u0 ,n d operation ex- son and N orval May succeeded in « lly use lbe singe slid Ihe equip : rlghleouaneea on the tree of inur- at City Park at 6:30 querade party given by Miss An- . Hoacoe Cole. Floyd Green, Steph e n ,‘’* ,135 ,D ,he bud« el ' I signing up the northern group, ineni at various timea, hence the deroua atrlfe. t'pon graduation he g e l. B rattain and Miss M axine | °P «n huur" ° f »*»• rx rlo u . offices. | ^ t b teams are in d iffe re n t dla- Idea lo have Ihe town unite In one < wru(n h(a theala on Ihe theme: en Rice. Carlton Rlchardaou. U lla 1 An ‘ “ «reaae of »20« I . made In F irst o f series of outdoor trips Snodgrass at the home of the w *t»> new service R | . a« I , r |c t. and each la out of the running W eight, Bernice Barnea. E liz a b e th ' , n 1,#m ,o r « • ‘ “ tennnee and re- large benefit program with all tnl “ W o rld Peace.'* pairs. Insurance costs have been ^or (nem ber* of tbe newly organized form er. Haw w oie'en games and f° r re s id en t, of T re n t. Mo- j for the g U te championship. ent draw n locally. T b a cbMreh , Chool la In a whole Johnson. M argaret Meek. Lola W II- reduced »200 wblle outlays for new , Hoy * out UooP iu » p n n « « « ld »»« dancing afforded the entertain- >>»wk, and Upper M cKenzie d l z - i a . . . u The program I . divided Into three , aomt. (xjndltl(,n Hbl)Wln, . good . son. Geneva W ycoff. , «.„a - . i __ .. , : »R ’ erton Is not to be considered equipment w ill Increase »300. T he I be be4d ***** evening when Glen ment for the evening. trlc t* to send a telegram as it Is > part «he flra t. m u .lc a l; the see l alrad y drye| #Bt Thp lr a r h r r , » e h o l . r ^ . l p - U . 1 . June Wilaon. . .. a* a weak team, however. Local emergency fund has been Increased i '* “ r (*n- scoutmaster, takes the those -living In the larg er cities 1 Guekt* present w ere Eunice Ger- I for ond. vod vll Bkltg; and the third a >n(J „fflcan> C lla W eight. . _ people do not know much of the ln- from »1000 to (1500. ! KrouP * ° c ,ty Pa rk *° 8tu<-t» »“ d *» « “ » 7 » *« > “ «*• dine W ilkinson, Lela Squires, M ar­ Part o n . of the program w ill coo , ra ln ll|< <.laaa ,a b-(ng arraogB„ es, Bobby Calkins, I-aurence Chase. ton played Salem recently and only roast. Tbe boys plan to leave Charles Clem ent, Roy CrandB)1. d«»»rlct I . showing Im provem ent. A jorie Prochnow. Ruth LeVee, Eve­ used for some tim e. I t has taken lost 26-0. which Is not a bad score «1st of the follow ing numbers and all the t«uu-hers are to receive , Hamm le Gott. Lloyd H a rris . John ’•«>d“ c*l° " »>«»* '« Provided for about 6:3o this evening. lyn Lloyd, June Danks, Vernlce ten years to bring about such a considering Salem ’s place in the C hristian church o rchestra, dance some special training. T here are now 16 boy* enrolled ln tbe new budget which also S p rln gfle,d bag Haw ke. Iren e Jeter. Doris Briggs, service agreement for the Spring- . u t e by K in dergarten students under d i­ Krupka, Lysle M etcalf, Clifford in the troop and they are working EnM Trav|g field district . according to M r. conglderable lmproyeraen, durlng Evelyn Buell w ill be In charge of w hor|oBt , rene AnderlM, n . Fern shows no w arrants Issued and rection of Mra. Burch; Toy Orchea- . Gregory' Pearl m a rk * d no< P *ld for Meh of funds to pass th eir tenderfoot teats so T rfn ka. Eleanor E taten tra from Itra tta ln achool. d ire c te d ' ***•' dlacuealon In the Epw orth Lea j n „ beri L illia n . Buelah M cK evltt. ; each successive game of the season thal a troop charter can be ob­ Members of the budget commlt- by Miss Helen H ig h ; folk dance. « “ •’ meeting al 6:30 T he subject | | B|, erbrBr)di y Bye Holverson. Nel Richardson. June Clover, V irgin ia ! and more than pleased the local tained. Howard Hughes, member ‘ In te rn .tlo n s l Current , |e ||o w e , Mar)orlB j obn„on, y y ,n t - this year are Ihe school board Lincoln students; vocal solo. Vel- w l)l ,M' Franx. Hazen W ilson. V erne A llen. WILLAMETTE VALLEY IS | follow ers in the Cottage Grove and of the troop com mittee, and Paul ,ces Keeler. Florence May. D e lo rl. me,nber* ' C A 8 w a rtg ' F ' B He P ru itt; zylophone solo, Uarbaru K *enta. Vernon Liles. Gordon W rig h t, W II- GOOD PLACE TO LIVE ’,unctlon C“ 7 «ame8 fan8 Potter, assistant scoutmaster, w ill I ery. Dr. W . H. Pollard, and W . C. Ham Sourd, Lloyd Frese. Clinton, j B u rn ell; resiling. Ruth Pollard; ! Nice, D ruclle Ogilvie, JoLana Put­ ________ i are confident that S p rin gfield ’s W rig h t. W m . G. HngFes. and Fred “ «e n d the meeting this evening H artm an . George H a rte l, Ray R ais man. W llm ln a Spriggs vocal duel. B « Murphy and M R A ^ D MRS. L. WRIGHT T here Is probably more money maroon team w ill take the three Frese. ' müssen ^ h . ' * * rk Oe^ r<^ circulating In W ashington. D. C. l a rem aining games on her schedule. Mrs. Roland M ushier; trombone Scholars», l|>— Druclle O gilvie, T hatch er. W inston Baccus. Paul day than in any other city in the They are S ilv e rto n ; Lebanon, here solo. Jim M iM u n lm n n ; piano solo. ENTERTAIN SATURDAY Law rence Chase. CIVIC CLUB TO HEAR Schantol, Gene H am blin. Charles J United States declared T . O. Rus Novem ber 20; and U n ive rs ity high M argaret J a rre tt; vocal solo. M rs 1 MRS. MARY ROACH DIES F ifth Grade LECTURE ON ASTRONOMY W ilson. O rval McPhersoi W K lla rn e ll; god a skit. “Grand M em bers of Ihe Dinner club Attendance — Ella Brooks, Alice H jm d Jim , p|1 preg|dent ot the Eugene Cham at H a rw a rd rield on T hanksgiving AT HOME HERE FRIDAY mother s Rose Oar'Sefi?’’ w ith Ihe « * • » • « « tu rd .y evening al a Chase. Dorothy Chase. M axine Co- mie W est ber of Commerce h ere F rid a y ln i d ay- Ladies of the Springfield Civic following cast. Faye Parson». Echo ; «»Inner at the home of M r. and Mrs. St ill. Polly Dutcbak. R oberta Put- M ary C hurchill Roach passed ¡clu b w ill hear John Knox, profea- addressing the Springfield Lions Special attentio n la called to the Tom seth. A ly . T hatch er. G r.c e ' L ai* ,n W rt< k ‘ A f," r “ «• d ' n“ « ' uiaii. Carm ef W addell. Midge W II aw ay af her home 1X0. ll»th street sor of science at Springfield, give FOUR YO U TH S JAILED club People there are not much fact that the A rm istice day game Bhnlly, Dorothy Nice. Ito ro lh e . ,k » «'*” • “ * * » « »“ Thurston Io at •on, F ra n k Bennett. B illy Nesbitt. Springfield. F riday m orning a fte r a an Illustrated lecture on astronomy better o ff however than elsewhere Is called to s tart at 2; 00 o’clock Frese. D e E tta Sandgatbe. I 'b a r llM ' *^J_111,1 , u " * ll,u “ ” w |{<>t>ert Nice, Junior Scott, Law- lingering illness. She had been a at th e ir next meeting to be held OVER BAD EGG AFFAIR as the prices charged for foods and insead of 2:30. It has been necess­ 1 e ’en dance. Fish, and Dorothy M»<- Potter rence Thompson. Dean Wilson j resident here fo r the past four at the Com m unity hall Tuesday- clothing are about the same as they ary to make the Invaders a sub­ Those present were Mr. and Mrs Hugh Roberts, Fred T e rry . Ken W a lte r l.axton years. evening. Novem ber 10. at 7:30. T he second part w ill open with a were during w a r times. T h ere is stantial guarantee and a large a t­ Allan K afoury of Salem. M r. and neth Carpenter and James Dugan w v t v - ss ■ w in in s e ’’ to be •»* pea tg , S cholarship— E lla B r o o k * ,; ayas%7 she was w a n e 1 born /Y II as sis In avsa Samgamon z a z * « a tz x z jz s ( coun- .u u u *_»»»»*. O ther I u numbers u u iiz v s o W on II m the v program tas si o are iv skit. "Between T a ra pre* -a great deal of building now under tendance w ill be necessary to make M arceline Heavey and Or- ,M' U L ’ an\ M ld fe W ilson, Junior fckrott, lieun ty. Illinois, on October 21, 1846, and being arranged by Mrs. David Salts wvre arreste here S a tu rd a j night ented by way in the Capitol city, he added. the venture a success. , I Mrs. Law rence M o ffitt. M r. and and lodged in the city Jail a fter Wilson. vsl Keaton. The other numbers iu I „ . „ . „ crossed the plains w ith her parents man. chairm an for the meeting. Charlestown, and the areas In Mrs. Henry Fandrem . Mr. and Mrs. they were caught throw ing rotten , when six years old. T he trip to o * | ------------------------------- Grads — Attendance Fourth this group w ill he ’’ Memories, a the Carolina.* w ithin hundreds of ...................... ( Isyton Burlier, and M r and Mrs. eggs at buildings and people on FRIENDS GATHER FOR F rank Anderson. Flora Bertsch, j all summer. In vod vll num ber by Mrs. W K. Buell. m iles of this city Is about the hard- 1863 she was KENSINGTON CLUB HAS _ .. . . .... C liffo rd Wilson. , M ain s tre e t W anda Burch. Billy Dow. Shirley united ln m arriage to John Roach Fred and Evelyn B u ell; shit, J __________________ est h it by the present economic SURPRISE ON MONDAY LUNCHEON ON FRIDAY The boys, all ot whom live in Haack. W illa rd House, E a rl H ar- and In 1881 they moved to Wash- condition, due largely to the na­ Socks and Soapsuds w ith Kvi, pioNFFB PABSFft Eugene, were given hearing Mon- Several friends of Mrs. C. A. U ,u k and Alys T h a tch e r; H aw aiian w l - u r i w r x c t r t r s o o c . 3 wood. W arren Ingram . A lberta ington where they lived for 22 M em bers of the Kensington club (lay and flned $5 which waa order. ture of the employm ent o f the resi­ Sw arts gathered at her home M on­ numbers, by M r M cGregor In (oa- : ON FARM NEAR SALEM Keeler. W in ifred Lyons, M erle year« before going to A lberta. Can- w ere entertained at a noon nincb- ed rem itted on condition of good dents. and to bank failures. day evening fo r a surprise party in -------------- Nice, B arbara O rr, Bobby Pugh. ada.where they made th e ir home _» «_ tv . turne; "C h ill Con Carne Eyes" by ( T he Upper W illa m e tte valley Is , eon at the Anchorage in K-.gene h4>hAvinr honor of her birthday. T h e b irth ­ People of Springfield w ill be In Arda Robertson, Herl Robertson, fo r 8 years. Follow ing this they Fr)dav Hostesses were Mrs W Doris Briggs, Ruth LeVee, Evelyn the most stable and perhaps the day did not occur until yesterday, tereated Iu learning of Ihe death F rank S tu art, Em m a Lou Stratton, moved to Pennsylvania where they K B arn ell and Mrs W E Buell ' Lloyd. L ela Squires. least affected area In the entire but Eastern S ta r work th a t even­ n Septem ber 26. ai Salem, ot An-1 Dave Sm ith. Louisa Sm ith. Valen- made th e ir home fo r 13 years be- Tw®nty-two were present T h e closing number w ill be a U nited States, declared the cham­ BE NOT TURNED ASIDE" ing prevented the gathering at th a t presentation of Ihe one act play. ( drew l*orler Magness, for many tine U chytll. fore coming back to Oregon and ber head. T h e next meeting w ill be held SUNDAY MORNING TOPIC , time. Card tables, refreshm ents "Com ical Country Cousins" w ith the years a pioneer resident of th is ' Scholarship— Flora B e r t s c h , Springfield. , Novem ber 13 w ith Mrs. W . N. Dow The speaker predicted a great a ,arge b |rthday cak„ were vicin ity, lie was 84 years old and i W anda Burch, W arren Ingram , Surviving M rs. Roach are two ! follow ing cast: as hostess and Mrs. M. V. W a lk e r, Rev. V e ltle P ru itt w ill preach on swing back to the farm during the brough, along b>. , he vlgltors who Mrs John F. Ketel» passed away w hile s illin g In a chair Beryl Robertson. F rank Stuart. sons. Charles in C alifornia, and T . i agatatant bogtegg Aunt Ophelia the subject “Be Not Turned Aside" next few years, and also predicted included Mrg c E w b e a ton, M rs Mrs. W. H. Pollard * ( hl" home according to an a r T h ird G rad * W iley at Portland; one daughter, j Cousin Sukey, Mrs. Pearl Seitan- at the morning service at the the adoption of the French farm E E Mrs. Pearl Schantol ro “ “ ' appearing In a Salem paper Attendance— Iva G illette . Ida Ann Mrs. E. J. Borland. Springfield; Cousin M olly, loan system. : to| Mrs. C. E. Sw arts, Miss Edna M r* W. C. Rebhan M r. Magness waa born nt W h ite Moore, John Carrels, N athan Fletch one brother. T . A. Churchill. Los FOREIGN MISSION GROUP | C hristian church Sunday. M aurice Cousin Della. O lin w ill sing a solo. "In My Swarts, Mrs. Donald Toomb, M rs. Mrs Burch River. Arkanses. January 3. 1847. er. Laurence Harwood. Alvin ; Angeles; two sisters. Mr«. M innie Cousin Sarah. ON , w CHILE i HEARS i k n n u TALK ■ r * * -r * m r v i k b p a tb e r-g House." T h e Christian M r*. D. B. Murphy ■"<> overland with h l* par 1 Thrum . Sidney Ward. REPORT ON CLERK’S N ie l Pollard. M rs. M aggie Me- Nichols, Cottage Grove, and Mrs. Cousin Jane, Ladles attending the meeting of Endeavor meets at 6:30 and even- Lagan. Mrs. W . N. Dow. M rs. W . C. M r*. F. Thompson •*> 1854 firs t locating at Sc»tolar«»«lp—John Carrels Sid- Roy _______ Jordan. _________ Eugene; ____________ tw o grand- , Cousin Cecilia. RECEIPTS COMPILED children and four great g raud chll-) the Foreign M issionary society ot ing Rervlt,es s tart at 7 .3 0 at which Cousin Slm anthy. Mrs. W. Scott Springfield, and la te r moving to j ,,«> W ard W rig h t. M rs. M arg a re t Kenyon, and Second Grede : dren. the M ethodist erurch a t the home tlm e th* p a ito r w ,n sPeak on ,he S I* Hopkins, Mrs. C a rl Olson F a irfie ld , where he was untied In I Less than o n e jta lf of the annum M rs. Devid Saltsman. Attendance— Peggy Anderson, Funeral services were held at of M ra. A. B. Van Valxah Tuesday ,u b l ec* Be <* Pe“ c« T h e re w ill Lane county school census reports — — Cousin M lrandy, M r*. M cM anlm an m arriage to Mias Am elia Davidson.! Septem ber 2». 188». lacking but four j | ^ otha Bertsch, How ard C a rre ls ,' the W alker-Poole chapel In Spring afternoon heard M rs. Dean C. P o in -' be 8pe<’,al mu8lc- Ma Jennie. Mrs. C liffo rd W ilson out of the 169 districts of the coun- PAYMENT OF SECOND ty have been turned In at tbe of-j u a . c T 4 V C C IC Topay M r*. Dlbhlee days of being m arried 62 year* and 1 M axine Chandler, Elizabeth Dut ; field Monday morning a t 10 o’clock d exter relate experiences and im -| Boy Scouts Plan HeldTriplonight had lived at W heatland since, "Com ical Country Cousins" has where he was a prominent hop been presented before nil Ihe grow er for many yeara. T here crowned head* of A fric a and most were nine children born; seven of o f Ihe bald head* of Am erica. these and the widow survive him. Come see the tw isted tw ins, they T hey are: Austin Magness of w ill show you something d ifferent. Auburn, W ashington; W ill B. M ag­ Admission price* have been set ness of W h eatland; Dr. P. U. M ag­ nl 10 and 26 cents. ness. of M c M in n v ille ; four daugh­ ters, Mrs. T . T . P arker of Eugene; DR. MEZ TO SPEAK AT M rs. G ertrude Dryden» of Port­ ARMISTICE SERVICE land ; Mrs. Edna M cKee, Jefferson, and one brother, Perry Magness of A special Arm istice service Is Portlud. being nrrnnged for Sunday evening Funeral services were conducted nt the M ethodist church. M f. John at the Hopew ell United Urethern Itlchunl Mez of the Political Sci­ church at 3 p. m.. Sunday, by Rev ence departm ent of the U n iversity Brown, Bible student pastor ot of Oregon Is to be the speaker. Dr. Portland, assisted by Rev. F. E M e i has recently returned from an Fisher, pastor o f the Unlonvale extended trip around the world Evangelical church, and also hi where he has made a careful study K. C. Loop of M cM in nville. of social, economic and political conditions. T here are few men bet­ MANY PEOPLE FISH IN ter prepared to In te rp re t the trend COAST REGION SUNDAY In the present world order than Is Dr. Mez. He w ill speak on the Several Springfield residents subject: "T h irte e n Years A fter." spent 8unday fishing In the coast In view ot the strenuous condition* streams. Among them were M ajor present and of the years of care­ and Mrs. M. B. H u ntly. M r. and ful study given to this subject It M rs. John (tenderer. M r. and Mra. I* Indeed a great privilege to hear N ell Pollard, W . K . Barnell, H. E. till* man. M axey. F rank Hmltaon, W illia m Davis and M r. and Mrs. Norman DRUGGIST STARTS WORK Anderson. Home nice fish were LANDSCAPING GROUNDS taken from the streams, but the catches were very light. H . O. Dtb- W ork of Inndneaplng the ground* blee and Ed P rivât reported an ex­ about the home of M r. and Mrs. F. cellent catch In T rian g le lake. II. F lan ery was started thia week. T he lawn has been planted for Corvalll« M an H«r« — Herbert some lim e and I* growing nicely. T ay lo r, employe of the Mountain Mr. and Mrs. Flanery built their States office nt Corvallis is spend­ new home this spring and moved ing the week In Springfield on busi­ ness. • Into It early In tbe summer. chuk. Nova Jean Heiser. Richard and Interm ent was made in l*lne pressions of Chile In South Am WIFE ASKS CUSTODY erica w here she spent five years Gott. Jule Heiser, Ida Howes. C arl Grove cemetery. OF CHILDREN IN CASE I doing mission work. Mrs. U. G. Me Howes. Stanley Malo. l>ale McBee, John O gilvie, M axw ell Pohl, Cleone GIRL FALLS FROM SLIDE , Elhaney was the assistant hostess. Cruel and Inhum an treatm ent are Putman, Roberta Rebhan, Gene­ alleged in a divorce com plaint filed AT BRATTAIN SCHOOL vieve Robertson, Robert Sm ith, SCHOOL BOUNDARY | today In circuit court by Bethany Jim m ie Sm ith. Donald Toomb, Jun­ BOARD WILL MEET W ith ro w against her husband M ary Alice Bartholomew, daugh­ ior W ilson. , -------------- ! Charles H . W ith ro w . te r of M r. and Mrs. P. J. Bartholo­ Scholarship— H ester Jean Thom p­ M eeting of the county boundary The couple m arried a t Eugene mew, fell from a slide at the Brat- son, Jim m ie Sm ith, Elaine Schaf- tain school Tuesday and was tx>ard is scheduled fo r Monday. February 17, 1816, and have two N ovem ber 9, according to E. J J children. Custody of the children fenberg, Robert Jack, Leothn thought to have been seriously In­ Bertsch, Nova Jean Helaer. Roberta jured at the tim e. She was un- M oore, county superintendent of Is sought by the p la in tiff, Rebhan. M arlon Vlles, Hoherl j cons(.|ous for a w hile and was schools. Sm ith. T here are no petitions fo r bound­ ' rushed (o the hospital to have x-ray GIRLS' LEAGUE WILL F lrat Grade pictures taken. These failed to ary changes filed as yet for this SPONSOR LUNCHEON Attendance— Jackie S h e r m a n . show any fractures. She is now re­ meeting, the superintendent said. Pauline Clem ent. V irg in ia Pohl. covering at her home. Inaugarating a new means of W ilm a Brooks, Juan ita Thomas. ARMISTICE DANCE SET raising funds w ith which to carry lX>rothy Holmes. Gerald Uchytll. BIRTHDAY DINNER HELD FOR THURSTON HALL| on th e ir activities, members of the Delores Keeler, B arbara Frey. Bob­ G irls ’ le a g u e of the Springfield FOR MAXINE SNODGRASS ble Black, Lois Chase, Louisa Faw- A special A rm istice dance la be­ high school w ill sponsor a noon ver. Honoring Miss M axine Snodgrass ing planned at the Thurston hall luncheon at the cafe te ria Thu rs­ Scholarship— B arbara Jane B e t­ els, Pauline Clem ent, B o b b l e on her birthday Sunday M r. and tor W ednesday evening. Novem ber day. Novem ber 12. A charge of 16 Mrs. R iley Snodgrass entertained 11, A rm istice day, by the A m eri­ cents w ill be made a ll students Black, Elizabeth Boyles. at th e ir home at a birthday dinner can Legion com m ittee. This w ill be i participating, -------- BAPTIST WOMEN REMAKE ¡^ r Mr. M” w *1,,a1 m Curt,a8’ the only public soclc.l a ffa ir of the M r. and Mrs. Alex Snodgrass and evening J. N. H A M L IN P L A N S CLOTHES FOR NEEDY son. M erle of Shedd and Miss Eu­ T h e dance w ill not In te rfe re with TO V IS IT H E R E SOON nice Gerber. A large birthday cake the regular semi-monthly dance Several ladles o f the Baptist which Is scheduled for the hall for was cut during the afternoon. F. B. Ham blin. Springfield post­ church spent Wednesday afternoon Saturday, Novem ber 14. master. has received a le tte r from at the church repairing and rem ak his son John, stating that he would Ing old clothes for distribution REPLY TO SUIT FILED sail from Buenos Aires, Argentine. among the needy people. An elec- FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY CRUELTY ALLEGED AS trie sewing machine has been . GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE on October 24 and arr,ve *" New Y o ik on Novem ber 10. H e plan* given the women by Hugh Hartley A reply In the suit of C. C. Beck Cruel and inhum an tre a tm e n t are to spend ten days In H ew York Rnd Irm a I . Beck against Lane C„ before In fa n t Son Diss county was filed In circu it court allleged In a divorce com plaint f il­ and W ashington D. T he In fa n t son o f M r. and Mrs. | Friday. ed ln circu it court F riday by Helen coming to Springfield and Oregon E lm er E. Pyne died at the Pacific T he p lain tiffs seek damages from B. Thorpe against her husband where he w ill spend the rem ainder of his tw o months' leave. C hristian hospital In Eugene S a tu r-: the county as a result of the clos- Harold F. Thorpe. H e has been attached to the day. Funeral services were held ing of a railroad crossing at their T he couple m arried at Portland at the new I. (). (). F. cemetery property on the Sluslaw highway. June 24. 1928. and have no child­ United Stales Embassy office In Sunday w ith Ihe chapel In charge. WHlker-Poole T he county recently made o ffer to provide a crossing. flee of the county clerk. nALP O r T A X E S IS D U E These reports list the num ber of children of school age In the dts- trlc t. between the ages ot four and tw enty years, regardless of w hether they are attending school. Thursday is the last day fo r pay- m ent of second h alf county taxes and expectations are for a big last- m inute rush at the tax collection departm ent of the s h e riff’s office. A fte r Novem ber tax payments be­ The reports must be In by Nov­ ember 10 when the school fund* come delinquent and a penalty of w ill be alloted for each d istrict on two-thtrds of one per cent a month is charged. T he fin a l date for firs t the basis of the census. h alf payments I* M ay 6. RECEIVER ASKED FOR CHEMICAL COMPANY BAND ORGANIZATION GETS UNDER WAY NOW Seeking to have a receiver ap­ pointed to handle partnership a f­ fairs of LeeRoy Woods and 8. R. Jaynes, a com plaint was filed In clrcu lt court F riday by M r. Woods, T he partners were engaged In the m anufacture of chemicals at Springfield and the plant of the concern was destroyed by fire October 6. ................ —..... ....... TAX PAYMENT MADE BY SOUTHERN PACIFIC Check of the Southern Pacific railroad company for the second h alf of county taxes was received by the tax collection departm ent of the s h e riff’s office Friday. T he check was for »147,303.96., The company Is the largest single taxpayer In the county. ' D r ill Teem M eetsc T o n ig h t Members oi Progressive 22 d rill team have been called for a spe ria l practice to be held al the I. O. 0 . F. hall this evening at 7:30 an ren. T he p la in tiff seeks return of Buenos Aires for the past several Mrs. Ernest Black is president of years. the organization. her fo rm er name ot Burton. F irst m eeting of the new ly or­ ganized band at the high school was held Tuesday at which tim e In- strum enta were given out. Thurs- day has b£en set as the regular tim e for rehearsals which w ill be held In the high school gym nasium, The hour has not been set. Buford Roach, Eugene music ln- structor, Is directing the group. T h e re are still several openings for those who care to Join, he states. LEGION GROUPS PLAN MEETING AT DEXTER M em bers of both Am erican Le­ gion post num ber 40 and Its auxll- iary w ill hold th e ir regular meet- ing at D exter this evening corn- m enclng a t 8 o’clock. New offlc- lals of the tw o groups w ill have charge. Son Bom — M r. end M rs. Clair C. W illiam s o f D exter are the parent* of a son born to them at 1392 VlU- ard street in Eugene on Tuesday, Novem ber 3. 1931.