PAOS POUR TERM OF COURT OPENS MONDAY Number of Civil Cates Set by Judge C. F. Skipwortb; Criminal Cases Later TH E 9PR1NQF1KLP XEW8 Cut in Rates o f Blow to Regent Street Dog Tags Pends ■» PIONEER RESIDENT PASSES AT NATRON Irrigation Increases In S tate . 1» __ . _ A ccording to C ensus R eport Mrs. Harrie F. Grigsby Smith daughter of 11. J. and Isabelle Grig shy. died at her home Sunday morn Recording to a bulletin, recently EGGS. HOPS, ONIONS lug following a lingering Illness issued by the Bureau of Census STAGE PRICE COME-BACK She was one of the pioneer resi­ showing state and county statistics I _____ dents of Natron having been horn on irrigation in the state of Cre regi»# Sialo College, Corvallis, in Texas on September. IS«», aud Board to Consider Asking Court to Lower Price for 1932; Meeting Nov. 2 Bristow farm Mrs. Crabtree and four have moved outo the - • ■ 1 | 1 children • mis Frank Moore ranch Mr. and Mrs. The teachers aud pupils of Ihv Clarence Daley who have reuted Pleasant Hill public sekoni will the place the past two years are give a Halloween program fAitur s o u p y I ll g part of the house They day night. October 31, at Hie school plau to go to Idaho after they have house. A basket dinner will he disposed of their turkeys. served after the program. The Ladies of the Pleasant Hill Mr, and Mrs. Noble Andrews community will meet with Mrs. who rei cully purchased the Harden Jordan November «III ranch east of the Pleasant Hill church have taken poaaaaalon Mr. Pledged to Frat and Mrs Jesse t'urrothers who Oregon Stale College, Corvallis. were living In the Harden housu have moved io the roar end of Ihvlr Ilrl. 29 Raymond Hills of Pleas collage which la now under con ant llllt, a freshman In forestry at slruction. The four rooms In (he Oregon Slate college, has been rear of the house have heeti fin pledged to Kappa Delia Mho social fra te rn ity . ished. Mr and Mrs. Bert Doans aud two Formal pledging has been dosed children have moved from the litis for some lime hut a few cases uf tow farm to the McDonuld farm lull I v Id mil "rushing" Is still going Mr. and Mrs l ’ole have moved onio | on. Upper Willamette ■ M r and Some action on the cost ol coun- gon, tlie num ber of (arm s on which ! Gel 29 Relatively favorable trices “* ? "*>r irrigation is ptavilced Increased tj dog licenses for 1932 will prob­ in 1S62. She spent her entire life at from 9.15« In 1920 to 11,3»? In for eggs In uotuparison with most ably be recommended at n meeting the (arm home at Natrou sine 1930 The value of the irrigated other farm products Is noted In the . , ®f ,he c,,ullt>' '» the report. Prices are down Mrs. Eva Free I, Troy. Kansas, and virtue of an execution and order of a few days at the beach home of trea,ra,?nt of “>is condition. Exami gravity diversions from streams to less than half the average. sale In foreclosure issued out of the her daughter, Mrs. Ed Padden. nations were made by Doctor Kent Bertha Buchanan. Kansas. His An extremely short crop of A total investment of $38,76«,648 Circuit Court of Lane County. Ore Doctor Kerron and Miss Bessie father George Newman also sur­ NEW FABRICS — NEW FURS — NEW STYLES gon. on the 28th day of October. by irrigation enterprises was an In honey is expected, but demand from Howard Sedgwick came up from Williams. vives in Kansas 1931, in a suit wherein, on the 28th Funeral services were held Mon crea’ e of «5.397 over the total la,'*• <*<>»»»'*««« and foreign buyers. Westfir Friday evening for the Mrs. John Hurd entertained for Silk Crepe Lined Sues 14 to 42 day of October. 1931. in said Court Vlcca Kundret recovered Judgment week-end. He is in the employ of 'two tables of bridge Friday after day at 2 o'clock from the Walker- In 1920 The Irrigation Invest IaltlK’“Kh Improved. Is still Inactive ____________ Bents and the Irrigation works an<* bw,me“ **>• '« expand Io- against the defendants Minnie Lu­ the government on Willamette noon at her home north of Coburg Poole chapel in Springfield Gordon ciano and Guitiano Luciano, whose highway. Grlfftn officiated officiated and and interment interment are clas8l,|ed by age. by character ,al ««»rketM. Those present were Mrs. Herbert Griffin name is sometimes spelled Gutiano was made In Mt. Vernon cemetery. nt enterprise, and by drainage | T h e re p o rt also c o n ta in e d an un A pot luck supper at the home ' an Huyn. Mrs. Matter Drury. Mrs. Luciano for the sum of Nine Hun iily sls o f th e s ta rw b e rry s itu a tio n basin. dred ($900.00) Dollars and for the of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson Jame8 Green. Mrs. Gilbert Sim and outlook which shows that a further sum of Thirty-nine and Mrs. Ben Snyder. Mrs. The report shows that It has cost general increase in strawberry 11-100 ($39.11) Dollars as interest last Thursday evening celebrated nlon8- Leadbetter, Mrs. Harold IDAHO COLLEGE OFFERS Rulere of Low Price« on the average. $27.29 an acre to acreage is expected for picking next thereon, and for the further sum of the birthday of Mr. Thompson. 10th A Willamette— EUGENE— New Schaefer« Bldg. STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Hurd, and the hostess. Mrs. John prepare land for Irrigation In Ore One Hundred ($100.001 Dollars as year. The combined acreage of attorney's fees and for costs and Ralph Wright and family. Mr. and Hurd- Mrs Walter Drury won the gon. In addition to the cast of the | To enable students, kept at home Irrigation systems. Projects dis­ Oregon and Washington, where disbursements taxed at the sum of Mrs. Floyd Brown and family, Mr. prixe- $50.70. and said execution to me for fall harvesting, to complete a tributing water delivered 3.1 acre most of the cold-packed strawber­ A stork shower was given in directed, commanding me in the and Mrs. Travis Kerr and family. full year of College work before fpp, per acre Io Irrigators In 1929. I ries are produced, will be 13 per name of the State of Oregon, in Mrs. Gladys Shafer and children. honor of Mrs. Harry Harbert at the . .. . cent greater next year than In BÜL’ order to satisfy said Judgments, in Herbert Neff and Mr. and Mrs. home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. July 15. 1932. President C. W. but diverted at their headworks 1#31 bu, ollly |norp tb>n Tenney announces that Gooding terest. attorney's fees. eo < s of Thompson. T. Z. Green last Friday evening «.8 acre- feet. in 1928. according to data given. suit, and accruing costs, to sell the College. Wesleyan. Idaho, offers a The next municipal election will Mrs. Harbert received several fifty dollar scholarship to one 1931 ' Irrigation enterprises reporting following described real property, to-wit: drainage represented «36.«25 Irrlg be held Tuesday. November 3 and dainty and useful gifts. John Hurd and W’alter Christen­ honor graduate of each and every I able acres. Of this area. 23O.«13 Lot One <1), and the Northeast three councilmen will be elected son have returned from a hunting high school In thia territory. _ .. acres were served by Installed Quarter (NE<4) of the Southeast for two years; the three whose Those needing additional help „„„ add|tlona| aprp. Quarter (SEH) oi Section Thirty- terms expire are E. A. Schwering, trip in eastern Oregon. They re­ ported one deer. may work for half their board and wprp nppd dralnagp The Ladies' Aid held a silver tea five (35) Township Eighteen (18), C. F. Moore and Arthur Olson, and South, Range Six (6) West of the Dr. and Mrs. M. E. Jarnigan, room, which with certain student on|v „ 799 , crpp lrrt„ , lon pn ut Mrs. Imwrence Gossler's last they have been renominated for re- Wlllameite Meridian. In I-ane Jarnl«an and ’<>"• Reese, loans make It possible for the ,, , „ WPrp dra,ned. "whllp « j Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Flora County. Oregon, except ten (10) election and have accepted so will left for Portland Thursday to young man or woman to obtain an nr> add,„ onai acrp, nppdp„ dratn ¡ I’Hce and Mrs. Ulive Taylor aa acres deeded to C. E. Blodgette be the only candidates on the spend a few days visiting relatives education slsted Mrs. Gossler In furnishing age. ballot. The election board are NOW. THEREFORE, in the name Mrs. Hazel Osburn spent the A copy of his bulletin for Ore­ refreshments. of the State of Oregon, in compli­ John Beak, chairman. W. W. Scott. Irishs to E n tertain There were 63 present at Bible ance with the said execution and Judge; Mrs. Margaret, first clerk; week-end visiting her son, who is gon may be obtained by writing order of sale, and in order to satisfy Mrs. M. Marquart, second clerk; attending high school In Portland. A group of Springfield people in to the Director of the Bureau of school last Sunday, next Bunday, said judgment, including interest, November 1. Is rally day. and the eluding Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Mur Census, Washington. D. C. attorneys' fees, costg of suit and and J. C. Stratford third clerk. E lectric Salesman Here— W . J. phy, Miss Clara Jones, Rev. and goal Is set for 101 to be present. ------------------------- - accruing costs. I will on Saturday, The voting place is the Woodman 301A Moyer, salesman for the Mountain Mrs. Veitie Pruitt, and Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Beulah Hanson from Eugene the 28th day of November, 1931, at hall. G irl* Have Party 75c the hour of One o'clock In the States Power company stationed at W. C. Rebhan have been invited to spent several days with her mother. afternoon of said day, at the South­ Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Spencer and cottage Grove was a business visi 324 ________ ____ ______ — «.wuu » a w bmw * ws ai The Girl Scout met WedneMday Mrs. Hnrblt, the past week. dinner at uav the uwsuc home w of e Mr. west front door of the County daughter, Watrine. went to Mon- tor ln s pringfieid on Wednesday j attend 51.00 and Mrs. M. R. Irish In Eugene evening In the basement of the Professor and Mrs. Gram Palmer Court House in Eugene, Lane Coun­ mouth Sunday to visit their daugh Methodist church and enjoyed a afternoon. from Elmira spent the weekend ' this evening. ty, Oregon, offer for sale and sell 326 80c for cash, at public auction, subject ters, Alleyne and Jeananne Spen­ Hallowe'en costume party, Mrs. A. with Mr. and Mrs. John Price. to redemption as provided by law. cer. attending normal. R. Sneed, scoutmaster, had the di­ MiBses Leone and Nathalie Ed 327 all of the right, title and interest rection of the program. 51.00 L. E. Ziniker, J. S. Barnett and miston with Miss Iona Rhodes of of the said defendants Minnie Lu­ Springfield, and Mrs. Howard Cot­ ciano, Guitiano Luciano whose gon went to southern Oregon Satur­ 345 Odd Fellows to Have Feed name Is sometimes spelled Gutiano day to hunt deer. ton of Eugene motored to Portland 51.10 Luciano, Edward King, Bertrice Saturday morning for the week A feed is being planned as a King, L. W. Stevens, Elizabeth 371A end. 90c H. Stevens, W. A. Bell, Wm. D. ----------- feature of the regular meeting of N O T IC E O F R O AD D IS T R IC T Mrs. Ray Baugh went to Junc­ Olueen, and Jane Doe Queen, wife Tentative Set-Up for Budget Last year °f the tOtal ,600° wai Springfield lodge No. 70. of the Odd M E E T IN G 380 of Wm. D. Queen, and all persons “• for building and maintenance. It F p 1| o w s . Thp homecoming date is tion City last Friday for the week­ 51.00 claiming by, through, or under Pursuant to a petition signed by for Coming Year is Made | is probable that this Item will be ,o be decided at this meeting All ' end. them or either of them, in and to the required number of freeholders by Committee and Court (further cut to $2000, according to members urged to come, The Sunday school is giving u A new set of Tubes for aver. the said premises. in Road District No. 20, which peti Hallowe'en party at the Thurston members of the county court. H. L. BOWN. Sheriff of Lane tlon has been duly approved by the age 7-Tube set County, Oregon. County Court of Lane County, Ore- FAIR hall next Friday evening. Everyone The total for the new general MONEY IS CUT 56.80 (O 29 — N 5-12-1926) 1 tw v an. V .. . . Viaita Wlth Parents— William gon, who have made and recorded i Is cordially invited. Every one go­ fund is $288.601. Estimated receipts . . . „ „ , ... __ _j .. . Pollard, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. H an order that said petition be ap­ ing with out a mask will have to are $37,000 and this would cut the N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA L E ON proved and that an election be held Some Items Increased and Pollard who is attending medical do some Rtunt as a penalty. total to $251,601. An Item of $10,- E X E C U T IO N IN FORECLOSURE in Pursuance thereto, therefore. i. . u . ,i S(ho°l at Portland spent the week- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Others Reduced; Road Al­ on,, Ray Casteel from Portland was 000 is to be added to the genera „ ... . . , . . . . . end here with his parents. Notice is hereby given that by I that a meeting of the legal voters lotments Now Discussed in Thurston last Sunday. fund to take care of expected tax _________________ virtue of an execution and order of In Road Dis'rict No. 20. In Lane payment delinquencies during the sale In foreclosure issued out of the County, Oregon, will be held at the Tentative get-up of the general year. Have House Gueets — Mr. and Daughter Born— Mr. and Mrs. Circuit Court of Lane County, Ore­ hour oi 2 p. m.. on the l«th day of gon. on the 28th day of October. November. A. D. 1931, at the Lan fund for the county budget for the At the meeting of the budget Mr9- N c Ferguson and family of Ray D. Webster, who ll^e on the HARDWARE - FURNITURE or 1931, ln a suit wherein, on the 28th dax Schoolhouse in said Road Dis- i colninS Year ha» been made by the board tomorrow the road funds for Fal*8 Glty who have been guests upper Mohawk above Fisher's lum­ day of October, 1931, in said Court trlct, to determine whether said county court and the budget com- YO U « the year will be considered. If there of Professor and Mrs. W. E. Buell ber mill are the parents of a baby The State of Oregon, Represented road district shall levy a special mittee. This fund as it now stands 1 ■ Springfield, Oregon / \ .... .. 7 I rp. , ! '8 to be substantial reduction 8ince Monday left Wednesday | daughter born to them at their and acting by the World War Vet tax of ($2000.00) Two Thousand & ¡. snblert JeCt t0 reri8ion and there eruns' State Aid Commission, re­ no-100 Dollars upon all the taxable home early Wednesday morning. budget for the coming year morning for their home. covered judgment against the de­ property In said district for the may be a nun>ber of changes made, have to come from the road fendants Horald J. Bevan and purpose of providing funds for tak in the general fund as It now Esther E. Bevan for the sum of S id in g roads” “ h “ SraVeH,1K an'’ “‘ands the county fair allotment funds. following Is the general fund Two Thousand Six Hundred Ninety- nine and 66-100 ($2.699.66) Dollars, Including 1931 and 1932: together with interest thereon at 1931. Advertising ....... 3,000.00 3,000.00 the rate of four per cent per annum Attest W B. DILLARD, Agriculturalist from and since the 28th day of May. 2,500.00 County Clerk. . 1928, amounting to Three Hundred C. P. BARNARD, Countv Judge Asaesii0>' 16,000.00 Sixty-seven and 06-100 ($367.06) CLINTON HURD, County Com- Auditing 750.00 Dollars, and for the further sum missioner. i Bounty 1.800.00 of Two Hundred Seventy-five O. E. CROWE. County Com­ Care of Poor ...... «0,500.00 50,000.00 ($275.00) Dollars attorney’s fees missioner. Circuit Court .......................................................... H,000 and for costs and disbursements (O 29—N 5-12) 1«,000.00 Coroner ___ taxed at the sum of $31.00. and said 1,000.00 execution to me directed, com­ Clerk ......... N O T IC E O F RO AD D IS T R IC T ...... 21,680.00 21,680.00 manding me ln the name of the M E E T IN G County Court 8,000.00 8,000.00 State of Oregon, In order to satisfy Pursuant to a petition signed by ',"UDty Pair ,bl,lg- and maintenance) ..... ...... said Judgments, interest, attorneys 6,000.00 fees, costs of suit, and acruing the required number of freeholder* ('ounty Fair Board V ^O N S ID E R the heoWvful convenience of being able »0 2,000.00 3,500.00 costs, to «ell the following des­ In Road District No. 9, which peti- Court House . .. 10,000.00 10,000.00 cribed real property, to-wit: worm quickly tboi chilly corner The diicomfort of a cool tlon has been duly approved by the District Attorney «.620.00 «.620.00 The West fifty (50) feet of County Court of bane County, Ore- . bedroom or both can be quickly dispelled with ihe u*e Lot Eight (8) In Block Three (3) gon, who have made and recorded 1,200.00 gent 1,100.00 In Wallis-Dorris Addition to the an order that said petition be ap- District Sealer 500.00 of a portable electric heater which can be easily moved City of Eugene, in Lane County. proved and that an election be held Emergency ............... ...... 31,593.78 25,000.00 Oregon. in pursuance thereto, therefore, Election from room ta room O r »he electric heater con be per­ 12,000.00 NOW. THEREFORE, in the name NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN P) of the State of Oregon, ln compli­ that a meeting nf the legal voters l,««6.00 ................ manently installed in the woM ance with the said execution, and in Road District No. 9. In Lane ''ruit Inspector ......... ...... 2,600.00 2,600.00 order of sale, and in order to satisfy County. Oregon, will be held at the 1 Health Officer ....... 200.00 Your dealer hat either type and a wide variety of styles said Judgment, including interest, hour of 2 p. m., on the l«th day of Health Service 8,860.00 attorneys' fees, costs of suit and November A. D. 1931 at the W O. Indlgent Soldler and sixes to choose from W hy not inspect them today» accruing costs. I will on Saturday W . Hall, Jasper in said Road Dis­ 1,600.00 the 28th day of November. 1931, at trict, to determine whether said ,nsane 16,000.00 the hour of One o'clock In the road district shall levy a special Justice Court ........... EÍECTR/C/TY 3,000.00 afternoon of said day. at the South tax of ($1926.93) One Thousand Juvenile Court 1,000.00 it at west front door of the County Nine Hundred Twenty-six & 93-100 'r,,d!1|„ rv Animal. ° y * nimal8 Court Hchise In Eugene, Lane Coun­ Dollars upon all the taxable prop 400.00 dean and healthful Mountain States Power Company ty, Oregon, offer for sale and sell erty In said district for the purpose ,l|xbts of Way 50,000.00 for cash, at public auction, subject of providing funds for side roads School Superintendent a t tunthine 9,070.00 9,070.00 to redemption as provided by law, In District No. 9 for new construc­ Sheriff 36,880.00 36,880.00 all of Ihe right, title and Interest tion and maintenance where needed. Slaughtered Animals 2.000.00 1 2,000.00 of the said defendants Harold J. Dated this 28th day of October, Tax Rebate Bevan and Esther E. Bevan, Allle 1931. 1,000.00 1,000.00 Wallis, W. J Llchty and R S. Attest: W. B DILLARD, Traffic Patrol 2,100.00 1 Shelley and all persons claiming County Clerk. Thistle 2,000.00 1,500.00 by, through or under them or any C. P. BARNARD, County Judge. Treasurer 3.965.00 or either of them. In and to the 3,966.00 j CLINTON HURD, County Com­ U. S. Labor Bureau raid premises. missioner. 600 00 i H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of Lane O. E CROWE, County Com Widows’ Pensions 13,000.00 County, Oregon. missioner. (O 29 — N 5-121k2S) $288,603.00 1 (O 29—N 5-12) Total __ _____ $316,306.00 October term of circuit court was opened here yesterday by Judge U. F. Skipwortb. Only civil eases have been set as criminal cases will not be set until after the grand Jury makes a return. The following is the docket of cases set so far: Mrs. L. A. Early va. L. F. Kllnh. Iraida McGhehy vs. Julius O. Me- Creswell Sale of $19.50 Fur Trimmed Coburg Coats $13 .44 The Golden Rule At New Thurston FOR NEW TONE Low Prices CUNNINGHAM TUBES General Funds For Lane County in 1932 Estimated j Wright & Sons j R a d io FOR CHILLY DAYS u s e - c l e a n - q u ic k - h e e t c Í& Í th e c l e a n - q u i c k - p o r t a b le E L E C T R IC HEATER