TliVKHÜAV, OCTOBBK 29, 19»! T H E BPRINOFTOLD NEWS N O T IC I O F F IN A L A C C O U N T Account of Catata Filad— Final Notarial Commlaalon Filad— The EUGENE MEN CALLED PAC 99519.38. account of the probate of the da­ notarial coiuwlaalon uf H H Gaur«» District 38— Election November IN T H E CO UN TY COURT OF AS FEDERAL JURORS T H E HTATK OF OKKOON FOK tat» of Z T. Mountjoy wua filed was filmi for recurd at th« ufflce 14 at Nortb Fork Urange hall to Haiurduy. LANK CO UNTY. vote on levy of 860». Hix I.ane county men have been IN T H E M A T T E R O F T H K ES­ Fina la Assessed— A fine of »4 26 IHairlct 91— Election Nove r drawn for federal court Jury service T A T E OF CEC IL J HLUYTKH. Final Account of Batate Filed— was »»»eased against Edward De 14 at Lyons school to vota or levy Deceased at Portland. Tbe Jurors are sum­ of 92387.8». TO WHOM T H IH MAY CONCERN: Final account uf the probata uf the vin of W estfir In Justice court bere moned to be at tbe court of Judge □ i at riet Attorney's Office Ha« Nulle» I» hereby given (hai I Ih» eatate uf Annie It. Fullun waa filed on a charge of operating a car with District 3»--El«ctlon N» - .1,. McNary at 2 p. m. November 2. nitderalgned. I. II. Mulkey., have | Haturday out proper plate». 15 Criminal Caaes to Pree- County Court Set« Date« for 1« ,» Biachly to vote , flli'il my fliiu l ui > omit n h udiulnla Tbe following from l^att county Voting on Special Tax 91948.33 ent Investlgatlon I tratu r In Ih» above entitled prnbuli Bounty Is Collected— The county all of Eugene, have been called: : Report of Eatate Filed — Final N O T IC E OF HO AD D IS T R IC T District 40— Election November proceeding, that the time »el by Levies for November M k K T IN Q thu said Court fur the bearing decree In Ihe probate uf the »alale bounty on one coyote was collected A. W. Dugan. Hugh H. Earle, Frank 14 at Sweet Home schooi Io voi» Selection of a »ew grand Jury thereon before the nalli Court la uf Churlea t). Wllaon waa filed at the office of tbe county clerk Etierbart, John T . Evans, K. on levy of 8899.75. made yaaterda r I d ■ uunit court l ui »nani lo a petition algned by Friday, Novembee 20. 1W3,. , hr SIXTEEN NOW SLATED Wednesday by L. K. Holden of Hluneberg, C. C. Whitten. he reipiired number of fr« .h u ld .ia hllur A M d ll(> Haturday. _______ District 61 Election November at 18» p"t>lng of 1 8e October tenu Florence. - in Itouil Dial rial No. 33 which pell | l i c e in h„r„ by a l v e o tba, „„ 14 at Dunn school to vote on levy and tha » . . . . ■ .i iie ie iiy m ui anyone 11 ornay'a of rió ­ lion baa been duly approved by the I ba¥l„ M ubjocthwa tu aald fina. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Law Allows Not to Exceed 10 of 9888.71. haa some 16 caa«- te present. The Cate Is Non suited—On motion of « ounty to u r t ul Lane t uunty, Oro- ahall , bu , a|UB |t NO TIC E IH HER EBY G IV E N Bankruptcy Petition Filed — A District 89— Election November J»ry started ita first «eaatuu yaa- Mills and Voting Must g o n W ho have mad» an. recontad „ „ ür ,,„fo r„ , bB 1)ma Ihe plaintiff tbe case of J. A. Hen- That Edgar J. Adaum hue been ap 14 at College Croat to vote on levy terday. ali u ntar lim i aald petltlon he up the hearing; and that thia nolle» pointed executor of the Lae I W lll petition In bankruptcy was filed In Bs Held Next Month deraon aud Jane Henderson against pruved and tim i ali «lectlun ho lield Is first publlahed In the Spring and Teatamenl uf Edith ( ’. Adame federel court at Portland Wednea of 91448.96. Otto J. Kldaon and Helen E. Eld- in purauiiiii e Iberelu, therefor», District 88— Election N ovem ber'. Th’ *« “ * • “ • » S™Bd deceased, by the Cuunty Court ut day by Thomas P. Morgan, laborer. field Newa on Octuber 22, 1931. Sixteen Lane county road dis­ son, was non-suited I d circuit I. It. M U L K E Y . Admlulatrator, Lane Cuunty, Uregun. All persona Eugene. Liabilities are listed at N O TIC E IH IIE R E B Y G IVEN 14 at Alma to vote on levy of i Jury: R. E. Hill, foreman; C. D. tricts have already presented petl :ourt Monday. having claims against aald eatate 91629.68 and assets none. VanValln, Sam (ashman. Maude L. lim i u meeting ut thè legai rutora In II. B. H LA TTEK Y, Attorney 92191.66. are required tu present tbem. with Koail lilalrlct No. ¡13, In l6, SUMMONS months from Ihe 30th day uf Octo­ ni 3 I* M. un thè It il i day uf Nov ber. 1931, to the aald executor ul In the Circuit Court of the Slate of tory and appraisement of tbe estate ember to vole on proposed special On a charge ot possession of wine iliiber, A. II. 1931, at thè Uiilty N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Harold Hklpwortb la grand ^ury the law office ul L. L. Ray In the or Hans Pederson was filed In pro­ Oregon fur Lane County. Hi lioolhouav III aald Ituuil M atrici, tax levies for road work. Donato Semi of Eugene was fined bailiff. It Is not expected that a JIJLIA VIOLA .K N IG H T , Plaintiff, bate court Thursday. Tbe estate NO TIC E IH HER EB Y G IVEN : Miner llulldlng. Eugene, Oregon lo deteniilne whether aald road di» Of the 81 county districts It l s ! £ ? ‘D JU’ UCe * ° " rt here re‘ “ rl> * ' » be made by tbe A. M. for the hearing of objections weekly newspaper published at ply to the court for the relief aa , District N O T IC E . , . , . , . . , holders of Certificate of Delinou O. E I'lU iW K , County Com­ to aald account and the settlement Hprtngfleld, Lane County, Oregon, prayed for In the complaint, to­ 7 a ‘ ^tn»law school to vote on levy | ency numbered 2638 Issued on the said W. Clyde Fisk and Martha L. OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE Fisk have paid taxes on said pre­ missioner. of aald eatate. by order of the Hon. C. P. Barnard, 14th day of August, 1929, by the mises for prior or subsequent years, ll: That tbe marriage relation of 92594.31. to 2» N 613) Dated thia 16th day of October Judge ul the County Court, I-ane existing betwem the plaintiff and Notice la hereby glveu that by Tax Collector of the County of District 32— Election November with the rate of interest on said County, Oregon, mode October 9th, defendant be dissolved, and such virtu« of an execution and urder 1931. Lane. State of Oregon, for the amounts as follows: N O T IC E TO B ID D E R S E. O. POTTER. Administrator 1931. of aale laaued out uf th« Circuit other relief as to the court may 7 at Herman school to vote on levy uf the Estate of Luells Yarn.: 11 RAY H. W ATSON Attorney appear equitable. 1 ears Gate of 9630.38. Tax Healed blda wlll be received by Court of the Htate of Oregon for Rate of Deseaaed. for Plaintiff. Residence and Tax Paid dpt No. ihe city council, Springfield, Ore­ l*ane County. October 21at, 1931 The order directing tbe service Amount Interest District 37— E action November Post Office address, Eugene, of this summons by the publication 1825 Aug. 16. 1929 33650 gon, on November 2. 1931, at 7:30 upon and purauant to a decree duly PO TTER A H A ILEY, Attorneys. 6.87 12% per at Upper Alpha school to vote (O 15 22-29— N 513) Oregon. 1926 Aug. 14, 192» 33718 I*. M for 913.000 Springfield Re­ given ami made by aald court. thereof is dated August 14th, 1931, 8.62 12% per on levy of 92878.76. 1927 Aug. 14. 1929 32523 funding Honda, tu be dated Novem­ October 20th, 1931 In a ault pend- 7.00 and directs publication once each 12% per Date of first publication, Thursday, Aug. 14, 1929 ber I, 1031 and to mature aerially, | •” * In which L. II. Mulkey waa 27591 District 69— Election November 7.82 week for six successive weeks, 12% per annum October 16. 1931. 1923. 1st half May 5, 1930, hi (hr umouiit of >1000. on Nov 1 plaintiff and Mary K McGregor. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE 12734 2.79 that you appear and answer within 12% per annum 14 at Slltcoos to vote cn levy of Date of last publication, Thursday 1929, 2nd half Nov. 5' 1930 vOibar 1 «t In meh of th® year» I Hachel Walts, Alma Hll»<>n and 44810 2.79 six weeks from date of first publi­ 92679.34. 12% per Notice Is hereby given that by November 12. 1931. 1930, 1st half May 5, 1931 1938 to 1950. Inclusive, aald bund» llllaon her huaband. George Me- virtue of an order uf license Issued 21876 3.36 cation. and the first publication of 12% per (O 1522-29— N 6-12) to hear Intereat at the rate of 0% Gregor and McUregur, hlk out of tbe county court of Lone District 71— Election November said summons Is October 29th. 1931. Said W. H. Hastings and Jennie per annum, payable aeml annually, wife, Jamca McGregor and C N. JOHNSTON, Attorney 7 at Cblckahomfny to vote on levy Hastings, as the owners of the foreclosing the Hen of said taxes county, Oregon, the undersigned SUMMONS and costs against the land and both principal and aemlannual In McGregor, hla wife, O. L. Carlton oa administrator of the Estate of for the P laintiff: Residence of 91402.16. legal title of the above described premises above named. N T H E C IR C IU T CO URT OF T H E tervat payable at the office of tbe aa the administrator of the Estate W illiam H. Herbert, Deceased, will Eugene. Oregon. District 23— Election November ProP€vty as the same appears of S T A T E OF OREGON. FOR This summons is published by City Treasures. Springfield. Ore­ of Frank McGregor deceaaed. and on aud after 10:00 A. M. of Tues­ (O 29— N 5-12-19-28— D 3-19) LANE CQ UNTY. 14 at Unity school to vote on levy each of the. oth* r per order of the Honorable G. F. Skip- R. M Calklna aa adnilnlatrator of day. Nor. 10. 1931, at tbe office of gon , sons above named are hereby fur- Andrew Holton. Plaintiff, vs. worth Judge of the Circuit Court Hale of aald bonds subject to au ' the «alate of Frank McGregor de- S. I). Allen, 877 W illam ette 8L. of ther notified that W. Clyde Fisk NOTICE OF SH ER IFF'S SALE Nellie L. Smith, and J. W. Jami­ of the State of Oregon for the electlon authorising tbe Issue, elei l eased, unknowu belrs of Francis Eugene, Or., offer for sale, and REAL PROPERTY District 19—Election November and Martha L. Fisk will apply to son Defendants. County of Lane and said order was lion to be held October 28. 1931. : It. McGregor. Deceased, were de sell at private sale to tbe highest the Circuit 14 at Oakridge to vote on levy o. ^tZte X e s Court a T f o of i ' the County and made and dated this 22nd day of Only unconditional bids wlll In- I fendants, which execution and or- bidder, lot 1 In block 3, In Che­ To Nellie L. Smith and J W. Jami­ NO TIC E is hereby given that by _______________________ " * decree fore- son. Defendants. October, 1931, and the date of the ■ iiusldereil, but the city wlll fur der uf aale was to me directed and shire's Second Addition to Eugene, P7 ’ P' first publication of this summons IN T H E NA M E O F T H E STA TE virtue of an execution and order of NOTICE OF S H E R IFF'S SALE fin-* nlab the successful bidder with the commanded me to sell the real pro- in lame county, Oregon. Terms of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court R F A i p r o p f r t v above described, and mentioo- OE OREGON You are hereby re­ is the 29th day of October, 1931. approving opinion of Teal. Wlnfree perty hereinafter described to sale, at least one half cash, bal of the State of Oregon for Lane : ed In said certificate. And you are All process and papers In this McCulloch A Shuler, Attorneys , satisfy the sum of 9850 with Inter- ance secured by mortgage on lot. quired to appear and answer the County this 23rd day of October, N O T IC E Is hereby given that by h«feby summoned to appear with- complaint filed against you In tbe proceeding may be served upon the Portland. Oregon. i eat at 8% per annum from Septem- J. F. BERGER. Administrator. above entitled suit wtthln four 1931. upon and pursuant to a decree vlrtue of an execution and order of *n ®ixtY days after the first publi- undersigned residing within the Each bid must be accompanied ber 21. 1929 until paid and 9125 at (O 816-232») week» from the -late of the first duly given and made by said Court sale Issued out of the Circuit Court cation ° f this summons, exclusive State of Oregon at the address by certified check for 9300, as an torneys fees aud coata and dis- da-v said first publication. hereafter mentioned. publication of this summons and if this 22nd day of October. 1931, in of the State of Oregon for Lane evidence of good fulth. i bureuementa of ault taxed at 940-70 a suit pending therein in which W ELLS & W ELLS, Attorneys The City Council re»erves th-' ‘ and coala of aale, I wlll on Friday Estate of O liva Ethel A llg lr», Dee d you fall to st-bear or answer for Joseph Owen and Edna F. Owen County the 28th day of October. and d«fend this action or pay the 1931. upon and pursuant to a de- amount due as above shown, to- want thereof the plaintiff will take for Plaintiffs. the 20th day of November, 1931 righi to reject any litui all blds. Notice la hereby given that M ar­ a decree against you for the relief were plaintiffs and Charles E. cree duly given and made by said with costs and accrued in- Address. Bank of Commerce Bldg., at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. in. at tha C. Key haa filed lu the County I M. P K T E K S O N , Recorder. Lewis and Agnes May Lewis were Eugene. Oregon. Springfield, Oregon. the aoutkwaat door of tbe County Cuurt of the Htate ot Oregon. In as prayed for In the complaint, to- defendants, which execution and Court the 27th day of October, 1931. threat, and in case of your failure In a suit pending therein In which to do 8O' a decree w ill be rendered w lt: a personal decree against (O 29— N 612-19-26) Court House In Eugene, latne Coun­ and for Lane County, ber flual re­ ___________ (O 22 2»> order of sale was to me directed Harold J. Wells was plaintiff and Nellie L. Smith In the sum of ty. Oregon, offer for sale and sell port as executrix uf the last will and commanded me to sell the real George E. Terry, Mary J. Terry, 9809.09 with Interest thereon at at public auction for cash, subject and testament of Olive Ethel All-1 ppr nnnuln from November 3. property hereinafter described to to redemption as provided by law, glre, deceased; and that ten o clock , 930 untl, pald and , „ e further satisfy certain Hens and charges In Mary Terry and C. A. W Intermeler were defendants, which execution all of the right, title and Intereat of In the forenoon og Saturday, the said decree specified, I will on the defondanta of aald ault and 7th day of November, 1931, at tbe sum of 9113.86 with Interest there­ Saturday the 28th day of November, and order of sale was to me di­ of all parties claiming by, through courtroom thereof in Eugene, Ore­ on at S% per annum from Decem­ 1931. at the hour of 10:00 o’clock. rected and commanded me to sell or under them or any of them since gon. have been by the court fixed ber 31. 1930. until paid and tbe A. M., at the southwest door of the real property hereinafter des crlbed to satisfy certain Hens and £ o,mm111ttee at the City Hal1 at 7:30 P. M. Monday, the 1st day of July 1931, In or to and appointed as the time and place farther sum of 9100.00 reasonable the County Court House In Eugene, charges in said decree specified. 1 irv i™ L " , memberi ot the Committee present. W. P. the following described real pro­ for hearing objections tu said re attorney's fees and for costs and I-atie County. Oregon, offer for sale will on Saturday the 28th day of T>®on was elected ChBinnM and C. F. Barber Secretary. The following disbursements of suit. A further perty, to-wit: port and for the final settlement of decree that plaintiff haa a first and sell at public auction for cash, November, 1931, at the .u - v ------- of , — hour one I« ihe Budget estimate for the expenditures and receipts for the Town Lot 2 In block 5 In Cheshire the estate of said deceased. mortgage Hen upon the South 60 subject to redemption as provided o’clock. P. M., at the southwest of Springfield for the year 1932. addition to Eugene, Lone Coun­ by law. all of the right, title and Martbu C. Key, Executrix of ¡feet of Ix>t one Block seven of door of the County Court House ty, Oregon. the Last W ill and Testament. Scott's Addition to the City of Eu interest of the defendants In said In Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, 9 T R E E T IM P R O V E M E N T : Dated tbla 22tid day of October A. E. Wheeler, Attorney of Olive Lumber _______________________ suit and of all parties claiming by. 60.00 gene. Lane County, Oregon; That offer for sale and sell at public 1931. Street Commissioner's Salary __ 1.500.00 through or under them or any of auction for cash, subject to redemp­ Ethel Allgire, Deceased. said lien be decreed to be a first H. L. BOW N. Sheriff, Labor on streets ......... ... ............... 530.00 (O 8 16-22 29— N 6) lien and superior and prior to the them since the 13th day of October. tion as provided by law. all of the lly A E. HULEG AARD, Deputy. Crushed Rock ......... ...... ........... 1928. In or to the following des­ right, title and Interest of the de­ 300.00 lien of the aforesaid J. W. Jami­ (O 22-2E -N 6 12-1») Cement alley crossings 50.00 cribed real property, to-wit: son; that plaintiff’s Hen be fore­ fendants in said suit and of all NO TICE TO CREDITO RS Cutting weeds ________ Beginning at the Southeast 200.00 N O T IC E closed and said premises sold In parties claiming by. through or un­ Notice Is hereby given that the Surveying streets ......... corner of Section Twenty (20) der them or any of them in or to 75.00 OF FIN A L S E T T L E M E N T undersigned have been appointed the manner provided by law and Equipment and supplies Township Eighteen (18) South of 100.00 the proceeds applied, first to the the following described real pro­ Sewer pipes .................... In the County Court for the (Mate Executor und Executrix of the es­ Range Five West of the W illam ­ perty, to-wit: 75.00 tate of Mary E. Jewett, deceased, payment of costs, then to the Judg­ Incidentals ....................... of Oregon for I-ane County. ette Meridian, thence North along 250.00 ment aforesaid specified In favor Lot Five (5) in Block Two fX) In the M atter of the Estate uf by the County Court of Intne Coun­ the East line of said Section in Rees Addition to Eugene. Lane ty, Oergun. All persons having of the plaintiff and the balance to Mary J. Bowen, deceased. 1393 chains, thence West 27.06 3 3.130.00 the aforesaid J. W. Jamison unless County. Oregon. Notice Is hereby given that the clulniH Hgutusl said estate are here­ chains, thenre South 11.39 chains, otherwise determmed by the court Dated this 28th day ot October, POLICE D E P A R T M E N T : undersigned, admlulatrator of the by notified to present the same, and that the defendants be fore­ thence West 2 chains, thence 1931. Chief of Police at 3137.50 per month 1.650.00 Estate of Mury J Bowen, deceased, properly verified to the undersign­ closed of all right, title and inter­ South 2 chains, thence East H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. One Nightwatchman at 3105.00 per month 1.260.00 has filed his flmtl account In the ed. at the office of Wells & Wells, est In said premises excepting the 29.08 chains to the place of begin­ By A. A. HULEG AARD. Deputy. Extra help, supplies and expenses ... ...... . 205.00 County Court, for IT 612-19 26) State of Oregon, and that the Court Bldg., Eugene, Lane County, Ore­ other relief as to the court may quarter of the Northeast quarter 3 3,115.00 has fixed (he 10th day of Nov­ gon, within six months from the appear equitable.. The date of the of Section 29. Township 18 South ember. 1931 at eleven o'clock In the date of the first publication of this order directing tLe service of this of Range 6 West of the W illam ­ NOTICE OF S H ER IFF'S SALE ON F IR E D E P A R T M E N T : forenoon aa the time and the office notice. ette Meridian, in Ijtn e County, E XEC U TIO N IN FORECLOSURE Fire Chief at 3125.00 per month 1,500.00 Date of first publication. Oct. summohs by the publication there­ Notice Is hereby given that by of the County Judge of Raid Ijtn e Oregon. Soda and acid ............................... of la dated October 20th, 1931. and 50.00 virtue of an execution and order County. Oregon. In said County In 22nd. 1931. Dated this 23rd dav of October. Extra help ................. .................... required publication thereof once 100.00 N. Scott Jewett, Executor. of sale in foreclosure Issued out of Eugene as tbe place for bearing 1931. Laundry _____________________ each week for four successive 10.00 Clara A. Morrow. -Executrix. the Circuit Court of Lane County. und »eltling said final account and H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. Supplies ___________ _______ ___ weeks. Date of first publication. 50.00 Wells A Wells, Attorneys. Oregon, on the 28th day of October. for hearing objections there to. By A. E. HULEG AARD, Deputy. Telephone _____________ __ ___ Hi tober 22nd, 1932. 24.00 |O 22 29— N 5-12-19) 1931. in a suit wherein on the 22nd All persona having objections to (O 29— N 5-12 19-261 C. A. W INTKKM E1KK. day of October. 1931. A. P. Rosen- the allowance of said final account Attorney for Plaintiff. Resi­ 3 1,734 00 dall recovered Judgment against are hereby noMfl -d and required N O T IC E O F S A L E RECORDER'S SALARY dence: Eugene. Oregon. ..» 900.00 Oscar A. Vitus and Rosa A. Vitus. o ffic e S n nn iiM to preaent and file tbe same on or N O TIC E la hereby given that by OF REAL ESTATE (O 22-29— N 5 12-19) 100.00 ..... — tiefore the time for said bearing. virtue of an execution and order his wife, defendants for the sum of t b p » « i ’ b v 8 a n »¿’w IN T H B CO UN TY CO URT OF .3 180.00 Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this of sal«* Issued out of the Circuit 31300 0« with interest at the rate T H E 8 T A T E OF OREGON FOR 3 240.00 ■ 1st day of October, 1931. IN T H F 1 'I H r U I T C O U R T O F T H F ('‘’ " ’H1 ° ' 8 t “ t e ° f O r*‘K° n f ° r of 7 per cent per annum from the ' LIG H T S & W A TER : T H E CO U N TY O F LANE. IN I-ane County. September 28, 1931. 5th day of August. 1924. and for RALPH 8EA R 8. Administra­ Lights: Mountain State Power Company, PROBATE NO. 6671. S T A T E O F OREGON JGR T H E upon and pursuant to a decree duly the sum of »34.47 for taxes, and tor of the Estate of Mary J. Lights for streets and public buildings. IN T H E M A TTER O F T H E ES­ (.O U N T Y O r L A N E given and made by said court Sept- for the sum of 3150.00 as attorney's Bowen, deceased. 12 months ...................................................... j 2,114.00 T A T E of E L IJA H C. 8T U M A N , Roy G. Cairns, Plaintiff, VS. Tex ember 22. 1931, in a suit pending fees herein, and the costs and dis C. H. SEDG W ICK, Creswell, W ater: Mountain States Power Company, Deceased. Mead «nt! Sarah A, Mead, his w(,lch Henry Yunker, as Execu- bursements herein in the sum of Oregon, Attorney for Estate. fire hydrants, street cleaning, public Notice Is hereby given that in (O 8-16 32 29; N 5, f01- ° f Estate of John Yunker, de- »31.70. which Judgment was en­ buildings, 12 months ........... ................... 3 1,150.00 pursuance of an order duly given TO T E X M EAD AN D SARAH ceased, was plaintiff and Sue M. rolled and docketed in the Clerk's and made by the above entitled A. MEAD. ABOVE NA M ED D E Dorris, Allle M. Smith, J. I. Jones. office of said Court in said County ¡ N O T IC E O F S A L E O F R E A L Court on October 6, 1931. In the DENDANTB: 3 3,254.00 «. and ^ls wife, Gertrude Jones. Mah- on the 23rd day of October. 1931. . PROPERTY matter of the estate ot Elijah C. 1N T H K NA M E OF T H E STA TE Inn II. H ill and hla wife. Clara B and said execution to me directed T O W N LIB R A R Y: In the M atter of the Estate of Stuman, deceased, 1, the under­ O F OREGON, You are hereby re- H ill were defendants, which execu- commanding me in the name of the , Services, rent, wood, supplies and expenses 843.00 signed adnilnlatrator ot the said qulred to uppear and answer the tlon and order of sale was to me State of Oregon, in order to satisfy A N N U A L C L E A N U P Mnry 1. E. Hurlburt, Deceased. 90.00 Notice Is hereby given that In estate wlll sell at private aale to complaint filed against you In the directed and commanded me to said Judgment. Interest, taxes at H E A L T H O FFIC ER : Salary. 12 months 3 160.00 pursuiince of an order of the Coun­ the highest bidder for cash at my above entitled Court and cause on sell the real property hereinafter torney's fees, costs of suit, and ac- A D V E R TIS IN G 3 100.00 ty Court of Lane County, State of office, Suite 10, 717 W illam ette or before the 29th day of October, described to satisfy the sum of crtiing costs to sell the following ¡ CARE OF POOR 10.00 Oregon, made oil the 30th day of Street, Eugene. Lane County, Ore­ 1931, said date being more than 24000 with interest therein at 6% described real property, to-wlt: ¡F U E L : City Hall. 12 months..................................... 50.00 September, 1931, In the matter ot gon. and subject to the confirma­ four weeks from the date of the per annum from December 29. 1930. Beginning at the Southwest | M U N IC IP A L AIR PO R T 50.00 the estate of Mary I. B. Hurlburt. tion of said Court, boglnnlug on F ri­ first publication of this summons until paid, and 3400 attorneys fee corner of the Geo. W. Evans Do­ A U D ITIN G Recorder's and Treasurer s Books one year 200.00 'deceased, the undersigned, duly ap­ day, November 6, 1931, at the hour anil herein entered of record and If and costs and disbursements and nation Land Claim No. 46, Notif. IN D U S T R IA L AC CIDENT Compensation 200.00 pointed, qualified and acting ad- of 10 o'clock A. M., all the right, you fall so to appear and answer costs of sale. I will on Friday the No. 2935, in Township 16 South EM ERG ENCY F U N D ........ 622.71 I mlnlstrator of said estate, will on title, Interest and estate ot the said for want thereof the plaintiff will 30th day of October, 1931. at the of Range 4 West of W illam ette IN T E R E S T ON BONDED INDEB TED NESS: and after the 31st day nt October, Elijah C. Stuman, deceased, at the apply to the Court for the re lie f! hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at the south- Meridian, Oregon, and running General Improvement. First Issue »20.000.00. 3 1.200.00 A. D„ 1931, offer for sale and sell time of his death, being an entire in his complaint against you de­ west door of the County Court thence East along the South line General Improvement. Second Issue 20,000.00. 1,200.00 nt private aale for cash or for caRh Interest, In and to the real estate manded, to-wlt: of skid claim 1164 feet, thence For a Judgment House In Eugene. latne County, Ore­ Refunding Funds, Due 1944. »50.000.00 3.000.00 hereinafter described, and all the mid credit, according to law, the North 0* 8’ East 1025.1 feet, and decree against Tex 'Mead and gon, offer for sale and sell at pub­ Refunding Bonds. »60,000 00 ................. 3,000.00 following described real property right, title and Interest that the Sarah A. Mead, his wife, for the lic auction for cash, subject to re­ thence North 89' 30' West 1147.7 Improvement Bonds, 1927 Issue, » 8,050.56 483.03 said estate has acquired by opera­ belonging to said estate, and all feet to the West line of said sum of 234.00 with Interest thereon demption as provided by law, all Improvement Bonds. 1928 Issue, »12.500.00 750.00 tion of law or otherwise. In and the right, title and Interest of ths claim, thence along said West and the costs and disbursements of the right, title and Interest of the Bond Sinking Fund ............................................. 8,000 00 to all ot that certain tract ot real deceased therein, to-wlt: line South O’ 29' West 1035 feet of this suit and accruing costs and defendants In said suit and ot all The W tt of the W t t of the N. estate In Lane County, Oregon, for Fifty Dollars as attorney's fees. parties claiming by. through or to the place of beginning, con-1 »17,633.03 bounded and described as follows, talnlng 27.38 acres of land In B. except a 40 font strip to For a decree that the mortgage of under them or any of them since to-wlt: Lane County, all In Section 33 the Geo. W. Evans donation land 1 Gross Estimated Expenditures the plaintiff be foreclosed and the the 1st day of September. 1931, In 3334II.74 Township 18, South Range 3 West Beginning at a point 30 links real property covered thereby sold or to the following described real claim In Lane County, State of _ Oregon, except roadway. A N T IC IP A T E D R EVEN UES: of the W illam ette Meridian con­ west of the west line of the W il­ by the Sheriff of lutne County. Ore­ property, to-wtt: Licenses, pool and billiard halls, etc. 700 no taining 40 acres of land. In Lane liam H. Fisher D. L. C. No. 38, In gon. and the proceeds of said sale Now. therefore. In the name o f 1 Beginning at the Northwest Fines. 12 months ......................... 360.00 County, State of Oregon. Township 19 South In Range One he applied In payment of said Judg­ corner of the John P. Eddins D. the State of Oregon, in compliance 1 Road Funds, 12 m o n th s ..................... 2,000 00 (1) west ot the W illam ette M eri­ ment. Also the E ft of NW14 of NE14 L. C. No. 53 In section one town­ with said execution and order of ¡ of N E ’4, Section 33, Township 18, dian, Lane County, Oregon, loca­ ship seventeen south of range sale and in order to satisfy said This summons is served upon 3 2,600 00 South Rnnge 3 West of the W ll- ted 30 links west of and thence you by publication thereof In the four west of the W illamette Judgment. Interest, taxes, attorneys South 1 degree and four minutes Springfield News, pursuant to an Inmette Meridian, containing 30 meridian; thence running south fees, costs of suit and accruing T O T A L N E T E X P E N D ITU R E S (Proposed Tax Levy) 329881.74 acres of land, In Lane County, west 7.33 chains from the north­ order of the Honorable C. P. Ber-| 24.20 chains on the west line ot costs. I w ill on Saturday, the 28th west corner of said D. L. C. No. nard, Judge of the County Court ot State of Oregon. said D. L. C. claim to the north­ day of November, 1931, at the hour The Common Council, sitting as a lev Ina board will meet. That aald sale wlll take place at 38; and thence run west 1.40 the State ot Oregon for the County west corner of Survey No. 98; of 2 o'clock In the afternoon ot said Thursday, November 19th, 1931, at the City .,11 In i pringft-ld at Ihe chains; thence run south I de­ of Lane, duly made and entered of Ihe office of A. J. McKy at the cor thence east 30 chains more or day, at the Southwest front door of hour of 5:30 P. M. where and when any and all taxpa\ a of the Town the County Court House. In Eu­ gree and four minutes west 7.00 record on the 25th day of Septem ner of W illam ette street and Eighth less to the east line of aald claim; of Springfield shall be heard In favor of or against such proposed tax chains to the center of the coun­ ber, 1931, ordering that this sunt thence north 5.00 chains to the gene. Lane County, Oregon, offer levy or any part thereof. Avenue East In Eugene, Lane Coun- tor sale and sell for cash, at public ty road known as the M ilitary mone be published once each week southerly northeast corner of I ty, Oregon. said claim; thence north 25 de­ auction, subject to redemptlcn as Adopted by the Committee this October 28th, 1931. Road; thence run southeasterly for six consecutive and successive This notice Is published In the along the center of the said road weeks In the Springfield News and W P. TYSON, Chairman of the Budget Committee. grees West 17 chains; thence provided by law, all of the right, Springfield News, a weekly new«- V. J. DA NIELS. to a point 30 links west of the that the date of the first publication west 23.32 chains to the place of title and interest of said defend­ I (taper of general circulation, pub­ O. H. JA R R E T T , ants. Oscar A. Vitus and Rosa A. west line of said D. L. C. No. 38 w lll be with the Issue of October beginning, containing 60 acres lished at Springfield, Lane County, C. A. 8W A R T 8 , and thence run north from the 1st, 1931, and the date of the last more or less, In Lane County, Vitus, his wife, and all persons ! Stnte of Oregon. Date of first pub­ claiming by, through or tinder them W. A. TAYLOJl, center ot said road a distance of publication wlll be with the Issue Oregon. lication being the l t t of October, W. N. LONG, 7.29 chains to the place ot begin­ of October 29th, 1931. Dated this first day ot October, or any or either 01 them In and 1931. F. B. FLANERY, to said premises. ning, being one acre ot land. DR. ELLA MEADE BEA TRICE W AS8OM, Admin­ FRAN K A. DePUE, Attorney 1931. H. L. BOW N, Sheriff. F. Q. FRE8E, H. B. S L A T TE R Y . Administra­ H. L. BOWN. Sheriff, istratrix of the estate of Mary for Plaintiff, Residence, Spring- Optometrist By A. A. HU LEG AARD. Deputy. ROY W. CARLTON, tor. By W. W. EDM ISTO N , Deputy. I. E. Hurlburt, deceased. field, Oregon. ROAO district ! ELECTIONS SET Business Directory New Grand Jury Now in Session Budget of the Town of Springfield For 1932 ..... » FUL.-VITE A BEAIJTIFVI« FRAMK q u i l t d ifflp ren l FR O ÌI ALL O T H E R S 41 Wes* 8th Bugen« 1 (O 1-8-16-33-39) (0 S-1S-U-W-2-N 6) (O 1-8-1M M ») (O 1-8-1623-2») (O 39—N 6-13-19-3«) C. F. BARBER, Secretary.