uowtwA Äiwr THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published E very Thursday at Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by *e THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H . E. M A X E Y , Editor Entered THURSDAY. OCTOBER 29. 1 ?>:t I TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS PACK TWO as second XM> v R i 6 m T lOSi T X t AUTHOR class m atter. February 14, 1*03. at the poatoftlce, Springfield, Oregon. M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E One Yenc Hi Advance .......... .. »1.16 T hree Months S jg W d T Ilh s ................... ....... ..........»1 00 Single Copy 75c 5c T H U R S D A Y , O C TO B ER 2». 1*31 WILLAMETTE HIGHWAY NOT APPRECIATED It looks to us that the reason that work is not to con­ tinue on the Willamette highway above Oakridge this next year is because the federal bureau of roads appropriation is to be used elsewhere by the Oregon slate highway de­ partment. We teel that the engineers and other people in the state do not see the real importance of the Wiilamette highway. Portland should be alter this road ahead of some of her routes to the sea if she appreciates its true worth. In effect Klamath Palls and south central Oregon have been a part of the San Francisco trading area. The building of the railroad from Bend has changed this somewhat but it will take a first class highway to really break California s strangle hold on this territory. The Willamette highway when completed will put Klamath Falls 80 miles closer to Portland by motor, if Portland were awake to this ad­ vantage she would be working for the Willamette highway. .<>- ------ NEW FEDERAL BUILDING IN SIGHT Eugene is to have the help of Congressman W. C. Hawley in securing a new postoft'ice building. The con­ gressman is against further additious on the old building aud no doubt ii Eugene makes the proper showing it will get a new building. In the postofiice appropriations is carried a $260,000 item for the Eugene postoffice, but it is believed that a new federal building here sufficient to take care of both the postofiice and forestry service will cost more mouej. Mr. liawley secured the first allotment aud no doubt he will be able to have it increased if the postoffice department is favorable thereto. THE WORKER AND THE LAND Under the wonderfully stable government which has been set up in Czechoslovakia since the war, the industrial workers have a greater sense of security than in any other country, including our own. When this new nation was formed out of territory which used to be part of Austria, a little more than twelve years ago, its people chose lor their president Professor Masaryk of Columbia University, New York. A native of what used to be called “Bohemia,” he had been laboring for years for his country's independence. When his people finally were uoerated by the Treaty ot Versailles and he became their leader, he surrounded himself with strong, intelligent men aud began to worn out a system w hereby every man in the nation should be independent One of the first things the new nation did was to take over all of the huge estates, many of them owndd by citizens of other countries, and divide them up into small farms, which were sold or rented to families which had never been able to hold land before. The next thing was to organize the industries of the nation, with the result that Czechoslova­ kian efiiciency 'is lamous throughout Europe. President merely took American experts over there and had them show the manuiacturers of that country American methods. But the most important variation from the American system is a provision whereby every industrial worker will eventually have at least one acre of land surrounding his home. This has been accomplished in many of the indus­ trial centers and it is only a question of time when it will be the rule throughout Czechoslovakia. The avowed purpose is to refuse employment to any man of family who will not agree to live on one of these tracts. There are several lessons we could learn Pom a closer study of some of the smaller nations of Europe. The princi­ pal one which all of them have to teach, however, is that you cannot separate the mass of the people very far from the land without subjecting them to unnecessary risks. And the next one is that when every worker is a landowner there is no danger of revolution. Commissioner Spaulding takes a dig at the engineering department of the highway commission. He says it is a closed corporation and one is supposed not to cross it be­ cause some valuable man will be lost. However, he re­ marks that Oregon is paying larger wages than most states to these engineers and he can not believe they are going to run away from their jobs here. We can't figure out whether Mr. Spaulding expects to do some house cleaning in the department or is just trying to put the boys on their toes and perhaps get a little more work done. Anyhow he is Governor Meier’s man and must be listened to. >BRUC NEEDED! I left my family in Eranee and started back across the ocean, alone. There was none of the thrill that usually comes with heading toward America, none of the joy of coming home. For a couple of days I was depressed! Everything I cared for was behind me; I was sailing into silence. Theii one day the wireless spoke. “Have arranged the following appointments for you,” by partner wired. “Tuesday after your arrival, Baltimore. Wednesday. Pittsburgh; Thursday, Friday, Chicago. Best wishes. Please confirm.” Immediately came a feeling of relief and cheer. "I have work to go back to.” I exclaimed. Duties are waiting to keep me alert and a little worried and on my toes.” I was relating the incident to the chairman of the board of a large corporation. “I know just how you felt,” he said. “I've organized our company so well tliat I’ve almost organized myself out of a job. But every now and then a really big problem comes along, and the boys have to send for me. A hurry call came to my home from Chicago last Sunday, and I had to leave on an hour’s notice. My wife thought it was a hardship, and of course I let her believe that we men lead terrible lives. But all the way out on the train my spirit was sing­ ing: ‘Somebody wants me, I have work to do.’ ” Joseph Medill was asked: “What is the greatest pleasure of your life?” "To feel I am at play when I am at work,”he ans­ wered. G I* m< presents work as a curse inflicted on htW, We know in these times of unem­ ploymeikjUow rai ty ha it conception is To wake up In th» i g and wonder: “Where shall I go today? What shall do?.” That is the curse. America b mo.^i important prob , is not education, not the government regulation of bu ¡w, not even prohibi- tlon. Our real task is to work out • ic economic system by which we can provide honetf jol for all the people all the time. , Every iiiuu and woman is entitled to the gloriotiB self- respect which comes from being able to say: “Thauk God, I have a place. I am needed.” COUNTY PAYS COURT DIVORCE DECREE VERDICT FOR LAND GRANTED BY COURT w* RUMBU TENTH INSTALMENT R ackrulf M o tu ,, k ir t Rowena to aeeoni pany re tc r on a n a t io n « . Je tour m then i 1st* as an ad » s i.^ xtunt A i th« last in .t« L tt'e Bobby i* engaged to get aa dN 4*ro*« A lew ird e * out H> bby I n i t e s tearful weelheait and br>itg n i fro n Rowt i a i , o n ta< I hrt plate tu th« di' with Fete: and r w r b Hr »> hare utit- alv ui < . ’ ter K wena t to c.v through Bubal», t h cugo anti S r i- « • Rowena h ...« m ain tirta on th« nay while t art«« ke.-pa w iring Hobby to re»u t \< York. 11« m ar wing «fter they <■ n Dc-,»et, I ’c «r «m l Rowena dis cover H • »»> ha* ¡o c itc d th«»n and r e tim e d to New Yvr< by tra m They are faced with the uujw • ible vendition <•( continuing thetr trip wit he ut a vhipeion Rowena »uggcMs to Peter that th«y make a “ comi«ani. na;e" m arriage H e y ar« mar ried and go t t he venue, where their action«, when they ask for looms on separate floors, arouses the «uspktona of the hotel cl«rh. The* Anally succeed in getting rooms, but not without exciting the laughter of the hotel loungers. They w ire the they have been married. They icsumc the trip the next day and are overwhelmed by a cloudburst u arroyo and are throw n out of the car. A campers gives them dry clothes and food. Spokane it Anally reached and the hotel clerk smiles when they reg­ ister They find R ackruff M otors have arranged a public reception and dance for them. They are deluged w ith presents. N O W GO O N W IT H T H E S T O R Y s e e I ruff to find out where I could catch "That sounds good," said Rowena you, and here I ant. Oh. dart ng». meekly. "Two." 1 p ve been ao unhappy and it 1» to She hoped Peter could not t«U _ . y °u from her voice how the very thought They were none too well pleased o f it made her mouth water. about it. Robby was an expensive “W ell, there's one nice thing about addition to tile party, seemed doubly traveling trio.“ said Rowena “ You expensive now that they could dis­ know just what to expect of every town. A bed. and food, and no ad­ pense with her presence. It did not clear the atmosphere ventures. It seems a bit smug after when they found waiting a telegram the life of adventure Peter and I from the comivuty with peremptory have lived.” orders to send her hack at once. Bobby said nothing at all She wee It said it was better publicity for brooding painfully over the probable the roadster to have the bridal couple state of affairs in New York and her continue their honeymoon alone heart was wrung with doubts Bobby said it was none of their There was no letter for her at the business what she did. that she was hotel in Loe Angeles end she wilted responsible only to Carter. Was the visibly Six illvurt-e decrees and one an nulnient were leeued by J u d |e U F Sklpw orth In circuit court Thure day. T he following are the divorce de­ crees. Ina T . G a rre tt from her husband Guy G a rre tt; G ertrude W yud G ranger from her husband j Vernon G ranger; the p la in tiff le given her form er name of Wynd. i L illia n A. Johns from her husband ! Edward I* Johns; Ralph Warren i from Ills w ife llcssle W arren | P la in tiff given custody of two chll | (Iron; M ary C. Ilambrlrk from her husband F. M H am b rick; Helen Roberts from her husband W a lter Roberts. The divorce of L illia n Blagel and Raymond Single was annulled ASSESSORS MEET AT CORVALLIS NOV. Annual mewling of the Oregon State Assessor's association w ill be field at Corvallis Novem ber t and 6, according to word received by Ren F. Keeney, assessor of Lane. The assessors following the close of the Corvallis nieetlug w ill go to ; Salem Io meet Novem ber 5 w ith the state tax commission. C, L. Tall-1 man. assessor iff Renton county, Is J president of the state association. It was indeed very plain what they thought about Peter. The friendly, admiring smiles with which they said good-by to Rowena froxe into cold disapproval in their curt nods to Peter He felt quite cut up over it all “ Don't you care.” said Rowena. “When they find out how things “I'm sorry, but you’re all three under arrest.” realiv are, they’ll be so mad at me fo r fooling them that they'll rebound your wav and think you're quite the going to let any ten-cent company It was probably her absorption in give her orders ? Certainly not 1 H er her personal grief which kept her nuts “ “W e ll,” said Peter, "there’s one arrangement with Rowena had been from sensing i t the first moment, as for the entire tour and for the entire the others did, that something was img i has happened to us now. From des­ tour she would continue. wrong So Rowena retired to the rumble ert sands to mountain mud. from Peter registered for all three, and although Peter insinuated the clerk instead of consulting the separate floors to bridal suite, we’ve teat, run the gamut o f the unexpected. strongly that he was not vitally in­ room chart as clerks are supposed Nothing will surprise me after this.” terested in the details of the falling- to, turned without a word and went "Me, either,” agreed Rowena. ’T v e out with Carter into the adjoining office. used up the very last of my surprise South to Portland proceeded the “Peter,” whispered Rown,a. “I sensations. No matter what happens. thoroughly chaperoned bridal party. don’t like that clerk. He looks like Tm expecting i t " It was in Portia.. 1 that Bobby who the worst sort of manager to me I But they were bot'i wrong In ­ had been delighted into genuine hys- don't like this hotel either. I have credihle as it seemed at the moment, terics over their cav account of the developed a sixth sense about hotels. they were due for many more sur- big doings in Spokane, demanded to Let's go somewhere else oriauur denouements and more sen- see the wedding presents. Peter “Oh, that’s all imagination.” said n tlo nal ones. Even climatic condt- brought out the cocktail shaker and Peter, uncomfortably aware that « tions conspired to add to their the cigarette lighter and Rowena was not imagination and that Sow- discomfiture. showed her the watch and the candy ena was right about i t The sky had been overcast for box with the kissing Cupids.— It was gut tj,e cierfc ^,,1, ( rom hours, and a heavy downpour of rain the last time Rowena showed that inner office at that nt. llUB. t was followed by a steady, dishearten- watch for a good many weeks. She [ moned a boy, and immediately ' the» mg drizzle that showed no signs of left it in extremely safe deposit— were on their way up. Rowena and diminution. for a consideration— right there in Bobby shared a targe double room They smiled at each other after a Portland. with Peter in a single one adjoining, terrible day and in friendly com­ They gave Bobby a lurid account the bathroom between. He was radely quiet pulled slowly up to the of the desperate strait in which she thickly lathering hie hands with soap hotel. left them, and how Rowena conceived to get rid of his accumulation o f "Just ask for two singles,” advised the bright idea of getting married as motor oil and California dust when Rowena. “And if they give us ad­ a sop to the requirements of society. there was a knock at the door and joining ones we can't help it. We've Bobby said she always did think Rowen, opened it to admit thr, got Spokane to fall back on.” JU‘* tO° diV" f°r m‘n’ °n* tht m,n*ier of hoUt They followed the boy with their woNs“ "But aren't you Just as married as I ' Blxnds her»?“ bags into the hotel lobby. And the room it over there H e’s M first thing they saw there was little if you really were married?" ah*I the bath now, I think." brown Bobby Lowell sitting all asked interestedly hunched up in the biggest upholstered “Not at all. W e’re juat pretending ‘'Call him in, will you?" chair in sight. that way. In fact we're the same old ) “Peter I” Rowena called at the "Bobby 1” they cried. “You little maids and bachelors we always1 closed door "Can you come in a duck, you 1 Where did you come were.” ¡minute?" from? Where are you going? W hat "Isn’t it too bad you are both so a .,.. in the world are you doing here?" disagreeable?" said Bobby lweetly I " ’ «r can»« »» on<*. the towel still Bobby dimpled, wept and giggled, " If you were just a little nicer you M , ,, kissing them both again and again could fall in love with each other .. ch* rfull7- n o w -y o u know, they write best sell-! . - r t . ! . ,5 . . with complete impartiality. “ ’“ ° W- "You angels !’’ she said. "I've been e r. about men falling in love with their wives— and it would be too ro- A ^ - you P i,er ao lonesome and I'm so glad to be "I most certainly back with you again. I feel like a mantic for words I” T s one of these ladles your wife?" poor little lonesome orphan that juat "Thank God we’re not nice then," I "Yss This lady— Ron □wena— is my said Rowena. "W ith the example found out it is a Smith I” “W here’s Carter? Is it your honey­ before us o f you and Carter in love _ moon ?" and all It leads to, Peter and I have .,M 7° - u i N ° . hy my maiden name. I The small brown nose uptilted it­ entirdy too much sense to be any- filing but enemies " 7 rl‘ er “ d UM n,m e for pr° - self to a very haughty angle. In San Francisco Peter found, e* v On* . xi i< "Never mention his name to me are bl' w lf* again,” she said thickly. “I never Rowena was starring her,elf to send1. Yo11 • dmh ,h“ _____ i v v - - . however r want to see him again as long as I monay back East. “Absolutely elv," said Rowena. liv e ” H e had suspected that she wa, in "C arter! You never want to see debt Evidently her creditors were even brag about i t "W hy, they gave them the bridal Carter? Oh. you can't mean Carter I” pushing her hard. He went abruptly protected Rowena, who simply could out to the little park where they were suite in Spokane.” put in Bobby helpfully not conceive of a Bobby with no mapping the pictures. "Ye es. we heard about that, Ara Carter at the tip of her tongue. "You must have enougl you Miss Lowell?" “I f a just not possible!” "W e ’re both dead tired "Yes Roberta Lowell." " It is possible— it’s a fact. A ll is o ff" "W ell, I ’m sorry, but you’re under over between us for ever and ever. Rowena's smile was grateful, arrest. A ll three of you W e have That's why I came to go on the rest am tired,” she confessed. When they got in the roadster to c“ mp,* ! n' a* a,n»t 7OU from Ne* of the .rip wi-h you.” "But see here,” said Peter sternly, return to the hotel he said in a voice Y or,’i . T h 7 ,ay y? U 7 ,not ma,'r,í<, ?” • » « '" '" ’ K under false pretenses “you can’t just be on and off with so offhand and unconcerned that if ,0 h.°.,d Xou ‘ J7 us like that. You left us in a terrible she had not been so vitally interested and, wa" ‘ hole, running off the way you did in his words the must surely have I >"’" 7 keeping this young lady by _»• suspected tome hidden prompting Z'. 'C0 0 ". a.nd ,fla‘ T °u have » demor" usjgscti » s a l l i t 1 I 1 G U C II U I U 1 1 I U U H « . t- »I " I knew I had done wrong.” said the w .y ,_ I go, the expense O f course we’re n o tlp ? ? wina and Peter «,owe«*d Bobby, “and to I said the best thing money to-day to do was to come straight back as supposed to have it till Monday bu, ” Vihby. ' - /h “W ha a t ” they demanded sternly, fast as I could. T hat’s why I didn’t I cashed the check so you may as "does send back the money I borrowed, well have yours.” , this . mean’ , ” , . . .. „ .. hai " f ,he f " n,e” ,d?1!' ,aid ”P-Peter I" gasped Rowena. And „ “I ’ hav' Peter. I needed it to come back on.” - of her hand nnicktv Bohbv never saw anythin« u, hecause . , . v But nfide «„7 any embarrassing u details, simply overjoyed to have me hack he needn’t h iv e worried Rowena ’ ^at Jav out there and at his tn- and then in about an hour we got to shuddered her own worries dication they turned and saw a uni- talking about it and he go, m adder, " I ’m hungry as the deuce." he said ’ nrrn«'1 woman on 'J the corrl- and madder and said he really didn’t "T^t’s see if we can find a good chop dn.r ’ !’ * th?lr ,hat know whether he wanted to ruin his houae and get a decent steak” ' adV from the Juvenile . C o urt future by marrying a woman who Rowena never said a word about She w '" ,ake char* e of you' had no more sense than that. So ¡soup. For himself Peter ordered the naturally I broke the engagement a n d ; thickest, juiciest steak they could get I p J W x 11? I gave him back his ring I put my their hands on, and plenty o f "French I vGBtlllUed llCXt WCCK thing, in my hag and called up Rack- friedl." J along as they are, but if the gover nor is seriously ill, and if his chances for recovery would be In­ T h e Sentinel la not greatly con creased by his relinquishm ent of eerned w hether G overnor M elei the duties of chief executive, there I could be no objection to bis resig- does hi» voting on the board of con­ tro l In person or by proxy, bo long 1 nation, fo r his successor would be aa hl» acta are found to be legal W illa rd M arks of Albany, president and the state's business is being i o f the senate and an able public of properly attended to, but It begins ficial. Being governor of Oregon seems to appear that the governor la not lik e ly to be able to give to the pub­ to bring disaster. In recent years lic ’s business the attention th a t he two governors have died in office, was expected to give to It. Instead a nominee for governor has died, of getting the business adm inis­ (be incum bent is seriously ill and tratio n that we expected and need­ several have le ft the office in seri­ ed. If the governor la to rem ain a ous financial difficulties. sick man, we are lik e ly to bave less of a business adm inistration SECOND HALF TAXES than we have ever had. ARE DUE NOVEMBER 5 Second h a lf tax payments are due Novem ber 6 a t the tax collec­ tion departm ent of the s h e riff’s o f­ fice. A fte r that date a penalty of two-thlrds of one-percent a month w ill be charged. T he firs t h alf taxes are due each year on M ay 6. Appraisors are Appointed — W. W. Calkins, M arie O ’N e ill and Lenora D illa rd have been appointed appraisors of the estate o f W illia m Neal O viatt. Check for »3134.60 was Issued by Lane county Friday In paym ent for land of Viola Lee P ratt for right DAMAGES SOUGHT AS of way for the Oregon Coast high RESULT OF ACCIDENT wav at the north »nd of the county. T he check follows result of a Gì iterai damages of »75OU und lawsuit In Renton county lust week apeelal dnmugva tntnllug »330 are when a Jury returned a verdict of sought In a sull filed In circuit »3t)00 for the defendant land owner court by Charles W, Liles, uged seven years, through his guardian FORMER CALIFORNIA . V irg il L. Idles. II Is alleged the uoy was Injured FARMER BUYS LAND through the carelessness of John George E .J h nnelt who form erly Stiellsirom aud M ary Hiinllalrom In had a farm al Arbuckle. Cal., la a chi accident neur Veneta October now an Oregonian uiid likes Ibis 1. The l»d was at ruck while he was crossing the road on his way home area very much. M r Iboinett was at the office of from school. COLD WEATHER GAS Y’iolot liny tind General Kthyl gunolinett «re the fuels io use in your motor these cold inorninRM. Sturts quickly anti goes farther than ortllnitry gus. We we proud to rocotniueod it to you Tills station is equipped to service and repair your automobile at the most reasonable prices. UA” Street Service Station PROGRAM OF COUNTY CLERKS TO BE TOPIC To discuss w ith officers of the county clerk's aaaoclatlon ot Ore­ gon the program for the annual convention to be held al Portland { Novem ber 13 to 14 Inclusive, W a lte r H D illard, la n e county clerk and president of the state group, will be at Albany Wednesday. The county clerks w ill meet at the same tim e at Portland as ihe ; county Judges and commissioners W rinkles Tell Tales of Advaueiug Age hut our Creams, Face Powders and Other Beauty Aids will deviate the ravages of time, ao to s|teak. Our advice based on our many years’ ex­ perience Is free for the asking. Ketel’s Drug Store In N e w Store Main, Near Fifth NEW NOTI ROAD SPAN IS OPEN TO TRAFFIC T ra ffic Is now routed over the new Not) road bridge recently com­ pleted by county bridge crews, ac­ cording to P. M Morse, county en glneer. The bridge was Juat finished In tim e as the tra ffic for the past two week has been detoured over some soft ground that would probably be Impassable as a result of the rains the la tte r part of laat week. DELEGATION SEEKING COUNTY ROAD WORK YOU’RE GOING TO WANT PLENTY OF CAN D Y for H allow e’en Come to us for it. We have all kinds— and it's fresh and delicious. F G G IM A N N ’Q W h e r * Ihn rtn rv H « la DlfTainnt Seeking to have the county pro­ vide in the budget for the grading and graveling of a road In the Fall Creek d istrict from Pengra road to F all Creek, a delegation from the F all Creek area was here Tuesday. This stretch ot road Is about one and three-quarter miles In length and It Is estim ated that the work would cost »7500 No action has yet been taken by the budget board. LANE POMONA GRANGE WILL MEET SATURDAY Pomona G range w ill meet next Saturday at the Grange hull at Lo rane, according to announcement of Mrs. C. R. C alet, who has charge of the program arrangem ents. An all-day program la being pre , pared to »tart at 10:30 a. m. The following Pomona Grange meeting w ill be Saturday January 30. Irish-Murphy Co. 5th and Main Sts. have totaled »5442, according to a report compiled by Police Serg cant E lm er Geiger. M inister Files C ertificate— The m in isterial ce rtific a te of J. H . T a y ­ lor was filed for record Monday at the office of the county clerk. I Answer to Suit Filed— An answer to the suit of the Standard OH company of C alifo rn ia versus E. E. W y a tt, Inc., ot Eugene was filed In circuit court Saturday. Inventory of Estate Filed— In ­ ventory and appraisem ent of tho estate of Sam uel E. P h illip was filed in probate cocrt Saturday. The estate amounts to »732. Springfield PINEAPPLE RED BEANS Broken Slices 2’/a Size 8 pounds 25c 10c GREEN BEANS 10c 1 0c PUNKIN 2'/2 s IO TOMATOES. 2 Mj. Report of Fines Made— Since January 1 laat tinea in city court i c SUGAR FINE — PURE CANE 1 0 pounds CORN WHITE 48c 3 cans Peter Pan Coffee Good Quality I Pound 3 Pounds 33c 95c Economy Blend PUR EX, Qta. 15c I Pound 3 Pounds 25c 69c HOTEL O UR SIC K G O V E R N O R (Cottage Grove Sentinel) T he Sentinel Is finding no fau lt w ith Governor M eier because of this condition o4 arfairs. He can hardly be blamed for his illness. And The Sentinel is not one to sug­ gest that the governor should turn the state's business over to the one provided by law to take his place when the governor Is incapacitated. Unless the governor’s Illness Is such that he or his physicians deter­ mine that it would be dangerous to his health for htm to attem p t to fill the duties of his office, It prob­ ably is better to let things Jog 4-5 th r county clerk M ondar lo file a deed for a farm of 1*3 aerea thaï he has Just purchased In Ihe t'res well district from T. N A bee us. Williams’ Sell Service Store 77 E. BROADWAY RESI EUGENE. OREGON Eugene’s Most Economical Place to Shop Larger Assortments Lower Prices Serve Yourself and Save Much of the pleasure of traveling Is spoiled by unneceessrily high hotel bills. Com fort w ith economy at the P R E S ID E N T . R A T K S .............................$ i A N D |2 P E R D A Y J. A . Cushman, Manager FO U RTH AND ALDER PORTLAND