THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ’WKNTY EIGHTH YBAIt. JUNCTION CITY TO PLAY HERE ERIOAY Local High Team Expected to Make Fir»' Xcore of 3ea> Invadere ■on Ag HPItINGEIELf), LANK COUNTY. OREGON, THI’itHOAV. OCTOBER 29, Masons at Own Dinner Tuesday BOND ELECTION CARRIESJ8 TO I Religious Council Holds Convention Sixty Men Turn Out for Stag Lane County Council of Reli Affair; Men Prepare and Bids to be Received at City gious Education Has Three- Serve Own Meal Day Meet in Creswell Hall November 2 for >15,- 000 Issue Now Due Member» of the Hprlngfleld Ma BENEFIT PROGRAM PLANEPROGRESS 19X1 [Coes ' b / i Miles a Minute No. 42 Virgil Jtfarnrd b,J„, FOB 1932 |(|Ä Spends Honeymoon in Port­ land; Will Make Home at Actual Levy to Be >1,603.48 Dallas Where He Teaches Less Than Last Year; Air­ port Tax Accountable The marriage of Mrs. Margaret Wealth of Talent to Be Offer­ ed in Public Enterprise for High School Stage The annual convention u f the ¡»onlc lodge and gueeta to the oum- Lane County Council uf Religious Tate of Eugene to Virgil McPher O T H tK TEA © IN GAMES) llar ut w, rB entertained with a SINKING FUND PROVIDED Education uponed a three-day saa- PLAY PRACTICE NOW ON son. son of Mrs. Stella McPherson MOST ITEMS UNCHANGED — < large »lag dinner at the lodge home ) sluu Friday evening at Creswell, of this city was solemnised Friday) Cottage Grove £ 1 Ends in here Tuesday evening. Meu of the Bonds Will be Sold in Deno­ | the services being held In the sev­ Each Organization in City evening in Eugene at the home of Taxpayers’ Meeting to Dis- minations of 91.000 With 6 eral churches. The first was held Teams lodge planned, prepared, and aer Scoreless Tie; t the brides parents. Mr and Mrs. Asked to Contribute Num­ cute Budget to Be Held at ved the entire meal without the Per Cent Interest In the Presbyterian church and Put Up Hart ht Kaleigh iiustus, at 83 Twentieth bers to Entertainment City Hall November 19 uaalatauce of any women. opened with two numbers by the avenue west. Only immediate mem­ Springfield's »pedal election to high school chorus of 50 voices led center High school football Culinary chef» for the evening bers of the family and close friends Rapid progress 1» being made on Cost of city government will be week were Harry M. Stewart, Harry vote new bond», taking the place by F. K. Noordboff, teacher In the In thia vicinity Friday o, were present. the high school benefit program} about >400 more next year accord­ of those falling due uext month when all I lire» of ilia teuulf get Intu Whitney, high school, and a men's chorus W illiam Home, and Miss Esther McPherson, sister of ing lo the estimate made by the and In February carried 69 yes and of 10 voices with two numbers. Mr. this week following some delays, | uctlou mi llielr own field». Juiietluu Harold I. Stewart. the groom was bridesmaid. and budget committee at a meeting held and Indications are now that the City will Invade the Springfield Itegular degree work waa held one no Wednesday. An unusually and Mrs. Arnold uf Eugene sung I-oren Edmtston of Thurston w as' Mondap-Ovening. The total to be Flight Lieutenant G. H. Stale forth light vote waa cast but sehtlment two duets and they led the music affair, which Is being staged under territory fur the »ecoud home game following the dinner. flew at the rate of over 404 mile« an best man. Mrs. Mabel Riddle, also raised by taxation will be >2S.8«1.74 the direction of Mrs. Jane Ketels. uf the city Judging from the return» of the convention and were much to he played here Friday afternoon will bring logetbur a largel amount hour down wind in British speed teste a sister of the groom played the as compared with >31,485.22 last 1» squarely back of the city admin­ si Calsbot at 2.30. Aero«» the river Eugene appreciated. A. W. Frlese of Lea wedding march, and Loren Ed year. This a reduction of >1.403.48 istration which Is trying to adjust burg, president of the Lane county of local talent than has every be I high will tangle with liend'a eleven fore been assembled on one pro- _ . _ _ mlston sang "Because." over the budget now In effect which the present financial conditions at III I lie afternoou of the »aiue day, association presided, and C. W ■ .mi The couple left immediately for Provided for a >2.000 tax levy voted the municipality. uiid that evening University high Dixon, mayor, represented by C, V Portland for a short honeymoon by ,be P*°P|e for airport improve- Each organisation in tbe city bas ! The election provides for the Is­ II. Sedgwick, gave a welcome to will meet Itoaehurga offering on 18745366 trlp. They will make their home at m®®*"- suance of |50.00V In new bonq» the convention which was respond been requested to furnish one or Hayward field. two numbers for the program an d ' Dallas where Mr. McPherson Is Most of the budgeted Items re- Two Issues to this amount are The Junction City Springfield ed to by Mr. V*rlese with a resume all have cooperated in splendid | assistant principal of the Junior main the same thia year aa they about to fall due and there Is no of the work aud purpose of the or game will probably give fan» an manner. Kmaller school children ( opportunity Io wltneaa aonie »cor­ G. B. Woods to Speak on Re­ money to meet their payment. A guulxatlon. Mr. and Mrs. James Calvert high achool and professor of his-1 were last year, many of them being The uddress of the In the Toy orchestra at the Brat tory. considerable quantity of them are fixed charges which cannot be ing by the locals. Ho far thl» aea- evening was given by Rev. D. C medial Work in Schools; held by local people. tain school will start the program , Hosts to Family Members; changed. The first change noted aou the Springfield team ha» not Poindexter pastor of the Methodist Friends on Sunday Students Furnish Music Sale uf bonds will be the next church at Hprlngfleld whose roes which will Include people of all is in the street department where been able Io reglater a »Ingle »cure step In the disposition of the re sage was stirring with the thought ages. The length of the program the city is now paying >2030. The against their opponunta. What the Mr. and Mrs. James Calvert cele­ The second Parent Teacher aiao- makes It necessary to start at 7:30 funding problem. A call for bids of preparing students for Christian new budget allows the same amount atartlug lineup will be baa nut te en c la tlon meeting of the present p. m Tbe small children will have : brated their 58 wedding anniver­ but divides It Into two units, >1500 made known, but Coach May feela school year will be held at the Brat- was published In the News last character now. sary at their home two miles south early parts on the program so they week and appears again In this for Street Commissioner’s salary, certain thut thia game will have a Saturday waa devoted to confer­ of Junction City last Sunday. They lain school this afternoon at 3 Ml not have to remain late. and >530 for labor on streets. different ending than earlier one». o'clock with the teacher» of that Issue. The bond election and sale ences and addresses, with a tian , , ,, have spent the entire time with .. .. . . • . Holding the Cottage drove team bulldlug providing the program, ac­ o f bonds Is being handled by Teal quet at the Methodist church at , Plans , as now , worked out * provide „ the exception of four years of their The principal difference in the unit program. The first .. ,, . tu a acorele»» lie laal Friday on cording to Mr». Ueorge Prochnow. Wlnfree, McCulloch and Shuler, the supper hour for the young peo­ for a three , , , . , , married life on the old home place, budget for this year over that of will consist largely of music s e l e c - 1 .. . „ . , „ bond attorneys of Portland. Urattaln field waa all that the president. ple who were addressed by Rev. “ ' . rbey both bave live1000 each to mature ser­ instrumental, and . .. , guine waa played In a »ea of mud vices In the churches Sunday morn­ chestra. vocal, . City school during their childhood, supplies for the recorder, auditing, Wood», principal of the building ially on November 1st of aech year Held on Tuesday group numbers. _ . . . . . . . . . „ which made running almoat Impoa ing with the closing »esslou» In . .... They have raised a fam ily of 12 and industrial accident compensa­ will he the feature of the after­ to and Including IS50. bearing In­ The second episode will be the , , , , . alble anil therefore paaalug very the Methodist church Sunday after­ children, have 24 grandchildren, noon, Mr. Wood* will talk on the terest at the rate of 8 per cent W. F. Reed was elected president tion. These items have been paid vod-vil acts. Home very entertain- , , . , . . . . dungeroUM, although a few were noon. At the same time work for and six great-grandchildren, most of the Lane county cow testing as- ° Ut Of ,he emer15.000 of the Issue Ing numbers are listed In this pro- . .. auiceaafully completed. the children was emphasised with .... , . of them were present to enjoy the soclation at a meeting held at the ann“al obll* a ,l° n8 ”“ ««««» School».“ A »pedal program of P. will be put on the market Novem gram and will be given In detail . . . „ . The flrat half of the game waa suitable programs, the meetings . —. ... . . \ day laBt Sunday. Those present Eugene chamber of commerce on tomml,tee felt ,hey s»»oUld be pro- T. A. nongs will be presented by her 1. next week. They will consist of > „ ,, , , _. practically a toaa-up for »upremacy, held in the Christian church. Mrs. j were: Mrs. Stella McPherson her Tuesday. Other officials of tbls ¥lded ,or “ ,de from the ‘■"'«'’«ency a group of students of the school The charter amendment provld Burris leuder of week day Bible negro minstrels, folk dances, and daughter, Esther, and son, Lavern, moat uf the half w aa played lu the tinder the direction of Ml»» Helen Ing for the new bonds which was newly formed group are Elmer H ar t short playlets. center of the field and turned Intu school work In the county, con of Springfield; M r. and Mrs. John The anticipated revenue is >2560, High, music Instructor. low, vice president; and C. H. The third and concluding event passed yesterday provides for the a battle for the kicker» a» the ball ducted a class exercise at the after­ Edmiston and sons, Loren and the same as It was last year. The Problems confronting the group establishment of a sinking fund Davis, secretary-treasurer. will be a one-act play “Comical carrier» could make no progreaa noon session Saturday, which was James; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baugh, will be taken up at a short busi­ with which to meet these obliga­ There are 400 cows in the asso­ emergency fund has been almost Country Cousins” to be presented In the mud. followed by helpful practical ad­ son, Harry, daughter, Ella, all of ness session also scheduled for the tions when they fall due. ciation belonging to 11 dairymen. doubled raising from >366.18 last under the direction of Mrs. Ketels lipenlug the »ecoud half the Cot­ dresses on various phases of the Thurston; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin afternoon. The members of tbe association year to >622.71 this year. The en­ and which will have an cast of tage tlruve eleven unloaded a aerlea work. W. G. Beattie of Eugene Jackson and sons, Lawrence and tire budget is published elsewhere are: characters many of tbe ladies of of drive» which »ent the ball deep WOODCRAFT MEMBERS spoke on the general subject of Byron, Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. John in this paper. the city. W. F. Reed, R. R. 2, Eugene; V. luto Springfield territory, taking HAVE SESSION HERE Religious Education and this spe­ The program is being sponsored Calvert. Bear Creek; Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis, R. R. 2, Eugene; Elmer Indications are now that the city It to within one yard of the goal cial organization. Riley Thompson Bob Davis and daughters, Marjorie, for the purpose of raising funds to P. Harlow, R. R. 2, Eugene; L. D. will not overdraw ftlnda budgeted line at one time only to lot« It when Dorothy and Louise of Shedd. Mrs. Beatrice Thodlan. special of Eugene, teacher of adult class. pay for stage equipment now In use they tailed to make down». Tba organiser and Mrs. Laura W ood., sP°ke on teaching the adult classes, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Calvert, June Griggs. R. R. 2, Eugene; E. S. Fish, this year. This will be the first time at the high school, and for the laal half » t o chiefly a Cottage organiser of the N. O. W , lire . NJss Vesta Orrick »poke on teacb- tlon City; Mrs. Elmer Buss. Mrs. R. R. 1, Eugene; Hans Bodtker, R. this situation has prevailed for purchase of other much needed drove affair with the exception of a Flelds, guardian of the Eugene lnX young people. Mrs. Ruth Adams Jennie Edmiston. Eugene; Arthur F. D. 2, Junction City; Aage Grlf- some years and Is a credit to the skow. R. R. 2, Junction City; Geo.' Mayor and members of the council few minute» Ju»t before the final Thirty-Nine Members Enroll­ lodge, and Mrs. Register of Eugene, ° f Eugene on intermediate and equipment. i Calvert, Dora Calvert, Thoqus Cal­ wlilatle when the Springfield boya vert. Sr., Alice. Ella, and Corl*CaF H. Gilmore, R. R. 2, Junction City; as well as all city officials who Mrs. Ida Adams, district 12 guard »enors. Mrs. L. K. Page of Spring- ed at Opening Meeting; Of­ C. A. Schooling. R. R. J. Junction • have been watching their expense broke loone with reeklea» abanAm lan, Mrs. C. F. Egglniann, past field on the primary. The main ad- vert; Mr. and Mrs. Jeppe Jensen, ficers Are Elected City; W ill White, R. R. 1, Spring- accounts more closely than before, and »tarred ■ march k w h th e guardian, Mrs. Edith 1-axton. past dress Sunday afternoon waa given .daughter. Anne Mae. from Eugene; field; M. G. Vlles. R. R. 1. CresweR > A special meeting ef -|»‘ r field which might have netted them guardian, and Mrs. Mary Ernest. Prof. Warrington of Corvallis. Dick Davis. Shedd; Arnold Tracer, ----------------------------- council will be held at the city hall Organisation of the flrat Four-H were entertained at a special < :M a score hail not the whlatle blown. Junction City; and tbe host and ---------------------------- - Nove'nbe'' 19 a‘ 5:30 »or the pur- Both team» deinonalraled a re­ club at the Brattaln school this dinner Wednesday evening at the MRS. WILSON HOSTESS hostess Mr. and Mrs. James Cat GROWERS INVITED TO rose of hearing arguments for or markable ability for holding onto yeur has Just been completed un­ home of Mrs. W. A. Taylor. i vert. TURKEY GRADING CLASS ' against the adoption of tbe budget, the bull deaplte Ita wet condition. der the direction of Miss Elinor Following the dinner the guest» AT HALLOWE EN PARTY and to take final action on tbe mat- Smith, whu Is leader of the group. A few fumblea were marie but not went to the lodge hall where a re . Lane county turkey growers are | TOY ORCHESTRA HAS ter. aa many ua might have been ex- The new group la a sewing club gular UKM'tlng was held and C. A A n n u a l R ece p tio n fo r O ffic e rs and Husbands Are Guests of Or­ LARGE MEMBERSHIP invited to attend a turkey grading ganization at Gathering at W iv e s and H u s b an d s H e ld in-tied under condition» aa they und has chosen tbe name "Stitch Swarts was given his degree. Stunts, seboo to be held In Roseburg Nov- Members of the budget commit Community Hall W ed n esd ay E v e n in g In Tim e Club." Hand work will and refreshments were held after were. Nearly forty students at the Brat- ember 5 and 6. according to O. S tee this year are: W. P. Tyson, V. I be carried on by the members. the meeting. Fletcher, county agent. Rob R. J- Daniels, O. H. Jarrett, C. A. Twenty members of the Civic tain school have enrolled in the Mrs. Gertrude Wilson was host- Officers elected at the first meet­ Toy orchestra being directed this Slocum, senior marketing special- Swarts. W. A. Taylor. W. N. Long, club and their husbands attended ! ess at her home last night for a ing last week included Muriel Ty- E. HALLOWE'EN PARTY j Hallowe'en party and reception In a potluck dinner at the Community year under the direction of Miss ist. bureau of agricultural econom- P- B. Flanery, F. G. Frese, Roy Carl­ I son, president; Frances Cornell, ies. USDA, will have charge of the ton. and C. F. Barber. TO BE HELD TONIGHT . honor of the officers of the East­ ball Tuesday evening. This was tbe Helen High, music instructor at school and explain the government I vice president; and Elsie Ingram, - • 1 the school. The students now have ern Star lodge and their husbands second meeting of the group this recretary. Miss Dorothy Ulrard Is a large group of instruments rang­ grades on turkeys. All young people of Springfield year, and following the dinner a and wives. Twenty-eight were pres I the assistant le a d e r Meetings will The school will be held on the i ing from bells and a xylophone ' be held monthly at the Brattaln huve been Invited to attend the I ent for the evening of games and short business meeting was held down to steel triangles. The group: ground floor of the Hochradel large masquerade Hallowe’en party at which plans were made for a refreshments. The occasion was al­ ; school building, opposite the office of the will make its first public appear­ State Lists Lane Routes to be Members of the d u b are Elsie which the Christian Endeavor of so the birthday of Mrs. Wilson and lecture to be given at the next ance of the year under the direction News-Review on Jackson street in meeting. Ingram. Muriel Tyson. Maxine Ken- the Christian church la sponsoring her guests presented her with Roseburg, and will open at 10:00 on Included in New System The latter part of the evening of Miss High at the high school n e .lv ,, Loraine Squires. Helen st the social rooms of the church ! beautiful gift. benefit program to be held at the the morning of November 5th. No this evening at 7:30. An evening of Highways was devoted to a program and Hal­ Those present were Mr. and Mrs. - Lyons. Bettle Currie. Isyle Keeler, high school auditorium on Friday admission is charged. j Edna June Yarnell. Wanetta Neet, of peppy games and stunts with 1 Clifford Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. C. lowe'en games prepared under the At least four classes, consisting Doris Patterson, Harpist, and evening November 6. starting at fortune telling and ghost stunts direction of Mrs. Carl Olson and | A. Swarts. Mr. and Mrs. W . E. ENGINEER VISITS HERE Mildred Billings, Eileen Gartner, of twenty turkeys each, w ill be 7:30. Helen Patterson, Violinist, June Phalr, Patsy Patmore, Varerla will lie followed with refreshments. Buell. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Fraed- Mrs. Ira M. Peterson. graded, and those passing satisfac­ Will Give Concert Later a rally gathering with songs riek. Mrs Pearl Schantol. Mr. and tory examinations w ill qualify as Recommendations Made Here Koch. Wyettu Spriggs. Helen Put- will close the evening. TURKEY DRESSING TO Mrs. C. E. Wheaton. Mr. and Mrs. YOUTH SENT TO JAIL men. Maxine Valller. Juanita Chap graders. From this group Individu­ are Accepted by Roy E. Those who do not care to mas |>ra tt Holverson. Mr. and Mrs. Sld- BE DEMONSTRATED als will be selected to do the grad­ Sunday w ill be Rally day at the man. Leota loiJoie. Mary Murray. DISOBEYED SENTENCE Christian church Sunday school, querade for the affair are welcome ! npv WBrd, M r. and Mrs. Nell Pol Klein is Report Made Erma W etxell, Nellie Gates. Gayle ing for the agencies making appli­ and extensive plans for the observ­ to come without doing so. John Janies of this city who was TA1® killing and dressing of tur- lard. Mrs. Opal Roberts, Mrs. Ogles Chase, Hose Ogden. Marte Briggs. cation for the use of government ance of the day have been made by Roads In I- miiu county which have Ida Jane Irw in. M arjorie McPher­ ) by. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Edgell, Mr. recently arrested for driving an ‘ keys for market w ill be demonstra- grades. those in charge. A large attendance been recommended by tbe county son, Lulu Johnson, Muxlne Stall- LIONS ENJOY VENISON and Mrs. McKlin. Mr. and Mrs. uutomoblle with switched license te<1 at t,,e Ralph W illoughby farm, It is highly desirable that as is predicted. engineer to be Included In the new son, Frances Cornell. Thelniu W II plates and who had his driver's Bve miles south of Eugene on the many growers attend the school as STEAKS AT LUNCHEON Paul Basford. und the hostess. Outstanding on the program for secondary road system of tbe state Hams, Fern Cornell. license revoked for one year evi Pacific highway, at 2:00 p. m. on possible, even though they do not the forenoon will be a half hour are approved by State Engineer j dently did not think he had to obey Monday, November 2. by C. R. Club at Anchorage Lions club members attending expect to qualify as graders, and program of violin and harp music Klein. He proceeded t o ) Dear, extensive turkey grower ol The Kensington club will meet the sentence. the weekly luncheon last Friday the county agent urges Lane coun­ by Martha and Doris Helen Patter­ „ .c a r Cutler, ..a te market road B R A T T A I N SCHOOL enjoyed a venison dinner, the meat Friday afternoon at the Anchorage drive an automobile again and was Cottage Grove, according to O. 8. ty growers to attend the school if son. These girls are both artists engineer, Is here today and with I*. GETS NEW PHONOGRAPH for which was furnished by F. H. for a lunch and entertainment. Mrs. promptly arrested and was sen- ^«tcher, county agent, who has possible. In their fields and officers of the M. Morse, county engineer, Is In­ Hamlin, postmaster, who had Just W. E. Buell and Mrs. W. K. Bar fenced to serve 20 days In the arranged for the demonstration, church feel fortunate In "being able nell ure entertaining the members I county Jail when tried in Justice ' Tbe selection of turkeys for kill A new phonogruph has been pur­ specting the proposed secondary returned from a vacation hunting to secure their services. Ing and the manner in which they CURRENT EVENT CLASSES court In Eugene. at the club meeting. roads and others Giat may be In­ chased and is being used at the trip near Drew. Oregon. The Sunday school will meet at are dressed and prepared for mar- ANNOUNCE OFFICERS Brattaln school this year In the cluded In this new system. The members were entertained 9:45 and the morning service will . ket are Important factors In deter­ The Eugene and Hwlsshome road work of the classes. The Instrument with guitar solos by W alter B. Mc­ The SB 1 and the 8B 2 Current start at I t a. m. Rev. Pruitt will mining the price received for the Cheshire and Monroe road, and the was purchased with funds raised Gregor and with guitar duets by Events classes In civics at the Lin­ take as his sermon subject. "A birds and the county agent urges Eugeuu-Lorune road are listed by at n benefit progrum which the McGregor and Harold Dudabaugh ) all the turkey growers who are not coln school have elected their of­ Successful Rally." The Christian school held nt the high school last of Eugene. the state as secondary roads In experienced along these lines to at­ ficers to direct their class study Endeavor meets at 6:30 and the February. Those In charge uf the bans. tend the demonstration next Mon- and parliamentary practice. O ffi­ evening service starts at 7:30. The expenditure of the receipts were RUSSELL TO SPEAK AT cers of the group are Kenneth Cox. sermon will be on "Feeding the Engineer Morse says that there unable to agree on what purchase ' day. Is probably some nilstaktwabout the to make last spring of the money president; Charles Uchytll, vice Multitude.” Special music will In­ LIONS CLUB MEETING Eiigene-lxirane road aa he does not was kept until the opening of SURPRISE SHOWER HELD president; and Barbara Barnell, clude a duet by Mrs. D. B. Murphy and Miss Hattie Mitchell. Thomas Russell, president of the believe that this stretch of road Is school this fall. FOR CARDEN WAY GIRL secretary. Eugene chamber of commerce, will Included In the new system. Thia The 8A 2 Current Events class in be the speaker at the Lions club matter Is being discussed today Several friends of Miss Alma Fish civics elected the following offi­ HIGH SCHOOL TO HAVE SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Friday noon. Mr. Russell who had with the state market road engin­ gathered at the home of her par­ cers: LaMolne Black, president; BAND ORGANIZATION SETS DATE FOR DINNER charge of Eugene's cuse for the ' eer. ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fish, last Lloyd Harris, vice-president; and Federal soldiers home before the There are S3 miles of secondary , night for a surprise handkerchief Byron Boles, secretary. Final steps ln the organization Wednesday evening. November Veterans commission In Washing Faye Holverson of the 8B 2 class of a band at the Springfield high road now listed by the state In ) shower. Miss Fish and Miss Irene 11, has been set ns tbg time for the ton. D. C„ has Just recently been Lane county. ( If the remainder of Jeter are planning to leave for and Laurence Chase of the 8B 1 school are being taken today when annual dinner of the Sunday chosen to head the chamber. He Portland soon where they will en­ class were appointed to assign parents of many of the children the market road system there are achool class of the Methodist will speak In Springfield on meth­ 417 miles, according to figures of ter a specialty school. Miss Fish topics (or each meeting. Interested in hand work are meet­ church which is taught by Mrs. A. ods of cooperation of the various ! completed her work at Springfield ing Buford Roach who Is to direct the county engineer. B. Van VnltHh. The young peo­ Lane county communities. HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS It. and W. E. Buell, high school high school in June of this year. I if the 83 miles of secondary road ple will hold their dinner and so­ The evening waa spent with about 52 ntlles are already Impro­ GIVE ENTERTAINMENT principal. A great deal of enthusi­ cial evening at the home of their MISSION SOCIETY TO | games and dancing. Refreshments ved and need no expenditures ex asm has been aroused over the | teacher. This Is an annual affair I were served at a late hour. cept for maintenance. Teachers at the high school have venture and present,. In d ite MEET ON TUESDAY i for the members of this class. III Invited all teachers ln the other Boils are that the school will Members of the Foreign Mission­ buildings of the city and members on® tbp largaat* handq among HALLOWE'EN PARTIES CASCADE CHAPTER PLANS CHURCH CHOIR PLANS ary society of the Methodist PLANNED FOR FRIDAY of the board of education and their xchoola of Ms size TO ENTERTAIN VISITORS FOR POTLUCK SUPPER church will hold their regular meet­ wives to be their guests this even­ ing Tuesday afternoon beginning at Members of me sophomore and ing at a social to be held at the LEGION WILL SPONSOR Members of Cascade chapter, O. | Mombers of the choir of the 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. freshmen classes at the high school high school auditorium. A program HALLOWE'EN DANCE E will he hosts a tthelr meet Methodist church will hold a pot- B, Van Valzith, president. Mrs. are planning Hallowe'en parties for and refreshments have been plan­ Ing next Tuesday evening, Novem luck supper In the church bnse Dean C. Poindexter will continue Friday evening. The sophomore ned. Miss Lucille Holman Is chair­ Springfield American legion post ber 3, for tho members of Blue ment this evening according to W. her discussion on South America group will gather at the Community man of the program committee, will sponsor a Hallowe’en dance River chapter In Eugene Mrs. Nell E Buell, president of the choir. which she began at the previous hall, and the first year students Glenn M artin has charge of decora­ at Thurston Saturday evening. The Aimee Semple McPherson, p? .tor ol Angelus Temple, Los Angeles, Pollard la chairman uf the coin Regular rehearsal will follow the meeting. Mrs. U. Q. McElhaney will will hold forth at the high school tions, and Miss Mllhollen Is head hall will be decorated In the colors flew to Arizona secretly and was married to David L. Hutton, wfoo sings mitten on arrangements. supper. be the assistant hostess. of the refreshment group. of the Legion. gymnasium. bsrltoBS in her choir. H e weighs 2 '0 pour.'?!. P.T.A. MEETING AT L llQJlPPTS O b s e r v e 56th Anniversary I III. F. READ HEADS DAIBfflEN GROUP Brottain School Has 4-H Club CIVIC CLUB HOLDS DINNER FOR MEN SYSTEM TALKED i on RALLI SUNDAI AT A im ee T a k es ITiird H usband Sfe