TH E HPR1NOFIELD NEWH THURSDAY, OCTODIBR 22. 1W31 Bounty la Colieeted— Tho county Damage Action Filed— An action LOST 20 LBS. OF FAT bounty on one bobcat waa collect-' to obtain damages to the amount putltlou In bankruptcy was filed IN JUST 4 WEEKS ed at the office of tho county clerk ' of *460 for damages to au auto­ In federal court at Portland Frl the About >0 young people I mobile In a crash on the McKenzie I Mrg Wagl Qf M„ 'I hursday by Fred Spores of Mo­ day by C. II. Carson, farmer, Cres­ Springfield Epworth league of the Notice Is hereby given that a highway October » was filed In w r,t«a ; " fm only 28 yrs. old and hawk. well. Liabilities are listed at *680 special election will be held In the circuit court by John Hafley against | weighed 170 lbs. until taking one Methodist church held a service at and assets at *291. Mins Looation Filed— Charles F. Town of Hprtugfleld on Wednee , box of your Kruschen Salts Just 4 the Coburg Methodist church last day, the 23th day of October, 1*31, John Mllllorn w e e k s ago I now weigh 16« lbs. 11 »’» « « s o u Died notice of a location — — Lane County Road District» s“nd,)r p,rpoM * “«• ¿elate ef Olive Ethel Allglra, Oee’d to vote on a charter amendment! also have more energy and further- of a mine In the Bohemia district _____,___ meeting was to wake plana tot or­ proposed and submitted to th e , N O T IC E more I ’ve never had a hungry mo-1 Thursday. Will Vote in November on Notice Is hereby given that M ar­ voters by the common council. The ( OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T ganizing an Epworth League In m ent." tha C Kay has filed In tbs County resolution proposing the amend­ The undersigned. Administrator Special Levies Coburg. The leader for the evening Fat folks should take one halt Account of Estate Filed— Final Court of the Btate of Oregon, In ment Is as follows: of the estate of Luella Yarnell, de­ teaspoonful of Kruschen Salts In a ac<.ouot Of the probate of the es-! N O T IC K TO C R E D IT O R S wan Miss Faye Paraona of Hprtng- aud for bane County, her final re RESOLUTION ceased. has filed his Final Aconnt glass of hot water every morning _ , , ... . Blank petitions for district road I f|eid NOTICE Irt HEREBY G IVEN ; i purl as executrlg ot the last will BE IT RESO LVED BY T H E In the matter of aald eatate with before breskfa.t an 86 cent bottle of Oeor* a X lckea « •*» elections have been sen, out by tbe The K ,„ Kare v,ub wUh Mr> That O. 1.. Coldren ha» been ap and testament of Olive Ethel All- COMMON C O UN CIL O F T H E pointed executor of H im lauit W ill glre, deceased; and that ten o’clock TO W N OF SPR IN G FIELD . LANE the County Clerk of Lane County, lasts 4 week»— you can get Krux- Saturday. county clerk s office to 61 road Albert Ora¥in<) and Mra. c ,B, ton Oregon, and an order has been eben at Ketela Drug Store, or any and Testament of L. A. Coldren. In the forenoon og Halurday, the CO UNTY. S T A T E O F OREGON, Estats la Probated— Final ao- districts of tbe county. A lton at tbe home of Mrs. Gravllle deceased,, liy H im Count, Court of 7tli day of November, 1*31, at the that the following proposed amend­ mud« and entered of record by the drug store In America. If not Joy­ I . u iim C u u u ly. AU persona having courtroom thereof In Eugeue. Ore­ ments to the charter of said town County Court of said County, direct­ fully satisfied after the first bottle count of tbe estate of Isaac M. Har­ These elections will be held In for tbe first meeting of the club elaiuia agulnat estate ara required , gon, have been by the court fixed be and the same hereby are pro­ ing this notice and appointing Mon­ — money hack. vey waa filed in probate court Sat­ November and each district may this fall. Tuesday, October IS. The to present them. with tbo propar end appointed aa the time and place posed for submission to the legal day, the 16th day of November. urday. vote a special tax for road work time was spent In needlework and 1*31, ut the hour of ten o’clock vouchers, within a ll moulha fiom for hearing objections to said re voters uf said town for their adop­ A M for the hearing of objections Estate of Z T. Moun'Joy, not to exceed 10 mills of the dis- election of officers. Mrs. Allum the 24 day of September, 11131. Io i port and for the final settlement of tion or rejection at the special N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S to said account and the settlement Deceased tliw aald executor at tho law office , the estate of said deceased. was chosen president; Mrs. Ora- Notice la hereby given that the trlct valuation. election to he held on the 28th day of said eatate of I. I.. Huy 111 H im Miner Itullil Martha C. Key, Executrix of of October. 1*31, as In this resolu­ Notice Is hereby given that Jane undersigned have been appointed The petitions after being signed ’ Ills, vice president; Mrs. Worth, Dated tbla 16th day uf October. tug. Euguue, Oregon. the l^ e t W ill aud Testauieut. tion provided: Mountjoy has filed In the County Executor and Executrix of the es­ by three freeholders are returned .iecretary, and Mrs. Arnsplker, 1*31. O. L. CO LDItEN, Executor of A. E. Wheeler, Attorney of Olivo Court of the State uf Oregon, In tate of Mary E. Jewett, deceased, E. O. PO TTER. Administrator CHARTER AMENDMENTS to the clerk's office and notice o f , treasurer. The president appointed the lutat W ill and Testam ent i Ethel Allglre, Deceased of the Estate of Luella Yarnell. and for 1-ane County, her final re­ by tbe County Court of Lane Coun­ H I'B M IT T E D TO T H E VOTERS of L. A. Cold ran, deceased. (G 8 16 32 2* N 6) port as executrix of the last will ty, Oergon. All persona having the election giving date, time and Mrs. Mary Neat. Mrs. Clara Waa- Ik-ceased. BY T H E CO UNCIL 1,. L. HAY, Attorney for Eatala. and testament of Z. T. Mountjoy, claims against said estate are here­ place and amount of proposed levy nom. and Mrs. Justine Pitkin, as a PO TTER A B A ILEY. Attorneys. AN ACT tb 34—0 1-8-16 22, deceased; and that ten o’clock In by notified to present tbe same, Is published. To amend the charter of the urt of Lent gon. on November *2. 1931. at 7:30 inspector said. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Herman and HANK, a corporation, Admluls FIE L D . OREOON. that the charter said matters. uf the estate of I). B. Smith, de county, Oregon, the undersigned P M for *15.000 Springfield Re­ The ontside market should be small daughter of Salem were vlal- tralor. <3. W. S H U M A K ER . Executor. of the town of Springfield, Oregon, ceased. as administrator of the Estate of funding Bonds, to be dated Novem Address b. A. Smith, Eugene. Fred E. Bmllh. Attorney for Ad­ being an act entitled "An act to S. D. Allen. Attorney for Estate. William H. Herbert, Deceased, wilt her 1, 1931 and to mature serially. developed by apple growers In tors at the home of Mrs. Herman's ministrator. (O 1-8-1622 Incorporate the town of Springfield, Oregon. on and after 10:00 A. M. of Tues­ In tbe amount of *1000. on Nov­ Lane If they are to continue to | parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- (8 24—0 1-8-1622) and to repeal an acts and parts of FRED E. S M ITH , Attorney day. Nov. 10, 1*31, at the office of ember 1st In each of the years produce this crop. The big crops Nabb. last week-end. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S acts relating to the Incorporation for Administratrix. S. D. Allen. 877 W illamette SL. 1936 to 1950. Inclusive, said bonds N O T IC E cannot be disposed of In the local; Mrg Perry Barber had the mls- of the town of Springfield, and all Notice Is hereby given that the Eugene, Or., offer for sale, and to bear Interest at the rate of 6% _______(H 2 4 - 0 1 *1 6 32)______ OP P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T acta amendatory thereof" filed In undersigned has been appointed sell at private sale to the highest per annum, payable semi-annually, market, he says. fortune to fall at her home last Notice Is hereby given that C lif­ the office of the Secretary of Slate. Bounties are Collected — The Administrator of the estate of Clark bidder, lot 1 In block 3, in Che­ both principal and semi-annual in­ week and hnrt her side. The Injury county bounties on two coyotes ford O. Wllsou, administrator of February 10. 18*3. as amended by Fisher, Deceased, and has duly shire's Second Addition to Eugene, terest payable at the office of the the estate of Chas. O. Wilson, de the legal voters at elections held qualified aa such. All persona hav­ in l-ane county, Oregon. Terms of is not believed to be serious, City Treasures, Springfield. Ore­ notarial commission of Gladys E .! Mrg Henry Bohll who haa been were collected Wednesday at the ceased, has filed bis flu-1 account October 4. 1*0*. August 31. 1910. ing claims against said estate are salt-, at least one half caab, bal gon. office of the county clerk by Creel of bis administration of said estate at the home of her daugb- August 16. 1911. November 7. 1*16 hereby required to present them ante secured by mortgage on lot. Sale of said bonds subject to an Kerlee was filed for record at the Tery with the Clerk of the County Court aa amended by all other amend duly verified with proper vouchers N. Hayden of Springfield. I ter Mrs Hazel Rackinbaugh In Eu- J F. BERGER. Administrator. election authorizing the Issue, elec- offlce of the county clerk. of Ijin e County, Stale of Oregon, ment» enacted by the legislative attached, to the undersigned at the (O 8-15-22-29, tlon to be held October 28, 1931. aud that said court has set as tho Miniater Files C e rtific a te - The « *» * h“ b u r n e d to her home Only unconditional bids will be B o b ca t Bounty Collects«*— Vaude time and place for the final hear­ assembly or by vote of the people, law office of 1. M. Peterson at 234 N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G he amended by adding thereto Main street in Springfield. Oregon, considered, but the city w ill fur­ ministerial certificate o, G. Emer heT« ln CoburK Mrs Bolln's b* a,,b Sutherland of Marcela collected the ing upon said accouut and settle­ O F F IN A L A C C O U N T Chapter 12 to read as follows: within six months of the date of nish the successful bidder with the son was filed for record Wednesday much improved. county bounty on one ho heal last ment of aald estate, Saturday. Oct­ C H A P T E R 12 this notice, the same being dated NOTICE IS HEREBY G IVEN : approving opinion of Teal. W lnfree at the office of the county clerk. week at the office uf the county ober the 24th, 1*31. at Ten O’clock Section I. For the purpose of and published the first time this Thai the undersigned administrator McCulloch A Shuler. Attorneys. In the forenoon of aald day » ’. the procuring funds with which to pay, 24tb day of September, 1*31. clerk. of the estate of Annie S. Fulton, de­ Portland. Oregon. office of the Count • Judge nt the redeem, and retire outstanding Each bid must be accompanied N O T IC E GEOHGE F IS H E R . Administra­ ceased. has filed his account for County Court Houae of lame town of Springfield Improvement O F S H E R IF F S SA LE tor of the Estate of Clark the final settlement of Bald estate by certified check for *300. as an County, Eugene. Gregor. All per­ Bonds, numbered 18 to 30, Inclu­ Notice is hereby given that by Fisher, Deceased. Twenty-one tadles enjoyed a in the County Court for Lane Coun­ evidence of good faith. sona having objections to said final sive. in the amount of Fifteen The City Council reserves the virtue of an execution and order meeting of the Lome Economics ty. Oregon, and that Saturday, the account must present them on or thousand dollars (*16,000.001, which I. M. PETERSON. Attorney for right to reject any and all bids. of sale issued out of the Circuit 24th day of October, 1*31, at the before aald date of filial settle­ bonds mature November 1. 1*31, Administrator. C o t ^ t W h T ' s u t e of Oregon T o il cIub ot tbe Gran«e at tbe bome ot I. M PETERSON. Recorder, (S 24—0 1-8-16-22) Court Room of said Court, In the ment. und town of Springfield Improve­ Lane County. October 21st, 1931 Mrs. David Francis on Tuesday. A Springfield. Oregon. County Court House In Eugene at CLIFFORD O. W ILSO N. Ad ment Bonds, numbered 1 to 70. In­ (O 22 29, upon and pursuant to a decree duly pot luck dinner at noon afforded a ten o'clock In the forenoon, has mlnlatrator of the Eatate of clusive. In the amount of Thirty-1 N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SALE JKWBLBR given and made by said court. soc^aj feature. It abounding ln a ON E X E C U T IO N ANO been by said Court fixed as the Chas. O. Wilson, deceased. five thousand dollars (*36,000.00), | October 20th, 1931 in a suit pend-, FORECLOSURE ItopuIrhiK a 8pe< laity time and place for hearing objec­ N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T I. M PETERSON. Attorney liberal and attractive menu. They hlch bonds mature February 1, NO TIC E la hereby given that by tions thereto, and for final settle- IN T H E CO UN TY COURT OF ¡ng in which L. H. Mulkey was for said Administrator. brmds ''a n ' .“ xpiessly *v a lid u b ^ . of • » «»«^»tlon and order | m. nt of said estate, Springfield, Oregon T H E STA TE O F OREGON FOR plaintiff and Mary E. McGregor, were energized to do a large (8 24— 0 1-8-16 22) Rachel Weitz. Alma Bilson and amount of work In preparing aril- L A N E COUNTY. C. J. Fulton, Administrator of the Common Council of the of sale on foreclosure Issued out Bilaon her husband. George Mc­ cles and sewing for future sales. IN T H E M A TTER O F T H E ES­ of the Circuit Court of Lane County, the Estate of Annie B. Fulton, NOTICE TO CREDITORS town of Hprlngfleld It authorised McGregor, his T A T E OF CECIL J SLUYTER. Gregor and Oregon on the 16th day of Sept­ deceased. Mrs. H. C. Travlllion a resident on Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Notice Is hereby given that the and einpowored to Issue and dis­ ember, 1931, pursuant to a Judg­ L. L. Kay, Attorney for Estate. wife, James McGregor and Deceased. the Sly farm was a guest. Naturopathic Physician undersigned baa been appointed ad­ pose of General Obligation Refund­ ment rendered September 15th, McGregor, his wife, O. L. Carlton TO W HO M T H IS MAY CONCERN: (S 24— 0 1-8-16-22, ministratrix of the Estate of Fred J. ing Ronda of the town In the sum 1931. and docketed September 16th, Phone 91-J Mr. alid Mrs. F. E. Goude of Silt- Notice Is hereby given that I the as the administrator of the Estate *60.000.00. said bonds to be dated a „ Thatcher, deceased, by the County of Undersigned. L. H. Mulkey., have of Frank McGregor deceased, and coos are visiting friends and rela­ and’ to mature a . determined by the J » » « . L b „ T ? L ” whereby Mamie 8. Petty plain­ SUM M ONS Office Ilnurs: 1 to 6 P. M. Court of 1-anr County, Oregon. All S. M. Calkins as administrator of filed my final account as admlnis tiff. recovered Judgment against persons having claims agalns said Council, but no maturity shall ex -; W illiam A. Ogden, defendant, for In the Circuit Court of tbe State of trator In the above entitled probate the estate of Frank McGregor de­ tives in and around Creswell this 404 Fourth Street Oregon for Lane County. estate are required to present them ceed twenty (20) yeara from date L H o r X ° f i « M 'aidPr»% '20‘ accrued V ,O L A K N IG H T . Plaintiff, proceeding- that the time set by ceased, unknown heirs of Francis week. with the proper vouchers to the of bonds, to be in denominations H. McGregor, Deceased, were de­ Friday evening. November 6, has attorney fees, ana ».uzu actruea GEORGE H. K N IG H T . Ue the said Court for the hearing undersigned at the law office of no, exceeding *1.000.00 each; costs of this suit wtth 7% Interest thereon before the said Court Is fendants, which execution and or­ been set as the date for the enter­ food ant. of Potter and Bailey, at No. 631 said bonds to be signed by tbe pere annum ou the Judgment and der of sale was to me directed and FOR SALE Friday, November 20, 1931. at the To George H. Knight, Defendant hour of 10 o'clock A. M. and n o commanded me to sell the real pro­ tainment for the benefit of the Vol­ Miner Building. Eugene. Oregon, Mayor and countersigned by the which execution, decree, and ordei Good 16-lneh Block wood, eleo IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE tlce Is hereby given that anyone perty within six months from the date Recorder under the corporate seal hereinafter described to unteer Fire company. It will be held sale commands me to sell a l l , „ » m , , , « . Vni. a re h e r e b y re- 14-lnch and 4 loot old growth of tbe town, and shall bear Interest of of this notice. the Interest of said defendant In o l'i OREGON You are hereby re having any objections to said fln-u satisfy the sum of *850 with inter­ at the woodmen hall and promises elabwood. Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this at six per cent I6 $ i, per annum, the following described land and lulred to appear and answer the account shall tile the same In w rit­ est at 8% per annum from Septem­ payable semiannually, tbe Interest 24th day of September. 1*31. ,o „ « a u .. “ “ “ Ü . S : ing on or before the time set for ber 21. 1929 until paid and *125 at­ to be a fine entertainment. FRANK TUHY to he represented by coupons at­ RUBY W INOERD, Administra­ the hearing: and that this notice torneys fees and costs and dis- Phone 8p. 1B2J M. A. Chamberlain started his trix of the Estate of Fred J. tached to the bonds bearing the 110 T h e we»« h a lf < w u t o f th e i ,our weeks front date of first pub- is first published ln the Spring- buresements of suit taxed at *40.70 facsimile slgna'ures of the Mayor Thatcher. Deceased. and costs of sale, I will on Friday sawmill this week after a sus­ BoutbeasM BEH) quarter and the “ cation of this summons, or for field News on October 22. 1931. and Recorder, whereby the town Potter A Bailey. Attorneys for Southwest (S W U ) quarter of the * “ nt ‘ hereof the plaintiff w ill take L. H. M U L K E Y . Administrator. the 20th day of N o ve a’>er, 1931 pense of several weeks. Truek t of Springfield shall be held In ef Universal Mortgage Corp. Northeast (N E\»> quarter and ! Judgment against you and wlH ap H. E SLA TTE R Y , Attorney Estate. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at began bauling in logs from west of feet to promise to pay to bearer at (S 24—0 1-8-1622) the southwest door of tl e County the Northeast ( N E U ) quarter p‘y ,t0 ‘ f16 5 ° Url? ° r iV j n t ln d * for* a for administrator. Court House in Eugene, Lane Conn-;town tbe ftr8t ° f tb* week aDd maturity the sum named therein ed (or in the complaint and (or a (O 22-29— N 5-12-19) the Southwest ( 8 W U ) quarter oí NOTICE In Gold Coin of the United 8tates ty, Oregon, offer for sale and sell have been piling up a lot for tb > .¿ctron 34 R¡ township IST South ! ^ r e e of absolute divorce from O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T of the present standard of value, at public auction for cash, subject ' run. Range 2 West o( the W illam ette . . .. . , W . P. Tyson, Agent N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S to redemption as provided by law. Meridian in Lane County, Oregon This summons is pubhshed once In the County Court for the State together with Interest thereon In Mrs. Earl Benton and son left NO TICE IS H ER EB Y G IVEN : 12# E 8t. Phons M W like Gold Coin as It falls due. and of Oregon for Lane County. Now therefore. In the name of each week for tour consecutive That F. LaVerne Lamb has been all of the right, title and interest of Wednesday for Redmond where “ appointed administratrix of the the defendants of said suit and In the M atter of the Estate of said bonds shall be a direct General the state of Oregon and ln compll weeks, in the Springfield Obligation Bond of the tuwn. and ante with said execution and order weekly newspaper P“ b '“bed at of all parties claiming by, through they will spend a week or ten days Mary J. Bowen, deceased. estate of Julia S. Lamb, deceased, General baw Practice Notice Is hereby given that the ahall be designated. Town of of sale. 1 will on the 23th day of SpringfieW Lane County. Oregon. by the County Court of Lane Coun­ or under them or any of them since harvesting a crop of potatoes on a 11 at the hour of One b> order of the Hon. C. P. Barnard. the 1st day of July 1931. in or to ranch near theie. Before leaving undersigned, administrator of the Hprlngfleld Refunding Bonds. Said ty. Oregon. All persons having o’clock'ln‘ ^e'afternoon'of'sald day i J.»«l«e of the County Court I. M. PETERSON the following described real pro­ Estate of Mary J. Bowen, deceased, bonds shall be sold and disposed ciaims against said estate are re­ she became a subscriber of the Eu­ Oregon, made October 9th perty. to-wit: Attorney-atlaiw has filed his final account In the of ln the manner directed by the at the Southwest front door of the quired to present them, with the Common Council. I.ot 2 in block 5 in Cheshire gene Record. County Court, for Lane County. Court house In l.ane County. E u -: 1931 City Hall Building (a) The purchaser of said bonds RAY H. W ATSON Attorney- proper vouchers within six months addition to Eugene. Lane Coun­ State of Oregon, and that the Court J. P. Lane fixed up an exhibit In gene, Oregon, offer for sale and tor Plaintiff. Residence and from the 23 day of October. 1931 Springfield, Oregon ty. Oregon. has fixed the 10th day of Nov shall In no way be required to see sell for cash at public aucUon sub­ to the said administratrix at the Post Office address, Eugene, Dated this 22nd day of October the display office of the Sedgwick ember, 1*31 at eleven o'clock In the to the proper application of the pur ject to redemption as provided by­ law office of L. L. Ray In the Miner real estate office Wednesday which 1931. forenoon aa the time and the office chase money therefor. law. all of the right, title, and in­ Oregon. Building. Eugene. Oregon. (b , The debt limitations con­ terest of said defendants. W illiam H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. Is quite a sample. Several fine G ill’s of the County Judge of said Lane F. LaVER N E LAMB. Admlnis Date of first publication, Thursday- FRANK A. DE PUE Bv A. E HULEGAARD. Deputy. Golden Delicious squash are a County, Oregon. In said County In tained In the charter of said town A. Ogden and Lillian J. Ogden and tratrix of the estate of Julia S October 15, 1931. (O 22-29— N 5-12-19) A T TO R N E Y AT LAW Eugene as the place for hearing shall not apply to the bonds hereby all persons claiming by through or Date of last publication, Thursday ground work of the exhibit. Also Lamb, deceased. und settling said final account and authorised. under them, or either of them. In November 12, 1931. N O T A R Y P U B L IC L. L. RAY. Attorney for some Connecticut Field Stock (c) The Common Council shall and to said premises. for hearing objections there to. S U M M O N S the Estate. (O 15 22-29— N 6-12) pumpkins, the largest of which Is Sutton Springfield All persons having objections to each year at the time of making IN T H E CIRC1UT COURT OF T H E H . L. BOW N. Sheriff of Lane (O 22-29— N 5-12-19) STATE OF OREOON. FOR 56 Inches ln circumference; a sam­ the allowance of said final account the annual tax levy for city pur­ County, Oregon. B u ild in g Oregon N O T IC E O F 8 A L E are hereby noHflxl and required poses, make a special, additional E. Hulegaard, Deputy. ple of Table Queen sqtta3h; a quin­ NO TIC E Is hereby given that by P la in tiff vs OF R E A L E S T A T E to present and file the same on or levy of a sum sufficient to pay In­ (8 24— 0 1-8-16-22) virtue of an execution and order . Qm i»h and J W Jam ! tette of W inter Luxury pumpkin, terest on outstanding bonds of this before the time for said hearing. IN T H E COUNTY CO URT OF of sale issued out of the Circuit I NelUe L Smitb' and 3 W Jaml tet of VZinter Luxury rle pumpkin. Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this Issue, and to retire the principal son. Defendants T H E STA TE OF OREGON FOR Court of the State of Oregon for SUM M ONS thereof at maturity. 1st day of October. 1*31. T H E CO UNTY OF LANE. IN Ijtn e County, September 28. 1931 To Nellie L. Smith and J. W. Jami­ They were taken to Portland for IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E R ESO LVED F U R T H E R , that for RA LPH SEARS. Admtnlstra son. Defendants. PROBATE NO. 6571. the Internationa' Stock show. S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E upon and pursuant to a decree duly tbr of the Estate of Mary J the hereinabove proposed charter IN T H E NA M E O F T H E STATE IN T H E M A T T E R OF T H E ES­ given and made by said court Sept­ CO UN TY OF LANE amendment the following ballot Walker - Poole Co. Bowen, deceased. OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ T A T E of E L IJA H C. STUM AN , ember 22, 1931. In a suit pending title bn and the some Is adopted Roy G. Cairns, Plaintiff. V9. Tex quired to appear and answer the C. H. SEDG W ICK, Creswell, Deceased. Mead and Sarah A. Mead, his in which Henry Yunker. as Execu­ P. J. BARTHO LO M EW , Mgr. to-wit: Oregon, Attorney for Estate. Notice Is hereby given that in tor of Estate of John Yunker, de­ complaint filed against you In the wife. Defendants. C H A R T E R A M EN D M EN TS (O 8-16-22-29: N 6) Phone 82 J and 62 M TO T E X M EAD AN D 8ARAH pursuance of an order duly given ceased, was plaintiff and Sue M .i above entitled suit within » four i_ t S U B M IT T E D TO T H E VOTERS J I Jnnps wpoks from thp date of the first Springfield, Gregon A. MEAD. ABOVE NA M ED DE- and made by the above entitled rv-tv»v»