THE SPRINGFIELD ! NEWS 81’RINOFTBLD, LANK COUNTY, OREGON. THVR8IJAY. OCTOBER 22. 1931 TWBNTY-KKJIITII YKAR. to Act On HAWLEÏ SATS SELLL CHAMBER FAVOBS HcstScnntTcnnp RELIEF WORKERS Is Started Here Bonds Wednesday heae SATUROAV LAHE FAIR REPDRT ■■■I No. 41 X "'"1 e MadeatCreamery “r»'“rv GROVE — •— PLAY HERE FRIDAY Night Officer Investigates Pounding and Frightens New Staring Lineup for Local Intruder, Safe-Cracker High School Announced by Coach Norval May Attempts to break open the safe Twelve Boy* Gut Application Passage of New Issue Will Blank«; Methodiet Church Red Cross Representativa to Not Incrsas« Tax««; May Congressman Hears Plea of Majority Finding« of County Sponsors Group Eugene for New Postoffice Lower Annual Levy Chamber of Commerce Ap­ Interview Men at City Hail in Visit to Lane County proved by Local Body from 11 to 12 Noon Twnlve boy* obtained applica­ Voter* of Hprlngfleld. those reglx at tbe Hprlngfleld Creamery were ! frustrated late Saturday night after STORES AGREE TO CLOSE . tbe dial bad been pounded off and ■ - - - - .. her« by the Methodist church at | to upprove of a 150,000 refunding carry on public work ta tbe opinion ! several futile efforts had been the first m««llng of th« group held lauid Issue at an election to be First of Emergency Work is expressed by Representative W C. Victory Means Chance to Next Masting of County Body made to gain access to tbe Interior lust Thursday evening. Several held at the city hall all day Wed Hawley, who Is visiting In Lane« Now Under Way in Mar- Play University High for to be in Springfield on Nov­ others hav« Indicated their Inten­ 11 of the vault. Tbe attempt was evt nesday. October 28. The polls will county today. Mr. Hawley says he cola District ember 19 to Consider Fair District Championship dently the work of amateurs ac­ tion of Joining. open at 8 o'clock In tbe morning Is absolutely opposed to increased cording to Iver Ross and Sergeant Kxplanulloii of th« Inform ation and will remain open until 8 tbal taxation for public work which Miss Phyllis Hartxog, Lane coun The Hprlngflel«l chamber ol Cor King football will hold sway In Al Capone is rarely photogruphed W. H. Ellenburg state police of- ivccsssry on the application blanks ly Med Cross worker, will be at evening might create employment. He bolds i mere« voted In favor of voiiUnuliifc at his ease. The above was snapped fleers who Investigated. Tools 8prin*,leld “»««rrow. The Spring 'iillowud by a short address by the city hall Hslurday morning Judge» of the election will be that taxes are largely a burden on at a Chicago dtarity ball game. the 1 4» lie County Fair but with a l found near tbe safe were Identified f,e,d and C«“ M » «rove high school 1> sett C. Poindexter. The lat­ from II to 12 to Interview and re-1 John Ketela and Heverl Jacobaon. Industry and must necessarily chan«« of policy Tuesday evening as property of tbe Creamery and ,eam" W“J ,an«,e on BrattalB “ eld ter part of the evening was de­ glsler men who need employment l"b« clerks are Maude Bryan, Hat- raise prices. "If goods won’t sell when It atlopl«il tbe majority re- i had been used there frequently. ln U,elr an,nual f,Mh a‘ 2:30 and vote»' lual work on the (under- All men who are out of work and “ * Myers, and Elisabeth Page, at present prices, they won’t sell port of the l-ane County Chamber u . , .. ,, „ present Indications are that nearly games under the who want emergency employment fool I Hugh Cowart, night police off 1-F . . . . . . , . . . . . * An appeal to the voters of the al higher ones." he declares. _ of Commerce commute«. H«l»««t«e i „ . . , .7 7 I all of tbe local student body and Gioii II Martin, to carry them through the winter c|ty to vote yes on the ballot which supervln cer. heard pounding at the cream . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Hawley's theory Is that there most of the business people of the to the next meellng of the couuty d Paul Potter, as are urged to appear at the city “icy will receive Wednesday Is Is much money In this country but sioutuiasi ery and went to Investigate. He j ,__ ..„ _ j._ _ _ n._u__ I city will be In attendance. Backers chamber which la November I* In saw someone run towards the back slstant lea». . hall at thia time. , made In thia week’s issue of th>- It I* being boarded and not put In of the Orove team can always Springfield were Instructed to vole ; door and went around to meet the i P. J llartl. -mew, chairman of Flrst of the emergency road -'Few* by W. P Tyson, muyor. circulation. Industrial and business I__ , , . __ be counted on to be here In large for the report as aubtilllleil to that the troop committee, and Howard work of the county to provide Jobs l l u r - I __ ,°eTer, numbers to encourage their squad. The refund Issue Is to take cere securities will not sell but there Is Protest Against Use of A body. Hugh««, member, attended, aa did and relieve unemployment started to *wo groups of bonds the first Inside the building then turned and\ _ . , .. . . a good demand for government, ¡ng Advertisements on Back . . . . . Coach Norval May announced to- Plana for entertaining the visit- Nell Pollard and It. E. Mosliler. went out tbe front door. . .. . . .... ,, , this week. ! «Xplrtog November 1. and the goc- I bonds. By selling bonds much of A(umnj Book ¡, Heard i day that he will have an entirely ora next mouth and road matters Regular meeting night for the Work Is being done on tbe Par- j ond February 1. No description or clues of the d1fferent nneup __ for _ the 8tart of I money Can be drawn back Into ctr- _____ __ ______ _ ____ look up the time of the Tuesday new troop ha* been set for Thurs­ suns creek road In the Marcóla dla-' - i-ulatloo and the depression re-j Cigarette advertising was struck ia,ruder * ere obtained. The door tbe Friday game. Two of his best meet lux The report adopted Is day. according to Mr. Bartholomew. trlcl and four or five men will be COBURG METHODISTS another blow here Monday evening of the "*** was I'mmied so that u ie s and wright, are almost | Ileved. be says, herewith published In full: given four days work tbl* week, | at tbe monthly meeting of the “ expe* h“d l° ** "umm'>oed “»¡certain to be out of the game. Liles Wsnt Postoffice PLAN SERVICE SUNDAY Report Olvan says Clinton Hurd, county commis­ Mr Hawley met with a group of I Brotherhood of the Methodist OI* n 11 Monday morning suffered an injury early In the fall To the president, officers and j sioner. Church Night Program Set for Eugene business men who asked church when that body went on re and has not recovered satisfactor­ members of the l.une County Chain-1 A policy similar to that of last Thursday, O ctober 29; Rev. him to work for an Increased ap , cord as opposed to the publication NEEDLECRAFT ENJOYS ily. and Wright has been sick for ber of Commerce: We. your com • winter Is being followed by the Poindexter to T a lk propriatlon of a new postofUce ln 0, clgarc’te advertisements on the MUSIC ,e¥eral days and ha" not been out ■alltee appointed to Investigate and CAMES AND county court. A wage of two doP F that city. Tbe old postoffice was hack covers of Old Oregon, monthly ---- for practice this week. report on the lame County Fair, j Isrs a day I* paid and application* "Human Needs and the Church's built when the postal receipts in publication of alumni of the Uni-, A program of guessing gam es,1 The probable starting lineup aa beg leave to make the following _______ for work are received aud acted up-. Koepouse.” will be the subject of Eugene were 120.000 yearly and versity of Oregon. music and readings were enjoyed given by May la Allen at end, report: ,, _ , , _ . . . i _ i |on *'»' “ »• Bed Cross chapter and (he Sunday morning service at tbe now they have Increased to *158.000 Members of the group, realizing by members of the Needlecraft Chetwood and Arvai Htevenson The committee held one public City Has Received No O fficial ,be ot those employed are ¡Coburg Methodist church at 9:46 and It Is held that the building Is, their Ina ball ty to take any positive club who met last Thursday with guards; Rasmussen and Sourd, meeting on Wednesday, October 7,i Notification; Franchise i* turned over to tbe county ¿ourt. n,.v Dean (’. Poindexter will totally Inadequate. A new strut- action, announced their Intention of Mrs. W. H. Pollard. Mrs. Dan Crites tackles; Hartman and Harold 111 which about 50 person* were Ui, Thought Effective A rock point Is being cut sway on preach. The church school meets ture on another location is sought, taking the matter up with Homer! acted as Joint hostess. Prixes were Stecenson, ends; Dean Anderson, attendance Tbe members of the, ¡the Parsons creek road to widen at 10:30 alld , he young people bold Irrigation In the Willamette val- p Angell, of Portland, president of won by Mrs. L. K. Page. Mrs. W. fullback; Thatcher or West at committee have alan InterviewedI Purchase of the Eugene bus ays the route as It Is now so narrow thelr devotional service at 7:30 ley and power should be closely tbe Alumni association, and pro- F. Walker and Mrs. Walter Gossler, right-half; Frese at quarter, and more than 100 people Interested lu tern and equipment and the Eu that the school buss cannot pass. p m linked with the canalization of the mined to start agitation for the re- A piano solo by Mrs. Floyd Thomp- Thurman at left-half. the fair. We have studied reports genwHprlngfleld line by the Oregon Commissioner Hurd said. Springfield took a 19 to 0 defeat A church night I* being planned Willamette rl»er and this will help moval of the advertisements among son, a piano and banjo solo by front the Fair Hoard and examined Motor Hinges was announced Fri­ to bring It about, Mr. Hawley the other Brotherhood groups of Mrs. C. E. Stein, Jr., and Miss Roseburg Friday, and Is now for the congregation on ThuradB) records of the County Court per-1 day by M A Reed, and It. W. Le- E. PLANS COSTUME Bessie Stewart, and a reading by rated as the underdog of the dls- evening. October 29. After an opeh- state*. He eipect* that a thorough ti,e gtate. talnlng to tbe fair and have re­ m»-m of Portland. No official uotl- Agitation against the cigarette Mrs. John Ketels were included in but due to the unusual rs- HALLOWEEN PARTY ing service by the pastor the group survey of the river will be made ceived resolutions from a number f teat Ion of the transfer of owner advertising follows the recent post- the program. suits of games this season, a vlc- ■ ■ will divide and the younger and goon- of organisations endorsing the con­ ship has beeu recelv»*»! by ufflclals A protest in any change ln the O. al questionnirlre sent by some to- Those present were Mesdames ,ory OTer Cottage Grove would put The Christian Endeavor society older people will have separate dts- tinuation of the fair and have heard of Hprlngfleld. and C. lands, for which the county bacco company to all alumni of q h Jarrett, E. E. May, Walter I hprlngfleld In running with UnF of the Hprlngfleld Christian church rusHion*. the personal openlons of a great Tbe property was taken over -------------------------- receives money in lieu of taxes Oregon requesting a statement as Scott. Harry Stewart, Floyd Thomp- ,re™,ty hlgh ,or the «’hamplonahip many people Interested in tbs con­ from the Pacific, llreybound com I* planning to hold a Hallowe’en every year, was made by lumber- to their preference of cigarettes. Hon c q Wilson, Clifford Wilson. honors- tinuance of the fair. We have re­ pany and will be operated under masquerade parly, which I* to be SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY men at the meetltng. It Is said a Nearly 50 men and women at- , Walter Gossler. R. H. Drury B Eugene has defeated Cottage ceived many communications both the direct supervision of Mr. Reed In the form of a rally. It Is to be DAY SET NOVEMBER 1 move is on foot to put these lands tended the dinner in the basem ent! Wright, W. C. Wright C F OroTe> Cottage Grove has defeated favorable and unfavorable concern whose home Is In Eugene. Mr. Ia>- held In the social parlors of the Into the nearest forest reserve, at 8:30 and almost 100 were pres- Barber, C. J. Bartholomew W N University high, and University church. Thursday evening. October Ing the county fair. A special program is being plan inem la vice president of tbe Urey- 29th at 7:30 o'clock. Guests In- h‘Kh te pur- Continue Fair Asked ' ned by the officers of the Sunday Many of the small sawmill opera- ent later in the evening to hear the Long. W. F. Walker. houud lines and Is Interested In The evening will he spent in get­ school of the Christian church for tors In Lane county are dependent illustrated lecture on astronomy ciuded Mesdames Page, James Lax- p,e and wh,te te*m from Eugene Basing our conclusions on tbe Portland financial circle*. ting acquainted, plyslog games, fol­ Rally Sunday which has been set upon these lands for their available as presented by John Knox, high ton, Ketels. Stein and Miss Stew high la8t Friday, 7-8, tn a night above study, we think It the desire It I* doubtful If any change In game played on Hayward Field. art. of the majority pf tbe people of service between Eugene and this lowed by a short pep rally, and a for Sunday morning. November 1. timber supply and have been buy- school professor, Springfield, to date, has played ing steadily from the government. ------------- talk by the president, after which Ijine county that the Iuine county city will he made. The franchise The next meeting will be held at 9:45. The entire program has wtth Mrs. Scott with Mrs Carl only the Eugene game and lost it. fair be continued In 1*31 and we made with the original owner* I* light refreshments will be served not been announced, but arrange In the Sluslaw range In Western METHODIST EPISCOPAL A Springfield victory will put the All the young people of Hprlng­ menta have been made to have the I-ane county ever odd numbered SERMONS ARE GIVEN Olson as Joint hostess. so recommend. However, by the believed to be binding under the University high-Sprlngfleld game _______ _________________ fleld are cordially Invited to attend Patterson steter*. Dori* and Holeu. section is O. and C. and to with- same careful study we have come, new management. to be played at Mavward field on (his social Everybody please com»- draw these would be to hottie up "Answering the Call to the to the conclusion that the policy of Eugene here with their hurp and Thanksgiving day In rank as the In costume und have a good time violin for the program. all tbe timber Small operators see World." will be the theme of the SPRINGFIELD BOY WINS of the fair and Its program In 1*32 MRS. HELEN MAY STORY CONTEST eame in which the championship In this move an attempt of the message at the 11 o'clock worship IN NAVY should be very materially changed ----------- will be decided. large timber Interest too force them gerT(ce at the Methodist church Many of the most ardent support i PASSES AT SALEM HOME KENSINGTON CLUB HAS CRESWELL STAR GROUP In a contest recently held on the Students at tue high school have out of business. Sunday. Special music Is being era of the fair, we find, are of the MEETING ON FRIDAY Mrs. Helen May Story, well- U. S. S. Nevada. Louis Francis been holding rallies each day and ENTERTAINED TUESDAY prepared by the choir. same opinion and while there may known here for several years, pass­ EVANGELISTIC CROUP The church school asks co-oper Shipley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ship- enthusiasm Is running high there, be some who will disagree with u s.1 ed away at her home on route 8. Members of the Kensington club Fifteen members of the Creswell we feel that this study would have Salem. Friday afternoon after an were entertained Friday afternoon | COMING IN FEBRUARY at,on ,n the ,a8k °f buildln* aB up ley of .715 First street. Spring- Nearly all the business men of tha Eastern Star lodge accepted an in­ to date educational program of re- “ e,d was one of the prise winners, town have agreed to close shop contributed nothing to the general UlniMiK. She wm» born at Silverton by Mr*. J. T. Moore and Mrs. John vitation to visit the Cascade lodge .... liglon It meets at 9 45 a m This contest was sponsored by for a conple of hour» for the game, welfare of the people of Lane coun- j February 8, 1868. and moved to Mol­ Honderer at the home of Mrs. Announcement was made this of Springfield on Tuesday evening w eek hv V e ltie P ru itt n a sto r o f th e ” M,as Velda Bartholomew will “»e navy department in prepara Gene Shields, line coach at the ty unless we expluln some of our I alla with her parents when a small Moore. Miss Edna »warts was for the regular monthly dinner S n rin w ftelt c h r im ia n ch u rch th a t ,ea d t h e young people’s meeting] “ °n tor the tenth annual observ-> University of Oregon will officiate Ideas as to how the 1932 fair should <-hlld She later made her home at chosen reporter, and Mrs, D. B. meeting of the group. Following the p *' 1 ” 1 * Sunday evening at 6:30 on the sub- ance Na»y “ »V which is Octo- the game as referee. His assistants be conducted. the Parrish Evangelistic company Oregon City and at Wolf Creek, Murphy was made chairman of the! H|xthlr(y dlnnpr thp n)pmbpri( Ject: "Why bother with Religion her 27. and was a newspaper article have not been announced. Cut Paid Amusements residing 20 years at each place. flower committee. ¡the Cascade lodge held their regu- has been secured to direct evangel­ contest, stories ot be appropriate Tickets are selling at 25c for istic services at the church starting ,od^ We believe that the 1*32 fair She II vjh I at Salem thr«M> months. Guests Invited for the afternoon i jar lodgp work with their guests as The Christian World Discovers' f°r publication In connection with students and 35c for adnlta. Beason should dominantly be an agrlcul- j She Is survived by her husband. were Mrs. William Price. Portland;! spectators. the first Sunday in February and Its Enemies” Is the theme to be Navy Day. The name of the article tickets for the four home games tural and livestock exhibition. That Edward F. Story; «»nwson, Robert Mrs. William Lightfoot. Eugene;' running for from 4 to 6 weeks. Of­ _________________ It should be stripped of all those C. Story. New York City; one and Mrs. Helen Reynolds Members ficials of the church” have~°been Presented at the 7:30 evening sir- submitted by Mr. Shipley was are also on sale for *1.00. A group 1 ’ vice. This will be an Introduction '▼our Navy and Mine.” of business men have volunteered amusement features which have daughter. Helene. Salem; end four who attended were Mrs. C. E. SMALL GIRLS HAVE making plans for this campaign to a series of seven services to fob Mr. Shipley enlisted in the navy their services as ticket sellers and eonalaently contributed to the de-1 Swurts, Mrs. Mary Kessey, Mrs. W. HALLOWE EN PARTY ever since last February and are low in which the seven great sisters. the fall of 1929. police at this first home game of flclt and that It should be conduct­ pleased to announce the selection ----------- Funeral services were held from H. Hobbs, Mrs. W. N. Dow, Mrs.1, enemies of mankind will be por- -------------------------- j the season. ed as a free show to which all peo­ the J'reshyterlan church at Oregon Edward Prlvat. Mrs. Murphy. Mrs.; Twenty-five members of Mrs. of this company to direct the work. trayed by tableau and otherwise. FRIENDS GATHER FOR Followers of the football activi­ ple of Lane county should come City Monday afternoon at 2:30 with M V. Walker. Mrs. W. C. Wright, j t** Putman’s Sunday school class A cordial welcome Is extended to TENTH ANNIVERSARY ties of the high school will remem- and see. The Items we propose to Carl Doney, president of Willamette Mrs. 8. C. Wright. Mrs. P. J. Bar were guests at a costume Hal- MALE QUARTET TO SING all by Dean C. Poindexter, pastor. | I tru l ri A ru m V C .K 9A K T ber that the Cottage Grove-Sprlng- eliminate from the fair program university, officiating. Interment tholomew. Mrs. W. C. Rebhan. Mrs., lowe’en party given last Thursday AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH will off-set the amount taken In at was made tn Mountain View ceme­ H. W. Whitney, Mrs Lawrrence evening by Miss Jeanntne Withers Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Dale fleld *ame of la8t year waa fou«ht FOUR CO TO ALBANY Horton o( Creek gathered at tn a sea of mud In the southern the gate and grandstand In 1*31 tery at Oregon City. May. Mrs. Margaret Kenyon. Mrs a< “>e home of her grandmother. "Campfire Melodies” a group of and with a free gate we believe FOR POWER CO. PARTY their home Friday evening to help Lane clty on Pr,day- October 24 The entire runeral arrang»-mente W. E Buell. Miss Edna Swarts. Mrs. C. I. Gorrle, Sr. Hallowe’en songs by a male quartet compris­ that the large crowds attending were handled by P. J. Bartholomew Mrs. Levi Neet, Mrs. Charles' games and refreshments featured ----------- them observe their tenth wedding the sam e day of the week as this ing Merton Ferebee. Dallas Murphy. will give the maximum In ednea Springfield mortician, who Is an Poole and Mrs. A. J. Morgan. the evening. Pour employes of the Springfield anniversary. They brought tin year. Indications are now that Veltie Pruitt, and Dr. W. C. Rebhan clear weather will greet the teams. tlonal and advertising benefits and old friend of the son and who was The next meeting of the group will be heard as a special feature I offlce of ,he MoM,“ n States Pow,“r K|fls for the couple and spent the The boys are practicing on the will Justify the county In continu­ called to Salem at his request. will be held at the Anchorage on STATE INSPECTOR WILL of the Blbie school hour at t h e icompany mo,ored to Albany last evening playing games. Those prea- high school fleld tonight so as not ing the fair appropriations as In Thursday evening to attend the ent were Mr. and Msr. Wilfred October 30 with Mrs. Buell and VISIT IUKA CIRCLE Christian church Sunday morning the past years. We are not making social event sponsored by the Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Norton Pengra, to spoil the surface for the game Mrs. W. K. Barnell as hostesses. at 9:45. KITCHEN SHOWER HELD Friday. a long statistical report on the fair Plans for the visit of the state The pastor will take as his morn-, power company for all employes . Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Chase, _ Mr . AT BAPTIST CHURCH but have attached the report of the Kre8«- and Mr « d GRAVEL COMPANY SEEKS ( inspector to Iuka circle. 1-ailles of Ing sermon subject at 11 o’clock. in thl8 d‘8tr,ct’ Tho8e maklng the and Mrs- GUESTS INVITED FOR Fair Hoard and figures of the Coun Sch-jMrs. Kenneth Tobias. M," Members of the ladles aid of the the G. A. R. were discussed last "Secrets of Success." His evening i ty Clerk, County Court and County Baptist church held a kitchen PERMIT FOR MORE WORK I Thursday evening and will be com- affenberg. • Miss Lulu McPherson ------------------- BIRTHDAY DINNER subject at 7:30 will be "Idle Men.’’ Club Leader hereto so that If any shower at their meeting Wednes­ and Miss Mlsa Maxine Maxlne Snodgrass. »nonkrass. ■ j_|VE TABLEg ,N p|_AY to . pleted at a special meeting called There will be special music by the j anu Application for a permit member organisation of the luine Mrs. Ray Nott and Mr». Ray day afternoon for Mrs. John Bryan, dredge gravel from the Willamette tor October 27. at the armory The choir at this service County Chamber of Commerce AT BENEFIT CARD PARTY BateR of Harrisburg were h»>stes»es The Christian Endeavor meets LIONS MEMBERS HEAR who lost all her household and per­ river al a location about .6 miles Inspection visit has been announ- wishes to further study the fair for a birthday dinner Sunday on sonal effects recently when the downstreem from the Springfield ce<* tor November 12. at 7:30 for their regular program. ATWATER-KENT WINNER , Flve ,ables of cards were ln play I the occasion of the birthday of Mr*. _______ question they may use this report Bryan home was completely des­ highway bridge has been made Friday evening at the benefit card ' . . . . .... u as the basis from which to work. Members of the Springfield Lions . »nonsored bv the N U &t h T h * 8 yeI lh an 1 troyed by fire. to the office of the district engineer However, we do state further some club heard vocal thf D gtreet8 o ue8t8 invited Included ilub heard vocal selection» selection» at at their tneir P8rt' Rebekah hlch lodge sponsored Mrs Mabel by Ped for the War Department at Port­ of our recommendations more s(K' noon luncheon meeting Friday by .. . wlnner of hleh Drize M d M J h ’ 1 ’ M d FOREST ROAD WORK land. Maps showing exact location clflcnlly ns follows: Mi»» Marearet Slmm» Portland C ' 8‘ ” F °f g pr » Mrg Henry Holleman and children. Miss Margaret Simms. Portiana. for w<)men Oswald Olson won the u, and extent of the proposed work FINISHED FOR YEAR 1. Money to Be Budgeted— We winner of the Atwater-Kent music, . f „ „ . George Belts. Harrisburg, and Mr. are available at the office In Port­ prize tor men Mrs. Gra»e I.ans an(J Mrs M A poh, #nd chl|dren In order th at the voters tnay correctly understand recommend that the County Court contest for Oregon. She was accom­ berry was awarded the consolation Mr and Mrg Jt)bn An(iel,goni Mr Construction work on the South land and any objection to the pro­ the refund Bond Issue to be voted on at an election require of the Fair Board each panied at the piano by Miss Lo»« prtle Mrs. Wanda Barnes was gen- Fork road In the McKensle region posal from the standpoint of navi­ held October 28th, 1931, it Is deemed advisable th a t the and Mrs. Aldwln Powell and chil­ year a tentative budget of how all gation should be received at the Johnson. pra] c h a (rm an of o ,e event which has halted for the year according Mayor briefly explain such bond Issue. There are $50,- moneys are expected to he spent Dwight Kessey and M. C. Kirk ,g (he ffrgt of a ger,eg glm„ar dren of Springfield. to C. C. Olson, superintendent. office not later than October 27, 000.00 general obligation bonds coming due in the im ­ before the county and state appro­ land were In charge of the program. ones planned for the winter months. There Is still some work about the according to Oscar O. Kuentx, Ma­ mediate future with no money available to pay them. priations are turned over to the POSTMASTER GETS DEER camps which will be completed be­ jor, Corps of Engineers. So to preserve the credit of the city and to meet our board. Tbe Fnlr Hoard Is appointed Complaint that residue from fore the end of the year. DEPOT AGENT ASSUMES ON VACATION TRIP obligations when due. It Is necessary to issue refund SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS by the County Court and In our gravel screening operation« at the DUTIES TH IS WEEK bonds. sufficient sinking fund has not been provided opinion should he accountable to, gravel company plant were being HAS PARTY ON FRIDAY Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hamlin and in past years to pay our bonds as fast as they become nnd the fnlr policy be subject to SCHOOL TO END FIRST Carl Olson, agent for the South . t ~ „ „ , „ ' children returned this week from allowed to pile up and were likely due, altho we did pay $15,000.00 last year. With this the approval of the County Court. SIX-WEEKS PERIOD to change the main course of the ern Pacific railroad assumed his Memb*r8 of Mra Van v “]“ •>' Douglas county where they hare Issue, It Is planned to have them fall due a fter the fifth 2. Secretary's Salary— We re­ river wns heard recently by the duties this week after an absence 8,,nday 8 been spending two weeks vacation Next Thursday will mark the end year from issue, in fifteen equal or nearly equal in­ commend that the secretary receive Lane county court which has start­ of two months during which he an.l dlst church held a par,y at the with Mr. Hamlin's brother stallm ents of principal and interest Instead of the a definite nnd stated salary and of the flrat six-weeks period tor the ed an Investigation. Mrs. Olson vacationed In Wiscon home of the,r ”*“ « , even who llVeg at Drew. The local poat- whole issue falling due. a t one time as has been the that nil money received for adver­ schools of this city. Students at sin. Fred Smith of Portland has tnB wl,h about 25 ln att<,ndance master brought hack two deer and practice heretofore. By this method of paying over a tising In the premium list books, the high «chool will take their ¡been taking care of Mr. Olson’s ' The evenlng wa8 8pent W,th distributed venison among hla ORDERS FOR LIME period of years, the whole Issue would have been paid concessions or what not, be ac­ examinations the first of next week work during hla absence. and refreshments. friends as proof of his marksman according to W. E. Buell, principal. NOW BEING SIGNED off a t the end of twenty years with not m uch Increase counted for In the financial state­ _______________ _______________ ship. in taxes. By following such a plan as this, the entire ment of the fair and all receipts CHILD’S HEAD GASHED THREE-DAY MEETING ----------------------- Orders for one car load of agri­ Former Jewslar Hsre— D. W. bonded indebtedness would eventually be t ’.indnated revert to the -fair board treasury. SWING ACCIDENT PLANNED FOR CRESWELL FINGER CAUGHT IN SAW IN and taxes could then really be reduced. So long as we We believe thnt the side shows and Roof, former Hprlngfleld Jeweler, cultural lime for farmers of this area are being taken at the office SERIOUSLY INJURED has been a gueat at the Frank have our bonded debt, taxes must he levied each year carnival feature» could well be eli­ Members of the I^ne County Little Jean Yarnell, daughter of to pay the Interest. minated for each dollar contributed Snodgrass home for several days. of the county agricultural agent. O. E Fellows, resident of Spring- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Yarnell re- Council of Religious Education will It is required that a total of 30 to the fair treasury by such conces­ It Is hoped th at the voters will support this bond j celved several bad gashes to her I gather at Creswell Friday for a I field route 2. sustained a very pain- Return from Alaaka— E. E. Mor­ tons be ordered before a car ran sions experience shows that at Issue. It will in no way Increase our present rate of head Monday when she fell from a ! three-day session lasting through ful Injury to hl* finger Wednesday least *Iu Is taken out of the county rison snd »or., Gerald have returned be shipped. About one-third of the tuxes and It will pave the way for paying off our bonds »wing at her home where she was Sunday. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, when he caught It In a has* sew amount I* now ordered. by these ao called amusement*. from Alaska where they «pent the and a reduction of our taxes in the future. , playing. It required several stitches i pastor of the Springfield Methodist with which he was working at The lime ta aold at cost *6.60 Hummer looking after gold mine Many of the moat successful county ¡at the office of a local physician church has been Invited to address home. He cut It lengthwise an fairs In the country have entirely Interest« In the region north of a ton and produced at the atate W. P. TYSON. Mayor. ’the group Friday evening. i about a third of the finget. to close the wound. lime plant at Salem. Nome. (Concluded on Page 4) tion (or membership blank* lu the tere»l on the poll books at the office The federal government should - WANTS POLICY CHANGED Hoy Seoul troop being sponsored $2 PER DAY SCALE GIVEN of the county rlerk. will he asked sell a billion dollars of It* bond* to i Brotherhood Raps Cigarette Display NEW FIRM TAKES OVER BUS LINES ------------- To the Voters o f Springfield: i