THURSDAY, OCTOBER Iß. 1031 LANE TEACHERS MEETING STARTS 7 rees bor barm Areas Available Set bor LANE CLUBS WILL Elections Road Districts SEND DISPLAYS TO W N A N D VICINITY Motor to Salam—Mr and Mrs. C, Flah »undsy—W. P. Tyson and V isits in Corvallis— Ml«« » Inm hel Wagner, high school learher. spent hl» hrollier. tl H. Tyson of Eugene, the weekend ut her home In Cor­ »peni Munday nfternnon flshlng In Ihe luke ahovv Iho dam ai Lsahurg vallis. Visit* from Medford—C. O. Cline Voter* in November Will Pass F Rgglmann motored to Salem on of Medford nas a visi’or In Spring State Forest Nursery Has 11 business and pleasure Tuesday field Tuesday. on Proposals for Special Local Four-H Boys and Girls Annual Institute Will Be Held Species to Be Distributed afternoon. Tax Levies Visits Sister— Miss Clara Massen for Special Planting Plan Participation at Live­ Thursday. Friday at Wood- Hun» in Cow Crook Canyon — of Portland spent Ihe week cud stock Exposition row Wilson School Annual elections In county road Eleven ..pecles of tree» are again Frank Rod and Frank Diets left here visiting with her slater, Mr* available for diRtrihutlon from the I'lans are being made for the par districts where voles will be taken Tuesday lor Cow Creek to spend N W. Emery. oi county Four-H as to raising of special levies for several dava haul Ina deer PROGRAM NOW READY I »tale forest nursery at Corvallis ,|cl, Vlalta Stayton Club — W. F to farmers of Oregon for use In hovs and girls at the annual Paci­ road work In the respective dis Returns from Portland — Mrs, Waikar, district governor ol I.lone establishing shelter belts, wind fic Ini m a t onal Livcstrck show to trivia will he held in l4tne In Nov County Superintendent's Of­ Kate Brumette has returned from clubs of (Ills area, paid an official breaks and woodlots all of which be held at Portland October 24 to ember. visit to the elub at Salyton on fice Completes Arrange­ add to the appearance as »ell as 3l Supplies to the various districts, !’i rtland where she spent ihe past Monday, ments for Session usefulness of the farmstead. Thou­ will he sent out from the office «* • « * * • *»•“ " * * ',h her ,un Folmer Bodtker and Cleo Peter- o sands of these trees have been dis­ oB, sheep shearing team, will give of the county clerk (his week. M ov* to Naw Addr«**— Mr und Form er Resident H ere — isiuis An extensive program for the an­ tributed over the state in the last Mrs William Goodman moved this All road district elections must McBee of Oregon City, formerly nual two-day teachers' institute for few years, many of them now thrh- a d< mons'.ratloa at the exhibition. la visiting week from Ihe Lovelace home at These boys are float the Juuctiou resident of Springfield, be held In the month of November Lane county has been prepared by ing in regions where there are few 747 F street to Ihe McCracken City sheep elub led by bus Flint Each district may levy a special [rienda here this week. the office of the county school sup­ native trees. house al Ninth und F atraots. tax of not to exceed 10 mills on Two girls of River Road school erintendent. Fall planting of these trees is Gat Large Mula Dear — George The Institute will be held Thurs recommended west of the Cascade district, members of the cooklnr the valuation In the district. Hills ami Fred Hills of Jasper re- day and Friday at the Woodrow ,noun, ains where moisture is more lub. t iara Lund and Martha Hon turned Saturday evening from east­ Wilson Junior high school in Eu­ abundant and where frosts are not n.gur, w.ll give a demonstration of ern Oregon with two large mule so severe. Planting at this time of cooking. Mrs. Roy Woodruff Is lead gene. deer. The loltowing is the program for year permits the roots to become er of this club. The Junction City boys led all well established by the time the the institute: Return* from Hospital— Robert growing season starts in the spring. other agricultural clubs of the stn'o Thursday, October 15 Drury has relumed from ban Frun In eastern Oregon spring planting at the state fair and the girls of 8:30-9:00— Regist ration. Iseo where he has been receiving the River Road school led all home 9:00-9:30— Special music. In­ is preferred. medical care for the past few Species available for immediate economics clubs. vocation, Rev. Milton H. Weber, months. Florence And Cushman Sec­ pastor Central Presby terian church, distribution are black locust, green So many readers have asked tor tion of Siuslaw Route to Return from H unting T rip — ash. box elder. Russian olive, west­ Announcements. a simple diagram pattern for an Be Started in 1932 evening Jacket that we have been Clifford Wilson und Roy Robert­ 30-10:15—Assembly address by ern yellow pine. Scotch pine, Rus­ looking here and everywhere to son returned the latter part of last Snldie Dunbar and Miss Raymond. sian mulberry, western red cedar. week from Eastern Oregon where Douglas fir. Port Orford cedar. ONE PORTION IS LEFT find a Jacket that was uot too in 10:15-11:00—Assembly address, they had been hunting. European larch and Norway spruce. tricate. Some of the simplest In Roben J- Maaske. The first six named are suitable appearance proved to be too com­ 11:00-13:00—Departmental: Mu­ j for eastern Oregon and all will Group Hopes to Have 12 Days Contract for Grading And plicated when It came to making a ral, Mr. Maaske, assembly: health. grow In western Oregon, according Surfacing to Approximate diagram that could be easily fol­ Work for Tester Here; Saidie Dunbar, Miss Raymond. Bes ! to Dean George W. Peavy of the $100,000, is Report lowed Finally we chanced to see Benton, Linn Also in sie Williams. Delle Fitxgerald and j school of forestry at Oregon State Just the thing- easy to Indicate be­ Dr. Seth Kerron, Room 23. Geo­ • college, who Is in charge of distri- There will be no work on the cause all four pieces that go to Eight Lane county dairymen graphy discussion, Mrs. Crystal * button. Florence and Cushman section of make it up are perfectly stralghl, have signed to co-operate in having Male, chairman, room 4, High their herds tested each month, ac- the Siuslaw highway this year, ac­ and therefore easy to cut once you Court R*c*iv*s Petition Ask­ School, citisenship council, D. A. NEW FARE AGREEMENT cording to a report at the county cording to Judge L. P. Barnard of have the right dimensions Emerson in charge, room 24. High ing for Route Down the the county court. To make the little Jacket In ihe REACHED BY RAILROADS agricultural agent's office. School, "B" League Conference, This announcement is made fol­ Siuslaw to Beach sketch you will need taffeta silk cut It is hopes! to have four more room 10. Making it possible for tourists to jojn , be group so a tester who lowing word received from officials in strips, hemmed on both sides, 1:30-2:00— Special music. An­ Asklug the county court to aid see the entire Pacific coast with a(g0 works in Linn and Benton of the federal bureau of public then stitched together. nouncements. in building a road from Florence roads at Portland. out additional travel cost, the counties may spend 12 days a Dn each side, extending over the down the Siuslaw river to the 2:00-2:45 — Assembly address. Southern Pacific company today shoulders. Is a strip four Inches month in Lane. The tester started The contract for the grading and Dean Sheldon, “How Mussolini announced plans for removal of the work ,n Linn MUB|y Thursday and beach, a petition bearing (he stgua surfacing of this final section of wide and 38 inches long. In the turea of 100 resident* of the Flor­ Trains Citlaens." (Mr. Maaske extra charge for rail travel be- w,„ ln Lane , he latter part of back, connecting these two pieces the highway will approximate 3100. meets with the school boards at tween California and eastern points Qgtober. is a strip four Inches wide and 12 ence area was presented Friday. 000. Judge Barnard says. Residents of the district have al 2 p. m.) via the 9hasta route through Port inches long. The piece for the belt The following Lane dairymen are AU other portions of the project is three inches wide and long ready raised approximately 31500 2:45-3:30— Departmental; Red land. signed: Elmer Harlow. V. H. Davis, to aid in the coat of building the Cross, Miss Mary Annin, chairman, Effective with the annual offer­ W. F. Reed. Hans Bodtker, E. S. have been completed as far as is road. This projected road would room 4; art. Miss Hasel Fishwood, ing of reduced transcontinental Fish, Aage Gribskov, C A. School- practicable. In the spring the tracks provide a route to the beach from of the Southern Pacific railroad room 23; intermediate council. Mrs roundtrip» next May. the equalixa- ing. George Gilmore, M. G. Viles. Florence and return to the Oregon company will be moved to the new Edlth Hays, chairman, room 10; tlon oi (ares will culminate years Coast highway at a point several grade. library, Marie Fletcher and Louise of efgort by Southern Pacific to miles north. Mimniu, room 10; high school, Dean bring about this travel boon in co- CRESWELL FARMER HAS Judge Barnard says no action FIELD OF BIG PUMPKINS Sbeldon, “Some Experimental pro- operation with connecting lines, will be taken on the petition until blems In secondary education. it wag gtated by E. W. Clapp, gen- J. P. Lane, Creswell farmer, has after the budget meeting to be held room 24; high school and junior eral passenger traffic manager for produced 9504 pounds of Connecti­ soon when it will be determined high school, Mr. Rothwell, social (be company. cut field stock pumpkin on a piece how much money the couuty will The announcement, Clapp ex science, assembly. have for construction work. plained, means that summer travel ° f «round containing about twenty Friday, October 16 an ers next vear will be able to use ”1uare roda The