TH E 8PR IN 0H B L D NEWS THlHtHDAY. (K’TOHEH 16. 11(31 PAOS TH»« Account ot Katate Filed — Final TWO MEALS DAY BEST account of the probate of the ea- Notice 1« hereby given that the underalgned haa been duly appoint­ tate of A. P Handera waa filed I FOR STOMACH TROUBLE ed edm liilatralrlx of Hie eatate of Friday. Skip one meal and drink water Notice la hereby given that a The council met Monday evening The Deerhorn P.-T. A. will hold D It Hmllli, d«cea«ed, und any and Inateud. Wash out stomach and special election will be held In th e ! with all members present. The Ito next meeting at the school nil person« having claim« against Account of Eatata Fllad— Final bowels each morning by drinking Town of Springfield on Wednee »lection board for the next muni houae Wednesday evening. October the »aid »«tale urn hereby required November 21 at 7 30. Mrs. E. R. Potter le to present »aid claims, duly verl- uccount of the probate ut the «» water with spoonful of almple gly- day. the 28th day of October 1931. , , , Katate of Olive Kthal Allgiro« Dec'd j fled a» by law required, at 445« late of James A Thorn»» waa filed « ^ a . buckthorn bark, saline eom to vote on a charter amendment !„ .. pound trailed Adlerika). proposed and submitted to the 3 •Mmmted as follow» Chair president of the group. Mrs. Del : Miner Bldg., Eugene, Oregon, In I Adlerika bring» out poison» you voters by the common council. The man. John Beak, Judge. W. W Benson Is chairman of the program Nolle» I» hereby given litui Mar Lull» County, Oregon, within six Friday. tbu C. Key ha« filed In the County mouth» from the date of thl» notice. . . never thought were In your . . . system . .resolution proposing the amend Scott; flrat clerk. Mr». Margaret for the meeting and Mrs. O. L. Bounty Is Collected— The county i If you are nervous, ca n t sleep, full |„ g l follows. FO R R E N T Smull iuriil«h<'d lion*« Court of the Biute of Oregon. In Dated mid first published Sept W arner; second clerk. Mrs. Mites Stary will have charge of refresh­ of gas, It will surprise you. Adler i RESO LUTIO N Hili unil M iilu x iri'i'iii. ( ’a ll Ea and for Lane County, her final re ember 24, 1931. bounty on one coyote was collected jjg | f RESOLVED BY T H p M arquart; third clerk. J. C. Strat ments. Hallowe'en dishes are suit lent a» executrix of the laat will getiu Hiin. Date of Iasi publication October Saturday at the office of the coun iku contains no harmful drugs Get It today; by tomorrow you feel the COMMON CO UN CIL O F T ____ . three councilman ___________ H E ford- Only are to able at thia season. and teetament of Olive Ethel All 22. 1931 ty e b rk by It ('. Barfield of Cot­ wonderful effect of this German T O W N o r SPRINO FIELD. LANE be elected, the three whose terms M ERC HAN DISE TO EXCHANGE gire, ileeeaaed; and that ten o'clock L. A. S M ITH , Administratrix Of interest to many McKentle doctor', remedy Fl.nery'a Drug r o r N T y. HTATE OF OREOON, elplre ar„ c . K Moore E A fc h . (or 8lxli'»n Ini'll wood, Four In the forenoon og Hulurday, the of the »»lute of D. 11. Smith, de­ tage Grove. people was the birth of a son at n,orH that the following proposed amend _ .__ ceased. rMNlilpnri' lulu u« the (.harter nf Ma)y W Moaaey. IN T H E COUNTY COURT OF T H E George Z. Irkea, deceased, has filed To amend the charter of th e , lifted to pay up or have water ahut Oregon for Lane County. court Friday. John M llliorn was seriously In­ S I A T E (»E OREGON FOR . his Flnul Report and Account as Town of Springfield. Oregon, be- off. JU LIA VIOLA K N IO H T , Plaintiff, N O T IC K OF F IN A L H K A H IN O LANE C O U N T ’.’ vs GEORGE H K N IG H T , De­ ing an act entitled "an act to In n r e protactlon we(.k (' rfawp|| jured when he collided with two such with the Clerk of the County corporate the town of 8prlng 1 . ' « fendant. Notice la hereby given lliut III» In (lie Mutter of ti.e Ealatc of Court of Lane County, Oregon, and cars on a curve a few miles east NO TIC E la hereby given that by field, and to repeal all acts and ; ,ook a w°n<«erful sprint Thursday To George H. Knight. Defendant. underalgneil baa (lied hla (Inal ac­ (hut Hulurday, the 17th day of Oct virtue of an execution and order Charlea È. Ilu»«ell, Deceaaed. of Blue River. Mr. M llliorn was parts of acts relating to the In evening In a rousing meeting of IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE count »» executor of the will and Notice I» hereby given that the olier. 1931, at ten o'clock In the of sale Issued out of the Circuit token to Pacific Christian hospi­ OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ »»late of Mary H. Wheeler. Do : undersigned corporation of the town ot the Volunteer Fire company at the administrator han forenoon. In the County Court Court of the State of Oregon for Springfield and all acts amenda- ,.ounrl| r(x)ma; lhe a, tena tal. eeuaed, and Dial III» court ha» »»I (lied hl» fliiul uccount In the ubove Room In the Court Houae of aald I-ane County, September 28, 1931, quired to appear and answer the tory thereof filed In the office Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Rasmus­ the hour of 10 00 a. in. Oct. 24. 1931, entitled «»tute mid that »aid Court County at Eugene, has been aet by upon and pursuant to a decree duly complaint filed against you In the of the Secretary of State. Febru- " nce e,rer had « "‘ hused over a pro- a» lb*1 time when III« court.Fl (he by II« order fixed Iti» 241b day of the Hon. C. P. Barnard, Judge ot given and made by said court Sept­ above entitled suit on or before sen. daughter. Beverly Jean, and ary 10, 1893. a» amended by the j posed entertainment to be given In chamber of the county court In October, 1931 at 10 o'clock A. M. In said Court, as the lim e and place ember 22, 1931, In a suit pending four weeks from date of first pub­ son. Rodney Eugene, are visiting legal voters at elections held the near future to raise funds for Hie Court llouaa. Eugene. Oregon, the County Court .oom of the la n e to heur objection» to the «nine, and In which Henry Hunker, as Execu­ lication of lots summons, or for warn thereof the plaintiff will take tor the final »ettlement of «aid will tukn up »aid account (i r ex C ounty Court House In Eugene, tor of Estate of John Yunker, de- October 4, 1909. August 31. 1910,, f)re equipment to supplement the Mrs. Rasmussen's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Easton at W alterville. August 16. 1911, November 7. 1916 ... »initiation and allowance. All per- ¡Oregon, a» the time and place for estate. »«a»ed. was plaintiff and Sue M. Judgment against you and will ap and to amend all other amend-! ’ P66' “ ' eWort of ,he connc' 1 ,u T. A STIVER S. Administrator Dorris, Allle M. Smith, J. I. Jones, ply to (he court for the relief pray­ ■on» Inlereated therein May appear heurlng objection», * any, to the ments enacted by-the legislative budget to provide a sum for a with tio- W ill Annexed. at »aid heurlng and be heard there­ »«Klemetit and allowance of aald uud Ills wife, Gertrude Jones, Mah- ed for In the complaint and for a assembly or by vote of 'be people, truck equipped to operate Instanter W ELLS A W ELLS, Attorney». Ion H. HUI and his wife, Clara B. decree pf absolute divorce from in. filial account. (S 17 24 0 -1 -8 -1 5 ) HUI were defendants, which execu­ you Luca« II Whi'»l»r. Executor. BE IT EN A C TED BY T H E PEO- on a|arm. The meeting was pre- EUGENE LOAN AND HAVINGS This summon» is published once PLE OF T H E T O W N OF S P R IN G , . . . , «e- (8 -2 4 0 — 1-8-15) tion and order of aale was to me HANK, u corporation, Adinlula- directed and commanded me to each week for four consecutive F IELD . OREGON, that the charter ’ ed orer by the Pre",dent- c - Estate of Z. T. Moun’ Joy, trator. Jay Grant, who Is teaching at N O T IC K TO C R E D IT O R S sell the real property hereinafter week». In the Springfield News, a of the town of Springfield. Oregon. Lcw li with J. R. Clack acting as Deceaaed : Fred E. Smith, Attorney for Ad- described to satisfy the sum of weekly newspaper published at being an act entitled ‘‘An act to secretary pro tem. The following Dorena, spent the week-end with NOTICE IS HEREBY G IVEN : mlutstrnlor. Notice 1» hereby given that Jane 84000 with Interest therein at 67« Springfield, laine County, Oregon, incorporate the town of Springfield, committees were appointed. On In­ his parents, M r. and Mrs. Charles (H 24—4) 19 15 221 Thai O. L Coldren ha» been ap­ Mountjoy I iu h filed In the County per annum from December 29, 1930, by order of the Hon. C. P. Barnard, and to repeal ail acta and parts of vestigation. chairman. Vance Clock, Grant here. pointed executor of the lout W ill Court of the Stale of Oregon, In until paid, and 8400 attorneys fee Judge of the County Court, la n e acta relating to the Incorporation _ . „ . , NOTICE and Teatament of I,. A. Coldren. The Thurston Sunday school of the town of Springfield, and a l l , Schwering, Ed Ogden, J. P. and for la tte County, her final re­ County, Oregon, made October 9th, and costs and disbursements and O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T dc< »«and,, by (he County Court of port a» executrix ut the last will costs ot sale. 1 will on Friday the 1931. acta amendatory th e re o f filed In I-ane, Carlisle Scarbrough. Enter- rally will be held November 1 with l.Ahc County. All peraon» having Notice 1» hereby given that C lif­ and teatament of Z. T. Mountjoy, HAY H. W ATSON Attorney the office of the Secretory of State, tainment, chairman L. E. Ziniker, 101 number set as tbe goal. There 30th day of October, 1931, at the claim» aanlnat «»tale arc required ford "<). Wllaon, udmlnlatrator of deces»-d; and that ten o'clock In hour of 10 o’clock a. m. at the south­ for Plaintiff. Residence and February 10 1893. a . amended by L . H S(.d|?witk j R C,ack c j will be a basket dinner served at Io present them, with th» proper ; ihe eatate of Cha». O Wllaon. do- the fori noon of Si urdiy, the 24th west door of the County Court Post Office address. Eugene, the legal voters at elections held I voucher», within alx month» (torn ! i-eaaud. has filed hla fluel account day ot Octohei, 1931, nt the court­ House In Eugene. Lane County, Ore­ Oregon. October 4. 1909. August 31. 1910,: l-rttlenden. W. W. Lower; publlc- noon. Rev. E. V. Stiver w ill deliver the 24 day of September. 1931. Io of hla administration of auld eatate room thereof, in Eugene, Ol 'gnn, | gon, offer for sale and sell at pub­ August 16. 1911, November 7. 1916., Ity. chairman C. H. Sedgwick. Way- the message. the »aid executor nt (he law office with the Clerk of the County Court have been by aald court appointed lic auction for cash, subject to re­ Date of first publication, Thursday, as amended by all other amend i,e Land. Clyde Bond. Hubert Lea- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edmlston and of L. L. Hay In th» Miner Build- of la n e County. Slate ot Oregon, and fixed as the time and place October 15, 1931. demption as orovlded by law, all ments enacted by the legislative McKinley Har- family enjoyhd a birthday dinner and that »aid court haa »et a» the (or hearing objection« to »aid re­ lug. Eugene. Oregon. Dale of last publication. Thursday, ot the right, title and interest ot the assembly or by vote of the people., _ O L C O L D R E N . Executor of lime and place for (he final hear­ port and for the (Inal «ettlement of be amended by adding th ereto ! P°,e' Elmer Yeoman, Floyd Ever- last Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. How­ defendants In said suit and of all November 12, 1931. the la s t W ill and Teatament ing upon »aid account anti aettle- the estate of «ojd 'eceased. (O 15 22 29— N 5-12) Chapter 12 to reed as follows: so“ . Herbert Neff. Lloyd Brown ard Cotton's tn Eugene In honor parties claimlug by, through or of L. A. Coldren. deceaaed. mniit of »aid »»fate, Saturday, Oct­ June Mountjoy. Executrix of under them or any of them since CH A PTER 12 and C. J. Lewis. The entertoln- of Mrs. M. J. McKlIn, Mr. Cotton's L. I,. BAY. Attorney for E»lat». ober the 24th, 1931, al Ten O'clock the la a t W ill mid Testam ent the 1st day of September. 1931, In Section 1. For the purpose of ;ne„t wm given the latter part mother. (H 2« -<» 1S-1S 22» In the forenoon of »uld d iy a' the NOTICE OF SALE of Z. T. Mountjoy, Deceaaed. or to the following described real procuring funds with which to pay, , . office of the Count' Judge nt the OF R E A L E S T A T E redeem, and retire outstanding i ,f ,he month- Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Rennie left K. Wheeler, Attorney. property, to-wit: C ounty Court Houae of la n e IS 24—0 1-8-16 22) Beginning at the Northwest IN T H E CO UN TY COURT OF town of Springfield Improvement The Ladies' Aid society of the last Thursday tor Scio to spend County. Eugene. Oregor All per­ T H E STATE OF OREOON FOR Bonds, numbered 16 to 30, Inclu- Presbyterian cbnrch met and were two weeks with thetr son. Herold corner ot the John P. Eddins D. sona having objectlona to »aid final A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S SA L E T H E COUNTY O F LANE. IN thousand doUars’ ^ ^ l . ^ i i l c h L. C. No. 63 In section one town­ ‘ »‘ «rtalned Wednesday afternoon Rennie, who Is employed In the account mu»t pre»ent them on or PROBATE NO. 5671. ship seventeen south of range before »mil date of final aettle­ Notice Is hereby given that by the W illam ette I IN T H E M A T T E R O F T H E ES- bonds mature November 1, 1931. at the hon>e of the Misses S. G. fish hatchery there. four west at virtue of an order of license issued nient. T A T E of E L IJA H C. STUM AN , and town of Springfield Improve- j Gregor and Clifford Gregor, merldian; thence running south out of the county court of Lane James H ill, Jr., Is mourning the C LIFFO R D O. W ILSO N. Ad- Deceased. 24.2(1 chains on the west line of ment Bonds, numbered 1 to 70. In-1 The Young Ladies Auxiliary of loss of Pinochle, his pet calf whom county, Oregon, the undersigned nilnlatrutor of the Ealate of JEWELER Notice Is hereby given that In elusive In the amount of Thirty- (he Methodlgt A(d met Wedneaday said D. L. C. claim to the north­ a» administrator of the Estate of Clio». O. Wllaon. deceased. he drove to a sled. The calf died given five thousand dollars (83o.000.00l. west cqrner of Survey No. 98; pursuance of an order duly _ W illiam II Herbert. Deceased, will ¡0 pulling u Specially I M. PETERSON. Attorney thence east 30 chains more or and made by the above enUtled which bonds mature February 1, uiterroon with Mrs. J. E. Smith suddenly a few days ago. oil and ufter 10:00 A M of Tue»- for »aid Admlnl»trntor. less to the east line of said claim; Court on October 5, 1931, tn the 1932, each and all of which and enjoyed a pleasant afternoon Springfield, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Farrel McQuInn _______ (S 24—0 t 8 16 22)________, day. Nov. 10, 1931. at the office of thence north 5.00 chains to the matter ot the estate of Elijah C .' bonds are expressly validated, I «-|tt work and sociability. Refregh- 8. D. Allen. 877 W illam ette St.. and son. Lloyd, visited Mr. Mc- southerly northeast corner of Stuman, deceaaed. 1, the under ! the Common Council of the „prvp.i N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Eugene. Or., offer for »ale. and Qulnn's sister. Mrs. Doster and said claim; thence north 25 de­ signed administrator ot the said town of Springfield is authorized, Noll«» 1» hereby given that the i sell at private sate to the hlgheat Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN grees West 17 chains; thence estate w ill sell at private sale to and empowered to Issue and dis- The E. Z. club of the Rebekah family at Mapleton a few days ago. uuderRlgned ha» been eppolnted ml bidder, lot 1 In block 8, In Che­ Naturopathic Phyaleian west 23.32 chains to the place of the highest bidder for cash at my po«e of General Obligation Refund- |. dge were entertained at the home mlnlatratrlx of the Eatate of Fred J shire's Second Addition to Eugene, beginning, containing 60 acres office, Suite 10, 717 W illam ette j |ng Bonds of the town in the sum . M p o, Tneadav l 'bone 91-J Thatcher, deceaaed, by the County In Iju ie county. Oregon. Terms of Mr8' t o r “ ^ lBO“ 0,1 Tue9d»y more or less. In Lane County, street. Eugene. Lane County. O re-, of 850.000.00, said bonds to be dated Court of Lane County, Oregon. All sale, at least one half cash, bal Office Hour»: I to 6 P. M gon. and subject to the conflrma- and to mature as determined by the ar irnoon and ‘ he time was spent Oregon. peraon» having claim« again» »aid ance secured by mortgage on lot. Dated this first day of October, Don of said Court, beginning on Frl- Council, but no maturity shall ex- in quilting and plans were made 40« Fourth Street J F. BERGER. Administrator. ■ state tire required to preaent them . 1931. day. November 6, 1931, at the hour Ceed twenty (20) years from date tor entertaining the Past Noble (O 8 15 22 291 with the proper voucher» Io (he H. L. BOW N, Sheriff. of 10 o'clock A. M„ all the right, of bondn, to be in denominations Grands of the Cottage Grove lodge A picnic was held last Sunday underalgned «1 the law office By W. W. EDM1STON, Deputy. title, interest and estate of the said of not exceeding 81,000.00 each; in the Hayworth grove north ot N O T IC E O F of Potter mid Bailey, at No. 531 said bonds to be signed by t h e |for the November meeting. Elijah C. Stutnan, deceased, at the (O 1-8-15-22-29) FOR SALE Miner Building. Eugene, Oregon. : F IN A L H E A R IN G The high school seniors took Coburg in honor ot Luther Rankin time of his death, being an entire Mayor and countersigned by the within »lx month» from the dal» N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G Good 19-lnch Block wood, alao Notice Is hereby given that C. W. interest, in and to the real estate i Recorder under the corporate sea’ their “sneak day“ outing on Friday and his daughter. Mrs. Bandy, who <>f lhl» notice. C P C H O V U N m T v r N - l herelnaiter deBCr,b<‘<’ - and • ” 16-lnch and 4 foot old growth Shumaker has filed In court his N ilT O l f F F F IN is A L H P A M 1 Of the town, and shall bear Interes! g„t„g over to Newport for a couple a:c visiting relatives and friends Dated at Eugene. Oregon, thl» alabwood. N O T H E 18 H E R E B Y G IV E N . . right, title and interest that the at six per cent (6% ) per annum. . fin J »i i in nt as executor of the ! 24th day ot September, 1931. That the undersigned administrator 8Bld eaUte haa acquired by opera payable semiannually, the interest of day8 They enjoyed the ocean litre. Mr. Rankin and Mrs. Bandy FRANK TU H Y RUBY W IN G EItD . Admlntstra Estate of Jane Rubens. Deceased, of the estate of Annie S. Fulton, de don o{ law or otherwise. In and to be represented by coupons at- wi,h many stunts and experiences j reside in Knoxville, Tenn., and ere Phone 8p. 182J trlx of the Estate of Fred J. und that said final account will ceased, ha» filed his account for > m all of that certain tract of r e a l: tached to the bonds bearing the which all make annals for their : relatives of W. T. Bettis of Co- oom» bet ir ■ the court for oxamlna Thatcher. Deceaaed. Don and allowance at 10:00 A. M. the final settlement of said estate u»tate in I-ane County. Oregon, facsimile signatures of the Mayor class history. burg, and 9am Bettis of Spring- Potter A Bailey, Attorney« for of Friday. Oct. 30, 1931. at the coun­ in the County t ourt for I-ane Coun bounded and described as follows, und Recorder, whereby the town Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Danielson and field. Katate. ty, Oregon, and that Saturday, the to-wtt: Universal Mortgage Corp. ty court rooms In the court-house. of Springfield shall be held in et (S 24— 0 1-8-1622) In Eugene, Oregon, at which time 24th day of October, 1931, at the Beginning at a point 30 links feet to promise to pay to bearer at Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott of Eureka, ! Ladles Aid or the Methodist Court Room of said Court, In the also and order will be made as­ west of the west line of the W il­ maturity the sum named therein California, touring Oregon and th e ! Episcopal church met Wednesday N O T IC E signing the residue of »aid estate. County Court House In Eugene at liam H Fisher D . L. C. No. 38, in in Gold Coin of the United States northern cities, stopped over night I to the annex of the church and O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T All persons Interested therein may ten o’clock in the forenoon, has Township 19 South in Range One of the present standard of value. Friday w:th Mr. and Mrs. Jacob put In a quilt for Mrs. John Path- W. P. Tyaon, Agent (1) west of the W illam ette Meri-1 together with interest thereon in appear nnd be heard In reference to been by said Court fixed as the In the County Court for the State ers of Eugene, and celebrated the 12# E St Phone 56W time and place for hearing objec­ »aid matters. dian. Lane County, Oregon, loca- like Gold Coin as it falls due. and Johansen, former residents of Eu­ of Oregon for Lane County. C W. S H V M A K E R , Executor. tion» thereto, and for final settle­ ted 30 links west of and thence »aid bonds shall be a direct General reka. The young couples are on birthday of Mts. M. Mountain, who In the M atter of the E»tate of ment of said estate. 8. I). Allen. Attorhcy for Estate. South 1 degree and four minutes Obligation Bond of the town, and their honeymoon trips. will soon be 80 years old. Mrs. Mary J Bowen, deceased. C. J. Fulton. Administrator of (O 1-8 16 22 west 7.23 chains from the north­ shall be designated. Town of General Law Practice Mountain has moved to Corvallis The Grange met Friday evening Notice 1» hereby given that the the Estate of Annie 9. Fulton, west corner of said D. L. C. No. Springfield Refunding Bonds. Said . underalgned. administrator of the to be with her grandson who is u deceased. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S 38; and thence run west 1.40 bonds shall be sold and disposed and after a short business session I. M. PETERSON Estate of Mary J. Bowen, deceaaed. student of O. S. C. The afternoon Notice 1» hereby given that the L. L. Kay, Attorney for Estate. spent the time to games. Plans chains; thence run south I de­ of in the manner directed by the Attorney o t-la w Iin« filed hl« final account In the undersigned has been appointed ! _______ (S 24— 0 1-8-15 22)_______ j was spent to quilting, after which gree and four minutes west 7.00 Common Council. were made for an all Oregon pro- County Court, for Lane County. City Hall Building Administrator of the estate of Clark (a) The purchaser of »aid bonds ductg gupppr the ,atter of the those present served a delicious chain» to tue center ot the coun­ State nf Oregon, and that the Court Fisher. Deceased, and has duly N O T IC E O F S A L E ty road known as the M ilitary shall to no way be required to see Hprlngfle'.d, Oregon lunch. hnit fixed the 10th day of Nov-i qualified as such. All persons hav­ OF REAL PROPERTY Road; thence run southeasterly to tbe proper application of tbe pur month. ember, 1931 at eleven o'clock In the ing claims against said estate are Notice Is hereby given that by : A. E. Detering has completed u along the center of the said road j chase money therefor. J ------------------------------ forenoon a» the time and the o ffic e ’ hereby required to present them ' virtue of an order of the County barn and potato house on his farm to a point 30 links west of th e 1 4b> The debt limitations con- I Court of I-ane County, Oregon, duly , n f (lie County Judge of «aid I.anet duly verified with proper vouchers FRANK A. DE PUE west line ot said D. L. C. No. 38 tained In the chañe» of said town CRUEL TREATM ENT IS northwest of Coburg on the river County, Oregon. In »aid County In attached, to the undersigned at the made September 16th, 1931, In the and thence run north from the shall not apply to the bonds hereby A T TO R N E Y AT LAW road. Eugene un the place for hearing law office of I. M. Peterson at 234 matter of the guardianship of Ad GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE center of said road a distance of authorised. N O T A R Y P U B L IC mid »etlllng »aid final account and Main street In Springfield, Oregon, rian Cornutt, Vivian Cornutt, Lee Homer Payne has had an addi­ 7.29 chains to the place of begin­ (c) Tbe Common Council shall for hearing objection» there to. Jernigan and Norris Jernlgan. within six months of the date of ning. being one acre of land. each year at the time of making Cruel and Inhuman treatment and tion built onto his house northwest Sutton Springfield All person» huving objection» to (his notice, the same being dated minors, the undersigned, A. W . Cor H. E. SLA TTE R Y , Admlntstra the annual tax levy for city pur- )ack o, sufficient support are cited of town. Provision haa been made Building Oregon the allowance of «aid final account und published the first time this nutl, the duly appointed, qualified tor. poses, make a aP®cia1' additional )n a divorce complaint filed to clr- for an upstairs to the house. are hereby notlfl.'d and required : 24th dav of September, 1931. and acting guardian to Lane Coun (0 8-15-22-29— N 6) levy of a sum sufficient to pay in r to preaent and file the name on or _________________ The ladles of the Christian terest on outstanding bonds of this cult court Thursday by Pearl Heck- GEORGE F ISH ER . Administra­ ly. Oregon, of the persons and before the time for «aid hearing. estates of said minors and each o f : church spent Wednesday afternoon issue, and to retire the principal ler against her husband Andrew tor of the Estate of Clark said minors, w ill on and after the SUMMONS Dated »• Eugene. Oregon, thl« canning tomatoes for the girls Fisher. Deceased. thereof at maturity. Heckler. I «1 day of October. 1931. 17th day of October, 1931, offer and JN T H g Cj RCu iT CO URT OF T H E I. M. PETERSON. Attorney for R ESO LVED F U R T H E R that for The CoUple married at Parkland, Christian home to Eugene. In tbe RA LPH SEARS. Admlntotra caih'nnd cVedlt" to th ^ h lg h es? b i" 8 T A T E OF OREOON POR T H E the hereinabove proposed charter tor of the Katate of Mary J. Administrator. amendment the following ballot California. April 8. 1919. and have evening a potluck supper was ser­ CO UN TY OF L A N E (S 24—0 1-8-15 22) W alker - Poole Co. Bowen. decen«e 0- C a lm .. Plaintiff, V9. Tex title be and the some is adopted, no children. C II S E D G W IC K . Creswell. of Oregon, all of the right, title and MpaH an(1 Sarah Sarllh A. A Mead, Mead his I'. J. BA RTHO LO M EW , Mgr. Mead and his to-wlt: ___________ N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE Oregon, Attorney for Estate. Interest of said minors and each wife. Defendants. CH A R TER A M E N D M E N TS ON E X E C U T IO N A N D (O 8-15 22 29; N 6) of them In and to the real property I'houe 62-J mid 82 M TO T E X M EAD AN D SARAH S U B M IT T E D TO T H E VOTERS F O R E C L O S U R E Springfield, Oregon described herein or any part there , A M EAD ABOVE N A M ED DE- BY T H E CO UNCIL N O TIC E la hereby given that by or, the interest or each or s a i d n p M n A N T Q ’ N O T IC E O F SA LE OF R E A L Eugene Chapel at lith e and AN ACT virtue of an execution and order mtnori, Adrian Cornutt and Vivian ' a ____ _ PROPERTY Charuellon — Phone 723 To amend the charter of the of sale on foreclosure Issued out Cornutt being an undivided one T H E NA M E O F T H E STATE Town of Springfield, by adding ; In the Mutter of the Estate of of the Circuit Court of l«ane County, thirty alxth Interest and the Inter- OREGON, You are hereby re- thereto Chapter 12 authorising Mury I. E. Hurlburt, Deceased. Oregon on the 16th day of Sept­ est of each of said minors, Lee Jer- qulred to appear and answer the the Issuance of 850.000.00 bonds Notice Is hereby given that In ember, 1931, pursuant to a Judg­ nlgan and Norris Jernlgan being an complaint filed against you In the to refund 815,000.00 Improvement ............ one twelfth ..................................above entitled Court and cause on pursttnnre of n il order of the Coun ment rendered September 15th, undivided Interest In MUSICAL bonds maturing November 1. I ty Court of Lnne County, State of 1931. and docketed September 16th, nnd to the following described pre or before the 29th day of October, 1931, and 836,000.00 Improvement I 1931, said date being more than Oregon, ninde on the 30th dny of 1931, whereby Mamte 9. Petty plain­ mlsea, to-wlt: ANNOUNCEM ENT . bonds maturing February 1. 1932. September. 1931. In the matter of tiff, recovered Judgment ngalnat* Lot one (1), Block One (1), of four weeks from the date of the expressly validating said bonds, Herschel DeMoss Davis the estate of Mary I. E. Hurlburt, W illia m A. Ogden, defendant, for I)r. S. A. Danford announces th a t he is establish­ Peterson's Plat all In la n e Coun­ first publication of this summons and providing for the levy of a deceased, the undersigned, duly ap- (he sum of $898.54 principal. 8125.00 ty, Oregon, subject to a note se­ and herein entered of record and If Instructor in Popular Plano special tax to pay principal of , pointed, qualified and acting ad attorney fees, and 820.20 accrued ing an office in Eugene for his Health Service cured by a mortgage held by you fall so to appear and answer Playing and Interest on said bonds. inlnlstrntor of said estate, will on coata of this suit with 7% Interest Western Ixian A Building Com­ for want thereof the plaintiff will 100 YES Approved Modernistic Methods apply to the Court for the relief and nfter the 31st day of October. pere annum on the Judgment and pany of Salt Lake City, Utah. sim ilar to the one he is conducting in Merced, 101 NO A. D„ 1931, offer for sale and sell which execution, decree, and ordet Used The Ixit numbered three In In his complaint against you de­ RESO LVED F U R T H E R , that this manded, to-wlt: For a Judgment ! at private sale for cash or for ensh of sale commands me to sell all Block numbered five of Christ­ California. He has associated with him another Full Season Now Open resolution for a proposed ch arter, and credit, according to law, the the Interest of said defendant It) ian's Second Addition to Eugene und decree against Tex Mead and following described real property the following described land and City, Lane County, Oregon, be- Sarah A. Mead, his wife, for the amendment be filed with the Re­ For Particular» 'Phono the corder for submission to the legal doctor who will have charge a t Merced, and Dr. belonging tn said estate, nnd all premlRes to satisfy said sums due, ing now In and a part of the City sum of 234.00 with Interest thereon Studio, 2287-M, Eugene the right, title and Interest of the nnd to-wlt; of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. and the costs and disbursements voters of the town at a special election which la hereby called to Danford will give his attention to the Eugene The west hnlf I W | | ) of the deceased therein, to-wlt: Lot five 61 In Block one (1), of this suit and accruing coats and Southeast (S E H ) quarter and the The W ty of the W H of the N. Scott’s Addition to the town of for Fifty Dollars as attorney's fees. be held on the 28th day of October. 1931. The polls for the receipt of For a decree that the mortgage of Southwest (8W 14) quarter of the E. except a 40 foot strip to Eugene City, la n e County, Ore­ office. They treat especially all Stom ach and In­ Lane County, all In Section 33 Northeast ( N E H l quarter and gon. (Registered title ): said pre the plaintiff be foreclosed and the ballots shall be open between the hours of eight o'clock A. M. and Township 18, South Range 3 West lhe Northeast (NE14) quarter of mlses being subject to a lien real property covered thereby sold testinal troubles without Drugs or Surgery, and eight o'clock P. M. on the said day. nf the W illamette Meridian con­ the Southwest ( 8 W U ) quarter of created by and In favor of the by the Sheriff of Lane County, Ore­ The polling place of said election section 34 In township 19 South taining 40 acres nf land, In Lane City of Eugene, Lane County. gon, and the proceeds of said sale use Physio-Therapy—Chiropractic and other Rnnge 2 West of the W illamette County. State of Oregon. Oregon, for the Improvement of he applied In payment of aald Judg­ shall be The City Hall. 234 Main street. Meridian In Lane County, Oregon Also lhe E H of NW>4 of NE'-J Fourteenth Avenue East abutting ment. The following named persons are drugless m ethods in treating all diseases of men, Thia summons Is served upon Now therefore, to fhe name of of NE>4. Section 33. Township t8, said described premises, the same hereby appointed Judges arid Clerks South Range 3 West of the Wll- the state of Oregon and In compli­ being payable In annual payments you by publication thereof In the Inmette Merldlnn, containing 20 ance with said execution and order women and children. The new office will be over under and hy virtue of Bancroft Springfield News, pursuant to an of said election, to-wlt: JUDGES, John C. Ketels, and ncres of land. In Lane County. of sale. 1 will on the 23th da^ of Law In such cases made and pro­ order of the Honorable C. P. Bar­ Severt Jacobson. CLERKS, Eliza­ nard. Judge of the County Court ot October, 1931, at the hour of One State of Oregon. vided. the Hank of Commerce, but Dr. Danford will re­ That said sale will take place at o'clock In the afternoon of said day That the said sale will take place the State of Oregon for the County beth Page, Maude Bryan and H aitle Myers, to serve at said polling the office of A. J. McKy nt the cor al the Southwest front door of the at the home of Preston la k e at 49t of Lane, duly made and entered of ceive patients tem porarily a t 1177 West l l t h ner of W illamette afreet and Eighth Court house to Lane County, Eu­ East Broadway, Eugene, Lane Coun record on the 25th day of Septem­ place. R ESO LVED F U R T H E R , that the ber, 1931. ordering that this sum­ Avenue East In Eugene, Lane Coun­ gene, Oregon, offer for sale and ty. Oregon. street till the offices are fitted up. sell for ensh at public auction sub­ ty, Oregon. This notice Is published In the mons be published once each week Recorder be and he Is hereby In­ Thia notice Is published In the ject to redemption ns provided hy Springfield News, a weekly news for six consecutive and successive structed to give notice of said elec­ Springfield News, a weekly news­ lnw, all of the right, title, and in­ paper of general circulation pub- weeks In the Springfield News and tion by publishing this resolution paper of general circulation, pub­ terest of said defendants, W illiam ilshed at Springfield In Lane Coun that the date of the first publication In two (2) consecutive Issues of Phone 1503 for Appointment lished nt Springfield, Lane County. A. Ogden and Lillian J. Ogden and ty, Oregon, the date of flrat publica will be with the Issue of October The 8pringfield News, a newspaper published In the town of Spring- 1st, 1931, anil the date of the last Slate of Oregon. Onto of flrat pub­ all persons claiming hy through or tlon being September 17th, 1931. DR. S. A. DANFORD, A. B., D. C. A. W. C O R N U TT, Guardian ot publication will be with the Issue field. within the fifteen (IB) days lication being the lat of October, under them, or either of them. In Immediately preceding said elec­ and to said premises. the persons and estates of Ad­ of October 29th, 1931. 1931. DR. ELLA MEADE II. L. BOWN, Sheriff of t-ane FRAN K A. DePUE. Attorney tion. rian Cornutt, Vivian Cornutt, BEA TRICE WA8SOM, Admin­ By order of the Common Council. for Plaintiff. Residence, Spring- County, Oregon. I«ee Jernlgan and Norris Jernl­ istratrix of the estate of Mary Optometrist Dated October 16th. 1931. A. E. llulegaard, Deputy. gan, Minor«. field, Oregon. I. E. Hurlburt, deceaaed. I. M . P E T E R S O N . Recorder 41 W est 8th lugana (8 24— 0 1-8-16-22) (O 1 -8 -1 6 -2 M » <8— 17-24. O— 1-8-16) (O 1-8-15 22-29) Bualneee Name Filed — T h e aa- »um»d bu»ine»« nani» of the Wal- ■loti Logging company wa» filed for record at Ih» office of the county d ark by A. I*. Hansen W. H Jenna Itu» withdrawn from (he firm. N O T IC K T O C R K O IT O R B NOTICE of SPECIAL ELECTION Creswell I McKenzie Valley Thurston Business Directory Edw. G. Privat Coburg BONDS Funeral Directors D ru gless Clinic FinL-V U E A B E A U T IF U Ia FRAM E FROM ALI» O T H E R S