TH U R SD A Y. OCTOBER 18. 1981 T H E SPR ING FIELD N E W S Published Every Thursday at Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H. E MAXEY, Editor Entered as second class matter, February 24. 190:1. at the postoffice, Springfield. Oregon. MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE ............. 75c o n e Year In Advance ..... ....... *1.76 Three Months Six Month* ........... - .......»1-00 Single C o p y ----- ______ ____ tc ÌH I USDAY, Gt’TOBEK 15. 1931 C R EATE A JOB N O T A C H A R IT Y C H EST It vveryoiu in this com m unity who is able to give a tlav o r u week t w ork to someone who is idle would do so there would be no unem ploym ent and very little need fo r relief w ork. There is pra ctica lly no home, store, shop or industrial plant w hich does not need some w o rk done th a t is being let go. There is plenty to do if someone w ill j»ay fo r doing it. M e are about to launch ch a rity drives, w hich under pres­ ent conditions are very necessary, if acute su ffe rin g is to be averted. Rut c h a rity defeats its ow n purpose— m o ra lly and economically. W hy not conduct a drive fo r jobs? Sign up the people who w ill give a day or a week's w ork by the same organized com m unity e ffo rt we put behind drives to r money. The jobs possible to create in this com m unity would ta r exceed any­ th in g the county or state can do. And when each job is done the com m unity is th a t m uch better o tf because both the man who hires an the man who w orks has been benefitted. Under the c h a rity plan the man who gives receives n o th ­ ing except the satisfaction of giving and the man who is compelled to receive loses his self respect. \ \ o rk is w hat every self respecting idle man w ants and it is up to those w ho i an a ifo id to pay fo r w o rk to create jobs fo r the unem ­ ployed. DEC EIT PRACTICED BY FE D E R A L AGENTS D rin kin g and methods of deception are too com m on among federal prohibition agents. W itness th is story in the M orning Oregonian o f October 8: A federal jury yesterday acquitted Art Sutton, restaurant proprie tor, charged with selling liquor, after he told a story on being enticed into ordering beer and gin for a quartet of federal agents who posed as nie triends. The case was tried in Federal Judge Fee s court. Sutton's defense was based on the claim that Leland L. Fillmore, one of the agents, gained his friendship, representing him self to be an Alaska business man, strange in Portland, and repeatedly begging him to brirg liquor. The restaurant keeper said he finally gave in and telephoned a bootlegger. Sutton said he acted as agent for the officer and did not profit one cent from the sale Later Fillmore brought friends, who 1 1 ed out to be federal officers. Fillmore admitted on the stand that the agents sang such songs as “lt'se a Long. Long Trail a-Winding" and “Sweet Adeline" during their drinking parties. The method o f c o m m ittin g evidence on the o th e r fellow is tolerated in this country. H ow law when this sort o f practice departm ent. a crim e in order to secure infam ous and should not be can there be respect fo r the is condoned by the federal “ W IT H COST TO T H E TAXPAYER S Governor Meier ran on a p la tfo rm fo r governor th a t he was going to take the game com m ission out o f politics. Now he has the highw ay commission in politics and the bad part about it is that the highw ay departm ent handles ten tim es the money in the game fund. Serious m istakes can be made by those who serve as highw ay com m issioners th a t w ill cost the state m any hundreds o f thousands o f dol­ lars. Now w ith the biggest program o f road building the state has ever had on the slate we have a com m ission com ­ posed o f all new members appointed by the governor. They may be capable men in th e ir respective businesses but no one can deny they are to ta lly u n fa m ilia r w ith the state highw ay program . They m ust all learn together at public expense. ROWtWA ÄIDff TW fcUMBit L METHOD 13 TOLD lot sled with a sharp probe about one Inch III diameter. When 'lie run ways are located, the halls are dropped through Ihe opening Into the run way and the probe hole closed by the use of clod« or grass covered with earth. Follow up work ahoultl he dune as suggested for Ihe Willamette Valley pocket gophers I’olsotilng III (he Willamette Val toy should he done at once and he fore clover la Injured by frosts More complete directions for goph er control work can he obtained al the office of Ihe county agent. FARM EHS IN TER ESTED IN WEED C H EM IC ALS l.une county farmers are show lug more Interest this fall than ever In the use of chemicals for Ibe tiiilm l of no»loti« weeds, says ll. N. Fletcher, county agent During September five farmers purchased «7J pounds of sodium chlorate mid lu farmers piirchased M il) pounds i f aline Ida. A number uf others Indicated ihelr Intention of purchasing chlo­ rates for use during October and early November. by o . S. FLLTVHUH. County Aguut I ockvt-guplior» ui all kinds seem to bv doing niorv uuiu.ig'i in i.anv lafternoon at four o’clock they’re Rowena was a little awed at its com­ « uniy tins tail than uuuai. tn tha I giving an open reception to the city pleteness and its obvious expensive» \\ lllatnotl« Valley part ot tlio voun R ackrulf M oto r» hire ( i'w o i a to a.txxn in their public salesrooms, with after­ ness pan) Patar on » nation wide tour in thair “Gosh. Peter, whatever will we dt> ty. the prluclpal damage la done roadster as an advertising atunt. A t the noon tea and a band, and they've got last m inute L ittle Bobby is encased to act la car all decorated up like a wedding with i t r b> the large Willamette Valley as chaperon. “Give it back." he said stiffly. ' for you two to sit in and receive the gophers, lu Ihe loot bill avrllotia ol A few m ile s out Bobby becomes tearful “Can’t. ’ It isn’t good form. Even guests. And they’re going to present at being patted fro m her sweetheart and (he Willamette Va.loy pait ot iNORNOUT MEN NEED Rowena install on taking het place t n the I the bride with orange blossoms sent in a divorce it's bad manners to re- O LD -T IM E IRON TONIC VERDICT OF $3000 IN rum ble so that the can tide with Peter and I up by aeroplane from California turn your wedding present*.— I tell the county and In most of Ihe west have him to talk to about Carter Rowena you! 'W ell divide It After all real this morning, and a cigarette lighter ROAD ACTION G RANTED ern part ol the county, (he damage get» Peter to content to div da th r etpenae Meu who ure worn out. run down money each week a* toon aa it arrive», for vou Mr Blinde, with a picture silver always comes in handy and w>. Verdict of tJOOU was awarded is done li> several species of small and aatoniahes Peter by eating too aeon of the Rackruff roadster set on it can make good use of it. and uervous need Iron. Iliue und We da omicaily The trial was hold In Benton gophers. serve some compensation for all the cod liver peptone as combined In in pearls. I’ve seen it myself and it's The three m ortals reach Denver, after in efforts to control gophers, the Vlnol The very FIRST bottle I county d ic u ii court nt Corvallis a beauty, hut it wasn't working the agony we’ve gone through, though naantrg through Butfalo, Chicago and Si I out* I'atar and Rowena have many titfa day it came and thev had to send it as far as I am concerned, this hour ilis l atep la to determine the ape brlngit new strength, better ap­ Viola Lee I’roll In her suit with on the way while C a rter herpa w irin g Bobby has compensated for everything a petite anil sound sleep Vlnol aids to return to New Y o rk T h r morning afte r back to the factory. , lea I hat la doing Ihe damage .Moat digestion and Increases Ihe red , l.ace county In which Ihe latter “How extremely kind." said Peter. hundred times over.” they leach Denver, Pcier and Rowena dia cover Bobby hat dvaeited them and re tu ta rd ¡armera have caught or killed some “You can have the silver," said “How perfectly sweet,” said Ro­ blood. Gives you new pep and am seeke Io cundemu land on Ihe roast to New Y o rk by tram They are faced with Peter. “I don’t want It” o l tile gophers that are doing dam lilllon Equally go««l for fired, her for the Dragon Coast highway, thr impcssibta condition of continuing their wena. trip without a chaperon age on ihelr places and know the vous women and under weight chil­ f mid ended Wednesday. The owuer Rowena auggeata to Peter that they make dren. Tastes delicious Gel a bot­ a "companionate" m a n u r e They are mar species that they are contending tle today. The results will surprise lot Iht properly held out for more ned and go to Cheyenne, where them actions, than 112.000 with. All specie* of gophers can you! K eiels Drug Store when thev ask for rooms on separate floor», arouses the suspicious of the hotel clerk. ......... " ■ — ■ , | " be poisoned readily II proper meth They finally succeed in getting rooms, but no« without recitin g the Iso.ghtrr of ods are followed. The fall of Ihej hotel loungers. They w ire the year is an excellent lim e for this they have been itu m e ii They tesutne the trip the nest day and work. are overwhelm ed by a cloudburst tn an arroyo and are throw n out of the car A Poisoning Valley Gophers party of teuriat campers gives them dry The pocket-gopher found In the oiothes snd food Spokane is Snails reached C oniing In at U iiffniun'H Situe unti Dry G i i i h I h Store, and the hotel clerk sm.lea when they reg Willamette Valley part of the coun later. corner -tth anti Main street«, S prlngfleltl ly Is Ihe largest and muat deatrnc NOW OO ON WITH THK STORY • • • tlve species of thia animal found LA D IE X ’ GALOSHES All atzen f r i n i i pair up. Ho retired to an inner office and Io Oregon. They are very abund ( came back immediately with the ant In some sections and will eal manager of the house. The manager practically all crops grown In the beamed upon them. He held out his hand, held out both hands, snd his field or garden. They are very smile set his rosy face aglow. Ro­ easily poisoued by (he use of the 1. O. O. F. Bldg. S pringfield wena and Peter had their own opin­ following halt: ions of hotel managers and accepted his friendly overtures with watchful 10 pounds green redelover Ups; coldness. 1 ounce strychnine (alkaloid». “Meeker’s my name." said the man­ "Peter," aha cried. "Isn't It priceless!” Gather the clover tips frosh from ager genially. "And I’m proud to the field at a time when there Is meet you.“ "Of course, you both being famous: But Rowena would not under any They all shook hands, and Rowena no dew or moisture of any kind. nudged Peter to be very careful and characters, authors and artists, all of circumstances accept more than her Wet leaves will not mix satisfactor­ our best people will turn out for it. proper half She immediately set not commit himself. “Come right along with me." said and 1 understand most of our good ..lividing it. piece by piece, one ily. Care should be taken to ob­ The drug store is on guard day and night to pre­ tain clover that Is free from weeds Mr Meeker “W e had a wire from clubs plan to be there e«i miuvr. Tin for her and one for Peter. vent invasions of sickness into th is com m unity. Lot tiie company not two hours ago say­ Rackruff dealers are all in a sweat “I 'oppose vve could sell it for old or grass. us help you took a fte r your health and your fa m ily's ing you would be in todsy without over it and say it’s the best bre’ k Mix by spreading the Ups on a fail. But I must say it is a relief they've had since the war wh it the silver," he said. as well. gOOv use soma heavy paper or In a light box so "Ob. you’ll put it to good to have you right here on the spot.” Army used a lot of their machines in Stock up the medicine chest fo r w inter. They all got into the elevator. The ¡France. They're coming for v._u at dav. ..1.1 R iwena. "When you are as to keep the strychnine from .1 famous and have a studio sifting through; then sprinkle the boy at the control smiled at them- three-thirty—Look. This litt’e H r-t’ r e n t friendly smile. Thev got out on offering here came from them ■ • irt- rut of your own—first thing strychnine on from a pepper shaker u know you’ll be giving those fast the fourth floor A couple of maids Pretty nice, eh? We’re going t ■ r- vere loitering in the corridor. Their row it tonight if you don't mind. to upper parties that artists are noted and stir until thoroughly mixed. It In New Store Main, Near Fifth aces lighted up with interest and at- put down behind the orchestra in thelfor-m ne for you, ana one for ma la not necessary to mix ten pounda -ntion ballroom. Pretty nifty!” ——_ u. » «. i of bait at a time. The best prac­ "Everything ready?” asked the The little floral offering was an "Why not keep It together in tice Is to mix only enough for a manager anxiously. ’ "Everything all immense ring of yellow roses, with box until the trip it over. be a •lab' 1 hope" the words "Peter and Rowena "We won t be giving any fast sup: iPP«A few huurs wora. •Oh. yes Placing the Balt yes, sir.” sir, said one of the spelled out on the inner side in »car- on the trip, at any .rate." let rosebuds. “You can have the box. the £ 1 maids J ’ Small handsfull of the poisoned "I d rather divide it if you dosp "Yet, indeed sir" added the other. “How marvelous," said Rowena mind. Then each of us will be rW lover leaves should be placed In But they looked at Rowena and soberly. sponsible for his pwn share and if h the main run way. The main run­ but V iolet Ray and General E thyl gasoline w ill s ta rt Peter. "How unusual!” added Peter. ¡¡- • . the way w . t . down ----------- ------- The manager led the down rm gojng w ...................... you is losl or s,olen neither of us your car ju s t the same as in hot weather. T hey’ll give "And now I'm going to leave you blame the other.— One for you aM ways can be found readily by dig­ ging back from the mounds of dirt thecorrtdor ~ h. foiks to rest and clean up for the JOe f0, re folks uf jne j0, m you m ore m iles than ordinary gas, too. They are sci­ l»e art , . , t l „ v„ A? a miuer Qf Uct Rowen> "Here you are folks. he an- said Mr. Meeker. ”H that are pushed out on laterals. ence's latest m o to r fuels and give you the greatest oounced in a voice '"Our 'here's anvthing you want, vou just already planning to pawn her share After the bait Is placed In the main economy. “ h' ? r * a'k fur If * e haven'' 8'“ h we'“ ”< “ r'8h( th" ' in Spokane. She Our garage in connection is manned by an expert .•Oh Sainok Rowena' Isn’t that fret ¡« And »* won't cost you a cent. had no more than glanced inside the run-way, a clod should be placed in n J r ' s a M 1Peter Tatuoùsly * * « 111 )u’.î k,is ,he br,de fat le‘" r from »uddv. but that the opening and loose earth placed Mechanics w ho w ill m ake your car run rig h t. "H o w lovely l o v e l v . '” said s a id Rowena faint- , a” d be on my way. tell her that How Rowena taint „ p b* had gone and the door ing silver fox packed away in moth­ small area where a number of mounds have been thrown up. "Congratulations, folks." said the was closed and locked behind him, balls way back on Third Avenue I "This really puts us in a frightful manager, beaming rosily from one to Peter looked at Rowena. Rowena All of a field or a definite given the other. “Best wishes of Spokane, looked at Peter. Both gared in sol- jam,” said Peter. “1 suppose we can area should be poisoned ut one Washington.—Not bad. eh? Pretty emn stupefaction around the flower- bluff through the reception and ball lime. The field or area should be W HEN you capture a little Hallowe'en c u lp rit stealing fair j_w e ll the Company wired us laden room. . . . „ all right—we've had plenty of ex- S spare no expense and send them "Of all. the damn impositions----- perience But I don't see how we visited ugaln on the second or the gate o ff your fence, there is nothing to do but let can dodge the bridal suite. And third day and fresh poison bait the bill, and I guess we filled the he began. . order We tried to. anyhow Cigars, But to his surprise, a sudden rip- won’t it jeopardiie the annulment? placed wherever there Is new work. him go— w ith a pocketful of cigarettes. candy — and what-not. pie of smiles drove the owlish gravity Of course, I can lock myself into the In poisoning W illamette pocket — but would anybody -------------- . And"—this with’ a truly impre «ive from Rowena’s face. Laughter gur sitting-room gophers, best result* are obtained double-jointed bow which included Jed in her throat and burst from ; believe it ? diem both-"» little souvenir from her lips m delighted peal*. _ . J Nobody in the world, said Rovr- where a number of neighbor* In a the hotel, at our own expen«e for Peter. 1 • ter she cried. “Isn’t it! ena cheerfully "Well, after the ball restricted area work together anti iceic»». Ln’t it perfect? Darling, is over, you’ll have to go out alona we are honored to have you stop with priceless See our special assortm ent of fine Hallowe'en candies. though I die tomorrow. I can say I for a little walk and get lo*t. Then poison all of the gophers within The little pre«ent. which he selected I -1 my moment l-P eter. look at the you go to some other hotel and re»- that area. Area poisoning was from the group on the ta’. e v.t ’ ling-ring in yellow r o s e s !- Pe- ister—don t forget to have wltn«a*e*I done effectively last spring In the at j the i little —and stay there all night. You Rower,a who op. opened handed to Rowena . . it . • r and . Rowena.’—Look .. , , . l . wiffi trembling fing-r, and an air f k'«’ >ng »n the candy box 1 - meet me here again tomorrow morn- Fall Creek and Cedar Creek areas ¿wHsh gravity proved to be an im- Oh. here are sarcastic telegrams from ing And be sure to get a receipt for by farmers of the respective com . . J W munlties In cooperation with the mensc stiver cocktail shaker, suitably .........., al, rny ........_________ _ A ' "Whurv tha Hsrvlcs 1s Différant” t io,” she added uneasily. “I suppose ju*t adore those kissing Cupids? county agent and worker* of the engraved. we're dry” said Mr I should have warned him. How do Have a kiss—1 mean a candy." HOut here I ”1 think I'd rather have the kiss,” United States Bureau of Biological Meeker, with a slv «ink "But oh you suppose they all found out?" you New Yorkers ¡-Compliments of ’ "Oh. 1 suppose those idiot* put it (said Peter boldly "After all • Survey. They are following up S e hotel and congratulations.” he in the papers? growled Peter Nat- groom should be allowed to rush this work this fall and poisoning urally they would try to sell cars at where a hotel manager dared to wherever gopher* are active. *dHed and^Peter shook hands. Peter the 'expense of our f«l>ng*. We tread." Rocket gopher* found In the foot­ very solemn. Mr. Meeker perspiring might have known they'd commer- Ira very particular, said Rowena and iovial cialize us to the last ditch.” firmly. And I m developing a vast hills and In western Lane County “ fj,» a a t h e r e ’ s no harm in kissing “Oh, Peter, isn’t it the corkingest partiality for hotel managers” the°bride heh?” said the manager® da*- of your fife? When Mr. Meeker,I Hi* mind relieved as to how Row- have habits that are essentially whh a olavful dig of a sharp elbow God rest hi* soul, stood here pomtng ena was g ong to take it. Peter m s the same as those of the larger kuo Peter’s ribs “If* a custom I , things out, I kept telling myself some of humor in the situation and gophers, but the clover bait 1* not ” _ ..,h nt a . a iKttai thing. 'Don’t die. don’t you dare die of they made great sport of their prs- effective against them. The most but brides don’t often come as pretty, ecstasy until you »ee thii thing Iicament. In<> laughed over the effective bait Is as follows: flowery telegraphic congratulation! a* this one." , , ¡thr°u«h, ’ 1 ounce strychnine (alkaloid). Peter and dispatched flippant answers col- Rowena obligingly lifted her love-. You re an odd sort,” said ............ •• • t|, - . 1-8 ounce saccharine. ly lips, and Mr. Meeker kissed her moodily. “I thought you would be lect They calle ! the Rackruff sales- rooips by long distance telephone to -------wild,” This quantity of poison Is suffi­ with resounding relish. W ild? Certainly notl Except thank them for the lovely thought "Now, I’ll tel! you what the pro- cient for sixteen quarts of bait. gram is." he sato ...» with sheer delight.-W hy, Peter, this and Mr Rack was so pleased ~ he said cneenui.y. cheerfully. "The local Rackruff dealer is going to give ¡is just an accident Accidents never he had the charges for the call ra- I Balt materials most commonly a big dinner dance in our ballroom I make me mad.—Oh, look, here s a versed. Thev tossed a coin for the | used are sw eet potatoes, carrots, • tonight—especially : _ u . i n in v c .u r honor— honor— j ! present oresent from from Rscky Racky and Puffy—a ' cocktail shaker which , Peter won, parsnips, or apples. T h ese bait your swell affair. They’ve invited all the great big one.—Cut the string, , Peter considerably to Rowenas regret, for materials should be peeled and cut '«he sure she could have raised Rackruff dealers and salesmen in the —break it—I can’t watt! ..... was .......... state and they say a couple flew ini Peter broke the string The f pres- enough on it to make sure of_ the new In small cubes and thoroughly dlst- t from Oregon Ythisy morning on pur- ent from Messrs Rack and Puff, suit which she needed for the recep- . ed with the above mixture. Raisins pose tc attend IPs to be a formal, and doubtless charged against - vi- tton that a.ternoon. j arc also good for baits. In placing Continued Nest W eek ¡this bait, the main run ways can be Any woman who sweeps a ruf the ladies and what-not. COPVQtôNT iOS« íiio x íiík ! EIGHTH INSTALMENT New Stock of Shoes 98c H o ffm a n ’s Dry G oods Store Emergency Station Ketel’s Drug Store ■■¡3 Colder Days Are Here Again “A ” S treet S ervice Station Hallowe’en— -C a n d y F G G I M A N N ’Q >0RIX PERSONNEL The head o f a tru s t com pany was describing the e x tra ­ o rdinary g ro w th o f th e ir business. More and more estates are passing in to the hands of tru s t companies. The capital funds o f these estates are in ­ vested not only in bonds and m ortgages but in the voting stocks o f the c o u n try ’s leading corporations. If the process goes on at the same rate fo r another tw e n ty-five years the tru s t companies w ill co n tro l a large portion o f the w ealth of the U nited States. “ Y o u r problem is personnel,’’ I said to the banker. “ T h a t’s our only problem ,” he answered. “ How are you solving it ? ” "W ell, we tr y to pick the sm artest young men fro m the colleges, men who have m ajored in economics and finance. We s ta rt them in at the bottom and let them fig h t th e ir way up. Some drop by the wayside, but the survivors develop in to very good men.” I told him I thought they were o m ittin g one very im p o rt­ STATE COMMISSION W IFE F ILE S A C TIO N ; ant step in the process of tra in in g . ASKS DIVORCE HERE F ILE S AC TIO N HERE “ A fte r your young man has had tw o o r three year's ex­ perience in the bank, you o u ght to pull him out and send Gertrude Wynd Granger filed The state industrial accident him in to the heart of the c o u n try ," I said. “ Make him spend .suit for divorce In circuit court commission Is plaintiff In a suit [ a year or tw o w o rkin g on a farm , or w ith a section gang Wednesday against her husband filed In circuit court Friday against on the railroad, or c lerking in a country store. Insist th a t he Vernon Granger. H. E. Wilder, engaged In building ■ live on w hat he earns. The couple married at Eugene construction. “ When he comes back to New York he w ill have some October 18, 1927, and have no chll- idea of how hard ordinary people have to w ork fo r th e ir dren. Cruelty is alleged by the The state seeks to collect *121.60 j money. He w ill have a social, as well as a m erely fin a n cia l plaintiff who seeks the return of alleged due fur accident protection point of view. A dollar w ill never become m erely a sign or pier former Dame of Gertrude Wynd. to employes. a sum to him . It w ill represent hopes and fears, am bitions and defeats, human sweat and blood.” When it came tim e fo r me to go to college m y fa th e r to o k me aside and said: “ You have planned to go to Am ­ herst. and 1 approve of the plan. But 1 w ant you to take your lir s t year at Berea College in K entucky, where 1 worked my way th ro u g h .' He added a sentence w hich I have never fo r­ g o tte n : " I w ant your sympathies to be alw ays on the side of the men who have to struggle fo r what they get.” OREGON ¿ It was a wise and fine th in g fo r a fa th e r to say to a boy. I am one o f those who believes th a t we are entering a period o f great social changes. No m a tte r how big and 21st Annual Exposition combine» Pnre-beed l.ivmtnrk Show| Fai Slock Show, Dairy, Manufacturers’ and I.and Products stro n g an in s titu tio n or an in d u stry may be it iH going to be Show», Wool and Mohair Show, Poultry and K a h h i t Show, tested Those in s titu tio n s w ill w in out w hich are headed Industrial Exhibits; Roys'-Cirls’ Club Work Exhibits; Wild by men o f broad, human sym pathies; men who can Bee the I.lfa E lh ib iU ; “ T n itli-ln -M a a U " E lh lb lt» ; a n * a p a rla ra la r Hora» Show E la -c n arra» andar ana ra«/. Parkins ■!>•«• to r i.SM aataa. Parad o th e r m an’s p o in t o f view because they have shared the roads diraal to outrance. Radacad fare» on alt Iranaportallon linaa o th e r m an's d a ily life. P o rtland, O rason Ortobar M i t It Is a tim e o f w onderful o p p o rtu n ity fo r young men. B u t they m ust get them selves education. N ot m erely the education o f books; the greater educa­ tio n of really k n o w in g and lik in g th e ir fellow men. *$ioo,ooo"PREMIUMsiOCt. 24*GCt3l DO Y O U KNOW THAI ilk Few CarpHlacks is working for one cent an hour. That it what it costs on the aver* age to operate an electric vacuum Purity, cleaner. So cheap is electriel?/ Yes; that for a few pennies you can Economy clean every rug in your home, See your dealer loday. Too! Goes w ith the ca re fu lly selected meats we sell at this m arket. Good whoiesome meat is the best and m ost economical food you can buy. INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. 4th and M ain Sts E. C. ST U A R T Phone 63 PR A T T HOLVBRSON Mountain States Power Company r-