THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY BIOIITII Y KAIL CITY REFUND BOND ELECTS CALLED Voters to Ex( q on $50,000 Werinesd DEBT IS NOT Thetnaslvas nd Issue it. 28 TEASED Bonds to Keplact se Due and Will Not Incr „« Taxes But May Lower Them HI'IONOKIKLIJ, LAMB COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1831 Six Lions Receive Kev Pin Awards John Knox Delivers Illustra­ ted Lecture on Astronomy at Noon Luncheon Hix members of the Hprlngfleld Lions club were uuined Key Mem­ bers and were presented with gold keys to he worn on their watch chains, at the regular meeting of the club Friday noon In recognition of Ihelr services to the dub for having obtained two new mem- bars. Those so honored were W. F. Walker, dlatrlct governor; Or. W C. Itelihan. prealderd of the loiul den; Clayton F. Parlier, see- retary-trenaurer; Jack Henderer; ; Nlel Pollard, and W K Burnell. All members of a l.lons club who . secure two new members for their j i lub automatically become mem I bers of the Key Member saaocla- . Thi« picture of tbe tlun and ure presented with pin« I commanded America*« which they retain as long as they army was taken st Hot ure active members of the den. A j V a . just after bis birthday large association of these members - ha» now lien formed and carries on I work In cooperation with the larger, body. Members of the club ulao heard au Interesting and Instructive II-1 lustruted lecture on astronomy de-l llvered by Professor John Knox o f . the high school luculty. A refunding bond electlnu 1» bo held Wednesday, October 2k, we* railed by Ihe Springfield city routi ill at thi' tuAellng Monday evening. Tin* («sue Io be voted on la for >50. 000 and It passed will not add to llie debt ot the city bnl will merely meet on obligation for wbtrb no Money 1« now available In the a Ink Ing fund Will Not Incraaae Taaaa The voting of the bond« will not Inrrvaae laxea, city official« «ay, but ahould lower them If proper bid* cun be gotten a« >36.000 on the laaue la now drawing «even per cent Interest and It la likely they cuu be aobl tor five or alx per ceut. I l f the bouda to be refunded >16,- ooo 1« due November 1, 1931, and >35,000 la due February I, 1032 Thu city had money In Ita «Inking fund to care for the >16,000 but SAWMILL PRODUCTION after the failure ot the Commercial DOWN TO 31 PER CENT ttlate bank lei thia fund be uaed tu ietlre outaluudllig warrant« held by j Hcaflle. Washington- A total of the bank, rallier Iban have the atnk lug fund on depoalt lie liquidated j 3*6 mills reporting Io Ihe West by the bank nt lea« than 100 cent« Coast Lumbermen's association for the Week ending October 3. opera­ on the dollar. The >36,000 laaue comlllg due Feb­ ted al 31.6 per cent of capacity, as ruary 1 lias never luid any «Inking compared to >4.1 per cent of rapa­ fund created for It and there la no city for the preceding week, und inonay Io pay. To let It become de­ 46.6 per cent for the same week linquent would curtail the city's last year For the first 3» weeks credit and make future bond« dif­ of 1931 these mills hsve operated at 40.3 per cent of rapacity «« com ficult tu «ell. pared to 67.2 per cent for the »ome The resolution calling the elec­ period of 1930 During the week tion to refund the bond« make« pro- ended September 2*. 189 of these vision« that they will he Issued for plants were reported as down und not more than 20 year« and u ape- 164 as operating. Those operating dal levy «hall lie mude each year reported production aa 57.7 per cent to pay off part of the principal ano of tlielr group rapacity. Intereat. Current new business reported Only registered voter» may vote. by 226 Identical mills was 12.6 I'oll book» will lie gotten from the over production und shipments for counly clerk « office Judge» of the the week were 23 9 per cent over election are John Hotels, Hevert production New export business Jacobsen, and clerks are Maude received during Ihe week wus about liryan. Hattie Myers, and Elizabeth feet more than the vol­ Page. ume reported (or the previous week New domestic csrgb orders MISSION WORKER TELLS were under the previous week by OF WORK IN AFRICA 77,600.000 feel, new rail btlHlne»« »Inyeil approximately the same, Ml»s Hallie Mitchell told of her i while Ihe local I rude gained uhout work with the women of Africa I >2.300,000 feet over Ihe previous at Hie regular monthly meeting ofi week’s huslnesn. During the 39 the Mission society of Ihe Christ- weeks of 1931 orders for 225 mills Inn church Monday evening Mlsa have averaged 0.3 per cent over Mitchell Is now In this country production. studying during a years' leave ofi absence. Hhe lia s spent seven year» j PRISCILLA CLUB PLANS In Africa. COVERED DISH EVENT Other numbers on Ihe program | Included a vocal duet by Mis». Plans for a covered dish lunch­ Mitchell ami her sister, Mr». D. B. eon to be held at the home of Mrs. Murphy, a rending by Mra. Roland Mushier, und a rending by Mias William Hlcnrtner on Friday. Octo­ ber 23. were made al the first meet­ llnrhnra Adams. ing of the members of this group which was held Friday al the home BAPTIST WOMEN FORM of Mr» J. M. Larson. Mrs. William NEW GROUP MONDAY House wus elected president suc­ ceeding Mrs. Lareon. and Mra. I’rellmlnary step» in the forma­ Hleartner wa» named reporter. tion of an organization of Ike older »•Iris and young married women of Hie Baptist church were taken BIG ENROLLMENT TAKES Monday evening at the annual RELIGIOUS EDUCATION homecoming dinner held In the Two hundred and four students church. About 60 women attended the affair, 21 of whom Indicated In Ihe Lincoln and Brattaln schools a desire fo affiliate with such an n e now enrolled In the week-day organization. Mrs. Homer Chnae Bible (lasses being taught by Miss was named president of the group. Goldie Smith according to Mrs. R. Other officers nre Mrs. Jean Hill, P. Mortensen, chairman of the city vice-president; Mr«. Jerry AdHins, mnimlttpe In charge of this work. secretary; and Ml«« llazel Wilson Tile study Is optional with the child treasurer. Another meeting of the and Its parents, and Is financed by group will be held Tuesday to dis­ contributions from local people. cuss further plan«. TWO LOCAL PEOPLE HAVE PART IN EUGENE PARTY Two Springfield ladles will have pari In a Urge parly which Ihe Auxiliary of the General Lawton (•amp of the Spanish War veterans will sponsor In Eugene on Monday, October 19, for members of all women's patriotic organizations of Unit eltv. Mrs. Myrtle Egglniniin will assist with table arrangements, and Mrs. Sam Richmond will help prepare Ihe entertainment pro­ gram SCHOOLS CLOSED FOR TEACHER S INSTITUTE There will be no school In this city today or Friday as nil of Ihe lenchers with the exception of W. E. Buell, high school principal, nre attending the programs of the teacher's Institute being held nt the Roosevelt Junior high school lit Eu­ gene. Professor Buell will go to Hnleni to attend the high school principal's conference. CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO HOLD MID-WEEK MEET SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Regular mid-week prayer services TO HAVE PARTY FRIDAY to start at 7:30 and he over by 8 Members of Mrs. A. B. Van Vsl- zah's Sunday school class of the Methodist church will hold a so­ cial gathering Friday evening of this week at the home of Mrs. Vnn Vnlznli. All members of the class have been Invited to he present. GEN. PERSHING AT 71 o'clock each Wednesday evening will he held at the Christian church during the winter months It has been decided. The first of these services were held Inst night. It Is the plan of the church officials Io have Ihe servlee over before the choir practice begins at 8 o'clock. MISSION CROUP MEETS IUKA CIRCLE MEETING AT CHURCH TUESDAY TO BE HELD TONIGHT Regular meeting of Ihe Iuka cir­ cle, Ladles of the (1. A. IL. will be held at the Armory this evening. A potluck supper will lie enjoyed fol­ lowing Ihe regular business meet­ The regulär meetlng of the home mlsslonary soelety of the Metho­ dist church was held nt the church on Tuesday of thls week. Fall actl- vltles for the orgnnlzatlon were ing. dlscussed. No. 40 LDMBABB NAMED Legion to Install NEXT FOR RHODES EXAM Officers Tonight TOOT BILL GAME Springfield Students Receive High Recognition Second Time in Two Years Church Officers WIDGET MEMBERS NAMED ON MOO Annual Meeting of Congrega­ District Commander, Robert tion Held; Organization* Fromm of Cottage Grove Coach to Take 27 Men and Business Men and Counoil to Give Yearly Report* Large School Following to to Have Charge of Event Prepare Estimate of Ex­ Douglas City Friday penditures October 26 Member« of the Baptist church Kecently elected officer« of Hprlngfleld American Legion post LANE HAS THREE ON LIST number *0 and of tbe Auxiliary will IS chose Fred Frese to serve as dea­ ANYBODY’S VICTORY con for five years at their annual MILK ORDINANCE IS UP ----------- | business meeting held at the lie Installed this evening at the Four University Candidates . Community hall following a Joint Upsets of Last Week Are Sur- c‘,"rch ta,t Thursd*y •»••«»« Mar- Request fcr Street Light is _ . ,, . vin Chase was named trustee for a to Take State Examination .potluck dinner at <:30. prise; Eugene and Univer­ period of three years and Mrs. Wil Heard; Want Burned Build­ District Commander, Robert at Portland December 5 sity Meet Friday Night Fred Cook was choxen treasurer. ing Cleaned Up Fromm of Cottage Grove, will be Mrs. Paul Schiewe will continue as the Installing officer. The high honor of being selected Hpringfteld and Koseburg high cterk „ „ H>rry chMe A freeholder budget committee Legion officials to be Installed us one of four students to repres­ to sit with the city council In tba Walter Gossler. cowm.nder; C ‘“ h .uperlntenden, of the Sunday ent tbe University of Oregon In are - ....... ________ the ^ « » u r g Held Friday In tbe gchool u, h„ preparation of tbe city budget for H. O. Dibblee, first vice command compelitton for the coveted Rhodes second game for both teams. Wbat Other officers chosen earlier are the year 1932 was appointed at tbe scholaraiilp came to Frank boat- er; II. E. Maxey, second vice com­ tbe outcome will be is v**ry much Nortoo Pengra. choir leader; .Mrs. monthly meeting of the city offi­ mander; Ira M Peterson, adjutant; bard of tills city tbls week when un<-«-rtaln Roseburg has taken 1«. A„a M(.PhergOD Wem of th# cials Monday and a meeting haa the foreign scholarship commute« Jack l-arson finance officer; and flr.t game with North Bend. Spring ,a2000 a year. ed a county organization to Include program to be held at the Com­ ’ will open his attack with the same Teachers at tbe high school Selection of Iximbard this year Cottage Grove, Springfield, and munity hall on Tuesday evening, : lineup used against Eugene. sponsored a short program follow­ makes (wo successive years that Junction City, in the event that the October 27. Ihe next regular meet­ Upsets in the high school foot- ed by a social hour at the high u Hprlngfleld student at the unt-I individual cities did not care to as­ ing of the Civic club, were outlined ' ball season, and there have been school last night for the purpose ot al Ihe first meeting of the group verslty has been recognised In tbls ' Company of Five Entertain­ 1 some major ones, have left the getting better acquainted with tbe sume the financial obligation In­ manner. I-aat (all John (tog wa» ] to be held this tall. The meeting ers to Be Heard at Metho­ selection of winners this week-end parents of their students who had dividually. The council took the question under advisement and the was held Tuesday afternoon at the named one of the four to repres dist Church October 22 something of a puzzle. Springfield been invited to be their guests for mayor asked the health committee, home of Mrs. ('. E. Wheaton, presi­ ent the university. It is seldom that has always expected to take th e ' (be evening. with Fred Frese as chairman, to dent. Plan» for the work ot the or­ a city the «lie of Springfield is Members of the DeMoss concert Roseburg game, but there is al- The program held in the high | make a thorough investigation and ganization und new projects were able to have representatives in the entertainers, a group of five musi­ ways a possibility that something school auditorium consisted of the Oxford competition two succes­ report at the next meeting. discussed. cians who visited the school of tbls may hapl>en »uch as did at Seattle following numbers: Welcome. W » Husbands of the members of Ihe sive years. The milk ordinance question has city last year will return to last week when the underdog came E. Buell, principal; violin solo, El­ Frank Lombard is the son of been facing the council for nearly club will be guests at the dinner Hprlngfleld next week on Thurs­ dred Glospy; reading. Fay Parsons; out on top of the heap, and at Cot­ ! Mrs. Ella 1-ombard. He took his B. meeting Mrs. Carl Olson and Mrs. day evening when they will give tage- Grove Friday afternoon when vocal solo, Fred Buell; address. two years. Members of that body have hesitated to take any action Ira Peterson will hare charge ot i A. degree at the university In eco­ a concert at tbe Methodist church. that high school team dished out Rev. D. C. Poindexter, and a piano nomics and education and Is fearing that doing so would even­ arrangements for the program. The general public 1« Invited to a surprising 6-0 victory over the solo, "To the Rising Sun," by Ver- now studying (or hla master» tually make la impossible for the hear these musicians. Unlverrltv high team. Eugene high . n,ce Hawke. degree. He came to Springfield individual to have a family cow The program of the musicians in­ did not fare so well either, losing The social hour and refreshments FAILURE TO PAY FINE ‘from North Dakota several years cludes a violin, flute, cello, double the Marshfield game Saturday 26-0. j followed. About fifty attended the within the city limits. BRINGS JAIL SENTENCE «SO. «nd bus a sister. Muurlne, who A request for a street light at „ t . . . . . , i function. ----------- I has completed a four-year course j bass and piano orchestra as well as Eugene had previously defeated _________________ the corner of Park and Fifth street handbell ringing, banjo soloa, Calvin Wallace of Jasper spent In education at the university later Cottage Grove 22-0. and everyone i was referred to the chairman of Wednesday evening In the city Jail > studied at Columbia. She la teach- dramatic readings, vocal selections, expected the contest between Eu-1 the light committee. sleighbell ringing, and a double wlien he wa» arrested yesterday ing at North Bend. gene high and University high to The council ordered the recorder cornet solo. morning for having failed to pay a Iximbard haa been act|ve In the be played Friday evening on Hay­ to ask owners ot the property fine levied some time ago when he work of the national guard, being ward field to practically settle the which was burned at the corner HUNTERS GO TO FIELDS pleaded guilty to having broken a member of Ihe local unit. ^ supretqary of the district. of Fifth and B streets to clean up windows at the Christian church i .... EARLY TH IS MORNING ' the debris which Is an eyesore. If Springfield defeats Cottage In company with s companion. Hla METHODIST EPISCOPAL Shotguns began barking bright Grove as she expects to here Oct­ companion paid his own fine, and' Wallace stated that he would pay CHURCH SERVICES GIVEN and early at the first sign of day­ ober 23, and then downs Univer­ First Troop to Be Formed at BROTHERHOOD INVITES break on all sides of the city this sity high on Thanksgiving day she hl n In. tailmcnts If given an op­ Meeting to Be Held at LADIES TO BE GUESTS The 11 o'clock worahip hour will portunity to continue hla work. I morning as sportsmen went out will be on an even basis with Eu­ M. E. Church Tonight be observed by a communion ser- gene for the mythical title. Women of the Methodist church He was therefore released and has i after Chinese pheasants on the i vice at the Methodist church Sun­ Everyone who has watched the and others interested are Invited made no overture« looking toward« opening day of the season. Most Two Springfield teams canvass­ day. The pastor will be assisted by the payment of the fine «Ince, of those out early had satisfactory Spr1ngf>ld boys practice say that ing for the Boy Scout drive have to attend the regular monthly din­ Rev. Moore, Rev. Crandall, and ner of the Methodist Brotherhood hence his confinement in the jail. success, although the numbers of they are much better than they raised the sura of >72 with only a Rev. Clemo. The text of the mes­ to be held In the church basement these game birds seem to be less were in the Eugene game. More sage will be: "He Took the Cup and material has been turning out re­ few calls remaining to be made it Monday evening at 6:30 and to than In the paat. Gave Thanks." A number of per­ N. 0 . W. MEMBERS GO TO Some complaint was heard here cently too. and the coach now has was stated this morning by PhD hear John Knox, high school pro­ COTTAGE GROVE MEET sons will be received Into tbe this morning about hunters work­ about 37 men to choose from. Bartholomew, chairman of the fessor, dilever an Illustrated lec­ church at this service. The com­ ing over posted property. drive In Springfield. Bartholomew ture on astronomy. The astronomy Thirty-five members of the munion will also be taken after the SUNDAY SCHOOL WILL and W. P. Tyson, constituted one lecture will be held In the League Neighbors of Woodcraft lodge of church hour to some sick and shut- room upstairs where there are more PORTLAND MAN OPENS HEAR NEGRO SPIRITUALS team, and Paul Potter and Rev. Hprlngfleld motored to Cottage in people. chairs providing a larger seating Dean C. Poindexter, the other. The church school Is constantly LUNCH ROOM SATURDAY Grove lost night to attend a spe­ capacity for the audience. Those attending the Bunday County scout officials congratu­ cial meeting being held in com­ building a larger and better pro­ lated the local people on their re­ school services at the Christian Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McGregor of memoration of the fifth anniver­ gram. The hour Is 9:45 a. m and SURPRISE MRS. WHEATON sary of that lodge. There were over every church nfbmber Is urged to Portland and Eugene will reopen church Sunday morning at 9:45 sponse to the drive stating that they had done better than they ever will have an opporeunlty to hear the lunch room In the rooms ad­ W ITH BIRTHDAY PARTY 200 present from various parts of endeavor to be present. The young folks are unwilling joining the Swarts meat market on Rev. Veltle Pruitt, pastor of the did in the paat. and declared that Ihe state Including several district Friends of Mrs. C. E. Wheaton to take a second handed religion. Saturday tf all the necessary alter­ church sing several old negro spiri­ the city responded better than Eu­ officers. gene will, according to preset gathered at her home Tuesday They want to apply the acid teat ations to the building can be com­ tuals. The pastor's sermon subject at Indications. No quota was set for evening to surprise her on the oc­ of experience. The question they pleted by that time. The new pro­ casion of her birthday. The even­ O. E. S. TO ENTERTAIN are discussing at the 6:30 hours Is: prietors plan to tear out some ot the 11 o’clock service will be this city. “Fruits of the Spirit.” The Christ­ ing was spent with cards. Those the shelves and fixtures in the Work of formally organizing a "Just what Is Religion?” The leader CRESWELL VISITORS front of the room and to install ian Endeavor will meet at 6:30 and Boy Scout troop In this city win □resent were Mrs. David Bailsman, will be Ila Bartholomew The theme of the pastor's mes­ several small tables. The entire the evening service will be held at be started this evening at a meet- Mrs. Ira Peterson. Mrs. Margaret Cascade chapter, O. E. S. has 7:30. “Living Faith" will be the ing to be held at the Methodist Kenyon. Mrs. C. O. Wilson. Mrs. C. Invited members of the chapter at sage for the evening service at place Is being renovated. subject of this service. There will church at 7 o'clock. All boys of A. Swarts. Mrs. Bert Edgell, Mrs. Creswell to be their guests at the 7:30 Is: "The Speechless Guest." be special music at each ot the scouting age are invited to attend L. K. Page. Mrs. Carl Olson, Mrs. regulur montnly 6:30 dinner to be "Who Is he?” "Is he with us now?" SNODGRASS-VENABLE services by the choir. the meeting and enroll in the troop. W. H. Hobbs, Miss Edna Swarts held at the Masnnle hall on Tues­ A welcome is extended to all for WEDDING HELD FRIDAY day evening. Thp regular Eastern these services. Indications are that there will and Mrs. C. E. Swarts. LARGE CROWD ATTENDS Star work will be conducted fol­ be more boys making application Alice Venable of Portland and F. lowing the dinner meeting. SWITCHING OF LICENSE IL Snodgrass. Sr. of Walla Walla, FRESHMAN INITIATION than can be taken care of in one POWER GROUP PLANS troop. The Methodist church Is ALBANY TRIP TO NIG HT PLATES BRINGS PENALTY were quietly married here Friday Decorated with red crepe stream­ starting one troop now and leaders afternoon at the Methodist par­ SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Employes of the Mountain States John James and Morris Stewart sonage by the Rev. Dean C. Poin­ ers and s large number of green of other churches of the city have ENTERTAINS AT PARTY were fined >26 In recorder’s court dexter. Mr. Snodgrass Is a brother fir boughs, the high school gym­ been considering the advisability Power company have been Invited Forty-two young people attended Monday and the fine suspended on of Riley Snodgrass of this city. The nasium provided a beautiful set­ of sponsoring other troops. They to attend a card party and dance Ihe party at the Methodist church condition of good behavior when couple spent several days at the ting for the annual Frosh Initiation have not been able to reach any being held at Albany this evening. last night at which the girls of Mrs. they were arraigned on a charge Snodgrass home here following the held Friday evening. Members ot decision yet. however, and urged The exact number planning to at­ the new class were put through i the Methodist group to proceed tend has not been determined, but IL I’ Mortensen's Bunday school of driving automobiles with switch­ ceremony. various antics at the request of the with the formation of a troop wlth- the local group plans to be well re cl i»s were hostesses for the hoys ed license plates. Both of the youths upper classmen before they were ont waiting for their decision, present. had thelrw driver's license suspend­ G RO y< SCENE class ot the similar age. The even­ Leaders here feel that there ing was spent with games and re­ ed for one year. CHAMBER adjudged qualified for full fledged The youths had taken the license membership In the high school, should be at least two troops in the CALIFORNIAN REOPENS freshments. plutes off of one car and were us­ The October meeting of the Ixtne A large crowd of students and par- j city. This would have the effect ELITE CAFE TH IS WEEK ing them on another, retaining the County Chamber of Commerce will ents attended the affalr.t I of creating friendly rivalry In the LODGE WILL SPONSOR Certificate of reglntratlo i In the accomplishments of the Individual E. C. Stotter of Ixis Angeles re­ CARD PARTY FRIDAY rightful automobile to show that It be held this evening at Cottag members.. On the other hand, the opened the Elite cafe this week Grove with a dinner at 6:30. The SECOND LEGION DANCE had been licensed. When questioned committee on the Lane county fair Members of the Rebekah lodge PLANNED FOR SATURDAY existence of one troop with a full after It had been closed for sev­ about the absence of the plates the Is expected to make Its report this enrollment, and with others waiting eral months. He obtained hla city will sponsor a benefit card parly driver declared he did not know evening and a good attendance la Another of the American Legion for an opportunity to enroll will license on Saturday. at the I. O, (). F. hall Friday even­ urged. benefit dances will be sponsored at probably have the effect of making ing. Bridge and 500 will lie play ml. where they were. the Thurston hall next Saturday, those who are In the troop work NEEDLECRAFT CROUP TO Refreshments will be served The evening according to Jack Ixtrson. harder and this would result In RED CROSS OFFICIAL general public Is Invited to attend, REBEKAH DECREE TEAM MEET T H IS AFTERNOON this affair. HOLDS SOCIAL EVENT VISITOR ON MONDAY finance officer of the post. The first Kteater accomplishments for both dance held last Saturday was very **>e boys and the troop, Mrs. W. H. Pollard and Mrs. D Glen Martin has agreed to serve W. Crites of Eugene will be hostes­ Members of the Progressive 22, R. E. Arne, representative of the successful and another dance Is be- Return to Denver — Major and Mrs. 8. L. Van Vnlznli left Wed­ drill team of the Rebekah lodge, I Pacific coast bureau of the Red Ing held Saturday so that a ache- as Scoutmaster for the first troop ses this afternoon at tbe home of nesday for Ihelr home at Denver held their regular drill at the I. O.l Cross was in Springfield Monday dule of alternating weeks can be ar formed. A troop committee has Mra. Pollard (or members of the after spending their vacation here O. F. hall last Thursday evening j afternoon meeting local people tak­ ranged providing for one on Octo- been functioning for some weeks Needlecraft club. Fancy work and refreshments will feature the after­ visiting with his mother. Mrs. A. IL and were later entertained with a ' ing an active part In relief work her 31. Hallowe’en. The dance last making necessary arrangements. -------------------------- noon function. Van Valzah. Major Van Valznh social hour. Mrs. O. H. Jarrett. Mrs.. plans for this winter. He adressed Saturday evening was well attend-1 H alf Diseases Children Is a staff doctor at the government William Donaldson, and Mrs. Alice a conference of Red Cross workers de and proved to be a successful Over one-half of the communl- Boys Maks Progress on Trip~~A Doane were hostesses. from Ixine and adjoining counties financial undertaking. hospital nt Denver. -------------------------- cable diseases reported In Oregon postal card received this weak from In Eugene earlier In the day. To Entertain Friend»—Miss Jean- occur among children. Nearly 3/ Dale Sumners stated that ha, and Returns from Vacation— James Visits at Corvallis— Mrs. George Prochnow and daughter, Marjorie, Ellis, WUIamelte Press shop em­ Salesman Hers — Mr. Berry, Ina Withers will entertain a group 000,000 cases of communicable dis­ his partners, John Lynch and spent Sunday at Corvallis visiting ploye, has resumed his duties after salesman for the Mountain States of her voung friends at the home eases are reported annually In this Thayer McMurray hod raachod with Mr. Prochnow who Is em­ spending two weeks at McMinn­ Power company at Junction City of her grandmother. Mrs. C. I. Oor- country. These diseases result In Wyoming The three are travel­ ployed by the Southern Pacific ville and Portland on business and was a business visitor In Spring- rle, Br„ this evening at a costume about 16 per cent of the total ing by onto to Indtasa, the deaths. of pleasure. party. company there. field on Thursday. CIVIC CLUB PLANS PARENTS GUESTS OF H.S. FACULTY DEMOSS FAMILY DOMINGJUBSDAY BOY SCOUT DRIVE IS ......